The massacres the armenians commited in adana province and the french armenian relations

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Y u s u f Ziya BILDIRICI

Ankara 1999


Various states have been established in Anatolia, from the earliest periods o f history, and civilizations have found a medium for development. Due to the very special characteristics of Anatolia, a land which has nurtured notable individuals in many fields, has aroused the desire of nations to be connected to it. The Armenians, who had suffered from the hardships o f exile under the Bildirici, Yusuf Ziya The Massacres the Armenians Committed in Adana Province and the French - Armenian Relations Published by Š KOKSAV - KOK SOCIAL AND STRATEGICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION ISBN: 975-7430-21-8 Turgut Reis Caddesi 7/5 Tandogan - ANKARA Tel: (0 312) 212 99 03 • Fax: 212 99 03 - 215 32 74 Web: E-Mail: koksav @

Romans, Byzantines and Sasanids, have been forced to fight in wars and usually were treated like third-class citizens, also claim that they have a right on large part o f Anatolia from the points o f history, politics and culture. As part of their effort to disintegrate the Ottoman Empire and gain control o f its territories, the imperialist powers backed and continuously provoked the Armenians, a community of people o f mixed origins living on land known as Armenia -- a term used only to denote a geographic location -- and provided them with a basis of support for these claims. Am ong the non-Moslems in the Ottoman state, the Armenians, known as the " Loyal Community ", had benefited the most from the opportunities which the state provided and had grown prosperous. However, misled by

First published

the false promises o f their Western friends, they rose up against the state and began to break away from the Turkish community prior to the Second

Printed in Turkey by SISTEM OFSET, 1999

Constitutional period.

The Armenian rebellion

movements started


Eastern Anatolia under the guidance o f committeemen o f Caucasian origin

In the fourth part, the national resistance movement initiated by the

and spread to the capital, Istanbul, and inevitably led to the massacre of

Turks to free the country's territory from enemy occupation and enemy


oppression is taken up as well as the part played by the government o f the

It was the Armenians who fought in the front line against the Ottoman soldiers during World W ar I, and again it was Armenians who committed massacres, that had seldom been seen in history, against defenseless Turkish civilians who were living behind the battlefront. The Armenians, whose ancestors had been massacred and exiled as punishment for their disloyalty to their sovereigns in ancient Anatolia, were

Turkish Grand National Assembly in the struggle in the region, and. as a result of this, the liberation of the Adana region. While examining the subject as objectively as possible, we have used the available scientific data to bring to light the issues which are currently being exploited. I

wish to express m y thanks to my esteemed teacher, Prof. Dr. Azmi

subjected to " sending and emigration " by the Ottoman state because of

Siislu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Yuvali, Assist. Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Kurt,

their treason to the state during, the time o f war and because o f the

researcher and friend Cezmi Yurtsever -- all o f whose opinions helped me

massacres they had committed.

so much in the course o f the research -- as well as to members o f the

The violence that they have carried out during the years o f National Struggle in Qukurova which dimensions that surprised Russia, Britain and France, which these states deceived the Armenians that caused bloodshed in Anatolia by promising them to establish a state.

General Staffs Office for Military History and Strategic Studies' Archives and o f the National Library -- who generously assisted me -fellow countrymen

and to my

o f Adana who provided me unhesitatingly with


This work is based on a study o f the " adventurous " past o f the Armenians in Anatolia, their relationship with

the French,

the massacres they committed in Adana and its

surroundings. In conducting the research, advantage was taken o f all available means including documents in the archives, relevant sources and eye-witnesses’ testimony. The study consists of four main parts. The subject is introduced with an analysis o f the origin of the Armenians and the concept of Armenia and the dimensions o f other nations' policies regarding the Armenians were determined. In the first part, the beginning of organized Armenian rebellions, including the events which occurred in Adana, have been listed. In the second part, attention has been focused on the riots and massacres which the Armenians committed during World War I to waste the lim e of Ottoman army and on their emigration. In the third part, the historical interests o f the expansionist powers in Adana and its environs have been examined. French - Armenian relations arc touched upon, and the wilderness committed by the Armenians in the coursc o f the years o f occupation have been set forth.

Yusuf Ziya BILDiRiCi


above - mentioned digest


above - mentioned book (the above mentioned publication)


Ankara University, School o f Political Sciences


M ilitary History and Strategic Studies Division OF Turkish General Staff






Translated by




List, catalogue number


Prepared by


W ar History Documents Digest


Hacettepe University, Social Sciences Institute


Islamic Encyclopedia


Istanbul University, Social sciences Institute


File number




The Turkish Grand National Assembly


The Turkish Reform History Institute


The Turkish War o f Independence, IVth southern front


and continuance


Published by


CONTENTS FOREWORD...................................................................................................... I ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................V CONTENTS....................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION A GENERAL VIEW OF TURKISH - ARMENIAN RELATIONS I. ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE ARMENIANS........................................... 5 II. ARMENIAN E M IG R ATIO N S......................................................................15 III. TURKISH - ARMENIAN RELATIONS.......................................................22 CHAPTER ONE TURKISH AND ARMENIAN RELATIONS INOTTOM AN................................39 STATE AND ADANA EVENTS A. TURKISH AND ARM ENIAN RELATIONS TILL 1908................................39 B. TURKISH AND ARMENIAN RELATIONS IN THE PERIOD OF 1908 TO 1914..................................................................................... 57 1- 1909 ADANA EVENTS...............................................................................57 2- DORTYOL E V E N TS ................................................................................... 64 3- THE RESULTS OF 1909 ADANA AND DORTYOL E V E N T S ................... 66 CHAPTER TWO TURKISH- ARMENIAN RELATIONS AND EVENT OF EMIGRATION IN THE WORLD W A R .....................................................................................78 A. TURKISH - ARMENIAN RELATIONS IN THE BEGINNING OF W A R .... 78 B. TURKISH- ARMENIAN RELATIONS DURING THE W A R ........................78 C. EVENT OF E M IG RATIO N..........................................................................93 D. RESULTS OF THE EVENT OF E M IG R ATIO N......................................... 95 CHAPTER THREE POST- WAR- TURKISH- FRENCH- ARMENIAN RELATIONS IN QUKUROVA......................................................................... 100 A. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LIGHTNING ARM IES.................................. 101 B. ARMISTICE OF MONDROS AND MUSTAFA KEMAL PASHA’S ACTIVITIES IN A D A N A ............................................................ 104 C. BRITISH INTERESTS IN QUKUROVA.....................................................108

D. FRENCH INTERESTS IN QUKUROVA AND TURKISH - ARMENIAN RELATIONS.......................................................И З E. FRENCH ARM Y ENTERING TO QUKUROVA AND MASSACRES BY ARM ENIANS................................................................ 124 1. OCCUPATION OF AD AN A........................................................................124 2. ARMENIAN MASSACRES IN ADANA........................................................132

3. The Second Session and Pozanti Becames a Center of Provin ce...... 219 4. Pozanti D eclaretion..........................................................................


B. THE SECOND CONGRESS IN PO ZANTI.............................................. 224 C. BATTLES AFTER THE CONGRESSES.................................................. 229 1. Kovanba§i B attle...........................................................................


2. The Battles o f Kanligegit.........................................................................230 3. The Battle in F a d il.....................................................................


a. Events of 1 91 9 ...........................................................................................132 b. Armenian massacres in Adana until 20 day - agreement.....................139

III. ANKARA AGREEMENT AND RESCUE OF AD AN A............................. 232

c. incirlik Events after the 20 day arm istice.............................................. 150

A. Ankara A greem en t.........................................................................


d. Massacre in K ah yaoglu ........................................................................... 152

B. The Establishment o f Adana and Around Command...........................240

e. The Tragedy o f Cam ili............................................................................... 157

C. The French Discharge from Q ukurova..................................................241

f. Massacre o f K arakilise............................................................................. 163

1. Turkish Delegate Accepts Surrender o f Adana......................................241

g. The event o f kag - kag (Run - R u n ).........................................................170

2. Turkish Arm y Enters Adana................................................................... 242

h. Massacre in Oven ....................................................................................173 i.

Massacre in K alek ilise............................................................................ l^ 4

CO NCLU SIO N.............................................................................................. 244 S U M M A R Y....................................................................................................248

CHAPTER FOUR STRUGGLES TO RESCUE ADANA.............................................................. 200 I. RESISTANCE ATTEMPTS TO SAVE A D A N A ........................................... 200 A. Beginning o f the National Resistance M ovem en t.................................. 200 B. Establishment of the Adana Fron t......................................................... 202 C. Battles in the R eg io n .............................................................................. 2^4 1. Hacikiri and Belemedik Battles.............................................................. 204 2. The first Kavaklihan Battle..................................................................... 204 3. The Secand Kavaklihan Battle................................................................ 205 4. Rescue of Pozan ti.....................................................................................2°5 D. Making o f a 20 Days Armistice with the French and other Political E vents.............................................................................. 206 E. Battles After the 20 Days Arm istice...................................................... 208 1. Tarsus Gardens B a ttle ............................................................................2°8 2. Battle o f Kem berhoytigii..........................................................................209 3. Yerba§i Battle........................................................................................... 210 4. Ta§gi B attle............................................................................................... 2 ^ 5. Doganbeyli, Saimbeyli and §ar Battles.................................................. 2 i2 II. TBMM GOVERNMENT PUTS THEIR FORCE OVER THE REGION ....218 A. THE FIRST CONGRESS IN POZANTI..................................................... 218 1. Arrival of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Pozanti........................................... 218 2. The First Session of the C ongress......................................................... 219

A. AR CH IVE S............................................................................................... 249 B. PRINTED DOCUM ENTS..........................................................................250 C. R E P O R TS .................................................................................................250 D. MEMOIRS.................................................................................................250 E. N E W SPAPE RS..........................................................................................251 F. MAGAZINES - NEWSPAPERS OF REPORTS -ALMANACS.................. 252 G. STU D IES.................................................................................................. 253 H. ARTICLES AND LETTER SERIES........................................................... 260 I. IN TE R VIE W S.............................................................................................262 ANNEXES ......................................................................................................263


A GENERAL VIEW OF TURKISH-ARMENIAN RELATIONS I. ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE ARMENIANS Although historically a geographical area named Armenia existed, this did not belong to the people known as Armenians1. A region limited in a specific way is not a state, but is a geographical term. The name of this region which comprises Eastern and Northeastern Anatolia which sources refer to as the Upper Land has nothing to do with the people called Armenians2. Exactly like the people living in lands known as Pamphylia, Cilicia, Paphlagonia and Cappadocia, people living in Armenia today are fitted to be Armenians3. According to the Armenians, the region is divided into Greater and Smaller Armenia4. Greater Armenia is bordered on the north by the Black Sea and Georgia, in the west by the Kizilirmak River, in the east by Iran and the Caspian Sea and in the south by Iran and Iraq. Smaller Armenia is the land to the west of the Euphrates River. The Armenians also consider the areas to south o f the Taurus Mountains and to north of the Mediterranean Sea which include Qukurova and Tarsus and which they call Cilicia to be Armenian territory5. Although ancient Armenian historians considered the Armenians to be Urartians and claimed the word Armenia was derived from Urartian King

1 K a m u r a n G u r iin , E rm c n i D o s y a s i (The A r m e n ia n File). T u rk ish H isto ry In stitution Printing H o u s e . A n k a r a 1985, p. 10. 2 A lp e r G azigiray , O s m a n lila r d a n G iiin u n u z e k a d a r V c stk a la rla E rm cn i T c r o r u m m K a y n a k la ri (T h e S o u rc e s o f th e A r m e n ia n T erro r S in e c O tto m an T im e s to O u r D a y s W ith D o c u m e n ts ). Is t a n b u l 1982. p .36. 3 K a m u r a n G u r u n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 10. 4 C e m a l A n a d o l. T a rih ln I^ ig m d a E rm cn i D o s y a s i (T he A rm e n ia n File U n d e r Ihe U ^ h t o f (lie H isto ry), T u ra n

Y a y m la ri.: I, Is t a n b u l 1982. p. 18.

5 M e h m e d H o c a o g lu , A r^ lv V e slk a la riy la T a rlh te E rm c n i Mc/.altml vc E rm e n ilc r. (A rm e n ia n A tro c itie s a n d the A r m e n ia n s in H istory W ith D o c u m e n ts from the A rc h iv e s). E r -T u p rin th o u s e , Is t a n b u l. 1976. p . l.

Aramu, however, there is no connection whatsoever between the Armenians and the Urartian civilization or Urartians. The equivalent in the Urartian language of Armenia, which is the name o f a site in ancient Persia, is "Urmeniuhini"6. In addition, the area which the Emirate o f Ahlat covered at the time of

that he had been appointed by them to serve as trustee from 2200 to 800 Other Armenian historians have said the name Armenia was given to the area bearing the same name also today long before the Armenians named it as Hayk's country or Hayasdan11. It is obvious from various aspects that

the Mongols in the 13th century was converted into a province called

such allegations are groundless. The essential point is that the Armenians

Ermeniye although we do not run across that term after the mid - 14th

came to the region from Pamir at the time o f the great migrations.

century. The Romans' equivalent for Ermeniye was Armenia. In ancient times, however, the Armenians used to call themselves " Haik " and their country " Наук " or " Hayasdan Some Armenian historians claim the Armenians are descendants of Наук, one o f a child of Noah's son, Yasef. More recently, other historians have asserted that the Armenians are a branch o f the Phrygians and that

The common opinion o f historians on the origin of the Armenians is that the Armenian nation came into being after 675 B.C., following the merging o f the local population with some Phrygian tribes which had settled in the area, and that no community known as Armenians existed before that tim e12. Armenians have a tradition o f attributing superhuman power to their

their history starts from the sixth and seventh centuries B.C., when the

ancestors and when speaking o f the past and they continue to make

Armenians reached places where the Phrygians were settled. According to

illusions o f superhuman incidents which supposedly occurred.

their common opinion, Noah's ark landed on Mount Ararat, and following the withdrawal o f the water, Noah's sons and grandchildren who had settled in the area multiplied and they left the region. At the same time some of Yasef s sons settled in different areas around Mount Ararat; others, however, chose to migrate toward Mesopotamia8.

According to some historians, the names Наук and Hayasdan13 were the general names given to areas called Armenia by the Hittites. It is clear that in the 13th century, the Assyrians were not familiar with the Hittite term "Hayasa". Yensen, in his book "The Hittites and The Armenians", tries to tell that " Hay " is an Armenian word. Yensen's work is a simple trial to base

Armenian clergyman and historian, Movses Horentasi, begins the

the origin o f the Armenians on solid ground. Studies have revealed the

history o f the Armenians after the Great Flood o f Noah happened in 2350

inaccuracy o f this claim. Attempts o f Mortman to read the Urartian scripts

B.C. with Наук, the grandchild of Noah's grandchild and continues until

in Armenian ended up in failure14.

the region that was conquered by Alexander the Great, the King of Macedonia, in 235 B.C. He states that 60 o f Hayk's grandchildren were the leaders of the Armenians during that time9. Some Armenian historians claim that Наук and his people arrived in

Semsettin Sami states on Page 849 o f his work " Kamus-ul A'lam " that the Armenians living in Central Anatolia spoke Turkish and the only thing different about them was their religion and this gave him the reason to think that their origins went back to the Capadocians and Phrygians.

Arm enia in 2200 B.C., confirm the presence o f some patriarchs and kings 10 K a m u r a n G iiriin , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 13. 6 K a m u r a n G iir iin , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 10-13. 7 S tre c k . " E rm e n iy e ", I.A., V. IV ., p .322: C e m a l A n a d o l the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p.

11 E s a t U ra s , E r m e n ile r vc E r m e n i M esele si (T h e A r m e n ia n s a n d (h e A r m e n ia n Q u e stio n ). B e ig e P u b lic a tio n s , 2 n d P u b lic a tio n . Is ta n b u l, 1987,

p .9 9 .


12 K a m u r a n G iiriin , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 12-17.

8 A lp e r G a z ig ira y . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p . l 1-12.

13 T h e a ffix 'd a n ' at the en d o f the w o rd is a p re p o sitio n o f M in o r A s ia o rigin . T he a c t u a l r a d i­

9 ih s a n S a k a ry a . B e lg e le rle E r m e n i S o ru n u (T h e A r m e n ia n g u c s t io n W ith D o c u m e n ts ), T he G e n e r a l S taff. A .T . A .S .E . M ilita ry H isto ry P u b lic a tio n s, G e n e lk u r m a y P rin tin g H o u s e , A n k a r a 1984, p .3 .

cal is H a y a s a . F or fu rth e r In fo rm ation , see E s a t U ra s . the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 105. 14 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .2 6 -3 7 , 4 0 -4 2 , 103.

Some historians claim that the Armenians were originally Hittites living

map o f Switzerland, look for the region of Grions. Piz Err is located between

in north of Syria and within Cilicia in the sixth century B.C. and they

Piz Jvibin and SI. Moritz. " According to the author, the Turks and the

migrated to the Aras River area and settled in the region belonging to the

Asians use the word Erineni for Armenian. Er and man means the man who comes from Er, from the earth17.

Urartus. Other historians defend the view that the Armenians are а Наук - Armen

It can be deducted from the preceding information that from ancient

community which emerged as a result o f the Hays (Наук) coming from the

times a specific area has been defined with the name Armenia. The

south and settling in the Urartu region, mixing with the Armens who had

community which we call Armenians came to this region from the west.

come to Anatolia from the west after crossing the Danube River and the

Their date of arrival in the area is estimated as being the sixth century B.C. at the earliest. However, they may not have come there until the beginning


of the fourth century B.C. This point is not clear yet. One thing which is No consistent opinion regarding the first beginning period o f Armenian history exists among Western and Armenian scientists and historians. Armenian historians, the majority of whom were clergymen, have tried to tailor the ancestors o f the Armenians to fit in with Biblical stories and have

definitely known is that Armenians were present in that area during Alexander the Great's expedition to Anatolia in 331 B.C. At that time the Armenians were a community living in an Iranian Drovinee whose indeDendence18 was taken awav.

altered most o f the ancient tales and traditions to conform with their theory that the Armenians are descended from Наук. The same has been

By defeating the forces of Darius III, the ruler of the Achamenicts, at Arbela (Erbil) in 325 B.C.‘s, the armies of Alexander the Great ended the

done regarding the ruling dynasties.

Kiyanian dynasty of Iran. The areas where the Armenians lived became a The region comprising Erivan, Gokgegol, Nahcivan, the north o f Rumiye Lake and Mako region where the Armenians first lived was called Urartu by

part o f the Macedonian Kingdom and were divided up among Alexander 1he Great's generals after his d e a th s

the Assyrians, Ararat by the Hebrews and Harminap by the Aramaeans. On the inscriptions o f Darius, the word Armenia - Arminia (the Upper Lands) has been used when referring to the region. Therefore, the term Armenia is only a geographical name. The Armenians too are the people who live there. The names Hay and Hayasa, which the Armenians use for themselves and the areas in which they live are general terms which were used by the Hittites for the locations where the Armenians lived and are derived from the Hittite word "Hatio"16.

After the battle of Issos2* the areas where the Armenians lived passed into the hands o f the Selefkiis. When King Antiochus of Macedonia was defeated by the Romans in 190 - 189 B.C., General Artaxias, who had been assigned by Antiochus to be the governor of Eastern Anatolia, and General Zadriades, who had been assigned to govern the regions o f Tokat, which the Armenians later called Smaller Armenia, Divrigi, Arapkir, Malatya, Mara§, Saimbeyli and Kayseri, proclaimed their independence22.

Ruppen Courian has interesting views on the origin o f the Armenians." The Armenians are the ancient residents of present-day Switzerland. The

17 K a m u r a n G iiriin . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 17.

Romanche language does not differ much from Armenian. Although words

,H K a m u r a n G u riiii. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 17.

and expressions have been subjected to deformation with the m ixing of syllables and words taken from the languages o f neighbouring countries, in essence the harmony o f both languages are the same. Have a look at the

19 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p . 42; ih s a n S a k a ry a . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , on p a g e 5; .325 13.C .. K a m u ra n C u rtin , (h e a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 18 state s the d ate a s 33 1 B .C . 20 ih s a n S a k a ry a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .5 : K a m u ra n G u n i n , the a b o v e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic a tio n , p .23.

>5 ih s a n S a k a r y a . th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

p .4.

21 ip s o s o r Issos, is a n a re a situ a te d E ast o f N u r m o u n ta in s, b etw een S y ria a n d Q u k u ro v a . See: ih s a n S a k a ry a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .5. 22 ih s a n S a k a ry a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .5.

The weak rule of the Selefkus over the land where the Armenians lived was terminated by the conquest o f the area by the Parthians in 150

B . C . 23

Arsak, the founder o f the Parthian state, was o f the Parni tribe o f Saka Turks, descendants o f the Oguz and Turcoman branches of the Turkic people. After becoming the leader of the Parthian, established

A r m e n ia n s 2 4 ,

Arsak, who was a

the E§kaniyan dynasty25, which

is known as

Ar§aguni. Arsak reigned for 21 years, and after his death he was succeeded by his son, Arsak the Great. Arsak extended the boundaries of

Christianity had partially spread among the people in Armenia, which was a battlefield for Romans and Iranians. The Armenians were,

0 11

the one

hand, subjected to Orthodoxy imposed by Rome and, on the other, to the fire-worshipping o f the Sasanids. When Yezdcerd II, one of Christianity's worst enemies, ascended the throne o f Iran in 440 A.D., he was determined to hinder the spread of Christianity and to force Christians to accept the

religion Mazdeism. He

was victorious in the battle waged against Rome for the achievement of his goals.

his country by bringing the region o f Syria as well as the Caucasian and Caspian kingdoms under his domination and established a state called the

Under pressure from the Sasanids, some Armenians accepted Mazdeism while others asked for help from the Romans. The indifference displayed

Kingdom o f Greater Armenia26. The kings o f Ar§aguni were able to maintain their presence in the region

by Rome to this request increased the animosity which the Armenians already felt for the Romans.

b y skilfully pursuing wise policies against the increasingly stronger Arsasids in Iran and the Romans in the West. The Roman general, Pompe,

The region where the Armenians lived was ruled for 583 years, from 150

invaded Armenia in 66 B.C. After that date Armenia changed hands

B.C. to 433 A.D. except for short gaps, by the Ar§aguni dynasty, sometimes

according to the position o f the struggle between the Romans and the

independent but most of the time dependent upon and under the protection o f the Romans, Parthians, Iranians or Byzantines. In spite o f the

Sasanids. Arsasidian sovereignty over Armenia began when the Roman general, Crassus, was defeated at Harran and died on the battlefield in May 53 B.C.

Sasanids1forcing the Armenians did not leave Christianity28. The Romans considered Armenians to be potential enemies rather than

Antoine, intending to take revenge for this defeat, marched through

being concerned about the independence o f the Armenians and they

Armenia to Iran in 36 B.C. and was defeated. He had the Armenian Prince,

wanted to control the land which was a suitable castle against the Sasanids.

Artavazde III killed whom he saw as responsible for the defeat. He also ordered his soldiers to pillage Armenia.27

The Christian Armenians could not maintain the close relationship that they had in the past with the Roman Church because the Armenian

23 jh s a n S a k a ry a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n p .5 ; E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b ­ lic a tio n . p . 43. 24 T h is d y n a s ty Is m e n tio n ed in the h isto ry a s the Little A r s a k s . T h e y

Church had chosen to become Gregorian. The Romans disliked this independence and displayed animosity towards the Armenians.

ru le d in the area

b e tw e e n the C a s p ia n S e a a n d the E u p h ra te s river. T h e G r e a t A r s a k s lived 225 to 2 2 6 B .C . in the H o r a s s a n - Ir a n - Ira q region . D ed e K o rk u t O g u z n a m e in d ica te s th at b o th d y n a s tie s are fro m th e C e n t r a l A s ia . S ee S a d t K oga§, T a rih B o y u n c a E r m e n ile r ve T u r k -E r m e n i Ilisk ileri (The

As a result o f agreements between the Sasanids and the Romans during the reign o f Julian in 363 A.D. and Theodosius II in 440 A.D., the Western part o f Armenia was left to the Romans and the Eastern part to the

A r m e n ia n s a n d the T u r k ls h -A r m e n ia n R ela tio n s in the C o u r s e o f H isto ry). A n k a r a 1967, p. 26.

Sasanids. The region remained under the influence of both the Romans and

25 T h o u g h th is sta te w a s c a lle d the A r m e n ia n K in gd o m , it e m erg e s th at its p o p u la c e w a s

the Sasanids. The Romans appointed governors called " Curopalate " to rule

e x tre m e ly h e t e r o g e n u o u s th at the K in g's fam ily w a s A s ia n . T h e re a s o n for c a llin g th is state a s

their region while the Sasanids allowed the Armenian Kingdom to survive,

A r m e n ia n k in g d o m a n d its p o p u la c c A rm e n ia n is the d e s ig n a tio n the re gio n , the u p p e r lan d s.

but they forced them to do whatever they wanted.

S e e S a d i K oea§. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .26. 26 ih s a n S a k a r y a , th e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 5: S a d i Ko<ja§ , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .26. 27 K a m u r a n G iir iin . the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 18.

2« S a d i Koc,;^. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .3 0 -3 1 , ih s a n S a k a ry a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .6.

This situation continued until the fall of the Ar§aguni dynasty in 43329.

lo make use of the clashes between the feudal lords. Byzantium, on the

The Armenians, who had lost their independence, were once again ruled by

contrary, destroyed the feudal system in order to establish a central

governors appointed by the Romans and the Sasanids30.

authority and dispersed the local population, together with the feudal lords,

The Sasanid governors, known as " marzban ". banned Christianity from their territory and forced the Armenians to convert to Zoroastrianism31. It was possible for the Armenians to gain their independence from the Sasanids when the Emperor Firuz lost his life and the battle against the Eftalits in 484. Prince Vahan Mamikonyan32 succeeded in gaining Sasanide

to other parts o f the country35. In 639, Islamic armies, which had advanced as far as Byzantine and Iranian countries, began raiding the areas where Armenians lived. An Islamic force charged with the conquest of El-Cezire during the reign of Caliph Omar entered and conquered Armenia.

administratorship o f Armenia. This period o f relief did not last long.

The biggest raid on Armenia which placed it under Moslem rule occurred

However, upon Vahan Mamikonyan’s death during a battle with the Huns,

during the reign o f Caliph Osman. Syrian Governor Muaviye had given duty to Habib bin

and once again the region came under the Sasanids' dominance33. These dates coincided with the period in which the relationship between the Greek Church and the Armenian Church had deteriorated. Starting from this time, Byzantine rule was replaced with that of Rome, and they embarked on a policy aimed a t " eliminating all Armenians " from the region o f Armenia under their control. The heads of the feudal clans were removed and Byzantine officials were assigned instead o f them34.

M iislem e

to conquer Armenia. This commander had

conquered Erzurum, besides he demolished the reinforced Byzantine army. Dwin, the capital of Armenia was conquered. The Armenians agreed to recognise Islamic sovereignty and to pay taxes. The Moslems conscience36.


the Arm enians


o f religion



^ order to avoid a second Arab invasion, Armenian Governor Sempad

At the time of the Sasanids, the Armenian feudal system in the

found it suitable to pay large sums o f taxes to the Moslems and to

geographical area called Armenia was divided into two as the noble class,

recognise the soverignity o f Caliph Omar and later Osman in lieu of the

feudal lords and minor nobles or the freedmen.

Byzantine Emperor. This made Emperor Constans II sad, to whom the

There were approximately 50 feudal lords. Each o f these lords, were independent principalities, and these large families were o f different origins. It is claimed that the Kamsarakans were o f Parthian origin, the

Armenians had given an oath of loyalty, went to Armenia intending to force it into submission to him. He decided to demolish the entire Armenia; however, the religious leader, Nerses III, was able to calm down the emperor.

Mamikonians came from Central Asia, the Bagratunis were o f Jewish origin, the Ardzrunis were Syrian and the Siunis were o f pure Armenian

In 657, the Armenians fed up with being squeezed by the Byzantines

origin. The Sasanids had maintained this feudal system as it were, in order

because of religious differences, asked for and received Muaviye's approval to become under Islam37 dependence.

20 T h e d ate o f d o w n fa ll o f the A r § a g u n i D y n a s ty is given a s 433 A .C .

by E sat U ra s.

the ab ov e

Even though the Moslems had treated them so well, the Armenians

m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .6 6 , b y ih s a n S a k a ry a . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .5, a n d as

engaged in acts o f treachery whenever the opportunity arose. Prince

4 2 9 A .C . b y A lp e r G a z ig ira y , the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .21.

prepared an assassination

to the Moslem governor.

In spite o f the

30 Ih s a n S a k a r y a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .6, E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b ­ lication , p .87; K a m u r a n G iir iin , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 19. 31 A lp e r G a z ig ira y . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 1 . 32 S a d i K o c a § ,th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .30. 33 E s a t U r a s , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p .68. 34 K a m u r a n G u r iin , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 20.

15 K a m u r a n G iiriin . (lie a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 0 -2 1 . 3« E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n .p .7 1 ; S a d i Кое:»:?, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b li­ c a tio n .:р .З 1: K a m u ra n G iiriin , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p.2 1. 37 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ., p . 71 -7 2 .

Arm enians’ deceitfulness. Caliph Mutasim, exhibiting a high degree of tolerance and forgiveness, appointed one o f Sempad’s close relatives as

In short,

the Moslems displayed tolerance towards their subjects,

providing the Armenian princes with titles and enabling them to be crowned in prestigious ceremonies44. The first century under Moslem

governor. Regardless o f the good treatment they had received, the Armenians rioted in Sasun and assassinated Governor Yusuf. The Caliph sent an army under the com m and o f Buga the Greats* to punish these fierce Armenians.

administration and domination, in spite o f the destructive battles, was a period of prosperity for both national and cultural development. When the Byzantines replaced the Abbasids in the 970's, this situation would change45.

The Turkish com m ander first suppressed the uprising in the Sasun - Mu§ region. He caught Ashot trying to riot in the region of Van and sent him to

As far as we could learn from relevant sources, in the geographic area called Armenia, there once lived a community o f unknown roots whom we

Baghdad39. After these incidents, Armenia was administered by Moslem governors

now call Armenians. No information is available as to their number or where they lived in the region46.

for many years. The Armenian feudal lords were in a continuous state of clash with each other. In 1885, Achot, a member of the Bagradit family, emerged victorious from the civil war and Caliph El-Mutemed sent him the


if the Arm enians claim having had various




geographical area and having been sovereign there, no support for this claim exists. The Armenians never had an independent administration of

royal garments".

their own. The kings in this region were the decreed rulers of the Roman

In this way, for the first time since 430, an Armenian prince assumed

Empire and its successors, the Byzantine and Iranian empires. The

leadership o f all o f Armenia. In Armenia, however, peace and security had

Armenians paid tax sometimes to one, sometimes to the other, and

in no way been" secured, and the Moslem governors succeeded in imposing

sometimes to both. If we consider that the Armenian nation was never

their authority and in preventing the Bagradiths4° ” from carrying out the

independent, that it never made its presence felt and that even their kings

uprisings41" they attempted from time to time.

were o f Iranian origin; we can see the reality that the Armenians lived under

In contrast to the Byzantines and Iranians, who forced the Armenians to change their religion and sects4* and tried to direct the feudal system in Armenia in line with their interests and their ethnic cleansing policies, the

the domination o f other nations throughout their history and were unable to establish an independent state4?. II. ARMENIAN EMIGRATIONS

Moslems allowed the Armenians to practice their religion and use their own language. The Moslems found it appropriate to impose only taxes on the

As it will be understood from various sources, the region where the Armenians lived was a passageway for people and armies on the move, and

Armenians as a requirement of their dependence43.

because it was a crossroad, it was the scene o f mass migrations and since

38 T h e T u r k is h c o m m a n d e r w h o w a s sent b y the A b b a s l state on to B a b e k a n d w a s a friend of

the beginning o f civilization, numerous people coming from various places settled there.

A f§ in . S e e : M e h m e d H o c a o g lu . the above m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n .p .8. 39 M e h m e t H o c a o g lu , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p.8. 40 B a g r a d it h e s o r P a k r a d u n il w e re o f J e w ish origin . See-. E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e irientionc


lic atio n ,p .7 8 . 41 E s a t U r a s . th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b llc a t> o n .p .7 3 -7 4 ; K a m u ra n G u r u n . the a b o v e m e n ­

^ E sat U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .7 7 ; S a d i К оса?, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b li­ cation, p .3 1 . A-' E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 78.

tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 2 1 -2 2 . 42 M e h m e d H o c a o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 7-8. 43 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .7 1 : ih s a n S a k a ry a . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 7; K a m u r a n G u r u n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,p .21.

E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a lio n .p .4 2 -4 3 ; K a m u ra n G u r iin , the a b o v e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic a tio n , p .23. 17 K a m u r a n G u r u n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 2 2 -2 4 .

After their conversion to Christianity, the Armenians, who originally had

Emperor Justinian II tried to change the nationalities o f the Armenians

been fire- worshippers, were banished to the Iranian interiors by the

who were divided bv him into scattered communities53. Prisoners of war

Sasanid rulers. After destroying many cities, ยงapur II transferred 70,000

and people from other parts of tlie empire were brought in, to replace the

Armenians to Parthia48.

local population which had been transferred to Thrace54,

In the fifth century, religious wars started between the Sasanids and the

A long war between Byzantium and the Sasanids during the reign of

Armenians. The Armenians were taken as prisoners o f war and were

Emperor Maurice (582 - 602) ended with the definite defeat of the Sasanids,

banished by the Sasanids to the regions o f Parthia, Bacteria, Hyrcania,

Byzantium gained control over most o f Armenia. The Zanga and Garnigay

Mazenderan, Horasan, Niยงabur and Hoziston. Approximately, 500,000

rivers were agreed upon as the borders between the two states. In the

Armenian prisoners


from Van and Ardeshad were sent to the Iranian


"the policy o f ethnic cleansing o f Armenians"

continued55. In 582, the emperor transferred many Armenians to Thrace

interiors49. Following the crushing defeat o f the Armenians, who refused to

where they were formed into battalions and used them to fight against the Avars56.

renounce Christianity, by Yezdgerd II (reigned 440-457) on June 2, 451, many Armenians were massacred. Thousands o f Armenians were exiled to Iran50. In the course o f clashes with the rebellious Armenians, the Sasanids sent their prisoners to Parthia, Bactria, Hyrcania, Mazenderan, Horasan, Niยงabur and Hozistan51 regions.

The Byzantines' policy for dispersing the Armenians to various regions was harsher than the that of the Sasanids. " The policy of banishment immigration o f Armenians " continued without losing its speed in the eighth century. After conquering Erzurum, Constantine V Copronyim ordered the pillaging of the city and the dispersal o f all the Armenians to various places

Following the partitioning of the region called Armenia by Eastern Rome and the Sasanids, the Byzantine emperors who replaced Rome did

throughout the empire57. The Byzantines arrested the Armenian Catholicoi and priests and sent

everything they could to have the Armenians represented through the

them to Byzantium. Driven by their hate of the Armenians because o f their


language, the

choice o f sect, Byzantium contined to exterminate them. On the one hand,

recognition o f the religious leaders' rights over the Armenians were

the Byzantines were forcing the Armenians to convert to their own sect, and

Upon prohibiting the use of the Armenian


on the other, were completely ignoring the concepts of freedom o f religion

Armenians were sent into exile especially after the Council of Chaldoine in 452 in an effort to solve the religious disputes in the matter o f faith and to counter the influence of the Church as well as to abolish their national



The Arm enian

princes became the slaves o f the

Byzantines58. The Moslem occupation o f Armenia from the end of the seventh century to the mid - 1 1th century opened a new era in Armenian - Syrian relations.


During the first raids in 639 and 640, the Moslems moved the inhabitants 48 E s a t U r a s ,

th e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .5 7 -6 6 ; H alil M ctin . T iirk iy e n in

S iyasi

T a rih in d e E r m e n ile r ve E rm e n i O la y la ri (T h e A r m e n ia n s a n d the A r m e n ia n -r e la te d E v e n ts in the Political H is to ry o f T u rk e y ). M .E .B . p u b lic a tio n s : 2 4 3 7 ,

Ista n b u l 1992,

p .25.

49 H a lil M etin . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .26. 50 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n p .6 7 -6 8 . 51 H a lil M etin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .26.

53 S a d i Ko<,'aij, (h e a b o v e lu e n lio n c d p u b lic atio n ,

p .3 1.

54 K a m u ra n G iiriin , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n .]).20 . E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 623. 55 K a m u r a n G iiriin . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .20.

5U R esid e K. D em ir. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 15

52 N eยง id e K. D e m ir, T u rk i\t;n in E rm en i M es c le si, 3 rcl E d ition , H lilb c P u b lic a tio n s , A n k a ra

57 E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n ,

1982. p. 15.

58 M e h m e d H o c a o g lu . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .7.

p .623.

o f Armenia to land near the Euphrates River, particularly to Edessa

to work in agriculture and to fight in military units against the Bulgarians

(modern Urfa), Antioch (modern Antakya) and Northern Syria. For the

and the Hungarians, and implemented the largest Armenian emigration in

victims of the religious forcing policies o f the Byzantines and Sasanids, the

history64. His successors followed the same policy because they had

Moslem countries became a paradise.

learned from experience that it was unwise to trust the Armenians65.

From 711 to 713, authorization was granted for a large Armenian

The Armenians hated the Byzantine administration. Even though the

migrant group, which had been emigrated from Anatolia by Emperor

Byazantine garrisons


the borders,

there was an unhappy

Phillipicus for failing to comply with Greek Orthodox beliefs, to settle in

populace within these borders who posed a real danger to the exact

Armenia and Northern Syria. Most o f these Armenians were assigned to

implementation o f the empire's laws. As they were exempt frorn the

units stationed in the Taurus M ountains

obligations o f citizenship, they were spreading lawlessness and disorder

and on the border with

throughout the empire.

Mesopotamia as a del. use against Byzantine raids59. It is not known which of the lords in the region, where a feudal order prevailed,

w ere

o f Arm enian


o f other

origin60. Four


principalities existed in Armenia towards the end of the ninth century and

The Byzantine military commander and intelligent

state leaders who were not as involved in military matter as the emperor were wary o f having a non-conformist minority and forming of a possible Armenian problem among the empire's subjects which would damage the country's unity66.

Byzantium began a gradual invasion o f the region that put an end to all of the principalities towards 1045. After that date the Oguz Turks began

Eastern Anatolia to Byzantium did not bring the expected results because

raiding the region61. Political unity could not be established in Vaspuragan, extending from the Lake Van

a region

of the succession to the throne o f weak emperors which also paved the way for Seljuk invasions and conquests67.

to Batumi, because o f the ongoing

disagreements in the region. In the 10th century, with the intention of placing the Armenians under the direct control of Byzantium, Emperor Basil II came to Eastern Anatolia, put an end to the rebellious activities of

In accordance with the Byzantines' traditional policy, the emperor forced the emigration of the 40,000 Armenians who lived in the region to Sivas and as well as to the city o f Kayseri and its environments63. The emperor, who sent thousands of Armenians to Thrace, Macedonia, Teselia and Bulgaria

59 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

The Victory o f Malazgirt was another significant event which caused an increase in Armenian migration. When the gates of Anatolia opened to a flood o f Turks, the Armenians, fleeing from Turkish raids, took refuge in the Taurus Mountains, along the shores o f the Euphrates River and in Central and Southern Anatolia68.

the Armenians at Vaspuragan and annexed it62.

tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

The administrative linking of the Armenian and Georgian kingdoms in

Having lived for centuries in settlements dispersed throughout the area, the Armenians were unable to resist the struggle the powerful states were waging. Seeing no possibility for them to live as a state, a majority o f the Armenians followed in the way o f those Armenians who had previously settled in the Qukurova region69.

p . 7 7 -7 8 ; K a m u r a n G iir iin , the a b o v e m e n ­

p .25; M e h m e d H o ca o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p . 3 -8 . 64 N c § ld e K. D cm lr, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 15-16; E sat U r a s , the a b o v e m e n ­

60 K a m u ra n G iir iin , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 2 3 -2 4 .

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p . 623.

61 S ee E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 2 3 -7 7 ; K a m u r a n G iiriin , the above

05 S te v e n R u n c lm a n . the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n . Vol. I,

p .24.

m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 3 -2 4 . 6G S te v e n R u n c lm a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . V ol. 1., p.27. 62 Steven R u n c lm a n .

H a g h Se fe rle ri T a rih i (H isto ry o f th e C r u s a d e s ), tra n s la t e d b y Fikret

I§iltan. Vol. 1. T .T .K . (T u rk is h H istory In stitu tio n ) P rin tin g H o u se . A n k a r a , 1989. p .2 7 ; Ali Se vim , G e n e l Q izgileriyle S e lg u k lu -E rm e n i ili§kilerl

(T h e S e lju k ia n A r m e n ia n R ela tio n s in

G e n e r a l O u tlin e s ). T u r k is h H is to ry In stitution. P rin tin g H o u s e . 63 A li Sevim . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .9-1 0 .

A n k a r a , 1983, p .8 -1 0 .

67 A ll Se v im , p. 14, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n . GH E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p . 78; C ein a l A n a d o l. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b ­ lication, p .34. 69 S a d i Ko(;a$, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p .3 2 -3 3 .

The sudden collapse of Byzantine sovereignty in Anatolia enabled the Armenians

In agreements made in 1247 and 1253, Armenian King Hcttun I of

to establish small principalities along the shores of the

Qukurova accepted the sovereignty of tiie Mongols, who passed through

Euphrates River and in the regions of Malatya, Qukurova, Gaziantep and

Armenia on their way to Anatolia in the first half of the 13lh century. In

Urfa, and they began to increase in numbers.

1260, the Mameluks defeated the Mongols. The weakening o f the latter

Rupen, who was the head o f a group of migrants, declared independence

made the Armenians an open target for Mameluk raids. The Mameluks

in 1080 and established in the Taurus Mountains and founded the most

invaded Qukurova in 1266 and took the Armenians who remained there to Egypt with them74.

important and longest lasting o f the Armenian principalities70. This principality constituted a turning point in the development of

Until 1342, the Armenians in Qukurova were ruled by the descendants

relations with Urfa, Antioch, Trablus Frank principalities, which had been

o f the Rupen and Hetum dynasties. Leon IV, the last prince of the Hetum

established immediately after the Crusades, and the Latin Kingdom of

dynasty, did not have a male inheritor, so the right to rule was transferred

Jerusalem as well as for the future o f the Armenians in Syria.

to Guy de Lusignan, nephew of King Henry II o f Cyprus. Consequently, the

During the reign o f Prince Leon II (1187 -1219), with the gradual decline o f the Latin hegemony in the Middle East, the situation o f the Qukurova

Armenian princes' sovereignty over Qukurova passed to a French family75. In 1375, Sis76 (modern Kozan), the Armenians' administrative and


religious center, fell to the Mameluks. After the occupation of Sis, the

Emperor Henry VI and Pope Celestine III sent the prince a royal crown.

Mameluks took 40,000 Armenian prisoners away with them. Some of the

Thus, the Armenians became the rulers o f a region which extended from

captives were settled in Aleppo77. After a 300 - year political presence,

the shores o f the Mediterranean to the Amanoses.

Armenian rule in Qukurova was ended by the Mameluks78.


principality (1187

- 1219) improved immensely.

The transitional

sovereignty o f " Smaller Armenia " as the Armenians called it, or the Kingdom o f Armenia, which is how they now refer to it, lasted for a while71.

Approxim ately 30,000 of the Armenians who entered dangerous alliances with the Crusaders, Byzantines, and Mongols as they attempted

In 1199, after the Armenians attacked Seljuk settlements in the south,

to hold Qukurova and its environments went to Cyprus, Crete, and Italy.

Ruknuddin II Siileyman§ah initiated a military operation and advanced as

During the Mongol invasion, the Mongols took many Armenians with them

far as Adana. The Armenians became Seljuk nationals and in accordance

to Kozan and Astrakhan. Later,

with the conditions o f citizenship, minted coins in the name o f Suleyman

Armenians would go to Hungary, Romania, Transylvania, Poland and even

§ah and the other Seljuk sultans72.

India. In the course of wars waged between the Ottomans and Iranians, the

Internal and external events seriously upset the Seljuk state, and taking

for various reasons,

a number of

Iranian ruler, Shah Abbas, banished 24,000 Armenians to the Iranian

advantage o f the situation, the Armenians occupied Bragana Castle73 once again and refused to comply with the terms of the agreement they had

74 K sat U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p .8 2 -8 3 . K a m u ra n G iiriin . (lie a b o v e m e n ­


tioned p u b lic a tio n , p .26. 75 K sa t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .86; K a m u r a n G iiriin , the ab ov e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

70 ЛН Se vim , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .21; K a m u r a n G tiru n the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 6; Ste ve n R u n c im a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n . V o l.I. p .57. 71 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .82; M e h m e d H o c a o g lu , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n p . 1 4 -1 5 ; K a m u r a n G a r u n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .26. 72 A li Sevim , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .3 3 -3 4 , 37 ; V .G o rd le v s k i, A n a d o lu S clgu k lu D evle ti (A n a to lia n S e lju k ia n State), 73 A li Sevtm . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

p .27.

70 K sa t U ra s . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .86; K a m u ra n G iiriin . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .27.

77 K sat U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p .86; K a m u ra n G iiriin . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .27.

7K T h e last A rm e n ia n p rin c e L eo n after w a n d e r in g from c o u n try to c o u n try died In [''ran e e on N o v e m b e r 29, 1393, w ith o u t g r a b b i n g a n y o p p o rtu n ity for e n th ro n e m en t. For d etaile d in fo r­

p .40.

m ation se e E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p .8 6 -8 7 .

interiors away from the battlefront and operational zone because he could

Bey gained control o f the western part o f the country and then moved

not trust them79.

northward towards Seddadis81.

Throughout their history; the Armenians, nobody, not even their allies, could trust, and were

subjected to banishments. Therefore, to consider

Turkish forces entered Georgian territory in the vicinity of Nahcivan and then marched farther north to the Armenian kingdom o f Ani who tried to

that (Qukurova, which 75 was a place o f refuge for the Armenians, is

stop themselves. Qagri Bey soundly defeated the large army o f Vasak

Armenian land or within their area of influence does not fit to the

Pahlavuni, the commander of Becni Castle^, using the war tactics of the steppes83.

historical realities. The Armenian feudal principalities in the geographical area called Armenia were totally abolished in 1045 by Byzantium, and most o f the local population were taken to various other areas.

Becoming o f the Seljukians stronger day by day, had also begun to disturb Byzantium. The Byzantium emperor II nd Basile (976 - 1025) had been applying the policy o f expanding towards the Islamic countries for securing their eastern borders. The transfer o f a considerable population of

In 1071, this region came under the control o f the Seljuks, and after that

the Armenians into Central Anatolia and Sivas by abolishing the small

changed hands during time. After the mid - 14th century we do not come

Armenian kingdoms and principalities, corresponds to the period in which

across the name, Ermeniye again. Only in 1516, it was possible the area

the Sultan of Big Seljukians, Tugrul Bey started military his expeditions to Anatolia beginning from 104384.

came under Ottoman administration. There had been no Armenian principality or kingdom present since 470

Gagik II, by taking the leadership o f the Armenians in 1042 who had

years in the east and since 150 years in Qukurova80 while the Ottomans

become stateless, began to kill the Byzantines in Kayseri to conquer Kars

were trying to establish Turkish political union in Anatolia.

and its surroundings again. By taking strict precautions, the emperor Konstantin IX (1042 - 1055) conquered Ani. A greedy group among the

Those which have been told until here clearly shows that Armenian allegations that the Ottomans occupied Armenian - inhabited areas, brought an end to the Armenian state and their inhabitants were made slaves are inconsistent and contrary to the truth. It is not possible to accept the premise that a permanent government and, especially, a national, homogenous, permanent and strong Armenian presence existed in the

Greek priests captured the rich bishoprics, monasteries, and the valuable properties in the Ani Kingdom. Orthodox monophysits made cruelties against Armenians85. On the rebellion o f Gagik II, all the families of the Armenian dynasties in Kars and even in Van region had been killed and their large estates had been merely taken from their hands. The Byzantines who had not been able


81 M e h m e t A. K d yn icn .

D iiy iik Scl<juklu im p a ra t o rlu g u

T arih i (T he

H isto ry o f (h e

G rea t

S e lju k ia n E m p ire), S e lg u k lu T a rih i ve M edeniyeti E n stltiisu P u b lic a tio n s, V o l.I, A n k a r a , 1979,

The Seljuks’ first contact with the Armenians occurred at the time of Qagn Bey, who attacked the Armenian kingdom of Vaspuragan in the area surrounding Lake Van in

1018 after passing through Horasan and

Azerbaijan. Defeating all the Armenian forces that he encountered, Qagri

p. 109; S e lfu k h d a r D e v rl T iirk T a rih i (S e lju k ia n P e rio d o f the T u rk is h H isto ry), T u rk ish H isto ry In stitu tio n P rin tin g H o u s e A n k a ra , 1989, p .30. 82 Ali S e v im , (h e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n on p ag e H. " Bccni � ib ra h im S c lg u k lu la r

( lh c S e lju k s "). I.A., V .X ,


K a fe so g lu


3 58 , this is re p o rte d a s "Bicrn"

83 ib ra h im K a fe so glu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . V .X . p .358. 84 O s m a n T u ra n . T h e H isto ry o f S e lju k ia n s a n d T u rk is h - Isla m ic C ivilization, P u b lic a tio n s of 79 E sat U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 623.

T h e In stitu te o f In v estig ation o f T u r k is h C u ltu re : 7. A n k a r a 1965, p. 75; A ll S evlm . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 13. 85 Steck, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed a rtic le, p. 320.

which were known by their churches and " Siirmeli gu ku r " along Aras river9'2.

to detach the Arm enians from their sects by emigration tried to destiov the Armenian Church. For this reason, religious massacres were carried out. Almost all o f the families o f Bagratuni and Ardzrtmi w eie killed81’.

The sultan divided the Armenian and Georgian lands which were conquered by the military expedition carried out by himself am ong his

Byzantium used iron and poison in the genoside of the Aimenians. Byzantines

im posed

heavy taxes on the people



emirs. These conquests very much pleased the Islamic world93 .


undefended. While Armenia was worrying in these disasters, the Armenians

On the order o f the Sultan, who left Anatolia, the military commander of

were being killed87 by the massacres88 of the Byzantines who were brought

Horasan, Gumu§tegin. captured Af§in, Ahmedshah while other Seljukian

into the country by Sanekherim.

emirs and commanders captured Karaman. Kayseri. Malatya on the one hand, and Ur fa, Siverek, Ergani, Adiyaman. Antep, Antakya, Aleppo and

As the religious pressures and genoside applied by the Byzantines

their surroundings on

against the Armenians in East Anatolia had not resulted as requested by

the other hand. The Armenians deemed the

Seljukians as rescuer due to the cruelties o f the Byzantines. Because o f the

the Byzantines under the weak administrations of the later empeiors, they

tolerance and equitable behaviours o f the Seljukians, all the members of

also had facilitated the easening of invasions and conquests of Seljukians89.

Armenian Bogusag family adopted the religion o f Islam and took permission from Alparslan to settle around Siverek94.

Taking the command of the army, Sultan Tugrul began to conquer the East Anotolia in the beginning of 1054. He conquered Muradiye and Erci§.

The son of Alparslan, Melikshah who took the position o f his father after

The forces sent by the Sultan conquered Bayburt and progressed till

the death o f Alparslan in 1072, continued the conquests by coming into

Trabzon. Another Seljukian force defeated the Byzantium forces which were

Georgia. The Sultan gave the control o f Erran and §irvan regions which

mostly formed by the Armenian soldiers. The Seljukian commanders

were conquered by himself to his one o f the emirs Savtegin in the beginning o f 10 769-= as fied.

progressed till to Malatya. Sivas, in which the Armenians lived mostly was conquered in July 10599°. The death o f Sultan Tugrul in September 1063.

The Seljukian Army which acted upon the rebellion of the Georgians

didn’t slow down the Seljukian raids in Anatolia. Alparslan, who had

conquered Erran and Sirvan Regions again. Having conquered the places

become the leader o f the ” Big Seljukian State ". entered into Azerbaijan as

till the starting points o f goruh river, the Turks captured all the places in (lie coast till Trabzon by moving along the coast96.

the leader o f the army in February 10649'. While Sultan Alparslan entered into Georgia by taking small Lori

As a result o f the settlement o f the Turks in Central Anotolia after the

Armenian Kingdom under control in Arran, his son Melikshah and Vizier

Malazgirt War and (heir expansion to all places by progressing towards

Nizamulmulk conquered Meryemni§in castles and their surroundings

West Anatolia afterwards, the Byzantines began to withdraw from these places. Due to the collapse of Byzantium domination quickly in Anatolia,

E sat U r a s , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .7 6 ; A U Sevim , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b li­ cation, p. 13.

(he Armenians began to increase in number by withdrawing to the sides of Euphrates river. Malatya, gukurova, Antep and Urfa and by establishing

87 G a g ik II w a s k ille d a t a r o u n d K ayseri b y native p e o p le in 1079 a n d h is b lo o d y c o rp se w a s h a n g e d on the to ver o f ca s tle . H is two s o n s a n d g ra n d c h ild w ere k illed b y B y z a n tin e s b y b e in g p o iso n ed .in S iv a s in 1 08 0. S e e : E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 77. 88 E sat U r a s . th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .76.

■u ib in h im K a le so glu , the a b o v e m en tion ed article. Vol. X. p. 368. All Sevim . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 17; O s m a n T u ra n . (h e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b ­ lication, p. 105.

