on the scene Photo courtesy of North Carolina Brewers & Music Festival
EVENT INFO ROUNDUP ????????????????????????
Virtual Art on the Green (Through May 8) The Town of Davidson had to cancel its annual Arts on the Green Event in April, but because they still want to celebrate artists in the community, the town came up with a back-up plan that will now run April 24-May 8. Visit the link http://townofdavidson. org/1272/VIRTUAL-Art-on-theGreen and enjoy a special digital showcase highlighting artists and their works of art.
Looking for way to grow some fresh produce? The Cornelius Community Garden has a few garden boxes still available to rent. Photo courtesy of Cornelius PARC.
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Cornelius Community Garden Cornelius PARC partners with the Smithville CommUnity Coalition and neighborhood volunteers to provide the
Cornelius Community Garden, 20708 Catawba Ave. The garden has a few 4’ x 8’ garden boxes still available for rent. The fee is $50 ($25 may be refundable) and includes the raised bed, topsoil, access to tools, water and three growing seasons. You provide your own plants, seeds and labor! If you are interested, email Debby at debbyredding20@gmail.com or call her at 980.289.6880. Call to Artists-Ice House Reimagined The Huntersville Public Art Commission (HPAC) has collaborated with the Old Huntersville Historical Society (OHHS) to seek request for
Maple Leaf HealthCare would like to take this opportunity during this unprecedented Covid-19 season to THANK YOU the residents of Iredell County. We have felt your love through all the; prayers, flowers, pizza, cards, hand sanitizers, masks, cupcakes and the outside serenading to our Life Engagement residents with which you have blessed us! You have brought us such love, joy and cheer at a time when we all need to be lifted.
Call Debi Early for information. (704) 871-0705
1101 Maple Care Lane, Statesville, NC 28625
Let us be a recovery chapter in the book of your life.
30 LimitlessMagOnline.com | May 2020