2008-2009 Technology Brochure

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Bringing Powerful Teaching And Learning To A Classroom Near You... Technology Coordination And Support Team Laurie King, Technology Coordinator Laurie coordinates professional development and curriculum that is supported by technology. Laurie provides professional development to administrators, coaches, and teacher leaders. Sunshine Darby, Technology Training Supervisor Sunshine supervises and schedules the technology trainers. Sunshine provides professional development and support to E3 Lead Teachers, as well as provides school-based support before and after school. Dave Beard, Technology Training Specialist Dave trains on district-supported hardware and software, as well as provides support with instructional planning. Dave provides job-embedded, before and after school support. Jonathan McMahon, Technology Training Specialist Jonathan trains on district-supported hardware and software, as well as provides support with instructional planning. Jonathan provides job-embedded, before and after school support. Melodie Brewer, Technology Training Specialist Melodie trains on district-supported hardware and software, as well as provides support with instructional planning. Melodie provides job-embedded, before and after school support. Jessica Robbins, Technology Training Specialist Jessica trains on district-supported hardware and software. Jessica specializes in Student Information Systems as well as the webpage tool and other productivity software.

E3 Academy Empower! Excite! Engage! The E3 Academy is a sixty hour professional development opportunity where participants work in school-based teams to learn the elements of problem based learning, and collaboratively plan a unit. E3 Teams agree to receive support from the E3 Lead Teacher for 4 semesters: • Semester 1, online course, 1 hour per month of E3 Lead Teacher support • Semester 2, implementation of PBL unit, 3 hours per month of E3 Lead Teacher support • Semester 3, planning and implementation of a new PBL unit, 2 hours per month of E3 Lead Teacher support • Semester 4, planning and implementation of a new PBL unit, 2 hours per month of E3 Lead Teacher support

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The Fine Print... • Teachers must apply for the E3 Academy as a school based team of no less than 3, no more than 5. Grade level and department teams are preferred but not mandatory. • Applications and course descriptions and options are available on the Ed Tech website. • Applications are due to Laurie King two weeks prior to the last day of the semester before the Academy. The specific due dates will be posted on the Ed Tech website.

The E3 Team will agree to create a group learning plan, once a semester, that will identify desired student outcomes and the steps to be taken. The E3 Lead Teacher will monitor the plan, and provide the necessary support.

Sample Plan Semester 3 E3 Team Professional Development Plan Student Outcomes Students will design a city that operates off of alternative fuel options, and create a publicity campaign to encourage business and residential growth.

Teacher Needs We need to know how to use MovieMaker. We need to know what software is available to design a city. We need to contact SRP to see how they can support this project. We need to contact an advertising agency and set up an “Ask the Expert” video conference.

Plan of Action


Meet weekly to plan the integration of all subject areas into the PBL. Movie Maker training by E3 Lead Teacher for our team and 4 of our students. (2 hours) E3 Lead Teacher will research online city creation tools. (1 hour) E3 will set up video conferencing software and hardware. (1 hour) E3 Teacher will assist in positing ad videos to teacher websites (2 hour) Publisher training by E3 Lead Teacher for our team and 4 of our students. (2 hour)

Accountability • The laptops will be used to facilitate student-centered, problem-based lessons. • Use of the laptops will be evaluated on an ongoing basis through walk-through data, computer application use tracking software, and student interviews. • Academy participants are expected to properly maintain and secure the laptops.

E3 Lead Teacher Empower! Excite! Engage! What is an E3 Lead Teacher? The T3 Program is evolving. The E3 Program has been very successful, however our program evaluation data has shown that E3 Teachers need ongoing, campus-based support in order to implement their learning. The T3 Teacher positions are being re-focused directly on the E3 Teachers. The T3 Teachers will now be known as E3 Lead Teachers. What Do E3 Teachers Have To Do? E3 Lead Teachers are responsible for supporting their campus with technology for 8 hours a month. In addition, E3 Lead Teachers must attend a four-day Summer Institute (May 27-May 30, 2008). Three full-day workshops will be scheduled throughout the 2008-2009 school year. Substitutes will be provided. E3 Lead Teachers will be compensated $3,000 a year.

Evolution Of The T3 Teacher


What Does 8 Hours A Month Look Like? E3 Lead Teachers will create a Support Plan every month. The plan will allow E3 Lead Teachers to choose from a menu of campus-based support options. The number of hours spent directly with E3 Teams will be determined by the number of teams a campus has. E3 Team support is the first priority.

The Fine Print... * E3 Lead Teachers will review their Professional Development Support Plan with the Technology Training Supervisor (Sunshine Darby) once a month. * Plans must include 8 hours of support per month, 32 hours a semester.

