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Mosaics Collections 2020

Mosaics Big dreams made of small things Why does dreaming big have huge connotations when we have within our reach mosaics capable of recreating any illusion? Tesserae of different materials and sizes that turn wishes into reality. ¿Por qué soñar en grande tiene connotaciones gigantes cuando tenemos a nuestro alcance mosaicos capaces de recrear cualquier ilusión? Teselas de distintos materiales y tamaños que logran transformar los deseos en realidad. Pourquoi rêver grand a des connotations gigantesques quand nous avons à notre portée des mosaïques capables de recréer toute illusion ? Des tesselles de différents matériaux et tailles qui transforment les désirs en réalité.

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Mosaics Collections 2020

4 Air Mosaics 6 Customized Mosaics 8 Glass Mosaics 20 Metal Mosaics 30 Mix Mosaics 40 Stone Mosaics 56 Victorian Mosaics 58 Water Mosaics

Give any interior space character and refinement with L’Antic Colonial mosaics. Their designs bring light and an artistic feel to any rooms in which they are installed. Exclusivity and sophistication in every space to freshen things up.

62 Wood Mosaics

Aporta personalidad y distinción a cualquier estancia interior gracias a los mosaicos de L’Antic Colonial. Sus diseños aligeran los espacios y otorgan un aire artístico a las estancias en las que se instalan. Exclusividad y sofisticación a cada espacio para romper monotonía. Créez des espaces intérieurs personnels et raffinés grâce aux mosaïques de L’Antic Colonial. Leurs designs allègent les espaces et créent une touche artistique dans les pièces où elles sont posées. Exclusivité et sophistication dans chaque espace pour briser la monotonie. Wall Covering Highlands Dark Grey 2

Air Black

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100156912 G-116

Air Hexagon Black

Air Mosaics The mosaics in the AIR collection combine elegance and refinement in the quintessential color pairing: black and white. Their finishes transition between the brightness of the gloss and the temperate matte finish. Made of ceramic, they are suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces.


Wall Covering Air Black

La colección AIR aúna en sus mosaicos la elegancia y distinción del binomio cromático por excelencia: blanco y negro. Sus acabados difieren entre la luminosidad del aspecto brillo o la sobriedad del mate. Realizados en cerámica son aptos tanto para interior como para exterior.

Air White

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100156914 G-116

Air Hexagon White

27,2cm x 30,4cm x 0,6cm 10 23/32” x 11 31/32” x 1/4” 100169343 G-108

27,2cm x 30,4cm x 0,6cm 10 23/32” x 11 31/32” x 1/4” 100169360 G-108

Air Hexagon Black Matt

Air Hexagon White Matt

27,2cm x 30,4cm x 0,6cm 10 23/32” x 11 31/32” x 1/4” 100169344 G-108

27,2cm x 30,4cm x 0,6cm 10 23/32” x 11 31/32” x 1/4” 100169351 G-108

La collection de mosaïques AIR allie l’élégance et la distinction du duo chromatique par excellence : le noir et le blanc. Ses finitions varient entre la luminosité de l’aspect brillant et la sobriété du mat. Fabriquées en céramique, elles sont adaptées à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur.


Customized Mosaics

One of the most creative options is to create murals with small colored tiles. Personalized mosaics create patterns and designs based on small geometric shapes that fit together forming a whole.


Wall Covering Custom Mosaics

Entre las propuestas más creativas tenemos la creación de murales con pequeñas teselas a color. Los mosaicos personalizados dibujan imágenes y diseños a base de pequeñas formas geométricas que encajan completando una plano.

Parmi les propositions les plus créatives, il y a la création de fresques avec de petites tesselles colorées. Les mosaïques personnalisées permettent de créer des images et des dessins à base de petites formes géométriques qui s’emboîtent pour compléter un plan.

Normal Precision System

Sistema de Precisión Normal

Système Précision Normale




High Precision System

Sistema de Precisión Alta

Système de Haute Précision





Aqua Blue

Aqua Green

26,2cm x 29cm x 0,6 cm 10 5/16” x 11 13/32” x 1/4” 100244162 G-131

Arabia Gold

Arabia Mix Blue Silver

29,5cm x 29,5cm x 0,4cm 11 5/8”x11 5/8” x 1/8” 100092709 G-126

Glass The GLASS mosaics inspire elegance, depth and movement. Mediterranean colors that provide brightness and create reflections, thus achieving a fresh and uninhibited environment. Gloss and matte finishes that bring added dynamism.

Wall Covering Aqua Green

El VIDRIO en los mosaicos inspiran elegancia, profundidad y movimiento.Colores mediterráneos que proporcionan luminosidad y ocasionan reflejos para conseguir un ambiente fresco y desinhibido. Acabados en brillo y mate que aportan mayor dinamismo.

Les mosaïques en VERRE inspirent l’élégance, la profondeur et le mouvement.Des couleurs méditerranéennes qui apportent de la luminosité et des reflets pour créer un espace frais et spontané. Des finitions brillantes et mates qui donnent davantage de dynamisme.

30,6cm x 35cm x 0,8cm 12 1/16” x 13 25/32” x 5/16” 100226616 G-134

Bezel Jasper

30,6cm x 35cm x 0,8cm 12 1/16” x 13 25/32” x 5/16” 100226643 G-134 8

Arabia Silver

29,5cm x 29,5cm x 0,4cm 11 5/8”x11 5/8” x 1/8” 100092710 G-133

Bezel Basalt


26,2cm x 29cm x 0,6 cm 10 5/16” x 11 13/32” x 1/4” 100244172 G-131

29,5cm x 29,5cm x 0,4cm 11 5/8”x11 5/8” x 1/8” 100092712 G-126

Bezel Cobalt

30,6cm x 35cm x 0,8cm 12 1/16” x 13 25/32” x 5/16” 100226617 G-134

Bezel Zinc

30,6cm x 35cm x 0,8cm 12 1/16” x 13 25/32” x 5/16” 100226637 G-134 9

Floor Covering Boulder Negro Marquina

Wall Covering Crystal Cream, Crystal Navy


Wall Covering Effect Triangle Silver


Boulder Beige

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,6cm 12” x 12” x 1/4” 100272765 G-116

Boulder Grey

Boulder Negro Marquina

Concrete Hive Anthracite

Concrete Hive Cream

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,6cm 12” x 12” x 1/4” 100272794 G-116

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100245735 G-113

Concrete Hive White

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100245727 G-113 12

Boulder Black

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,6cm 12” x 12” x 1/4” 100272786 G-116

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,6cm 12” x 12” x 1/4” 100272778 G-116

