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Renee Wants to Know
What Is the
Old Town Revival?
by Renee Roberson Photos courtesy of Foundation Moto
The Old Town Revival is a free community event showcasing custom bikes and vintage vehicles. The first event took place in 2019 in Old Town Cornelius.
In 2018, Huntersville resident Adam Colborne, who runs the creative content studio Wheelhouse Media, and his brother-in-law Paul Morris, who had spent years working as a construction superintendent, finally happened to be in the same town at the same time. They wasted no time in moving forward with their dream of opening a shop where they could indulge their passions of building custom motorcycles. Along with a third partner, Scott Hauser, Foundation Moto was soon off and running.
As they were brainstorming ways to get the word out about the work they were doing, they envisioned putting together a free community event that would showcase area custom bikes and other vintage vehicles. After meeting with Mayor Woody Washam and other town leaders in Cornelius, the Old Town Revival was born. Colborne says Foundation Moto has been given the first Saturday in each October in perpetuity to hold this event as long as they wish.
In October 2019 they launched the first event in Old Town Cornelius, drawing a crowd of 4,000 spectators over the course of six hours. They knew they would need to find a larger space for the future, but then the pandemic curtailed planning on the 2020 event.
This year’s event, held in conjunction with Spinnerworks Events, will take place on Oct. 2 from 3-8 p.m. at Kenton Place in Cornelius. Further enhancing the OTR experience will be a police officer escorted parade, a vintage plane flyover, the Ives Brothers Ball of Steel show, Kubota Field event, live music by The HC Hoakes Band, a pop-up vintage barber shop, skateboarding demos, vintage bicycles, and a car painted in chalk for kids to draw all over. There will also be food, beer, cocktails, raffles, giveaways, and a wide range of vendors and sponsors.
Colborne says this event would not be possible without the many sponsors on board, including title sponsor Hotchkis Sport Suspension and presenting sponsor Charlotte Tractor Company. Proceeds raised at the OTR will benefit two charities, Hinds Feet Farm, a local organization dedicated to serving adults with brain injuries and Yay!DAY Life, a nonprofit that supports several great local charities.
“This is different from a normal car show,” says Colborne. “It’s a celebration of custom built and vintage motorcycles, classic cars, antique hotrods. We’re combining all of these worlds in one event.” After all, he points out, motorcycles are timeless pieces of art, along with custom and vintage cars and trucks, and they deserve a space to be celebrated and admired by other enthusiasts.
To build awareness for the October event, “The Road to OTR” has featured five events in April, May, June, July, and August where participants began a ride at Murto Made Distillery in Huntersville and ultimately ended up at BoatYard LKN as a way to build community and show support to event sponsors for OTR. Learn more about the event at www.foundationmoto.com/pages/old-town-revival.
Old Town Revival
Oct. 2 from 3-8 p.m. 17111 Kenton Drive, Cornelius www.foundationmoto.com/