89 strec k . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d article, p. 320 ; Ali S e v im . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , " Ali S e v lin . (lie a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .28. p . 14. 90 In " ib r a h im K a fe s o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed article. V o l. X. , p .3 8 8 ", the d a te a t w h ic h S iv a s w a s c o n q u e rre d is g iven a s 1060.

•'•'All S ev im , (lie a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p . 19. w

M u k rlm ln H alil Y ln a n ? . T iirk ly e T arih i S e lc u k h ila r D cv ri (S e lju k ia n s Perio d o f T u rk is h

H istory). Is t a n b u l 1944, p. 112 -1 1 3 . 91 All Sevim , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 15.

small principalities. The biggest one o f those principalities was established

Antakya due to his equitable behaviour and religious tolerance101. The

b y Philaretos Brachamios who was one o f the aristocrats of Vaspuragan

native people began to prefer his administration to the administration of Christian Byzantium102.

Armenians. Philaretos established an Armenian principality in Mara§ and its districts by the Arm enian and " Frank " forces collected around himself

When Suleymanshah informed (he conquest of Antakya which was

during the years in which the Byzantium domination was collapsing in

among the holy cities of the Christian community, to Sultan Melikshah to


whom he was dependent on, Sultan Melikshah had celebration ceremonies

Philaretos who was an Armenian aristocrat, was commissioned for big

carried out and good news drums played. Philaretos who saw the danger,

duties during the period o f Romanos Diogenes, and he was recognized as

presented valuable gilts to Melikshah, accepted the religion o f Islam and he

the commander o f Byzantium forces in Palu during Malazgirt War. This

was circumcised by a cerem ony'03 Melikshah tried to conciliate Philaretos

general, by acting independently, took Andirin, Goksun and Elbistan

by appointing him to Mara§ (1086 -1087). Thus the Armenian principality,

surroundings, and Raban, Besni, Adiyaman, Kahta, Samsat, Malatya cities

the borders o f which extended from Harput to Qukurova and including

and their castles under his control. Furthermore, after having conquered

Urfa, Antakya, Rabun, Malatya, Mara§, Misis, Anavarza and Tarsus had been taken within the borders of the Big Seljukian S t a t e d

Harput, Palu, Anavarza and Tarsus, Philaretos also conquered Urfa from Byzantines with the help of Armenians in 107798.

The dose relations started with the military expedition of Qagri Bey

The Armenian chiefs who came to Qukurova and captured Namrun,

towards Anatolia in 1018, continued with the increasing interests and

Kozan and other castles by escaping from Arran and East Anotolia upon

cmiosities of the Oguz lurks about Anatolia and new countries. The close

the conquests of Seljukians and Greek commanders o f the other cities in Qukurova notified their dependence to Philaretos. The people o f Antakya

relations with Armenians also continued in the period in which the Oguz lurks established the "Anatolian Seljukide State" in 1075.

gave the control o f the city to Philaretos in 1078. Philaretos were acting

the Sultan o f Anatolian Seljukide State Kili^arslan I (1086 - 1107)

cruelly against the Greek people and Armenians who of the same race with

always treated the Armenians equitably. Even when he was carrying out

himself and he was making massacres widely. Turkish origined Ismail who

the Islamic - Christian struggle against Byzantium and the Crusaders,

was commissioned as ” §ahne " " in Antakya by Phlaretos and Barsama

Armenian and other non - Muslim people showed him consideration,

who was

alfection and dependence with confidence. Even the Armenians of Elbistan



his father




o f Kutalmi§

Suleymanshah who established the " Anatolian Seljukian State

in iznik in

piefcried to become dependent on the Sultan instead o f Crusaders105. In

1084, for the conquest of Antakya. Suleymanshah announced general

spite o f all the good intentions and tolerances, the Armenians didn't abstain

amnesty and freedom for the native people. Suleymanshah who conquered

from making treason and making cooperation with the Crusaders1™.

the city on December 12, 1084»». gained the affection o f the people of 1.11 I he C h r is tia n s in A n ta k y a h a d b u ilt the M e r y e m a n a a n d A zizcercis c h u r c h e s b y (lie p e r ­ 97 M u k rim in H . Y in a n g . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 120; A li Sevim , the ab ov e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic a tio n , p.21. 98 Steven R u n c im a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . Vol. I, p. 57; M u k rc m in H. Y in an g, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 120. 99 § a h n e - § ih n e : T h e title o f the m ilitary g o v e rn o r w h o w a s c o m m is s io n e d to e n s u r e the la w a n d o rd e r in c ity a t o ld tim es. 100 it w a s in d ic a te d in "M u k rim in H. Ylnan Q , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 120 -123."

m issio n o f S u le y m a n s h a h . See. AJI Sevim , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p.24. V. G o rd lev sk i. (lie a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 145 - 148; Steven R u n c im a n . (lie a b ov e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . Vol. I, p. 58. 1.11 I tils event w a s m e n tio n ed b e fo re the c o n q u e st o f A n ta k y a In "O s m a n T u ra n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 0 1 ." " ,1 All Sevim , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 24-25. II

w a s sla te d in

V. G o rd lc v s k l. (h e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .3 0 8 " a b o u t the effect

a n d "Ali S e v im , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 1 -2 4 " th at S u le y m a n s h a h c o n q u e rre d

"M lic o g u z

A n ta k y a b y o n ly a tta c k in g a t nights. H o w ev e r, it w a s in d icated in "O s m a n T u r a n , the a b o v e

O g u / trib e s w e re so s t ro n g (h a t the C h ristia n h isto ria n s b la m e d the A r m e n ia n s b y m a k in g

m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 2 0 0 - 2 0 1 " th at S u le y m a n s h a h p ro g re s s e d to Q u k u r o v a in 1082 a n d a fte r h a v in g c o n q u e rre d A d a n a . T a rs u s , M is is a n d A n a v a r z a he c o n q u e rre d A n t a k y a in 1083.

tribes In A n a lo lia on the A r m e n ia n s that, "the tren ds o f the A r m e n ia n s to (he

1re aso n a g a in st C h ristia n ity ." 10,1 All S ev im , (h e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 2 6 - 27.

For the Armenians and for the Arm enian aristocrats who carried the Byzantium titles, these western allied countries were more attractive than

Toros II made a military cooperation with Crusaders this time. Toros II,

the Byzantines whom they hated. The existence of the " Frank " armies who

together with Crusader forces defeated the Byzantium forces in Tarsus region and killed 30.000 p e o p le "1.

fought for Christianity within their borders, was promising that they could realize their desires for obtaining their independence by being detached from the supreme domination o f both Byzantines and Turks107. As the Armenians gave Urfa which w as governed by themselves on behalf of the Seljukians to the Crusaders and helped them for establishing the first Crusader principality in Urfa in 1098, they also greatly helped the Crusaders for conquering Antakya with the treason o f Armenian Firuv, in June

1098. Upon

the death o f Sultan


the Armenians

established a new principality at Toros Mountains with the supports and helps of Crusaders during the period that the domination o f Seljukians became w eak by the attacks o f Crusaders on the one hand and Byzantines on the other hand. In spite of all the good treatment o f Seljukians shown to the Armenians, they attacked to the settlement centers o f Seljukians. During that time, although there was no Sultan at the Seljukian throne, a Seljukian Army consisted o f 12.000 soldiers defeated the Armenian forces under the command o f Toros I (1099 - 1123) in Anavarza region10*. During the period o f the Anatolian Seljukide Sultan Mesut I (1116 1155), the son o f Leon, Armenian Prince Toros II in Qukurova conquered Anavarza,

Sultan Mesud who could not be indifferent for the uneasiness that occurred recently in the southern region o f his state, moved towards Qukurova with a bigger army in 1154. He continued his operation until Anavarza, Misis and Tellu Hamdun Castle in Osmaniye region112. Sultan Mesud, who died ten months after from returning back from this military expedition had left the state to Elbistan King Kihgarslan II when he was alive. While the new Sultan was dealing with the internal political events, the brother of the Armenian Prince Toros II, Stefan occupied Mara§ in 1156 by giving reason that the Seljukian Emir of Mara§ had entered into an Armenian village. Stefan killed the Armenians and other Christians in the city, seized their properties, and burned and destroyed the city. Upon this violence, Kilnjarslan II moved towards Mara§, and Stefan escaped by taking the priest o f the city and some people with him. The Sultan did not apply any violence and obligation to the Christian people in the city. Vineyards and arable fields o f the Armenians who had returned back to the city by hearing the merciful behaviours o f the Turks were given back to themselves1>3.

Misis, Adana and Tarsus by coming down from Taurus

mountains, and defeated the army under the command of Andronikos sent

The Armenian Prince Ruben II (1178 - 1187 ) in Kozan occupied Misis

by the emperor Manuel in 1152. With the breakage the effect o f Byzantium,

and Adana by making use o f their war medium during the period in which

Toros II dominated all the region. The prince also began to attack to the

Sultan Kiligarslan defeated Byzantium in Miryokefalon War in 1176. Ruben

lands o f Seljukians. Sultan Mesud, who agreed with the Emperor Manuel

II also attacked to Turkoman Nomads who were pasturing their animals

went into action to make the Qukurova region dependent on the Seljukians

and spending the winter in Qukurova by payment. The Sultan who had

again, together with his son-in-law Yagibasan, from Dani§mend in 1153109. When the Sultan sent an envoy before attacking, the Armenians accepted this as the kindness o f God. After having made an agreement indicating the dependence of the Armenians, Sultan Mesud forgave the Armenians without fighting110.

107 Ste ve n R u n c im a n , th e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , Vol. I, p. 156. 108 A li S e v im , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 26. 109 O s m a n T u r a n , T u r k e y In the S e lju k ia n s P eriod, T u r a n P u b lic a tio n H o u s e , Scientific S e r ia l N o. : 5, I s t a n b u l 1971, p. 190 - 191. 110 A li S e v lm , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .3 0

been supported and helped by Eyyubi Emperor Selahaddin Eyyubi, moved against Armenians. Selahaddin entered into the Armenian lands from Mara§ region in the summer of 1180. Ruben II who couldn’t dare to oppose to the two Turkish Sultans was obliged to make peace by accepting " to give fiecdom to the Turkoman people compensation

111 O s m a n


by him self and

to pay

T u ra n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 191.

" 2 Ali S e v lm , (h e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 30.

111 O s m a n

T u ra n , the a b o v e m e n d o n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 199; Ali Sevim , the a b o v e m en tion ed

p u b lic a tio n , p. 31.

In spite of all cares and efforts o f the Anatolian Seljukide Sultans, as a








under the

result of the efforts o f domination o f the Crusaders and the double dealings

administrations of Byzantium and Sasani. The possibilities of living as a

of the Armenians who made untrustworthiness by accepting everything


was permissible in war and peace, an absolute medium o f peace and

authorities on condition o f becoming dependent had been provided by the Anatolian Seljukides to the Armenians.

quietness could not be achieved in Anatolia. The division of the state among the eleven sons of Kiligarslan II by

performing their religions, and continuing their political

But the Armenians in Qukurova gave up their promises after the death

himself who was aged and in accordance with the conventions o f Turkish

of Suleymanshah II and continued their role to become the aggressive side.

state, caused to begin the sultanate fights among the brothers (1186 -

The Armenians in the region who wanted to make use of this opportunity,

1196). Serious problems had occurred in the Anatolian Seljukide State. The

attacked to the borders o f Seljukians. They especially caused to spoil the

Byzantines and Armenians who were dependent on Seljukians, wanted to

caravan road between Anatolia and Syria. One year later from the enthrone

make use o f this medium and went into a c tio n '15.

of " Giyasuddin Keyhusrev I " (1205 - 1211) to the Seljukian throne for the

The Armenian Prince Leon II (1187 - 1211) in Qukurova, occupied some places by moving from Taurus Mountains to Eregli and by making attacks in Kayseri. Then Leon II, by getting into contact with Byzantium, the

second time, the Armenians also continued their attacks and entered into Goksun in which the population o f Turkoman was high. Many captives were taken among Turks. The properties and animals of Turks were pillaged119.

Papacy and other European states, tried to obtain their support and The Armenians who blockaded Elbistan, attacked to the surroundings of

help116. He even put on the kingdom crown which was assigned to him by the German Emperor Heinrich, by taking the title of Big Leon with a ceremony carried out in Kozan in January 1198117.

Aleppo. For this reason, the Aleppo Eyyubi Emperor was obliged to fight with Arm enians.


the events

occured and especially due to

endangerment o f the trade road between Anatolia and Syria, Sultan Giyasuddin Keyhusrev I entered into the Armenian lands in Qukurova over

Upon the attacking and occupation of some of the Seljukian lands in the

Mara§ together with the Eyyubi forces sent by the Aleppo Emperor Melik

south by Leon II, " Rttknuddin Suleymanshah II " went into action in 1199.

Zahir120 in 1208 - 1209, for punishing the Armenians. The son o f Leon II,

As he moved Qukurova Armenians to the south of the Taurus Mountains,

Kirkor was taken as captive. Leon II who had become under difficult

he also obliged Leon II to become dependent on the Seljukians by

conditions requested

progressing to Adana together with Namrun Armenian Senior 0§in who

emperors. Sultan Keyhusrev signed the peace agreement on conditions

peace through the Aleppo and Egypt Eyyubi

was the enemy of Leon II. Leon II had the money collected in the name of

that, " Leon II would become faithful for becoming dependent on Seljukians,

Suleymanshah II in accordance with the conditions o f becom ing dependent.

he would not attack to the caravan road between Anatolia and Syria, and

With this event, the Armenians in Qukurova had become dependent on the

to the lands o f Seljukian and Aleppo Eyyubi any more, he would give back

Seljukians again118.

the Muslim captives and pay compensation ". Leon obeyed this agreement for a while, he even had money printed in the name of the Sultan121..

No pressure,

compulsion and im m igration w ere


to the

Armenians in Qukurova by the Anatolian Seljukides unless they caused

Leon II, who made use o f the fight for throne between " Sultan Izzeddin Keykavus " (1211 - 1220) who enthroned to Seljukian throne and his

115 O s m a n T u r a n , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p.’ 217; A li S e v im , the a b o v e m entioned p u b lic a tio n , p . 32.

1И) O s m a n T u ra n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 286.

116 A li S e v im , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 33.

120 H e w a s the b ro th e r o f S e la h a d d in E y yu b i. Se e : O s m a n T u ra n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b ­

и ? Ste ve n R u n c im a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . Vol. Ill, p. 79.

lication. p. 287. 121 A li S ev im , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 33 - 34.

brother Alaeddin Keykubad who was an ally o f Leon II, attacked to the lands of Seljukians by passing through Taurus Mountains. The Sultan

1 compensated the losses of the merchants who were robbed126 from the treasury.

defeated the Arm enians in Qukurova by the forces sent from three directions without giving them the opportunity o f making cooperation with the Crusaders, and got back the places which had been captured by the Armenians122.

While these events occurred, upon the death of Leon II in the beginning of summer 1219, his daughter Isabella127 married with Philippe who was the son of Antakya Prince Bohetnond IV. For this reason, the Crusaders tried to invade the Armenian settlement areas and to make the Armenians

After having lost time with the events occurred upon the death of Melik

European. The notables o f the Armenians imprisoned the prince against

Zahir and afterwards, Sultan Keykavus together with the Emir of Maraยง

this action. In this situation the father of the prince, Bohemond requested

and his soldiers passed the Armenian border from Kosidere way. With the

to come to an agreement with Sultan Keykubad. This proposal was in

progress made by the Turkish forces along Ceyhan valley, the castles o f

conformity with the policy o f Sultan, so it was accepted128.

Qingin and Saim beyli were conquered by violent blockades. The Armenian

Due to the last political occurrances and violences o f the Armenians,

princes in both castles took refuge in the Sultan with their families by

Alaeddin Keykubad was compelled to arrange a military expedition to

asking for mercy. M any weapons and food in the castles were passed to the

Qukurova for punishing the Armenians129.

hands of Turks. Then, the Armenians was suffered a big defeat in a hard war made with the forces o f Leon II around the Keban Castle on Ceyhan River. The notable princes such as Baron 0ยงin, Namrun Senior Konstantin, Hetumoglu Konstantin and Baron V asil123 were taken as captives124. Upon this big defeat, by sending a committee o f envoys in 1218, Leon II apologized for the

The Seljukian Army progressing from the ground, were coming over Goksu valley to Silifke and from Silifke to Maraยง and from Maraยง to Qukurova over Ceyhan valley. The leader o f Armenian Barons, Nemrun Senior Konstantin who was helpless and who separated the daughter of Leon, Isabella, from the prince of Antakya by force and obliged her to marry

rebellion caused by himself from the Sultan. In

his son Hetum, established Hetum dynasty. Konstantin gave many castles

accordance with the agreement made with the Armenians, " the Armenian

and Silifke to Crusaders for the purpose of obtaining help against Turks.

captives would be given back in return for ransom, some o f the castles in

The shrewd Senior requested help from the chevaliers of Hospitalier and

the borders would be given to the Seljukians, the Armenians in Qukurova

Templier in Silifke by saying that the chirstianity was in danger. The

would become dependent on the Seljukians again, money in the name o f

progressing Seljukian Army spoilt the play o f Armenians. The commander

the Sultan would be printed and sermon would be arranged in the name o f

Emir Qavli captured igel region and Silifke. The Europeans escaped to

the Sultan in Kozan, if requested 500 armed soldiers would be sent to the

Cyprus by ship. The Qmgm Castle in Maraยง Region was captured again by

Sultan in each year, a tax in the amount o f 20.000 gold - coin would be


paid for each year, and the Sultan would recognize Leon II as a Ruler o f Kozan as being dependent on him self125. " 12(i O s m a n T u ra n , (h e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 342.

Since the Armenians of Qukurova blocked the caravan road between

127 It is in d icated in "S tev a n R u n c im a n , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n . V o l. III. p. 144" that

Anatolia and Syria and seized the properties of merchants, the commercial

Isa b e lla w a s lour y e a rs old yet. S te p h a n ie w h o w a s the g ra n d d a u g h te r o f Leo n II m a rrie d with

advantages o f the Seljukians were interrupted. Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad


d e liric n n c


w a s a F re n c h

ch evalier a n d got

the c h an ce o f b e in g

the K in g of

.Jerusalem a s a result o f a m a rria g e a n d w a s left a s a w id o w e r. A c c o rd in g lo ru m o rs o f p ala ce ; since S te p h a n ie tried to p oison the little Isa b e lla , sh e d ie d a s a result o f J e a n 's be atin g . 122 O s m a n T u r a n , S e lg u k lu la r T arih i ve T iir k -is la m M ed e n iye ti (T h e H is lo ry o f S e lju k ia n s a n d

M a rria g e ol Isa b e lla w h o h a d b c c o m e the o n ly In h erito r o f the A rm e n ia n th ron e at s m a ll age,

T u rk ish - Is la m ic C iv ilis a tio n ) , p. 210; A li Sevim , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .34.

In dicates the o b lig a tio n s o f so v ereig n ty rules.

123 The A r m e n ia n s h a d u s e d the titles o f C r u s a d e r s u n d e r their

I2K O s m a n T u ra n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 343.

n flu e n c e .

124 O s m a n T u r a n , S e lg u k lu la r Z a m a m n d a T iirk lyc (T u rk e y h. T h e P e rio d o f S e lju k ia n s ), p . 3 14.

129 All S e v lm ,

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 37.

125 O s m a n T u r a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 315.

110 O s m a n T u ra n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 344.

The Armenians who had made use o f every opportunity against

After having destroyed the Big Harzem State which was a barrier in front

Byzantines and Turks under the auspices o f the Crusades had achieved to

of the Mongolians, Ihey progressed towards the east. Alaeddin Keykubad

establish a principality and then a so - called kingdom during the period of

was obliged to recognize the high domination o f the Mongolians. During the

Leon II in Qukurova. During the period in which they took the help o f

period of the Seljukian Sultan, " Giyaseddin Keyhlisrev (1237 - 1246) ", a


they became much affected by the Europeans and they

Mongolian army consisted of 30.000 soldiers under the command of

established a feudal system similar to that o f the Europe and used the

Mongolian Commander Baycu Noyan entered into Erzurum castle and

Europeans’ titles. However, they had frequently made reactions against the

killed all men including suckling babies and took the women as captives.

dangers o f Crusaders’ invasion and becom ing European. The Armenians

The Mongolians turned the city into ruins132.

who allied with many sides with the effort o f establishing a kingdom in

Upon this information, the Seljukian Sultan, Giyaseddin Keyhlisrev II

Qukurova saw that their compromises given for this purpose had not

moved towards Mongolians with his army. In the war made in Kosedag

resulted in the direction of their desires and they had understood once

which is in the north o f Zara town of Sivas in 1243 without waiting the

more painfully that they had been deceived and left alone.

support forces to come, first Mongolians were defeated, but later they

Hetum, who couldn’t get help from Crusaders, against the conquests o f Seljukians notified the Sultan that he accepted to make peace under the conditions o f the Sultan. Since the peace proposal was in conformity with the policy o f Seljukians during that period, peace agreement was made with Hetum on conditions that, " he would accept becom ing dependent on Seljukians again, if requested he would send an Armenian force consisted o f 1.500 soldiers, the tax paid for each year would be doubled, sermon would be arranged and money would be printed in the name of the Sultan."

defeated by coming together. The Sultan returned back to Konya after the defeat. His mother together with his daughter, concubines and treasury went to Qukurova and requested help from Hetum who was dependent on Seljukians for the purpose of going to Aleppo. Hetum and his father Konstantin Pali didn't abstain from giving their guests to Baycu Noyan for currying favour with Mongolians. As they seized the properties and money of the Seljukian merchants going to Aleppo through Qukurova, they also gave some Turkish women to Mongolians and so they supposed that they took revenge on Seljukians according to their mind. Furthermore, the

Furthermore, it was decided that Namrun Senior would serve for the

Armenians began to curse for the religion o f Islam and the Prophet by

Seljukians with some military forces. The Armenians o f Qukurova had

stopping the sermon and call for Muslim prayers arranged in the name of

become dependent on the Seljukians with m uch heavier conditions by this

the Sultan, and started to occupy some of the Seljukian castles133.

agreement compared to the conditions o f the previous agreem ents131.

By coming in front o f Sultan Keyhlisrev in Kayseri with heavy gifts before

It can not be said that the political unity was formed during that period.

the Kosedag War, the father of Hetum, Konstantin Pali had guaranteed that

Political allies and enmities also varied depending on the events occurred.

all the Armenians would help the Sultan against Mongolians. However,

It is a reality that the Armenians were in the first place in this variability

after the defeat o f Seljukians in the war, they performed actions outside of

and by making use of very small opportunities, they made pillages and

humanity and massacres against the family of the Seljukian Sultan and

massacres by going into action against Turks. As the Anatolian lands

Turks. The Seljukians who made peace agreement with Mongolians took


permission from the Emperor of west Mongolians, Batu Han, for punishing

the scene for the struggle between



Armenians and Anatolian Seljukides and moaned with the suffering of th e destroyed families, it would also be shocked by the invasion of Mongolians coming from the east.

132 j. H a k k i U z u n ^ a r^ ili, O s m a n li T a rlh l ( T h e O tto m a n

H istory ), V o l. I, T u rk is h H istory

In stitu tio n . P rin tin g H o u se , A n k a r a 1982. p. 10-11; V. G o rd lcv sk l, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b ­ lication , p. 17 G - 177. 13:1 I. H a k k i U z u n g a r^ ili. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . Vol. I. p. 10; Steven R u n c im a n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . Vol. III. p. 217.

the Armenians

of Qukurova who

opposed against themselves.

T l^ e

Seljukian army reached to Qukurova by passing through Eregli a n d Babaron Mountain with the support ana help o f the ally Namrun A r m e n i a n

Mongolians in the south were given to the Armenians as reward for their participation in the military expedition137. While Hetum was entreating in Mongolian Palace in Tabriz against the Mamelukian attacks, the storm broke out in Qukurova. The Memlukians

Senior Konstantin134. The Armenians did not achieve to be successful against the u n ite d Turkish army. A big part o f Qukurova was captured. Hetum took refuge i n Adana with his cavalrymen. The father of Hetum, Konstantin and S im b a d

who came to Qukurova by passing from Amanos mountains, defeated the Armenians supported by the Templier Chevaliers on August 24, 1266. While Kalavun and Memlukians were burning and destroying Ayas, Adana and Tarsus, El - Mansur transferred his army to the Armenians' center

tried to defend in Tarsus, with many " European " soldiers. During t h i s

Kozan over Misis. The palace was

time, an information notifying the death of Sultan Giyaseddin Keyhusrev I I

and a


pillaged, the Cathedral was destroyed

thousands o f people were slaughtered.

The victorious

was received. The Armenians who didn’t know anything about the death o f

Memlukians returned back to Aleppo with approximately 40.000 captives

the Sultan, became happy for the peace proposal made135.

and caravans full o f goods. When king Hetum returned back with a small

A peace agreement was made with Hetum on conditions that he w o u ld pay war indemnity, compensate the losses, give Bragana Castle in re tu rn for the occupied places by the Armenians and Tarsus, pay annual tax a n d accept becoming dependent on the Seljukians. After the Seljukian army returned back to Konya in 1246, due to th e internal and external events which shaked the Anatoilan Seljukide State, the Armenians did not obey the agreement and occupied Bragana Castle

Mongolian force, he learned that one of this sons Taurus died and the other son Leon was taken as captive in the war. After this terrible disaster, the Armenians of Qukurova

were obliged to play only a passive role in the

politics o f Asia138. The crowded Turkomans who took shelter in Memlukians from Anatolia and Iraq, made the Memlukians stronger and stronger. Quite to the contrary, the Seljukian State began to collapse under the increasing Mongolian pressure. Sultan Baybars, by moving towards the Armenians

again. The Armenians in Qukurova did not perform the requirements o f

with the help of Turkoman in 1266, captured back the cities of Derbisak,

being dependent on the Seljukians by not applying sermon and n ot

Merziban, Raban ad §eyhti-l Hadid139, and heavily punished the Antakya

printing money in the name of Anatolian Seljukide Sultans after the

Crusade County with the Memlukian army commanded by himself on May

Kosedag W ar136.

18, 1268 because o f their support to Mongolians. The silence o f the

The Armenians in Qukurova who wanted to make use o f the internal problems o f Anatolian Seljukides, went into action again to capture the places belonging Turks. Hetum, who participated in the military expedition to Syria campaign o f Htilagu occupied Mara§ in 1259, by making use o f the confusion created by Agageri Turcomans who had participated in the rebellion o f Father ishak and were known by Merziban, Raban,

Europeans in Antakya had resulted as the collapse o f Christianity in Northern Syria140. When the principalities o f Karaman, Germiyan and E§refogullari began to stru ggle against Mongolians again

in Anatolia,



Turkomen under the command of Memlukians attacked to the Armenians who were the allies o f Mongolians from the south. Memlukians attacked to

their brigandages. The cities and castles of Rasas,

Derbisak and Besni which were captured by the

137 R efet Yiruin<,\ D u lk a d ir P rin cip ality. T u rk ish H isto ry In stitutio n P rin tin g H o u se . A n k a r a 1989, p. 3. 138 S te v e n R u n c im a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , Vol. III. p. 274.

134 A ll S e vlm , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 38. 135 A li S e vlm , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 39; O s m a n T u ra n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 453. 136 A li S evim , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 9 - 40.

13S R efet Ylrian<;, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 4; E n v e r K a rte k in , T h e H isto ry o f R a m a z a n o g u lla r i Prin cip ality, Is t a n b u l 1979. p. 18. 140 S te v e n R u n c im a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , Vol. Ill, p. 2 76 - 277 .

Kozan by passing through Amanos Mountains and captured Mara§, B e s n i


and Telhandum from Armenians in 1292. After the death of Ebu S a i d Bahadir Khan in 1335, upon the collapse o f ilhanli domination in A n a to lia , Dulkadirli Turkomans dominated in Elbistan and Mara§, and R a m a z a n li Turkomans dominated in Qukurova141.


As it is seen, the Arm enians did not obey their oaths and the a g ree m e n ts which they made and they made massacres and pillages, and t h e y


betrayed by form ing allies with Mongolians and Crusaders against Turks t o whom they were dependent on, and in spite o f all the above m en tio n ed

The Armenians who were stupefied from the religious pressure of

things made by the Armenians, they were again deceived and left alone b y

Byzantium were greeting the appearance of the Oguz Turks with pleasure.

the Europeans, and so they were not only emigrated by Rome, B yzan tiu m

The trend of Armenians towards the Oguz Turks was such a noticeable

and Sasanians, but they were also emigrated from Anatolia by M em lukians

thing that, the Christian historians had accused them o f making treasor

as a compensation for their actions.

against Christianity1. In cases that the Armenians did not make any bad actions to their surroundings, they were always treated well by the Seljukians. The Armenians in Qukurova, who had tried to continue their existence by making their political preferences always wrong, had lived the problems o f Anatolia by gradually getting smaller. It can not be said that there was an Armenian problem in Turkey before the 1877 - 1878 Ottoman - Russian war. The involvement o f istanbul in the Armenian issues in the later years was due to the concerns of protecting the independence

of the Arm enian

Church against


assimilation efforts o f Catholic and Orthodox organizatiations2. Another event by which the Turks ensured the political authority after having come to Anatolia, was the conquest o f Istanbul. Sultan Mehmet has caused to bring the Armenian Bishop o f Bursa, Ovakim3 to Istanbul, together with many families accompanying him. There were priests, artists, architects, farmers and merchants among them. Since the sultan was sure from the Armenians’ devotion and fidelity, he settled them in the most important locations o f the city. The Sulu Monastery Church in Samatya was given to the Armenians whose numbers were increasing day by day. Sultan Mehmet recognized his personal friend, Ovakim who brought from

1 V. G o rd lc v s k i. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 145, 308. 2 K a m u ra n G iir u n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .84. 3 These A r m e n ia n s w e re the c o m m u n ity w h o m ig ra te d from A d a n a R egion to B u r s a . detailed

In fo rm a tio n ,

se c



T u rk

D cvletl

H lzm etin d c

E rm c n lle r

1 4 5 3 -1 9 5 3

A rm en ia n s in th e S c rv ic c o f T u rk is h S ta te 1 4 5 3 -1 9 5 3 ) , Is t a n b u l 1953, p. 28.

For (T h e

Bursa, as the Patriarch o f the Armenian community in 1461 with a f i r m a ^

One of the important reasons for (he Ottomans to advance more in the

ordered by himself as independent and separate from the other C h r i s t i a n

west direction during their establishment years should also be kept in

churches in Istanbul and Anatolia. By this way, the Armenians began


mind. This reason was that the lief system of the Ottomans were preferred

make their religious worships in the equitable and merciful capital

o f

by "serfs"” when compared to the relations of the dominant feudals in


Europa with the serfs9.

The Ottoman State gave permission for the establishment o f

a n

It can not be said for all of the Armenians under the sovereignty of

assembly called " General National Armenian Assembly " for the purpose o f

Ottomans that they desired to have a safe and happy life by earning their

ensuring basic rights o f the Armenians, feeling confidence and s h o w i n g

uving. By thinking the revolts

made against Ottoman State by the

interests in their rights, on May 24, 1860. The official appropriations g i v e n

revolutionists o f Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia and Montenegro, some greed

to Yedikule Armenian Hospital, Haskoy Orphanage and other A r m e n ia n

began to wake up among the Armenians. The Armenians in Anatolia

organizations, and the money given as compensation for annual deficits o f

started to disrupt the long time silence by rebelling against Ottomans with

the patriarchate, were a kindness o f the State shown to them5.

the effects coming from Russia. Europa and even Am erica10.

There were no religious or administrative disagreement between T u r k s

The place in which the first rebellions of the Armenians happened was

and Armenians in that period. The only difference between Turks an d .

Zeytun. The Ani Armenians who escaped from the Byzantium occupation

Armenians was that the Armenians didn’t make any military duty. B e ca u s e

had settled in this steep, mountainous and thickly wooded region which is

o f this privilege, the Armenians dominated the commercial and eco n o m ic life o f the State as the other minorities, their population increased and t h e y obtained a medium for making business continuously and basicly, w h ile

between Ceyhan River and Goksu Stream in the north - west o f Mara§. The Armenians of Zeytun who resisted for not paying the taxes which were kept low by the state and for making rebellion, made eighteen rebellions which continued with intervals within the period beginning from 1780 up to

Turks regressed economically and from the point of population6.

191411. The Armenian National Regulation which was prepared at the end o f th e studies made within the provisions o f the Reform Firman in the years between 1857 and 1860, brought new and more equitable provisions for th e

The rebellions in Van in 1863 and in Qarsancak in 1865, are the indications that how the Armenians were insolent against Ottoman State12.

Armenians in addition to their previous rights. After the approval o f this

The religious representation o f the Armenians living in Turkey were

regulation by Ottoman State in 1862, the Turks began to live together with

being made by Istanbul Patriarchate. The Echmiadzin Catholigosship

the Armenians. The Armenians were excused from military duty till 1908.

within the borders o f Russia was the last decision authority on all the

The Armenians who accepted this military duty exemption as a privilege in

religious works o f the Armenian Church. There was a sinodc consisted of

welfare and comfort, put forward this privilege as a right spared from them

the high level priests near the Echmiadzin Catholigos. Their official duties

in XlXth century. When they had this right, they revolted against the State7.

were necessary to be approved by Tsar. The Russian Government had

4 Y. Q a rk ,

8 Serf : T h e c ultivation w o rk e r w h o w a s b ou gh t a n d sold together wit 1i lan d in fe u d a lism period.

the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .8 -2 8

5 A b d u lla h Y a m a n , E r m e n i M e s e le s ! ve T iirk lye (A rm e n ia n

influence on the election o f the Catholigos. By this way, the Russian

a n d T u rk e y , O t a g P u b ., Is t a n b u l

3 Idris K u ^ u k o m e r . D tize n in Y a b a n c ila § m a s i (B e c o m in g A lien o f th e O rd e r). A n t P u b lic a tio n s.

1 97 3, p. 66.

Istan b u l 1 9 6 9 ,


10 A lp e r G a z ig ir a y . Ih e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p. 131.

N e c la

B a s g iin ,

T tir k -E r m e n l


A b d iilh a m id 'in

C u lu s u n d a n

Z a m a n im iz a

K adar

(R e la tio n s o f T u rk s a n d A r m e n ia n s fro m the A s c e s s io n to the T h ro n e o f A b d u lh a m id to T o d a y ), A n k a r a 1974, p. 14. 7 N e c la B a s g iin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 14.

p. 41.

11 A lp e r G a z ig ir a y , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 144 -


12 A k d e s N Im e t K u ra t. T iirk ly e ve R u s y a ( T u rk e y a n d R u s s ia ). A .U . P rin tin g H o u se . A n k a r a 1970, p . l 13.

Government caused the Armenians in Turkey to be provoked a g a i n ® t Ottoman State13.

However, Ihe Armenians were in such status that they were distributed in many provinces in Anatolia. Contrary to the Armenians' claims, they

Migirdig Hrimyan who was elected as the Armenian Patriarch in 1 8 6 9 »

were not forming the majority in any province. The Turks were 3 to 4 folds

began to suggest the idea of rebellion against the State to the A r m e n i a n

of the Armenians18. It can not be said that the Armenians living in Anatolia

youngsters around him while he was a young priest in the years b e t w e e n

were stationary in their places. Due to the various migrations, their

1840 and 1850. He published a secret newspaper in Van for this p u r p o s e -

populations changed. Only after the advance o f Russian towards Erzurum,

Hrimyan and his assistants were trying to disseminate the propaganda t o

approximately 100.000 Armenians went to Russia from Erzurum and

the Europea public opinion that the Turks were making pressures on t h e

Ele§kirt with Edirne Agreement made in 183919.

Armenians, they massacred the Armenians and obliged the A r m e n ia n women to become Muslim, for the purpose o f attacking the attention o f foreign people and providing the intervention of the European S ta te s . Hrimyan, didn’t refrain from confronting the Armenian National A s s e m b ly , by trusting the provincial Armenians. He was a cruel and m erciless14 r e b e l who even didn’t regret for his nation. Hrimyan tried that the new p rin cip les which would be included in the Regulation o f the Armenian Nation15 to b e changed. The main purpose of Hrimyan was to obtain more com prehensive rights for the provincial Armenians by forming separate regulations. W h en Migirdig Hrimyan resigned in 187216, when he was not able to orientate th e Armenian National Assembly in the direction o f his desires.

When the Russian armies occupied some o f the provinces in the northeast Anatolia during 1877 - 1878 Ottoman Russian War, the Russian got in contact with the Armenians living in that region. The Armenian soldiers, officers and generals in the Russian army didn’t refrain from provoking the Ottoman Armenians. By sending the Armenian Patriarch Narses to the Headquarters of Grandduke Nikola in Ayastafanos, they ensured that a clause20 in favour of the Armenians was included in the agreement. The first step was taken into the events which would later be mentioned as "Armenian Problem" by this clause21. This situation would cause that Russia would Balkanize the East Anatolia and spread to Persian Gulf over iskenderun on the one hand and over Mesopotamia on the other

Nerses Varjebetyan who took the vacant Armenian Patriarchate tried t o

hand, under the curtain o f protecting the Armenians. Britain, then gave up

make changes in the regulation. He had a regulation prepared similar to

the hope that the Ottoman state would be able to prevent Russian plans by

that o f the "French" national assembly for the Armenian National Assembly. He improved the status o f Ahtamar Catholigosship in Van lake with the budget o f the Patriarchate17.

itself any more. In case that the Russian plans were realized, the English advantages might have encountered serious and heavy dangers. Britain might have prevented the Russian danger by having the lands necessary for herself and by making her influence stronger over those lands, allhough

13 Y. H lk m e t B a y u r , T iirk in k lla b i Tarihi ( T u rk is h R ev o lu tion H isto ry ), V o lu m e 3.. P a rt 3.. T u r k is h H isto ry In stitutio n

P rin tin g H ouse, A n k a r a 1983,

keeping her policy o f protecting the unitarity o f the lands of Ottoman Slate.

p. 50-5 1 .

14 T h e fello w - c itizen s o f H rim y a n w h o s a w th at H rim y a n se n t g u e rilla s to V a n over Ira n a n d m a k e e xcited the re b e llio n d u r in g V a n R ebellion in 1896, re q u e s t e d h im n ot to se n d g u e r illa s

IH E n v e r

to V a n for p re v e n tin g m ore c a s u a ltie s . B u t H rim y a n c o n tin u e d to se n d n e w g u e rilla s. See,

Institution P rin tin g H o u s e . A n k a r a 1983, p. 129.

M e h m e t H o c a o g lu , the a b o v e

m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 37.

15 T h is is the A r m e n ia n C on stitu tio n w h ich w a s p re p a re d d ire c tly w ith o u t ta k in g the a p p ro v a l o f th e O tto m a n G o v e rn m e n t, b y the A rm e n ia n p a t ria rc h a s s e m b lie s m et at the A r m e n ia n p a t ri­ a r c h a t e in 1857, 1859 a n d 1860 afte r 1856 R efo rm F irm a n . S e e, E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n ­ tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 156 -1 6 2 . 16 A lp e r G azigiray ,

the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 8 0 -8 2 .


K aral.

O s m a n li

T a rih i

(T h e

O tto m a n H istory).

19 C itatio n from "R. H o v a n n is ia n , A r m e n ia on (h e R oad

V o lu m e

8. T u rk is h

to in d e p e n d e n c e , p.

H isto ry

9"K a m u ra n

G u riin . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n . P. 57. 20 "... T h e O tto m a n S ta te u n d e r t a k e s to execu te the im p ro v em e n ts a n d re o rg a n iz a tio n s in favour o f the region in the p ro v in c e s In w h ich the A r m e n ia n s se ttle d w ith o u t lo s in g tim e, a n d to protect the A r m e n ia n s a g a in s t K u r d s a n d C irc a s s ia n s ." S e e. "E n v e r Z. K a ra l, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . V o lu m e 8, p. 129" for d etailed In fo rm ation .

17 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 196; M e h m e t H o c a o g lu , th e a b o v e m e n ­

21 E n v e r Z. K a ra l, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n . Vol. 8. p. 129; E s a t U ra s . the a b o v e m e n ­

tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p .2 07 .

p. 82.

For this purpose, Britain took Cyprus from the Ottoman State before t h e

such a project. With the Sazanof s words. " In case that the representatives

Berlin Agreement, for using as a base against Russia when necessary22.

of Armenians convince the French Cabinet for including Qukurova within

The Armenians tried to have a provision in favour o f Armenians put ira the Agreement before the Ayastefanos Agreement, by visiting G ra n d d u k e Nikola and Count Inagtiyef in Edirne. Count Inagtiyef provoked

the borders o f the future Armenia, Russia would immediately accept the requests of the Armenians in Turkey25".

th e

The Russian were acting cruelly in the areas such as Batumi, Kars and

Armenians by saying " I am always ready to support your patriarch, it i s

Ardahan which were occupied by the Russian in accordance with the

ju st

th e

provisions o f the Ayastefanos Agreement and Berlin Congress. For this

representative o f Armenians. Although the Russian seemed to support t h e

reason, Turks migrated to the western parts of Anatolia. Armenians. Greeks

independence requests o f the Armenians, they abstained from this s in c e

and Syrian Christians were settled in the places emptied by Turks and in

this might have been an example for the Armenians within their borders.

this way a Christian majority was tried to be formed. The British could not

The clause 61 o f Berlin Agreement, has changed and softened clause 16 o f

be indifferent to acting o f Russians over Armenians. At the end o f XIXlh

the Ayastefanos Agreement, by the involvement of Britain. The O ttom an

century, signing an agreement of the English with the Ottomans for Cyprus

the right

time for the patriarch

to start the work

”, to

State "would make improvements in the provinces in which the Arm enians settled, inspect the application of the measures taken for this purpose, an d provide information for the great states at certain intervals"23.

on the one hand and becoming of them the defendant of the Armenian independence in the first place on the other hand, for not leaving Russia alone in the " Eastern Problem ", attracted the attention of Russia. Britain

Although independence decision were not taken for the Armenians at

requested the establishment of an independent Armenian government in

Berlin Conference held in June 13 to July 13, 1878, the Armenians and

the eastern provinces o f Turkey for preventing Russia

Russian were not hopeless. According to them, making improvements in

iskenderun Gulf26.

Turkey in view o f Europe, would be the biggest step for obtaining the independence o f any Christian community24. In fact, the European States saw Turkey as a plunder to be shared. The only problem was that who would be able to obtain much more part from this sharing out. The Armenians were not satisfied with our eastern provinces any more, and they also desired to reach the coasts o f Mediterranean. The French tended to be powerful in Syria, iskenderun and Mediterranean Region. But the Armenian representative, Bogos Nubar, requested the establishment o f a

to reach to

The Armenians, who presented a project prepared by Patriarchate in Berlin Congress, claimed that 1.300.000 Armenians were living in the provinces of Erzurum and Van, and in the north parts of Diyarbaktr, but only 729.000 Muslims were living there. They requested that, by making this region an independent province, an Armenian governor should be appointed to that province with the proposal o f European states and with the approval o f the Ottoman Government. As a result o f coming out o f a

French influence area in that region and that the requests o f Armenians

European control decision instead o f Russian control from the congress


that the

and treating the Armenian requests from the states participated in the

independence, in case it was given, should be under the protection o f

congress, the Armenians understood that they were deceived. However, the

France, Britain and Russia. Russia would immediately show interest in

Armenian Committee was expecting to be defended in the congress as the





He even



other Christian nations27. 22 E n v e r Z . K a ra!, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n . Vol. 8, p. 130,- Кa m u r a n G i i r i i n , th e a b o v e 25 Alt a n D e lio rm a n ,

m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p . 78 - 79. 23 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n . p . 2 I 7 - 251 ; F a h ir A rtn a o g lu ,

S iyast T a rih (

Political H isto ry). 1 7 8 9 -1 9 6 0 , A n k a r a 1973, p .289.

T iirk le re K a r§ i E rm en i K om ilecilcri (A rm e n ia n R e b e ls A g a in s t 'lu r k s ).

Bo gazigi P u b lic a tio n s : 2. 2 n d P re s s . Is t a n b u l 1975,

p. 175.

20 S e la h a ttln T a n sel. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , Vol. 1. p. 109 - 1 10.

M o n d ro s 't a n M u d a n y a 'y a K a d a r ( F rom M o n d ro s to M u d a n y a ), P rin tin g

27 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .2 1 ; C evd et КСц-йк. O s m a n li D ip lo m a s is in d e

H o u s e o f P rim e M i n i s t e r 's Office, V o l.l, A n k a r a 1973, p. 109; E s a t U ra s, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

E rm en i M e s e le sin in O r t a y a giki§), 1 8 7 8 -1 8 9 7 (A p p e a ra n c e o f the A r m e n ia n Q u e s tio n in the

p u b lic a tio n , p .2 7 1 .

O tto m a n D ip lo m a c y , 1878 - 1897). Is t a n b u l 1984, p . 13 - 14.

24 S e la h a t t ln T a n s e l,

The Armenian Committee returned back to Istanbul by declaring t h a t

The Armenians in Turkey which were encouraged with the ideas of

they would not give up their struggle until their requests replied p o s itiv e ly.

revolution and independence by the members of the committees were going

The Armenians

began to establish associations and com m ittees

fo r

to Caucasia for making active propaganda32.

realizing their purposes, following the infiltration of Armenian v o lu n ta ries from Russia for organizing the Armenians in Turkey. The first en terp rise

The Russian military personnel worked with special duty for training the

about this matter was Committee of Charitable established for ra is in g

emigrant Arm enians

Kilikya in 1860, this was followed by the Committee of Self - sacrifice. T h e

revolutionists. The Russian Consul, Major Kamsaragan who was giving

purpose o f the Committee o f Union and Safety that was established in V a n

special information about using weapons

in 1872, was becoming stronger under the protection and intervention o f

Armenian School in Van was only one o f them33.

Russia. The Committee of Araratli in Van, Committee o f School - lovers, Committee o f Easterners and Committee of Kilikya in Mu§ were established between the years of 1870 and 188028. The Committees of Araratli, School-lovers, Easterners and K ilikya established the Armenian United Committee by being united in 1880. During the same dates, Committee of Nationalist Women, Committee o f Towards Armenia, Committee of Young Armenia in Caucasia, Committee o f Armed Persons in Erzurum in 1882, Committee of Black Cross in Van, Committee o f Union of Patriots in Istanbul, and Committee o f Suprem e Council29 in Erzurum in 1881 were established.


the Arm enians

in Turkey as


and military strategies at

The Armenians in Turkey also established revolutionist political parties for realizing their purposes. Migirdig Portakalyan educated a revolutionist youth under the title of teacher at the school opened by himself in Van for long years. When he was prohibited to live in Van in 1885, he went to France and began to publish Armenia newspaper. 9 persons among the students of Portakalyan who claimed the slogan that the independence could not be obtained without killing, established the Armenakan Party in Autumn of 1885. The party was established for the purpose o f obtaining the self - administration right o f the Armenians through revolution by making activities within the frame o f guerrilla working discipline34.

There were committees established only for the purpose o f revolution, besides the above mentioned committees. The Committee o f Black Cross

The main two organizations which should be taken into account were

established in Van in 1878 was an organization similar to Clu Clux Clan in

the parties known as the Committees o f Hmgak and Ta§nak which dragged

America. The Committee o f Defendants o f Mother Country established in

the Armenians into a bloody adventure.

Erzurum in 1881 was a revolutionist organization which purposed arm ing the Armenians30.

The Committee o f Hmgak35 established by the Russian citizen Armenian Avedis Nazarbeg from Caucasia, his wife Maro and his student Armenian

The committees established in Turkey after 1880 had the purpose o f

friends from Caucasia in Geneva in August 1887, was established by being

revolution. The Armenians coming from Russia played important roles in

based on the principles o f Karl Marx. The political purpose o f the

these organizations. The activities of the committees in question were

committee o f which most o f the members consisted o f Armenians from

managed from Tbilisi and the money necessary for providing weapons and ammunition were sent from Tbilisi as well31.

Russia was to rescue the Armenia in Turkey, and by uniting this with Armenia in Russia and Armenia in Iran, to form an independent Armenia.

b s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u blic ation , p . 421 ; N ec la B a s g iin , tile a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .37.

32 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 424.

20 W a s e s ta b lis h e d a s the C om m ittee o f D e fe n d a n t C itiz en s a fte r c h a n g in g its n am e . See,

33 C ita tio n

A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n , p .7 1 ; N e c la B a s g iin , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

K a m u ra n G iiru n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 130 ; E s a t U ra s . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

p u b lic a tio n , p .38.


"L o u ise

N a lb a n d la n ,

T he

A r m e n ia n

R e v o lu tio n a ry

M o v e m en t,



p u b lic a tio n , p. 431.

30 K a m u r a n G tiru n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 129.

34 C ita tio n from "L o u ise N a lb a n d la n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 97 - 99 ; K a m u ra n

31 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 4 21 , 423, 4 5 0 — 452; N e c la B a s g iin , the

G iiriin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 129.

a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a t io n . p. 38.

35 H in g a k : M e a n s be ll, the voice o f be ll, sm all bell.


The committee accepted as legitimate to use all means to reach its

the committee within three months by taking their oath. After that, the

purpose through revolution and as lawful to kill the Turks who w ere th e

activities of the committee was learned by the Government authorities, and

members of the current administrationse.

the arrests began. While (he investigation concerning the matter in

The Committee of Ta§naksutyun37 was established as a M arxist — Revolutionist organization in Caucasia in

1890. The purpose o f th e

committee was to obtain political and economic freedom for the Arm enia in Turkey through rebellion. The real purpose of them was independence38. Many Armenian rebels from Erzurum, Dersim, Mu§ and other provinces also participated in the first meeting o f the Committee o f Ta§naksutyun in Tbilisi in Autumn 1892. At the end o f the negotiations, the opinion o f making assassinations only against traitors, spies and agents o f the enem y was accepted. The committee decided to arm the Armenians in Turkey b y providing weapons, to make weapons training, to train the Arm enian people and especially the young ones in accordance with the committee and its purposes, for realizing these purposes39.

question was going on, the English Ambassador Dufferin saw and warned the Ottoman Sultan by saying that unless the improvement concerning Armenians was not made, then the Cyprus Agreement would not come into force. The committee deviated the realities by sending to the English Government many notes saying that " innocent people were arrested Erzurum was easing the rebels to enter from the lands o f Russia and to transfer weapons and ammunition. Furthermore, Erzurum was one o f the first points for the Russian armies to enter. The information that the Armenians brought weapons and ammunition from Russia and concealed them at Sanasaryan School and churches reached

to the Erzurum

Governor Semih Pasha on June 20, 1890. The gendarmerie and the police wanted to make search at the church in July. The Armenians who learned this beforehand, made preparations for opposing. The Armenian rebels

It can not be thought that the Ottoman State was unaware o f the studies made by the Armenians in Turkey and the foreign mission. In fact,

opened fire on the gendarme who came there for searching and martyred 1 officer, 2 soldiers and 1 policeman41

according to the Armenians in Russia, the Armenians in Turkey were in

The defender citizens and the rebels who were the members o f the other

paradise. The Ottoman Sultan and statesmen had never left justice and

committees tried to encourage the Armenians for rebellion wholly. They had

tolerance by opening all the doors for Armenians,

beaten the Armenian notables who tried to the Armenians. In the fights

by giving them

permission to make activities and to take duties in all areas.

among the civilian people that tookh place by the provocation o f the

The Armenian rebels increased their organized activities in Turkey for attracting the attention of the European States which they blamed for being

Armenian rebels, 8 Armenians and 2 Turks42 died, and 60 Armenians and 45 Turks were injured43.

insensible, to act them as in the event o f independence of Bulgaria and for

The Armenian rebels were expecting that the foreign intervention would

causing them to make intervention. The Mother - Country Defenders

happen through the consuls o f the European States in Erzurum. But when

established in Erzurum in May 1881 acquired more than 100 Armenians to 40 T h e trial o f 76 p e r s o n s w h o w e re a rre ste d , started in E r z u r u m in 1883. 40 p e r s o n s w h o w e re se n te n c e d w e re forgiven b y II n d A b d u lh a m it later. S e e. K a m u ra n G u r u n . (h e a b o v e m e n tio n e d

30 E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .431 - 442. 37 T h e term T a § n a k s u ty u n c o rre s p o n d s to F ed eration . T h e fu ll title o f the com m ittee is the;

p u b lic a tio n , p. 1 3 7 -


U n io n o f A r m e n ia n R evo lu tion C om m ittee. In the initial p eriod , the com m ittee w a s reco gn ized

41 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 458.

a s the T ru § a k C o m m ittee d u e to th eir p u b lic atio n o rg a n T r u § a k n e w s p a p e r . S e e , K a m u ra n

42 in K a m u r a n G u r u n , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 141 ; it w a s w ritte n b y r e fe iiln g

G iiriin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d

p u b lic a tio n , p. 132.

38 C itatio n from "L o u ise N a lb a n d la n , the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p.

to the E n g lis h 152" ; K a m u ra n

C on su l


the A r m e n ia n s


2 s o ld ie rs


in ju re d


p erson s.


A r m e n ia n s d ie d a n d 2 5 0 o f th em w e r e In ju red . In E sat U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

G u r u n . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 132 ; N ec la B a s g iin . (h e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b li­

p. 4 59 ; It w a s w ritten b y re fe rrin g to the m e m orie s o f a n A r m e n ia n that b o th s id e s lost m ore

cation, p. 42 - 43.

th an 100 p eo p le , a n d a p p ro x im a te ly 2 0 0 - 3 00 p eo p le w ere In ju red .