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100245726 G-113

Crystal Black

29,5cm x 34,5cm x 0,8 cm 11 5/8” x 13 19/32” x 5/16” 100272789 G-133

Boulder Carrara

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,6cm 12” x 12” x 1/4” 100272802 G-116

Boulder White

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,6cm 12” x 12” x 1/4” 100272779 G-116

Concrete Hive Dark

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100245745 G-113

Crystal Blue

29,5cm x 34,5cm x 0,8 cm 11 5/8” x 13 19/32” x 5/16” 100272795 G-133

Crystal Cream

29,5cm x 34,5cm x 0,8 cm 11 5/8” x 13 19/32” x 5/16” 100272803 G-133

Dip Dark

Crystal Grey

29,5cm x 34,5cm x 0,8 cm 11 5/8” x 13 19/32” x 5/16” 100272810 G-133

Dip Light

Crystal Navy

29,5cm x 34,5cm x 0,8 cm 11 5/8” x 13 19/32” x 5/16” 100272796 G-133

Dip Medium

31,6cm x 31,6cm x 0,4 cm 12 7/16” x 12 7/16” x 5/32” 100226688 G-104

31,6cm x 31,6cm x 0,4 cm 12 7/16” x 12 7/16” x 5/32” 100226721 G-104

31,6cm x 31,6cm x 0,4 cm 12 7/16” x 12 7/16” x 5/32” 100226697 G-104

Dip Mix

Effect Square Black

Effect Square Caramel

31,6cm x 31,6cm x 0,4 cm 12 7/16” x 12 7/16” x 5/32” 100226707 G-104

Effect Square Silver

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16”x11 13/16”x5/16” 100203123 G-133

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16”x11 13/16”x5/16” 100203104 G-133

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16”x11 13/16”x5/16” 100203113 G-133

Effect Square White

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16”x11 13/16”x5/16” 100203094 G-133 13

Effect Triangle Black

Effect Triangle Caramel

31cm x 26cm x 0,8 cm 12 7/32” x 10 1/4” x 5/16” 100272798 G-133

Effect Triangle Emerald

31cm x 26cm x 0,8 cm 12 7/32” x 10 1/4” x 5/16” 100272824 G-133

31cm x 26cm x 0,8 cm 12 7/32” x 10 1/4” x 5/16” 100272769 G-133

Effect Square Silver

Effect Square White

31cm x 26cm x 0,8 cm 12 7/32” x 10 1/4” x 5/16” 100272831 G-133

Glacier Moon Metallic Black 19cm x 29cm x 0,8cm 7 15/32” x 11 13/32” x 5/16” 100080373 G-119

31cm x 26cm x 0,8 cm 12 7/32” x 10 1/4” x 5/16” 100272832 G-133

Glacier Moon Metallic Cremas

Glaze Denim Bottle Dark 30,5cm x 29,6cm x 0,5cm 12” x 11 21/32” x 3/16” 100213733 G-118


19cm x 29cm x 0,8cm 7 15/32” x 11 13/32” x 5/16” 100080374 G-119

Glacier Moon Metallic White 19cm x 29cm x 0,8cm 7 15/32” x 11 13/32” x 5/16” 100080376 G-126

Glaze Denim Bottle Light 30,5cm x 29,6cm x 0,5cm 12” x 11 21/32” x 3/16” 100213716 G-118

Glaze Denim Rhombus Dark

Glaze Denim Rhombus Light 30,5cm x 29,6cm x 0,5cm 12” x 11 21/32” x 3/16” 100213695 G-118

31,5cm x 29cm x 0,6cm 12 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 1/4” 100169259 G-113

Glaze Dots Greys Matt

Glaze Hexagon Beiges Matt

Glaze Hexagon Greys Matt

30,5cm x 29,6cm x 0,5cm 12” x 11 21/32” x 3/16” 100213717 G-118

31,5cm x 29cm x 0,6cm 12 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 1/4” 100169235 G-113

30cm x 29,6cm x 0,6cm 10 23/32” x 11 31/32” x 1/4” 100240916 G-113

Glaze Mini Hexagon Black

Glaze Wave Blue

30cm x 29,6cm x 0,6cm 10 23/32” x 11 31/32” x 1/4” 100240940 G-113

Glaze Mini Hexagon Grey

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100173148 G-113

29cm x 29,2cm x 0,6cm 11 13/32”x11 1/2”x1/4” 100226659 G-117

Glaze Dots Beiges Matt

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100173149 G-113

Glaze Wave Green

29cm x 29,2cm x 0,6cm 11 13/32”x11 1/2”x1/4” 100226720 G-117

Glaze Wave Turquoise 29cm x 29,2cm x 0,6cm 11 13/32”x11 1/2”x1/4” 100226715 G-117


Hive Blue

Hive Dark

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100245746 G-113

Hive Square Blue

Wall Covering Glaze Denim Bottle Light

30cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100245747 G-125

Rhomboid Black

29,8cm x 29,8cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 11 23/32” x 5/16” 100272797 G-125

Rhomboid Cream

Wall Covering Rhomboid Black


Hive Light Grey

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100240742 G-113

29,8cm x 29,8cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 11 23/32” x 5/16” 100272813 G-125

29,5cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 5/8” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100240722 G-113

Hive Square Grey

30cm x 30cm x 0,6cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 1/4” 100245729 G-125

Rhomboid Chocolate

29,8cm x 29,8cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 11 23/32” x 5/16” 100272812 G-125

Rhomboid Verdigris

29,8cm x 29,8cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 11 23/32” x 5/16” 100272814 G-125 17

Urban Grey

Urban Grey Frost

Urban Retro Lead

7,5cm x 30cm x 1cm 2 15/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100102718 G-104

6cm x 24cm x 0,8cm 2 3/8” x 9 7/16” x 5/16” 100156148 G-104

6cm x 24cm x 0,8cm 2 3/8” x 9 7/16” x 5/16” 100156149 G-104

Urban White

Urban White Frost

Urban Retro Nickel

Urban Retro Silver

7,5cm x 30cm x 1cm 2 15/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100102719 G-104

Urban Line Copper

30cm x 10cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 3 15/16” x 5/16” 100153505 G-108

Urban Line Nickel

30cm x 10cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 3 15/16” x 5/16” 100153508 G-108 18

Urban Retro Iron

7,5cm x 30cm x 1cm 2 15/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100102717 G-104

7,5cm x 30cm x 1cm 2 15/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100102720 G-104

Urban Line Iron

30cm x 10cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 3 15/16” x 5/16” 100153506 G-108

Urban Line Silver

30cm x 10cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 3 15/16” x 5/16” 100153509 G-108

