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Helping Your Body Thrive In Summertime
Helping Your su ertime in Body thrive
THIS TIME OF YEAR, there is a beautiful opportunity to support and recharge our bodies amidst the schedule of fun. The warmer weather creates moments for us to be out in nature which many studies over the years have shown have a positive impact on our health—mentally and physically. There are some simple things that we can do to make our bodies thrive while we are enjoying this time of year.
Dr. Michelle Swenson, DC has been helping people get to the root cause of what is going on with their health for 17 years. She maintains her practice inside the o ce of Advanced Spinal Fitness in Mooresville. Her website is www.Cleanlivingdoc.com and appointments can be booked by calling 704.663.5142.
Our bodies are made up of quite a bit of water so staying hydrated is key.
Being in the heat, eating sugars or carbs, and drinking alcohol can deplete our bodies of uids and electrolytes (salt and potassium). Some simple things you can do to replenish them is putting a sprinkle of sea salt into your water or sprinkling it on food. Sliced cucumbers or tomatoes with sea salt is a great snack to help rehydrate you. Eating foods high in potassium daily such as bananas and avocados is a great summer trick to keep electrolytes in check. ere are also a few companies that make “cell salt tablets” or electrolyte replacement powders that work well. Coconut water is a great natural rehydration drink to choose. Also having plenty of ltered or spring water when you are out in the heat is a must. If you are feeling tired, foggy headed, headachy, or weak after being in the heat these could all be signs that your hydration level or electrolytes are o .
When your body is moving or warm it is naturally trying to move toxins out via sweat.
It is also a reality when we are out in nature that we will encounter some toxins in the environment. Whenever gas and exhaust are involved, toxins get into our bodies … it is unavoidable. It can cause a whole slew of symptoms depending on how well your body detoxi es. When working with a holistic practitioner you can nd out where you fall in terms of good, fair, or poor as a detoxi er. Staying hydrated helps to move toxins through your body and out. Another thing you can do is eat cruciferous vegetables or take an organic powdered greens supplement to help your body move these toxins through the liver. ere are lots of great liver support products on the market that can also be used. It is best to ask your holistic practitioner which would work for your body. One
A fun electrolyte and detox drink! simple trick is to drink Use the juice of one lemon fresh-squeezed squeezed, a teaspoon to organic lemon tablespoon (to your taste) of maple syrup, and a sprinkle of sea salt with 16 to 24 ounces of water water daily to show your liver some love. (you can even add a dash Make sure of cayenne if you want a metabolism kick). Shake it up and pour over ice. Enjoy! to use room temperature water as heat will destroy some of the bene ts of the lemon. w