2 minute read
On the Circuit
Cornelius Parks and Recreation is offering movies specifically for the adult crowd this summer. The Downtown Mooresville Festival of Food Trucks.
Photo courtesy of Facebook.
Dance to the Beat

Compiled by Bek Mitchell-Kidd
Enjoy a KiDS FEST at the 2nd Friday Street Festival.
Family Fun
Festival of Food Trucks (June 4) Enjoy live music, and gourmet fare from numerous food trucks parked throughout downtown Mooresville on Main Street. Free. 5-8:30 p.m. Main Street, Mooresville. www. downtownmooresville.com
Walk with a Doc (June 4) Join Cornelius PARC and Novant Health’s Lakeside Family Physicians at Antiquity Greenway for a walking program for everyone interested in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle. Free. 9 a.m. Antiquity Greenway, 180 N. Zion Ave., Cornelius. www.walkwithadoc.org
2nd Friday Street Festival Series (June 10) Enjoy a “KiDS FEST” themed community celebration with live music, games, vendors and a variety of food and drinks. Free. 6-10 p.m. Oak Street Mill, 19725 Oak Street, Cornelius, www.facebook.com/bellaloveinc
Cornelius Outdoor Movie Series: “The Breakfast Club-R (1985)”
(June 11) Adults 18 and older, this one’s for you! The movie will be shown on an inflatable “blimp.” Bring chairs and blankets. Coolers (no glass) and picnic baskets welcome. Concessions are available for purchase and include a food truck and beer vendor. Free. Gates open at 6:30 p.m.; movie begins at 8:30 p.m. Smithville Park, 19710 S. Ferry St., Cornelius, www.cornelius.org
LalaCaboosa Downtown Music Series (June 16) Bring chairs and blankets and enjoy live music from Indian Outlaw (a Tim McGraw Tribute Band). Purchase food and drinks from Butcher Grill Food Truck, CJ Chicken & Fish Food Truck, Primal Brewery and Buzzed Viking Brewery. Free. 6-9 p.m. Veterans Park, Main and Maxwell Streets, Huntersville. www.huntersville.org Concerts @ the Circles (June 18) 80s tribute band 80z Nation will perform. Bring friends and family, comfy chairs or a blanket, a picnic, and come early to find a spot. Free. 5-9 p.m. Jetton Street by Clean Juice in Davidson. www.concertsonthegreen.com
Legally Blonde: The Musical (June 23 – July 3) Follow the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Action-packed and exploding with memorable songs and dynamic dances. Tickets $15-29. Davidson Community Players, Duke Family Performance Hall, Davidson College, 207 Faculty Drive, Davidson. www.davidsoncommunityplayers.org
Music at St. Alban’s (June 26) Guitarist and Mandolin player Robin Bullock will perform a program of music ranging from Celtic to classical. Tickets $15-$20. 3 p.m. 301 Caldwell Lane, Davidson. www. musicatstalbansdavidson.org.
Learning and Exploration
Moon Light at Latta (June 9) Enjoy lunar activities for all ages, including DIY foam rocket launchers, binoculars for moon gazing, and a study of moon phases. Tickets $5+. 6-7:30 p.m. Latta Plantation, Quest Nature Center, 6345 Sample Road, Huntersville, www.mecknc.gov
Knit, Chat, Read (June 23) Bring your knitting project and conversation, and learn about all the resources the library has to offer. Free. 1-3 p.m. Registration encouraged. Davidson Library, Community Room, 119 South Main Street, Davidson. www.cmlibrary.org