6cm x 24cm x 0,8cm 2 3/8” x 9 7/16” x 5/16” 100156170 G-104

6cm x 24cm x 0,8cm 2 3/8” x 9 7/16” x 5/16” 100156171 G-104

Urban Line Lead

30cm x 10cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 3 15/16” x 5/16” 100153507 G-108

Urban Line Zinc

30cm x 10cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 3 15/16” x 5/16” 100153510 G-108

Wall Covering Urban Retro Nickel


Colors Aluminium Chocolate

Colors Aluminium Forest

Colors Aluminium Jean

Colors Aluminium Olive

Colors Aluminium Pepper

Colors Aluminium Space

28,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,2cm 11 7/32” x 12” x 3/32” 100206470 G-143

28,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,2cm 11 7/32” x 12” x 3/32” 100203111 G-143

28,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,2cm 11 7/32” x 12” x 3/32” 100203120 G-143

Metal Mosaics Even the simplest spaces can hold a special interest thanks to our METAL mosaics. Steel and aluminum designs that open up new possibilities that enhance and reshape your room. Straight and curved lines that create dynamism and sophistication.

28,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,2cm 11 7/32” x 12” x 3/32” 100206464 G-143

Wall Covering Drop Anthracite

Los espacios más simples cobran un interés especial gracias a los mosaicos de METAL. Diseñados en acero y aluminio plantean nuevas posibilidades que enriquecen y reformulan tu estancia. Líneas rectas y curvas que crean dinamismo y sofisticación.

Les espaces les plus simples prennent un intérêt particulier grâce aux mosaïques en MÉTAL. Conçues en acier et aluminium, elles offrent de nouvelles possibilités qui enrichissent et redéfinissent vos espaces. Des lignes droites et des courbes qui créent du dynamisme et de la sophistication.

Drop Anthracite

29,6cm x 29,5cm x 0,8cm 11 21/32” x 11 5/8” x 5/16” 100272767 G-143 20

28,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,2cm 11 7/32” x 12” x 3/32” 100203093 G-143

28,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,2cm 11 7/32” x 12” x 3/32” 100203121 G-143

Drop Copper

29,6cm x 29,5cm x 0,8cm 11 21/32” x 11 5/8” x 5/16” 100272820 G-143

Drop Copper Brushed

29,6cm x 29,5cm x 0,8cm 11 21/32” x 11 5/8” x 5/16” 100272811 G-143 21

Gravity Aluminium 3D Hexagon Copper 30,7cm x 30,1cm x 0,6cm 12 3/32” x 11 27/32” x 1/4” 100245648 G-150

Gravity Aluminium 3D Hexagon Gold 30,7cm x 30,1cm x 0,6cm 12 3/32” x 11 27/32” x 1/4” 100240896 G-150

Gravity Al. 3D Hexagon Metal Titanium 30,7cm x 30,1cm x 0,6cm 12 3/32” x 11 27/32” x 1/4” 100240837 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Arrow Copper 29,8cm x 30cm x 0,4cm 11 23/32” x 11 13/16” x 5/32” 100245670 G-150


30,7cm x 30,1cm x 0,6cm 12 3/32” x 11 27/32” x 1/4” 100240918 G-150

29,8cm x 30cm x 0,4cm 11 23/32” x 11 13/16” x 5/32” 100200502 G-150

29,8cm x 30cm x 0,4cm 11 23/32” x 11 13/16” x 5/32” 100240838 G-150

30,7cm x 30,1cm x 0,6cm 12 3/32” x 11 27/32” x 1/4” 100240897 G-150

Gravity Aluminium 3D Hexagon Rose Gold

Gravity Aluminium Arrow Gold

Gravity Aluminium Arrow Metal Titanium

Gravity Aluminium 3D Hexagon Metal

Wall Covering Gravity Aluminium 3D Hexagon Metal

Gravity Aluminium Arrow Metal 29,8cm x 30cm x 0,4cm 11 23/32” x 11 13/16” x 5/32” 100200501 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Arrow Rose Gold 29,8cm x 30cm x 0,4cm 11 23/32” x 11 13/16” x 5/32” 100200499 G-150

Wall Covering Gravity Aluminium Arrow Titanium


Gravity Aluminium Braid Metal Titanium

Gravity Aluminium Cubic Copper

Gravity Aluminium Cubic Gold

Gravity Aluminium Cubic Metal

Gravity Aluminium Cubic Metal Titanium

Gravity Aluminium Cubic Rose Gold

Gravity Aluminium Dubai Copper

Gravity Aluminium Dubai Gold

Gravity Aluminium Dubai Metal

35,8 x 23,7 x 0,4cm 14 3/32” x 9 11/32” x 5/32” 100240900 G-146

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,4cm 12” x 12” x 5/32” 100240886 G-150

22,5cm x 26cm x 2-2,5cm 8 27/32” x 10 1/4” x 25/32”-31/32” 100272804 G-146

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,4cm 12” x 12” x 5/32” 100245617 G-150

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,4cm 12” x 12” x 5/32” 100240910 G-150

22,5cm x 26cm x 2-2,5cm 8 27/32” x 10 1/4” x 25/32”-31/32” 100272805 G-146

Gravity Aluminium Dubai Rose Gold 22,5cm x 26cm x 2-2,5cm 8 27/32” x 10 1/4” x 25/32”-31/32” 100272806 G-146


30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,4cm 12” x 12” x 5/32” 100240931 G-150

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,4cm 12” x 12” x 5/32” 100240887 G-150

22,5cm x 26cm x 2-2,5cm 8 27/32” x 10 1/4” x 25/32”-31/32” 100272768 G-146

Gravity Aluminium Dubai Titanium 22,5cm x 26cm x 2-2,5cm 8 27/32” x 10 1/4” x 25/32”-31/32” 100272821 G-146

Gravity Aluminium Hexagon Copper 30,7cm x 30,4cm x 0,4cm 12 3/32” x 11 31/32” x 5/32” 100245671 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Hexagon Gold 30,7cm x 30,4cm x 0,4cm 12 3/32” x 11 31/32” x 5/32” 100240888 G-150

Gravity Al. Hexagon Metal Titanium 30,7cm x 30,4cm x 0,4cm 12 3/32” x 11 31/32” x 5/32” 100240901 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Trace Copper 22,1cm x 28,1cm x 0,36cm 8 11/16” x 11 1/16” x 1/8” 100245672 G-146

