2 minute read
What Happens When Captain Can't Takes The Helm?
Be kind! Be kind to YOU.
e person you need love from the most is that one who looks back at you from the mirror. What are your favorite CAPTAIN CAN’T ways to show love to others? Smile, pay attention to their feelings, give a compliment, spend some time with TAKES THE HELM? them, grant them grace to be exactly who they are. Can you do those things for yourself? No one deserves your love and SOME STRATEGIES TO TURN YOUR MOOD AROUND attention more than you do.
DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOU JUST CAN’T? You are frustrated, upset, exhausted, sad, don’t know what to do? What’s going on? The cause could be something like a broken relationship, problems at your job, trouble with your spouse or children, PTSD, or maybe you just feel sad and you don’t know why. Whatever the reason, you’re left unable to look on the bright side, and feeling helpless and hopeless.
There is nothing wrong with you. Everyone knows this feeling, and often we experience it multiple times each day. So what can you do to shake yourself out of this funk? What do you really need? Here are a few suggestions:
Concentrate on what is happening RIGHT NOW, in this moment.
What can you see? Hear? Touch? Ground yourself in the present. Focus on the task in front of you with total concentration. Pay so much attention to where you are and what you’re doing that you throw “I can’t” right out the window.
Take your thoughts captive! Take control.
Ann Bradford said: “Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.” Realize that thoughts and emotions are just passing things, and that they can and will change. If you meditate or pray, use those things to help you observe your feelings rather than acting on every single one of them. Just watch them pass by. All of the top causes of death are either caused by or made worse by stress. Simply said, your brain doesn’t know the di erence between anxiety and excitement. It produces the same chemicals and hormones in response to either. What makes the di erence is the interpretation you put on that feeling. Shakespeare said that a tragedy is simply a comedy misunderstood. Wake up to the truth that you are powerful. You are the captain of your ship. Captain Can’t has walked the gangplank! w