39 C itation from M . V a ra n t y a n . T a § n a k s u ly u n T a rih i (The H isto ry o f T a tn a k s u ty u n ), P a ris

43 C ita tio n from T r e a s u r y D o c u m e n ts , c a rd b o a rd ; 3 1 2 , file ; 64 ; K a m u ra n G u r u n . the a b o v e

1932. Vol. I, p. 20; E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e

m e n tio n ed d o c u m e n ts , p. 141 - 142.

m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 4 5 0 .


intervention did not happen, they were all confused and

th e y

being able to act more organized, the Hinc^ak rebels joined with Eastern

concluded that; " To be able to break the insensitivity as hard as stone o f

Federation which was consisted of the revolutionists of Macedonia, Albania.

the big European States, to arrange a big demonstration in the capital o f

Crete and Greece in 1891. The Committee tried to attract attention by

the Ottoman Sultan, in front of the consuls "44.

trying to kill the Governor o f Van in December 189250. The Hingak rebels opened branches in the places such as Kayseri,

The Hingak rebels tried to benefit from Musa Bey event by using the exaggerated propaganda, as the life and property safety o f the Arm enians

Yozgat, Qorum, Aziziye,

and safety of the Christians in Turkey were lost. Musa Bey from Mutki w as

distributing the and announcements

judged in a trial followed by foreign political representatives and journalists in Istanbul with the claim of kidnapping the daughter o f the brother o f a priest from Mu§ and treating her badly. Musa Bey was found innocent at


as Merzifon being the center, issued abroad,


beginning from

summer 1892. They organized the distribution o f the declarations in these centers in 1893. The announcements were hanged in Amasya, Merzifon, Qorum, Tokat, Yozgat, Ankara and Diyarbakir targeting the Ottoman Sultan and notifying that the great state which was governing millions of

the end of the trial45.

Muslims would be in need o f help in the near future51. Since the desired results couldn’t be obtained in Europe with Erzurum rebellion and Musa Bey event, the Committee o f Hin^ak arranged the "Kumkapi Demonstration " led by the rebels, Hamparsum Boyaciyan46, Harutyun Cangulyan and Mihran Damadian. The movement would be carried out against both the Ottoman Government and Patriarch A§ikyan who was believed that he didn’t protect the benefits o f the Armenian people. In July 189047, after having read a declaration in the church, the rebels went to the Patriarchate and convinced A§ikyan by force to walk to Yildiz Palace48.

The rebels carried out events in Sasun52 which were more bloody than the events in which they killed Turkish Gendarme and carried out pillages in Merzifon and Tokat. The Hingak rebels, desired to alarm the Europe by saying that the army was killing the Armenians, by causing the Armenians to attack against the tribes in the region and so by causing the intervention of the army. They made massacres in August 1894, by establishing more than 3.000 guerrilla groups and attacking against the tribes in the region53. In Van, where their activities were intense, the Armenian rebels made firing training near the




sent patrol


The rebels whose vehicles were stopped on the way by gendarmerie

detachment, during the winter o f 1895. An increase in the missionary

opposed them by using weapons. This rebellion movement could be

activities in Van was also being observed. The money collected secretly and

prevented without being more spreading49.

taken from London through English Consulate, was brought to Van and

In spite o f everything, the Hingak rebels believed that the Kumkapi Demonstration attracted the attention of Europe on the Armenians. For

being distributed to the concerned persons by being camouflaged with the associations established for the protection of so-called poor people54. However, while the Englishmen were trying to provide economic support to the Armenians, the Armenians clearly announced that the Englishmen

44 E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed d o c u m e n ts, p. 459.

purchased the blood of Armenians very cheaply such as Van straw55.

45 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u blic atio n , p. 460. 46 T h is A r m e n ia n re b e l w h o se n ic k n a m e w a s M u ra d , p a rtic ip a te d in S a s u n R e b e llio n a n d e n te re d into th e A s s e m b ly a s K o z an D e p u ty in il n d. C o n stitu tio n .

in 1891,

See E satU ra s,


50 K a m u r a n G iiriin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 144 -


a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 4 6 1 . 51 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 4 6 4 - 468. 47 In K a m u r a n G iiriin , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 142, the d ate o f the event is given a s J u ly 15, 1890 S u n d a y b y m istak e. In fact, that d a te c o rre s p o n d s to T u e sd a y . J u ly 27, 1890. S u n d a y is m o re re a lis tic for the d a te w h ich is d e s ire d to b e given .

52 S a s u n , is a c o u n ty o f S iirl. 53 K a m u r a n G u riin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 146.

48 C ita tio n from N a lb a n d ia n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 1 1 8 ; K a m u r a n G iiriin , the


a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 142.

T ra n s la tio n : A zm i S u s lii, A .U . P rin tin g H o u se . A n k a r a 1986, p. 38.

M a y e w s k i,

E rm e n ile rin

Y a p iik la r i

K a llia m la r

(T h e

M assacres

49 N e c la B a s g u n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic ation , p. 49.

55 M a y e w s k i. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 38.

M ade


A r m e n ia n s ):

The Htngak Committee also started to make assassinations to the Armenians who didn’t participate in the events and those who w ere accepted as the supporters o f the Government. The Lawyer Hagik was killed by an Armenian who was 15 years old and whose name was Armenak, in Istanbul. Dacad Vartabed who was the preacher of Gedikpasha C hurch was broken up into pieces as a result of an assassination. An assassination was made to Patriarch A§ikyan on March 25, 1894 by Agop from Diyarbakir who was given the duty by the Committee by drawing of lots. Since the gun of Agop was defective, the Patriarch was able to save his life. Banker Sim on Maksut who was the head translator of the Patriarchate also survived from

1895. Reaching of the rebels to their real purposes was prevented by the measures taken by the Ottoman Government by not leaving neutrality^’. Ilnd Abdulhamit understood that Russia. Germany and France didn't support the independent Armenia as supported by Britain. The Ottoman Sultan was seriously resisting to the requests of Britain by mostly trusting to Russia and Germany. The events increased with the protest march of Armenians towards The Subime Porte was because of the conducts of Britain and France60. Entering into close relations of the Ottoman State with Russia and especially with Germany by being estranged from Britain, was one o f the

the assassination of the committee on May 189456.

reasons for changing of the English policy. The extension o f the Russian While the bloody rebellion events caused by Armenian rebels an all over Turkey were going on, Britain, France and Russia gave a note to the Ottoman Government on May 11, 1895. They requested to immediately make valid the clause 61 o f the Berlin Agreement, to assign new governors

and German influences to the Middle East through the Ottoman State, would be an irresistible development for Britain. Furthermore, Britain interpreted the leaving of the Armenian reformation by the Ottoman Government to time as a stroke to the political prestige o f Britain61.

to the six provinces of Anatolia by also taking the opinions of big states, to abolish the Hamidiye Regiments, and to establish gendarme units from

All the actions o f the Armenian rebels was being directed by well trained militants. Ta§naksutyun had the opinion that the actions of the


Committee of Hingak were not effective enough. Ta§nak rebels, together The Sublime Porte indicated that the proposals which were not contrary

with the rebels o f the Committees o f Yildirtm (Thunderbolt) and Kurban

to the Ottoman laws and regulations were already essentially accepted, but

(Sacrifice) which were established in Istanbul in 1896, decided to attack to

refused the other proposals by indicating that those proposals would be an

the " Ottoman Bank " and at the same time to start actions at the districts

intervention to the sovereignty rights o f the Ottoman Sultan. After this

in which the Armenians were settled. Three leaders of the Commit lee came

event, one of the big sized bloody events was the " The Sublime Porte

to Istanbul from

Demonstration " organized by the Hingak rebels by provoking the

Pastirmaciyan62 was one o f the revolutionists who had come from Athens.

Armenians, on September 30, 1895. The Government forces was able to

The rebels carried out the action of occupying the bank on August 14, 1896

quieten this event in which Major Server Bey who was the member o f

who attacked with bombs63.


to organize

the attack action.


Istanbul Gendarme Regiment Assembly and many civilian people were killed, within three days58. 59 E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 478 - 5 1 9 ; K a m u ra n G u iim . the a b o v e

The organized rebellion activities went on bloodyly especially in the provinces and towns in Eastern Anatolia Region o f Turkey until the end o f

m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 147 - 172. 60 E n v e r Z. K aral, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n . Vol. 8. p. 140 - 141. 61 E n v e r Z. K aral, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n . Vol. 8, p. 141. 62 K a re k in P a stirm a c iy a n is the re b e l w h o u s e d the n ic k n a m e o f A rm e n

(l a m , e lected a s

56 E s a t U r a s . Ihe a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 4 6 9 - 471.

d e p u ly from E r z u r u m in

57 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 4 7 7 : C cvat Kucntk. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

w ith h is g a n g s d u r in g the F irst W o r ld W a r . S e e C e m a l A n a d o l. the ab ov e m e n tio n e d p u b l ic a ­

p u b lic a tio n , p. 1 1 6 -1 1 7 . 58 E n v e r Z. K a ra l, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blic atio n , Vol. 8, p. 137 the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , V o l. I, p. 1 1 2 - 1 1 3 .

1908 C o n stitu tio n , a n d fo u g h t a g a in s t T u rk ey in C a u c a s ia n front

tion, p. 240 . 143 ; S e la h a ttln T a n s e l.

03 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 5 0 7 - 5 10 ; M ay ew sk i, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n p .52.

The rebels thought that they would force Europe to intervene the

not so, and according to the own publications o f the Armenians,

Armenian problem, by attacking to this bank which was established with

approximately 932 - 1.132 Turks were killed in the fights, but only 19

foreign capital. In spite o f the measures taken by the Government forces,

Armenians died69.

120 gendarmes died and approximately 25 of them were injured with the effects of bombs and guns. The number o f the died and injured people among the civilian people could not be determined. The militants w ho had come with Russian passport and managed the attack, succeeded to escape with the help o f the French and Russian64.

The failure o f the Armenian rebels didn't demoralise



Committee of Ta§naksutyun decided to carry out a series of actions in Istanbul and Izmir, in their meeting in Sofia in the first month of 1904. It was planned to cause the involvement o f the Europe by bombing all the foreign organizations70. «

After the Ottoman Bank attack, the Ta§naksutyun rebels wanted to carry out the second big action in July 189465. By entering into Turkey over

On the failure o f the assassination effort to Ilnd Abdulhamit with pistol,

Iran through Van with a crowded group o f gangs, they attacked to the tents

the Ta§nak rebels made a new effort on July 21, 1905; Friday. When the

of Mazrik Tribe in Hanasor. The situation o f being killed o f all o f the tribe

Ottoman Sultan was going out from the mosque, they exploded a time

was prevented by the soldiers who reached there on time. New forces from


Caucasia began to participate in the group o f gangs Antranik66 which was

Sheikhulislam, he saved his life from this assassination. The Sultan




Abdulham id






the leader o f Ta§nak rebels who were going on to make activities in Sasun

showed his accomplishment by forgiving the assassinates who were seized

and Mu§ region, towards the end of 1903. The Armenians in Russia were

as a result of the investigations. The Armenian sources made the following

being obliged to join the Orthodox religion. The reason of their escapes from

evaluation for this event : "It was one of the magnificent but useless efforts

Russia was the above mentioned obligation. Murad from Sivas who was one

of Ta§naksutyun. Its success would bring no use for the Armenian

of the Armenians who entered into Turkey and his

problem. Its failure had saved our people from a big disaster"71.

group o f gangs, was

known by their brutal actions67.

With the announcement o f the Constitution in 1908, everybody was in

The Armenian rebellions extended from Sasun hills and Mu§ plain, and

the drunkenness o f freedom. The deserter and politically guilty Armenians

from there to Van in April 1904. The government carried out a military

filled Istanbul by making use o f this confusion. The committees seemed to

operation against these rebellions on April 13. The Armenians who were

leave their revolutionist policies afterwards. The members o f the Union and

cornered in the Mu§ region, were released through the mediation o f the

Progress brought many Armenian intellectuals to the important positions

consuls of foreign states. During that time, the foreign newspapers were

of the state, by being deceived by the Armenian lies. Ta§nak, Hinqak and

publishing exaggerated news by means of Armenians about that the Turks

the other committees began to be organized again and to open branches

made cruelties and wildness against Armenians68. Whereas the reality was

secretly. The rebels tried to obtain the Patriarchate and Episkopusships for increasing their influence am ong the Armenians72. The Armenians began to make actions for rising the Armenian notables

64 S e la h a t tin T a n sel, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , Vol. 1, p. 113. 65 K a m u r a n G u r u n , in the a bove m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , on p. 166, gives the d a te a s J u n e 1897 b y b a s e d o n K.S. P a p a z ia n . For this d ate, it is m o re a p p ro p ria te

o f the even t

by arranging plays in the center of Istanbul. They were singing songs that

to take a p u b ­

insult the Turks, and screaming as " Viva Armenia ". For ensuring that the

lication o f T a § n a k s u ty u n a s b a se . See: E sat U r a s the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 4 7 2 .

young Armenians were educated as the enemies o f the Turks, the Armenian

66 A n t r a n ik w a s b o r n in E a s t K a ra h is a r in 1866. P a rtic ip a tin g in the com m ittee w h e n h e w a s y o u n g , A n tra n ik

h a d killed a T u r k in h is town, a n d the c o m m ittee h a d m a d e h im to e s c a p e

from th e p ris o n . T h e

life o f the re b e l w h o w ent to B a t u m from Is t a n b u l h a d p a s s e d a s b e in g

69 K a m u ra n G u riin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 167.

a m e m b e r o f g a n g s , h e h a d w o rk e d a s a n org a n ize r in the e v en ts o f m u rd e rin g o f the T u rk s . S e e : E s a t U ra s . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p.

520 -

67 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 5 1 9 - 521. 68 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 5 2 2 - 523.

523 .

70 ih s a n S a k a ry a , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 126 - 127. 71 K a m u r a n G u riin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 167. 72 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 74 . 571 - 578 .

writers started to publish publications intensively. By drawing pictures and posters of the revolutionist Armenian leaders, they were tried to be show n



TO 1914:

as a heroes73. Besides the above mentioned things, the Armenians caused that the

1 - 1909 ADANA EVENTS :

pictures of Armenians, Arยงak Dergasyun and Loris Melikof who fought in the Russian Army at the 1877 - 1878 Ottoman - Russian War were carried

The Armenian rebels were arming and becoming organized astoundingly

in the bosoms o f the children in Armenian schools and hanged in the

by making use of the medium of freedom brought by the constitution, and

locations which attracted attention. The pennants and wall carpets w h ich were decorated with the big size pictures o f Hapet Tevekkelyan and Kalost

they became stronger and moralized by the rebels cscapecl from Russia71. Weapon depots were constructed,

infantryman fortifications were

Antrasyan who killed hundreds o f Turks in Sasun, were decorating all the

excavated and preparations were made by opening tunnels in the churches

Armenian schools74.

secretly on all over Turkey70. The Armenians started rebellion action on April 14, 1909 the next clay after the event of March 31, in Adana which they turned into a weapon depot by making use of the gap of local administrations and softening occurred by the announcement of the Constitution77. After the announcement o f the Constitution, the annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina by Austria

- Hungaria,

the establishment of Bulgarian

Kingdom and joining o f Cretons to Greece respectively were excellent opportunities for the committees. The rebellion trials carried out in the other provinces didn't cause the required intervention of the Europe. The rebels would be supported from the sea for the general rebellion action to be carried out in Qukurova. According to the plan, the foreign armoured battleships would land the troops on Mersin, conquer Qukurova and give it to the Armenians78. Everybody could carry guns in accordance with the constitution. Thousands of guns were purchased in Mersin by the enjoyment of this innovation. Even the Armenian kids in the school age were showing o ff their guns. The delegates and Armenian priests who came from Istanbul were encouraging the individuals o f their community to purchase guns. This

75 E s a t U ra s , tlie a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 572 - 578. 7(1 M e h m c d A saf, 1909 A d a n a E rm e n i O la y la n ve A m la n m ( 1909 A d a n a A r m e n ia n E v e n ts a n d M y M e m o rie s ). T ra n s la te d b y is in e t P a rm a k siz o g lu , T u rk is h 73 is m c t

P a rm a k siz o g lu ,

E rm e n i

K om ilelerin in

ih tilal

H a rc k c tle ri ve B e sle d ik lert E m e lle r

(R e v o lu tio n A c tio n s o f the A r m e n ia n C om m ittees a n d T h eir G o a ls ), A n k a r a A b d u lla h Y a m a n . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 109 -


74 M e h m e t H o c a o g lu , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 133.

1981. p.

H istory In stitutio n

H o u se , A n k a r a 1982, p. 7, 10 ; E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 551.

4 1; 77 M e h m c d A saf, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 1 1. 7K A lp e r G azigiray . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 200.

P rin tin g

process of

purchasing guns were made clearly, thoughtlessly and

sometimes with the evil intention79.

The selection o f Adana as the center for the future revolution actions of the Armenians was in fact a result of a conscious population movement

Adana had become far from the provocations and terror of the Arm enian rebels for a long time. An Armenian preacher from Russia at a church in

based on the old times. The non - Muslims forming

1.4 % of the total population in 1525.

Adana, was conditioning the Armenians by saying that " It should be

increased up to 2.3% in 1547 and decreased to 2% in 1572 in Adana and

revenged for the martyrs o f 1895 ”. On the speech of Bishop M useg as

its towns, except the towns of Bahge, Kadirli, Kozan and Saimbeyli. The

Revenge, murder against murder, purchase guns. A

statement of the " Eramine-i Acem "85 in the warrant of poll - tax on non -

each Armenian in


Turk in return for

", an American missionary in

the church

immediately stood up and left the church80.

Muslims of the years o f 1175 / 1761 in " §erriye " records of Adana, clearly indicates us that how the non - Muslim population was increased in

Mu§eg who was the Gregorian Armenian Bishop of Adana and one o f the most violent intriguer o f the Committee of Ta§nak, was one o f the militants trained by famous exile, Patriarch Izmirliyan81. Mu§eg, who travelled in Qukurova and especially in all parts of Adana was encouraging everyone who had a jacket to purchase a gun by selling their jackets, and by selling them guns he was obtaining commercial profits. According to the English Deputy Consul in Mersin, 40.000 guns, revolvers and automatic pistols were brought in the province since the Constitution82. Except the weapons brought from Cyprus and Beirut secretly by special means, the weapons entered into Adana from the customs o f Mersin and Iskenderun after the announcement of the Constitution were over 12.840 each according to the official records of the Ottomans83. It was also understood that the Armenian rebels made rebellion plans in the provinces close to the region for keeping the forces o f the state, separated in the possible intervention o f the state. The request of Kayseri Committee of Ta§nak o f" sending martini and Mauser rifles by being placed in the pack - saddles o f the load-carrying animals " a few days ago o f the Adana event, indicates the size of arming84.

XVIIIth century86. Settlement of the Armenian population in Adana and its towns was also carried out before the announcement of Ilnd Constitution. The Armenian rebels organizing these acted within the frame o f plan. It was a national ideal to enliven Qukurova in which the Rupenyan family had prevailed and by bringing together some o f the Armenians here to establish the Small Armenia. There was Russian shadow on the activities made for the above mentioned purpose by the rebels of Ta§nak and Hmgak in the region. In the letter written by Loris Melikof to Episkopos Horen Narbey during Berlin Congress, it was told that; " There is nothing in Caucasia for you, make efforts for the below ". The Russian had tried to form an Armenian population intensity in Adana and its surroundings and in the places such as Mara§, Saimbeyli, Kozan for being able to reach to the Mediterranean, for a long time87. For this purpose the armed and trained Armenians from Zeytun, Van, Mu§, Bitlis, and Russia were brought together in Qukurova by the encouragement of the rebels for enlivening the Armenia88. Many Armenians from Mara§, Harput and Diyarbakir were also brought to the region. By occupying the vacant lands in the towns for emigrant Armenians, they were

79 C ita tio n from F .O . 4 2 4 / 2 2 0 , N o : 48 : S a la h i R. So n y el.

ingiliz G izli B e lge lerin e G o re

distributed to the Armenian houses tightly89. Since many Armenians came

A d a n a d a V u k u B u la n T u rk E r m e n i O la y la n ( T u rk is h A r m e n ia n E v e n ts O c c u r e d in A d a n a A c c o r d in g to the S e cret B ritish

D o c u m e n ts ), T u rk is h H isto ry In stitution P rin tin g H o u s e .

A n k a r a . 1988. p. 30. 80 K a m u r a n G u riin , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 173.

85 Ira n A rm e n ia n s . 86 Y ilm a z K urt, 16. Y iizyil A d a n a T a rih i ( H isto ry o f A d a n a In 16th C e n t u r y ). H .U . S .B .F .

81 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic atio n , p. 5.

U n p u b lis h e d p H D T h e s is. A n k a r a 1992. p. 7 9 - 8 1 .

82 S a la h i R. So n y el. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 0 - 3 1 .

87 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 550.

83 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 552.

88 M e h m e d A saf, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p. 14.

84 M e h m e d A saf, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 27.

89 E s a t U r a s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 551.

from Mara§ for the excuse o f collecting barley, there were abnorm al number of Armenians in Adana and its surrounding villages on the rebellion day90.

Nobody was giving tax and listening the government, and generally the people and especially the Armenians were taking the persons who were tried to be brought to the offices of the government for interrogation

According to the official records o f the Government, it is understood that, 5 to 6 families were settled in the houses o f Armenians without being shown in the population and the population o f Armenians in Adana increased in the ratio o f 40 % only in the period between 1903 and 190991. The rebels knew that the ratio o f the population of the Armenians to the


gendarme, from the hands of gendarmerie91’. Whereas the Government of Adana should have caught Mu§eg and his accomplices, imprisoned them and made interrogation about them, and martial law should also been announced if it was necessary. Unfortunately there wasn't such a Government in Turkey in the beginning o f 190997.

population o f Turks was 1/7 in Adana. Armenian families were brought to Adana from the eastern provinces for obtaining majority in Adana. The

Fortifications were dug in each village of Adana, tunnels under the

number of families lodged in a house during Adana events increased to 10 to 1592.

houses completing each other, wells for being hidden, and weapon depots

Qalhyan Karabet93, who was the chief of the Committee of Hingak was involved in all the events, carried out by the Armenian committees in Adana region. Qalliyan was among the organizers of Adana event. Gokdereliyan

and ammunition production workshops in each church were formed. Preparations were being made by casting excellent cannons from the water pipes in the churches98. The tiny island across Yumurtalik Gulf was turned into a weapon depot by the Armenians99.

Karabet was one of the notables o f Adana Branch o f the Committee of

Episkopos Mu§eg who benefited from the lack o f the administration was

Ta§nak, who armed the Armenians, provocated the people for intriguing,

arranging meetings in the Main Church for criticizing the Government,

and oriented the ignorant people in Armenian schools94. The Armenians in the region were armed from head to foot before Adana

involving in the procedures o f the Government, and provoking the Christian people for not giving the sum paid for exemption from military service and

event. They clearly carried out weapon training in vineyards, districts and


even in front o f the government. For the excuse o f protecting the Armenian

Government even for very small jobs, and began to do whatever he could do

districts in Adana, approximately 200 sworn Armenian militant group of

for forming the feelings o f hostility and hate among the people by

gangs were prepared for killing Turks. Orderly wings formed by sergeants,

assuming himself as a consul of Armenians100.

corporals an soldiers were established95.


M u§eg began

to send

many petitions



In the beginning o f 1909, the rumours were told among everybody that

The persons who opened a branch o f the Union and Progress tried to

the Armenians would kill o ff the Turks by rebelling in Adana soon, and for

eliminate their rivals by collecting 5 to 10 persons in the management.

this reason the province would be occupied by the navy of European Stales, and then Armenia would be established. The relations o f both parties

90 S a la h i R. So n y el, the a bove m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 32.

became very tense in April. Everybody was certain that both parties would

91 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 5 51 .

attack to each other within very short tim e101.

92 M e h m e d A s a f, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 24. 93 A lt h o u g h (J alliyan K a ra b e t w a s fo u n d to b e g u ilty b y the testim on y o f A r m e n ia n s in 1909

9e M eh m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p.


e v en ts, h e w a s s a v e d w ith o u t b e in g se n ten c ed from the F irst M a rtia l M ilita ry C o u rt b y fin d in g a w a y , h e a ls o p u b lis h e d a

b o o k w ith the n a m e o f “A d a n a E v e n t a n d Its R e s p o n s ib le s ". S e e :

97 C e m a l P a sh a .

H a tir a la r ( M e m o rie s ). Ista n b u l 1959, p. 3 4 5 - 346.

98 M e h m e d A saf. (h e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a llo n . p.


94 M e h m e d A s a f. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 22 -2 3 .

99 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m c n lio n c d p u b lic a tio n , p.


95 G o § n a k N e w s p a p e r , O c to b e r 2 9 . 1909, C itatio n fro m the N e w Y o rk T im e s ; E s a t U r a s . the

100 E s a t U ra s . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 553.

a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 5 52 .

101 C c m a l P a sh a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 345 - 3 46 .

M e h m e d A s a f. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

p u b lic atio n , p. 23.

The Adana events which caused to the death and o f homelessness o f thousands o f people, happened on April 14, 1909. The rebels tried all ways to prepare the innocent Armenians for rebellion. Although it was in a

which they were exposed to, and they were in difficulty in stopping the storm 109. Bothj sides were attacking each other violently, some of the Turks were

theatre stage, the imaginary angle heralding that the Armenian King who

trying to calm the crowd, but some of them were participating in the fights

was killed would meet the independent Armenia, made the Armenians who

by taking up weapons. In spite of this confusion, the events calmed down

watched that play ready for explosion with the opinion o f independence, in

for a while, towards the morning of April 16. Making tour of the English

Mersin before the events102.

battleship, Swiftsure, and some other foreign battleships off Qukurova, was

A priest requested from the Armenian tradesmen around Ta§koprti to

partly effective110.

close their shops in the morning of April 14103. The killing o f two Turks by

The calm ensured by the coming o f 100 Turkish soldiers from Beirut to

an Armenian and making the killer escaped by Gokdereliyan Karabet and

Adana on April 19, turned into dangerous situations from time to time.

the committees, the two communities which were tense already began to

Upon continning of the fights, martial law was announced in Adana and soldier dispatching from every place was started. The Ottoman Government

fight in the districts of Adana104.

appointed Mustafa Zihni Pasha who was the possessor of Burdur instead The forces

which were sent by the provincial government to stop the

fights were fired from the Armenian districts simultaneously. A lot of gendarmes and police were martyred105. When the first weapon sound was heard, the Armenians began to run to their districts and to on fire the Turks by setting up barricades. Both sides fought with each other within the streets, in the corners and on the roofs of the houses106. A fire began in the main market - place o f the city towards noon time. Turks and Armenians were fighting with each other from home to home,


controlling the events was becoming more and more difficult107. Episkopos Mu§eg who armed all the Armenians in the Region for

of Governor Cevat Pasha. The local commander, Major - General Mustafa Remzi Pasha was also dismissed. The Government decided to send a Cruiser and some armed sailors to Adana111. In the medium in which human blood was flowing such as water in Adana, the Sheikhulislam sent a telegram to the mufti o f Adana and reminded that "the massacre was not in accordance with the religious law and human law". Deputy Patriarch Ohannes Efendi also requested that "the fights should be stopped "and he indicated his confusion due to such actions against the constitution "in the period in which liberty dominates", in the telegram sent by himself to the Deputy of Armenian Church in Adana112.

causing a foreign intervention and earned considerable profits from this

Malumyan, who was among the notables o f Ta§nak proposed in the

business, and who was responsible in the first degree for Adana events,

consultation meeting between the parties in April 23, that Adana and

escaped to Cyprus two days before the event and then to Egypt108. The Governor Cevat Bey who had a good character, but was not

Mara§ events should be prevented and the guilty persons should be sentenced113.

talented enough to govern the province, and Major - General Mustafa Remzi

Russia tried to obtain the supports o f big states for making a navy

Pasha who was an old man, were almost paralysed because o f the shock

demonstration to Turkey. France and Greece made intense efforts for this issue, while Austria and Germany sent their battleships later. The visit of

102 M c h m e d A s a f. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blic atio n , p. 27 - 28. i°3 M e h m c d A s a f, (h e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blication , p. 24.

103 S a la h i R. Sonycl. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 33.

104 A h m e t §crif, A n a d o lu 'd a T a n in ( T a n in in A n a to lia ). Is t a n b u l 1977, p. 170,

1,0 S a la h i R. Sonycl. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 35.

105 M e h m e d A saf. th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blication , p. 11.

111 M e h m e d A saf, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. IG; S a la h i R. S o n y cl. the a b o v e m e n ­

IOfi S a la h i R. S o n y cl, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 32.

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p. 35.

107 S a la h i R. S o n y el, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 33

112 "ik d a m ". A p ril 20. 1909.

mu M e h m e d A saf, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic ation , p. 10.

"ik d a m ". A p ril 26, 1909.

the captains of the battleships of Germany, Britain and France to the

with the native ones had come together in Dortyol. Everyday this rush was

Governor of Adana a little bit softened the tension in the city1l4.

continuing. The number of armed Armenians who had come from Maraij,

The Armenian rebels approached their goals step by step. But. som ehow

Van, Harput, Divarbakir and Bitlis by the organization of the commiteemen

the requested invention didn't occur. All the efforts and the bloodshed by

reached up to 50.000. There were 20 to 30 armed militants in a house.

the Armenians was not sufficient to cause the European states to com e

These militants were so-called workers who came for collecting cotton. The

together in the decision o f direct intervention.

activities around Dortyol were conducted by priests Deyri Sahak and Deyri

During that time,

the Armenian commiteemen sealthilv tried


Rupen who were among the notables of Armenians11!).

opportunity which would expand the sizes of the events. The rebels fired

Episkopos Mu§eg ensured that the Armenians armed quickly, by

the tents of Rumeli Forces who came from Dedeagag to Adana, in Kum luk

spreading the rumour that the Turks would attack to the Armenians. A

location on April 25, 1909. So the second phase o f Adana events began in

land close to 940.000 sq.m. near Dortyol Military Barracks was occupied

this way. The military forces which was also supported by Turkish people

according to Mu§eg's plan. The Armenians quickly prepared defense

began to make operations against the Armenians115.

trenches, ditches and defense fortifications. A land of

The city had become under fires again by the provocation o f the commiteemen. The fights continued for all night long. The purposedly attitudes of

the commiteemen were perceived in the big fire in which

approximately half of the city burned. The militants o f the committees killed 15 Turkish soldiers by firing at the Rumeli soldiers for encouraging the intervention o f the foreign states116. They used a lot o f bombs. The events had calmed down a little, and Adana was made under fires again b y the Armenians. The American consul who was going to give advice with a flag in his hand indicating his negotiation request, was also in mortal fear due to bullets fired by the Armenians117. 2 - DORTYOL EVENTS :

1.880.000 sq.m.

around Ocakli village was tried to be purchased for the same purpose with the excuse of making a graveyard120. The construction which was tried to be built as an orange depot in Qayagzi location at the coast o f the sea in fact was military barracks. The Armenian commiteemen formed a guerrilla group121 called as " Postalli ” (having heavy army boot). The trials o f the effect o f the weapons purchased were made at houses, churches and vineyards122. Although it was an obligation of the law, making military services of the Christian people was hindered. When the fights began in April 14, 1909 which was the day after March 31 events in Adana and Hamidiyc, the tension was maximum in Dortyol and in (he towns around Dortyol121.

When the Possessor of Cebeli Bereket County118, Mehmet Asaf B ey began his duty, many foreign Armenians from Zeytun and Van together

All the foreign consuls in Iskenderun, especially English Consul Katoni, who was a native Armenian, began to go to Dortyol everyday. Katoni also didn't fail to provocate the Armenians employed by himself in timber

114 S a la h i R. So n y el, the a bove m e n tio n ed p u blic atio n , p. 36

production in the forests o f the region. Upon the outcry risen by the

115 K a ra b e t Q alliy an , A d a n a V a k a s i vc M esu lleri (A d a n a E ven t a n d the R e s p o n s ib le P e rs o n s ), Is t a n b u l 1909, p. 34 - 3 5 ; C e m a l P a s h a , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 4 5 - 346. 110 C itatio n from , H . C h a r le s W o o d s , T h e d a n g e r zo n e o f E u ro p e , L o n d o n 191 1. p. 138; S a la h i

U!J M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 14, 2 4, 33.

R. S o n y el, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 38, 120 K adir A slan . M llli M iic a d c lc d c D orty ol (D ortyol In T he N atio n al S i m p l e ) . M a la y I 991, p. I !>. 117 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blication , p. 44. 121 "P ostalh la r" w a s e s ta b lis h e d a c c o rd in g to m ilita ry a rra n g e m e n t u n d e r the c o m m a n d of 118 T h e cen ter o f the s u b d iv is io n w h ic h w a s e sta b lish e d b y the a rra n g e m e n t o f 1865 is D o rty o l. T h ere w e re 4 8 .1 7 2 m u s lim s a n d 6.671 A rm e n ia n s in the s u b d iv isio n a c c o rd in g to the 1893

C olon el B c d ro s P a s h a , w h ic h g e n e r a lly w ore u n iform d re sse s. S ec ; M e h m e d A s a l, the abovem en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 67.

c e n su s . Sin ce the s u b d iv is io n a ls o covered the c o a sts of Is k e n d e ru n G ulf, iL w a s in an im p o r ­ tant p ositio n . See : C e z m i Y u rtsc v c r, E rm cn i T c ro r M crkczi K ilikya K ilisesi (K ilik ya C h u r e h A r m e n la n T erro r C e n te r), is t a n b u l 1983. p .270.

122 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 23. 6 6 -6 7 . 12:1 C ezm i yu rtscvcr, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 271

previous general secretary o f the county, Ali ilm i124 as " the Armenians are

planned to obtain, Slavic and Russian, and not establishing an Armenia

com ing " in the center o f the county, the events began. The Armenians

dependent on itself. As a result of the seizing of the properties o f the

coming from Zeytun, Saimbeyli and around began to come together in

Armenian Church in Caucasia by the Russians in the years between 1900

Dortyol and kill the Turks on their way to Dortyol125.

and 1903, the relations of Russians and Armenians had entered into a cold

The size o f the events expanded by the escape o f the sentenced persons


over 3.000 from the prison of Payas and prisoners from the center o f the

Because of the policy applied, 50 - 60 thousands of Armenians escaped

county. The Armenian " P osta lli" guerrillas carried the Armenians o f Ocakli

from the eastern provinces of Russia to America and other places in

and Azizli villages to Dortyol. The houses at Turkish district in the side of

1902Ki0. The Armenian commiteemen who spread out various countries,

Dortyol was started to be burnt by the Armenians. The Christian people o f

got into close relations with the members of the Committee o f Union and

Nacarli fired to the villages around with 4 cannons on April 16. They killed

Progress in the leadership of Ahmet Riza in Paris in 1902, in addition to the

the Imam of Kozigli, Gok Muftii and approximately 1.000 Turks and cut

Macedonian revolutionists131. Seeming of the members o f the Committee of

their hands on their way to Dortyol, and came to D o rty ol126.

Ta§nak as in favour o f constitution was due to their tendency of decentralization, but noL centralization. Episkopos Mu§eg had told to the

The events spread out to the towns such as Yumurtahk, Osmaniye, Erzin, Payas, Bahge in which the Armenians lived, within a short time. The provocated Turks and Armenians fought with each other. Because o f the insufficiency o f the soldiers present in the county during the events, the

Governor Mehmed Asaf that, " The dawn has appeared but the sun has not risen yet. When we establish the decentralization which is the ideal of the minorities, as Sabahattin said, we will assume that the constitution was born in that day ".

fights couldn't be prevented. For this reason, many people died127. According to Mehmed Asaf, the emergence o f Prince Sebahattin with The fights was the most intensive around Dortyol, with the coordination

these ideas in the period in which the Armenian commiteemen freely acted,

efforts of the commiteemen. While the Armenians were making actions by

was nothing other than a professional way of the Armenian propaganda132.

attacking in the town and the villages, the Turks obliged the Armenians to Mu§eg was a clever and cunning man who worked in contact with

surrender by surrounding them. Upon the stopping o f the drinking water by Turks, the Armenians were obliged to surrender by stopping the

Istanbul and other counties. He had tried to move the center o f the office of governor to Dortyol in which the Armenians settled intensively which was


at the farthest part o f Cebel-i Bereket County, 3. THE RESULTS OF 1909 ADANA AND DORTYOL EVENTS: After the killing of Tsar Alexander II Russia had adopted the policy o f m aking the Armenians both in its country and in East Anatolia which it

corruption. Mu§eg and


by instigation


Armenian rebels accompanying him

travelled all the places in Adana and Cebel-i Bereket with Armenian flags in their hands, with horses by provoking the Armenians for rebellion. Mu§eg trained over 3.000 militia soldiers who were

known as "Postalli"

having uniforms with drawers reaching to the knee and fur caps carrying 124 T h is p e rso n w h o s e origin a n d be h a v io r w a s s u sp ic io u s , w a s m a k in g e sp io n a g e fo r the A r m e n ia n com m ittees a n d B is h o p M u § e g. H e h a d w o rk e d in fa v o u r o f violen t A r m e n ia n c o m m ille m e n in the d e p u t y election s in the coun ty be fo re the e ven ts. H e w a s d is m is s e d fro m the

123 Y u lu g T. K urat,

s u b d iv is io n b y the P o s s e s s o r M e h m e d A saf, a few d a y s ago from the events. See: M e h m e d A s a f,


the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 7. 19.

C o m m u n ity A lo n g H istory, p u b lic a tio n s o f A tatiirk U n iv ersity : 628. A n k a ra 1985 . p. 228 : Esat

125 M e h m e d A s a f. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic atio n p. 10-11, 33.

U ra s, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 6 8 -3 6 9 .

126 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic ation ,

p. 6 8 -7 0 .

127 S a la h i R. So n y el. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 37.

128 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic atio n , p. 71-74.

E ast

A n otolla

D o g u A n a d o lu 'd a E rm cn i S o r u n u (1 9 0 0 - 1920) "T h e A r m e n ia n O u e stio n (1 9 0 0 -1 9 2 0 1 ".S y m p o s iu m



R ela tio n s

130 E s a t U r a s the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n p .373. 131 Y u l u g T . K urat, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n p .228. 132 M e h m e d A saf, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic ation , p .8

o f 'lu r k s

w ith

A r m e n ia n

three cornered discriminative symbols similar to that o f the Caucasian

The battleships of Hamidive and Mccidive and some ships sent by

Armenians, by appointing militant Armenian officers who made th eir

Ottoman State upon these events, entered into the waters of Mersin and

military duties in America or Russia for training these on m ountains

iskenderun. Hamidiye transferred two battalions to the land in iskenderun


on April 26, 1909l3!).

Mu§eg had marketed thousands of weapons which were brought from Cyprus and Beirut to the desolate quay of Dortyol, which is at across Cyprus by special ways, at exhibitions. Mu§eg, together with Gokdereliyan Karabet; Calliyan Karabet; priest Dersak in Dortyol; Karabet iskender134 and Bedros carried the Armenians135 who were armed by Mu§eg by b ein g photographed with king crown on the head into an adventure o f which the end was blood and death136.

The Ottoman military forces calmed the events by preventing the fights of civilian people. The commanders o f the battleships of Italy, Britain, France and Germany who came to Mersin, went to Adana on May 1. 1909 and saw that the public order was ensured, they congratulated the administrators in the province and returned back to M ersin110. The Commander and officers of Mediterranean Fleet o f Britain called at Adana again and learned that necessary aids was carried out to the people who had been damaged in Adana events and security was ensured for 13

The reports o f English Ambassador in Adana, the determinations o f American missionary Krilman and the memories of Governor Mehmed A s a f are all in conformity with each other in accusing Episkopos Mu§eg as the head responsible for the events in Adana and its surroundings.

days, and they thanked to the concerned administrators and left Adana141. The Ottoman Deputy Assembly which tottered under the shock o f the events of April 13 in the capital, decided to send a military court to Adana as quickly as possible by meeting in the beginning of May. An investigation

After the start o f the second Adana events, the armoured battleships o f

commission was also formed with the participation o f Tekirdag Deputy

France, Britain, Germany and Italy came in front of iskenderun and

Agop Babikyan who was o f Armenian origin was appointed by the Assembly

Mersin. The military intervention which was expected by the Arm enian

among its members, Kastamonu Deputy Yusuf Kemal (Tengir§enk), Head

revolutionists didn’t happen in one way or another. The action made b y the

clerk of the Council o f State Arif Bey who was appointed

commander of German fleet by giving calming information to European

Government, and judge Mr. Musdikyan who was also of Armenian origin142.

newspapers, would turn the plans of Armenian rebels upside down137.

by the

After a long investigation, it was abstained from the exaggerated

The prolongation of the bloody fights in Adana by the commiteemen b y

determinations, by also taking into account the idea of "elements of union".

using weapons and bombs, and that the Armenians of Dortyol pillaged13**

Although the Armenians confirmed that the Armenians provocated the

the weapons and equipment which were sent to Cebel-i Bereket from

Turks and they proposed to establish an Armenian kingdom143, the matter

iskenderun and Halep and even attacked to soldiers, and the insistent

was tried to be evaded. The chief of the Committee of Hingak, Muratyan

resistance of the rebels, brought the foreign intervention to the region on the agenda again.

threatened Babikyan who was in the commission to kill h im 144. Although the Government issued an announcement through its Paris Embassy stating that the Adana disaster was arranged by the Armenians

133 M e h m e d A saf, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p ublication , p . 7 134 E s a t U r a s , tiie a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blication , p .552. 135 T h is H in g a k m ilita n t

w a s a rre s te d w h e n he w a s g oin g o u t from F re n c h N a v y to D o rty o l

139 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 12

140 T a k v im -i Vekayi. M a y 3 ,1 9 0 9 .

q u a y in th e b e g in n in g o f the F irst W o r ld W a r a n d w a s e xecu ted d u e to e sp io n a g e . S e e :M e h m c d A s a f, th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .9. 136 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic atio n p .9

141 T a k v im -i V ek ayi, M a y 12,19 09. 142 S a la h i R. Sonyel, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .43. 143 S a la h i R. S o n y el. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .47; M e h m c d A s a f. the a b o v e m e n ­

137 A lp e r G a z ig ira y , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic ation p .219; S a la h i R. So n y cl, the a b o v e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic a tio n , p . 36. 138 M e h m e d A saf. the a b o v e m e n lio n c d p u blication , p. 13,45.

tioned p u b lic a tio n ,

p . 27.

144 S a la h i R. So n y cl the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p .47.



With the action in which the civilian and military administration 1:’°

determination in telling the reality to the world’s public opinion by issuing

based on

their independence claim,

it didn't show the

controlled the parties in the time, investigation about 127 Muslims and 92

the documents.

non-Muslims was started on May 21, 1909151.

Whereas, two English witnesses who gave evidence in the military court

The dissemination of the events in the country and abroad by the

believed that there was a nationalist conspiracy among the Armenians. In

Armenians by being exaggerated, would cause that the influence o f the

addition to the above testimony, the diplomatic representative of Am erica

Government o f Union and Progress which was already affected by the

gave a report o f Priest Doctor Christie who was the most talented American

pressures of the big states would be oriented against Turks.

missionary in Anatolia, to English Ambassador Lowther. Doctor Christie stated in his report that almost all the young Armenians in Adana were revolutionists and that the Armenian Bishop had played very important role in the events145. The Minister o f Internal Affairs, Talat Bey was in an intransigent attitude

In just the same way, great increases had happened in the number of the arrested citizens in the Turks’ side which had been exposed to massacre of the commiteemen. As of June 2, 1909, there were 204 Muslims and 108 non-Muslims who had been arrested in Adana, 27 Muslims and 2 non-Muslims in Kozan, 50 non-Muslims in Saimbeyli, 11 Muslims and 1

initially. According to the Minister, Adana events had been started by the

non-Muslim in Kadirli, 1 Muslim in Feke, 36 Muslims and 9 non-Muslims

Armenians, as was stated by the Armenian witnesses. The purpose o f the

in Mersin, and 133 Muslims and 4 non-Muslims in Tarsus152.

events was to provocate the people to cause disorder, to attract the attention o f Europe and to establish an Armenian state146. When the Armenian commiteemen who performed a planned crowding together in the region by the studies continued for years and caused that innocent people killed each other couldn’t succeed to reach their purposes, could find a solution to escape from the region. The native Armenians who were not provacated by the rebels escaped to towns in which there was no rebellion, especially to Lazkiye in the south, during event, and after the events they returned back to their places147. The Armenians who had taken refuge in the humanity o f Turks in the towns o f Kadirli, Karaisali, Ekbez and in the other towns were in safety148.

Patrols were established at important points by the cooperation of the local administrators and military authorities which had overcome the first shock of the events in Adana region. A health team was commissioned for caring the injured and sick people153. In spite of the compassionate and equitable approach o f the Ottoman State which buried its own children in the country,

the Armenian

commiteemen continued their slanders by blackening Turks through news­ papers154 and publications155. However, the religious chiefs o f Lazerelyet Monastery and §iminli Monastery sent thanks telegrams to the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to the close interests shown by officers and soldiers o f Karaman Battalion to

In spite o f the intentional publications, the Armenians from Kozan who escaped from the effect of the rebels renewed confidence by making it u p 149 with Turks by kissing each other.

150 T a k v im -i Vekayi, M a y 16,1909. 151 T a k v im -i Vekayi. M a y 2 4 ,1 9 0 9 . 152 T a k v im -i Vekayi, J u n e 4.1 9 0 9 .

145 M e h m e d A s a f, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n p .26; E s a t U r a s the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b ­ lic a tio n p . 567. 146 S a la h i R. S o n y e l , the a bove m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n p .45.

153 T a k v im - 1 V ek ayi. J u n e 5. 1909. F or the re st o f the se rv ic e s given, see: T a k v im - i V e k a y i, J u ly 20 . 1909. 154 T a k v im -i Vekayi. M a y 2 4 ,1 9 0 9 ; J u n e 3. 1909. J u n e 5, 1909; N o v e m b e r 9 ,1 9 0 9 .

147 T a la t P a s h a . T a la t P a § a ' m n H a tira la ri ( T h e M e m o rie s o f T a la t P a s h a ). Is t a n b u l 1958, p.

155 See: B is h o p M u § e g, A d a n a K a tliam i ve Te§vikgileri (A d a n a M a s s a c r e a n d Its P ro v o e ato rs(,

14 a n d

C a iro 1909: Artin A r s la n y a n , A d a le t N asit M a h k u m o ld u (H o w T h e J u stice S e n te n c e d ), A d a n a ,

c o n tin u a n c e .

148 A lp e r G a z ig ira y . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . p. 203. 149 T a k v im -i V e k a y i, M a y 16,1909.

1909: M ik a el V a ra n t y a n , T c k ra r D o g a n V a ta n ve G d rev im lz (T h e R e b o rn C o u n t r y a n d O u r D u ty), G e n e v a 1910;

A g o p B a b ik y a n . A d a n a C in ay eti (A d a n a M u rd e r). Is t a n b u l 1919.

the Armenians in Ekbez which is close to Dortyol and that the officers and

had been burnt1" 1. Dwelling houses were quickly built for the Armenians

soldiers ensured the life safety of those Armenians in the best w ay156.

whose houses had burnt. No Armenian was homeless a lew months later.

The leaders o f the Christian sects in Adana notified their dependence on the State and issued an announcement emphasizing that they never intended to make rebellion157.

For this reason the new settlement place in Adana was called as "very quick quarter"1"The Ottoman Government initially assigned 30.000 TL as an economic

Increases in the number of the arrested Turks had happened although

aid for the regions in which the events had happened. The Assembly also

they participated in the events in the region only for self - defense. O f

donated 200.000 TL for the repair of the burnt places1" 1. The debts of Un­

course, this situation had originated from the wrong balance policy o f the

people suffered in the region were also postponed soon1"'.

Government of Union and Progress, and 322 Muslims and 25 non -

According to the explanation of the Governor of Adana. Ccmal Pasha.

Muslims in Adana, 368 Muslims and 38 non - Muslims in Kozan and

17.000 Armenians and 1.850 Turks died in the events occurred in Adana

Cebel-i Bereket were arrested as of August 1, 1909, before the dem ocracy

and the towns around Adana. But this was due to the population ratio

compensation executions which were carried out only for show to big

which was 1/7 in favour o f the Turks in Adana region. If this ratio had been


in favour of the Armenians, the Turks would certainly have been more

The Armenians used all their resources to realize their purposes which

unlucky. The Patriarchate found the number as 21.300 in its search. The

they had not been able to succeed in the public opinion by provocating the

number of the dead people was given as 19.479 in the report o f Edirnc

innocent people

Deputy Babikyan165.


each other.

Arm enian



threatened that, unless the Government withdrew its claims stating that

27.000 Turks and 13.000 Armenians had been living in Adana, the

the events had occurred as a result of the Armenian plot which purposed

population of which was 45.000 before the events. If 30.000 or 20.000

to establish an independent state, he would resign from his duty. The fact

Armenians had been killed as it was put forward by the Armenian

that Turiyan sent his resignation to Grand Vizier on September 7, and the

commiteemen, no Armenian would have been left in Adana1"".

resignation threat of the Armenian National Assembly,



Government to live periods in crisis159.

If it is taken into account that more than 10.000 Armenians had come in the city from outside and there were 10.000 Armenians around who

Although the deliberate actions o f the Armenians,

the Ottom an

Government didn’t neglect the reconstruction studies.

participated in the rebellion, it appears that 30.000 - 35.000 Armenians had participated in the rebellion. According to the information given by

The Armenian Katagikos o f Kozan didn’t neglect to notify by coming to Adana that their confidence had incereased160 due to the aid made for

Cemal Pasha, half o f the Armenians who participated in the rebellion had died167.

survivors and the effort made for the reconstruction of Adana. The aid and intervention made for the region increased continuously. The Government accepted to give title deeds to the people whose properties

161 T a k v im -i Vekayi. S e p te m b e r 13. 1909. 162 T a k v im -i Vekayi. S e p te m b e r 26 . 1909. A lp e r G azigiray , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n s,

p .222. и..') Y en! T asvir-i E fk a r, D e c e m b e r 2 ,1 9 0 9 ; S a la h i K. Sonycl. the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 39.

156 T a k v lm -l V e k a y i, J u n e 8 ,1 9 0 9 . 157 T a k v im -i V e k a y i, J u ly 3, 1909 S a la h i R. So n y el Ihe a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .45.

IM T a k v lm -l Vekayi. M ay , 9. 1910.

158 T a k v im -i V e k a y i, A u g u s t 3, 1909.

><iS K a m u ra n G iiriin ,

159 S a la h i R. S o n y el, th e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

1(>" E s a l U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n ,

lfi0 T a k v im -i V e k a y i. S e p te m b e r 12, 1909.

p .4 8 -4 9 .

the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 170.

p .5 5 0 -5 5 7 .

lt>7 A lp e r G azigiray . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation ,

p .210.

In spite of the exaggerated numbers given by the Armenians to effect the public opinion, the numbers given by Cemal Pasha who was appointed to the Governorship o f Adana immediately after the event are more consistent. If 1909 Adana events had been an action planned by the Turks, no Armenian would have been alive in Adana and Cebel-i Bereket and their towns.

punished with death penalties had changed into the penalty of rowing forever17:1 and the execution17'1 of 47 Turks, indicate the effect of foreign states on Adana events. The Armenian problem of Sultan Abdulhamid II which had become a

The Armenian commiteemen had encouraged the arming168 of both sides in

banishment forever were forgiven by I lie Ottoman Sultan in December 1909 and the penalties of the persons responsible for the events who would be

open and


market places,


prepared Adana



surroundings for war conditions.

secondary issue,

was enlivened again by the announcement o f the

Constitution. The members o f the Union and Progress showed that they were still following the elements of union by applying the Armenian policy

The opinion o f making connection between Adana events and March 31

of Ilnd Adbudhamid on the contrary'75. The policies which were applied by

events in Istanbul has not any foundation. As the Armenian rebels had

making concessions had increased the courage of the Armenians in Turkey.

carried weapons and people to the region for years, they had also made

The Committee o f Ta§nak began to make its activities in Turkey clearly

provocation169 in Muslim Festival o f Sacrifices which was a religious

after Adana event. The committee decided at its meeting in Copenhagen in


o f the


b y m entioning

§eriat-i A h m ed iye170 in


correspondences among themselves.

1910 that, the Armenians in Turkey would be exposed to military training, and the Armenians who didn’t obey the orders of the members of Ta§nak

The Armenian rebels used the groups o f " Postalli " and other militants who were equipped by weapons and uniforms the textile o f which was similar to that o f the English soldiers,

for making rebellion.


would be killed and these type o f murders would be attributed to Turks17«. The Balkans was boiling and the events didn’t stop during that time. Rebellion began in Albania in 1910, The Bingazi War began with Italy in

occurrences that the Armenians had talked to the English Consul Katoni171

1911 and Balkan War began on October 8, 1912. The occupation of

in iskenderun before the events and the battleships of Britain, France,

Trablusgarb and the other events occurred with the effect o f the Balkan

Germany and Italy had come to the region, indicate that how the rebels set

War caused the serious shakening of Ottoman State177. Everybody wanted

up their communication network.

to make use of this bad conduct. In addition to the becoming of alone o f the

The members o f the Union and Progress who perceived that the Adana

state while it was dealing with the foreign developments, the state woidd be

event would be treated against Turks in the European newspapers,

obliged to deal with the commiteemen within the country who provoked the citizens.

immediately dealt with the problem and punished the Turks who defended themselves, instead o f Armenians, for nice treating the Europeans. The occurrences that the commiteemen Kirkor, Nazaret, Bedros172 and Mihran who had been punished with the penalties o f rowing and

The Committee o f Hingak had also tried to make its position stronger in Turkey by making use o f the current medium. The Committee decided in its seventh congress met in Constanza in September 17, 1913; to open new branches in Turkey, and to conduct activities clearly and more actively against the Ottoman government through its members17” .