22,1cm x 28,1cm x 0,36cm 8 11/16” x 11 1/16” x 1/8” 100240885 G-146

30,7cm x 30,4cm x 0,4cm 12 3/32” x 11 31/32” x 5/32” 100240889 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Hexagon Rose Gold 30,7cm x 30,4cm x 0,4cm 12 3/32” x 11 31/32” x 5/32” 100240898 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Trace Gold 22,1cm x 28,1cm x 0,36cm 8 11/16” x 11 1/16” x 1/8” 100240932 G-146

Gravity Aluminium Trace Metal Titanium

Gravity Aluminium Hexagon Metal

Gravity Aluminium Trace Metal 22,1cm x 28,1cm x 0,36cm 8 11/16” x 11 1/16” x 1/8” 100240899 G-146

Gravity Aluminium Trace Rose Gold 22,1cm x 28,1cm x 0,36cm 8 11/16” x 11 1/16” x 1/8” 100240933 G-146


Gravity Aluminium Wave Copper 28,9cm x 30,2cm x 0,36cm 11 3/8” x 11 7/8” x 1/8” 100245697 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Wave Gold 28,9cm x 30,2cm x 0,36cm 11 3/8” x 11 7/8” x 1/8” 100245753 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Wave Metal Titanium Wall Covering Gravity Aluminium Wave Gold

28,9cm x 30,2cm x 0,36cm 11 3/8” x 11 7/8” x 1/8” 100245754 G-150

Metal Acero Anthracite 3D Cubes 30cm x 30cm x 0,7-1,1 cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 9/32”-7/16” 100171984 G-139

Metal Bronze 3D Cubes

Wall Covering Metal Bronze Mini 3D Cubes


30cm x 30cm x 0,7-1,1 cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 9/32”-7/16” 100171985 G-143

Gravity Aluminium Wave Metal 28,9cm x 30,2cm x 0,36cm 11 3/8” x 11 7/8” x 1/8” 100245698 G-150

Gravity Aluminium Wave Rose Gold 28,9cm x 30,2cm x 0,36cm 11 3/8” x 11 7/8” x 1/8” 100245728 G-150

Metal Acero Anthracite Mini 3D Cubes 30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 12” x 12” x 5/16” 100240733 G-139

Web Anthracite

29,1cm x 29,3cm x 0,95cm 11 15/32”x11 17/32”x3/8” 100246052 G-143

Metal Bronze Mini 3D Cubes 30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 12” x 12” x 5/16” 100240743 G-143

Web Copper

29,1cm x 29,3cm x 0,95cm 11 15/32”x11 17/32”x3/8” 100246061 G-143 27

Wall Covering Gravity Aluminium Dubai Gold


Wall Covering Web Anthracite


Aura Hexagon Creams

29cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100160449 G-135

29cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100160530 G-135

Candy Clear

Candy Dark

6cm x 30cm x 2,5cm 2 3/8” x 11 13/16” x 31/32” 100245733 G-108


The mosaics in the MIX MOSAICS collection blend different materials and finishes and provide an original, unique and exclusive style. They open up a world of possibilities, offering an almost endless array of combinations to create new and unusual effects.

Wall Covering Candy Clear

Los mosaicos de la colección MIX MOSAICS entremezclan diferentes materiales y acabados que aportan un estilo original, único y exclusivo. Un mundo de posibilidades se abre, ofreciendo un juego de combinaciones casi inagotable para crear efectos nuevos e insólitos.

Les mosaïques de la collection MIX MOSAICS mêlent plusieurs matériaux et finitions qui créent un style original, unique et exclusif. Un monde de possibilités s’offre à vous grâce à un jeu de combinaisons presque inépuisables pour créer des effets nouveaux et insolites.

Candy Silver

6cm x 30cm x 2,5cm 2 3/8” x 11 13/16” x 31/32” 100245752 G-112

Elements Pattern Earth

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 0,9cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 11/32” 100135757 G-130 30

6cm x 30cm x 2,5cm 2 3/8” x 11 13/16” x 31/32” 100245751 G-108

Candy Gold


Aura Hexagon Whites

6cm x 30cm x 2,5cm 2 3/8” x 11 13/16” x 31/32” 100245725 G-112

Elements Pattern Water

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 0,9cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 11/32” 100135758 G-130

Elements Pattern Wind

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 0,9cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 11/32” 100135759 G-130 31

Eternity Cream

Eternity Emperador

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 0,8cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 5/16” 100097101 G-134

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 0,8cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 5/16” 100097102 G-134

Eternity Mini Strip Cream

Eternity Mini Strip Emperador

Eternity Mini Strip Grey

29,8cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 12” x 5/16” 100097103 G-134

Field Black

Wall Covering Eternity Mini Strip Grey

Eternity White

29,8cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 12” x 5/16” 100097106 G-134

35,6cm x 30,1cm x 1cm 14 1/32” x 11 27/32” x 13/32” 100245591 G-148

29,8cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 12” x 5/16” 100097105 G-134

29,8cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 12” x 5/16” 100097104 G-134

Eternity Mini Strip White


Eternity Grey

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 0,8cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 5/16” 100097100 G-134

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 0,8cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 5/16” 100097107 G-134

Field Copper

35,6cm x 30,1cm x 1cm 14 1/32” x 11 27/32” x 13/32” 100245529 G-148

Field White

35,6cm x 30,1cm x 1cm 14 1/32” x 11 27/32” x 13/32” 100245601 G-148

Wall Covering Field Copper


Fusion Hexagon Caramel Mix 29,5cm x 25,5cm x 0,8cm 11 5/8” x 10 1/32” x 5/16” 100153565 G-140

Fusion Ministrip Steel Mix

29,5cm x 25,5cm x 0,8cm 11 5/8” x 10 1/32” x 5/16” 100153566 G-140

Hill Gold

Fusion Ministrip Caramel Mix

28,9cm x 30,2cm x 0,36cm 11 3/8” x 11 7/8” x 1/8” 100240713 G-116

Imperia Greys

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100092750 G-125

Imperia Mix Silver Blacks

30,1cm x 30,1cm x 0,8cm 11 27/32” x 11 27/32” x 5/16” 100092751 G-126

Imperia Mix Silver Blue Blacks

Imperia Mix Silver White

Imperia Nepal Bronze

Imperia Onix Golden

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 1cm 12” x 12” x 13/32” 100245576 G-161

Savoya Beige

Savoya Dun

29,7cm x 32,2cm x 0,9cm 11 11/16” x 12 11/16” x 11/32” 100226670 G-125

29,7cm x 32,2cm x 0,9cm 11 11/16” x 12 11/16” x 11/32” 100226668 G-125

Savoya Grey

29,8cm x 29,8cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 11 23/32” x 5/16” 100097069 G-126

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100092753 G-118

Piano Grey

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 1cm 12” x 12” x 13/32” 100245568 G-161

