May 2022

Page 34


To Be Like Jesus By Garth Gabriel

E Garth Gabriel

I am happy to submit this report on behalf of the Lake Region Conference, which experienced the presence and power of God in amazing ways over the course of the quadrennium. The quadrennium started off like most others in the history of the Conference. Plans were crafted and adopted, and mission and ministry were being passionately pursued to the glory and honor of God when the novel coronavirus burst onto the scene in early 2020. As the quadrennium comes to an end, COVID-19 is still affecting how we engage in mission and ministry. What is incontrovertible, though, is that God, who is our Help in ages past and our Hope for years to come, has not deserted us and never will (Matt. 28:20). Early in the quadrennium, the Lake Region Conference relocated from the building on the South Side of Chicago that had been the Conference office for over 50 years. Our new headquarters, located in Mokena, Illinois, has had a positive impact on the morale of employees. It brings freshness, light and energy to what we are all about, which is transforming and enriching communities. Acutely aware that God does not dwell in buildings made with hands (2 Cor. 5:1), we are aspiring to be faithful stewards of God’s blessings.

34 MAY 2022

Our aim for the first half of this quadrennium was “Christ Alone”; for the second, we are striving “To be Like Christ.” Making disciples and growing healthy congregations continue to be the focus of our mission, and our vision is to be a united conference of churches actively engaged in mission and ministry when Jesus Christ returns. Our goals are wrapped up in the concept of C.H.A.N.G.E. (Christ, Holiness, Accountability, Nurture, Growth, and Education). Each year, Lake Region focuses on a particular ministry, with all other ministries partnering in the pursuit of a common focus. For example, in 2020 we focused on Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL), using as a theme, “Everyone Counts; Everyone Matters.” The turbulent year provided ample opportunity for reflection and action on three significant realities—COVID-19, racial unrest and tension, and the election campaign, especially the race for the White House. Under the courageous, visionary leadership of our PARL director, we succeeded in presenting


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