188 A lp e r G a z ig ira y , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , 169 M e h m e d A s a f, th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , 170 E s a t U r a s , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n ,

p .213.

p .41.

p .560.

171 M e h m e d A s a f, th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n ,

p .37.

172 T h e A r m e n ia n s c h e e r in g the fa m o u s c o m m ite c m a n w h o w a s the le a d e r o f the m ilita n ts

173 S a la h i R. Sonyel the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 50. 174 C e m a l P a$a the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 3 4 5 -3 4 6 . 175 M e h m e d A saf,

the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 25.

c a lle d a s "P o sta lli ” a n d oth er a r m e d g ro u p s In D orty ol d u r in g the tim e in w h ic h the e v en ts

I7fi S c la h a t tin Tanscl.

w a s th e m o s t in te n s iv e a s "V iva B e d r o s P a sh a " a n d the c a lle d h im b y the r a n k o f colon el. S ee

177 K a m u r a n G u ru n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p. 177.

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . V.I.. p. 1 16.

: M e h m e t A s a f, th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic atio n , p. 67.

I7H A b d u lla h Y a m an , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 135.







com pleted


integrity of the Ottoman State. The more the Ottoman State keeped its

establishment especially in Ta§naksutyun provinces, increased the number

existence, the more the economic advantages of Germany would increase.

o f commiteemen and established the weapon depots. The rebels had

The Ottoman Government refused the reform project of Russia by the

reached the power for being able to resist to an intervention, before the

support of Germany183 which would establish an Armenia in East Anatolia.

First World W ar179.

After the long bargaining, which continued in the summer of 1913,

The embassies of Britain, France and Russia were specially instructed to

modifications were made in the Russian project. The Government o f the

deal with the Armenian problem. The Committee of Ta§nak tried to cause

Union and Progress signed the agreement on the reform o f East Anatolia

the involvement of the other states in the issue and at least to cause them

given by the foreign inspectors on February 6, 1914. Beginning of the First

to oppose, in 1913. The French Government and Embassy were the most

World War in the summer of 1914 made this agreement invalid. The

active defenders of the Armenians180.

approach of Russia was not to form an independent Armenia in the eve of

The situation of the Ottoman State after the Balkan War was a very good

the First World War. The commiteemen of Ta§naksutyun was trying to

opportunity for the Armenians. To make use o f this situation, the Armenian

prepare the public opinion for the occupation o f Turkish Armenia in their

committees had overlooked the conflicts among themselves and began to

imagination by themselves184.

act together from time to time. The Katagisos of Echmiyadzin formed a special committee under the chairmanship o f Bogos Nubar in Egypt, and sent the committee to the Capitals of European Countries for defending the right of Armenians in European states181. The fear originated from Germany which was getting stronger in Europe and it was the most important factor which made Britain and Russia closer. Britain frequently stated to Russia by various means that it is ready for the division the Ottoman State, and it even could leave the Bosphorus and Dardanelles among this inheritance to Russia. ft is understood that the two states which solved the conflicts in the Far East in peaceful way by an agreement in 1907, had acted together in the interventions to Ottoman State by the excuse o f Armenian reform s182. Bringing the Armenian problem on the agenda again, would disturb Germany which obtained many economic privileges in the Ottoman country mainly as the awarding of the tender of Berlin - Baghdad railway. The interests o f Germany were in favour o f the continuation o f the

179 E s a t U ra s . : ю a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n ,

n. 578.

iso E n v e r Y :iv u b a § , E rm en i T e ro ru n iin T a rih g c si (The H isto ry o f A r m e n ia n T e rror), Petek P u b lic a t io ’

Is t a n b u l 1984, p. 60.

181 Abr! ..iah Y a m a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u llica tio n .

p. 138.

182 M im K em al O k e , E rm e n i S o r u n u 19 1 4 -1 9 2 3 (T h e A r m e n ia n P ro b lem 1 9 1 4 -1 9 2 3 ). T u rk ish H is to ry In stitu tio n P rin tin g H o u s e , A n k a ra 1991. p. 82.

183 M im K em al O ke, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .8 2 -9 3 . 184 A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 3 4 -2 3 8 .


operations and attack upon the Ottomans, blow up buildings which are deemed necessary and strike convoys of supply. In the event that the


Ottoman Army goes forward, then they will join in the Russian army together with their weapons, Armenians who perform their military service


in the Turkish Army will flee from their units and create gangs-'1. To make propaganda to demoralise Turks and to tend them to desert A. TURKISH-ARMENIAN RELATIONS IN THE BEGINNING OF WAR: A great mobility in Armenians within and without Country were seen. In the course o f time from August 3, 1914; on which the Ottoman Empire

from military service, to conduct spying on behalf of Allied Powers and to burn the villages o f the Turks4 are among the decisions which were taken. Immediately after declaration of military mobilisation, all rebels were

declared military mobilization to the date on which the Empire officially

spread out to

entered into war. In the congress held by " Ta§nak " Committee in July

Empire's entering into the war, British, French, Russian and Italian


in Erzurum it was decided that village guards be established at

all provinces. In the period elapsing until the Ottoman

embassies and consulates helped commiteemen to communicate with

Armenian residential areas and have them armed with government

abroad and centers under the administration o f Ottoman Empire. They

weapons, Armenians be recruited much more for gendarme forces,

provided them their money and weapon requirements. Chairman and

particularly territorial committee be expanded and strengthened, a five

members of the Committee, on the other hand, have served as spies by

member general headquarters be constituted to deal with weapons and

giving information on military and political situation o f the Ottoman

bomb affairs, and that written and actual propaganda activities be increased within and without Turkey1.


Ottoman Government warned the Armenian Executives and Patriarch, being informed


that they were in some secret conspiracy, that the

Upon the Russians'

crossing the Ottoman




advancing from " Dogu Beyazit " on 31st of October and "Erzurum” on 1st

Government would react severely if a revolt had been broken out. Upon this

o f November, the Armenians, according to their plan, attacked Turkish

warning, agents o f Armenians in Istanbul held a meeting and declared that

villages; on the other hand they caused to break out revolts where they

they would be loyal to the Ottoman Government. Armenian Patriarch,

could find suitable medium. The first o f these revolts was broken out in

acting as if serving to the mobilisation in the appearance,


"Zeytun" county6.

Armenians that they should render assistance to the Government and Armenians of "Zeytun"7 did not want to join in the war under the Turkish

participate in requirements o f the war2.

flag and therefore they revolted on August 30, 1914, desiring that they Such decisions taken by Armenians were totally deceitful and tricky.

would establish an independent Armenian Regiment under management of

Armenian leaders who expressed their loyalty when the Ottoman State

their own officers. Armenians, gathering in the center o f the county,

declared mobilisation, sent secret instructions to their branches at rural

decided not to go to war under Turkish flag and took their weapons with

areas, by gathering in headquarters o f "Ta§nak". According to these instructions; " If the Russian Army crosses into the Ottoman Border and Ottomans retreat too,

the Armenians will immediately start armed

:l S e la h a ttin T an sel, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . V .L .I.. p. 1 19. 4 E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n . 603 ; A lp c r G azigiray , a.g.c. p .237. 5 A b d u lla h m a n Y a m a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

1 A b d u l l a h Y a m a n , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 2 3 4 -2 3 8

2 S c la h a t t in T a n s e l, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , V .L .I., p. 118

6 S e la h a ttin T ansel.

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n .

7 S iile y m a n li c o u n try o f K a h r a m a n M ara§ .

p . 255.


p . 119.

them and they fled to mountains. The Armenian soldiers who were brought

surrounding Turkish villages and plundered them, and killed unprotected

to "Mara§" Barracks, ran away together with their guns, and they set up


gangs. They started attacking all around, particularly to soldiers, and gendarmerie8.

Hm^ak сommileemcn who organised the revolt; burnt 62 houses. 3 wineyard houses and 27 threshings11’. With the counter-operations o f the

Armenian gangs robbed over 100 soldiers from "Andirin", who were

Government Forces, 713 rifles. 12 shotguns, 12 Mausers, pistols, various

returning to their village after being discharged from Suleyman Military


Draft Board, and killed most of them. They killed Turks who were caught

Armenian as well as a lot of documents and seals belonging to the

in " Be§enli" village at the location of " Kaymakam Pmari"9.

Committee were caught17. After this event, transportation of some of

Commiteemen have continuously made such a propaganda to those Armenians who did not participate in disturbances stating that "Great Britain will disembark

soldier at iskenderun, therefore they must

70 transportation

beasts and 61

bandits together with


"Zeytun" Armenians to "Mara§" will jeopardise "the interest of American missionaries working in

the region

for more than

50 years


consequences o f the costs of thousands o f dollars"18. In the revolt supported by Armenian rich persons, priests and by the Armenians who

support10 movements o f Great Britain’s army until Adana and Mara§ will

earned the trust of Government, Armenians also used rifles manufactured

be occupied by preventing and making mobilisation difficult on the part of

by themselves19. With the efforts of Hingak Committee, "Kayseri" became to

Ottoman Empire through revolts and insurgencies in their regions."11

be a full center of revolution. Majority o f those who set up the Committee

Armenians, for the purpose o f spreading out the revolt by taking out weapons and ammunitions in the Government Building, cut telegraph line to Mara§, and assaulted military barracks, and government building. The rebels, who used " Tekke " monastery12 located at the most prominent point o f " Stileym anli" as their headquarters killed 6 gendarme soldiers out o f 17 member gendarmes unit who brought ammunitions from Mara§ to the county in February 1915, and injured 2 of them 13. They killed Mara§

in Kayseri had lived too many years in the United States o f America and had established contacts with the European centers of the committee. All of the Armenian houses were stone constructions with

cellars and

basements20. Committee expanded its branches in and around Kayseri as of

September 1908 to villages. David Sultanyan and recidivist Serkis

Torosyan who were famous in Commitee activities Armenians and set up self-sacrificing gangs21.

Gendarme Commander Major Suleyman and 25 soldiers,and injured 34 soldiers14. Armenian gangs running away from the Monastery attacked

15 A lp e r G azigiray. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

p .238.

10 A b d u lla h Y a m an , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .259. 17 A T T A S E 's Archive. N o . 1/13 1. fo ld er:2 2 8 7 , file :12, tra n sfe rre d from in d e x 1-10; A zm i S iislii, 8 E s a t U ra s , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u blic atio n ,

p . 603.

я A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

A r m e n ia n s a n d 1915 Im m ig ra tio n E ven t, P u b lic a tio n s o f R cc toratc of "1 00. Yil U n iv e rs ilc s i": p .2 5 6 a n d c o n tin u a n c e .

5. A n k a r a 1990, p .72,

10 R evolt in Stile ym a n li h a d b e e n b ro k e n ou t at the time w h e n (J a n a k k a le b a ttle s w e re m o s t in tensive.

18 K a m u r a n G u ru n . Iy T h e s e

11 A lp e r G azigiray , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .238.

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

rifles w h ich



m a n u fa c tu re d


p .2 01 .

secret w e a p o n

w ork sh op

fo u n d e d


A r m e n ia n s In S iilc y m a n li w e re c alled "Z eytin acari". T h ese rifles w h ich h a d b e e n u s e d a ls o In

12 T h e m o s t safe a n d p ro p e r h id in g p laces for the A r m e n ia n g a n g s w e re m o n a ste rie s


c h u r c h e s . G a n g s , h a v in g stu c k in a n d m a k in g p re p a ra tio n s for revolt in V a n , E r z u ru m , B itlis

1895 revolt w ere thin, w ith lon g b a rre l, a n d effective u p to 150 ill range. See: C cznil Y u r ls c v r r . 31 1 H e rita g e o fZ e y t u n lu . K d k sa v Live H isto ry S e rie s: 3, A n k a r a 1991. P .2-4 .

a n d A d a n a h a d com e togeth er a lw a y s in large a n d stro n g sto n e C h u re h c s . T h e y w ere p ro t e c t­

20 S itu a tio n of A r m e n ia n s in K ayseri w a s too a d v a n c e d . T h e m a n s io n k n o w n a s "C a m c io g lu

ed a n d

K o n a g i", o w n e d b y a n A r m e n ia n w e a lth y p erson , h a v in g a b a lc o n y at the o u te r fa(;ct w ith d o u ­

su p p o rte d

b y their C le ric a l L ea d ers a n d

C h u rc h

Priests. F u rth e rm o re

they u s e d

c h u r c h e s a s their w e a p o n a n d a m m u n itio n d ep o ts. F or fu rth e r in fo rm a tion see: A b d u lla h

b le Hon sc u lp tu re s, c e ilin g s p ro v id e d w ith v a rio u s

Y a m a n , a .g .e .. p .2 7 6 .

a n d s o u n d (M a rc h 1992).

w o o d e n a n im a l figu res, still re m a in s w ell

13 A b d u lla h Y a m a n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .257.

21 E r m e n i K om itelerinin m a l ve lla r c k a l'i ih tilallyesi

14 S c la h a t tin T a n s e l the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n ,


R e v o lu tio n a ry Activities),

p . 119.

(A rm e n ia n C o m m ittee s' D e s ire s a n d

N a tio n a l C o n g re s s , Is t a n b u l 1332, p . 165-167.

Hingak Committee, having a great number o f bombs manufactured by jeweller Haci Ohannes,

coppersmith Karabet and his brother Leon,

distributed them to its branche's. Elgikyan Kevork from Everek22 was sent

of (wo foreign inspectors to eastern provinces were a great development. Alter declaration of mobilisation,


the instruction received


Ta:jnaksutyun Committee from Russia, the region of Van and Bitlis was

to United States of America by the Committee in order to learn how to

divided into two sections. Vahan Papazyan, deputy of Van, was assigned

manufacture bombs. Bombs made by Revork and his assistants who had

with the task to break out revolts in the region of Mu§ - Bitlis. and

returned to Evrek in December

Vramyan, who was also an Ottoman Armenian deputy, and son of Loris

1913 commenced to revitalise


branches. Following the declaration o f Constitutional Government, "Ta§nak"

Melikof, a Russian General, was entrusted with the same task in and

Committee that rapidly expanded its organisation in Kayseri had a great

around Van27.

number o f bombs manufactured by its specialised members o f the Committee. Designs of bloody actions by commiteemen acting jointly upon declaration o f mobilisation to the light in the beginning o f 1914 when a bomb had exploded in his hands at the secret workshop o f the bomber Kevork. Despite the great effort exerted by Armenian Bishop to cover up the event, government forces acted immediately and caught thousands of bombs, dynamites and weapons, 21 o f which were found in the Armenian

As the result o f all these preparations with activities of volunteers coming from Russia, Armenians who conscripted in the Ottoman Army and fled

together with

their weapons,


Committees and


Armenians the region became a place like a gunpowder barrel where a fight could start at any moment. While Turks were going to Military Draft Boards with great desire to perform their military service, gangs set up by Armenian deserters massacred the remaining Turks together with their

Church and School23.

children. Such activities were intensified from January 1915 onwards. Sabahgiilyan, the Chairman o f Hmgak Committee Headquarters in

Gendarmes, who were charged with the mission to ensure public order and

Paris, who made a strong organisation in Kayseri and famous revolutionist

to maintain supply roads and telegraph lines o f the Ottoman Army fighting

Hamparsum Boyaciyan with nickname " Murad " could not be caught24.

against Russia in the east and Allied Powers at Qanakkale in the west

Asador and his friends’ attempt to kill Turkish soldiers and people, by

began to have been killed systematically28.

giving electricity to wires suspended in the streets by means of a device brought from USA caused to be fruitless and ineffective25. Commiteemen attached great importance to " Bitlis and Mu§ " region on the road to Van -Diyarbakir - Aleppo - iskenderun. Mu§ and " Talori " were known with Armenian revolts since older times. Therefore, Committees and Patriarchate ensured the Armenians to be organised by sending their most

Gendarme, who came to Sekur village of Hizan Town of Bitlis to search for deserters were martyred by Armenians who declared that they would not provide soldiers to the Ottoman Government and that they did not recognise the Government. Armenians carved out Gendarme soldiers’ eyes, smashed their heads with rocks29. Armenians who had rebelled in villages of Korsu, Ahkis, Beygeri, Ar§m and Tasu martyred savagely all gendarmes

distinguished members to the region26.

and civilian people in the same manner. In Geva§, between Van and Bitlis Committees’ aim was to capture an area in the triangle o f Van - Mu§ Bitlis as an Armenian Autonomy. After the Balkan War, they considered that dealing with the improvement o f eastern provinces and appointment




im portant





communication o f the Army. While the revolt continued in Armenian villages of Tasu and Sekur, fights began in Armenian village Viris affiliated to the center of the province on February 20, 1915. Corpses of Son of Priest of Hordis Village o f Van and Vahan, who was famous in the region and sent

22 D e v e li T o w n o f K ayseri. 23 E r m e n i K om K e lerin in ih tllaliy esl (R evolution o f A r m e n ia n C om m ittees), p. 167 a n d c o n t in u ­ ance. 24 E s a t U r a s the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blic ation ,

27 C e m a l A n a d o l, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n ,

p .603.

25 C e m a l A n a d o l. th e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

28 A z m i S u slii, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n ,

p .2 1 4

26 is m e t P a rm a k s iz o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .84.

p .2 6 3 -2 6 4 .

p . 74.

29 A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m e n d o n c d p u b lic a d o n .

p .270.

for directing the revolt and gang leader Kalon and30 stamped horses of I§han were caught31.

As a necessity of their commercial policies, Armenians did not leach their trade and art to Turks: while sources of richness were accumulated in

Regions between Bitlis and Hizan were seething with insurgencies of

Armenians, the situation was developed on the contrary to Turks who were

Armenians. Revolt in the region spread soon to Mu§ Plain. Gunfire was

dealing with agriculture and animal husbandry. Those who became victims

opened on the gendarme team who was going to take soldiers from the

and killed by organised and armed gangs continuously were not Armenians

Armenian village Servenek, affiliated to the town (Sancak) by gun fire from

but were unprotected Turks.

trenches prepared beforehand in the vicinity of the village. Some of gendarmes were martyred.

Subdistrict governor and

accom panying

gendarme detachment who went the Armenian village "Ktims" o f Akan subdistrict had been subjected to gunfire in the house where they were

Intensive pressures


been exercised

on the Ottoman


Armenians who did not find proper and support the actions of rebels in the region.











staying as guest. In this event, in which the Armenians fired continuously for eight hours, 9 persons o f gendarme and civilians were martyred. This

In contrary to the assertions of commiteemen, domestic and foreign

revolt had been planned by Papazyan and Rupen, delegate o f Mu§

documents indicate that population in and around Van was in favour of

Tasnakstityun and Esro, one of the chiefs of the Committee, had managed

Turks. According to the "Statistics of 1330 for the Ottoman Empire1'

the revolt32.

conducted in 1914 by the Ministry of Interior Affairs through Commissions

It was reported that Armenian gangs had arrived to Qanli Monastery nearby Mu§. Detachments were sent to Arak Monastery which was 3,5 hours far from Mu§ in order for investigations. Even though priests said

in which delegates and

Ahmet Efendi and some o f gendarme soldiers were martyred by volley from


Province of "Van" was the most important place on which Armenians and western countries supporting them considered much, where they had enhanced their propaganda and organisations. This was also one o f the centers where Armenian origin deputies and priests, British, Russian and French Consuls, Armenian rebels had intensified their activities. Armenian



consulates were also present, ratio of population in the province o f Van and


the Monastery. Gangs inside the Monastery escaped in the night by the

o f Arm enians

its districts is as follows30:

that there was no outsiders, detachment commander Gendarme Lieutenant

help o f priests33.







Van Province Center




Erci§ District







Adilcevaz District




Geva§ District








§itak(Qatak) District

rebels, alleging in the European public opinion that Armenians had been

Qolemerik District




crushed in Van, and that Armenian population was more than Turkish

Mahmudi District




population, pretended to be seen as oppressed community before their

§emdinan District



1 1.740

preparation for revolt34.

Ho§ap District




30 A d m in is tra tiv e e xec u tive for the region w h e re A r m e n ia n s lived w a s c alled "i$han".

Total of Province




31 is m e t P a rm a k s iz o g lu the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n . p ,8 6 . 32 M e h m e d H o c a o g lu , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , 33 A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , 34 A z m i S u s lii the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blic ation ,

p . 75.

p .6 0 9 -6 1 0 .

p .272.

35 F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n see: M e h m e d H o ca o g lu . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , .p .6 1 2 36 A z m i S u s lii, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n ,

p .75.

Turkish population in all districts, except the center o f Van province and

blood, as the assistant. Upon participation of Rafael, performed his duty as

§itak District was found to be approximately two-three folds of Armenian

inspectors of Armenian Schools and acting as member of conspiracy in

population. Presence o f Turkish tribes due to their mobilized life is

Iran, Osep, Serkis, Vartan from Karq'ekan, deputy Vramvan and Papazyan.

another factor that will affect the current rate o f population in favour of

Akdamar Clergy School had become as a center of revolution and all bloody

Turks, since they were not included in the statistics37.

events in the region had been directed and administered from this center41.

Armenians raised objection to distribution of deputies in Eastern

Upon declaration of military mobilisation the committees that had been

Anatolia and Van Provinces in Parliamentary Election made in connection

rapidly armed and completed their preparations, started action together

with the declaration o f Ilnd Constitutional Government. When the

with volunteer troops in Caucasia as vanguards of the Russian Army.

Provincial Government decided immediately to put down a population

Committees around Van and Mu§, started action in order to facilitate

census, commiteemen, being aware o f the fact that the reality would be

forward movement o f Russian Army and to attack upon the Ottoman army from the behind with battalions of three - four hundreds o f rebels, set up

understood, refused this attempt38.

by such leaders as Antranik from Erzurum who was famous in shedding In the region in which official statistical results of the Ottoman Empire

blood of Muslims, Simbat from Mu§, Hamazasp from Van42.

were also approximately verified by foreign sources39, it was Armenians whose breath and sound of their rifles were superior, but Turks who were subjected to genocide. Armenian Committees, encouraged by Western countries, particularly by Russia and Britain, had been rapidly organised by benefiting from consulates and schools, Armenian Churches and Associations in the region. I§han and Aram who had been sentenced to

These gangs whose aim was to establish an independent Armenian State under the control o f Europe43, attacked Armenians in Van who did not support them, Muslim people, government employees and gendarme and tried to make Van as a center by gathering groups of gangs44. In February 1915, in the issue concerning counting of sheep in Timar

capital punishment by the Russian Government because o f their crimes

county of Van, government officials had been subjected to armed attack of

committed in Caucasia and Karabag took up the chairmanship of

Armenians. Upon this incident, more than 1.000 rebels came together. The revolt had been transformed within shortest time into massacre of Turks in

Ta§naksiityun Regional Committee40. i§han and Aram, capturing the School of Clergy in Akdamar Island of Van, made this place as the revolution center o f the Committee. They appointed


com m iteem en Yeznik,


was never



priesthood, as Acting Katagikos for the School o f Clergy, and Daniel, who

other districts and villages. In the beginning of April, bombs had been planted in "Osmanli Bankasi", "Duyun-i Umumiyye", "Rcji1', Post and Telegraph Administration and government buildings were blown up by rebels in excess of 5.000. Turkish quarters had been set on fircir>.

was searched in Istanbul and various provinces for charge o f conspiracy

Soldiers and civilian people took refuge in the interior castlc for the

and who ran away to Van and whose primary duty was to shed Turkish

purpose o f defending themselves against attacks o f Armenians who had sieged the city since April the 7111, 1915. Armenians who prevented citizens

37 A z m i Siislti. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic atio n ,

p .76.

38 A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .297.

41 E rm e n i K om itclerin in ... ih tilaliyesl.

39 A c c o rd in g to V ital C u in e t. in e n tire p op u lation o f V a n p ro v in c e there w e re 8 0 .9 0 0 A r m e n ia n p eo p le a n d 2 4 1 .0 0 0 2 5 9 .0 0 0

M u slim s.

M u s lim


A r m e n ia n Q u e stio n w ith


p eo p le ; a c c o rd in g to D avid

S e la h a ttln ,

"E rm e n i S

u iu n

M a g ic ,

190 .0 00 A r m e n ia n s

R a k a m la r la

G er^ e g i"

F ig u re s ). i.lf.S .B .F ., M ag a zin e, Y c a r:2 , Iss u e ;2 ,

A m e ric a n re se areh cr, h o w e v er, p o in te d o u t th at in V a n in


43 C e m a l A n a d o l. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .264.

(R e ality of

1984, p .3 9 6 ;


19 1 4 -1 9 1 5 th ere w e re 6 7 .7 9 2

A r m e n ia n s a n d 1 79 .3 80 M u s lim s . Sec: Azm i S iis lu , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , 40 M e h m c d H o ca o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .61 1.

(R evolution o f A rm e n ia n C o m m itte rs...), p . 198 -199.

42 A zm i S iis lu . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p . 77.

p .76

44 E x c c rp te d from A T T A S E 's A rch iv c , N o . 4 / 3 6 7 1 . F o ld er N o .2 8 1 8 . File N o .59, In d e x :2 -5 4 a n d 55 ; A z m i S iis lu . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p .77; M e h m e d H o ca og lu , the a b o v e m e n ­ tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .6 1 2 . 45 A z m i S iislti. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic ation , p .78.

to take help from the surrounding vicinities dug trenches and tunnels

Russian occupation officers could not hide their astonishments against

around the castle. They tried to destroy the castle by means of latest model

such unimaginable massacres perpetrated by Armenians52.

Russian weapons and bombs which had been clandestinely brought from

With declaration of mobilisation, while Muslim people in "Erzincan" were

Trabzon inside straw bales. Other Armenian rebels camc from the vicinity,

conscripting by running to Military Draft Boards, Armenians had conccaled

starting from 15 April, and the city had been completely sieged. Number of

themselves in homes, pretending as if they were abroad. Under the

the Armenians were exceeding ten thousands40.

instruction of Patriarchate, Armenian Churches had showed numerous

As the result of Armenian volunteers’ influx from Balkans into Caucasia,

Armenians as officers of Church by keeping with themselves the half of 43

from Mu§, Sasun, Zeytun and Qukurova into Van with the fantasy to

Ottoman Liras which were received from those who did not want to perform

realise an independent Armenia, an intensive Armenian gang had been

their military service,

created. According to rebels, "the imagination was about to come true"47.

Patriarchate also tried to save a lot o f Armenian from military service by

Turkish population who had to undergo much

were called as churches53. A great number o f Armenians escaped from

sufferings, and a few number of soldiers had been able to resist inside Van

military service by hiding in Churches and in cellars o f houses through

Castle only until the end of May and finally the city surrendered. Both villages had been massacred. Almost every place had been destroyed48. Military barracks, government buildings and mosques as well had been

thus saved them from military service.

showing them as priests and servants in caves in rocks, ruins of wall which

and unbearable

during and after besiege, thousands o f Turks in the city anti surrounding


assistance of rebels and priests54; they showed a great deal o f cunning in concealing their annual cloths and foods as well as their guns in these areas55. Explosion o f other bombs in series when one of bombs buried in

completely burned49. In Van and its villages which had been occupied firstly by Armenians and then by Russians genocide had been exercised by Armenians until not a single Turk survived. Turks who were killed by torture in the center of

intervals in Surp Agop

The cruelties of the Armenians in Van and its villages reached undefended children, old people and the chastity of the women and


Armenians who started action in

1915 and who intensified their

massacre after capture o f Erzincan by the Russian, particularly as o f July 1916 commenced in later years

again their massacre activities against

Turks in Erzincan, Bayburt and Gumti§hane57. Armenians



astonished and horrified 46 A z m i S iislu , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u blication , p .78.

had frustrated

Turks and shred soldiers.

Van, Selimbey quarter, Ki§la quarter in Erci§, Zeve village50, Bahyesaray Village, (Jaldiran and Alakoy had been buried in a mass and camouflaged51.

church in Erzincan

extermination plan56 which would set all Erzincan in fire, massacre all






even Russian officers and writers who were

directing them. Primarily being the Chief o f gangs, Murad Armenians under

47 A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p .31 6. 48 A z m i S iislu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blic atio n , p .78 52 See: E s a t U ra s, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p . .6 2 7 -6 2 8 ; Azm i S u s lii, Ihc a b o v e m e n ­

49 A lp e r G azigiray . the a bove m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 5 3 -2 5 8 . 50 N u m b e r o f u n p ro te c te d T u rk s o f eight village p eo p le togeth er w ith Zeve, w h o c o u ld b e d eter­ m in e d a n d w h o s u b je c te d to collective m a s s a c re b y A r m e n ia n s , is 3 .0 0 0 . See: A zm i S iis lu . the

tioned p u b lic ation , p .258.

a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 78. 51 F o r fu rth er in fo rm a tio n see: E rgiin o z A k g o ra , V a n ve Q c v rcsin d c E rm c n i Isy an lari (1 8 9 6 1916 A r m e n ia n A n k ara


R evo lts in a n d Azm i

S iis lu ,

a ro u n d V a n ), A .U .T .i.T .E .

R u s la r a

G o re

E r m c n ile r in

u n p u b lis h e d T iir k le re

D o c to ra te T h esis:

Y a p t ik la r i

M c z a lim .

(O p p r e s s io n s in flicted on to T u r k s b y A rm e n ia n s , A c c o rd in g to R u s s ia n s ), A .U . P rin tin g H o u se . A n k a ra

tioned p ublication , 2 7 -2 9 ; M e h m e d H o ca o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .6 1 5 -6 2 1 : C e m a l A n a d o l, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 2 7 4 -2 8 5 : A lp e r G azigiray . (h e a b o v e m e n ­

53 M e h m e d H o ca og lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .605. 54 C e m a l A n a d o l. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p .286. 55 A zm i S u s lii, E rm e n ile r ve 1915 T e h c lr O layi (A rm e n ia n s a n d 1915 E m ig ra tio n ), p .86. SG C e m a l A n a d o l, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p .286.

1987; A lp e r G azigiray . the above m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 5 5 -2 6 1 : C e m a l A d a d o l.

the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .272 -2 8 6 .


A zm i S iis lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .8 6 -8 7 .

the rule o f rebels had carried out brutal and cruel massacres for thousands

After declaration of mobilization, because of the fact that province of "

of unprotected Turks in Erzincan and surrounding villages, around th e ir

Erzurum " was the region of war. majority of Armenians in the center and

churches and streets by tortures, burning them collectively in houses,

Beyazit (Agn) provinces took rcluge in Russians'’2. Together with their own

killing them like animals, throwing them into large holes58.

guns and those Armenians who were the Ottoman soldiers together with

In Erzincan, ZekkiQ, Pirahmet, Ardasa, Polathane, Tandirlik and in other residential areas, babies who were still sucking their mothers, elderly persons completed their nineties, and women had been torn to pieces. Pregnant women had been martyred by giving their babies to their laps after being

taken out from their abdomens, by breaking their brains.

guns o f the state. A great deal of weapons, ammunitions and propaganda materials had been brought to Erzurum by the Armenians with the support of Russia and Britain from Batumi, Constanza and close vicinity over Trabzon. Armenians in Erzurum had been evaded from military service by showing them as clerks and members o f churches by the Church. Those who were enlisted to military service had deserted63.

Young girls, after being raped, had been killed and their lungs hanged o n walls. Out o f Turks were managed to go outside from houses and buildings which had been set on fire had been tornin to pieces by bayonets and daggers59.

Armenians, who were described by a Russian officer as " Armenians who could not stay in trenches had been showing their

heroism towards

disarmed civilian people ", killed all Turks who had been unable to run away from the massacre in Ilica town, cut them by blunt axes at their back

When the Ottoman Army arrived in Erzincan, in the report60 sent on

of necks. Corpses had been piled up at a height of 142 cm in the garden of

February 16, 1918 by the 3rd Army Commandership, to the Ministry o f

mosque with 813.45 m2 o f area. Traces of violent assaults on corpses of

Chief Commander some of oppressions and tortures inflicted upon Turks

women were very remarkable. Cartridges for rifle had been inserted into

were revealed as follows:

genital organs of numerous women and girls64.

"I have witnessed all the villages from Qardakli Bogazi to Erzincan,

Armenians in Tercan town destroyed all buildings and blown up with

leaving not even one single hut as solid and firm, and these were

dynamite the mosque which had been used by the Russian as arsenal. In

destucted. Trees in gardens were cut, nobody in villages was left alive.

the town which was full o f corpses of Muslim people, number of children

Disasters inflicted by Armenians upon people o f Erzincan have never been

killed by Armenians had risen to 700. Some o f corpses had been left as

recorded in the history o f the World until today. Muslim people’s corpses who were massacred by Armenians and left in square have been collected since three days."

their hands tied by the banks o f trenches. Heads o f many people had been cut by axes65. Armenian volunteers and rebels had committed massacres in any

Flocks o f rebels who ran

from Erzincan to Erzurum, destroyed all

Turkish villages together with their people on their way towards Erzurum.

opportunity despite the occupant Russian officers and soldiers. They killed 170 persons in the bath of barracks, and all people in the region o f Tcpckoy

Massacre had been executed before the eyes o f Russian Officers61. 1,2 M e h m e d H o ca o g lu . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .6 0 5 ; A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 273. 58 A zm i S u s lii, R u s la r a G o r e ........... M ezallm (A c c o rd in g to R u s s ia n s .................. p .3 4 -3 9 ,

R e p o rts


R u s s ia n

C o n s u la te s


O fficers;

G e n e ra l

O p p re s s io n s ),

M a y e w s k i,

O d l§ eliaze.

N ikolayef, B a lk ovitin of, P rje v a ls k i, L ie u te n a n t-C o lo n e l T w e rd o k h le b o f a n d D o c to r H o re§en ko. 59 A s k e ri T a rih i B e lg e le r (M a g a z in e o f M ilita ry H isto ric al D o c u m e n ts ), A p ril 1987, Issu e ; 86.

fi:l Azm i

S iislii, E rm c n ilc r vc 1915 T chctr O lay i (A rm e n ia n s a n d 1915 D e p o rta tio n In cid en t),

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 273. M D istrict G o v e rn o r G riy a zn o f. b y b rin g in g on e or tw o

o f A r m e n ia n g irls to the g a rd e n o f

M osqu e , re p ro a c h fu lly offered their se e in g c o n triv a n c e s o f A r m e n ia n s a n d their re fe rrin g to

D o c u m e n t N o. 2 0 6 1 .2 0 6 2 , 2 0 6 3 .

this in cid e n ce s w ith p rid e. G irls' s t a r lin g lau gh te r Joyfully in ste a d o f feelin g s o r r o w se e m ed to

130 A sk e ri T a rih B e lg e le ri (M a g a z in e o f M ilita ry H isto rical D o c u m e n ts ). A p ril 1987, D o c u m e n t

him a s to n is h in g m ixed w ith h atred . S e c: Azm i S iislii, A c c o rd in g to R u s s ia n s ...... O p p re s s io n s ,

N o. 2061.

p .4 9 -5 0 ,6 1 .

61 A zm i Stislii, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .49.

<is A lp er G a z ig ira y . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p .3.87.

including children before Russian left Erzurum. Number of Turks w h o had been killed in Mansions and burnt at the night of March 11 - 12, 1918 66 is more than 15.000 compete with those in districts67.

and other districts as well as in Hasanbeyli township. Kerosene and gunpowder hidden by church priests and commiteemen at very steep rocks of Saimbeyli had been found. 150 kg of gunpowder hidden by Beloglu

According to Lieutenant - Colonel Twerdokhlebof, eyewitness o f the massacre;

Yeprem in caves among

rocks had been discovered71. The Priest Dersak

from Dortyol and Karabet iskender, member o f Hingak Committee who

" These events clearly show the ideals o f the Armenian Community and

were planners o f 1909 Adana incidents had been caught upon their

Armenian thinkers. Nobody could reverse such events. Armenians sowed

stepping up to the coast from the French ship docked at Dortyol Pier for

the wind, but they forgot that those who sowed the wind would reap the

the purpose of spying and were executed72.

whirlwind (sow the seeds of hatred)68".


As it was common in a lot of provinces o f the East Anatolia "Adana'' and its vicinity had been subjected to intensive activities o f Armenians. Before the arrival o f the Allied Countries

in the region,

arm am ent


organizational activities were completed in the south and Armenian

Armenians who lived within the territory o f Turkey and caused to be involved in the rebellion committees had also increased their activities in Diyarbakir, Trabzon, Sivas, Urfa. Yozgat, izmit, Adapazari and in various

intelligence networks serving on behalf of Britain and France were set up.

centers. Armenians who believed to the lie that the Russian Army and

On February 12, 1915 the teacher Abraham Salciyan from Adana, Artin

Allied Powers had taken action for themselves, they conducted sabotages

and Bedros from Dortyol, took refuge from Dortyol region to the enemy

and massacres at the time when Qanakkale combats were so intensive71.

ships, conveyed information to the enemy about the region and military situation69.

Despite all the goodwill o f the Ottoman Government the increasing intensification o f the events, state o f being at war with the most powerful

1915; Koยงker Torosoglu and Muallim Agop was

nations of the Europe, transformation o f revolts completely to treachery

dispatched from Cyprus by the enemy to iskenderun. Agop, who had been

had compelled the government to take compulsory measures for prevention

On February 24,

caught at the shore carrying with himself the instructions given by the fleet

of massacre of hundreds o f Turks publicly and for the securty behind the

commander was brought to the Military Court for trial. In the meantime, an


instrument for communication through light signals had been found in

As the initial measure, the government took the decision on April 24.

marshy place around Payas. On the same date, Daglioglu Artin who tried

1915 that Centers o f Armenian Committees whose unfavourable activities

to take refuge at the enemy ship had also been caught and brought to the Military Court for trial70.

as listed above were closed, their documents were seized and their leaders were arrested74 75.

In addition to above mentioned persons, hundreds o f weapons, bombs, dynamites, maps and flags had been caught in Dortyol, Kozan, Saimbeyli

71 A b d u lla h Y a m a n . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .3 3 5 -3 3 6 . 72 M e h m c d A saf, (h e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .9.

66 A z m i S iislti, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .5 1 ,8 1 ,

73 For F u rth e r in fo rm a tion see: A lp e r G azigiray . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .4 2 1 -4 2 4 .

67 F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n see: A lp e r G azigiray , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 8 7 ,3 9 0 -

74 P u r s u a n t lo in stru c tio n s o f the M in istry o f In terior A ffairs, 2 .3 4 5 re b e ls h a d b e en a rre s te d

4 0 0 ,4 2 9 -4 4 2 . 6H A z m i S iislii, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .53.

in Ista n b u l. D rafts o f R e s o lu tio n w h ic h w ere tried to b e p a s s e d th ro u gh E u r o p e a n a n d U .S .A . p a r lia m e n t s a s "the y e a r o f g c n o c id e " a n d

c om m e m ora tio n c ele b rated b y th em every y e a r a s

"the c om m e m o ra tio n d a y for gcn oc id e" h ave b e en In fact orien ted to w ard s th ese a rre stm e n ts, 69 A z m i S iislii, E r m e n ile r ve 1915 Tehcir O la y i (A rm e n ia n s a n d 1915 D e p o rta tio n Incident),

a n d not related w ith the e m ig ra tio n . Sc e:A zm i S iis lii, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 109.

p . 90. 75 A zm i S iis lii, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 106.. C e m a l A n a d o l.. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed 70 A lp e r G a z ig ira y , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 7 1 -2 7 2 .

p u b lic a tio n , p .353.

Closure of Armenian Committees who took action during revolts, a r r e s t

Every nation is under the obligation to ensure and secure the life,

o f their leaders and some commiteemen could not prevent further in c re a s e

property and chastity of its citizens living within its territory. Although

of the developing events. Dimensions and type of massacres committed b y

emigration as applied in Turkey was a decision which had to be taken long

the Armenians who were seduced by members of Committees had b e e n

ago, as was the case in implementations made by Byzantium, Sasani, it is not in the form o f enforcing people to change their sects. Armenians, after

changed. On 6 May 1915, Armenian Rebels who set up a temporary governm ent76 under the head of Aram Manokyan who was appointed as governor in V a n

committing all crimes entailed that such a law was to be promulgated, such a law was then obliged to put into operation.

which had been delivered by Armenians to the Russian attacked thousands

In order to be able to prevent some misunderstandings and improper

of Turkish emigrants who had been forced to emigrate from the city a n d

applications, the Ministry o f Interior Affairs issued a Communique on June

vicinities and caused Bitlis River to flow red with blood of Muslims77.

1, 1915. According to this Communique, it was pointed out that some innocent persons were arrested and expelled instead of Armenian criminals

The most humanitarian remedy against collective massacre o f Turks b y Armenian rebels in centers around Van and other provinces was to s en d the Armenians, who were in mobile position and most o f them had com e from outside, to other regions.

and chiefs of Committee, therefore meticulous care should be exercised and real offenders should be pursued81. Commiteemen were trying to conceal themselves by arranging all incidents, bringing other Armenians face to face with Security Forces

Upon the proposal o f the Chief Commandership and the Ministry o f Interior Affairs, a provisional law78 envisaging that those who committed

ensured that incidents should become in large scales. The Ottoman Government acted with the knowledge of this fact.

offence of spy and treachery against the Ottoman Government were to b e sent partially or completely to such places which were far from battlefields had been promulgated by the Ottoman Government™.

D. RESULTS OF THE EVENT OF EMIGRATION: Ten days after entering into force o f the Code o f Emigration, on June 6,

After the acceptance of this law called as "the Code of Emigration" a

1915; France, Britain and Russia, giving a diplomatic note to the Ottoman

regulation80 had been issued on the 30th May of 1915, by the Ministry o f

Government, stated that members o f the Government and employees would

Interior Affairs, Department of Settlement o f Tribes and Refugees for the

be held responsible for the Armenian massacre82.

purpose of boarding and housing of the transferred tribes and the Armenians.

The Ottoman Government, with a counter diplomatic note, denied the allegations definitely and stated as follows; " ......This is to advise you that

no measure of precautions became

70 S e lah attin T a n s e l the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , V .I.. p . 121. A lp e r G azigiray , the a b o v e

necessary for those Armenians who were resident at stable and sccure

m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 265.

places, only certain measures were taken against revolting Armenians, (F o u r Y e a r s u n d er th e

which was the interior affair o f the state and the Ottoman Government did

C ie s c e n t a n d a n A n s w e r for It), tra n slated b y L ie u te n a n t-C o lo n e l H a k k i. M ilita ry P rin tin g

not feel herself to account for another Government because of such a

77 R afael de N o g a le s, H ilal A ltin d a D ort S e n e ve B u n a A it B ir C c v a p

H o u se . Is t a n b u l 1931, p .3 7 -4 1 . 78 G ist o f the P ro v isio n a l L a w ; in the form o f " P ro v isio n al L a w R e s p e c tin g M e a s u re s to b e tak en b y the M ilita ry F o rc e s for T h ose w h o U p ris e a g a in s t the O tto m a n G o v e rn m e n t at the

decision.... While British and French Navy Commanders were bombarding mobile and stationary hospitals at (Janakkale and while the Russian

time o f M o b ilis a tio n ", f o r fu rth e r in form ation p lea se sec: T a k v im -i V e k a y i (F irst O tto m an O fficial G azette),

J u n e 1, 1915.

79 E s a t U ra s . th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic ation , p .605; S e lah attin T a n sel, the a b o v e m ention ed

B1 E x e rp te d from the M in istry o f In terior A ffa irs "Ev. O d a . §if. Kal.". File N o. 5 3 .8 6 3 / 6 1 :

p u b lic atio n , p. 122.

K a m u ra n G iiriin . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .219.

80 A zm i S u s lii, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 113.

82 A b d u lla h Y a m a n . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .375.

Government was slaughtering by sword thousands o f Muslim people

Armenians in Antakya, Bursa, izmit and Adapazari had been transported

residing near Kars ftirough Armenians and annihilating in the similar w a y

to other places85.

by Armenians the Ottoman prisoners of war who had been captured at Caucasia and killing them ruthlessly in starvation and thirst, statement o f

Workshops which had been instituted with weapons stored in great

Britain, France and Russia about humanitarian feelings is rather strange,

amounts by Armenians had been discovered in Adapazari. Kayseri, Yozgat. Bursa and in other various cities. Armenians set fire on their homes and

isn’t it?

villages while leaving and they also demolished and set fire on the houses Accusations made by Russian, French and British Governments w ho

and shops of Turks and Greeks. Fire that they had set in Saimbeyli lasted

had used extremely severe force and not refrained from showing inhuman

53 hours. In that town 2.000 houses. 5 churches, 5 schools, 150 shops and

actions during outbreak of revolts and uprises at Caucasia, Morocco,

inns, buildings o f municipality and government department had been

Egypt, India and elsewhere in order to put down them, against the Ottoman

burnt. About 100 undamaged houses remained in the town8,i.

Government due to her measures which were deemed necessary and which had been implemented in due diligence and justice as much as possible could not be true. All responsibility for the incidents that they thought to be compelled to complain, belongs rather to the three member allied governments since the said revolts had been arranged and managed b y

In order

to prevent unfavourable foreign propaganda, the Ottoman

Government, gave an order in cipher dated June 9, 1915; determined that value of articles which could not be carried by Armenians would be paid, their properties would be preserved and protected, they would be sold on behalf of their owner by public auction87.

themselves. Even their such statements have constituted a basis for Armenian provocateur and encourage them"83 and so the unjust accusation

In spite of the Code of Emigration Armenians opened fire in §arki Karahisar in June 1915 from houses and Karahisar Castle founded on a

is suppressed.

rock towards Gendarme soldiers who had entered the quarter of Armenians In fact, through this diplomatic note it has been officially proved that

to catch those who deserted from the Army and to Turkish quarters. In fires

Britain, France and Russia were supporting rebels. With the counter

broken out, all township had set on fire except about

response, from the Ottoman Government, it has been revealed and clarified

the arrival of auxiliary forces revolt could only be put down. In the August

under official statements that Arm enian


had beer


supported by the said nations and that they used Armenians as a means to divide the Ottoman Empire and that they organised Armenians for this objective.

00 houses. Upon

of 1915 the revolt broken out by Armenians in Urfa, could be suppressed only by the help o f the 4lh Army88. While combats with enemy continued at several fronts of battlefields and Armenian revolts broken out at everywhere had been suppressed, all

The Code o f Emigration had not been initially enforced in the Central

transportation vehicles had been used for the Army and for general

and Western Anatolia. Upon British and French Navy's bombarding o f

requirements. Even in such a vital time, the Government reserved a great

Qanakkale and Russian Navy’s bombarding of Karadeniz Eregli as a

deal of force consisting o f employees, soldiers and gendarmes for the

measure against the actions o f Armenians, by outbreaking of revolts in

purpose of safe and sound transportation of convoys. It meant that these

Bursa, Izmit, Adapazari and Antakya, aiming to strike the security forces from behind and thus to facilitate activities o f enemy at the east and west fronts by engaging and keeping Turkish troops busy with such revolts”4,

8-’ C e m a l A n ado l, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lication . p..'J54; К а п и ц а м ( a i n m . the a b o v e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic atio n , p .210 . ш' C e m a l A n a d o l, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p .3 5 4 -3 5 5 .

83 E rm e n l K om itclerin in m a l ve

H a re k a t-i ih tilaliyesi, (A rm e n ia n C o m m ittee s' D e s ire s a n d

87 E x c rp te d from ttie M in istry o f Interior A ffairs "Kv. O d a . Jjif. Kal.". File No. 5 3 .8 9 3 / 7 7 :

R evo lu tion ary Activities ) , p .2 4 1 ; E s a t U r a s , tile a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .6 0 6 -6 1 0 .

K a m u ra n G u riin . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lication , p.219.

84 A zm i S u s lii, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .92.

88 C e m a l A n a d o l. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p ublication , p . 3 17-327.

assistance that had been made at the time when even a smallest v eh ic le,

the "Tsar". The great criminal is Trarisl regime which had never refrained

and force were of importance, and life and independence o f a nation w a s

even for a while to flood disasters to Islamic World from its first day"'11.

the matter, had been a very important sacrifice. In spite o f all attempts o f the Government with goodwill, large number of groups o f gangs o f re b e ls cut the roads of convoys and killed the accompanying gendarmes a n d soldiers, and caused the people in the convoys to inflict harm at th e ir

Ottoman Government did not respond in the same way even under war conditions upon this community who committed revolts and massacres. In the displacement for the purpose of removing Armenians from regions of war and preventing revolts, to such places where no revolt broken out and

vicinities by dispersing89 of the convoys90.

safe and the said refugees were not in majority had been selected. In spite o f all these, the Government had tried

to satisfy t h e

Fulfilm ent






humanitarian needs and protection of these by establishing centers a n d

protection of life and healthcare o f about 800.000 refugees during the

accommodation places where refugees would satisfy their needs. E n tire

struggle against all the Western World had brought many physical and

amount o f population that was transported from the front in the east a n d

moral burden on the Ottoman Government inside and outside the Country.

vicinity and settled into the central parts of the country by the end o f

In 1915, 25 million piastres, at the end o f October 1916, 80 million

October 1916 was 702.900; excluding those who had voluntarily left th e ir

piastres and to the end o f the year 150 million piastres for only feeding

houses. Not only Armenians but also Greeks, other minorities and M uslim s

requirements had been allocated94.

too had been subjected to transportation and settlement91.

At many places, falling beyond the ^enters as mentioned


due to internal safety and conditions o f w a r,

Armenians who had been armed and encouraged with great efforts of

displacement of Armenians who tried to strike Turkish Army from behind,

Westerners, Committees and members of Church killed in unimaginable

As a necessity

and who committed treachery by joining the Russian Army and w h o

manners their Turkish neighbours with whom they had lived for centuries.

inflicted assaults and massacres, and made espionage to the Russian an d

This unfortunate community living with imagination of promises . Đž did not

Allied Countries is not an event o f massacre; it is the result o f a national

only inflict harm to Turks but at the same time they were clearly used by

and legal reaction.

their Western supporters on whom they relied.

As it has been verified by the foreigners, "even if military authorities and Turkish people behaved always honest and true against them, fatigue during the long march, war, illness and privations cost a lot people’s life"92. "Ottoman Empire, had done what is done by every nation in case o f dangers, and had removed unreliable elements from scenes of battle. It is true that in such a country which is so much poor and insufficient o f transportation means and lack o f modern techniques, such a precaution had come together with badnesses and some innocent people also suffered under fruitless dreams o f establishing an Armenia under the auspices o f

89 A b d u lla h Y a m a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p .4 05 . 90 S e la h a ttln T a n s e l, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . V .l. p. 123. 91 A z m i S iis lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 124.

E d g a r G ra n v ille . C^arlik D iin y a s m in T iirk iyc'd ck l O y u n la ri (T rick s o f the C z a rd o m W o r ld In T u rk ey ). T ra n s la te d b y O r h a n A n m a n , "Y arin P u b lic a tio n s", A n k a r a 1967, p .9 0 -9 1 .

92 M . L a r c h e r B tiy iik H a rp te T u rk H a rb i (W a r o f T u rk s In the G re a t W a r ). V. 1-2, T ra n s la te d

94 F or fu rth e r In fo rm atio n p le a se sec: A T T A S E 's A rch ivc, N o.

b y M eh m e t N ih a t, M ilita ry P rin tin g H o u se , Is t a n b u l 1928, p .464.

cx erp ted fro m In d e x 1 5 -2 2 ,2 3 ; A zm i S iislii, the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 125 -131.

1/2. F o ld er 3 6 1 . Flic


could not succeed until 1917 in the south against all efforts, pushed


Ottoman Forces to the north later on5. Enver Pasha, who evaluated the developments in the region went to


Germany to tell about the seriousness of the situation to the military authorities. The German General Staff accepted conditionally to assist the Ottoman Forces.

Attacking on the Suez canal by Turkish forces in the night of February 2 - 3 , 1915, during the World War I aimed to intercept the British road of imperialism. Although the attack was successful militarily, the result was not positive and Turkish Army was thrown to the behind of the canal1. Cemal Pasha learnt the secret activities o f the Arabs in the region against the Turks. He sent Arabic troops out o f Syria as much as possible. Cemal Pasha had the leading Arabs in the region been tried by the martial court based on the documents captured in the French consulate in Beirut. As a result,

11 people were executed In August

1915 and 20 were

Germany believed that Baghdad might be captured by

establishing a group of armies. A great army would be established upon the condition that its commander would be Germane. The headquarters o f this army would consist of German officers where German soldiers7 would be on duty. A. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LIGHTNING ARMIES It was decided to establish the “Lightning Armies Group” under the command of General Falkenheim in the meeting held in Halep on June 24, 1917 under the presidency of Enver Pasha with the participation of Turkish and German commanders.

executed in January 19162. §erif Hiiseyin, the Ruler of Mecca, obtained the oral support o f Britain to establish an independent Arabic state in the region from Qukurova to the southern coasts of the Arabic peninsula, through Mahon, the high British

The Lightning Armies Group was established8 officially on July 11, 1917 by the approval o f the Ottoman Sultan and former chief o f German General Staff Von Falkenhein, was appointed as the commander.

