May 2022

Page 44

A NEWS NN O U NC E M EN T S/CL ASSI F I ED S LEGAL NOTICE: Lake Region Conference Churches, schools, conferences, institutions and organizations may submit announcements to the Lake Union Herald through their local conference communication directors. An easy way to do this is to visit the Lake Union Herald website at and submit the announcement online. Readers may verify dates and times of programs with the respective sources, as these events are subject to change. Submission eligibility guidelines are listed at http://www.

Association of Seventh-day Adventists— Notice is hereby given that the regular Quadrennial Session of the members of the Lake Region Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Inc., a corporation, will be held on Sunday, July 17, 2022, in connection with the 29th


Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

session of the Lake Region Conference of

ACADEMY REUNION is back for the alumni

will be held on Sunday, July 17, 2022,

Seventh-day Adventists at Camp Wagner,

and schoolmates of 1972 and earlier at

beginning at 9:00 a.m., E.D.T., at Camp

Cassopolis, Michigan. The first meeting of the

Great Lakes Adventist Academy, Cedar

Wagner, Cassopolis, Michigan. The purpose

Association will be called to order at approx-

Lake, Mich. Because we have missed the

of the session is to elect officers and de-

imately 2:00 p.m., E.D.T. The purpose of the

past two years, the Honor classes this

partmental directors for the ensuing term

meeting is to restate and amend the articles

year include: 1940‒1942, 1950‒1952,

and for the transaction of such other busi-

of incorporation and bylaws, to elect trustees

1960‒1962, 1970‒1972. Details will be sent

ness as may properly come before the del-

for the ensuing term, and to transact such

by mail to all alumni. You may contact GLAA

egates. Delegates to this 29th Quadrennial

other business as may properly come before

Alumni office at 989-427-5181 or http://

Session are duly appointed representatives

the delegates. Delegates from the church-

of the various churches of the conference.

es in attendance at the 29th Quadrennial

Each church is entitled to one delegate for

Session of the Lake Region Conference com-

each 35 members or major fraction thereof.

prise the constituency of the association.

LEGAL NOTICE: Lake Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists—Notice

Garth Gabriel, President

Garth Gabriel, President

is hereby given that the regular

Julius R. Everett, Sr., Secretary

Julius R. Everett, Sr., Secretary

Quadrennial Session of the Lake Region

Discipleship in Lifespan Education (MA) will All classified ads must be sent to your local conference for approval. No phoned ads will be accepted. Allow at least eight weeks for publication. Fifty words maximum. No limit of insertions. Rates: $36 per insertion for Lake Union church members; $46 per insertion for all others. A form is available at for printing out and filling in your ad. Ads must be prepaid. Make money order or check payable to the Lake Union Conference. There will be no refunds for cancellations. The Lake Union Herald cannot be responsible for advertisements appearing in its columns, and reserves the right to edit ads in accordance with editorial policies. The Lake Union Herald does not accept responsibility for typographical errors. Submission eligibility guidelines are listed at


be available online from Fall 2022. Learn more at degrees/grad.

EMPLOYMENT ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEEKS FACULTY – MAINTENANCE—Teach undergraduate courses in the part147 Aviation

Medical Laboratory Science, Nursing or

Maintenance School, including both theory

General Studies. Learn more at

and lab classes. Maintain active research.


Advising students and other academic-re-

ONLINE—A new Adult Education Center


supports mature students advancing


their career or retooling to go where

Responding to the needs for professional

God leads. Earn an online certificate in

development online, degrees in Medical


Christian Discipleship, Missions and Global

Laboratory Science (MS MLS), Social Work


Awareness, Ministry (in Spanish), English

(MSW), Nutrition and Wellness (MS),

for Intensive English Programs (CIEP) is

as a Second Language, Technologist in

Nutrition & Dietetics Graduate Certificate,

seeking an English-as-a-Second-Language

Microbiology, Chemistry or Hematology.

Occupational Therapy (DScOT), Physical

(ESL) professor who has experience

Complete a degree in Business, Religion,

Therapy (DScPT), Healthcare Administration

teaching various language modules at

Christian Discipleship, Public Health,

(MHA), Business Administration (PhD) and

all levels of English language proficiency,


44 MAY 2022

lated responsibilities as assigned. Learn more at show/faculty#job_3.


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