3 minute read
On the Circuit
Fall Fun!
compiled by Bek Mitchell Kidd
Photo by Lisa Crates Left: The Lakeside Artists Studio Tour takes place on Oct. 28-30. Right: Visit Scarrigan Farms Thursday- Sunday through Oct. 31.

Arts + Culture
The Downtown Davidson Fall Arts Festival (Oct. 8) The festival includes local artists, live music and more. Free. 4-7 p.m. Downtown Davidson, www.townofdavidson.org.
Murder on the Orient Express (Through Oct. 9) Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, the passengers rely on detective Hercule Poirot to identify the murderer in case he or she decides to strike again. Students, $15, Seniors, $18, Adults, $20. Thurs.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m. Armour Street Theatre, 307 Armour Street, Davidson, www.davidsoncommunityplayers.org.
The Lakeside Artists Studio Tour (Oct. 28-30) Six studios and neighborhood sites in Mooresville will open their doors to allow the public to meet and support visiting artists displaying their creations. Fri. and Sat. from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sun., Noon-4 p.m. Find locations on website. www.lknstudiotour.com.
Huntersville Halloween (Oct. 23) Boo! It’s time for balloon twisters, face painting, games, local craft vendors, food trucks, and a costume contest. The costume contest begins at 5:30 p.m. See website for a list of the contest categories. Free. 5-8 p.m. Huntersville Athletic Park, 11720 Verhoeff Drive, Huntersville, www.huntersville.org.
Downtown Mooresville Candy Grab (Oct. 28) Kids and adults alike have a great time visiting the Downtown businesses that are handing out candy. Dress up and have fun, but don’t be late! The event ends promptly at 5 p.m. Free. 3-5 p.m. Downtown Mooresville, Mooresville, www.downtownmooresville.com.
Davidson Halloween March (Oct. 28) Celebrate Halloween with the Town of Davidson during the traditional Halloween March along Main Street. Families need to line up at Town Hall, dressed in their favorite costumes, to parade along main street and receive treats from local merchants and organizations. Free. 5 p.m. Davidson Town Hall, 216 S. Main St., Davidson. www.townofdavidson.org.
Scarrigan Farms (Through Oct. 31) On select October nights, the 275-acre farm is transformed into the scariest haunted trail in the region. Ages 12 and older. Reservations are required. Tickets are $20 - $40. Thurs.-Sun., and Halloween. Times vary by date. Carrigan Farm, 1261 Oak Ridge Farm Hwy, Mooresville. www.scarriganfarms.com.
Fall Fun
Hooked on Cornelius (Oct. 22) In a partnership with the Town of Cornelius, Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists and North Carolina Wildlife Resources, this year’s event is free for ages 7-12 years, but registration is required. Fishing rods will be available for participant use. 10 a.m.-noon. The upper pond at Robbins Park, 17738 W. Catawba Ave, Cornelius, www.cornelius.org.
Fall Flower Fest at Blackberry Ridge Farm (Oct. 29) Visit Blackberry Ridge Farm for an afternoon of flowers, pumpkins, food trucks, live music, hayrides, and artisan goods. Tickets are $15 - $20. 1-6 p.m. Blackberry Ridge Farm, 14820 Beatties Ford Rd, Huntersville. www.blackberryridgefarmnc.com.
The Maze at Patterson Farm (Through Nov. 4) Come out and test your navigational skills in the corn maze and enjoy family-friendly activities, plus delicious food at the Snack Silo and seasonal produce, gifts, and more in the market. The Corn Maze is included with all weekend and weekday afternoon admission. Tickets are $14 - $16, children under 2 are free. Mon.-Fri. from noon-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Patterson Farm, 10390 Caldwell Rd, Mount Ulla, www.visitpattersonfarm.com.
Amazing Maize Maze (Through Nov. 5) One of the largest corn mazes in the Southeast returns. Try the Historic Rural Hill phone app where you can collect your map pieces, fill in your crossword puzzle, and figure out the words scramble to complete the ultimate challenge. Night mazes begin this month. Ticket prices range from $9-$17. Check website for available time slots. Historic Rural Hill, 4431 Neck Road, Huntersville, www.ruralhill.net.

For the area’s 55+ adults who place no limits on living their best lives!
p. 74 Tips for handling inflation p. 78 Vegetable Beef Soup p. 80 Cancer Survivors paddle for wellness p. 84 Sipping wine in Santorini p. 88 October’s Moment in Time p. 90 Limitless Learning