Commissary in Egypt. §erif Hiiseyin pleaded the executions in Syria when

The 7 th Army which was given under the command of Mustafa Kemal

he started on Arabic rebellion in Hicaz on June 2, 1916, under the above

had formed the core of the Lightning Armies Group. Mustafa Kemal, as a

mentioned assurance3.

soldier, criticized Falkenhein and his plans and he was being supported by

Upon the failure of the British in Gazze combats under General Murray’s

Cemal Pasha in this subject. In fact, Falkenhein wanted to take revenge of

command who wanted to seize the control of the region. General Allenby

the pain of the Vcrdune, which he could not conquer a year ago and which

was appointed as the general commander o f British Forces4. Britain opened

had caused him to be dismissed from duty and to lose his reputation,

the Iraqi front in the south, in order to gain success in the Canal front.

through a successful Eastern expedition9. The comments o f Major Franz

Britain would establish land contact with Russia and

would protect

Abadan petroleum reserves under this project. British forces, although

5 C e m a l P a sh a , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n p .2 36 a n d c o n tin u an cc. c § . S iirc y y a A y d cm ir. the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 9 4 an d c o n tin u an c c. 7 G e r m a n s h ad a n Id ea to o rg a n ize a G e rm a n a rm y c o n sis tin g of from T u rk s , a s B rita in an d

1 C e m a l P a s h a , (h e a bove m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n p .2 0 " a n d c o n tin u a n c e

F ra n c e h a d o rga n ized so m e tro op s from colon ial so ld iers. F o r detailed in fo rm ation , see: C e m a l 2 Y. T ckin K u ra t, O s m a n li im p a r a lo r lu g u ’ n u n P a yla §ilm asi (T h e D iv isio n o f O tto m a n E m p ire ). A n k a r a 1986. p. 2 5 -2 6 .

8 W o r ld W a r I, S in a - P a lestin e F ront, G e n e ra l S ta ff A T A S E p u b lic atio n s. V .IV , Section 2.

у C e m a l P a s h a , Ih e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 33 a n d c o n tin u a n c e § . S u rc y y a A y d cm ir, E n v e r P a § a (E n v e r P a s h a ). V .3 . Is t a n b u l 1985. p. 274 a n d c o n tin u a n c c . 4 F a h ir A r m a o g lu . A n k a r a 1884.

20. Ytizyil T u rk S iy a s i T arih i (2 0 th C e n tu r y T u rk is h

Piujix the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 2 39

A n k a r a 1982. p. 63 a n d c o n tin u a n c c !) Lord K in ro ss. A ta tiirk , Bir M illctin Y e n id e n ПоДи^и (A ta tiirk . R ebirth o f a N ation A g a in ).

Political H istory)

T ra n s , b y N ccdet S a n d e r , Is t a n b u l 1984, p. 172 -1 7 5 .

von Papen, one of his staff officers, and the travel they made together in the

On the other hand, the Arabs under Emir Faisal, were trying to control the

Palestinian front caused Falkenhein to see the danger and to suspend the

railroad by advancing from Akabe Gulf to the North11.

Baghdad project10.

After the defeat in Jerusalem, Liman von Sanders was assigned in lien

200.000 Turkish golds per month and 5 million golds were allocated to

of Falkenhein on February 25, 191815. Sanders, who was appointed to the

Falkenhein for the lightning operations from May 1917 onwards. All these

command o f Lightning Armies Group inspected his troops and made new

funds were recorded as a debt to the account of Ottoman State. The haughty general thought that the Turks might also be purchased in return for money and made a mistake o f offering a bribe to Mustafa Kem al11. British and French warships supported the Gazze attack o f General Allenby on October 27, 1917 who completed his preparations in the

arrangements. He objected the movement of the 7lh Army Headquarters from Nablus to Amman and wanted to take his headquarters to Nablus. Also he wanted Fevzi Pasha, the commander of 7th Army and his headquarters to be moved to Nablus. Sanders decided that the situation was very critical after he talked with Colonel ismet Bey, the commander of 3rd Army Corpsle.

summer of 1917. Allenby, reorganizing his forces, could not break into the Turkish The British captured Bir - Seba in the evening of 31 October and also which was evacuated Gazze on 7 November, then Yafa on 15 November. The Turks who established a strong defensive line and stopped the British forward movement in Jerusalem. Thus, Jerusalem which has been under

defense in the attacks he madeover Nablus and Amman in March and reached the river o f Jordan on 1st o f April. The troops under Emir Faisal could not get a result from their attacks on Maan which was defended by 2.000 Turkish soldiers, on the railway to Hicaz. The failure o f Allenby near

Ottoman rule for 401 years, was captured by the British, by the forward

El-Salt and Tel - imrin on 30 April prevented British forces from reaching

operations o f Allenby on December 9, 191712.

Am m an17.

The British attack which started by a force of 110.000 in the last days

Allenby had to stop his movements due to defeats in the Palestine front,

of October caused us to lose all the Palestine, including Jerusalem. The

although his forces were about 160.000, fully equipped while the Turkish

counter - attack of Falkenhein on 26 December by the directive o f Enver

forces were about 40.ООО18.

Pasha did not change the result. Our forces in the Palestine front were only 36.000 at the end of 1917. British Forces were 110.000 and they were also superior in respect of equipment and materials13.

Sultan Mehmet Re§at, called Mustafa Kemal to istanbul and appointed him to the command o f the 7lh Arm y19 in Palestine.

The fact that Allenby increased the movements in Palestine front and reaching o f the British right flank to the Jordan River threatened the Hicaz railroad which was the only transport road of the Turkish forces in Hicaz.

10 Y. H ikm et B a y u r , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , V .3 , Section 3, p. 395. 11 J e h u d e L. W a lla h , B ir A s k e ri Y a rd im in A n a to m is i

Vahdettin, who became a Sultan on July 5, 1918; upon the death of

General Allenby, who could not break into the Turkish defense, organized a force o f 200.000 had concentrated the three forth of his forces in the North o f Yafa and along seashore in order to attack on this area.

14 F a h ir. A rm a o g lu , (h e a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ., p. 6 2 0 -6 2 7 .

(The A n a to m y o f a M ilitary A id ), T ra n s ,

15 Y. H ik m et B a y u r. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . V .3 .. Section 3. p. 431

b y F a h ri Q ellker, A n k a r a 1985, p 195; § . S u r e y y a A k d e m ir, s a m e p u b lic a tio n ., V .3 ., p. 298. 10 L im a n von S a n d e rs , T iirkiye' d e B c§ Yil (Five Y e a r in T u rk ey ), T rans, b y M. .‘jcvk i Y a zm an . 12 F a h ri A r m a o g lu , S iy asi T a rih

1 7 8 9 -1 9 1 9 (Political H isto ry 1 7 8 9 -1 9 1 9 ), A n k a r a 1961, p.

Is t a n b u l 1968, p. 2 2 5 -2 3 0 .

613. 17 § S iirc y y a A y d c m ir the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n p. 333. 13 H .

F ah ri

(F a lk a n h a y n


"A ta tu rk 'iin

- M u s t a fa K em al

Y a § a m in d a

F a lk a n h a y n -M u s t a fa

K em al

D is a g r e e m e n t in A la ltirk 's Life) A ta tiirk

M a g a zin e , N o v e m b e r 1988, A n k a r a 1988, p. 182

A n la ^ m a zlig i"

R e s e a rc h

C en te r

18 F a h ir A r m a o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n p. 628. 19 L o rd K in ro ss, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p u b lic a tio n p. 186.

Mustafa Kemal, the commander o f 7lh Army, who was aware o f the British preparations, warned Sanders, but he did not listen to Mustafa Kemal. The Turkish forces who showed a great resistance to the strong British attacks on September 19, 1918 had to withdraw due to superior enemy power and pressure20. Although21 Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s 7lh Army resisted against British attacks, but the front o f the 8th Army was penetrated and therefore the 7lh and 4lh Armies had to withdraw. The strike of Arabs on the Turks accelerated the breakdown22.

Hiknict Bey. IJndersccretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Sadullah Bey, Chief of Staff of the 8th Army and Ali Bey, son of Ali Fuat Bey. Chief Secretary of the


Also Lieutenant Colonel Tevfik

Bey also

participated the delegation who was the liaison officer of Townshend in Bttyukada who mediated (he negotiations between Britain and Ottoman Stale as a response to the good and honourable behaviour he experienced during his state of a prisoner of war2(i. The Turkish committee under the

presidency of Rauf Bev, signed an

Amman was lost on 25 September and the British entered Damascus on

armistice as cease fire which is called the " Armistice of Mondros " in the

30 September. With the support o f naval forces, British and French forces

warship of Agamemnon anchored in the harbor o f Mondros on October 30,

reached Beirut on 8 October. The gathering of the Lightning Armies in

191827. Although France objected the British self-behaving in the armistice,

Aleppo was decided upon the forward movement o f the enemy23. The 4lh Army was withdrawing to the north, while only those troops under Mustafa

they had to approve the provisions of the armistice on 31 October, in front of this fait accompli28.

Kemal were withdrawing to Aleppo by fighting; and fighting without

According to the provisions of the Armistice of Mondros signed by

disturbing their order o f combat24.

Admiral Calthorpe in the name of Britain and by Hiiseyin Ray Bey, Minister

Mustafa Kemal withdrew due to the absence o f the 8th Arm y which

of Naval Affairs in the name of Ottoman State; the Ottoman State was

protected the right flank, but not due to British pressure. Mustafa Kemal

actually considered to be absent29. The agreement whose name was an

Pasha who recognized the danger of the situation, decided to defend

armistice was fully a document of unconditional surrender. The armies of

Anatolia rather than Syria. He moved his Army to 5 kms North o f Aleppo

the great Ottoman Empire would be demobilized, weapons, ammunition,

and conducted military activities to defend Taurus tunnels. Meanwhile, he

transport and communication means, harbours and dock yards would be

learnt that the Ottoman Empire had signed an Armistice in Mondros on 30

left to the control o f the Entente Powers. The Entente Powers would occupy the Taurus tunnels and would have


the right to occupy any part of the country for their security based on B.



Article 7. An environment was prepared for the in accorcance with found ation o f an Armenian state in Eastern Anatolia the provisions o f the

The armistice committee o f the Ottoman State was formed by Hiiseyin

armistice prepared skillfully and was full of elastic articles30.

Rauf Bey, Minister o f Naval Affairs, as Chairman of the Committee; Re§at 26 A. F u at ТйгкдекН, M o n d ro s vc M u d a n v a M iite rc k c lc rin in T arih i (T he H istory o f M o n d ro s a n d M u d a n v a A rm istice ). A n k a ra 1948,

20 L im a n v o n S a n d e rs , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 313 a n d c o n tin u an c e.

lication., V. 1.

p. 155; S c la h a ltin T a n s c l. the ab ov e m en tion ed p u b ­

p. 17.

21 E. J a n J iirc h e r, Mill! M u c a d e le d e itthatgilik (U n io n is m in N a tio n a l S tru g g le ), tran s. b y 27 ism ail

N iiz h e t S a lih o g lu . Is t a n b u l 1987, p. 169, 22 Y ilm a z A lt u g , B irin ci D iin y a S a v a § in d a Fillstin'i Y a ra t a n F ak to rle r vc in giltere (T h e F actors W h ic h

C re a te d

Ph ilistin e


W o rld

W ar


T iirk iv e 'n in

S iy a s a l A n d la ^ m a la ri

(T u rk e y 's

Political A g re em e n ts).

V. I.,

A n k a ra 1983, p. 12 I and

B rita in ).

T u rk is h

H isto ry

M a g a z in e

w ith

p ic m . R cn ou v in . B irin ci D iin y a S av asi

1 9 1 4 -1 9 1 8 (W o rld W a r I 191 4 -1 9 1 8 ). tra n s. !>v

A d n a n C o m g II, Is t a n b u l 1982, p. 490.

D o c u m e n ts , is s u e : 26, Is t a n b u l 1969, p 27. 29 See: K em al A tatiirk, N u tu k . V .3 ., D o c u m en t n u m b e r . 220, Istan b u l 1973. p 1 178 a n d c o n ­ 23 Y ilm a z A lt u g , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 27.

tin u a n c e : Егдйп A y b a r s , T iirkivc C u m h u riy ett T a rih i (H isto ry o f T u rk ish R ep u b lic ). V.I, izm lr

24 § u k r ii T e zer, A ta ttirk 'u n H a tir a D cfte ri ( T h e D ia ry o f A ta tu rk ). A n k a r a 1972, p. 173

1964, p. 105.

25 F a h ir A r m a o g lu . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 6 2 8 ; S c b a h a ttin Sclck, A n a d o lu ihti-

30 S ta n fo rd S h a w - E. K. S h a w . O s m a n h im p a ra to rlu g u ve M o d e rn Tiirkivc ( O tto m an E m p ire

lali (A n a to lia n R evo lu tio n ). Is t a n b u l 1981, p. 40.

a n d M o d e rn Turkey ). tra n s. b y M eh m e t H a rm a n c i, V .2 .. Is t a n b u l 1983. p. 393.

The Arabs provoked by the British rebelled while the 7Ul Army under the command of Mustafa Kemal was preparing for defense around Aleppo. The rebels were defeated by the efforts of Mustafa Kemal, as a result o f chest to chest street combats'51.

The events occurred verified the suspects o f Mustafa Kemal. The Entente Powers asked the surrender of the Mustafa Kemal forces in the North3'1of Aleppo based on the articles of the armistice. Mustafa Kemal resisted against this will saying that the Syrian border was protected by the Turkish

The Germans in Turkey were required to leave Turkey in accordance with the Armistice o f Mondrose. Liman von Sanders had left the command of the Lightning Armies Group to Mustafa Kemal upon the telegram o f October 30, 1918 sent by Prime

M in is te r

izzet Pasha. The command

period o f Mustafa Kemal Pasha who received the duty in Adana on 31 October lasted only eight days.

army that the border line was drawn by him. Mustafa Kemal believed from thereon that the nation had to seek and defend their own rights37. Mustafa Kemal made some attempts to distribute, deploy and settle the Lightning Armies Group under his command and the troops of the 6th Army had at Musul Front; to the tops of the Taurus mountains and in various places in Central Anatolia according to the needs and to transport

Mustafa Kemal Pasha selected the building of Adana Boys' Highschool as the headquarters o f the Lightning Armies Group in Adana where he stayed eleven days until November 11, 1918. Mustafa Kemal told in an evening dinner given for his honor in Cumhuriyet Hotel on 5 November that the country would be saved, the hopes were not extinguished, and he would struggle for this purpose, the Turkish Nation and Army could protect their

extra weapons, ammunition and war materials to secure places38. Mustafa Kemal intended to reorganize the troops in hand into an army and to defend the Turkish independence and rights by these forces against the Entente Powers when required. Thus, he started to organize and arm the civilian people in Antep and igel against the armed strangers who started to enter from Syria to Turkey by the pressure of the British39.

country and independence33. Mustafa Kemal objected the wills of the Entente Powers to empty Mustafa Kemal who became aware that the articles of the Armistice of Mondros were prepared to be inferred various meanings, notified Ahmet izzet Pasha, the Chief o f Staff o f the Chief Commandment, that the British would not obey the armistice because the articles were so elastic, that they

Iskenderun. The Government which was in the concern of a new fight, decided to demobilize the Lightning Armies Group and take Mustafa Kemal under the order o f the Ministry of Defense, by the pressure o f the Entente Powers40.

would occupy Iskenderun and southern region due to some made - up reasons34, that the explanations of such articles which would be used

Upon the notification o f the decision, Mustafa Kemal talked with the

against us and these should be announced as soon as possible and he

representatives from the districts o f Adana and with intellectuals and

severely protested the applications that were not conforming the provisions

exchanged ideas with them as a commander without an army, about the defence o f the city against attacks coming from east. He ensured to build

o f the armistice35.

fortifications in Gtilek Bogazt and Misis areas o f the Taurus Mountains41. 31 T u n c e r B a y k a ra , M ill! M iic a d e le (N a tio n a l Struggle), A n k a r a 1985, p. 26. 32 T a h a T o ro s, A ta tiirk 'iin A d a n a S e y a h a tle rl (A tatiirk 's T ra v els to A d a n a ).A d a n a 1981, p . l ; B e rn a r d L e w is. The R ebirth o f M o d e rn T u rk e y , tra n s.b y M etin K iratli, A n k a r a 1984, 33 N ecm ettln

E sin ,

B irin ci

C ih a n

S a v a § in d a

O sm a n li

im p a ra t o rlu g u n u n


p. 245.

Y illa r m d a

A ta tiirk 'iin G 6 rii§leri (A ta tiirk 's V ie w s at the end o f O tto m a n E m p ire 's L a st Y e a rs a n d in W o rld W a r I). D e d ic a te d to R e p u b lic 's 50th A n n iv e rsa ry , A n k a r a 1973,



34 K u rtu lu § S a v a § in d a igcl (igcl in In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ). T u rk ish N a tio n a l F orc es F ig h te rs a n d V e te ra n s A sso c ia tio n , M e r s in B r a n c h P u b lic a tio n s; 1, Is t a n b u l 1971, p. 28. 35 NIm et A r s a n , A ta tiirk 'iin

T a m im

T e lg r a f ve B e y a n n a m e le ri (A ta tiirk 's C ir c u la r Letters,

T e le g ram s a n d D ec la ra tio n s ), V .4 . A n k a r a 1964, p p 2 1 -2 3 .

36 E n te n te P o w ers be liev e d that S y ria n B o rd e r p a s s e d from the N o rlh o f M araij. 37 АИ F u a t C c b c so y , M ill! M u c a d c le H a lira la ri (N a tio n a l S tru g g le M em o ries). V . ] . . Ista n b u l 1953, p. 29. 3H K u r t u lu s S a v a ijin d a k'cl (igcl in In d e p en d e n c e W a r ), p. 2 8 -2 9 ; Bilal {jim sir. M alta S in g u n lc r i (M a lte s e E x iles). Is t a n b u l 985, p. 23. 39 K u r lu lu § S a v a ^ m d a icjol (i<;cl in In d e p en d e n c e W a r ), p. 30. 40 Se e : Y. H ikm et B a y u r, T iirk lye D evletlnin D i§ S ly a sa si

Foreign Policy o f T u rk ish State.

A n k a r a 1973, p. 2 7 -3 1 . 41 A b id in A r s la n ,

A t a liir k ve A d a n a (A tatiirk a n d A d a n a ). A d a n a 1984. p. 2.

Mustafa Kemal, in one o f his meetings with the military and c ivilia n leaders who had the love o f homeland and a resolution of fight in -Adana where he stayed until November


1918; told them "to m ake


organization to enable to fight the forces o f occupation, to build sh elters in proper places and materials1'42.

he w ould


the necessary w eapons


He moved from Adana to istanbul on November 10 -1 1 ,


requirement and which were the prime cotton source o f the European textile industry totally stopped exporting cotton in 186317. The effects of the American Civil War in 1861 - 1865 in this regard, created a crisis in Britain which was the greatest cotton importer. Thus. Britain tried

to meet its cotton requirements by expanding cotton

plantations in fertile regions such as Egypt,

India and Qukurova. Britain

conducted a policy to increase planting cotton in Egyptian and Ottoman


lands, by means of Manchester Cotton Supply Association. As a result of

Britain prevented the French activities in the east - west d irection o f

British political maneuvers, the Ottoman Government decided to give free

Thailand in the middle of 18th century, settled in India and established a

lands to cotton producers, not to collect taxes from distributed lands for 5

great colonial empire there44. Britain conducted some activities to secu re

years, not to receive taxes from the machinery and equipment to be

the passage to India and to control certain important points on this rou te.

imported and to reduce taxes from cotton exports in order to increase the

Britain which secured the south - west and south - east borders o f In d ia by military operations, wanted also the secure the passage to India. T h e passage from Britain to India was possible through the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal and the Red Sea or through Palestine and the Persian G ulf. Another route was through South Africa. Britain which captured A d en in 1839 waited for an opportunity to break the French control over the S u ez Canal which was opened for world wide navigation in 186945. Such conflicts o f interest between European countries

cotton production4^ Although some increase was obtained in cotton production in Qukurova during the period o f Ibrahim Pasha, from Egypt, it was only sufficient to meet the internal requirements. In front of unexpected developments of the American Civil War, cotton exportation started from Adana as of 1861. The amount of cotton loaded on board in Mersin reached 70.000 bales in 1863 and a doubled amount was planned to be exported in 1864. Construction

were based on

of a railroad between Mersin and Adana and drying up swamps were

economic reasons and Europe became more dependent on the oth er

thought and engineers were sent to prepare reports by the special interest

continents day by day. European countries had to find raw m a terial

of British and French capital groups49.

sources for their industries and new markets for their products. T ex tile industry in Europe could not survive without American or E gyptian

The British Consulate in the Upper Syria stated once in their report that if the farmers were given credits, the prices were supported, the swamps

cotton46. The Southern American provinces which met 7 - 8 % of the world co tto n

were dried up and the nomad Turcomen were fixed on the ground, the production of cotton would increase fast50.

Thus, such thoughts were

accepted by the Ottoman Government and cotton producers in Qukurova 42 D a m a r A r ik o g lu , H a t ir a la r im (M y M e m o rie s),

Is t a n b u l 1961, p. 71.

43 K u rt u lu § S a v a § m d a i?el (i^ e l In In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ),

p. 31; T a h a T o ro s, the a b o v e m e n ­

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p. 4.

47 C ez m i Y u rtse v er. E rm e n i T c ro r M erkczi K llikya K lisesl i \rm cn ian T e rro r C en te r Kilikya

44 F ah ir A r m a o g lu , 20. Ytizyil S iy asi T a rih i 1 91 4-199 0 (2 0th . C e n t u r y Political H is to ry 1 9 1 4 -

C h u rc h ). Ista n b u l 1983. p. 171.

1990), p. 33.

4H Ih sa n Бипди -

45 H iise y in R ah m i. S o vyet D e v le t A r§ivi G izli B e lge lerin d c A n a d o lu 'n u n T a k sim i P la in (D iv is io n

A g ric u ltu re H istory),

P la n o f A n a t o lia in So viet S ta te A rc h iv e s' Secret D o c u m e n ts ), Is t a n b u l 1972,

49 C ez m i Y u rtse v er. the a ovc m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,


50 C ez m i Y u rtse v er, 111

p. 172.

46 Pierre R e n o u v in , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 101.

p. 47.

R. Z iya M a g d c n . T u rk Z ira a t T arth inc B lr Bakis? (A V ie w into T u rk is h Is t a n b u l 1938, p. 121-12'.’

a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n ,


were supported by providing credits and by postponing their debts in 186451.

occupied Egypt and obtained full control of the Red Sea in 1882 by taking advantage of internal disturbances55.

Russia which obtained the right for the protection of the Orthodoxes in the Ottoman State by the Agreement of Kaynarca in 1774 would oppose Britain and

France by the Agreement of Paris. From that time Russia

conducted a policy to support the foundation of independent states in Ottoman territories and to put them under its protection.

The British policy to protect the integrity o f Ottoman territory seemed to be equivalent to the Russian policy in Eastern Anatolia and Balkans. Britain provoked Armenians in Turkey from 1891 onwards, planning that an independent Armenian State would act as a buffer against Russia. Thus, Britain changed its pro - Ottoman behaviour. Furthermore, Britain

Forming of a barrier in front of Russia52 was suitable to the British

declared in 1895 that they were not related anymore with the Straits of

Mediterranean trade and British interests in India. Anyway, Britain was

Bosphorus and Dardanelles, now they would protect their Mediterranian

taking advantage of the Ottoman raw materials and was finding a new

interests through Malta and Cyprus, upon the opening of the Suez Canal5li.

market for its products by the British - Ottoman Trade Agreement in

Now, the turn came to the Persian Gulf where Iraq was one o f the


important points on the road to India. Following the conquest of Aden, the

The protection of the integrity of the Ottoman territory was the basic policy o f the British as from 1856, because British capital started to flow

but also to defend the Suez Canal and Egypt for Britain. Britain which settled in Cyprus conditionally in 1878 would wait for a while to achieve

into Ottoman territories.

that objective57.

However, the opening o f the Suez Canal in

1869 increased the

importance of the Mediterranean Sea and Britain settled in Cyprus on June 4,

conquest of the Southern Anatolia was important not only to stop Russia,

1878. Britain obtained this privilege in return for military aid to

Ottomans against increased Russian pressure by the Agreement of Berlin in 187854.

The Ottoman State approached to Germany of Wilhelm II to obtain support against the unity o f goal between Britain and Russia. Germany, which changed its global policy from 1890 onwards after Bismarc being taken away from his office aimed to blow a strike on Britain by going down to the Persian Gulf by the project o f Berlin - Baghdad railroad58. Germany

By its settlement in Cyprus, Britain would be able to control the

frightened Britain by the credits opened to the Ottoman Government for the

opening point of the Sea of Islands to the Mediterranean, the Eastern

railroad of Baghdad and other railroads from 1888 onwards. British

Anatolia and the Canal of Suez. Britain which purchased 75 % of the

statemen were worried that the Ottoman State would go under the hands

shares o f the Canal Company due to the banckruptcy of the Egyptian

of Germany from only the financial point of view, due to new loans with

Finance in

1875 and obtained the control of the Suez Canal. But,

high interests which increased day by day59.

controlling the company of the canal was not enough for Britain. Britain 55 F a h ir A r m a o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 32; S u le y m a n K oc a b a^ , T iirk lyc vc

in giltere (T u rk e y a n d B r ita in ) , Is t a n b u l 1985. p. 153. 51 Cited fro m 1 8 -5 5 3 / 2 -9 3 -3 3 ; C ezm i Y u rtse ver, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 172-173. 52 "P u rs u a n t to P a ris A g re e m e n t, R u s s ia w o u ld not h av e d o c k y a rd s a n d s h ip s in the B la c k S e a " F or d e ta ile d in fo rm a tion , see: E n v e r Z iya K aral, sa m e p u b lic a tio n , V.5, p. 244.

54 Y. T e k in

K u ra t,

p. 77.

H e n ry

L a y a rd 'in

p. 35. 57 E .E .

53 See d e ta ils in: ilb e r O rta y li, im p a ra t o rlu g u n E n U z u n Yiizyih (L o n g e st C e n t u r y o f the E m p ire), Is t a n b u l 1983,

56 Y. T e k in K urat, O s m a n li im p a ra t o rlu g u n u n P a y la ^ ilm asi (T h e Division o f O tto m an E m p ire)

A d a m o f,

A n a d o lu 'n u n

T a k sim i (D iv is io n

o f A n a to lia ),



H iiseyin

R alu n l.

Is t a n b u l 1926, p. 35. 58 F a h ir A rm a o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 29.

is ta n b u l

E lgillgi

1 8 7 7 -1 8 8 0

A m b a s s a d o r in Is t a n b u l . 1 8 7 7 -1 8 8 0 ), A n k a r a 1968, p .76.

(H e n ry


. as


59 S e c

for d etails in E ro l U lu b e le n . Ingiliz G izll B e lgc lerin d e Tiirklyc (T u rk e y in the

D o c u m e n ts o f B ritish ), Is t a n b u l 1967, p. 51 -5 4 .

S c crcl

The Ottoman State would remedy its loneliness against the Greek and

The British, who occupied these areas which were left to France by the

Russian expansionism experienced after the War ol Balkan, by standing

secret agreement ol Syskes - Picot wanted (o save Mosul from the French

near Germany in World War I. France, Britain and Russia whose interests

and to use it lor bargain. The issue between these to states would be solved

on Ottoman territories were overlapped, executed a secret agreement with

by a secret agreement signed on September 15. 1919. The British would

Italy reserving a share for her on April 26, 1915; just after the Agreement

empty Qukurova and Syria and in return for this, they would get Musull>r>.

of Istanbul, they signed against the German economic expansionism over Ottoman60 territories61.


Britain seized the opportunity she waited for, by the secret agreement o f

Armenians known the Franks, who are the ancestors of the French,

Syskes - Picot that was signed between the Entente Powers during World

during Crusades. Armenians of Qukurova welcomed their guests with

War I and gained the control of the Southern Mesopotamia from Baghdad

pleasure who came to the region where they have been living as sheltered

to Basra, the harbour of Haifa and Akka. The area within the triangle o f

inhabitants due to Byzantium pressure. They provided them with supplies, soldiers and consultance. Baudoin I, a Frank nobleman66 was adopted by

Aleppo - Damascus and Musul was left to France62. The defeat of the Ottoman State in World War I created an opportunity for Britain to put this area on the road to India under her control. The

Toros I, an old Armenian Prince, who had not a successor, in Urfa on February 6, 1098 where he came by the advice o f Bagrat, an Armenian adviser67.

British who suffered the problems of Syria, Iraq and Palestine fronts did not purposedly invite the French to the negotiation of Mondros. Britain planed to capture Mosul petroleum area which was left to France under war

Baudion I encouraged his knights to marry Armenian girls with estates and propertes. He also married an Armenian noble girl to establish an example, because his wife and children died meanwhile68.

conditions63. Franks also controlled some centers such as Adana, Tarsus and Misis. Thus, Britain did not obey the articles of the armistice and occupied Mosul on November 3, 1918 and Iskenderun, Kilis, Antep, Mara§ and Urfa on 9 November64.

Although the struggle o f control resulted in fights from time to time, they continued to establish close relations to Armenians. Renaud de Chatillon, a Frank nobleman who participated in the Crusades for holly purposes married Constance69, the female ruler of

60 "In c a s e th at E n tente P o w e rs w o n the w a r, they w o u ld leave the T u rk is h S tra its. M a r m a r a

Antakya in the spring o f 1153. After he made an agreement with Toros I.

S e a, G c lib o lu P e n in s u la , T h ra c e u p to E n ez - M idye line, B o z c a a d a a n d im ro z a n d K ocaeli P e n in s u la u p to S a k a r y a river to R u s s ia ”. For d etailed in fo rm ation , see S in a A k § in . is t a n b u l H u k ih n e tle ri ve Milli M iic a d e le (Is t a n b u l G overn m en t a n d N a tio n a l S tru gg le). Is t a n b u l 1976,

()5 B ig c Y av u z, 1921 T a rih li T u rk -

p. 2jl a n d c o n tin u an c e.

S ta g e s o f the T u rk is h - F ren c h A g reem en t D a te d 1921 ). A ta tiirk R esea rc h C en te r M ag a zin e.

61 "Italy w a s g o in g to

M a rc h 1992. Issu e : 23 , p. 274.

take A n ta ly a a re a , if the w a r w a s w on ". S e e for details: Y. T ekin K u ra t,

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 15-19.

66 B o u d in

62 Y. H ik m et B a y u r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blication , p 11-12; T e k in K u rat. the a b o v e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 13

64 Tevfik

R iyik lioglu ,

T u rk



the K in g of J e r u s a le m . See: Steven


in conform ity with the A rm e n ia n custom s,

B au d oin w a s ob lig ­

p. 21: K u rt u lu § S a v a § i'n d a ve L o z a n 'd a

( R ela tio n s with F ra n c e a n d B rita in D u r in g In d e p e n d e n c e W a r

the n e w lather a n d so n ru b b e d their chests again st one ano th er, 'then the sa m e cerem on y w as repeated with lo ro s 's wife". See Steven R u n cim an . (lie above m entioned p ublication . V. 1. P. 157.

p. 58. istiklal

H a rb i


1 M o n d ro s A rm istic e a n d

A n k a r a 1 96 2, pp. 62.82.

the C o u n t o f U rfa .

67 "In the cerem on y p erform ed

in giltere ve F r a n s a ile ili§ktler

In d e p e n d e n c e W a r,

becam e

R u n c im a n . s a m e p u b lic a tio n , V . I .

ed to u n d re s s above w aist an d T oros m ade this overgrow n son enter in a vcrv large shirt Then

63 S in a A k § in , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blication ,

a n d L o za n ). Is t a n b u l 1978.

I , first

F ran siz A n tla ^ m a s im n H azirhk a ^ a m a la ri ( P re p a ra tio n s

M o n d ro s

M iita k c re s l


T a tb ik a ti

(T u rk is h

its A p p lic a tio n s ) G e n e ra l S t a ff P rin th o u sc .

<iH Steven R u n c im a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . V. 1., p. 157. 160. K> A lice, the m oth er o f C o n ta n c e w a s origin ally A rm e n ia n S e c : Steven R u n c im a n , the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . V .2. p. 151.

the Armenian prince, they attacked on Cyprus where they committed

Roman church was sent, when Philippe VI, the King o f France was

murders and rapes against Greeks which history recorded as shameful..

encouraged by Pope Johannes XXII to organize a new crusade78 in 1330.

They plundered and fired churches and everything in Cyprus. The wom en were raped. They slaughtered children and old people. The noses o f priests cut and they were later sent to Istanbul70 after insulting. Leon II, from the Armenian Rupen dynasty, tried to strengthen the alliance with Bohemund, the ruler of Antakya, whom he was dependent on made in 1187 to resist against the Turcomen raids, by marrying the niece

The Mamelukes who were informed that the Pope was trying to put Qukurova under his control by a religious relation with Leon V, punished the Armenians. The dynasty of Rupenyan - Hetumyan was over, because Leon V had no child left after him After this date, Armenians of Qukurova were ruled by Cypriot French

chiefs with whom

they established


of Sibylle, the wife o f the King71. Although Armenians o f Qukurova did not participate in the Crusade of

When Leon II died in Kozan, his daughter Isabella was married with the fourth son of Bohemund to strengthen the relationship73.

Pierre, the King o f Cyprus, many of the members of their dynasty was

Isabella, the gueen who was a widow afterwards was married with Hetum,

Frankified and their noblemen mostly were in close relations with Cyprus.

son o f Constantin in 1226. Loyalty letters were written to the Pope and

Their territory was totally taken under the rule of Mamelukes in 1375. Leon

Friedrich the Emperor in the name o f the young couple74.

IV, the last Armenian chief escaped to the west and died in Paris in an


The Pope had very obviously forbidden Henry, the King of Cyprus to

exiled life in 139 380.

attack on Armenians. The marriage of the sister of Hetum and King Henry in 1237 prepared the road to peace gradually75.

Frenchmen, saw the richness in Syria and its surroundings when they moved to the Holy Jerusalem during Crusades and had established close

Hetum II tried to obtain help of the Pope by communicating with him

relationship with the the region. The King o f France gave a privilege to

and tried to join with the Roman Church (1298 - 1305). Help from Europe

Marunies in return for their aids to Frenchmen during these Crusades in

was also requested during the reign of his brother Oshin (1306 - 1320).

1250. The Maruni community lived in Lebanon were put under the French

Oshin married Ovanna, a woman from Sicilian king family, for the same

by Lui XIV81. The expedition of Napoleon to Egypt and Syria and the

purpose. Requests for help from France against Mamelukes failed. Leon V provoked Europeans to organize crusades76.

expedition of Mehmet AH Pasha to Syria trusted France in the first half of 19tb century showed the increase o f French effects on the region. France

A long application written by a religious man named Burkhard who activated in Qukurova for the participation o f the Armenian77 church in the

obtained the privilage of protecting the Catholics in the Ottoman country with the capitulations. Capitulations granted

70 Steven R u n c lm a n . the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u blication , V.H ..

p. 2 8 9 -2 9 1 .

France the right to protect all the Catholics

connected to the "Latin worship style" regardless of their dependence82.

71 Steven R u n c lm a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p ublication . V .III.. p. 76. 72 E s a t U r a s re co rd ed P h ilip p e, a s the so n of H etum , in the the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 82.

78 Steven R u n c lm a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . V.III. . p. 372.

73 A r m e n ia n s lost their h o p e s for P h ilip p e to becom c a g o o d A r m e n ia n a n d im p ris io n e d h im In

79 Ali F u a t C cb c so y , M illl M iic a d c lc H a tirala ri ( N a tio n a l S tru g g le M em o ries ). V . I . . Ista n b u l

K ozan at the e n d o f 1224. F o r d etailed in form ation , see Steven R u n c lm a n , the a b o v e m e n 足

1953. p. 29.

tioned p u b lic a tio n . V.III..

80 Steven R u n c lm a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n . V.III. , p. 379.

p. 151.

74 Steven R u n c lm a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blication , V .3 ., p. 1 5 1 -1 5 2 .

81 E n v e r Z. K aral, the a b o v e

75 Steven R u n c lm a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blication , V .3 ., p. 200,


76 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

In d e p e n d e n c e W a r a n d F ren c h P u b lic O p in io n 19 1 9 -1 9 2 2 ). T T K (T u rk ish H isto ry In stitutio n )

p. 84.

77 E s a t U r a s , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , re co rd s a s Po pe XII Benoit.


A k y iiz ,

T u rk

m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . V .V I, p. 36.

K u rtu lu sj

P u b lic a tio n s. A n k a ra 1988. p.



F r a n s iz

K am uoyu

1 9 1 9 -1 9 2 2

(T u r k e y 's

The interest of Frenchmen in Turkey was not limited with these. France had very old trade relations. France had her first economic privileges after

were given free of charge to cotton producers and the production was supported by the state in this way8<>.

the first Ottoman - French agreement that was executed by means o f

France supposed Qukurova to be a part o f Syria and called it Cilicia.

Lafore. the French Ambassador, following the return of Sultan Suleyman

Qukurova was " an Egypt with the Alps " in the eyes of Frenchmen47. France

The Magnificicnt from his Iraqi expedition in 1535. The entrance o f the

had a great requirement for cotton as raw material for industry. France met

Frenchmen into Ottoman country with privileges started in this way. The

7.4 % of her requirements from her colonies. The remaining cotton was

continuity of economic interests were maintained by renewals o f the

imported from the United States of America and Britain. France which

agreement made with France»3.

wanted to be freed from foreign dependence desired to capture Qukurova

Textile industry was the most important industry of the Ottoman

and its surroundings. This region was the joining point of the railroad to

economy and at the end of 18^ century, it was in a good condition. The

Baghdad and if it was captured, the control of Baghdad railroad would be

Ottoman cotton and silk or textile production were much favoured in the

also obtained by France88.

world markets. France purchased cotton cloth of 2.3 million Ottoman Liras worth from Turkey in 1788. After one year, silk textile worth o f 187.000 Liras was imported from Turkey. France did not have any exports in the same years. This sector lost its strength at the beginning o f 19th century. Ottoman State had to import cotton productions worth of 10.834 British Pounds in 1829 and o f 105.615 British Pounds in 1831, from Britain. The

Achard, an agriculture engineer,

and a member of French High

Commission in Beirut travelled to Qukurova in 1919 and prepared a report. He stated in his report that "Qukurova which was not far from Marseilles was able to meet all cotton requirements of France and therefore, it was beneficial to hold Qukurova and North Syria in hand in respcct of developing cotton production"89.

interest to foreign cotton productions in Ottoman markets badly affected the domestic industry. Silk yarn production was about to be lost in the

Annual cotton consumption of France was about 2 million bales. In case

middle o f this century. These developments caused the small hand

Qukurova had met the half of this requirement, the development of France

workbenches completely to be lost. Processing of cotton was continued at

and the liberation from foreign commercial dependence might have been

the level o f families in spite o f great difficulties84.

eased. Thus, the purchase of German cotton plants in Adana by the French company named Adana

France would try to provide cotton raw materials required for her

Cotton Company, that was established in late

1920 showed how France needed such sources90.

developing textile industry from other sources, upon the Civil War in the Northern America. Fertile lands in Qukurova where ibrahim Pasha, from

Qukurova was attracting the interest of the Europeans also for its being

Egypt, had made a irrigated cotton production would be a field o f interest

fertile soil and for its rich vegetation. According to British General Allenbv,

and investment for France. Frenchmen constructed a cotton processing

Taurus, Anti - Taurus and Amanos mountains were one o f considerable

plant in Qukurova in 186485. Cotton exports from Qukurova decreased greatly upon the termination of the American Civil War in 1865. In spite of this, American cotton seeds

86 C ez m i Y u rls e v c r, Ihc a b o v e m en tion ed

tion, P a ris 1921, p . 76. 88 N. Z ek i A ien d iycv a. "

83 i. H a k k i Uzun<;ar§ili, the a b o v e

m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , V.II, p. 506,

84 O .

S a n a y im lz ,

C e la l

S a rg ,

T a n z im a t


T a n zim a t

I (R e fo rm atio n

p u b lic a tio n , p. 160. 173.

87 E d u a r d B rcn u m d , L a ( Mlicie on 191 9-192 0, R ev u e dcs E lu d e s A rm e n ic n lie s (192 I ) p u b lic a ­

G u n c y A n a d o lu 'd a F ra n siz i^ galln e K-irsji T u rk IJIu siu iu u S a v a s i "

(T u rk is h N a tio n a s W a r A g a in st the O c cu p a tio n o f F ran c e In S o u th ern A n a tolia ). T ra n s , by and


In d u stry

O lc a y Q a n k a y a . B e lg d e r lc T u rk T arih i D crgisi Issu e : 36,

(T u rk is h H isto ry M agazin e with D o c u m en ts),

p K6.

R efo rm a tio n I) Is t a n b u l 1940, p. 4 2 3 -4 4 0 . 89 Y a h y a Akyiiz. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n ,

p. 176

85 T he fib e r o f cotton is s e p a r a te d from its seed in the p lan t c alled \ ’ir?ir". F ib er is u s e d in tex­ tile a n d s e e d s are u s e d in oil a n d fo d d e r industry.

90 Y a h y a Akyiiz, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 177.

regions in the world in respect of wood quality and hydraulic power resources91. These natural resources also attracted the attention of France. Qukurova was also well - known with its production of grain and was a

Victor Langlois, who conducted scientific researches in 1852 - 1853 was supported by the French Sciences Academy. V.

Langlois who was a multi - aimed person studied Armenian language,

granary for Rome together with Tunisia. An increase of production was

culture, history and geology in Kozan, Saimbeyli, Siileymanli, Anavarza and

obtained in Qukurova in 1919 by French application of iron - edged plow

Misis96. He tried to animate the image o f "Armenia o f Cilicia" by translating Armenian, Byzantum and Mameluke inscriptions into French.

instead of the primitive plow. It was thought that the production o f rye. barley and wheat would

He prepared a report stating that the region should be studied in full detail

increase by bringing other technical improvements to Qukurova and that

in the name o f Government of France in 1854 and he published three books

France could not give up them92.

concerning the region in these years97. of

Specially tasked French travellers contributed to researches about the

Armenians in Qukurova and other regions starting from the end of 16th

minorities in Qukurova and other regions from 1584 onwards. These

century and the beginning of 17th century. The publication o f the

travellers gave information about the minorities in Turkey and especially

determ inations

about Armenians and their places, especially from the beginning of 17"1

Frenchmen was closely interested in the history and culture








surroundings in 1604 enlightened how their interest in this region was

century onwards. Also the role of the "Oriental Languages School"98 which was opened in Paris at the beginning o f 1711» century cannot be denied that

old93. The researches related with the history, geography and resources o f the region were not one sided. Various researches were also made by the British and Germans in these areas in addition to Frenchmen in the name of their states.

played an important role for the French travellers to establish close relations with Turks and the minorities in Ottoman territories. French missionaries activated in Erivan, Erzurum and Bitlis in 1862. France coordinated with the Pope to unite the Armenians in Turkey in the

British and French researchers who came to the region at the beginning o f 19th century conducted geological and historical researches. British Colonel Chesney conducted researches related with British interests in Qukurova94. After the research conducted by William B. Barker95 in mids o f

catholic sect, supported and provoked catholic Armenians and trained some catholic leaders in France. Gregorian and catholic Armenians were provoked and encouraged to oppose the Ottoman State. Those Armenians called "Kupelian" could not be deceived and stayed

the 19th century in Anavarza and other historical sites, statues and other

loyal to the Ottoman State. Apart from this, activities

valuable historical objects that were staying as they were decreased in

missionaries in Adana and Mara§ regions were also of interest99.


'f the French

In addition, before World War I, there were French minority schools that were active in many places in Anatolia, in Lebanon, in Syria. The number

91 Tevfik Q a v d a r, Milli M iic a d e le B a § la r k e n S a y ila rla .... " M a n z a ra -i U m u m iy e " ( G e n e ra l V ie w In N u m b e r s w h e n N a tio n a l S tru g g le S ta rte d ), M lUiyet p u b lic a tio n s, Ista n b u l 1971,

of students only around Istanbul was more than 12.000. In Syria and

p. 30.

92 P ierre R e d a n , L a C illcle et le P ro b le m e O tto m an , P a ris 1921, p. 114-130. 93 D iin d a r A y d in , ” E rm e n i M esele sin tn O rta y a Q ik m a s in d a F r a n s a 'n m rolii "

( T h e R ole o f

F ra n c e In the E m e rg e n c e o f A r m e n ia n Iss u e ) S y m p o s iu m on the.... relation s o f T u rk s D u r in g

90 T h e re w a s a T u rk is h fla g w ith c rescen t a n d st a r a n d a c ro s s on the c h est o f O tto m a n d re s s o f L a n g lo is V a n d h is s t u d y w a s 4 8 0 p ages. For d etailed in form ation , se e Victor L an g lo is. V o y a g e D a n s la C llicie, P a ris 1861, pp. 3 8 3 -4 6 6 .

H istory, p. 289. 94 L ook fo r d etails: R .A : C h e sn e y , R ivers E u p h ra te s a n d Tigris, L o n d o n 1850 95 Look for d etails in: W illia m B: B a rk e r. L ares a n d P e n a te s o f C ilicia a n d its G o v e rn o rs, L o n d o n 1853.

97 D iin d a r A y d m ,

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 290

98 D iin d a r A y d m .

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 2 8 7 -2 8 8

99 D iin d a r A y d m .

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 289.

Lebanon, about 50.000 children were trained by French instructors every

But, when summarized in a sentence there is no any single place where this

year. Also the instructors of Alliance Israelite Universelle organization and French priests and nuns assisted the expansion of the French culture100.

unfortunate people establishes the majority and provide a center for their independence"104.

The "Issue o f Orient started with the Turkish entrance into Europe

Frenchmen combined the researches on Armenians that had a past that

according to some Christian authors. Frenchmen had very many and

lasted short and was adventurous in the region with their interests. France,

attempts to support the Christian joint projects which were aimed to throw

although defended Armenians in appearance, in fact, was desirous o f the

away the Turks from Europe and the Holy Palestine, to capture Jerusalem

sources of richness in Qukurova and other regions.

and to control commercial roads101. The interesting things is that those famous crusades were conducted according to those ideas and plans in

Qukurova was an attractive region for France due to productions such as silk, tobacco, rice, wood and minerals and similar resources. Before the

respect o f routes and strategy. The attempts o f France to destroy the Ottoman State by using

occupation, the great expectations o f France were cotton and minerals in the mountains o f Qukurova"105.

international forces changed into the interest in ethnic population by the course o f years. A report related to the Ottoman State which was sent to

As a result o f detailed researches, it was understood that Qukurova had

the French Ministry o f Foreign Affairs in 1581 stated that "If Iran from the

also rich mineral reserves. Copper, lead, silver and hard iron

East, Spain and Austria from the West and the minorities from inside

produced in Misis, Osmaniye, Andirm and Goksun. Ottoman - French and

moved together, this state would be destroyed in short time"102.

French - British companies awarded licences for these mineral sources.

The view of the Government of France on Armenians became clearer by


combining the reports of the missionaries, researchers and officials. The

Three French companies were awarded with licences in Aladaglar between Feke and Yahyahio^ for iron 2inc and gold jn 1885 piuoricje and

evaluation related with Armenians in an explanation made by Prime

coal were processed in Akkaya between Feke and Kozan Saimbeyli being

Minister Hanotaux upon a question by Denis Cochin and Jaures in French

the center. It was for the first time seen in this region that, fluoride was

Parliament on November 3, 1869 was as follows : ' loday, the statistics in

used to obtain iron Armenians produced 5 tons iron, 501 kgs zinc, 300 kgs


population in Ottoman

lead per Armenian individual in ovens with blowers established along

provinces are not more than 13 %. Total Armenian population in all the

Magara Suyu'07 and Goksu rivers. "Altinsoy" Armenians who dealt with

Ottoman provinces is certainly not three millions1 0 I he division and the

gold business were settled in the region by the Ottoman State. Iron, copper,

are distribution o f these in Anatolian provinces are in different ratios and

marble and gold were extracted and processed in § a rl0H. Production in

in some places they are scattered and in some other places they are denser.

these mines in Qukurova were continued until 191510».

i ° ° Y a h y a A k y iiz . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. G3.

104 E s a t U ra s. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n . p. 145

Л do certainly show that the Armenian

101 L o o k fo r d etails: T . G . D ju v a r a - E m ir $ c k (p . T u rk iy c y i P a rc a la m a k

100 Pla n ( 100

P la n s to D ivid e T u rk e y ). T ra n s , b y Y a k u p U s tu n , D a n ila P ro d u c tio n s. Is t a n b u l 1979.

los F ah re ttin A lla y , 1970. p. 215.

102 D iin d a r A y d in . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 287.

I0U Y a h y a li is a c o u n ty o f Kaysert.

103 V ita l C u in e l w h o m a d e a stu d y o n the social a n d e co n o m ic .status o f A d a n a P ro v in ce in the n a m e o f D u y u n - U m u m iy e In dicated

173.389 C h r is tia n s ,

10 Yil S a v a? ve S o n ra si ( 10 Y e ars W a r a n d Its A fte rw a rd s ). Ista n b u l

107 T u fa n b e y li Stream .

158.000 M u s lim s . 7 2 .0 0 0 peo p le

w ith u n id e n tifie d re ligio n s. A r m e n ia n s w ere s h o w n to be. 9 7 .4 5 0 a n d O tto m a n su b je e t Turks to b e 9 3 .2 0 0 a n d th u s T u r k s w e re tried to be a cc ep te d a s a m in ority, b o r d e ta ile d in fo rm ation , see V ita l C u in c t. La T u rq u ie D A a s ie . Tom e II. P a ris 1891. p. 5.

108 It's a v illage co n n e cted to c o u n ty o f T u fan b e y li o f A d a n a 109 A lfre d Ph tlip so n. Kii<;uk A s y a ( S m a ll A s ia ). T ra n s . A b d u lla h an d h is F rie n d s 1930, p. [0 .

Is t a n b u l

Other geological studies in Turkey continued to be executed by foreign researchers from 1840 onwards. Geological studies directed to mineral reserves, railroad and land road route

studies and other geographic and archeological

studies were

F ran ce


G e rm a n y


О/ /о


B a n k in g



2 8 .0

R a ilw a y s




S e a p o rt a n d d o c k s




conducted together in general. In accordance with our own sources, those

W a t e r facilities



I 1.3

people who made the first geological studies in Anatolia and the years they

M in e



worked are as follows :110

O th e rs







3 5 .0

8 30


5 75


(1840 -

1842), Tchihatcheff (1840 -



C a p it a l (M il. F ra n c s )

(1851 - 1852), Viguesnel (1854 - 1868), Abdullah Bey - Hammer Schmith (1860 - 1862),' Washington (1894 - 1900), Toula (1896 - 1902), Fitzner (1898 - 1899), Philipson (1898 - 1910). The first geological maps o f Anatolia were started to be prepared and printed in Europe together with these studies. Mine investments and quantities in Ottoman territories which were 100 % owned by Frenchmen, except above mentioned small share holdings and

investments? Never"11-1. Thus, French military authorities showed the debt of Turkey to France as a reason for occupying the Southern provinces115. Britain had left Qukurova, Mara§, Antep, and Urfa provinces and the coastal section of Syria to France under the Agreement of Syria. France gained a considerable economic power in the region with the construction

businesses, ju.-a before World War I are as follows :nl C a p .M .L r.

Invest. M .L r

N a m e o f m in e E s ta b .


So rt o f m in e ra l

B a ly a - K a ra a y d in


S ilvery lea d

0 .290

0 .4 9 2

K e s e n d e re M ine


M an gan ese


0 .2 5 0

E re g li M in e


A n th ra cite C o a l



K a r a s u M ine


L ea d - zinc


0 .2 5 0


2 .8 5 2

To tal

During National Struggle, France remembered their investments Turkey and they were thinking in the way: "Can we accept to lose such

In the same year, foreign debts of the Ottoman State reached 3,5 Billion Francs112. Thus, Turkey had to reserve one third o f her annual budget to amortization interests of her debts. France was the first with 60 %, among those countries to which Turkey was in debt, Germany was second with 24 % and Britain followed them with 14 %. Foreign capital investment

of railroads in Syria, especially with the railroad to Baghdad. France wanted both to obtain a supply and loading port in the Syrian coasts in order to protect her colonies in the Far East1^ and to hold some Islamic cultural centers in hand in order to maintain her control over Islamic countries. France had seen Damascus as a center which might have played the best role for this purpose117. A French cultural effect roots of which was originating from the past was formed

in Turkey.

France had gained

this influence by means of

researchers, priests, nuns and instructors sent to Turkey. In the view of the Frenchmen, "Turkey was a French colony more than any African colony was, because French was spoken in Turkey before it was spoken in Tunisia, Morocco and Senegal". Most o f the famous authors and administrators in

domains and ratios may be shown as follows: 113 lbt Y a h y a A k yiiz. llic a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , 1 10 J eo lo jl M u h e n d ls lig i, ( G e o lo g y E n g in e e rin g ), T M M O B , P u b lic a tio n o f C h a m b e r o f G e o lo g y E n g in e e rs , Iss u e : 40, M a y 1992, p. 3 -4 . 111 Tevfik Q a v d a r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n ,

p. 172.

113 G a s t o n G a illa rd , L e s 'I'urcs et L 'E u ro p e , P a ris 1920, p. 5 8 -5 9 .


M u c a d c lc d c



G u n c y C c p h c s i (M a ra $ ) (S o u th e rn


(M a r a s )


N a tio n a l S tru gg le). M in istry o f C u ltu re p u b lic a t io n s / 1 157. A n k a r a 1990, p. 57.