E3 Lead Teacher School Support Options

1 hr

E3 Team, Semester 1

3 hr

Monday Prof Dev w/ Coach

1 hr

Template Creation

3 hr

E3 Team, Semester 2

2 hr

Teacher/Student Training

3 hr

Video Lesson

2 hr

E3 Team, Semester 3

2 hr

Peer Teaching During Prep

2 hr

E3 Team, Semester 4

2 hr

Before/After School Training

Optional Support For 07-08 E3 Teams

Sample Plan September E3 Lead Teacher Support Plan

1 hr

E3 Team, Semester 1

3 hr

Monday Prof Dev w/ Coach

1 hr

Template Creation

3 hr

Video Lesson

A Little More About The Support Plan... * A plan will be written for each: August, September, October, November/December, January, February, March, April/May. The months of December and May will be used to deal with required hour overages or discrepancies.

Professional Learning Communities Principals can apply to have a Professional Learning Community (PLC) work with a Technology Training Specialist for a semester. This group will agree to create a group learning plan that will identify desired student outcomes supported by technology and the steps to be taken. Professional Learning Communities will choose from a menu of support options. The options are listed below: 20 hours of support will be given to the team over the duration of a semester. The team will choose from the following menu of options:

Peer Teaching W/ Trainer

Model Teaching By Trainer

Team Training

Peer Teaching W/ Coach

Plan W/ Trainer

Team & Student Training

Model Teaching By Coach

Plan W/ Coach

Online Training


The Fine Print... • A PLC must be selected by the principal. • Principals must ensure that all members of the PLC participate in the completion of their plan. • Applications are available on the Ed Tech website.

Sample Plan Desired Student Outcomes

Students will be able to describe the events of the Korean War. Students will use technology to collaborate on gathering information. Students will use technology to describe the events using images, video, and text.

Teacher Needs

We need to know what technology tools are available to meet the desired outcomes. We need to know how to use the tools. We need to know how to teach the students how to use the tools. We need to know where to get information about the Korean War.

Plan of Action (Choose from menu)

5 hours planning with trainer 2 hours planning with trainer and coach


If you could travel back in time, what would you do to change the course of events that led to/ occurred during the war?

8 hours peer teaching with coach (2 hours with each teacher) 2 hours team and student training 3 hours team training

We need to know how to manage the technology.

Accountability • PLCs are expected to fill out their plan with the Technology Training Specialist. • Plans must be approved by the principal. • The Technology Training Specialist will notify the principal in the event a teacher or a PLC chooses to not participate in the plan.

Additional School Based Support Trainer Responsibilities The Technology Trainers are available to complete the following: • Train on the districtsupported hardware. • Train on the districtsupported software. • Support coaches with the planning and delivery of professional development that incorporates technology. • Support administrators, teachers, and staff in learning how to use tools. • Support teachers in planning for instruction that incorporates technology. • Model teaching with the use of technology. • Peer-teach with the use of technology.

Trainers are not responsible for providing equipment to schools.

The Technology Trainers are available to provide school-based support before, after, or during school hours. The following are the services the Technology Trainers can provide. Contact Sunshine Darby to schedule training.

Teacher And Student Collaboration A small group of teachers gather after school, with two or three of their students and the technology trainer, to learn about one of the technology tools support by the district.

Prep Connects A principal sets a technology focus and the expectation that staff work with the technology trainer during a portion of their prep.

Instructional Coach Collaboration An instructional coach and trainer collaborate to provide training that supports school based professional development that is offered to the whole staff.


In The Loop Keeping Up With The Latest and Greatest in Educational Technology In The Loop is designed for those that want to go further and faster with technology. Topics such as using cell phones in instruction, video conferencing, and "hacking your classroom" will be presented and discussed. In the Loop will be offered on Wednesday afternoons in the District Office Computer Lab. The sessions will be offered twice in the same day to better meet the needs of high schools, and first and second release schools. In the Loop for the Early Group will be from 3:00 until 4:00, and In the Loop for the Late Group will be from 4:00 until 5:00.



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• Every month a new topic will be published on the Technology Webpage. • View descriptions and register for In The Loop sessions in the Online Professional Development Tool.

Leading By Example Moving Towards Transforming 2008-2009 TOPICS Complex Learning And Thinking Tools Sessions will be focused on tools that support rigorous learning tasks. Community Learning Tools Sessions will be focused on tools that support developing relationships with the community. Using Technology To Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills Sessions will be focused on instructional practices, supported by technology, that support State Standards at a deeper level through higher cognition. Expanding The Role Of The Researcher Sessions will explore using technology to re-define research projects, and create relevant learning experiences for all students.

Leading By Example is a ongoing professional development academy designed for building level administrators. The topics are aligned to the National Technology Standards (NETS) for Administrators, and are chosen based on needs identified through technology walkthroughs. Four topics will be covered over the course of the year. Two unique classes will be devoted to covering each topic for a total of 8 classes. Each class will be delivered twice, and will be held from 5:00 PM to 5:50 PM on regularly scheduled Governing Board Meeting days. Class will be held in the District Office Computer Lab located off of the Governing Board Room, and a light dinner will be served. Participants that attend 8 out of 9 of the classes will receive a “high tech incentive.� NET

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Technology Training And Support Plan



E3 Lead Teacher

Fall E3 Academy

Spring E3 Academy Fall Technology Learning Group Spring Technology Learning Group

Additional School-Based Support

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