1 minute read

184,390 to the nearest ten thousand

N b dO ti Number and Operations

Compare and order positive rational numbers; use place value and d d iti ti l b l l d rounding • Compare and order positive numbers including decimals and mixed numbers ..................................................... 5 • Determine place value and round numbers up to millions ............... 12


Compute with whole numbers • Demonstrate multiplication with whole numbers up to a three-digit number multiplied by a two-digit number ................................................. 19 • Demonstrate division facts........................................................................ 26 • Demonstrate division with remainders using single-digit divisors ................. 33 • Division with remainders using two-digit divisors ....................................... 40

Identify odd, even, prime and composite numbers; identify factors and multiples • Identify any number as odd or even, and numbers under 1,000 as prime or composite.............................................. 47 • Identify factors of numbers less than 150 and multiples of single-digit numbers ............................................. 54

Compute with fractions • Identify halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, and eighths of sets........... 61 • Demonstrate addition and subtraction of fractions (including mixed numbers and unlike denominators) ................... 68 • Demonstrate multiplication with fractions (without the need to reduce) .... 75

Compute with decimals • Demonstrate addition and subtraction with decimals to the thousandths... 82 • Demonstrate multiplication with decimals to the hundredths ............. 89

Identify equivalent values and compare sets and values • Calculate equivalent fractions, decimals, and percents ................... 96 • Compare sets and values using <, >, < – , > – , and = .................. 103

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