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Food pantries seeking volunteers and supplies
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Lake Norman food pantries that need your help BY » Emily Thomas PHOTOGRAPHY by » Lisa Crates
As the August heat rises, you may be less tempted to put on your sunscreen and swimsuits. Instead, add purpose to your summertime schedule by volunteering at one of these local Lake Norman food pantries.
The Ada Jenkins Center
follows a mission to help people in our community create lasting solutions for economic stability. The Ada Jenkins Food Pantry partners with Loaves & Fishes, an organization that provides groceries to individuals and families facing short-term crisis through a network of 41 emergency food pantries throughout Mecklenburg County. With this partnership, clients are able to shop for their own groceries through a nutritionally balanced shopping list provided to them based on their unique needs. Volunteers can lend a helping hand by monitoring client grocery trips or, for a different approach, individuals or groups can host a donation drive for the Ada Jenkins Center in Davidson or register an event with the organization to raise donations and collect supplies. Join The Ada Jenkins standby volunteer list at bit.ly/StandbyVols
The FeedNC Pantry Pro
gram located in Mooresville provides supplementary food assistance to local families who are in need. FeedNC serves approximately 150 guests each day and offers eligible members the ability to receive $150- $200 in groceries each week. Volunteers here have the opportunity to participate in the Food Mover Program, a delivery service operated by volunteers in which supplemental groceries are brought to home-bound individuals. Those interested in contributing in another way can also create “Blessings Bags,” filled with important toiletry items that may be considered expensive to many financially insecure individuals. Find out more about volunteering at www.feednc.org/ feednciwanttovolunteer
The Mooresville/Lake Norman Christian Mis
sion is a crisis center located in the downtown Mooresville area, whose mission is to engage the community to recognize and remove barriers and challenge the way society views poverty. This organization strives to provide resources, skills, education and services to individuals and families in order to alleviate suffering and become independent. The Christian Mission is always in need of volunteers and donations. Volunteers can sign up as a personal shopper to assist clients with shopping and keeping the pantry clean, or they can sign up as a pantry associate to unload and sort donations, setup, stock and distribute food. Fill out a volunteer application at www.mooresvillelakenormanchristianmission. org/individual-volunteerapplication
Drive-In Movie at Old Town Cornelius (Aug. 1, 8) Popcorn and concessions will be available for sale. Aug. 1, “The Secret Life of Pets,” Aug. 8, “Scoob.” see website for ticket prices. 8:15 p.m., Lake Norman YMCA, 21300 Davidson Street, Cornelius, https://www.tickettailor. com/events/bellaloveinc Intro to Tai Chi (Aug. 6-Sept. 17) Instructor Joe Higgins will offer both intro to Tai Chi and Intermediate Tai Chi depending on your skill level. Intro classes begin at 9 a.m. and Intermediate at 10:15 a.m. $40 per six week session for Cornelius residents and $55 per six week session for non-residents. Legion Park, 21214 Legion Street, Cornelius. corneliusparc.org. Summer Drive-In Movies at Rural Hill (Aug. 15) Pre-registration required for the family-friendly movie “Onward.” Food and beverages will be for sale on site. $5 per car. 7 p.m. Rural Hill, 4431 Neck Road, Huntersville, https://www. facebook.com/RuralHill/events Virtual Book Clubs at Davidson Library More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon (Aug. 17) If you enjoy reading science fiction, check this book out and then join in on the conversation. Register online with a valid e-mail address by 10 a.m.

on the day of the meeting. 7 p.m. https://www.cmlibrary. org/event/135014-strangenew-worlds-book-club-virtual The Detection Book Club (Aug. 18) The group will discuss the mystery An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good by Helene Turston. Register online with a valid e-mail address by 5 p.m. the day before the meeting. 10 a.m. https://www. cmlibrary.org/event/134362- detection-book-club-virtual Davidson College Cam- pus Sculpture Program (Permanent) The campus sculpture program is an extension of the college’s permanent art collection. Download a map and take a self-guided tour around campus and check out these fourteen works of art by significant, internationally-acclaimed artists. https://www. davidsoncollegeartgalleries. org/campus-art/#sculpture