Hill Silver

20cm x 20cm x 1,6-3,5 cm 7 7/8” x 7 7/8” x 5/8”-1 3/8” 100240732 G-116

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100092757 G-118

Piano Black

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100115544 G-136

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100115546 G-136

29,8cm x 29,8cm x 0,8cm 11 23/32” x 11 23/32” x 5/16” 100097070 G-126 34

Fusion Hexagon Steel Mix

Savoya White

29,7cm x 32,2cm x 0,9cm 11 11/16” x 12 11/16” x 11/32” 100226618 G-125

Signal Gold

30,9cm x 26,7cm x 1cm 12 5/32” x 10 1/2” x 13/32” 100245577 G-155

29,7cm x 32,2cm x 0,9cm 11 11/16” x 12 11/16” x 11/32” 100226669 G-125

Time Texture Cream

(2,3cm x 2,7cm) 29,6cm x 28,6cm x 0,8cm (29/32” x 1 1/16”) 11 21/32” x 11 1/4” x 5/16” 100135772 G-124

Time Texture Silver Wood

(2,3cm x 2,7cm) 29,6cm x 28,6cm x 0,8cm (29/32” x 1 1/16”) 11 21/32” x 11 1/4” x 5/16” 100135771 G-124 35

Treasures Bronze Emperador

(1,2cm x 2cm) 29,8cm x 30,6cm x 0,8cm (15/32” x 25/32”) 11 23/32” x 12 1/16” x 5/16” 100104001 G-135

Treasures Bronze Emperador Moon

Treasures Bronze Emperador Strip

19cm x 29cm x 0,8cm 7 15/32” x 11 13/32” x 5/16” 100103999 G-135

Treasures Mist Shannan

29,2cm x 30,4cm x 0,8cm 11 1/2” x 11 31/32” x 5/16” 100104000 G-135

Wall Covering Signal Gold

Treasures Mist Shannan

(1,5cm x 1,5cm) 30,1cm x 30,1cm x 0,8cm (19/32” x 19/32”) 11 27/32” x 11 27/32” x 5/16” 100103971 G-135

(1,2cm x 2cm) 29,8cm x 30,6cm x 0,8cm (15/32” x 25/32”) 11 23/32” x 12 1/16” x 5/16” 100103974 G-135

Treasures Mist Shannan Moon

Treasures Mist Shannan Strip

19cm x 29cm x 0,8cm 7 15/32” x 11 13/32” x 5/16” 100103972 G-135


Treasures Bronze Emperador

(1,5cm x 1,5cm) 30,1cm x 30,1cm x 0,8cm (19/32” x 19/32”) 11 27/32” x 11 27/32” x 5/16” 100103970 G-135

29,2cm x 30,4cm x 0,8cm 11 1/2” x 11 31/32” x 5/16” 100103973 G-135

Wall Covering Treasures Bronze Emperador


Tribal Pearl Black

28,6cm x 28,3cm x 0,8cm 11 1/4” x 11 5/32” x 5/16” 100112135 G-136

Worn Anthracite

Wall Covering Worn Anthracite

Tribal Pearl Brown

28,6cm x 28,3cm x 0,8cm 11 1/4” x 11 5/32” x 5/16” 100112136 G-136

Worn Copper

Tribal Pearl White

28,6cm x 28,3cm x 0,8cm 11 1/4” x 11 5/32” x 5/16” 100112137 G-139

Worn Verdigris

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100245578 G-139

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100213738 G-139

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100213744 G-139

Worn Hexagon Anthracite

Worn Hexagon Copper

Worn Hexagon Verdigris

30cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 12”x 5/16” 100245600 G-135

30cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 12”x 5/16” 100213739 G-136

30cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 12”x 5/16” 100213698 G-135

Wall Covering Worn Hexagon Verdigris



Arrowhead Beige

24,5cm x 29,5cm x 1cm 9 21/32” x 11 5/8” x 13/32” 100272784 G-151

Callanish Gold

22,5cm x 34cm x 0,75-1-1,25cm 8 27/32” x 13 3/8” x 9/32”-13/32”-1/2” 100272787 G-148

Arrowhead Coffee

24,5cm x 29,5cm x 1cm 9 21/32” x 11 5/8” x 13/32” 100272785 G-151

Callanish Grey

22,5cm x 34cm x 0,75-1-1,25cm 8 27/32” x 13 3/8” x 9/32”-13/32”-1/2” 100272788 G-148

Arrowhead Cream

24,5cm x 29,5cm x 1cm 9 21/32” x 11 5/8” x 13/32” 100272793 G-151

Callanish Sand

22,5cm x 34cm x 0,75-1-1,25cm 8 27/32” x 13 3/8” x 9/32”-13/32”-1/2” 100272766 G-148

Stone Mosaics

Original and unique results are achieved with NATURAL STONE mosaics. A range that is vast due to the countless sizes, finishes, reliefs and colors. Its strong character creates settings that are in harmony and balance with nature.

Wall Covering Arrowhead Beige

Resultados originales y únicos gracias a los mosaicos de PIEDRA NATURAL. Una gama casi inabarcable por su infinidad de formatos, acabados, relieves y colores. Su fuerte personalidad consigue ambientes en armonía y equilibrio con la naturaleza.

Des résultats originaux et uniques avec les mosaïques en PIERRE NATURELLE. Une gamme inépuisable grâce à son infinité de formats, de finitions, de reliefs et de couleurs. Une forte personnalité pour créer des ambiances en harmonie et en équilibre avec la nature. Wall Covering Callanish Sand



Elite Bhutan Copper

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100080870 G-114

Elite Brick Ariana

(2,6cm x 4,8cm) 29cm x 31,5cm x 1,5cm (1 1/32” x 1 7/8”) 11 13/32” x 12 13/32” x 19/32” 100100734 G-111

Elite Brick Silver Wood

Essential Chess Silver Wood 30,6cm x 30,6cm x 1cm 12 1/16” x 12 1/16” x 13/32” 100115761 G-146

Essential Chess Thassos

30,6cm x 30,6cm x 1cm 12 1/16” x 12 1/16” x 13/32” 100115762 G-150

Essential Concave Silver Wood

Elite Brick Creams

Essential Convex Silver Wood

Essential Diamond Persian White

Essential Diamond Silver Wood

Elite Brick Whites

Essential Hexagon Carrara Pulido

Essential Hexagon Persian White

Essential Hexagon Silver Wood

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100080871 G-114

(2,6cm x 4,8cm) 29cm x 31,5cm x 1,5cm (1 1/32” x 1 7/8”) 11 13/32” x 12 13/32” x 19/32” 100099430 G-113

