How to reward yourself by donating money to others

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How to Reward Yourself by Donating Money to Others There are many ways you can spend your hard-earned money. You can buy yourself some expensive clothes or go on an exotic vacation. There is nothing wrong in rewarding yourself, you deserve it. But what if you rewarded someone instead? The concept of giving to others can make you feel good about yourself and there are many other ways that giving your money for a cause can benefit you spiritually, psychologically and emotionally. Knowing that you sacrificed something in order to help others in need can give you a sense of purpose in life and inner satisfaction. Selfless giving is a key component to many spiritual and religious belief systems. After donating financially to a charity /non-profit / religious organization, you may feel an inner pull to become more involved with the cause by donating your time and skill as well. The leading religions of the world have this to say towards giving in charity: Prayer carries us half way to God, fasting brings us to the door of His palace, and alms-giving procures us admission. – The Koran And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. - Bible, I Corinthians (ch. XIII, v. 2) Charity in the mode of goodness is recommended by the scriptures, but charity in the modes of passion and ignorance is not recommended, because it is simply a waste of money. Charity should be given only to propagate Krishna consciousness all over the world. – Bhagavad-gita (16.1-3) Americans give a lot of money to religion - this is one of the findings of the National Study of American Religious Giving in November 2013. Almost three quarters of American giving goes to religious organizations. Foreign contributions and donations to scores of Indian voluntary organizations, religious groups and charitable institutions every year touch nearly Rs 5,000 crore. As per the latest available data with the Union home ministry, the US heads the list of donor countries to India with Rs 1,492.62 crore. Salman Khan, Aishwarya Rai and Shilpa Shetty top the list of Bollywood celebrities who give to charity. Srila Prabhupada often quoted the example of Sri Rupa Goswami

and urged others to follow it. “Rupa Goswami gave 50% in charity, 25% for family use, and he kept 25% for emergency.� Many temples in India get huge contributions from devotees in cash and kind. Many of them spend it on feeding the devotees who visit the temple. For example the Sri Venkateshwara Temple in Tirupathi serves free meals to every devotee visiting the shrine. On an average this works out to two lakh meals a day. Iskcon Bangalore is in the process of constructing a huge Annadana Hall to serve meals to all visitors to the temple. As of now it is serving Kichari prasadam in donnas to visitors. __________________________________________________________________________ The Income Tax Act has certain provisions which offer tax benefits to the donors. Section 80G is one of such sections. Any person or organization making a donation to a religious organization which is registered under section 80G will get a deduction of 50% from their taxable income.

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