112 Total o f foreign d e b t s , state c red its a n d private in vestm en ts.

m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

115 Y a ^ a r A k biyik ,

p. 7 0 -7 2 , Y a h y a A k ytiz, the a b o v e

Ilf’ Iliis e y ln R alim i. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 39. 117 Resjat S a g a v . X !X. V e X X . Y u z y iU a rd a B iiy iik D cvletlerln Y a y ilm a Siya.sctlcii ve M lllc llc ia rasi O n e m ll M esclelcr

(E x p c n s io n Policies o f ('.real N atio n s

In tern a tio n a l Im portan t M atters).

In 19th a n d 20th C e n tu r y a n d

T iirklye l!j B a n k a s i p u b lic a tio n s. Ista n b u l 1992, p. 70.

the last period of Ottomans were educated in Paris. Some o f them completed their educations in organizations which instructed in French in

Then the 2nd Army was also abolished on December 15 ad its units withdrew to Pozanti on December 26, 1918. Nihat Pasha was

the Ottoman State11S.

trying to

maintain the civilian administration and to increase the power o f the France needed Qukurova also to defend Syria militarily. Because, Taurus mountains was in a position of a natural barrier with a single passage in Pozanti Bogazi119. Since the north of the region was mountainous, it is more suitable for

gendarme forces. He gave cavalry forces of the 12lld Army Corps and 2411' Division to the order of Adana Governorship to provide law and order, while withdrawing12:!... Following the landing of British forces at Mersin with the order of

operation. The defence o f the northern section of the region might be

General Allenby in November 1918 and the expansion o f the occupation

defended easily against the forces coming from the south. In case that

area to Adana124, I'rench forces consisting of mostly Armenians landed at

passages and roads were blocked, it was possible to gain a long time and

Dortyol on December 11, 1918 and Mersin on 17 December125. French

to defend successfully. Therefore, France believed that it was necessary to

forces and Armenian volunteers under the command o f Colonel Romieu

control Adana, Maraยง, Antep and Urfa militarily, in order to hold Syria in

entered Adana by occupying the surroundings on 21 December126. The military administration of the region was given to British forces


while the civilian administration was given the French as a necessity o f the E) FRENCHARMY ENTERING TO QUKUROVA a n d MASSACRES BY ARMENIANS 1. OCCUPATION OF ADANA

secret agreement for the occupation o f Qukurova127. Qukurova was passing under foreign control by the occupation o f Tarsus, Misis and Pozanti on 27 December128.

, France kept her main forces in Europe against Germany. Britain had a

The Ottoman State was defeated in World War I and had to sign the Armistice of Mondros on 30 October 1918 with the Entente Powers121. The first British infringement which was on contrary to the Armistice of Mondros had started from Iskenderun. Britain occupied the city with a orce o f 15 on November 9, 1918 by threatening and captured a broad area

great military power in the east and wanted to stay very strong along the railroad of Istanbul - Baghdad. Britain had the thought to use the advantages gained by participating in the occupation o f Qukurova towards the future129. The establishment of an Armenian State in Qukurova and North Syria

around the city122.

was designed in accordance with the plan prepared by the British Ministry Nihat Pasha took the command in the region after the Lightning Armies Group and the 7th Army were abolished on 7 November 1918. Britain wanted the 2nd Army to empty also the province o f Adana, on contrary to

123 K a sim E n er. (Q u k u ro v a K u rt u lu ยง S a v a ยง i'n d a A d a n a C e p h e s i

(A d a n a F ron t in Q u k u ro v a ,

D u r in g In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ), A n k a r a 1970, p. 2 5 -2 7 ; T .i.H . IV.



the Armistice. 124 E s a t O zo gu z . A d a n a 'n in K u rtu lu ยง M u e ad e le si H a tir a la n (M e m o irs of A d a n a 's ln d e p e n d a n e e S tru ggle), Ista n b u l 1935. p 20, Y u s u f A y h an , M u s ta fa K cinal'tn Pazanti K on ^ resi vc A d a n a 'n in 118 T e vfik (Javdar, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 183 -184.

K u rtu lu !ju (M u s ta fa K c m a l's Pozan ti C o n g re s s a n d In d e p en d e n c e o f A d a n a ), A d a n a 1963, p. 14. 125 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 27.

119 P ie rre R e d a n , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 138. 120 T u r k Istiklal llu r b i , G iin e y C e p h e s i ( T u rk ish In d e p e n d e n c e W a r. S o u th e rn F ron t ), V . IV.

120 Y u s u f A y h a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 13 a n d con ttn uan cc; D a m a r

A rikofihi.

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .72 a n d c o n tin u an c e.

T u r k is h G e n e r a l S t a f f W a r D e p a rtm e n t P u b lic a tio n s, A n k a r a 1966, p. 3 7 -3 8 . 127 E s a t O zo g u z . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed ru h lie aiio n . p. 20. 121 B e r n a r d L e w is, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 2 3 9 -2 4 0 ; is m a il S o y sa l, the a b o v e ,2H Y u s u f A y h a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , , p. 14; E s a t O zo gu z. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , V .I, p. 12.

p u b lic a tio n , p. 22. 122 T evfik B iy ik lio glu . th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 63. 129 Tevfik B iyik lio glu , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 77.

of Foreign Affairs. The Armenian State which would be constructed by the

Russia which withdrew from the partnership due to the Bolshevik

Armenians who were sent abroad from Turkey by 1915 emigration and by

revolution be divided? Britain believed that she was subjected to all the

the Armenians who lived in the United States would be a buffer between

burden of the war in Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian fronts. She acted bold in

Turks and Arabs130.

the Armistice o f Mondros and in the occupation of Qukurova in order to

A force of 600 - men out of French force of 1.500 - men who occupied

have a trump card to capture M usul135. Britain left Musul to France not to

Adana were kept in Adana. One company each to Ceyhan and iskenderun,

be a neighbor with Russia directly. But now, there was no need for

one platoon each to Toprakkale, Yenice and Pozanti, one detachment each

sacrifice, because Russia was out o f the stage. However, France hardly

to islahiye, Tarsus and Kelebek were sent. The Ottoman Ministry of Defense

opposed to the occupation of the southern provinces by British forces and

gave a directive to the Ministry o f Foreign Affairs to protest unfair

announced that she had interests that can not be opposed in the region.

applications of the forces of occupation in Qukurova. Upon not obtaining

Britain put forward the condition that her influence in Palestine should

any result from the attempts of the Ministry, many Turkish people from

be recognized and Musul should be returned to Britain in return to her withdrawal from Qukurova136.

Qukurova were obliged to take shelter in Uluki§la, Konya, Karaman, Kayseri and other central Anatolian cities and towns131.

Britain and France executed the petroleum agreement of Long French forces expanded their areas o f influence by occupying Osmaniye,

Berenger on April 26, 1919. They rearranged their relations in petroleum

Bahge, Hassa, islahiye and Mamure132. French Colonel Bremond settled in

fields in Russia, Romania, British and French colonies and especially in

Adana Government Hall as General Governor on January 9, 1919. In this

Mesopotamia. As a necessity of the agreement, France would utilize 25 %

way, a French control authority was formed above the Ottoman civilian

of the petroleum137. Upon the extension o f the talks on Syria, the British


who knew that France did not have sufficient forces, threatened France to

French military administrators called " Gouverneur " were appointed to

withdraw their forces from Syria, Kilis and Taurus passages. In this case, France, which had weak forces would then be subjected to the kindness of

districts and towns133. France appointed French officials as many as Turkish officials and they started to intervene even with the smallest works. Bremond used the statement o f "Administration Service in Armenia" in his official seal. But the word o f Armenia in the-seal was deleted upon the protest o f the army134. Britain’s eyes were on Iraq and Musul petroleum areas since long times.

Arabs that threatened the region138. Britain chose such a threatening way to force France to an agreement with in the own conditions of Britain133. France, who was aware of unfavourable conditions, insisted on her request for a mandate in Syria140. Lloyd George prepared a memorandum to be submitted

to Frenchmen and Arabs while negotiations were

The division of the Ottoman territories decided in a hurry of the World War I, brought together a matter after the war. How would the lands given to

135 T ev fik B iy ik o glu . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 77. 130 L a u re n c e E v a n s. T u rk iy e 'n in P a yla § ilm asi. T ra n s , by; Tevfik A la n a y , Is t a n b u l 1972.

130 Z ek i S a rih a n , K u r t u lu § S a v a § i G u n liig ii ( T h e D ia ry o f In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ). O g re tm e n D u n y a s i p u b lic a tio n s , A n k a r a 1982, p. 22.

19 1 4 -1 9 2 4 ( Division оГ T u rk e y 1 9 1 4 -1 9 2 4 ).

p. 1 14.

137 M iig e Yildiz, P a ris - S a n R e m o - S cvr'd c T urk iye'yi Y ok etm c P la n la ri ( P la n s to D estroy Till k ey in P a ris - S a n r e m o - S e v re s ). B d g d c r l e T u rk T arih i D crg isl T u rk ish H istory M a g a zin e

131 Tevfik B iyik lio glu , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 7 0 a n d c o n tin u an c c.

w ith D o c u m e n ts . S e p te m b e r 1970, Issue: 36. p. 24

132 Z ek i S a r ih a n . th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 67, 72.

138 B rita in h a d g o o d re latio n s w ith em ir F ay sa l a n d k n ew th at E m ir F ay sa l w a s a gain st F ren ch

133 M a jo r T a illa rd a t w a s a p p o in t e d to K azan p rovin ce. L ie u te n a n t C o lo n e l A n d rc c

o c c u p a tio n In the. region . For d etaile d in fo rm ation sec L a u re n c e E v a n s, the a b o v e m en tion ed

to C c b c l-i

B ereket (O s m a n iy e ) p rovin c e. M a jo r A n tic to M e rsin Provin ce, M a jo r C o u s tillc re to T a r s u s d i s ­

p u b lic a tio n , p. 134.

trict. F or d etailed in fo rm a tio n , se e T .I.H . IV.

139 M iig c Yildiz, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , [5. 23.

134 T .i.H ..... A n k a r a 1962. V. I.

p. 75.

p. 18 a n d c o n tin u an c e.

140 L a u re n c e E v a n s, the a b ov e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 141.

continuing. According


im m ediately b e 'a c tiv a te d

this memorandum, to










responsibility of protecting these regions would be given to the French and Arabic armies. British forces would stay in Palestine and Mesopotamia, including Musul would be dependent on Britain.

While Britain was transferring Qukurova and Syria to France, she armed the Arabs in Syria against France 140 and pushed France into an adventure where a result would not be obtained. Under this agreement, France had the fertile Qukurova and the Taurus passages which would provide to keep Syria in hand for a long time. In fact,

Britain also accepted the sending o f the French forces to Qukurova

France had some plans to apply in the region. France planned to take

which had undertaken the protection Armenians. Lloyd George submitted

Armenians back to the region, who were removed from the region under the

the draft agreement to Clemenceau in Paris on September 13, 1919141.

Law of Emigration and to use them against Turks. France would fill the gap in the region with Armenians to whom France had given a promise to

The council consisting o f Foreign Minister L. Polk from the United States,

Prime M inister Lloyd George from



establish an Armenian State, when France would leave the region147.

M inister

Clemenceau from France, Foreign Minister B. Tommaso from Italy and B. Matsui from Japan discussed the memorandum given by Lloyd George on September 15, 1919 and an agreement was reached to. According to this,

It was highlighted that France had intended to break the geographic connection between Turks and Muslim Arabs by causing Armenians to found a Christian Armenian State148. Also the French even thought to expand their occupation areas from Develi and Kayseri direction towards

British forces would withdraw from Qukurova and Syria from November 1,

central Anatolia by utilizing Saimbeyli as a jum ping point. French forces

1919 onwards, Damascus, Hama, Humus and Aleppo would be left within

sent Subi, a military representative, to Kayseri in order to check the public

the boundary o f the Arabic state, the garrisons to the west o f the Sykes -

opinion. The French representative could not find what he was expecting

Picot line would be left to France142.

during the dinner given in the Villa of Mayor Rifat bey in Hisarcik149.

Britain achieved her objectives by this agreement called the " Agreement

The speech o f Terziyan Aram who was head o f 7000 armed Armenians

o f Syria143. " Clemenceau said that he was criticized to give Musul and

gathered in Saimbeyli as "I will pull the rein o f my horse in Kayseri soon.

Musul petroleum to Britain, but that he used Musul as a bait to capture

The great day o f revenge came"150 which verified the expansion policy of France.

Qukurova144, and Britain needed iskenderun to flow Musul petroleum. However, France could not recognize her great mistake and her being

The fact that Mustafa Kemal, Kazim Karabekir, Ali Fuat Pashas in their

deceived. They would find themselves out o f Anatolia until they realized the

evaluation of the occupation of Adana, Maraยง, Antep and Urfa, in the 3rd


Army Corsp Commander's office showed the serious dimensions o f the matter: "It was understood recently that British forces were withdrawing

Britain caused France to enter those regions where they could not obtain a result and in the maintime they gained Musul, Mesopotamia and

and French forces were settling and that an Armenian majority had been tried to be formed in that area since one year. It was understood from the

Palestine145. 14e K azim K a ra b e k ir. is lik la l H a rb im iz (O u r In d e p e n d e n c e W a r , Tiirkiye P u b lis h in g M ouse). 141 L a u rc n c e E v a n s, th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 215. 142 O s m a n O lca y, S e v re s A n d la ยง m a s m a D o g ru

(T o w a r d s the S e v re s A g re e m e n t). A .U .S .B .F .

Ista n b u l 1969. p. 360. 147 S e la h i R. Sonyel. Y eni B c lgelcrin I$igi A llin d a E rm e n i M ezalim i (A rm e n ia n C r u e lly U n d e r

p u b lic a tio n s . A n k a ra 1981, ng. L X V I - LXVII; ilcri (T o w a rd s ), 2 2 .O ctob er. 1919.

the U g lit o f N ew D o c u m e n ts ). B c llcic ii. J a n u a ry 1972. Issu e : 141, p. 43-49.

143 N im e t A r s a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 1 19-120

148 K em al Atattirk, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

144 A ra lo v , S .I.. B ir Sovyet D ip lo m a t m in Tiirkiye H a tira la ri ( T h e M em o rie s o f a S oviet D ip lo m a t

I4!) M eh m et O zd c m lr. Mill! M iic a d c lc d e Develi ( D eveli in N a tio n a l S tru gg le ).

in T u rk e y ). tran s. b y H . A li Ediz. Is t a n b u l 1967,

121, 125.

p. 128.

145 Y a ยง a r A k b iy ik , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n ,

p. 5 3 -5 4 .

p u b lic a tio n , V . I . p. 244.

150 M eh m et O zd e m ir, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 13.

K ayseri 1973, p.

activities and the publications in Europe that the purpose o f France was

Egypt, Syria and

to form an Armenian majority in Qukurova and to combine it with the main

Adana Governor Nazim Bey notified o f his resignation by a telegram sent to

Armenia and to establish the Great Armenia under their control151".

Istanbul, due to Armenian flow to Adana.

France156. Armenians almost flowed to the region157.

Armenian representatives were not only satisfied with Eastern Anatolian

Nazim Bey stated that the purpose of Armenians was to form an

provinces but also supposed Mara§ and Qukurova within the borders of the

Armenian Republic in Qukurova, and if they failed in autonomy, because

independent Armenian state to be formed. Frenchmen asserted that they

they were in minority at that time, then to form an independent government

had historical interests in Iskenderun and Adana and the region belonged

temporarily and the fact that 80 % o f the occupying force consisted of

to them152. Almost no Armenian population was left in the east. Even if an

Armenians and this was the evidence158.

Armenian state was founded, it would be very difficult to gather the distributed population again there due to hard living and economic conditions. Furthermore, there was not an occupying force in the east.

100.ООО159 Armenians were housed in Adana and its surroundings especially under the protection o f colonel Bremond. Also, Armenians from almost every part of Anatolia started to move to Qukurova, as a result of

Armenians would not act free.

forcing of by Armenian religious men and Entente Powers160. Colonialist In fact, Qukurova was more comfortable and secure in every respect. Furthermore, an Armenian concentration here would also increase the

France caused Algerian, Tunisian and Senegalese soldiers to appear in front of Turks161 while they were occupying the region.

chance o f independence. The policy applied in Qukurova and aimed at transferring Adana into a province resided fully by Armenians were a

France brought an Armenian force of about 10.000 men who were trained like French soldiers when they occupied Qukurova. The Armenian

reason for that mass immigration153.

unit named Legion D'orient, called "Kamavor" and "Armenian Revenge No doubt that Wilson Principles also affected the mass immigration of Armenians to Qukurova. Because, application to a referendum in occupied areas was proposed and this was an opportunity for Armenians that would not be missed.

Regiment"162 by local people was founded and organized by France in Egypt during World War I. In addition, gangs were formed from Armenian migrants and those who came to the region to take revenge were formed from such groups163.

To fill the gap formed, French forces replaced British forces from autumn onwards as a result of the agreement o f Syria. Because, until that

156 ih s a n Ilgar. T u rk istiklal H a r b i G u n c y C e p h e s i V I (T u rk is h In d e p en d e n c e W a r S o u th e rn

time, French forces in the region were only a few battalions, majority of

Front V I). T u rk ish

which was consisting o f Armenians154. Also the new forces coming were

A lb a y ra k ,

Armenian volunteer battalions who put on French uniform s'55.

H isto ry M a g a z in e

O c to b c r 30, 1919;

157 A lb a y ra k ,

O c to b e r 30. 1919; Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ),

15H д а F u a t T iirk gc ld i,

As a result o f the policy conducted towards the Turkish majority in the region, Frenchmen carried immigrant Armenians by ships from America,

w ith D o c u m e n ts , Issu e :

12. Is t a n b u l

1968. p.


N o v e m b e r 27, 1919 J a n u a ry 2,


G o riip i§ittlklerim (T he T h in g s T h at I h ave H e a rd a n d Seen ). A n k a ra

1951. p. 172. 159 Tevfik B iyiklio glu, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n s, p. 77, "A rm e n ia n p eop le m a d e g a t h ­ ered in A d a n a to b e settled in E a s t e rn A n a to lia in the fu tu re . In this w a y . 120 000 A rm e n ia n im m ig ra n ts w e re b ro u g h t to the re g io n ” in on e y e a r".

151 K a z im K a ra b e k ir. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 370 , K e m al A ta tiirk , the a b o v e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic atio n , V .3 , p. 9 2 7 -9 2 8 .

160 Se lah atttn T a n scl. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , V .II..

p. 207.

161 II .T .V .D J u n e 1955, Issu e : 12, D o c u m en t N o: 308.

152 S e b a h a ttlo n S elek , M illi M u c a d e le ( N atio n al S tru g g le ), V . l . , Is t a n b u l 1982, p. 527.

1(12 A d il B a g d a tlila r, U z u n o lu k

153 K a m u r a n G u r u n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 283 .

U z u n o lu k in In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ), T ok er P re ss, 1974, p. 35; Sc lah attin T a n s e l. sa m e p u b lic a ­

154 ir a d e -i M illiye ( N a t io n a l W ill ) . N o v e m b e r 17,

tion, V .l, p. 220.

155 N e c a ti Q ip lak ,


igel T a rih i ( H is to ry o f igel ). A n k a r a 1968, p. 216 .

istiklal H a rb in d e K a h ra m a n

IKI S e b a h a lt in Selek, (h e a b o v e m en tion ed

M aratj ( K a h ra m a n

p u b lic a tio n . V .l, p. 526.

Mara;?, in


of the Armenians were housed in Adana and its villages, 12.000

in Dortyol, 8.000 in Saimbeyli and the balance in Osmaniye, Kadirli and

the next day. A few Armenians from those who plundered the farm were arrested for show, then they were set free by the French167.


The house o f Ibrahim Bey, an official of General Supply Textile Factory,

Frenchmen showed by their applications that they had come to

resided at Qinarli quarter, was raided by Armenians on January 15, 1919

Qukurova for a colonial application. They continuously imposed to the

and his cash o f 15.000 Liras and his jewellery of 1.28 kg were seized.

Muslim soldiers brought from their colonies that the Turks had left Islam

Armenians who were not satisfied by plundering the shops and houses, asked those Turks that they selected to refund the money alleging that they

and became Bolsheviks and rebelled against the caliph165.

had lended. People were giving some money to get rid o f the trouble168. France had formed the Armenian unit, Legion D'orient, in Egypt during World War I, in order to make use of them in such situations. Armenians

Occupied lands by French troops were divided into two administrations

who were subjected to emigration and conditioned by the provocations of

by the order o f Allenby, the commander of occupying forces. The civilian

Westeners would not be expected to be good - tempered. Massacres

administration was given to French officers and the military control was

committed by the Armenians brought to Qukurova by France after the

given to British officers.

emigration would show how they had a fixed idea.

Allenby appointed Colonel Bremond who was assigned by French Government as the " Chief Administrator of Armenia " on December 25,


1918, as the Governor of Adana169. The returns of the Armenians who emigrated from the region previously were also accelerated as soon as

a. Events o f 1919

Bremond came to Adana on February 1, 1919 and started his duty on the Armenians who came to Qukurova with French uniforms started to

next day170.

apply pressure, to commit cruelties and to receive tribute in order to After Bremond settled in Nazim Bey's office, after talking with him he

decrease the Turkish presence in the region. The French who wanted to get hold o f the region brought unarmed and undefended Turks in Adana face to face with the Armenians. A few Turks were started to be murdered every day in the city.

in Armenian quarters.


duty in Adana had Kel Parsumoglu Vahan appointed as the assistant police director, as his first action171. Armenians were started to be enrolled for

Determination o f names was very difficult in such events which generally occurred

sent a French officer to each district under the title of "consultant to the governor of district". Lietunant colonel Narmand who was appointed to this

o f the


police and gendarme positions. In addition to such kind of tasking, disorderly Armenians were also being armed. Scattering was created from

encountered a new event before they got rid of the shock o f an event. The farm of Abdo Aga around Kahyaoglu166, was raided by 15 Armenians

167 Y cn i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 7, 1953; K a sim E n e r. the above m en tion ed p u b lic ation ,

in French uniform, on January 10, 1919. Abdo Aga lost his life, although

p. 30.

he resisted the aggressors. Abdo Aga’s daughter and

шн Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J a n u a r y 7. 1953.

15 unarmed

employees were also killed by Armenians. A worker who was saved from the massacre by hiding in an oven came to the city and announced the event

1ЬЭ B re m o n d , b e fo re t h o u s a n d s o f A r m e n ia n s g a th e re d In front o f A rm e n ia n C h u rc h at p r e ­ sen t A b id t n p a ^ a street, told th at ''their righ ts w o u ld be p rotected, that they s h o u ld b e

o f good

cheer, th at the A r m e n ia n is s u e w o u ld be so lved ". Sec Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J a n u a r y H, 1953, p. 2.

104 K a s im E n er, the a b o v e m en tion ed

p u blic atio n , p. 38.

170 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 7, 1953, Z ck l S a rih a n . the ab ov e m en tion ed tion,

165 Ih s a n Ilgar, the a b o v e m en tion ed

p. 101-1 16.

p u blic atio n p. 17. 171 Z e k l S a rih a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

lr,s T h e P re se n t " Y e § ilo b a " q u arter.

p. 116.

p u b lic a ­


to time by rumours that are being emerged in

the shopping

m arkets'72.

After the murdering of Turks whose names could not be identified in various quarters and in the vineyards, the city was shaken again with

Yenihan, within Kazancilar Market around the Clock Tower, was a great

another incident. The house of Vanli Ahmet Efendi, a jeweller, residing at

business center of that time. Armenians started to plunder all the Turkish

the entrance of the street where the municipal fire department was located

shops 10 February 1919, Monday afternoon. On the other hand, they were

was raided by his neighbour Agop and other 15 Armenians and he was

not leaving to shout as if they were aggressed. Armenians were captured by

murdered in a horrible way, his child was wounded by butt strikes and his

the Turkish gendarmes coming to the points of incidents, but they were set

wife was tried to be suffocated.

free again173. Armenian

Upon opening fire by his neighbours who were awakened due to cries, committeemen






Commander Ha§im Bey would create a general revolt in Hatay and Qukurova on 21 February and he would murder all the Armenians. Armenian shops were closed. A fear spread throughout the city. Then 3 infantry regiments, one Indian cavalry and one British regiment came to Adana on 15 - 18 February 1919 under the command o f British General W.S. Leslie. Thus, the fear was partly calmed dow n174. The War Committee gathered on 19 February resolved that some

Armenians escaped by seizing a great amount o f money and jewellery17». Turkish tradesmen protested the event by closing their shops on the next day. Crowded people said " We don’t care what happens from now on, We can not bear any more. We will counteract ”179. Adana was shaken by another event on 4 March. Dellal Mustafa was found dead in his house at Dellal Ahmet Baglari180. One o f the planned events of Armenians is the event o f Depoy. Armed

Armenian legions should be scattered. However, Ha§im Bey was deported

Armenians raided on the weapon depot which was under the control of the

to Syria175 by General Leslie, upon the insistence by Bremond, on 3 March

Turkish gendarme on 21 April 1919 Monday and martyred Osman Efendi,

1919. Captain Luppe was appointed as the gendarme inspector. Turkish

the instructor o f the gendarme school, 2 gendarmes and 2 civilian Turks181.

gendarmes were replaced by Armenians176.

This event made the Turks mad. People in Adana protested the murder with

Rowdy behaviours of Armenians spoilt by Frenchmen did not end. About


20 armed Armenians raided Buruk village, two hours from Adana, on the

British - French military troops closed all the roads to and from the city

road to Kozan, on 20 February 1919 thursday evening. They intended to

and conducted a general search for weapons on 28 April 1919. French

exterminate the villagers and to plunder their properties. But, Armenians

seized the valuable properties in the houses they entered to search for

had to withdraw upon the resistance o f the Turkish villagers. The claim of

weapons. Halim Носа, Polisgi Mustafa and Tekelizade Abdullah Efendi were

the villagers was not taken into consideration. Anyway, people would take

beaten, with the excuse that knives and daggers were found in their

care o f themselves from there onwards177.


172 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ),

J a n u a r y 6, 1953.

178 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). D e c e m b e r 26, 1977; Kasym E n e r. the above m e n tion ed p u b lic a ­

173 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 8, 1953, K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

tion, p. 30.

p. 30.

179 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J a n u a r y 8, 1953.

174 Z ek i S a rih a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic atio n , p. 138.

180 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 9, 1953; K a sim E n er, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

175 K a s im E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blic ation , p. 33, sta te s that Iia § im B e y w a s exiled to

p. 30


181 F re n c h forces d id not seize e v ery th in g first, b e c a u s e they d id not w a n t to p u ll the s u d d e n

176 Z ek i S a rih a n , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u blic ation , p. 154.

reactio n o f th cT u rk s.

177 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ).

!82 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ).

J a n u a r y 8, 1953.

J a n u a r y 9. 1953;

D e c e m b e r 2 6.


Tevfik Kadri, son o f Mayor Hacibeyzade Kadri Bey was crucified at Ta§kopru and given 20 strikes of whip; ends o f which were made o f wires

when he was preparing to return from the plateau around Kizildag. Two friends of him were killed by cutting their heads190.

on his naked back untilit became purple. British forces made these applications to

intimidate the Turks183. Such activities o f searching for

weapons and intimidating people continued until 6 M ay184. The fact that the Turks became unarmed; caused the Armenians to become wilder to beat and kill the people on streets. Turks would not go to Armenian quarters any more185.

Frcnchmen caused Celal Bey, governor o f Halep and known by his opposition to Armenian emigration, to be appointed as the governor of Adana. Celal Bey. who camc to Adana on 18 December 1919 Thursday started to activate against Armenians after he saw what they did191. Two French infantry battalions under the command of First Lieutenant

Frenchmen used the activities of "Kara Yusuf Gang"; who formed a 60 -

Thibault came to Adana on 13 July 1919 Sunday. Other French troops

man force around Misis, as an excuse to apply pressure on T u rk s'^. Kara

were landed on iskenderun. Most of the soldiers of these two infantry

Yusuf Gang, after destroying an Assyrian gang in Gemisura village, raided

battalions were Armenian volunteers in French uniform192.

on §eyh Murat village inhabited by Armenians. Colonel Normand followed personally the gang and caught Sislioglu Ali Aga who was a hunter while

Yusuf and Papanoglu Mustafa gangs passed from Amanos Mountains to

returning from hunting with a shotgun, as if he was a gang, in Kiigiik

Yiiregir and Tarsus plains at the beginning o f October 1919 to react against

innepli village and got him fastened to telegraph pole and then caused

Armenian cruelty. Bremond had many Muslems executed by shooting by

Armenians to execute him by shooting. Armenians were putting people in

the charge of being members of gang193.

jail, alleging that they were members o f gang187. Boatmen and caught people in the farms were executed by shooting by Armenians in Kar§iyaka and Kumluk square188.

British forces left Adana via iskenderun at the end of October 1919 in accordance with British - French agreement. The position of the French forces was recovered when the coming of the Algerian troops under General

Kemal, from El Yafi family in Beirut, who was searched and wanted by the Ottoman State was appointed as the chief secretary to Bremond. Armenians killed and got rid of Kemal Bey by an assassination on 5 November 1919 Wednesday and planned to appoint someone who was a sympatizer who would work for Armenian cause to this position189.

D ufieuxon 1 November 1919. They were followed by a Senegalese regiment. Thus, the l sl Eastern Division under the command of General Dufieux was made a fully manned and equipped unit. The headquarters of this division, the band company, 21sl and 22nd regiments, 442"d artillery regiment, heavy artillery and engineering battalions were located in Adana194. In addition,

Ragip from Dabagogullari in Adana, who was known with his nice voice, was martyred by carving his eyes out, by Kuzucuoluk Armenian villagers,

183 K a s im E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u blic ation , p. 34; D a m a r A rik o g lu . the a b o v e m en tion ed

the headquarters of the 7lh cavalry regiment, cavalry, tank and airplane companies were located here195.

190 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 14, 1953;

p u b lic a tio n , p. 7 7 -7 9 ; Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ) , D e c e m b e r 26 , 1977; Z ek i S a rth a n , the a b ov e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,

191 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 16. 1953;

p. 219.

184 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ),

J a n u a r y 12, 1953.

185 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 12, 1953.

192 K a sim E n er, (lie a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 35. 193 K a sim E n er. (lie a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 37; Y eni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J a n u a r y 15.1953.

186 A s s y r ia m n w o r k e d w ith A r m e n ia n s

d u rin g o c c u p atio n . 194 K a sim E n er, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 37.

187 T h e a r e a w h e re p re se n t S e y h a n P a rk is located. 195 W h e n >88 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 13, 1953; D a m a r A r ik o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b li­ c a tio n , p. 137 -1 3 9 189 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a r y 13, 1953;

B ritish





G en eral

G o u ra u d

w as

a p p o in te d




C o m m is s a r y to re p la c e F ren ch G e o rg e s Picot, a ls o lie w a s given the title o f C h ie f C o m m a n d e r O c c u p a tio n

F orces.

G en eral

D u fie u x

w as

a p p o in te d


Q u k u ro v a

C o m m a n d . See; Y a h y a Akyiiz. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 182.

O c c u p a tio n

F orc es

The Committee o f Representation (Heyet - i Temsiliye) was aware o f what was happening in the region and was trying to affect the local newspapers in the way that they should not use insulting and provoking statements for

People thought about how long "Poor Adana would stay in such murderer hands" and complained about the inability of the government201. Anyway, the seizure of the budget of Adana province by Frenchmen could

Frenchmen. As a result, it was seen that Frenchmen were supposed to have

not be prevented2”2. While arming of Armenians in and around Adana by

good intentions and tolerance while Armenians were blamed and charged

Frenchmen was continuing in a hurry, about 8 - 1 0 Turks203 were being

heavily in local newspapers. Armenian actions were called "cruelty" from

executed by shooting by Armenians every day with rubbish excuses. People

time to time196.

lived without being certain of their lives, chastity and honors201.

The policy o f the Committee of Representation was to leave the British alone in their activities in Turkey by a skilful manoeuvre, without breaking out connections with Frenchmen and thus to gain the Frenchmen. The orders sent to the national resistants in the region were also prepared in the same way and ordered "not to conduct armed attacks unless Armenians and Frenchmen cause you to do so, because there was a reliance that the region would be fully emptied"197 198.

The body of a 14 year - old Turkish child, killed by cutting into pieces was found in the Armenian quarter around the Old Station of Adana on 22 December 19 19205. Three Turkish gendarmes were killed tragically at Giilek strait by Armenians206. Frenchmen killed about 20 people including children, by gathering Muslim people in a house, when they occupied iloglu village207. b) Armenian massacres in Adana until 20 day - agreement: Armenian rowdy behaviours and activities continued in Adana. Shops,

It was understood that Armenians in Adana would attempt to take

markets had been closed since three days. Various talks were made among

revenge against Turks whose armies were demobilized. Anyway, Bremond

committeemen Armenians, and Turks were continued to be killed when

started to express his Armenian partiality199. Those spoilt Armenians were

caught alone, by Armenians with revengeful cries. It was learnt on 2

in a competition to behave cruelly to Turks every day, every hour. A few

February 192 0 208 arms would be distributed to young Armenians.

Armenian soldiers entered the women's bath from the back door, which

The reason for Armenian rowdy behaviours since two days was to

was located around Government Hall and they were obliged to run away

celebrate the name day o f Bogos Nubar who tried to pull Western attention

upon the cries o f the women on 16 December 1919 Tuesday. Two French

onto Armenians, on 3 January. Two Turks who were coming to the city, one

soldiers who got into a carriage by force where a Muslim family was

from the road o f incirlik, another from §akirpa§a, were martyred by

returning home from the Turkish bath, but they could not execute their

Armenian rebels and thus, the name day was celebrated by blood209.

badness upon the cries o f the woman200. 201 A lb a y ra k , D e c e m b e r 21, 1919. 202 A T A S E A rch ive, folder: 93. file : 169-337, in d e x : 23. 196 ira d e -i M illiye (N a tio n a l W ill), D e c e m b e r 8, 1919. 197 B e k ir S. B a y k a l,

H eyet' i T em siliye K a ra rla ri (D e c is io n s o f R ep re se n tativ e C om m ittee),

T .T .K (T u rk is h H isto ry In stu tio n )

p rin tin g h o u s e . A n k a r a 1974. p. 73, 75.

203 r .i.T .E . A rch ive, d o c u m e n t n o : 10/2710. 204 A d a n a A h v ali (A d a n a C o n d itio n s ),A d a n a ' ya Г)оДш G a z c tc si (T o w a rd s A d a n a J o u rn a l), D e c e m b e r 22, 1919.

1Э8 p iCOt visited S iv a s be fo re g o in g to P a ris Pe ac e C o n fe re n c e a n d he h a d d is c u s s io n s in o rd e r

205 A .T .A .S .E . A rch ive, folder: 93, file: 169-337, in d ex : 2 5 -1 : trad c-i M illiye (N a tio n a l W ill). 12

to c lo se ly get a c q u a in te d w ith the n atio n al m o v e m n t a n d M u s t a fa K e m a l sen t a d etaile d

J a n u a r y 1920.

te leg ra m on D e c e m b e r 1. 1919 in the n a m e o f the C o m m itee o f R e p re se n ta tiv e s a n d a s k e d to

200 Q u ic k B o g a z i'n d a M czalim (O p p re s s io n in G iile k M o u n ta in P a ss ), A d a n a ' ya D o£ ru Ga/.oU-sl

act in a d ignified w a y for the h e a lth in e s s o f the d is c u s s io n s . S e e: N im et A r s a n , the a b o v e m e n ­ tioned p u b lic a tio n , V .IV , p. 1 3 0 -1 3 1 . 199 ir a d e -i M illiye (N a tio n a l W ill) . D e c e m b e r 15. 1919. 2°o A T A S E

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision o f T u rk is h G e n e r a l Staffl A rch iv e ,

fold er: 93 , file: 163- 3 3 7 , in d ex: 19.

(T o w a r d s

A d a n a J o u r n a l). D c c c m b c r 22. 1919.

207 H a k im iy e l-i M illiye (N a tio n a l D o m in atio n ). J a n u a r y 28, 1920, 20H A .T .A .S .E A rch ive, folder: 189, file: 3 3 -1 0 2 , in d ex : 35: Ira d c-l Milliye ( N ation al W ill ). !) F e b r u a r y 1920. 209 Y cn i A d a n a ( N e w A d a n a ), F e b r u a r y 2 ,1953.


The event which caused the occupiers to panic was the Turkish

stations in Haruniye, Bahcje and other districts and armed the Armenians

resistance started in Mara§ on 21 January. The Turkish resistance in


approved by occupying authorities,


in the region secretly210 under the name of being volunteers. Governor Celal

Mara§ started with the first bullet fired by Siitcju imam against the

Bey requested

in case of

occupiers on 31 October 1919 and developed by the event where the

aggression against Muslim people in Adana, any responsibility would never

community in Ulu Cami who could not accept the lowering of the Turkish

to advise the occupying authorities that,

be accepted for the lives o f Armenians in Anatolia211. Armenians forced French officials to apply pressure on Muslim people in and around Adana and Mersin, by giving them translation and secretariat services, by making up lies and aspersions. French officers being under the influence o f the propaganda started to take bribe and money from rich Turks together with Armenians212.

flag from Mara§ Castle and the hoisting of the French flag, hoisted again the Turkish flag up to the castle, by taking the standard from the pulpit, by revolting and saying Allahuekber on 27 November 1919 2l7'218. French troops in Adana started to exercise gun fires every day from 21 January 1920 Wednesday onwards, when French troops in Mara§ were in a bad situation. Such gun fires started to give damage to Turkish villages. One day, a shell fell on a house in Balcali village behind the military

France continued to dispatch troops to the region. Six battalions were

garrison and caused those in the house to be martyred.

dispatched from Beirut to Mersin and iskenderun between 27 January - 4

All the Armenians in Adana looked very excited on

January 28. All

February. Two battalions were distribute to Mersin, four in iskenderun213.

closed their shops and gathered in churches. This excitement was caused

Frenchmen took the mauser rifles Adana Central Gendarme Battalion and

by the news that Armenians in Mara§ were massacred by Turks. Among

started to give old and useless rifles instead. They planned to distribute

those who gathered in the Armenian church, majority thought to take

these rifles taken from Turkish soldiers to the Armenians around Osmaniye

revenge of Mara§. But the leading Armenians thought that committing a

and islahiye214. Meanwhile the French brought an Armenian detachment of

massacre would not be in favor o f them and calmed the Armenians.

250 men by train from Mersin to Adana on 29 February and thus they

Armenian shops were still closed on February 1, 1920. Armenians cried as "revenge". Armenian committeemen held a great meeting in Armenian

expanded their preparations.

Club219. Armenians decided here not to take action in the city but take Frenchmen started to build fortifications in and around Pozanti which was supported by a detachment of 50 men'215. Frenchmen concentrated their military measures, reinforcements and fortifications in Qukurova, considering that Turks would start a national struggle from January onwards. After they brought 75 cm guns which were used in great combats to Adana, they had forbidden to sell rice out of Qukurova216.

action only in villages and in rural areas to take revenge. However, Armenian gangs in Mara§ attacked Turkish villages and destroyed and fired many villages especially around islahiye and martyred Turks that they met. Upon such events in Mara§, French troops started to conduct armed patrols every where. Armenians were openly distributed arms. Also Assyrians were given arms and training220. An Assyrian priest with a blonde beard, with a cross in his hand, led the crowd and encouraged Assyrians to take revenge from Turks. Some Assyrians started to form gangs. Their headquarters was at Havace Fethullah221 Farm.

210A .T .A .S .E A rc h iv e , fold er: 3 0 7 , file: 2 5 -3 4 , in d e x : 41. 211 A .T .A .S .E A rc h iv e , fold er: 3 0 7 , file: 2 5 -3 4 . in d ex : 4 1 -1 .

217 S e e: Yasjar Akbtyik, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 1 12-255.

212 H a k im iy e t-i M illiy e (N a tio n a l D o m in a tio n ), J a n u a r y 20, 1920.

21H A T A S E (M ilitary H isto ry a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D iv ision ) A rch ivc, folder: 3 07 , file: 2 5 -3 4 .

213 A .T .A .S .E

A rc h iv e , folder: 3 0 7 . file: 2 5 -3 4 , in dex:

1 15.

in d ex : 166

214 A .T .A .S .E

A rc h iv e , fold er: 3 0 7 . file: 2 5 -3 4 . in d e x


215 A .T .A .S .E

A rc h iv e , folder: 3 0 7 , file: 2 5 -3 4 . in d ex :

216 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), F e b r u a r y


2, 1953.

219 T h e b u ild in g w h e re A d a n a C h a m b e r o f T ra d e is located n ow . 220 A s m a ll C h ristia n c o m m u n ity in A d a n a . 221 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ).

F e b r u a r y 5. 1953.

What happened to Frenchmen in Mara§ started to excite the Turks in Adana.

day, Hasan Aga, a post carriage driver, was murdered at Uyuzpinar location, half an hour to Kozan, by Armenian gangs. Armenian gendarmes

12 wagons of injured who were wounded in fights in Mara§ brought to

who were on duty in the gendarme station, killed Mustafa Efendi, the

Adana and those Armenian soldiers who deserted due to fear were perished

commander o f gendarme station in Kayarli, in his sleep and they deserted

with extreme cold. According to the Mustafa K em al's announcement in the

on the night of March 7, 1920227.

name of Committee of Representation, the French who heard that a

Armenians in Adana closed all their shops and gathered in the church

national forces detachment of 6.000 was in Uluki§la, organized militia

with the bluster that Armenians in Feke and Saimbeyli were murdered by

forces from Armenians and Greeks and placed machineguns in the

National Forces, on March 9. General Dufieux accepted to form an

Government Hall and in Bremond's residence222.

Armenian volunteers regiment upon the note by Armenians. A great

All Armenian villagers around Hasanbeyli and Bahge223 on the road to

explosion occurred in the city at about three o’clock on March 13 Friday.

Mara§ were being armed and unbelievable cruelty was increased against

As if all the city was shaken from its foundations. The corpses of Ar§ak, the brother of Bishop and five Armenians were found in the house o f Mu§eg,


bishop of the Armenian church at Abidinpa§a Caddesi. Half-completed 600 The propaganda carried out abroad was about Armenians in Qukurova and that they were being massacred. Armenians tried to influence the European public opinion in their favour to mask what they were doing in the region225.

bombs, 8 German Mausers and thousands of bullets were found with in the debris. The brother of Museg228 had turned the house into an arsenal229. Armenians in Kadirli and Andirm were suspecting the power of Tufan Bey, who organized National Forces in Kadirli and Andirm and they moved

On the contrary of the untrue propaganda disseminated by Armenians in Europe, they continued their destruction policy in Qukurova, which was a part of the Turkish homeland.

to Kozan, Ceyhan, Adana on their own wishes. The movement of 200 Armenian families was over on March 7, 1920230. Kadirli from where French forces withdrew without fighting was a free

Mehmed, son of Haci Mehmet from Begceli village and his friend Emir

area now. The company o f Qokak under the administration of Ahmet Aga

Ali and Abdulkadir, son o f Hatib and his nephew Osman from Danacilar

occupied Hasandede in the North of Kadirli on March 21, 1920 and then

village of Sirkinti township and former elderman of village Mehmed from

the group of Yaycioglu ibrahim Aga from Andirm and a force of National

central township of Sarigegit were murdered

Force o f 400 together with Tufan Bey entered Kadirli with tears of joy231.

tragically by 7 armed

Armenians who suddenly appeared in their front, while they were going to

Tufan Bey's surrounding Kozan which was half an hour to Kadirli,

Adana from Sirkinti township to sell animals, during day time, on

caused great excitement o f Armenians in Adana. The volunteers of

February 22, 1920226. Dabag Mahmut, nephew of Karakose oglu Mustafa, guard o f Baglar, was killed by Armenian volunteers in ambush on

March 6, 1920. The same

227 Y e n i A d a n a ( N e w A d a n a ),

F e b r u a r y 17. 1953; K a sim E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b li­

cation , p. 126. 228 M u § e g w a s a n A r m e n ia n re b e l w h o p ro v o k e d A r m e n ia n s to rebel in A d a n a a g a in an d D orty ol in 1919, s o ld

222 A .T .A .S .E . ( M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, fold er: 307, file: 25-

w e a p o n s , e s c a p e d to the U S A d u r in g rebellion, tu rn e d b a c k to A d a n a

d u r in g o c c u p ation .

34, in d ex : 184. 229 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ),

F e b r u a r y 17, 1953, (N a tio n a l W ill),

A p ril 12. 1920.

223 D istric ts o f A d a n a .


230 It is u n d e rs to o d fro m the d o c u m e n ts that N a tio n a l ATASE

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch iv e , fold er: 307, file: 25-34,

H o w e v e r the sa lv a tio n

F o rc es entered K a d irli after

M a r c h 7.

o f K a d irli is c ele b rated o n this date.

in dex: 188. 231 F o r 225 O g tid ,

M a rc h 7, 1920

226 O g u d ,

M a rc h 11, 1920.

m o re in fo rm a tio n , S ee : Tevfik C o § k u n .

K adirli M llli M ticad clcsi ve H a h r a la r (K ad irli

N a tio n a l S tru g g le a n d M em o rie s). K adirli 1967, p. 2 6 -2 9 ; F a lk U stiin , A d a n a 'n in i^gall vc Mllli M u c a d e le (A d a n a 's o c c u p a tio n a n d N atio n al S tru gg le), Is t a n b u l 1955, p. 12 -15 .

Armenian, Greek and Assyrian were armed by occupying forces reached

Occupier authorities were started to be annoyed with the increasing

500 with the participation o f 200 men from incirlik, Abdioglu and Misis.

actions of the national forces in the region. They could not prevent the

Gokdereliyan Karabet was commanding the volunteers who moved to save

national struggle in spite of all their measures. Will Armenians entered the

Kozan which was under surrounding. The exaggerated adventures o f the

Castle of Tumlu on April 7-8, night and started to burn the villages around.

volunteers who ran away under the fire opened by the freedom fighters

National Forces who were informed about the event started to fight with

from Kadirli in front of Tumlu Castle failed in a short time'232. The feelings o f revenge o f the Armenians in Adana increased when the attempt of another gang formed from Armenians and Assyrians to save Kozan was defeated on April 2. Meanwhile, Abuzade Ali Efendi from one of the oldest families o f Adana was killed in day time on April 6, while he was going to his vineyard. Naturally, the perpetrators could not be found. The same day, at midnight, an Armenian gang o f 6 men raided the farm of Kaplan Bey in Bahgelidam and killed two workers and a guard. Qiftgiba§i Mahmut Aga could succeed to escape and thus could save his life himself. Armenian gang took away all the items, animals and 600 liras which they

Armenian gangs of about 50 men, caused some to run away and succeeded surround the remaining force of about 25 in the castle237. National Forces captured Belemedik on



1920 after a

surrounding o f two days238. National Forces who met with many Muslim bodies died after they were left by the Armenians under the sun for days with tar applied on their faces had shown great humanity to Christians. Five Armenians were executed when their spying239 was obvious. Armed Armenians who carried out actions in Belemedik village exchanged fire with our militia in the north - west of incirgedigi at two o'clock in the morning on April 13, 1920 and were all perished240.

found in the farm233. Most of the Greeks took unwillingly the weapons distributed by French

Turks buried another body with a ceremony on 7 April. The deceased

forces. French started the preparation for defence in the city considering a

was a hodja who was murdered by Armenians in vineyards. The French

possibility of rebellion234.

formed new volunteer detachments from Armenians, Assyrians, Keldanis and Greeks on April 9-12,241.

French forces announced the religious fetwa given by Sheikhulislam in Istanbul against National Forces in Ulucami on 17 April. They reproduced

Barracks were constructed for Armenian migrants who came to Adana

the mentioned fetwa in thousands o f copies and distributed in the region.

in various places o f the city, especially at the large square in the South of

Governor Celal Bey did not go to the mosque to listen to the fetwa and also

Yeni istasyon that was practically empty242 at that time. Dwelling in the

distributed an opposite fetwa235 and neutrilized the attempt o f the

region occurred under the observation of French officers243. Before the


events o f April,

Mustafa Kemal, in the name of the Committee of

Representation, warned the chief of National Forces and Turkish military 232 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ),

F e b r u a r y 24, 1953; T evfik Q o § k u n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b l i ­

cation , p. 38.

237 A .T .A .S .E .

233 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ),

F e b r u a r y 21, 1953, K a sim E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a ­

tion, p. 126. 234 A T A S E

A rch ive, folder: 946 . file: 4-2, in d ex : 9-1.

238 M a jo r M e s n il’s w ife w o rk e d a s a n u rs e in the h o sp ital b u ilt b y F ren ch In B e lem e d ik on Ihe ro a d to Pozan ti. N a tio n a l F orc es c a p tu re d 11 F re n c h s o ld ie rs together w ith h er. Se e K a sim

(M ilita ry H is to ry a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, fold er: 946, file: 4-2.

in d ex: 13-1.

E n er, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 68.

239 K a sim E n e r. Ihe a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation ,

235 In fact, b e fo re I s t a n b u l is o c c u p ie d b y E n te n te P o w e rs . Н о с а M e h m e t E fen d i, M u fti of

240 A T A S E

p. 69.

(M ilitary I Iislo ry and Strategic Stu dies Division) Archivc, folder: 946. file: 1. Index: 2.

K a ra is a li w a rn e d p e o p le s a y in g th at ; " S u lta n w a s u s e d b y the B ritish , th at o b e in g him m ean t to o p p o s e re ligio u s r u le s , it b e c a m e a m u st to take part in a n d to o b e y the c h ie f a n d c o m ­ m an d ers



to sa v e


c ou n try "

S ec

M eh m e t A rif,

A n a d o lu

in k ila b i (A n a to lia n

241 K a sim E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tion ed

p u b lic atio n . p. 126.

242 T h is settlem ent a r e a w a s c alled D octor H o llan d C a m p . See: K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n ­

R evo lu tio n ), Ik d a m P rin tin g h o u s e , Is t a n b u l 1340. p. 46.

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p. 125.

236 K a s im E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n , p. 127.

243 H a k im iy c l-i

M illiye ( N a tio n a l S overeignty),

M a rc h 3.1 9 2 0 .

commanders to take and increase forward actions in Qukurova in order to

Tekelioglu Sinan, National Forces Commander, reported the firm result o f Pozanti blockade to Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the President of the Turkish

force the French to empty Adana244. The pressure of the National Forces, headed by Sinan Bey Detachment, had increased on French forces in the region245 and occupiers were dispersed back from the villages which were about two hours to Adana246.

National Grand Assembly, to the commander of 11th Division and to the Commander o f 2n<i Army Corps on May 28, 1920252 as : "1.

The enemy who tried a breakthrough operation in Pozanti was

French troops in Pozanti were surrounded by Tekelioglu Sinan Bey

completely perished and out of 550 soldiers of which 100 were heavily and

Detachment and were subjected to continuous casualties247. French forces

lightly wounded and 9 officers including Major Mesnil were captured. Our

considered Pozanti which was a strategic point in Taurus passages as being

National Forces had only one martyr in this fight. The enemy had 200

very important. They tried so much to break the surrounding in Pozanti.

deaths. Yilanovasi, Akarca Deresi and Tekiryayla and their hills were full of

The rescue operation for this purpose, conducted by a French unit

enemy bodies.

consisting o f two infantry battalions and two mountain guns was left without any result by National Forces. Enemy forces ran away in a complete rout leaving 100 dead bodies and a great amount o f weapons and ammunition around Bayramli248.

2. 2 guns, 4 machineguns, 5 automatic rifles, many animals, 85 French mausers, 1 automatic pistol and many animals were captured as godsends. 3. In addition to these captures as godsends, it was heard that a 7.5

Mesnil, garrison commander in Pozanti started to withdraw to Karbogazi,

mountain gun without breechblock and another gun were located in Akarca

upon the failure o f the 5.000 - men French unit who also could not get

Deresi and officials were sent to bring them. Now, because the issue of

help, in front o f the decidedly surrounding o f Tekelioglu Sinan, West

Pozanti was solved and over, Sin, I present you that I will conduct a

Qukurova National Forces Commander, with very little forces, on May 19

general attack on Tarsus and Adana with all my forces the following day."

1920249. Kumcu Veli, who was taken by French forces as a guide upon

Upon the capture of Pozanti, which was very important for French

meeting him on the way, dragged the French forces as a Panzm Qukuru in Karbogazi, where there were no any exit.

Mesnil, fam ous


Commander, who was known with his victories against Germans in World War I, was obliged to surrender to 42 Turkish villagers250 who surrounded him251.

forces, the confidence to National Forces increased. French forces, who were thrown out from Mara§ on 11 February 1920, would try to hold on Adana and its surroundings. Developed events would show that French forces, who intended to get revenge for their defeat in Qukurova and Mara§ from unarmed and defenseless Turks by use of Armenians and other

244 H .T .V .D . D o c u m e n t N o : 3 4 1 , 344, 346

minorities. Frenchmen were able to conduct military transport by seaway

245 2 45 A T A S E

from Mersin to Adana at anytime they wished. Adana was a kind of

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch iv e , folder: 9 4 6 , file: 1,

in d ex :6.7,31,59. 246 O g u d , A p ril 14. 1920: 247 A T A S E

operational center for Frenchmen who were able to conduct military

A p ril 19, 1920.

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, fold er: 946 , file: 1, index:

74, 80; O g u d ,

A p ril 18,


transport and support operations by railway quickly.

The regional

commanders o f the National Forces, therefore, preferred to throw out the

A p ril 27, 1920.

M a y 1, 1920,- D a m a r A rik og lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p 116.

