1 minute read
and Politics
All citizens should understand the workings of their government. Do you know the language of government?
Write a letter to match the boldface term with its meaning. If you need help, check a dictionary.
1. _____ election
2. _____ candidate
3. _____ ballot
4. _____ citizens
5. _____ constitution
6. _____ vote
7. _____ campaign a.a list of choices on which people mark their pick b.those who live in a community and have rights and responsibilities c.the process of choosing candidates by voting d.to show your choice; to say what you think should happen e.a planned effort to get people to choose a certain candidate
f.an official, written plan of government g.a person running for office
will put your b ____________________ in the box. If I am elected, I promise to uphold the c _________________________ of our country and do my very best to enforce its laws!
Complete the following speech by filling in the blanks with words listed above. Use the first letter of each word as a clue.
A C ______________________ Speaks
My fellow c _______________________, I speak to you on the eve of this important e ___________________________. I ask you to v _________________ for me. Tonight my long c ____________________ ends. You’ve heard my plans and promises. Tomorrow, each of you