(2,6cm x 4,8cm) 30cm x 30cm (1 1/32” x 1 7/8”) 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” 100119813 G-117

(2,6cm x 4,8cm) 30cm x 30cm (1 1/32” x 1 7/8”) 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” 100099431 G-117

Elite Lava Stone Mix Gold Silver

Elite Lava Stone Mix Gold White

30cm x 30cm x 1,5cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/8” 100161534 G-146


Elite Bhutan Silver

30,1cm x 30,1cm x 1,4cm 11 27/32” x 11 27/32” x 1/2” 100172973 G-146

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100240731 G-138

25,8cm x 29,8cm x 1cm 10 5/32” x 11 23/32”x 3/8” 100213685 G-137

30cm x 30cm x 0,8cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 5/16” 100240740 G-138

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 12” x 12” x 5/16” 100203124 G-139

Essential Net Carrara

29,6cm x 32,7cm x 0,8 cm 11 21/32” x 12 7/8” x 5/16” 100226714 G-140

25,8cm x 29,8cm x 1cm 10 5/32” x 11 23/32”x 3/8” 100188562 G-135

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 0,8cm 12” x 12” x 5/16” 100203095 G-139

25,8cm x 29,8cm x 1cm 10 5/32” x 11 23/32”x 3/8” 100189456 G-135

Essential Net Silver Wood 29,6cm x 32,7cm x 0,8 cm 11 21/32” x 12 7/8” x 5/16” 100226687 G-140


Wall Covering Essential Concave Silver Wood

Wall Covering Light FloorHighlands CoveringSquare Helvetia 1L Grey Dom


Wall Covering Focus White Gold


Focus Black

29cm x 28cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 1/32” x 3/8” 100272841 G-159

Focus White

Focus White Copper

Focus Black Gold

29cm x 28cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 1/32” x 3/8” 100272850 G-160

Focus White Gold

Form Spark Brown

Form Spark Cream

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 1cm 12” x 12” x 3/8” 100240695 G-153

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 1cm 12” x 12” x 3/8” 100240741 G-153

Highlands Dark Grey

Highlands Light Grey

Form Spark White

30,5cm x 30,5cm x 1cm 12” x 12” x 3/8” 100240707 G-153

Highlands White

29cm x 28cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 1/32” x 3/8” 100272851 G-160

29cm x 28cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 1/32” x 3/8” 100272843 G-160

29cm x 28cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 1/32” x 3/8” 100272844 G-160

27,5cm x 22cm x 1,8cm 10 13/16” x 8 21/32” x 23/32” 100272852 G-155

27,5cm x 22cm x 1,8cm 10 13/16” x 8 21/32” x 23/32” 100272799 G-155

27,5cm x 22cm x 1,8cm 10 13/16” x 8 21/32” x 23/32” 100272860 G-155

Form Abstract Brown

Form Abstract Cream

Form Abstract White

Highlands Square Dark Grey

Highlands Square Light Grey

Highlands Square White

21cm x 23cm x 1cm 8 9/32” x 9 1/16” x 3/8” 100213732 G-112

Form Hub Brown

26cm x 26cm x 1cm 10 1/4” x 10 1/4” x 3/8” 100214532 G-114 46

Focus Black Copper

29cm x 28cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 1/32” x 3/8” 100272842 G-160

21cm x 23cm x 1cm 8 9/32” x 9 1/16” x 3/8” 100213686 G-112

Form Hub Cream

26cm x 26cm x 1cm 10 1/4” x 10 1/4” x 3/8” 100214504 G-114

21cm x 23cm x 1cm 8 9/32” x 9 1/16” x 3/8” 100213724 G-112

29cm x 29cm x 1,8cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 23/32” 100272853 G-155

29cm x 29cm x 1,8cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 23/32” 100272845 G-155

29cm x 29cm x 1,8cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 23/32” 100272846 G-155

Form Hub White

26cm x 26cm x 1cm 10 1/4” x 10 1/4” x 3/8” 100214533 G-114 47

Lines Cambric Carrara Pulido 26,5cm x 32,5cm x 1cm 10 7/16” x 12 25/32” x 3/8” 100213687 G-135

Lines Cambric Silver Wood Classico 26,5cm x 32,5cm x 1cm 10 7/16” x 12 25/32” x 3/8” 100173881 G-133

Lines Cambric Persian White Classico 26,5cm x 32,5cm x 1cm 10 7/16” x 12 25/32” x 3/8” 100173879 G-133

Lines Safary Brown

30,4cm x 29,8cm x 1cm 11 31/32” x 11 23/32” x 3/8” 100103959 G-151

Lines Cambric Persian White Pulido 26,5cm x 32,5cm x 1cm 10 7/16” x 12 25/32” x 3/8” 100173890 G-133

Lines Safary White

30,4cm x 29,8cm x 1cm 11 31/32” x 11 23/32” x 3/8” 100103960 G-151

Luxury Modul Gold

30cm x 29cm x 1-2cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/32” x 13/32”-25/32” 100113703 G-156

Luxury Modul Silver

30cm x 29cm x 1-2cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/32” x 13/32”-25/32” 100113704 G-156

Mill Black

Mill Dark Grey

29cm x 29cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 3/8” 100272847 G-140

29cm x 29cm x 0,98cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 3/8” 100272861 G-153

Outlines Mini Strip Bhutan

Outlines Mini Strip Canyon

29,9cm x 22,7cm x 1cm 11 25/32” x 8 15/16” x 3/8” 100062964 G-119

29,9cm x 22,7cm x 1cm 11 25/32” x 8 15/16” x 3/8” 100103947 G-136

Outlines Mini Strip Shannan Wall Covering Mill Dark Grey


29,9cm X 22,7cm X 1cm 11 25/32”X8 15/16” x 3/8” 100062966 G-119


Paradise Arrow Blanco

29,2cm x 27,2cm x 0,8cm 11 1/2” x 10 23/32” x 5/16” 100112564 G-110

29,2cm x 27,2cm x 0,8cm 11 1/2” x 10 23/32” x 5/16” 100112565 G-110

29,2cm x 27,2cm x 0,8cm 11 1/2” x 10 23/32” x 5/16” 100112566 G-110

Paradise Arrow Negro

Paradise Round Stone Negro

Paradise Tinybroken Cubes Blanco

Paradise Tinybroken Cubes Negro

Paradise Baia Stone Blanco

Paradise Baia Stone Cremas

Paradise Baia Stone Negro

Paradise Tinybroken Edge Blanco

Paradise Tinybroken Edge Gris

Paradise Tinybroken Edge Negro

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100001571 G-110

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100068033 G-110

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100001572 G-110

Paradise Lake Stone Blanco

Paradise Lake Stone Cremas 30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100082709 G-110