French forces from Adana by an operation starting from the perimeter,

249 H a s a n A k m ci, K u rt u lu § S a v a § i H a tira la n (In d e p e n d e n c e W a r M e m o rie s), K u v a y i Milliye

enlarging and strengthening towards the center. The Turks in and around

248 O g u d ,

D e rg is i (N atio n al F o rc e s M a g a z in e ) Issue: 79, M e r s in 1967.

the city would have to be patient. Because, massacres by French forces,

250 T h ese villagers h a d m ostly sh o tg u n s, M esn il th o u g h t h e w a s s u r r o u n d e d b y a force of 5 .0 0 0 m en d u e to h u e a n d c ry o f the villag e rs a n d w a n te d to s u rre n d e r to a m ilita ry official. Se e K azim E n er. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

especially by Armenians would not cease.

p. 136-151

251 F or m ore in fo rm a tio n . See: T a h a T oros, Kurlulus? Savasji’n d a K a rb o g a z m ’ d a T iir k le r e , Esir D ii§ e n

F ran siz K o m u ta m

M e s n il’ in A m la ri

N e w s p a p e r J a n 5 -2 3 , 1972.

(M e m o rie s o f M esn il. fro m

T u rk e y ), M illiyet

252 A T A S E Index: 169.

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ivc. folder: 946, flic: 1-3,

The unease of Armenians in Qukurova originated from their b eco m in g aware of their being sunken in the marsh due within the adventure o f

Government wanted to take advantage of this opportunity at the cost of awarding some advantages.

Frenchmen in Qukurova, day by day. Such Armenians who saw th e The reason why the Government in Ankara considered the French

danger, would not prefer to be caught in a trap as in Mara§.

request for an armistice very important was originating from the fact that 60 Armenian families went to Izmir on April 25, to depart for Am erica.

they were evaluated to be recognized by one the great states of Europe25�.

As it was learned, important disputes emerged among Arm enians253 a n d The committee under the chairmanship of Robert de Caix, sent to

many Armenians started enmity to French Forces251.

Ankara by French Government itself, started the talks with Mustafa Kemal

Bremond asked the Armenian gangs came to Adana who com m itted

Pasha. As a result of talks, a 20 - day cease - fire to be effective from

cruel actions against Turks : "Why did you fire villages and murder people?"

midnight on

They replied : "You ordered us to do so.", and for this reason, tension

articles accepted were communicated to the responsible persons in Adana

between Frenchmen and Armenians255 increased a little.

front, by the signature o f Mustafa Kemal, Head o f TBMM. According to the

Frenchmen sentenced 4 Turks to death with a charge o f placing a bom b

1. Cease - fire with all French forces will go into force from midnight May 29-30,. The duration o f cease-fire is 20 days.

at that point. One of the Turks found a chance and threw him self into the river and saved himself. The other innocents were killed by shooting256. Frenchmen caused Governor Celal Bey to be taken from duty, on the charge that he supported national movements in Adana. His friends Suphi Pasha and Kadri Ramazanoglu were given travel permissions to leave the city on May 27. Then Hilmi Tukyu, the Police Chief of Adana was dismissed

May 23, 1920259. The

cease - fire :

on the railroad on 30 April. These poor people were taken to the square at the beginning o f today’s Seyhan bridge. In those times the river flowed deep

May 29-30, 1920 was signed on

2. French troops in Pozanti and Kozan260 will withdraw to Adana Mersin railroad with all their materials. Aymtap will be emptied. 3. Within the first ten days of the armistice, war prisoners of France in our hands will be given. Political prisoners and war prisoners will be taken from Frenchmen. 4. Adana Governor will be able to freely communicate with officials of

from duty on May 30,257. France had to ask for an armistice from the Government o f the Turkish


National Assembly due to the capture of Mesnil forces whom Frenchmen

5. As information will be given separately about exchanging prisoners of

relied upon so much and the continuing resistance of Turks in Qukurova.

war on the condition o f emptying Pozanti, Kozan and Ayintab, only

The fact that France addressed the TBMM Government instead of the

execution of an armistice from 30 May morning should be provided for the


time being.

Government caused a great jo y

in Ankara.



6. This order will be communicated to the units in the farthest fronts261 253 T h ese d is p u t e s sta rte d be fo re D ecem ber 1919. A r m e n ia n s u n d e rs to o d they w e re deceived b y F ren c h m e n . A r m e n ia n

p rie st B od E fen d i. a s u p p o rte r o f T u rk s told th at "A rm e n ia n s in

F re n c h tro op s w e re not p le a se d , b e c a u se th ey u n d e rs to o d C ilicia A rm e n ia n s ". S e e A T A S E file:

w o u ld not b e given to

258 K a m il E rd e h a , M illi m u c a d c lc d e Vilayctlcr vc V a lilcr (G o v e rn o rs a n d P ro v in ce s in N atio n al S tru g g le ), Ista n b u l 1975,

p. 3 1 6 -3 1 8 .

(M ilitary History a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D iv ision ) A rch iv e , folder: 87, 250 A T A S E

2 8 -2 9 , in d ex : 175.

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv ision ) Archive, file 9 46 . file 1-3, In dex .

178: U tk a n K ocatiirk . A ta tiirk a n d H istory C h ro n o h o g y o f T u rk ish R ep u b lic. A n k a ra 1983, p. 254 O g u d . M a y 4, 1920. 255 A T A S E


(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, fold er: 946, file: 44-2,

in d e x : 32-2.

200 E rc n c h

forces w h o e p m tied K ozan in a c c o rd a n c e w ith

the arm istice d id not d eliver the

tow n to T u rk s a n d tra n ssfe rc d th eir w e a p o n s a n d a m m u n itio n to A rm e n ia n s .

256 K a sim E n e r. th e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 127.

257 K a sim E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p . 1 2 8 -1 2 9 .: Acjiksoz. M a y 31, 1920.

261 S in a n B e y sen t note to the fro n ts for sto p p in g llic figliis on

M ay 30. See: A T A S E

H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 9 46 , file: 1. index: 175.

(M ilitary

until the morning o f May 30,

1920. These articles will be a p p l i e d

committee consisted of Zeki Ener and Dr. Ali Hikmet Coral notified Dufieux on June 2, 1920 that the terms of the armistice were not obeyed and


protested the developments. It was understood that French forces were The execution of such an armistice by the TBMM Government for t h e

trying to gain time to reinforce their forces. It was the French who, both

first time was a victory won in the field of foreign policy. The G o ve rn m e n t

applied for an armistice and did not obey it. Armenian rebels killed Gok

of Ankara was recognized "de facto and implicitly"263. France wanted t o

Alioglu Duran Ali and his 5 men when they were going from Kiirkguler

teach a lesson to Britain which did not give enough support a g a in s t

village to Adana and martyred 10 Turks in a raid to Karaoglanh village, on June 3, 192 0269.

Germany in a matter of land, by approaching Ankara26-1. This armistice which caused French forces to take a breath for a w h ile

incirlik, where an American military base is located now was a large

did not cost little. Sinan Bey did not believe the bluff o f transporting t h e

village, 10 minutes to Adana. There was peace in incirlik whose 2/3 o f its

same troops by train from Adana to Tarsus, from Tarsus to Mersin a n d

population was consisting of Turks before the occupation. Bizdikoglu

then from Mersin to Adana every day265. The commanders o f the n a tio n a l

Sarkis, Tostaroglu, Muha, Mansur and Donik families were rich farmers

front fought Frenchmen who sank down like in a marsh by thinking that a

who had the largest lands in the village. They even had their church. When

colonial application would be successful in Qukurova, by the slogan o f

some gangs came from Buruk village and shot 4 Armenians in the North of

"either being martyred or victory" 266.

incirlik, Sarkis, from Kozan who had a gang o f 800 Armenians, gathered all

The People of Qukurova of National Forces under the command o f Tekelioglu Sinan, Dogan, Rifat, Cemal, Kethtida Ibrahim267 and M o lla Kerim perished French forces equipped with superior weapons a n d

the villagers in the farm o f Durmu§ Aga, by also memorizing Ottoman Captain Hacimeto who saved his family during 1909 Adana events, in order to prevent any bloodshed. They separated men and took them to the church. Women and children

materials in Adana268.

were taken to the coffee-house o f Mises, an Armenian. 10 - 15 local

c) incirlik Events after the 20 - day armistice Just after the announcement of the armistice, Bremond and D u fieu x armed Armenians and other subjects and started to force the citizens t o capture the members of the National Forces in Adana. A Tu rk ish

Armenians who turned their friendship into a hostility upon the occupation said : "Hand over the beautiful girls o f the village, or we will take them by force"270. When Fatma Hamm, from Kozan cried for help, Sarkis interfered with the situation and had the women and children be brought to the place

262 K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 154 -1 5 5 . 263 M ehm et G o n lu b o l - C e m S a r, O la y la rla T u rk D i§ P o litik a si (T u rk is h F oreign Policy w i t h E ven ts), V .I, A .U .S .B .F . p u b lic a tio n s. N o: 5 09 , A n k a r a 1982,

p. 16.

264 J. B la n c o V illa lta , A ta tiirk , trans. by, F atih O zsii, A n k a r a 1982, 265 A T A S E in d ex:

where men were present. 1.223 Turks experienced the fear of death in incirlik. The detachment commander of the national forces in Buruk sent a

p. 397.

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 9 4 6 , file: 5 1 5


4-8 6.

266 A T A S E (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 946, file: 1 . in d e x :

mediator to them and told that "If the Turks are slightly harmed then we shall




§i§m anyan,


o f Tashnak

Association in Adana, who learned that educated and polite Sarkis could

123. 267 K e h iid a ib r a h im from K ib a rla r fam ily w a s the m a n w h o w en t to the A r m e n ia n cafe w h e re all T u rk s p a s s in g b y w e re m u rd e re d , a n d h e fired h is pistol. K e th iid a ib ra h im w h o w a s so b o ld a n d he w a s fro m the sa m e fam ily w ith Sevgt K A F A LI. 268 F or d etaile d in fo rm a tio n , See: A T A S E (M ilitary H isto ry a n d S tra te g ic S tu d ie s D iv ision ) A rch ive , file 9 4 6 . file 1, in d e x 115, 148; file 9 46 , file. 1-3, index. 148 -1. 149, 150, 152, 162,

269 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p. 156. 270 S a m im e A c a r ( b o r n in 1942, fro m incirlik v illage o f A d a n a . D ate o f in terview : 17 A u g u s t 1992) cited from h e r m oth er, b o rn in 1317, still e x p e rie n c in g the cffccts o f the events, s p e a k ­ in g difficultly,

" T he a d u lt s o f the village, y o u n g g irls tried (o protect their c h a stitie s b y a p p ly ­

in g so ot or m u d on their fac es to look uglier”. 172.

not do any harm to the Turks, caused Garabet from Nigde to be tasked b y affecting the Frenchmen. 7 cans of Batumi kerosene were poured on th e wooden parts of the building. Upon the application of the Turks in Adana, the Iranian consul in Adana made efforts before Bremond and prevented a tragedy in Adana. Villagers were taken to Adana Station by train on J u n e 13, 1920. However, if Tunisian soldiers who were guards at the station w e re not present there, a massacre would be committed by 2.000 Arm enians who gathered there to murder the Turks271.

The occupier authority had appointed Bagdadizade Abdurrahman Bey, a member o f provincial assembly as the acting Governor of Adana. Major §emsettin talked about the situation of Celal Bey who was dismissed from the







administration. Mustafa Kemal requested §emsettin Bey by a telegram dated

June 11, 1920 not to mention the issue o f governorship, but

negotiate to start the exchange o f prisoners of war within 10 days277 as it was previously informed and to request our prisoners o f war by delivering the first party.

Armenians burned incirlik completely after the evacuation of th e Turks272.

Although French forces left Kozan in accordance with the armistice, they acted rather slowly. The evacuation of Kozan discouraged Armenians and

Armenians murdered the servant of Haci Durmu§ Aga by a barbed - w ire in Gazguden Deresi at the exit of incirlik, before the event of transport273. Also Arap Mehmet, from Karacaali village of Kozan was wounded b y Armenian bullets274. Armenian commiteemen killed also 4 shepherds. They were not satisfied with this, they further cut their ears and other organs. They took away 1.500 sheep275.

caused French influence in Adana to be decreased278. Armenians who came to Adana from neighbouring districts by relying on Frenchmen started to attack Turks under the deformity caused by their re-immigration and by anger. Several Turks were shot in public places by Armenians in Kocavezir and Tepebag quarters on June 10-11, 1920. These events caused great excitement in the city279. Upon the arrival of Misis Armenians to the city as migrants, the already

d. Massacre in Kahyaoglu

nonexistent law and order became worse and then cruelty and massacre

Major §emsettin and his interpreter Ethem Bey who were tasked by the TBMM Government to inspect the conditions of the

application of the

armistice, came to Adana via Kurttepe on 4 June 1920. French forces positioned machinegun squads at the crossroads o f the city to prevent demonstrations while they were entering the city. The Turks passing thereby were searched276.

against Turks increased. Armenian gangs in villages around committed every kind o f torture, seizure and cruelty. Armenian migrants who assaulted the quarters in Haci Bayram Kaptsi of Adana in the morning of Friday on June 11, 1920 forced the Turks to evacuate their homes and seized their properties. The Turks were shocked were obliged to move towards Kahyaoglu Qiftligi and Kiigiik Dikili way280. The aim o f the Turks in the city who were suffocated by Armenian pressure, cruelty r nd massacre was to reach national forces in Karahan

271 W e c o u ld n ot A n d a n y In form ation th at peo p le in In cirlik w ere filled in a p la c e d a n a n n ih i­

following the road to Kahyaoglu through Dikili villages281. They set off by

lated b y b o m b s o n 9 J u n e 1920, in the in terview s w ith the local p eo lc to geth er w ith M a h m u t

getting in horse carts, oxen carts, whatever they found, in groups. An

A y d in o g lu ,

H e a d o f T u rk is h N ation al F o rc es F igh te rs a n d V e te ra n s A s so c ia tio n in A d a n a a n d

T u ra n S a y la in in In cirlik w h o were the liv in g w itn e s s e s o f Incirlik even ts. Se e K a sim Ener. the

Armenian gang of 30 - man was in ambush in the old farm building of

a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 157 d o e s n ot con tain a n y re c o rd s in this w ay. 272 M a h m u t A y d m o g lu ( b o r n in 1325, from Incirlik v illag e o f A d a n a . D a te o f in terview : A u g u s t 18.1 9 9 2 ) a d d e d : ''W h e n th ey g ath e red u s in Incirlik. Cingoz, Bekir, is k e n d e r, w ife H ediye a n d h is

277 K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 155.

M e h m e t §crif, h is

tw o s o n s w h o w ere left o u tsid e w e re killed b y A rm e n ia n .".

27M E d o u a r d B re m o n d . T h e B re m o n d M issio n : C licla in 191 9-192 0. T h e A rm e n ia n R eview, Vol. 29 (1 9 7 6 -7 7 ) B o sto n - U S A : Part - II,

p. 47.

273 The tellin gs o f S a m im e A c a r. 279 K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 157. 274 A h m e t T u r a n S a y la n ( B o rn in 1320,

F ro m A d a n a 's incirlik V illa ge , D a te o f interview:

■ 2 H0 a t a S E

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ivc. folder: 5 9 3 . flic: 5-1 3 9 ,

A u g u s t 18. 1992). Index: 38. 275 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 157. 2KI C en tra l v illag e In A d a n a 's N orth - W e st. 270 K a sim E n e r. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 156.

Bizdioglu in front of Kaliyaoglu station and other Armenians in ge n d a rm e

Bozdag were saved as wounded. Abdurrahman Bozdag, Qorek^i Mehmet,

and soldier uniforms blocked the road282. Those Turkish groups w h o

the wife and children of Giritli Bekir, Yangin Mahmut and his son Ku^iik

reached the outskirts o f the city with out any problem, before they f e l t

Niyazi, Bagdat Kadin were saved alive from the massacre. The presence of

pleasure of reaching the crossroad, the station were taken to the fa r m building by armed Armenians located at the station. Hands o f men w e r e tied and they where separated from women and children and men closed in a room and women and children were closed in another room. They w e re tortured and killed in masses and their money, jewellery like bracelets, a n d earrings were taken. First the men then the women and children w e re massacred by Armenians283 through the use of bayonets, butts, pistols a n d

the Turkish militia and their apperance around and fear prevented the massacre from being widened. With the help o f Ku<juk Dikili villagers, men were buried in (wo big pits while women and children were buried in two other big pits287. Burials were to be made in a hurry and names could not be identified sufficiently due to the danger of an Armenian raid. Four of the Armenians who committed the massacre were gendarmes from Adana and the others were Armenian volunteers from Kozan288. The Turks from Kiiguk

mauser rifles. 43 men, 21 women and indefinite number of children were martyred b y

Dikili and Sarthamzah who were afraid of a new massacre took refuge in §ambayat village near Karahan in a mass289.

Armenians in that massacre which had shaken all the Turks in Qukurova Armenians, who raided Turkish villages in Yiiregir plain killed 150 Turks

on June 11, 1920284. Women’ s arms and ears were cut285 to take their valuable jewellery286. Gallakcizade Mustafa, from Adana, Ali Kayaoglu Mehmet, Ay§e, wife o f Mehmet Ali Efendi and their daughter M unew er were those martyrs whose

and injured more than that in the night of June 11-12,. According to the investigation by Tekelioglu Sinan, 5 Turkish children from Qotlu village of Misis township were killed by carving their eyes out, 2 men and 1 woman

identities could be found out. Sakine, mother o f Qorekgi Mehmet, Cumali,

from Gemisura village were killed, the farms of Abdullah Aga, Akarcah

son of Ahmet Qavu§, Mehmet, Dudu, daughter of Molla Mustafa, Duran

tbrahim Efendi and Yagzade Haci Ali Efendi from Cevherli township were

Aga, Nesibe, daughter of Yalikgi Mehmet, Zeliha, sister of Abdurrahman

plundered and there were many other dead and wounded persons. It was understood that the massacre was made by Armenian and Assyrian gangs consisting of about 170 men. Turkish villagers had to withdraw to the

282 T h e ston e b u ild in g w h ic h w a s p re vio u sly u s e d a s a fa rm h o u s e is still in g o o d con dition w ith three ro o m s w ith its o p e n roof. 283 A b d u r r a h m a n B o z d a g ( b o r n in 1320 in T e p e b a g q u a rte r of A d a n a . In te rv ie w d a te :

M a rc h

mountains in mass in front of such events which were reported by Sinan Bey to Mustafa Kemal, president of the TBMM on June 13, 192029H.

23. 1993) sa id "M y b ro th e r's w ife Fadim e, h er siste r R aziye, their s o n s H a s a n a n d D u r a n w e re m a rty red . A s I w a s b e h in d the door, I w a s sa v e d b y G o d . M o th e rs w e re try in g to sto p b u llets b y u s in g their

h a n d s a s a sh ie ld . W e w ere in R a m a d a n ".

284 A h m e t R em zi Y iire g ir w h o w a s a n in tehgen ce p e r s o n n e l a n d ta sk e d b y M u s t a fa Kem al. is s u e d Yeni A d a n a n e w s p a p e r first in K ayseri, th en in N ig d c , m is p rin te d the d a te a s 22 Jun e 1336 in his m e m o rie s n a m e d "Q u k u ro v a in N a tio n a l S tru g g le ". See: Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ) A p ril 29 /3 0 , 1953,

287 T he cem etery at the e n tra n c e o f K iigiik D ikili village o f A d a n a w a s re -a rra n g e d a s a w a r grave. See: Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 1/4/5, 1953, p. 2. 288 K ozan w a s s u r r o u n d e d b y N a tio n a l Forces after a rm istice. A r m e n ia n s left the town w ith the s u p p o rt o f F ren c h forces b y b u r n in g so m e b u ild in g s a n d settled In A d a n a . K ozan w a s sav ed on J u n e 2, 1920. See: Tevfik Q oijkun, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n ,

p .38.

p. 2. 2H'> M u s t a fa , actin g c o m m a n d e r o f N ation al F orc es in Q u k u ro v a w h o sen t the telegram d ated

285 "W o m en a n d g irls w e re ra p e d in front o f their m e n a n d in front o f th eir p a re n ts. M ilk -s u c k ­ in g b a b ie s w e re s t u c k to the tip s o f ba yon e ts a n d w e re b e in g killed b y c u ttin g them in to pieces. T h e T u rk s w h o w e re sa v e d in in ju re d form from K a h y a o g lu F a rm w e re ta k e n to K a r a h a n first, (h e n via K a ra isa li - B e le m e d ik to Eregli. T h ere w e re h ea v ily in ju re d p eo p le a m o n g th ose taken to K a ra h a n . A n ice T u rk is h girl. 15-16 y e a rs o ld w h o w a s in a com a c rie d " m y chastity, m y c h astity" a n d th en d ie d ". See: Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), A p ril 2 9 / 3 0 1953,

M a y 1 / 4 / 5 , 1953.

D a m a r A rik o g lu , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 132 -1 3 3 . 286 A T A S E in d ex : 38.

(M ilit a ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) Arch ive fold er: 593. file: 5-139.



1920 w h ic h is

kept in A T A S E

(M ilitary H istory a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv ision )

arch ive, folder: 593, file: 5 5 -1 3 9 . index: 36 stale d ; "T h ose w h o w ere killed in K a h y ao glu F arm w ere 21 m en. G ro u p

18 w o m e n , 3 c h ild re n , total 42 a n d they w e re b u rle d in D ikill village. Q akit

C o m m a n d e r Rilat stated in Ills report to R egion al N a tio n a l F orces C o m m a n d on the

s a m e d a le that 27 m en. 12 w o m e n a n d 3 ch ild re n , total 42 p eo p le w ere m a rtyred . See K asim E n er. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 157, D a m a r A rik o g lu , sa m e p u b lic atio n , p. 132 that sla te d : "It w a s told that a s m a n y a s peo p le

w h o Tilled 60 c a rr ia g e s w ere killed, but in fact. 43

peo p le w e re d eterm in e d ." D o g a n Aveioglti, N atio n al in d e p e n d e n c e History, Ista n b u l 1974, V. 3. P 1283, sla te s: 42 p eo p le w ere killed, b e in g 18 w o m e n a n d 3 ch ild ren ."

The Turkish General Staff warned Sinan Bey to make preparations t o save Adana, Tarsus and Mersin, after the termination o f the 20 - day c e a s e - fire on May 31, 1920291. Bloodshed activities and cruelties committed b y Armenians who were spoilt by Frenchmen started to infuriate the people i n the region. The commander of Seyhan Group reported to Sinan Bey o n J u n e



e. The Tragedy of Camili As a result of the cruelty committed in and around Adana, by 5.000 armed Armenians who were brought by French occupiers from Kozan295, the Kara tribe left all their products and properties and took refuge in Abdioglu village in the South of Misis township, in order to save their lives.

" Cruelties committed by Armenians were never recorded, seen a n d heard throughout the history so far and neither these were seen and h e a r d by our grandfathers. These must be stopped. The Turks have lived i n honesty for six-hundred years and they will live in the same way now a n d in the future. The patience of the nation is about to be over as they see a n d hear such cruelties against their brothers every day and every night. S o m e Armenians under the French flag assaulted the chastity and lives of o u r brothers both in the cities and in the villages. Even they don’t hesitate t o rape 8 - 1 0 year old small minor girls. Our kins, more than one hundred, miserable and poor, took refuge i n our group within a few days. I can not stop the soldiers any more. I lo o k

The heat of June increased extremely and the incomers had to take shelter along the river296. 2 people were killed and 7 were wounded by the fire opened by aggressor Armenian gendarmes who attacked people in the gardens of Adana on Saturday, June 12, 1920. The wounded were taken to Karalar township. Major §emsettin Bey notified Dufieux in writing that it would not be possible to control the people in front of such events, that finally the armistice would be invalid and that the fights would start automatically297. According to the news obtained from French officers, it was learnt that they were waiting for Senegalese troops to arrive and that they intended tc punish very nicely the Turkish militia in the plain of Adana which would be

forward to your orders".

come naked after the harvest.

Most people in Adana region were not pleased with the armistice. Armenian cruelty did not stop. Therefore, both national forces and civilian people wanted to continue to fight and not to delay the liberation of th e homeland.

For this reason, France landed troops on iskenderun by three ships, к was seen that the force status of France improved day by day29». French forces were extremely surprised in Qukurova where they came

Mustafa Kemal protested the cruelty committed against Muslim people


great expectations,

in front o f the national



S ta ff

encountered. French forces bogged down in Qukurova due to their attempts

communicated also the same protest to French Commander Bremond in

of establishing a control over the region by means of pressure, threat and








Adana. It was noticed that the provisions of the armistice were violated by-

massacres applied on Turks by taking advantage of Armenians’ revengeful


feelings. Mustafa Kemal planned to throw French forces out of Qukurova by









that n o

responsibility for any consequences which might be arisen would b e accepted, in case that such tragedies are not stopped immediately294.

295 A b d u lg a n i G irici. a livin g w itn e s s o f the o c c u p a tio n state s in his m em ories: "F ren ch forces b ro u g h t 15.000 A r m e n ia n s from K o z an to A d a n a a n d o p p re s s io n s in crea se d w ith the c o m in g o f A r m e n ia n s from K ozan a n d c ru e l A rm e n ia n s c o n tin u e d to m a ssa c re T u r k s ” S ec : Y eni

291 A T A S E A rch ive , folder: 9 46 , file: 1-3, in dex: 181.

A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 28. 1977.

292 A T A S E

296 A T A S E (M ilitary H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv ision ) Archivc, folder: 593. file: 5 -1 3 9 ,

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, N o : 5 / 7 7 2 3 , cited fro m

file 228 , K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 158.

in d ex: 86.

293 H .T .V .D , , D e c e m b e r 1955, Issu e : 14, D o c u m e n t n o ; 372.

297 A T A S E

294 A T A S E in d ex: 48.

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S t u d ie s D iv is io n ) A rch iv e , fold er: 593, file: 5 -1 3 9 .

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 593. file: 5 -1 3 9 .

in dex: 40. 298 A T A S E

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d Strategic. S t u d ie s D iv ision ) A rch ive, folder: 593. file: 5 -1 3 9 .

index: 4 0 ,4 0 -1 ,4 0 -2 ; O g iid , J u n e 24, 1920.

squeezing them and through organizing the people by means of t h e commanders sent to the region.

French occupation

in the region was harmful also in respect of

economy. The fact that Qukurova where the herds of Af§ars on the border

The national resistance in Qukurova was com pletely a p eop le’ s

o f Kozan and other nomads sheltered in tlie winter was in the hands of

movement. Weapons and ammunition distributed during the departure o f

French forces and this would mean the death of this region and Kayseri,

the 2nd Army from the region were not sufficient and it was requ ested

Malatya and their surroundings economically303.

continuously from Nigde to support the regionzss.

Colonel Selahattin Bey, Army Corps Commander travelled the northern

While Armenians armed by French forces were committing cruelties i n

dwelling units o f the region between December 9-21, 1919 after the region

the region, it was almost impossible to win a victory by hunting shotguns

o f Mara§ was included in the area of the Illrd Army Corps and sent a report

and semi-functional old rifles inherited from anchestors. Armenian ga n g s

to the Ministry o f Defence about the effects of the occupation on the local

and gendarmes who committed massacres in the region were used b y


French forces for their objectives, by means of modern arms given t o Armenians. Mustafa Kemal told the followings about the subject, in a secret session of the TBMM300: "These two nations have against one another, especially Armenians h a v e

Some determinations in the detailed report by Colonel Selahattin Bey were listed as follows304: " All the trade and income of Kayseri, Pinarba§i, Giiriin, Darende and

against Turks, strong hostile feelings. Therefore, it is very wrong to u s e

Malatya and their surroundings are necessarily based on

Armenians against Muslim people. The purpose of the Armenians is t o

Adana and Mara§. In case that these provinces are occupied by a foreign

annihilate the Muslim people in Qukurova, Antep, Mara§, Urfa a n d

country, the people can not maintain their livings. These provinces

wherever available, especially after they are being protected and supported.

disappear and people become the slaves of the trade, prices and customs

Our poor brothers who live there have been subjected to very painful

prevailing in the region. As a result, the royalty of the people in the region to the government becomes only a formal royalty and people leave us

treatments." While the TBMM Government was trying to tranquilize the members o f the National Forces in order not to be the party which violated th e armistice, the massacre committed against Turks in and around Adana d id not stop301. The summer of 1920 had never been so long for the people in Qukurova.

spiritually. If the people consisted o f only Turks, the matter would not be so important. Some minorities considering their interests in these regions will, in case that they do not see an attempt by our government, try to maintain their interests and as a result, problems over problems will emerge. It is necessary that our government should give the required importance on such matters and on the other hand, the nation and the

The news o f massacre in Qamali and Giirculer villages in the east o f Adana on

the markets of

June 14, that people were killed in mass except 5 persons

affected the people in the city deeply for mourning302.

local people should be prepared for a life and death fight. In case that Frenchmen find our national organization in Adana, Mara§, Antep and Urfa indestructible and unshakeable, they will prefer to compromise in order not to be in trouble before the public opinion o f the world and they will be

299 A T A S E

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 593, file: 5 -1 3 9 .

satisfied only to obtain the interests of the minorities and to gain

in d ex : 8 6 -1 ,5 1 .

economic privileges. Whatever is required to be done in these regions

300 K asim O ztiirk , A t a tu rk 'iin T B M M A g ik ve G izli O t u r u m la r m d a k i K o n u § m a la r (Atati'irk's

should be clone before the peace."

O p e n a n d Secret S p e e c h e s in the S e ssio n o f G r a n d N a tio n a l A s s e m b ly o fT u r k e y ), V.I.. A n k a r a 1981, p. 143. 301 A g ik so z J u n e 2 1, 1920.

303 A T A S E

302 A T A S E

In dex: 159.

in d e x : 56.

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, fold er: 593, file: 5 -1 3 9 ,

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) Archive, folder: 87. file: 2 8 -9 7 .

304 T .i.T .E . A rc h iv e s D o c u m e n t. N o: 1 14/53453.

Frenchmen allowed the Armenians to commit every kind o f robbery and

running away heavily wounded Kara Ali from Dedepmar who was among

plunder305 in order to ensure the Turks to be dependent on them

those in the tent. Kara Ali died after a few days. Be§are, son of Havace


Fethullah forced Haci Mehmet, an employee in the farm, to convert to

Frenchmen tried to do their best for the local people not to harvest3^ .

Christianity. Haci Mehmet pretended to accept due to mortal fear. §evket

Another method used by Frenchmen in the region was to obtain fortified

and Basri, the other two employees in the farm did not accept conversion and were murdered by Be§are312.

positions enlarging from

downtown Adana towards


perim eter.

Frenchmen in Adana formed gangs from Armenians and showed them a s

Armenian - Assyrian bandits had acted gravely thinking that there were

Muslim gangs and then dispatched Armenians in French uniform as if th ey

many national force members around. Dedepmar villagers ran away to

would follow and catch them and thus, to enlarge the occupied territory

Camili upon their not being able resist to continuous assaults of them at the beginning of June313.

and to settle in the region. They occupied the area if it was empty, but th ey ran away if they found any resistance307.

On June


1920, Tuesday, armed bandits, mostly consisted of

Havace Fethullah Farm at Akarca site was located at a central

Armenians raided Dedepinari with a force o f 575 men, being aware of

position308. Frenchmen tried to apply their expansion policy through som e

National Forces’ absence in the region. Houses were put on fire, all o f the

Assyrians lived in this region.

animals were captured3^. Armenians assaulted Camili and Rifat Efendi

The owners o f the farm opened fire around the farm on April 28, 1920 Wednesday. 5 - 1 0

people with their cloths torn, told that the T u rks

raided their farms and wanted to kill them and thus, caused a French fo rce o f 500 men to gather here. Also Assyrians were distributed with a rm s together with Armenians309.

Farm where Dedepmar villagers had taken shelter. 8 villagers who fought together with Avni Qavu§ withdrew from the trench upon not being able to resist against heavy fire and Avni Qavu§ had to fight alone. Armenians threw bombs on Avni Qavu§ who defended himself then in a large cave. They could not achieve their aims although they burnt beds -

The 6 - man Armenian - Assyrian gang in the farm were known in th e

quilts in front o f the cave. Armenian bandits who could not hear from Avni

surroundings by their plunder and robbery. These were those plundered

Qavu§315 opened fire on the people who were escaping3

the house o f Gebenli Hasan, in Gemisura and the farm o f Gupelizade

Camili and entered the farm of Rifat Efendi easily. Mehmet Aga, who

Ahmet, in Karaoglanli310.

defended the farm had to withdraw to save his life. The bandits put on fire

and suppressed

several villagers arou n d

Camili and massacred all the people in the two villages on the bank and

ismailiye village ran away upon Avni Qavu§’s shooting that arrived fr o m

threw the bodies into the River o f Ceyhan passing through Abdiaga village.

The bandits who tried to rob nomads and

Camili villages и . The bandits who opened hit - or - miss when they w e re 312 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ) M a y 9. 1953. 30S D a m a r A rik o g lu the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 137 -139. зов A T A S E

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) Archive, fold er: 5 93 . file: 5 - 1 3 9 ,

114 K e m a l H i^ y a k m a z e r (D o rn in Au gust

in d e x : 51. 307 A T A S E

3>3 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 6.1 5 , 1953.


1944, F rom A d a n a 's D e d e p in a ri village. D a te o f Interview :

1992). H e co n firm ed the events b y sa y in g that lie learn ed (h e m a s s a c re s a n d

even ts from S e rg ea n t Avn i. (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, fold er: 87. file: 2 8 - 9 7 . •I14 A v n i g a v u ^ w h o faced to b e c o m e b lin d d u e to sm o k e a n d fire re ac h ed w ith d ifficulty to

in d ex : 103.

H in n cp li village. Sec: Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 20, 1953. 30« It's on M isis p a v e d ro a d a n d 7 -8 kilom eter a w a y from A d a n a . ■ш > § e v k i g ifg io g lu 309 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ) M a r c h 5. 1953. 310 Ye n j A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ) M a y 8, 1953. зч

A v n i Q a vu § (G iric i). b o r n in

1884, se rve d a s a so lid e r in A r a b ia , b ec a m e a n a r t i l l e r y

s e rg e a n t in Q a n a k k a le , d ie d in 1967.

(b o rn


1336 in D ed e p in a ri village o f A d a n a . In terv iew date: A u g u s t

15,1992) h a d a th orn left e a rlo b e from those d a y s c a u s e d b y A rm en ia n a n d A s sy ria n b u lle ts w h e n h e w a s a six -m o n th b a b y sta te d :-"M y fath e r A h m et, m y b ro th e r O m c r e sc a p e d , m y m o t h ­ er A y§e. m y siste rs D u r s u n e a n d M u n c w c r w e re killed. I h e a rd later on th at A r m e n ia n s killed a b o u t 100 T u rk s a n d th re w (h e b o d ie s info (h e C e y h a n r i v e r . 1'.

Assyrian Dilhun admitted the massacre upon claim and was executed b y French forces by shooting. The crowd who came to the bank o f the r i v e r

Total 95 people were massacred being 20 from Camili and 75 from Dedepinar who took refuge in Camili31'-1.

with a French officer, upon the persistence o f the people, saw many s w o lle n These are the sacrifices of the massacre whose identities could have

bodies of children, women and men from Abdioglu to Kapili. Bremond p u t around 70 Armenians and Assyrians in jail, upon the report given by h i s

been determined. Thus, the tragedy o f Camili was recorded by the history

officer. But the murderers were freed after a while317.

as a black spot320.

Qolak Be§are, son o f Havace Fethullah, Acar Agop, from Abdioglu v illa g e .

The massacre of Camili was condemned by giving a protest letter to

Karamunuk, Simityan Artin and his nephew Akbar, Stibyani Tado a n d

foreign diplomats, which was prepared by the signature of Husnu Efendi,

Ma§e, headman of village, Bebe and Kasap Qergi, from Ekizce h a d

acting mufti o f Adana, in the name o f 43 notables in Adana, on July 3,

commanded this group of murderers on horse back. Names and n u m b e rs

1920, Saturday321.

o f the martyrs from Camili village are as follows : f. Massacre o f Karakilise:

Fatma, Avni Qavu§’ s wife, their daughters Sendi, Hatice, their s o n s Cemil and Muhittin


Emine, Recep’s wife, uncle of Avni Qavu§, their daughters Leyla a n d Zeliha, Emine, married other daughter of Recep, her son

Armenians acted more freely by the obvious support of the French, day by day322. Manok §i§manyan, who gathered a group of bandits around him


declared the establishment of an Armenian Republic in Hasanbeyli323.

Avni and her daughters Rabia and Sidika


When National F'orces under Yoriik Selim started to control the region324,

Ay§e, married daughter of Recep, her daughter M unew er


and to squeeze Osmaniye, §i§manyan325 declared that he founded a

Zeynep, sister of Avni Qavu§, her son A§ir, his wife Ay§e


government in Adana on June 16; 1920326.

§aziye, Talip’s wife, her daughter Atike, her sister Fatma

3 Total: 2 0

319 Y cn i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), M a y 8, 1953. 320

Names and numbers o f the martyrs from Dedepinari village are a s


g a v u f j’s d a u g h t e r S a k in c Girici. b o rn in 1913. C a m ili. cited that h is father told him

th at 200 T u rk s w e re killed: "M y m other F atm a killed tw o A rm e n ia n s in the farm w h ile they w ere figh tin g her. T h en they sh ot m y m other w ith b u llets a n d im p aled h er w ith her 6 -7 m ou th

follows :

b a b y in h e r b ag,

Kara Halil 1; Kose’s wife, 3 children, his brother Ali and his mother i n

w h ic h

the stick cam e o u t from the h e a rt o f m y m other. M y n e p h e w A^ir

killed h is wife a n d h im s e lf for their ch asfily". S h e sta le d sh e lost 17 relatives In the t r a g e d y of

law : 6; mother and children of Mehmet Aga : 3; daughter o f Qergi Ahmet :

C am ili, S e c: M e s s a g e from A n a to lia n e w s p a p e r, J u n e 2 4 ,1 9 9 1 .

1; Acem Kadir, his wife and his brother in law : 3; Qolak Mustafa’ s w ife ,

321 Y cn i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 22. 1977.

his sister and his children318 : 4; Memili Aga, his daughter in - law and h is grandchildren : 5; Kara Teslime and her sons : 3 ; Memilioglu Ali, his w ife and his children : 5; Boz Halil, his wife and his son : 3; Gok Ibrahim, h is wife and his 6 children : 6 ; Haci ismail, his son - in - law and his wife : 3

322 H e w a s a C a u c a s ia n A r m e n ia n w h o w o rk e d in R u s s ia n a rm y a s a sm a ll - ra n k e d officer, in A r m e n ia n com m ittees e s ta b lis h e d d u rin g 1st W o rld W a r to m a s s a c re T u rk s. See: Ycni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 23,


323 Is a sm a ll tow n b e tw ee n O s m a n iy e an d B a ile e. 324 A T A S K

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch ive, folder: 5 5 9 3 . file: 5 -1 3 9 .

; Yirik Ism ail's wife and two children : 3 ; Molla Mehmet and his wife A tik e

index: 4 0 -2 , a telegram sen t b y M a jo r Sjcmsctttn Hey to G e n e r a l S ta ff on J u n e 12-13. 1920.

: 2; Findik Mehmet’ s wife and his step child : 2; number o f people killed

32!> It is seen that Slsm ian yan d e c la re d a g o v e rn m e n t in H a s a n b e y li befo re d u n e Hi. B e c a u s e ,

other than those 49 were 26.

Y oriik Scltm w h o con trolle d a ls o Ila r u n ly e e n g a g e d the e n e in v in O sm a n iy e a n d c a u s e d the e n e m y to lose a b o u t

3 00 . Sec: A T A S K

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d

Strategic S tu d ie s

D iv ision )

A rch ive, folder: 593 . file: 5 -1 3 9 , Index: 33. 317 F o r detailed in fo rm a tio n , S e e : Y e n l A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), M a y 5 -2 1 . 2 8 ,1 9 7 7 .


D ecem ber

32(1 A T A S K

(M ilitary H isto ry a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D iv ision ) A rch ive, 1-4 282, lolder: 59(>. file:

( 3 2 8 - A )- 14 7 -A : Y cni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 21, 1977.

The churchyard of the Biiyiik Kilise was dug to make a deep cemetery Armenians, who took advantage of the tolerant behaviour of the occupier forces







where 2.000 bodies could be buried. The bodies o f those who were not


deemed necessary to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse were stubbed

organization in the city. The purpose of §i§manyan who used the old

and thrown into this pit330. Most were shot or killed by hammer strikes at

Armenian church as a center, where now the Central Bank is located, was

the head, or thrown into the pit before dying and they died in the pit by

to terminate the Turkish existence in Qukurova327.


The Armenians who were encouraged by the existence of the so - called

Iranian Consul A saf Han and Spanish Acting Consul M. Ketenyan, who

Armenian government which asserted to solve Turkish - Armenian cases,

went to the church upon the complaints by the people, also witnessed the

started to claim by alleging false credits and that they deposited properties,


animals and money with the Turks when they were moved during mobilization. Money were taken from Turks against whom cases were brought forward and then they were annihilated together with the Turks who had not money, after being taken to the church328. The



by Frenchmen

and Arm enians

development o f the national resistance in Adana front,



reached an

unbearable violence level. Adana was smelling blood from one end to other. Turkish







by force



slaughterhouses and slaughtered cruelly. The Turks who neighboured Armenian quarters left their houses and had to move around


government hall and withdraw to the bank o f the river. It was impossible to pass across the other side o f Ulucami, Saat Kulesi, Kale Kapisi. Migration from the city slowly started. The Armenian church headed to massacre the Turks with torture.

The Armenian church was like a slaughterhouse, a place o f death. The Turks who were caught in desolate places were taken by force to the church and killed under torture by Armenians333. There were unidentified names among the victims along with those sacrifices whose names could not be forgotten in the bloody massacre in the church.

Mehmet Efendi, Imam o f Tahtali Mosque and his son

mechanic Kadri were caught by §i§manyan’s policemen and gendarmes and taken to the church while being beaten and beaten with whip with Imam’s turban wound around his neck, through the market. They were martyred with cutting their legs and arms separately at the square in the west of the protestant church, after they were tortured cruelly. Mustafa Efendi, head o f Eski Hamam quarter was martyred tragically in the church where he was taken after he was caught in his quarter. Nalbant Usta Halil from Nacaran quarter was taken to §i§manyan’s headquarters while he was

The Turks who were caught at streets were cut into pieces in the church, and hung on hooks without regarding whether if they were children, women, girls, young or old. Turkish children who hooked in cries were cut

330 H ayri A y d in (b o rn in 1944 A d a n a . In te rw ie w date: A u g u s t 19, 1993): "The c o rn e r o f the p re ­ sen t C e n tra l B a n k w a s the form er A s ri B a k e ry . T h e b a c k o f the b a k e r y w a s ru in . I w atch ed

into pieces by choppers. Armenians competed among themselves in such

w ith m y o w n e yes the re m o v a l o f the r u in s b y w o r k m a c h in e s w h e n I w a s g o in g to ГсрсЬаД


s e c o n d a ry s c h o o l in A d a n a together w ith p eop le a r o u n d . A s w o rk m a c h in e s re m ov e d ru b b ish , sk u lls a n d sk e le to n s c a m e out. In fact, th ey p iled th em up." 331 Y u s u f A y h a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 30; S iile y m a n C ln (b o rn In 1938, E lb is ta n d istric t o f K .M a ra § . In terview date: A u g u s t 17, 1993): "1 w o r k in A d a n a B r a n c h o f Г.С.

327 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ) M a y 23. 1953. 328 A fte r A d a n a w a s s a v e d from o c c u p iers, h u n d r e d s o f T u rk is h b o d ie s w e re fo u n d in the s h e l­ ters u n d e r this c h u r c h . See: Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 30, 1977; D e c e m b e r 2 1 ,1 9 7 8 ; A ls o M a h m u t A y d m o g lu told; "T h e p lac e w h e re the cen tral b a n k is located n o w w e re a " s la u g h ­ te rh o u s e "

w h e re


T u rk s

in A d a n a g a th e re d


th eir h e a d s w e re


b y c h o p p e rs .

C en tra l B a n k . T h is w a s a c h u r c h on ce, th en a c in e m a a n d later a g a ra g e . It w a s b o u g h t by the C en tra l B a n k in 1967. I s a w m y s e lf h u m a n b o n e s c a m e out d u r in g e x ca v atio n s. If o n ly we h ad sh o t a p ho to. A n o ld m a n told m e th at the T u rk s w h o w e re se llin g coo k ies a r o u n d w ere taken in the c h u r c h b y v a rio u s tricks a n d sla u g h te re d b y A rm e n ia n s a n d he h im se lf w a s saved from

E v e ry b o d y h e a rd w h a t h a p p e n e d h ere. W a lls w e re full o f tra c e s o f b lo o d w h e n w e c a m e here

s u c h a m a s s a c r e b y c h a n c c ."

after sa lv atio n . T h e h a r d e n e d b lo o d on the floor w a s a b o u t 2 cm thick. I s a w m a n y sk u lls ,

332 y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y

a rm s, le g s a n d o th e r b o n e s th at w e re taken o u t fro m th e re .”

333 D a m a r A r ik o g lu the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 134.

329 Y u s u f A y h a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n p. 29.



passing by Tarsus Kapisi and was killed by hitting his head with a ham m er

Mayor Hafiz Mahmud, met with Damadian and especially with his wife

o f shoeing-smith. Also, Arabaci Hasan from Kasap Bekir quarter did n ot

frequently and it was seen that they had drinks in meetings and they had

come back to his house from this place where he was taken334.

entertainment together310.

Some Turks were caught by Armenians saying th a t" §i§manyan want to

Those who suffered Armenian cruelty, vised to tell about their problems

see you " and then taken to the lake near Mihmandar Koyii and thrown into

to A saf Han, who was a merciful Muslim3'11. Sometimes, raped young girls

the lake in dead335 position.

with blood flowing along their legs and whose chastity was lost, cried and

The annihilation operations of the Turks by Armenians went on with various events. French forces gathered the raftmen336, timber merchants and their animals in the city and when they took action against National Forces on

May 1, 1920 , lack of fire - wood was seen in the city. Naive

asked help in front of A saf Han’s door. Acting governor Abdurrahman Efendi had become to close his eyes to the Armenian cruelty. Notables in Adana protested this unbearable situation by giving notes in writing to the governor’s office, American and French control officials, Iranian and Spanish consulates342.

villagers who brought wood to the city were taken to desolate places and On July 4, 1920 Sunday, many oppressed and tortured Turks and a

killed by Armenians, who were dressed as if they were buyers337.

father who took his raped young girl into his arms gathered in the house of Armenian bandits violently murdered338 a Turkish group who consisted

.Asaf Han. Asaf Han, upon request o f the people, called the Acting Governor

o f cradled babies, young and old people, full of 7 horse - carts around

Abdurrahman Efendi by telephone asking him to come to the consulate.

Badras villagee339.

Those people who saw Abdurrahman Efendi while he was coming, wanted

There was a separate Armenian revenge gang under the commiteeman

to assault him by anger. They shouted : "You cause Armenian monsters to

Doctor Damadian who was not from Adana. Although Damadian had his

slaughter people by undertaking a task which you wouldn’t overcome! If

gang to commit a lot o f cruel actions, most o f the times he dealt with the

you can not do your job, leave your position to a qualified one!" The Acting

political matters of Armenians. His college - graduate, beautiful, cunning

Governor left quickly and saved from being lynched343. Same day, Asaf Han,

and music - lover wife who attracted French officers was assisting him.

in the meeting held in the Governor’s Office, told Bremond who wanted to

This woman, who made friends with Madam Bremond was talking with

drive him away with the representatives from quarters

Bremond in relation to the wishes of the committee. It was known that

Bremond, thank you for your politeness. You blackened the name of the

: "Monsieur

three - color French flag which insured freedom and kindness to the whole humanity, only by causing and watching the cruelty, tragedy and the 334 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 25, 1953; K a sim E n c r, the ab ov e m e n tio n e d p u b lication , 173; Y u s u f A y h a n , th e a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,


barbarism so far in Adana " and protested what were done to Turks344.

p .3 1 .

The events which infuriated people in Adana and Asaf Han were not only

335 A h m e t T u r a n S a y la n . a w itn e s s of Incirlik even t cited w h a t C u m a AH A g a from B u r iic e k Y a y la s i h a d told.

limited to such events. Frenchmen forced the Turks in the villages in the

336 T h o s e w h o p ro v id e c ro s s in g over the R iver o f S e y h an .

plain to move away by having them oppressed. The branches of gangs

337 A h m e t T u r a n S a y la n : "1 w a s c a rry in g w o o d to a n A r m e n ia n w h o m I th o u g h t w a s a M u s lim .

formed by Frenchmen from Assyrians and Armenians set on fire the farms

A n o t h e r w o o d m a n w a s be ate n b e c a u se he sa id : "Let m e b e a n u n b e lie v e r if it d o c s not c o st m o r e th a n 150 p ia stre s". 1 s a w a T u rk ish w o m a n d is c h a rg in g w oo d in fron t of a n A r m e n ia n v illa. I d on 't k n o w w h a t h a p p e n e d to her. A n A r m e n ia n lo o k m e to a p la c c o u t o f the tow n. I

:h o

Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), M a y 25. 1953.

n e v e r forget. I h e a r d a sp ritu a l voice from m y righ t side s a y in g "run, ru n " a n d I ra n to save m y 341 p e o p le n ever told a b o u t the o p p re s s io n s c o m itlc d b y A rm e n ia n s . Patient a n d b rav e p eop le life.

o f Q u k u r o v a lei the e v en ts b e forgotten by time.

338 K a m b e r T u m u lu s site b e tw e e n Y e n ic e -T a rsu s .

342 Y eni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J u n e 6, 1953.

339 M ith a t Y ilm a z (b o r n in 1932. C ey h an . In terview date: A u g u s t 15, 1992): Cited the e v e n ts fro m V a k k a s

r e s id in g at H a n c d a n q u a rte r w h o e x p e rie n c e d

Q iftg iog lu a ls o (o ld a n d c o n firm ed the s a m e story.

the e v e n ts p erson a lly . Sjcvkl

:l'13 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J u n e 8. 1953. 344 (Y en i A d a n a ) N e w A d a n a . J u n e 9 1953.

in Yuregir villages and murdered people. Some villagers from Yuregir p l a i n took refuge in Adana from this oppression on July 2,1920. G o v e r n m e n t Square was full of such crowds. Meanwhile, the news that M ihm andaJ"

They totally undressed my father and took him to a pit. An Armenian, named Islepan, who was an employee in A^ikyan Factory took out a 60 cm

village was raided and 99 Turks were killed made the local p e o p l e

dagger and stuck it into my father's liver at his right side. The murderer


was angry with my father's confession of faith and cursed at our prophet.

On the other hand, Frenchmen executed people by shooting them i n

He struck the right side o f my father's neck with the same dagger this time.

Kumluk and Haciali Tekkesi, without asking anything and w it h o u t

My father's head leaned over his chest. He was martyred31”". "You see

allowing them to make their statements. Colonel Normand had 22 T u r k s

your father’s situation. We will kill you if you do not give us money " they

executed by shooting them even without blindfolds in Kumluk, on the b a n k

told. I accepted what they said as I understood that they would kill me too.

o f Seyhan River and this execution was made to be carried out b y

I took them to the farm and showed them the place where we buried the


money. They took 217 gold money and cash of 630 liras and took me to

The colonial mentality of the French in Qukurova continued w ith o u t decreasing. The son of Vanlizade Ahmet Necmettin Efendi, one of the r i c h

Agop. I learnt that they had killed my nephew Tahsin under torture and thrown into a well in Ta§gi village. Meanwhile, they brought an Afghan who

farmers in Adana, was arrested three times due to so-to-say reasons a n d

was the farm guard of Pamukguzadeler from Yalnizca village, Kahya and

was freed in return for money for punishment and bribe to French o fficers.

another Turk whose name was not known by me, Sagir Seyda, Berberin Mahmut, Mahmut’s sister, his son, all from Zaarli village, Deli Kerim,

They also asked 10.000 Liras from Agazade Huseyin, one o f the r i c h farmers and merchants and he was arrested because he did not give t h e money. Vanlizade family went to their farm in Mamikiillti village, tired o f oppression and robbery in Adana, but they were oppressed again b y Armenian bandits on July 16, 1920. Vanlizade Nihat told about t h e folowing developments as below :

Biticinin Emine Abla, Gok Mehmet's wife, Emine, Veysel’s did not know themselves or their names to §ahinaga Kilise village. 8 of those Turks were cut into pieces as if slaughtering sheep in a horrible way and their bodies were thrown into a well in the village in front of me. I understood from their boastful talks later on that they took other villagers to Arpeci site where they committed the major massacre and killed them by cutting into pieces

" They seized all our properties prepared by us including our beds a n d loaded them on carriages. They took my father, myself and my n ep h ew

and threw their bodies there. The blood stains are still present on the rocks where they cut the heads of the Turks by axes, in Arpeci site349.

Tahsin together with our animals to §ahinaga Church village. This was a sample o f the Last Judgement. This place was full o f thousands o f Armenians who were armed from head to foot. They took us before Kireggi Agop, from chief bandit under thousands of insults and curses. They asked money from us, although they seized 17 golds and 637 liras already.

Vanlizade Nihat, who was wanted to be burnt by pouring kerosene on him escaped from the Armenian headquarters by finding an opportunity350. The villagers he encountered on the road brought him on horse-back to Kiziltahta and then to Kesmeburun. But, the occupiers did not also leave

Kalusyan, Bizdikyan and Kasparyan, the rich Armenian merchants o f

those even there in peace. One early morning Kesmeburun was shot by


machine guns. Many people including children were killed351.



laughing noisily while

they were



ruthlessly347. 34H D a m a r A rik o g lu . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 134 -1 3 9 ; A lp er (la/.tgiray. the ab ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 3 0 -2 3 1 ; Y eni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 30. 1953. 345 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 171. 34u Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J u n e 1. 1953. 346 D a m a r A r ik o g lu the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 134. 350 Y en i

A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J u n e 2 -3 . 1953.

