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The YayDay! Life Foundation
Angels & Sparrows Fly High
Soup kitchen prevails, rebrands in face of pandemic
by Tony Ricciardelli photography by Jamie Cowles
On Sept. 1, Huntersville based Angels & Sparrows Soup Kitchen officially changed its name to Angels & Sparrows Community Table and Resource Center. The organization’s new logo and re-branding reflect the non-profit’s broadening mission, which aims to give families a fresh start by providing additional services to those experiencing hardship and food insecurity in the Lake Norman community. Since its inception in 2007, the organization has provided more than 900,000 meals, including more than 200,000 meals thus far in 2021. The numbers are a testament to the organization and its resolute efforts to nourish those in need.
The organization has remained steadfast in its undertakings throughout the pandemic, providing daily lunches and takehome meals, offering a Summer Bag Lunch Program for children, delivering meals to shut-ins, and hosting an annual children’s Christmas party. This past spring, Angels & Sparrows held a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for its senior patrons.
According to Jessika Tucker, Executive Director of Angels & Sparrows, “The devastation brought on by the pandemic has a ripple effect on those we serve. For many, the ability to recover from COVID-19 is far from immediate, when faced with loss of employment and health insurance, strained finances, and the absence of school programs. Rebounding is difficult, especially for those without adequate resources.” The pandemic affects Angels and Sparrows’ volunteers and the daily routines as well. Day-to-day operations require a staff of sixteen volunteers to keep things running smoothly, even as donations are curtailed, and the volunteer roster has decreased. Additionally, the cost of food preparation, packaging, and delivery has risen. Food distribution takes place outside the building, where visitors remain in their vehicles, offering safe distance between themselves and volunteers.
“Relationships with our patrons are as important to us as the meals we prepare,” says Tucker. We continually check-in with our guests via phone calls or as they drive through the lunch line, ensuring their needs are being met. We provide them with additional assistance or point them to alternate means of support when it is beyond our scope.”
New programs currently being piloted include tutoring for school-age children, while helping parents further their education with ESL classes. The organization also provides referral services for those in need of affordable housing, transportation, healthcare, and clothing.
COVID-19 permitting, Angels & Sparrows looks forward to resuming seated dining and scheduling its two biggest fundraisers: the Thanksgiving 5K Turkey Trot, and the Spring Gather & Give Gala and Silent Auction.
From left to right: Jessika Tucker, Executive Director, Cheri Allen, Operations Manager, and Cindy Deutsch, Director of Development.
The Angels & Sparrows logo was designed by Billy Doherty, Doherty Marketing Group. For more information about Angels & Sparrows Community Table and Resource Center, visit www.angelsand sparrows.org.