Paradise Lake Stone Negro

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100062502 G-110

Paradise Minibroken Edge Blanco

Paradise Minibroken Edge Negro

Paradise Round Stone Blanco

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100062501 G-110

32cm x 32cm x 1cm 12 19/32” x 12 19/32” x 13/32” 100068134 G-110


Paradise Arrow Gris

32cm x 32cm x 1cm 12 19/32” x 12 19/32” x 13/32” 100068135 G-110

31,5cm x 31,5cm x 1cm 12 13/32” x 12 13/32” x 13/32” 100068031 G-110

31,5cm x 31,5cm x 1cm 12 13/32” x 12 13/32” x 13/32” 100068032 G-110

31cm x 31cm x 0,8cm 12 7/32” x 12 7/32” x 5/16” 100112568 G-110

Sicilia Capuccino

14,5cm x 12,5cm x 0,5-1,8cm 5 23/32” x 4 29/32” x 3/16”-23/32” 100272854 G-114

Sicilia Thassos

14,5cm x 12,5cm x 0,5-1,8cm 5 23/32” x 4 29/32” x 3/16”-23/32” 100272833 G-114

31,5cm x 31,5cm x 0,9cm 12 13/32” x 12 13/32” x 11/32” 100169395 G-116

31cm x 31cm x 0,8cm 12 7/32” x 12 7/32” x 5/16” 100112569 G-110

Sicilia Dark Grey Classico

14,5cm x 12,5cm x 0,5-1,8cm 5 23/32” x 4 29/32” x 3/16”-23/32” 100272848 G-114

Sicilia White Classico

14,5cm x 12,5cm x 0,5-1,8cm 5 23/32” x 4 29/32” x 3/16”-23/32” 100272834 G-114

31,5cm x 31,5cm x 0,9cm 12 13/32” x 12 13/32” x 11/32” 100169406 G-116

31cm x 31cm x 0,8cm 12 7/32” x 12 7/32” x 5/16” 100112570 G-110

Sicilia Dark Grey Pulido

14,5cm x 12,5cm x 0,5-1,8cm 5 23/32” x 4 29/32” x 3/16”-23/32” 100272855 G-114

Sicilia White Pulido

14,5cm x 12,5cm x 0,5-1,8cm 5 23/32” x 4 29/32” x 3/16”-23/32” 100272849 G-114 51


Floor Covering Paradise Tinybroken Edge Negro

WallFloor Covering Skyline Pyramid Dark Covering Helvetia 1L Dom

WallFloor Covering Sicilia White Classico Covering Helvetia 1L Dom

Wall Covering Universe Aurora


Skyline Linear Broken Dark 14,4cm x 29,4cm x 1,3cm 5 21/32” x 11 9/16” x 1/2” 100111415 G-135

Skyline Wave Dark

30cm x 31,2 x 3,5cm 11 13/16”x12 9/32”x1 3/8” 100213709 G-162

Skyline Mix Broken Dark 14,4cm x 29,4cm x 1,3cm 5 21/32” x 11 9/16” x 1/2” 100135766 G-142

Universe Aurora

30,8cm x 26,8cm x 1cm 12 1/8” x 10 9/16” x 13/32” 100214505 G-133

Universe Hexagon Blue

30,8cm x 25cm x 1cm 12 1/8” x 9 27/32” x 13/32” 100245528 G-150 54

Universe Dusk

30,8cm x 26,8cm x 1cm 12 1/8” x 10 9/16” x 13/32” 100214534 G-133

Universe Hexagon Green

26,7cm x 23cm x 0,8cm 10 1/2” x 9 1/16” x 5/16” 100214506 G-130

Virtual Square Black

Skyline Pyramid Dark

28,8cm x 28,8cm x 1,1cm 11 11/32” x 11 11/32” x 7/16” 100245737 G-159

26,7cm x 23cm x 0,8cm 10 1/2” x 9 1/16” x 5/16” 100214507 G-130

Virtual Square Grey

30,8cm x 25cm x 1cm 12 1/8” x 9 27/32” x 13/32” 100245590 G-142

Virtual Square White

30,8cm x 25cm x 1cm 12 1/8” x 9 27/32” x 13/32” 100245569 G-142

Weft Beige

32cm x 31,2cm x 0,8cm 12 19/32” x 12 9/32” x 5/16” 100213736 G-140

Weft Grey

32cm x 31,2cm x 0,8cm 12 19/32” x 12 9/32” x 5/16” 100213725 G-140

World Amsterdam Brick Beige

World Amsterdam Brick Grey

World Hexagon Texture Grey

World Amsterdam Chevron Beige

World Amsterdam Chevron Grey

World Amsterdam Chevron White

World Amsterdam Diamond Beige

World Amsterdam Diamond Grey

World Amsterdam Diamond White

30cm x 29,5cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 5/8” x 13/32” 100173161 G-133

28cm x 19cm x 0,9cm 11 1/32” x 7 15/32” x 11/32” 100241033 G-116

39,5cm x 23cm x 1,2cm 15 9/16” x 9 1/16” x 9 1/16” 100241043 G-151

30cm x 29,5cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 5/8” x 13/32” 100173144 G-133

28cm x 19cm x 0,9cm 11 1/32” x 7 15/32” x 11/32” 100226655 G-116

39,5cm x 23cm x 1,2cm 15 9/16” x 9 1/16” x 9 1/16” 100226619 G-151

29,9cm x 25,9cm x 0,8cm 11 25/32” x 10 3/16” x 5/16” 100240960 G-126

28cm x 19cm x 0,9cm 11 1/32” x 7 15/32” x 11/32” 100241042 G-116

39,5cm x 23cm x 1,2cm 15 9/16” x 9 1/16” x 9 1/16” 100241052 G-151


Victorian Blanco Marmara

29cm x 29cm x 1cm 11 13/32” x 11 13/32” x 13/32” 100000580 G-113

Victorian Chevron Brown

Victorian Mosaics

The mosaics in the VICTORIAN collection offer refinement and good taste. Their classic look and the high-quality materials are capable of transforming the walls of living rooms into true works of art.

Wall Covering Victorian Trenzado Gris

Los mosaicos de la colección VICTORIAN son una apuesta por la distinción y el buen gusto. Su aspecto clásico, junto a la nobleza de los materiales, son capaces de transformar las paredes de los salones en verdaderas obras de arte.

