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Stay Plugged In By Un-Plugging
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We o ’t ee st tistics to tell us we spend A LOT of time plugged in—hooked up to our computers, our cell phones, our tablets, and TV ’s. The concern for many is that our social skills are deteriorating, especially for our youth who are getting “plugged-in” during their early, formative years.
According to a recent article in Psychology Today, families are feeling it, too. “Ask any parent,” suggests one report, “and you will see that many teens seem to have fallen into a tech sinkhole. And their constant texting and abuse of social media may even be holding them back from attaining social and developmental milestones.”
As humans we need personal contact and interaction. So next time you want to “Plug-In” to your family, try unplugging—
Have dinner as a family without electronic devices of any type (including television). Whether it’s around the kitchen table, at a local restaurant, or even a picnic in the park, take the time to engage with phones OFF .
While technically you are still “plugged in” when using the phone, try calling instead of texting with your family and friends. Isn’t it much nicer to hear, “Mom, I love you,” rather than to read, “Later…xoxo.”
Have the entire family take a month break from social media. It gives you a chance to step back and live life instead of just posting about it. You might be surprised how much more time in the day you have.
Exercise without electronics. If you exercise with someone, engage with conversation. Or if you go it alone, simply be with your thoughts and the sounds of nature.
Schedule game night with the family— board games NOT videos.
Be more tangible and hands-on. Read a real book, for example, or do some crafting or home improvement projects.
Get back to nature—take the family camping or go on a hike. Being in the great outdoors is a must for our human brains, and uninterrupted time with family is priceless!