24,5cm x 28cm x 0,8cm 9 21/32” x 11 1/32” x 5/16” 100241021 G-123

25,2cm x 30,4cm x 1cm 9 29/32” x 11 31/32” x 13/32” 100203112 G-140

Victorian Chevron White

25,2cm x 30,4cm x 1cm 9 29/32” x 11 31/32” x 13/32” 100201206 G-140

Victorian Diamond Marmara Mirror

Victorian Firenze

Victorian Paralle Carrara Aluminium

Victorian Rhombus Carrara Aluminium

Victorian Stripes White

Victorian Trenzado Marmara Gris

Victorian Trenzado Marmara Negro

19,6cm x 25,8cm x 1cm 7 23/32” x 10 5/32” x 13/32” 100213696 G-146

31,5cm x 29,6cm x 0,8cm 12 13/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/16” 100241017 G-133

32,9cm x 28,3cm x 1cm 12 15/16” x 11 5/32” x 13/32” 100081166 G-151

20,5cm x 24cm x 0,8cm 8 1/16” x 9 7/16” x 5/16” 100240994 G-113

Les mosaïques de la collection VICTORIAN sont synonymes de distinction et de bon goût. Leur aspect classique et la noblesse des matériaux sont en mesure de transformer les murs des salons en véritables œuvres d’art. 29,5cm x 29,7cm x 0,8cm 11 5/8” x 11 11/16” x 5/16” 100179424 G-124


Victorian Chevron Carrara Aluminium

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100162246 G-126

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100000333 G-126


Water Caribbean Absolute

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273667 G-131

Water Ice Absolute

Water Mosaics

Water, liquid and clear. Driving force and source of life. L’ac and SICIS present the Water Collection. A family of mosaics that place special emphasis on fresh colors and crystalline details.

Pool Covering Water Rain Forest Supreme

Agua, fuente líquida y transparente. Fuerza motriz y forma de vida. L’ac y SICIS presentan la Colección Water. Una familia de mosaicos que ponen especial énfasis en los tonos frescos y detalles cristalinos.

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274380 G-140

Water Ice Excellence

Water Caribbean Supreme

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273668 G-143

Water Ice Supreme

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273665 G-131

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274371 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274367 G-143

Water Mountain Lake Absolute

Water Mountain Lake Excellence

Water Mountain Lake Supreme

Water Nordic Absolute

Water Nordic Excellence

Water Nordic Supreme

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273648 G-131

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274368 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274369 G-143

Eau, forme liquide et transparente. Force motrice et source de vie. L’ac et SICIS présentent la Collection Water. Une famille de mosaïques qui mettent l’accent sur les tonalités fraîches et les détails cristallins. 29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274392 G-131


Water Caribbean Excellence

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274373 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274402 G-143 59

Water Ocean Absolute

Water Ocean Supreme

Water Sea Absolute

Water Sea Excellence

Water Sea Supreme

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273633 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273645 G-143

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273619 G-131

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273664 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274370 G-143

Water Rain Forest Absolute

Water Rain Forest Excellence

Water Rain Forest Supreme

Water Twilight Absolute

Water Twilight Excellence

Water Twilight Supreme

Water River Absolute

Water River Excellence

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273655 G-131

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273654 G-131


Water Ocean Excellence

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273663 G-131

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274391 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273666 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274410 G-143

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273653 G-131

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274365 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273618 G-143

Water River Supreme

Water Winter Absolute

Water Winter Excellence

Water Winter Supreme

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274372 G-143

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100274366 G-131

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273646 G-140

29,6cm x 29,6cm x 0,4cm 11 21/32” x 11 21/32” x 5/32” 100273647 G-143


Wood Arrow Light Grey

Wood Arrow Natural

35cm x 29cm x 1,2cm 13 25/32” x 11 13/32” x 15/32” 100240985 G-136

35cm x 29cm x 1,2cm 13 25/32” x 11 13/32” x 15/32” 100241022 G-136

Wood Cubes

Wood Feel

32cm x 32cm x 1,9cm 12 19/32” x 12 19/32” x 3/4” 100169420 G-156


Wood Modul

Mosaics Our natural WOOD mosaics give each space a unique personality. A fresh, amazing combination for the walls of interior spaces. Their reliefs and uneven surfaces give great character to any wall that they adorn, increasing the warmth of each space.

26cm x 26,4cm x 0,6-2,6cm 10 1/4” x 10 13/32” x 1/4”-1 1/32” 100086262 G-153

Wall Covering Wood Cubes

Los mosaicos de MADERA natural dotan de un carácter único cada espacio. Una mezcla fresca y sorprendente para las paredes de espacios interiores. Su relieve e irregularidades otorgan gran personalidad a las paredes que visten, aumentando la calidez de los espacios.

Les mosaïques en BOIS naturel donnent un caractère unique à chaque espace. Un mélange frais et étonnant pour les murs des espaces intérieurs. Leurs reliefs et leurs irrégularités habillent les murs avec du caractère et donnent aux espaces une touche chaleureuse. Wood Square Aged

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 1,2cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 15/32” 100160512 G-139 62

30cm x 30cm x 1cm 11 13/16” x 11 13/16” x 13/32” 100086257 G-148

Wood Square Aged 3D

29,7cm x 29,7cm x 1,2-2,2cm 11 11/16” x 11 11/16” x 15/32”-7/8” 100161558 G-140 63

Visit our APP Catalogue for more information. Visita nuestro Catálogo APP para más información. Visitez notre Catalogue APP pour plus d’informations.


L’ANTIC COLONIAL S.A reserves the right to change and/or delete certain models shown in this catalogue without prior notice. The colours of the illustrations may vary with respect to the original pieces. The settings shown in this catalogue are decorative suggestions used for advertising purposes. The assembly instructions published by L’ANTIC COLONIAL must be observed in all real installations. The measurements listed in this catalogue are NOMINAL measurements. L’ANTIC COLONIAL S.A se reserva el derecho de modificar y/o suprimir ciertos modelos expuestos en este catálogo sin previo aviso. Los colores de las piezas pueden presentar diferencias respecto a los originales. Los ambientes que se muestran en este catálogo son sugerencias decorativas de carácter publicitario debiéndose utilizar en la instalación real las instrucciones de colocación editadas por L’ANTIC COLONIAL. Las medidas que aparecen en este catálogo son NOMINALES. L’ANTIC COLONIAL S.A. se réserve le droit de modifier et/ou de supprimer certains modèles présentés dans ce catalogue sans préavis. Les couleurs des pièces peuvent différer de celles des originaux. Les espaces présentés dans ce catalogue sont des suggestions décoratives à caractère publicitaire et les instructions d’installation publiées par L’ANTIC COLONIAL doivent être utilisées dans l’installation réelle. Les mesures indiquées dans ce catalogue sont NOMINALES.



















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