347 T h e o w n e r o f th e la n d a n d the farm in K a h y a o g lu w h e re T u rk s w e re m a s s a c re d . 351 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J u n e 4. 1953.

g. The event of Kag - Kag (Run-Run)

The Turks who reached the gardens out of the city in a bad situation

Turkish people who were afraid o f the terror o f the oppressions

were greatly helped bv $evh Cemil. People also liked, respected him and did

committed at streets even in the day time could not go to their gardens and

their bests for him. People were taken to rear positions by National Forces

wineyards near the city352. Frenchmen and Armenians spread rumours of

as French forces moved alleging that there were Turkish gangs in the

massacre and mortal fear353. People who heard Armenian massacres were

gardens. Migrant Turks wen- placed around Belemedik, Pozantt, Karaisah,

too much stressed. It was more honourable to take part in the National

Uluki§la, Konya, Eregli, Bar and Nigde.

Forces and die as a solider than to live like a slave. Because, "All the Muslims in Adana were under the threat o f Armenians

that were armed

from head to foot and they were subjected to massacre under the bayonets

The people of the city did not escape only to save their lives. But they escaped to take part in National Forces and to fight against the occupiers in Adana3r>!<.

every minute. Such oppression and annihilation policy applied to the

After the Kag - Kag event in Adana, three fourths o f the people in the city

Muslims who wanted only to protect their lives and independence brought

escaped. Armenian §i§manyan Government and other rebels applied

new pains day by day354.

officially to the French General Governor saying: " There are no Turks left

Frenchmen and Armenian commiteemen applied a fake trick on July 9, 1920.

in Adana now. Fulfil your promise. We will establish the Cilician Christian Republic.300 "

They placed Algerian and Tunisian Muslim guards in the gardens in the

Meanwhile, National Forces started to propagate a rumour that French

south in order to ease the Muslim people’s leaving Adana355. In the

forces would leave Qukurova361. Upon this, Dr. Mihran Damadian, the

morning of July 10, Turks started to flow towards the garden in the south

leader of the Armenians, communicated with Dr. Malezian, the chief

with small packages in their hands, as Turkish quarters were opened fire

delegate of the Armenian committee in Beirut. The response received was not satisfactory.

by bombs rifles and machine guns for two hours356. Women who made houseworks, children, juniors, old people started to escape without taking even their cloths. Painful cries o f the babies who lost their mothers and cries of parents who lost their children were heard357. This tragic great migration event where people in Adana left their homeland, and where parents and children lost one another was called "Kag - Kag" (Run - Run) during the occupation period. French airplanes dropped bombs and sharp nails over Turkish groups,

Veradzine, the editor in chief of the Armenian newspaper Kilikya, who was aware o f the developments, settled in Abdioglu village with his supporters and declared " the Republic o f Cilicia - Mesopotamia " under French mandate, within the territory surrounded by the railroad in North, by Ceyhan and Seyhan rivers respectively


in the East and in the

West. Upon such event, Frenchmen deported Veradzine under military measures302. After this event, all the Christian delegates disseminated a declaration

causing many deaths and casualties from early in the morning until noon

stating that they founded the Republic o f Cilicia.

on July 10358.

made a devilish coup d'etat at 10 AM on August 5, 19203(i3.

Dr. MihranDamadian

352 H .T .V .D . S e p te m b e r 1956, Issue: 17, D o c u m e n t N o: 429.

зг’9 Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 2 7 -2 8 . I 953. Y u s u f A y h a n the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lication ,

353 D a m a r A r ik o g lu , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 162.

p. 57-58.

354 K em al A ta tiirk , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , V .I. p. 382.

:,(>o Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 31, 1977: D e c e m b e r 22. 1978.

355 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

3,11 A .R em zi Y iireg ir, A b d u lg a z l G irici, M eh m ct F uat D ib la n . Iliiseytn a n d M u s t a fa Poltsct p r o ­

p. 174.

356 Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). M a y 26, 1953; K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p ublication

vided .secret c o m m u n ic a tio n s b e lw e e n A d a n a a n d Po/.anti. The c h ie f o f the intelligence o r g a n ­

p. 174.

isation w a s A h m et R em zl (Y iiregir), the o w n e r o f Yeni A d a n a n e w s p a p e r.

357 Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), M ay 27, 1953.

3(i2 Pau l d u V c o u . La P a s s io n dc la C illclc 1 9 1 9-192 2. Paris 1937. p. 203 a n d c o n tin u an c e.

358 D a m a r A r ik o g lu the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 1953.

:шз The room o f the p re se n t N ation al E d u c a tio n D ircctorc.

He came to the government hall with Armenian chiefs, and declared

In spite o f the tension in between the Frenchmen and the Armenians,

himself as the Prime Minister o f the temporary government and settled in

cruelty against Turks did not decrease, because their interests joined at certain points. Armenian bandits taking advantage of French existence,

the Armenians applaused this action o f Damadian Government Hall w ith

continued to commit unimaginable and disgraceful cruelties against undefended civilian people.

his cabinet364. Bremond first notified French General Gouraud in Beirut and Paris

Selahattin Efendi, the maehinegun officer and instructor, who was

upon this sudden development365. Bremond then had the communication

captured in Kurttepe, was killed by cutting his head and exhibited in Adana

lines cut to the Government Hall and sent Lieutenant Perrien, his secretary,

on August 16, 1920. Some of the Turks who were taken as prisoners in

to Damadian to want him to leave the Government Hall. Damadian replied

Yenice and who could not walk anymore were executed by shooting371.

that he could not leave there without consulting with Armenian people. Then French soldiers from hunting unit were sent and Damadian and h is

Such events were followed by other tragedies in November and December. The villages o f Karafaki, Kiirtmusa, Dadali, Kavakh. Bayramh,


Yenikoy, Ula§, Ku§guta§i, Kirinlar, Karadirlik, Sucular, Melemez, Nacarli,

were driven out. Then, French forces dispersed Armenians who

made demonstrations and provided security366. General Dufieux declared

Dedeler, Kolemusali, Timuraga and the farm o f Hakki Bey were set on fire.

mariial law in the city and told " to the people of Adana that: He would not

French forces, who occupied Pekmezci and §ahinaga villages carried all the

allow those people who know nothing but plundering and he would not

provisions of the two villages to Adana. The farm of Haci Ali Efendi around

allow those people to disturb the city.307" Thus, with the intervention o f Bremond, those adventurers were deported to other cities under French occupation. The life o f the so-called Armenian Government lasted only two

Kiirkgiiler and Denizkuyusu village were raided and all the cattle in the farm were taken to Adana and the village was completely destroyed. French forces seized the cattle grazed by Yusuf from Antakya, the servant of ibrahimoglu Ali, in §akirpa§a grassland and killed also shepherd

hours and five minutes368.


The fact that Armenians attempted to found a state was opposite to the

French forces established garrisons each o f which consisted o f 100 men

colonial concept o f France and they were disappointed by such an

detachments in innepli and Sakizh villages, in order to expand their

Armenian attempt. Frenchmen could not allow such a freedom without

occupation area. A Turkish woman in Badras village was raped in front of

their advantage369.

her husband. A 14 year-old girl was raped and killed by bayonets in

France stopped helping Armenians due to such an attempt to found a state. Damadian and Armenian chief priest, announced a common declaration, and they stated that they would not do their missions unless

Kerimler village. A Turkish mother was thrown into fire in Ula§ village. 8 young men in Qildirim village, and 6 young men in Kilise village were martyred by cutting them into pieces373. h. Massacre in Oven

support is provided370.

" The method o f salyane " (yearly tax) was being applied at the beginning o f 19th century in Adana province. Those who would collect salyane were C o n c e r n in g

determined at auctions and they were generally required to have a banker

In d e p e n d e n c e w a r , tra n s . b y C e m a l K o p riilu , T.T.K . (T u rk is h H isto ry In stitu tio n ) P rin tin g

guarantor. In a way, the income o f the province was based on the gold held

364 P a u l



sp ,


2 05 ;

G o tth a rd

Jaesch ke,

B r itis h

H o u se , A n k a r a 1991, p. 47. 365 Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J a n u a ry 2, 1977.

D o c u m en ts

in the safes o f Greek and Armenian bankers. Turcoman chiefs in the region let Armenian officials to collect taxes. This factor caused Christian people

366 P a u l D u V e o u , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 205. 367 G o tth a rd J a e s c h k e , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .47. 368 Y eni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), J u n e 18, 1953: J a n u a r y 2, 1977.

371 T .B .M .M . Secrct S e s s io n M in u te s, V. 1. T M M M P rin tin g H o u se . A n k a r a 1980. [> 3 4 3 .

369 G o tth a rd J a e s c h k e , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .47.

372 Y u s u f A y h a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n ,

P. 121

7:< Y u s u f A y h a n . th e a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

P. 122

370 P a u l d u V e o u . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .360.

who were in a governed position to be in a better economic situation

region380". Armenians in the region acquired farms in return for the lent

compared with Muslim villagers. The operation of the economic system

money to Turkish farmers, in the direction of French suggestions during

enabled Armenian bankers to become richer and richer371.

19th century381.. Those Armenians who dealt as tinsmiths, blacksmiths,

Especially Frenchmen had historical relations with Armenians in

shoe - making and similar small businesses, in Saimbeyli located in a

(Qukurova. Close relations started during the Crusades were changed into

narrow valley spread out toward Magara Ovasi. They acquired a lot of lands

relativenesses and Armenians in Qukurova were governed for a while by

by indebting Turkish villagers. Qobanyan formed a farm in Pinarlar village

French origin princes. The policy based on economic and political interests

of Tufanbeyli, Mikail Nalbantyan from Kozan purchased a farm near (In­

also caused other great powers to be interested in the region.

road of Adana - Kozan. What Nalbantyan did, who gathered 200 Armenians

After a long period under the tolerance of the Turks, an idea o f independence was created in Armenians in Qukurova by the policies

by constructing a farm, was in fact a greater event than obtaining a military garrison382.

mentioned above. However, conditions were not convenient and therefore,

Armenians in Qukurova, acting together with French capital groups

during the time o f Napoleon III, Frenchmen proposed Armenians in

purchased broad agricultural lands between Kozan - Kadirli - Ceyhanli and

Saimbeyli375 and Stileymanli376 " to lend money to Turks and to receive their properties in return for their debts, to increase their population in order to enhance their possibilities377. " Some reach Armenians came to Qukurova and purchased farms in 1860’s378.

tried to enlarge their economic influence areas against Turks. However, Hazim Efendi from Kars383, when he was a government official, in Kozan. knew the real purposes of Armenians and foreign capital groups in purchasing lands and sent a 6 - page report petition to Abdulhamit II on

Two British priests were sent to Qukurova in 1892 and established close

March 30, 1906.

relations with Armenians and started to work under Armenian Katagikos in Hazim Efendi wanted the Ottoman State to take part in the purchase of

Kozan in order to provoke them. British priests

suggested Armenians"

to possess

state -


lands by means of court orders and to acquire lands by opposing the policy



im m igrants379







land in Mercimek region384 and to purchase this land at any cost. Abdulhamit II tasked an Ottoman citizen named Enver to purchase the farm of Mercimek and a land o f 97.000 donum = 91.180 km_ was purchased in the auctions by the state in conformity with the will of the Sultan385.

374 A rm e n ia n B izd ik o g lu the ow n er o f large farm , received, 3 3 .6 5 0 . P ia stre s fro m p rovincial b u d g e t in re tu rn for h is e x p e n se s in 1826, b u t p a id o n ly 5 .0 0 0 P ia ste rs a s tax. See: C e z m i Y u rtsc v er, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .1 4 2 -1 4 5 .

Frenchmen, who obtained the operation of the mines in the region previously succeeded to obtain the right to hire the farm o f Mercimek for 75

375 O u r d istric t w h o se fo rm e r n am e w a s H agin. 37e O u r district w h o s e fo rm e r n am e w a s Z ey tu n .

380 Cited from

p rim e M in is tr y A rch iv e , Y ild iz M u h tclife file. In tern a l No: 3 2 6 3

S u le y m a n

377 M u s t a fa O n a r , U n b e lie v e r o f the C ro s s in In d e p e n d e n c e W a r. Is t a n b u l 1975, p . 30.

H a tip o glu N a t io n a l S tru g g le in M id d T a u r u s P a s s a g e s , T .I.T .E ., U n p u b lis h e d D o c to ra te T h esis.

378 R ev o lu tio n s of.... A r m e n ia n C om m ittes, p .33.

A n k a r a 1991, p .8.

379 P izzan i , c h ie f tra n s la to r o f B ritish C o n s u la te in Is t a n b u l a n d a n im p o rta n t intelligence

381 K asim E n e r, A d a n a T a rlh in e ve T a rin n n a D a ir A ra ijtirm a la r R e s o a re h s C o n c e rn in g A d a n a 's

agen t, sa id : " If yo u give a n a s s u ra n c e , w e se n d K o z a n o g lu to the b a ttle ”. R e§ id P a sh a, w h o

H isto ry a n d A g ric u ltu re . M .E . P rin tin g H o u s e . Is t a n b u l 1978, p. 19.

w a s a fra id o f th is re fu s e d the British p ro p o s a l s a y in g : " If K a z a n g o e s on th is w ay. foreign h a n d s m a y c o n tro l it a n d K a z a n m a y b e c o m e a n a u to n o m o u s g o v e rn m e n t. W e h a v e to con trol

382 M u s ta fa O n a r , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 31.

383 K a rs is the o ld n a m e o f K adirli.

K a z a n in the fu tu re , " O tto m a n State e n s u re d the rio ts o f Z e y tu n lu la r o f c c a sc b y se n d in g th e a rm y o f " F ir k a - i Isla h iy e 11 to Q u k u ro v a u n d e r the c o m m a n d o f C c v d e t P a s h a in 1865. in o rd e r to im p ro v e Z e y tu n w h ic h w a s in rebellio n to geth er w ith K o z a n for se v e ra l years in Q u k u ro v a a n d w h ic h the F re n c h E m p e ro r w a s in te reste d in a n d the trib e s to settle in the p la in

384 C u ltiv a tio n a n d a g r ic u lt u r a l e x p e rim e n ts arc c o n d u c te d in so m e p art o f the farm w h ich b e lo n g s

to the G e n e r a l

D ire cto ra te o f A g ric u ltu r a l

B u s in e s s

E n te rp ris e s

u n d e r T u rk ish -

J a p a n e s e p a r tn e rs h ip , c o n s id e rin g the g re a t d e m a n d for a g ric u ltu ra l p ro d u c ts in 2 0 0 0 's.

a d n to stop the re b e llio n o f the people o f Z ey tu n . S ee : A h m e t C cv d e t P a s h a . M a r u z a t, Is t a n b u l

385 C ezm i Y u rts e v e r, K a d irli T a rih i ( H isto ry o f K adirli ), A lp c ren P u b lic a tio n s. Is t a n b u l 19 8 1,

1980, p. 1 1 3 -1 3 0 .

p. 108-109.

years in 19133H(i through their companies. As the government understood their mistake, French settlement was prevented by provoking the villagers around™7.

Armenians in (,'ukurova concentrated their efforts in Adana and Dortvol which arc close to coast under the provocation of western states and in the organization

Caucasian - origin Armenians in order to provide the

Kozan played a historical role for long years as a religious center of the

intervention oi foreign states alter the declaration of the 2,Kl Constitution.

Armenians. The Armenian Katagikos resided in the historical monastery at

Great - scale events did not happen in Kozan, because the Armenians in

the slopes of Kozan Castle had died when the Army of Reform came here in

the region gathered in these centers.

1865. Nigokos, from Ajapahian family was the acting Katagikos in lieu o f

The fact that France brought her forces formed from Armenians to

him. Cevdet Pasha wanted the Kozan Katagikos to hold the political and

provinces and districts in order to apply her colonial policy in Qukurova

religious leadership of the Armenian world in order to prevent the

caused massacre and robbery events in Kozan to increase to the top.

Armenians lived within the Ottoman border from being divided by foreign influence.

Major Taillardat, who came to Kozan as a military administrator on March 7, 1919 was given a duty to drive the Turks out o f the region

It was intended to construct a road between Kozan and Adana in order

between Saimbeyli and Kozan, and to unite these two centers391, and to

to increase the influence of the monastery, to provide security for

realize the French expansion towards Develi and Kayseri392. Frenchmen

Armenians who would come to Kozan from Istanbul, to obtain sufficient

was investigating Develi by their agent Cezmi, from Feke393. Cezmi had

government assistance for repair, to open credits to Armenian bankers and

strong agents in Develi. Cezmi used to talk with captain Ali Saip, Gendarme

merchants and thus to strengthen the position of the Armenians of Kozan.

Commander in Kozan without any mediator394.

Cevdet Pasha gave the title deed o f the land around the monastery to the monastery and also sent a letter to Istanbul to enable Nigokos Efendi’s position to be approved as a Katagikos388. However, Russia wanted to attract the attention o f all the Armenians to Ecmiyadzin church located in her territory. Russia prevented Nigokos

The following words Taillardat said to those people who met him in the governor's office on the first day he came to Kozan were lies : " I came to your country with the decision of the Entente Powers. I will treat all of you, whethen Muslim or Christian equally and justly without discrimination o f race and religion395. " Taillardat was the person who

Efendi from being elected as Katagikos in the meeting of istanbul Armenian Community by influencing Istanbul Patriarch indirectly. Nigokos Efendi did not recognize the resolution, gathered the bishops of the Kozan Church, took out the holly deposits, oiled himself with the holy oil389 and occupied t the seat o f Katagikos. The struggle of management between Kozan and Egmiyadzin Churches had shown changes depending on the effects o f foreign states in spite o f Cevdet Pasha’s efforts390.

391 D e d e A k ^ a h ( b o r n in 1909, Q u k u r k o p r u -A d a n a . In terv iew date:

d id not teach their p r o f e s s i o n s to T u rk s a n d they b o u g h t a lot o f la n d . M y fa th e r a n d other e ld e r people told that A r m e n ia n s w o u ld a p p ly to the A s so c ia tio n o f the N a tio n s in a p ro p e r time to claim a right, b y s h o w in g let’s sa y 140 d o n u m s o f la n d a s 100 d o n iim s th ro u g h ! b rib e o f other w ays. A r m e n ia n s in K ozan h ad large la n d s a n d

fa rm s su c h

a s N a lb a n lo g lu

F arm .

A zcry an lar F arm . C irc io g lu F arm ". 392

3«fi E n vcr K artek in , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic atio n , p 144.

S e p te m b e r 26, 1993) "W e'

ve been getting a lo n g w ell w ith A r m e n ia n s u n til o c c u p a tio n d ay s a n d th ey w e re w e alth y . T h ey

O sm an

T u fa n ,

K tllkya


M u lh a k a tm m K u rtu h iij H a tira la ri

B o lg e s in d e

M iylli

M arcik ctler


K ozan



( N atio n al M o v e m en ts in E a stern C ilicia a n d S a lv atio n o f

K azan a n d its S u r r o u n d in g s ). B a h a r Print H o u s e ( u n k n o w n ). 1964, p . 42. 47. 387 M ercim ek (Jiftligi K is a Tarih gesI ( Short. H istory o f M crcim ek F a rm ), A d a n a 1993, p. 1. 393 T he A r m e n ia n D ev o ted A s so c ia tio n w h o s e h ead office w a s located in P a ris h a d a secret 388 A h m e d C ev d e t P a s h a T e z a k lr III ( Letters III ). tra n s.b y . C avit B a y s u n , A n k a r a 1963. p. 23 7 -

m eetin g in D eveli in the S u m m e r o f 1919 w ith the m e m b e rs invited from A d a n a . K ozan a n d


S aim b eyli after o r g a n is in g in K ayseri. T he A rm e n ia n priest w h o cam e from K a yse ri su gg este d

389 F lo w ers p ic k e d u p from T a u r u s m o u n ta in s w e re boiled in g o ld e n b o ile rs a n d the holly

a rm in g a n d s t r u g g lin g o f the A rm e n ia n s in o rd e r to fo u n d A rm en ia. T h e o rg a n isa tio n o f (h e

A rm e n ia n oil c a lle d p e lc se n k w a s p ro d u c e d . See: A. C evd e t Q a m u rd a n ,. Lot u s k n o w K ozan.

priest w a s h elp ed b y F ran c e. S e c: O sm a n T u fa n . the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p .38-40.

A n k a ra 1973, p. 29.

394 O s m a n T u fa n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 38.

390 A h m et C e v d e t P a s h a , the above m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 239.

395 A .C e v d e t Q a m u r d a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p, 132.

collected great amounts o f money from Turks in Kozan by the ap plication

cutting their noses. 140 Turkish bodies which were cut into pieces were

of jail and force396.

found in the mountains and on the roads during the occupation of Kozan.

" The Commissions of Disarmament" established by the occupation management mediated to change the ownerships o f the houses a n d animals owned by Turks through the perjury of the Armenians. French — Armenian police and spy organizations and Armenian volunteers killed. Turkish people at streets, and in the fields cruelly and with pleasure397.

Armenian rebels who rushed like rabid monsters raided and plundered Turkish villages, made Muslim women convert to Christianity in churches under threat, pressure and oppression. They committed guilt which were not conforming with the ethic values of the Turkish people10 The house o f Nafiz Ali Efendi, the municipality doctor, was raided by 16 Armenians at about 4 AM in the night of

February 22-23, 1920. They

Armenians in Kozan were armed by the weapons present and seized

tortured him about 2 - 3 hours and seized all the money and precious

from the Turkish gendarmes on February 1, 1920. In addition to them, 4 5 0

properties in the house by force. Post - carriage driver Hitseyin was

Armenian volunteers were brought from outside. Taillardat decided t o

suffocated by three Armenians in Uyuzpinart, 15 minutes to Kozan.

annihilate the Turks in Kozan398. Kurdish Mirza, who worked for th e French occupation administration, who was a man o f Ali Saip, terrified th e people by horseshoeing Turkish villagers399.

His money was taken and his horse was also killed402. Kami§oba village was raided by rebels in the night. People were shot when they were trying to come out of the houses which were set on fire403.

7 Armenian volunteers, who were spoilt by Taillardat, broke into th e

Feke was surrounded by Armenians , telegram wires were cut and people

house of Haci Hasanagazade Ali §adi Bey at about two o’clock in the night.

were massacred. Those who could stay alive started to run away from the

Massacre could not be committed due to cries heard by the people around.

occupied area. 62 identified any many unidentified Turks from Feke,

Okka§e, Ahmet, Mehmet Zahit, Mahmut, Liitfullah, Kemal, §iikru E fendi’

Saimbeyli and Kozan were killed by carving their eyes out and cutting their

s, Ummet Qavu§, Usta Ethem, Mustafa Aga were imprisoned in th e


dungeon within the monastery without showing any reason.

The cruelty o f Armenian gangs did not stop in Kozan and in the villages

Taillardat received 50 gold liras and 285 liras from Mehmet Efendi, 280 liras and

silvers equivalent to 30 liras from Ahmet Efendi as


prices. Commissary Hagik, French sergeant Kornik and chief rebel Osep were sent with gendarmes to the house o f Okke§ Efendi at noon and gold, money and jewellery amounting to 4.000 liras were seized. The properties o f Okke§ Efendi were plundered. No results from complaints could be obtained400.

around. Armenians, who raided Ispahali village, an hour from Kozan, at about four o’clock in the morning, gathered the villagers in a house , seized all their money and killed 6 Turks by shooting. Their wives, who went downtown showed and identified the murderers, but Taillardat said "they were wrong, these were not those" and tired to close the reality405. The fact that imprisoned Turks and streets were protected by Muslim Arabic soldiers prevented the massacre from increasing406. Uminet Qavu§ was killed at the street by Kesberoglu Agop, from Feke, one day after he was

Ahmet, Mustafa and their friends and many unidentified Turks from Tavash and Hacilar villages were martyred by carving out their eyes and b y

39(5 A T A S E

(M ilita ry H is to ry a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch iv c . folder: 86, file: 144 (1 3 8 ),

in d e x : 7 0 -1 , 7 0 -2 .

released from the dungeon. The assassin Armenian was given 300 Liras as a reward instead o f punishment.

401 T.i.T.K. Archivc, D o c u m en t N o: 10-2866: All S aip. the above m entioned p ublication , p. 18-23. 402 A. C evdet Q a m u r d a n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p, 136.

397 AH S a ip , K ilik y a

T ra g e d ie s a n d the In d e p e n d e n c e S tru g g le s o f U rfa . A n k a r a 1340. p. 2 0 -

26. 398 A. C e v d e t Q a m n r d a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p, 136. 399 O s m a n T u fa n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 43. 400 A. C e v d e t Q a m u r d a n , the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 136.

403 F aik U s tu n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 6. 404 Ali S a ip the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic atio n ., p. 22. 105 A. C evdet Q a m u r d a n , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 136 -137 4<)G T h e tellings o f G r a n d fa t h e r Ak^ali.

Five Armenian rebels killed three Turks who were vineyard guards and Thracian immigrants by cutting their throats with daggers and bayonets and wounded another Turk. Ahmet and Mustafa and Kurdish Ahmet Qavu§ were killed tragically while they were going to their vineyards. Family members wanted a few gendarmes to escort them to bring their bodies, but their wish was not accepted. Taillardat put off all the request o f the people with very simple excuses, so that bodies of Turks reading to hundreds could not be found407. The fact that the weapons were taken from Turks and given to Armenians in Qukurova generally and the Turks were made suitable for being killed made Ankara anxious. The Head o f the Committee o f

bomb. But Lieutenant Subi and 20 French soldiers came to the point of event when they were firing the bomb and the massacre was prevented. Cemal Qavu§410. from Rum, his wife and his 13 year - old son were taken to the forest near the town. The wife and husband were killed after being raped. Precious properties and jewellery were seized in day time under the excuse of search in Kozan. Armenians broke the doors of houses of Turks and plundered properties. 1.300 liras o f jewellery and 200 liras of money were seized by three Armenians from Hafiz Osman Efendi while he was going to his farm411. A group of Armenians committed various cruelties and robberies in Akkaya, Qulluu§agi, Diizagag villages while they were coming back from

Representation sent a telegram to Colonel Refet Bey stating that he

Feke and Saimbeyli to Kozan and killed Huseyin, the guard of Akkaya

situation o f the people in Adana was bad, and that French forces did in

village, raped the wife of Ali§ Ahmed, from Diizagag and two women in

Adana exactly what they did in Mara§ and Urfa, that they armed Armenians

Akkaya by force.

and caused them to attack on Turks, that they gave weapons and animals seized from Muslim people to Armenians, that the villages o f Hamam408, Qolakhasan, Yasstgalt, Mehmetaga, Kabasakal and the farms o f Kurdoglu and Toklubey were completely destroyed by Armenian gendarmes and rebels, that 1.750 Muslims escaped from these villages took refuge in Ceyhan and 1.500 Muslims immigrated to Karsanti and several other villages around Bucak were also set on fire. It was noticed that French forces was preparing an environment for the local people to kill one another by planting seeds o f revenge, when the occupation was over409.

Hatipzade Abdulkadir Efendi. from Danactli village and other 5 Turks accopanying him on the road, who were going to sell their animals to Adana, encountered Armenian gendarmes in Sartgam site who were coming from Adana after they escorted the wife of Aziryan Misak, Chief Armenian Committee in Kozan. Papazoglu Samuel, Saghoglu Ar§evil, Kel Karabetoglu A§ut and other two Armenians killed



accompanying him named Abdulkadir Efendi, Hacioglu Gok Mehmet, from Kutuklii village o f Adana,

Halagoglu Mehmet, from Saygegit village,

Saragoglu Emir, Ali Qavu§ and Fatma’s son Osman412. Kasapoglu Sarkis, from Kozan. Martoglu Minas and other Armenian

The Armenians who set on fire Hamam village, later assaulted

bandits accompanying them broke into the house o f Mahfezadc Haei

Qukuroren village. Women and men in the village were put in separate

Suleyman in Kozan. He was saved by acting Katagihos Yagi§e Efendi while

houses. Having seized all precious properties by force, they started to set

they were about to cut his throat by bayonet. Armenians committed so

on fie the village. Armenians were going to annihilate all the villagers by a

many robberies, plunders and massacres in the town. Armenians used the property and horses which were seized from Turks in order to annihilate

407 A. C ev d c t Q a m u r d a n , the above m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 137. 408 Q a p u ro g lu H a c i A rttn a n d his a cc o m p a n ist g e n d a rm e H acik w h o w e n t to H a m a m village to b u y a n im a ls d id not com c b a c k a s from tw o day s. T h erefore, 40 a rm e d A r m e n ia n s sent b y

the Turks. Collector Ali Efendi who went to the directions of Akgahu^agi to collect tax was killed tragically by the Armenian gendarmes who were tasked to protect him. They seized the money which belonged to the

la illa r d a t killed A g a n io g lu Ism ail ЛДа a n d §ah vcloglu (Jcrkez from H a m a m v illage w h o m th ey e n c o u n te re d o n ro a d a n d b u r n t six villages com p letely in c lu d in g H a m a m v illage w h ich re sis t­ e d a g a in st th em a n d took h u n d re d s , o f a n im a ls to K a za n . See: A. C ev d e t Q a m u r d a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 138. 409 H .T .V .D ., M a r c h 1955, Issu e : 13. D o c u m e n t N o: 350

4,0 D o g an b cy li. 411 A :C e v d c t (J a m u rd a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 137. 412 A. C cvdet Q a m u r d a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 137.

government. About 50 Armenian rebels stopped about 100 Turkish groups

Armenian bandits paid attention to commit the massacres in the

who left the town by the permission given by the occupation authorities and

outskirts and villages rather than in the center of Kozan as they did in

plundered their properties, killed and raped many o f them. 57 armed

Adana. They threw the bodies of their victims into wells and to desolate

Armenian bandits who were coming from Karakoy to Kozan committed

areas in order to prevent Turks from being aware of the situation and from

massacres, robberies and rapes In the villages on the route.

escaping. The end o f the Turks in central Kozan was to be burnt in ovens which was the most fearful and cruel massacre events.

Armenian gendarmes who were tasked to bring the bodies of the two sons of Kurt Ali Bingol from Mahmutlu quarter o f Kozan who were killed in Akpinar site, 5 minutes to Kozan, lost the bodies and covered up the event instead o f bringing the bodies413. Frenchmen who said they brought civilization to Cukurova showed how they protected human rights by causing Armenians to slaughter Turks. The Turks were ambushed at another place when they were trying to be saved from massacres in Kozan and its villages. Shedding Turkish blood was less expensive than the water o f Qukurova, during French occupation. Qamurdanzade Haci Mustafa, an intellectual in Kozan, his wife Emine, her baby, Raziye, former Kozan Mufti Sehlikoglu's wife, grandchild o f Raziye and her carriage drivers who departed from the farme in Ughuyuk to Deli Hasan village to save their lives and chastity from Armenian assaults were killed by Armenians who were going to Adana at Aganin Koprusii on the road o f Adana - Kozan. Emine's baby was bayoneted and

Occupation forces transported the Armenians in Kadirli to Kozan in midds of February 1920, as a military measure against the increasing pressure o f the National Forces in the region under Osman Tufan417. Following this transport, massacres by Armenian bandits


especially after the salvage of Kadirli and when Kozan was surrounded at the end of March418. Accountant Hamdi, chief Registrar Ali Riza, Retired Captain Mehmet who could not leave downtown419 due to anarchy, were burnt in ovens while they were alive420. The perpetrators o f such murders assaulted even Kurt Mirza who was one of their supporters421. Armenians burnt also Kozanoglu Mustafa in an oven around the old hospital422 upon catching him. The fact that Armenians burnt Turks in ovens while they were alive shook all the region. Those who saw the ovens of massacre which were 5 totally and traces o f human oil around the ovens were terrified and cursed at Armenians who perpetrated such murders by

the mouth o f his dead body was put on her breast. Over 200 Turks, who went out o f the town to be saved from such scary Armenian massacres and assaults were killed tragically and many o f them were destroyed by being

417 A. C evd et Q a m u r d a n . th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 141.

thrown into wells414.

418 A T A S E

(M ilita ry H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch iv c .


9 4 6 , file: I,

in d ex : 17.

The events caused by the occupation administration were not only such

419 E m in Y iice (b o rn in 1941. K a z a n - A d a n a In terv iew date: 28 J u ly 1993) : " M a y g r a n d fath er

events and a report on such events prepared by Mufti Hafiz Osman was

C iic e n Topal A ll (b o rn in 188 3) told m e that on e o f th ese o v e n s w a s a r o u n d the old h o sp ital at K adirli Street, on e w a s in fron t o f U lu C am i. on e w a s O s m a n Q a v la k site at Y u k a r i Q an ji a n d

sent415 to Adana Governorship, Bremond, Acting Mufti Htisnu Efendi and foreign representatives on April 1, 1920416.

on e w a s at A ยง a g i Q arยงi. 420 O s m a n T u fa n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 86: Y u s u f A y h a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 46: F aik U s tiin . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 6: A. C evdet Q a m u rd a n . the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p, 142: T cvflk C osjk un (lie ab ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

413 A. C evdet Q a m u r d a n . the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 139

p. 36.

414 A. C evd e t Q a m u r d a n , the above m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 140.

421 M eh m e t O z d c m lr , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 136-137.

415 The d ate in the re p o rt o f A . C evdet Q a m u rd a n w a s tak en a s b a s is , a s G azi G irici d a le d it

422 In a d d tlo n to w h a t E m in Y u c c cited from Ills g ra n d father. M a lim u t A v d in o g lu v crflcd I lie

J a n u a r y 1. 1920.

event. "K a z a n o g lu M u s t a fa 's m a th c r c ou ld not get rid o f the sh ock o f the event for a lon g time

416 Yeni A d a n a ( N e w A d a n a ).

D ec em b e r 22, 1977.

a n d w a lk e d a r o u n d a s a m a d ".

support of civilized Frenchmen, when Armenians under French protection


left Kozan on June 2423.

constructed by efforts of American missionaries, out the town430.

i. Massacre in Kalekilise

to from



in the American


With the French occupation, native Armenians who were transported

After the battle of Malazgirt, some Armenians who wanted to be saved

1915 emigration, started to come to Saimbeyli from March 1919 onwards.

from flood - like Turkish raids, under the guilty conscience o f fighting on

They brought ammunition boxes and infantry rifles plundered from

Byzantium side, settled in deep valleys, rough hills that were easy to defend

Ottoman army depots in Syria and also non-native Arm enians131 with them.

such as Saimbeyli at the foot of Taurus Mountains424. They communicated with the Armenians in other regions and took part in massacres and riots in every opportunity during Anatolian Seljuks and Ottoman era.

Turkish officials were fired from the government administration. They appointed Armenak,

a non-native Armenian as the governor. They

appointed Turpsarkisyan Bogos as the gendarme commander, Hapet as the Saimbeyli was situated in a place very suitable for all kinds of defence due to its nature. It was "like a room surrounded by high, rough and

police commissary, Hamparsum Evyikanyan as the mayor, his son Karabet as the PTT director, Avadik Soganalanyan as the administrative head of the

upright walls, situated on a high hill like a table in the center o f this room

sub-district o f Magara, Kirkor as the platoon commander in the sub-district

with undercutting all around,

of Magara. A court o f "Disarmament" was established here too. They




conducted political activities to found an Armenian government. The

tunnels425”. The Armenians who constructed a monastery 150 meters above the military garrison built by Ottoman observed military activities in the garrison from this monastery. Armenians built a church on the castle remained from Byzantium when they came to this region426.

was established for this purpose.


Pharmacist Mihran

Mesrop §ikirdimyan,


extreme fanatics

such as

Danel and

Yeresyan were included in the "Committee o f Revenge", which consisted of 12 persons. Also an "Executive Committee" was established to execute the

Such stone structures were built to be used as castles in their riots as it was in Zeytun. The seven - storey stone building called Marhasahane427 was one of such buildings. The first storey of the building was the floor, the

orders of the Committee of Revenge. The head of this committee was Avam Qavu§ son o f Terziyan Manik. Two armed battalions were established, consisting o f 700 - 800 men each, upon the resolution by the Armenian National Assembly. Cebeciyan,

second storey was a theatre, three storeys were schools428. Armenians in Saimbeyli enlarged their lands continuously, knowing that acquisition of land by charging the villagers was an economic principle leading to political freedom429. Armenian juniors were

"Armenian National Assembly" under the presidency o f Avedis Qavdaryan

the commander of these

battalions who were being trained in French

manner was an A- menian officer who worked in the regiment of revenge of Antranik, well known by shedding Turkish blood in Eastern Anatolia432.

trained with Saimbeyli was the door of Qukurova opening to the Central Anatolia and in a position o f an outpost. French forces intended to enlarge their

423 T he tellin gs o f G r a n d fa th e r Akcjah.

occupation area from this key point by means o f Armenians433.

424 E s a t U ra s ; the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 78. 425 O s m a n T u fa n , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 103. 426 The fa m o u s K a le k ilise be fo re s u rro u n d in g S a im b e y li cam e o u t in this w ay.

430 O s m a n T u fa n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 96. 431 8 0 0 0 A r m e n ia n s w e re b r o u g h t to S a im b e y li togeth er w ith the o c c u p a tio n . See: K asiin Kncr.

427 Textile w o r k s h o p .

the a b o v e m e n tio n e d 428 M eh m e t B a y k a l, H a g in - S a im be yli K u rtu lu § S a v a § i H a tira la ri M em o rie s o f H a ? in -S a im b e y li ), A d a n a 1989, p, 12-20. 429 M u s t a fa O n a r , the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 31.

p u b lic a tio n , p. 38: E. B re m o n d .

the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n

( T h e In d e p e n d e n c e W a r 432 M eh m et B a y k a l, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 22. 433 See: M eh m e t O zd c m lr. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 13. 121 -125.

p .22

Armenians, having completed their organizations, took some native a n d non-native Turks to their houses by force, under the mask of re ce iv in g guests were killing them and throwing them into a pit in the A rm en ia n cemetery as if they were their own funerals. They started to imprison n a tiv e Turks without discriminating whether they were man or woman and t o torture tragically. Governor Armenak resigned and left the town as he c o u ld

burnt and whose

properties1,0 were plundered were driven out of the

region by the order of Taillardat141. Lozade ismail, a young man who saw that two 1 1 year - old Turkish juniors were about to be slaughtered like lambs by laying them down on ground by Armenian bandits, about half an hour to center of Saimbeyli, requested Armenians to let them go.

not stop illegal actions434.

but he was also killed by his eyes

being carved out and his ears and nose being cut442. Gendarme sergeant Meanwhile, Armenian oppressions on Turks increased. Security for life , property and chastity

was being looked for. Emine from Koseler villa ge

Artin broke into the house of Halil Ibrahim who was forced to leave the town and raped his sister443.

aborted her six-month baby due to beatings by Armenian gendarmes A g o p The fact that Kemal Dogan, National Forces Commander in Qukurova

and Artin435 Since she answered their verbal insult.

and his assistant Osman Tufan444 were present in Develi, infuriated Turks in the region started to react against tortures and massacres. Gizik Duran, from Qohmiirlu village o f Saimbeyli and Arap Ali and h is friends, from Asmaca village o f Feke became armed and rebelled against Armenian oppressions in mountains. §erife, wife o f Gizik Duran was raped by gendarme lieutenant Misak who worked under Taillardat436. This

event increased

national resistance


Saim beyli and


surroundings. 20 - man gang o f Gizik Duran ambushed and killed lieuiienant Misak and 4 Armenian gendarmes who

were taking the

Armenians. Armenian bandits martyred Hikmetoglu Kamil, Mehmet, son of Vahap Halit, son of Mehmet Dervi§oglu Emin and Mehmet, Salihoglu Ali, son of Salih and Qirtlaz Mehmet, from Develi. by slaughtering them like sheep. A muleteer, who was saved from the massacre, committed by the Armenians to intimidate Develi people, informed the event445. With the encouragement o f Kozan

occupator forces


monthly salaries o f officials to Saimbeyli, at Bozat Gedigi, on November 17,

Taillardat, Saimbeyli and its surroundings were under the threat of

19 19437.

Armenian oppression groups, ismail Bey from Igdeli village

Taillardat increased oppressions on Turks due to such developments. Hamza Kahya, head of Bozat village o f Feke438 and his brother Musa were execated by shooting without hearing439. The villagers whose houses were

without any reason at Otrukbeli. Abuzer Hayrettin


was killed Miifti of

Saimbeyli, could save himself from the assassination prepared in the forest of Mihhbel, by hiding while he was going to his family in Kandilli village, after he made the Friday prayer performed446. Anarchist - minded Armenians such as Recepyan Misak and Kirkor

434 K a ra b e t Q a lliy an , a la w y e r In A d a n a , w a s a p p o in te d to this v a c a n t p o s t a n 19 F e b r u a r y 1920. S e e: M eh m e t B a y k a l, the a bove m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .32. 4:i5 M e h m e t O zd e m ir, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 92.

',4° Irad e-i M illiye ( N a tio n a l W ill ),

4:10 M eh m e t O zd e m ir, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 101 -1 0 7 . 4:i7 A .C c v d e t Q a m u r d a n ,

the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p.

151 M u s t a fa O n a r... H a g in

D e c e m b e r 8. 1919.

441 A. Cevdct Q a m u r d a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. I3G. 442 Ali S aip , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 21,

G a v u r u ( T h e U n b e lie v e r o f C ro s s ). 44:1 A d a n a 'y a D o g ru (T o w a r d s A d a n a ),

D e c e m b e r 22. 1919.

4:18 Is a d istric t b e tw e e n K ozan a n d S a im be yli. 444 C lo se frie n d s u n d e r a r m s o f M u s t a fa K em al. w h o s e re al n am e s a n d ra n k s w e re Artillery ‘,:w T h ese in n o c e n t v illa g e rs w ere killed b y Ali S a ip , b y sh o o tin g at th eir h e a d s b y pistol, in the g o v e rn m e n t h a ll o f K o z a n . C ezm i B e y a n d A li S a ip w h o w o rk e d for F re n c h fo rc es ch a n g e d side

M a jo r K em al a n d In fa n try C a p ta in O s m a n N u ri w ere a p p o in te d to this d u ly on 1919, in S iv a s a n d c a m e to Ih c region. Sec: T .I.H . S o u th e rn Front, V .4 ., p.OH.

w h e n n a tio n a l forces b e c a m e stro n ge r in the region . A li S a ip tried to c a u s c to forget w h at he d on e, a s tlie G e n d a r m e C o m m a n d e r in U rfa . See: O s m a n tu fan , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b li­ cation, p. 4 3 -4 8 .

'''И5 M eh m et O z d e m ir. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , 446 M u s ta fa O n a r . the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n ,

p. 70.

p. 80.

O c to b e r I,

§inikyan terrorized the people by perpetrating tortures and massacres in Turkish villages447.

Children were boiled in hot water. Then they were shown to the prisoners, saying "It is lamb meat, eat it". The first part of those fearful

Dogan Bey, who controlled the region from Develi, enabled to found a 4 0

events happened in front of Tekelioglu Hasan Usta. Hasan Usta was also a

- man national detachment under Mayor Kanberli Osman Efendi on M arch

prisoner. However, one day, the threw himself to Bostanlik Stream in a

3, 1920, by the assistance o f A tif Bey, the Develi governor. This detachment

rainy day, and saying "This way is death, the other way also" and he could

was sent on to Kiske town ship of Feke on the 5th of March. Kanberli

save his life. Judge Osman Vehbi Bey also could not be saved from the

Osman Efendi lowered the French flags in the townships o f Bakirdag a n d


Kiske and hoisted Turkish flags instead. French officials were arrested a n d they were send to Dogan Bey448.

Armenians made imprisoned Turks, dug deep canals and prepared shelters for defense452.

Armenian commiteemen, who took part in the massacres in Mara§ a n d

Doganbeyli was captured by National Forces on the 10111o f March. Gizik

escaped to Saimbeyli via Adana, against national resistance, gathered th e

Duran from Qohmiirlu village and Arap Ali from Asmaca village of Feke

people of Giirle§en village by the force o f arms on March 8, 1920 and p u t

assisted the resistance movements by their milita. National Forces under

them inside the textile workshop present in the country. They plundered

Arap Ali and Develi

the animals and the properties of Turks449. Armenians committed such a torture and massacre against undefended Turks, which could be rarely encountered in the history. Turkish people in Qukurova watched in


Kanberli Osman Efendi captured Feke on

March 12, 1920453 with the assistance of governor §erafettin Bey. As from these developments, National Forces concentrated on Saimbeyli. The surrounded Armenians could not go out454.

wondering and surprisedly the unity of cruelty between the representatives of the French civilization who they encountered for the first time and the

Saimbeyli governor Karabet asked Bremond for help on 5 March, upon the increased activities o f the National Forces455. French occupation admin­

Armenian murderers449.

istration sent 400 armed volunteer Armenians, 1.200456 rifles, 125.000 bul­ Turkish According

people were put in the textile workshop on March 8-9. to Karabet's explanations,450 217 Turks were taken to the

Government Hall. The captured Turks were being killed

lets and some amount o f hand-grenades from Adana457. Apart from these, 300 tons o f wheat were stocked in the town458.

by the most

primitive punishments. Katip Yarpuzlu Haci Mustafa and gendarme station commander Genco Qavu§ who were arrested by the charge of

451 M u stafa O n a r . H a g in G a v u r u ( T he U n b e lie v e r o f the C ro s s

establishing contact with Develi Branch o f Anatolian and Thracian Law

452 M u stafa O n a r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 145.

Protection Association were tortured for two months in the prison. Then

453 M u sta fa O n a r. S a im b e y li, p. 185. A lso, M e h m e t O z d e m ir, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

p u b lic a tio n ,

p . 126 states the d a te a s

on (lie 22n d

Haci Mustafa was cut into pieces by a razor and the skin o f Genco Qavu§

o f M arch .

was stripped and then he was kept for a while as being crucified. Bekiroglu

454 O g u d .

Dede Aga was killed by branding and branding him with a hot iron bar.

87 -9 4 .

Chief court clerk Nazim Bey was killed by beating with a bar.

), p. 100,106.

M a r c h 10,

1920. S a lv a tio n o f F eke is

c e le b ra te d lo d a y

M a r c h 18, 1920, M u s t a fa O n a r , Ha<;m G a v u r u (The U n b e lie v e r o f the C ro s s ), p.

455 M u sta fa O n a r, S a im b e y li, p. 189. 450 O g iid . M a rc h 24 . 1920. O n the s a m e date, the c o n v o y w a s d estro ye d , w e a p o n s a n d a m m u ­ nition w ere seized b y a T u rk is h d etac h m e n t c o n sis tin g o f m ostly v illa g e rs from A k ga k u ^ .ig i.

447 M u s t a fa O n a r , S a im b e y li. A d a n a 1987, p. 183, 195 -196.

a ro u n d K a rg a p a z a ri. See: M u s t a f a O n a r. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 2 25 ; w h a t D ed e

448 M u s t a fa O n a r,

A k ga li told (in o u r p riv ate a rch iv e ).

H a g m G a v u r u ( T h e U n b e lie v e r o f the C r o s s ) , p .8 6 .

449 M u s t a fa O n a r , S a im b e y li,

p. 189 -2 0 4 .

4S7 E. B rem o n d . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 112.

K a ra b e t Q a lliy a n w h o lived in a re n te d h o u se un d er

4SH A r m e n ia n s In S a im b e y li took d efen se m e a s u re s c o n sid e rin g all p ro b a b ilitie s . T he real

Kalekilise p u t (h e re c o rd s o f those d a y s in a c o p p e r con tainer. T h o s e n otes w e re fo u n d in an

w h e a t stock In the tow n w a s a b o u t 4 00 tons. See: M u s t a fa O n a r. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b li­

excavation m a d e in 1955. See: M u s t a fa O n a r, S a im b e y li, p . 169.

cation . p .282.

450 T he h e a d official o f the district;

Unthought-of massacres were being committed with tortures on Turks


who had been gathered in the Government House o f the town an d Protestant School. Lieutenant Ohannes, Cebeciyan, Aram Qavuยง and newly-

They were fastened to the same string

registered gendarme soldier by Ohannes, Arยงak, Artin

Regardless of their being chiefs or officials

and Qalyan

bastinadoed Haci Agazade Ali Efendi from one of the well-known families in

They branded with an iron

the town and had shown all their talents. They had beaten Ali Efendi until

Dede Aga, son o f Bekir.

blood squirted out o f his feet. Stones from stream were heated on a stove and were put in the armpits o f the innocent people. Same tortures were also comitted against other Turks. Aram Qavuยง, Arยงak, Artvin and Qalyan beat undefended Turks until they were paralyzed459 with bars. Armenians under Cebeciyan did not refrain from doing all sorts o f

Eight non-Muslims came together Surprising my Osman They boiled Haci Ahmet Claiming your father is a head of milita.

tortures against Turks during the surrounding. Those who where tortured

My dear brother -in -law

in groups were killed with endless pains. Fatma Hatun, the wife o f

Was it what you saw last?

Kaytancizade Miirsel Bey, who did not give Cebeciyan her chastity was

When you were shot by double bullet

executed in the gallows prepared in Kalekilise. She was exhibited in this way to intimidate National Forces460. The Turks in the town were killed as

Wast water where you fell down ?

a result o f various tortures, without discriminating their being young, old

They put large cauldrons

woman, and child461.

They boiled many babies

Based on their previous experiences, the murderers also planned how to be saved from being charged o f the massacres. They tried to document by exchanging correspondence among themselves that the Turks gathered from surrounding villages had been killed during the so-to-say riots they started and by the bullets of the surrounding forces and the firings o f

They made pure ladies Play by bayonets. They walked door by door They wrote statements

artillery. However, together with a few people who were saved from the

They excoriated men like a goat

massacre and the diary of governor Qalhyan enabled the reality to be understood.

I wish never happen to anyone.

Melek Hatun, the wife of Abdulgafur Efendi was an alive witness of the massacre. Melek Hatun made his relatives write in verses what she saw and put them in a wrap before she died462. These verses found in a wrap after Saimbeyli was saved was a document reflecting the facts about the massacre committed by Armenians.

Kele Dudu, Kele Dudu They told to wash bloody shirts They boiled the babies They told " lamb meat, eat it " Long live my son o f my father long live This might be our destiny

459 M u s t a fa O n a r. p. 209 ; Q alh yan B e lge lerl ( Q a lh y a n D o c u m e n ts ). (U n d a t e d ) p. 98. 400 O s m a n T u fa n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 105, s t a te s that A r m e n ia n s h u n g a T u rk ish b rid e from h e r w a is t on a large, m ulti - sto ry sc h ool w in d o w a n d s lo w e d h er for m a n y d a y s on w h o m a F re n c h fla g w a s h oisted a n d e xh ibited her for d ay s. 461 Q a lh y a n B c lg c le ri (Q a lh y a n D o c u m e n ts ),

p. 155 - 156.

4(52 For d e ta ile d in fo rm a tio n See : M u s t a fa O n a r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 188 2 1 2 . 3 4 4 ; Q a lh y a n B e lg e le ri (Q a lh y an D o c u m e n ts ),

p. 93 - 99 .

They twisted the turban of Gaytanei Hiiseyin Efendi to a stone. They made him sit on a lino They walked around him They excoriated him by playing instruments With the charge of gathering milita.

They made them pass over Ta§kopru

They took out daggers knives

They told they sent to Feke

They will cut us now

They shot them

My Dogan Bey, be aware of

With the charge o f running back.

They will raid on Urumln. Golden clocks in the wraps

They killed the chief clerk

I do not want them any more

By beating with a stick

Let me tell you two more dirges

They excoriated Kurdish Genco

Let me Aram Qavu§lti3.

While they praised and praised. The identified names of the martyred Turks who were taken as captive You had customs Genco Qavu§

by Armenians in Saimbeyli and who lost their lives tragicly, not being able

Damn such unbelievers

to survive under undefinable tortures and oppressions are as follow s1'11:

Qamsaroglu damn unbeliever Is killing my baby.


They killed my §efika

2. Miirsel

Laying in front of the school

3. Medine

What my brave brother Bilal

4. Fadime

Would do if heard it.

5. Faik 6. Hiiseyin

They beat Clerk Memed

7. Fadi§

With a mace

8. Mehmet

They choke Enfiyeci Hiiseyin

9. Ismail (together with his three children)

With wire.

FROM KASIMOGULLARI FAMILY What a painful situation They killed her father

10. Agca Hasan 11. Agca Hasan's father Omer

Tell my salutes to Atfiye

12. Agca Hasan's wife Ziibeyde

Birds flying in the sky.

13. Agca Hasan's son Mehmet

Bloody well became your hadj Sleep my son Osman sleep This damn Sultan stream Was not captured by attack. My Kara Osman, my Mesut

14. Agca Hasan's relative Kara Miirsel 15. Miirsel's wife Dudu 16. Miirsel's daughter §efika 17. Miirsel's daughter §erife 18. Miirsel's daughter Fikriyc 19. Agca Ali's wife Hatice.

I gave them by my hands 0 my God, what does it mean? 1 begged pardon to unbelievers.

,(i:l M u s ta fa O n a r . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 34C. M u sta fa O n a r . the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 3 5 0 - 355.



20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

52. Hiiseyin Efendi

Nazir Bey His wife Nazmiye His son Mevlut His son Fuat His mother-in-law Hatice His brother-in-law Tahsin

53. His wife Sultan 54. His son Tevfik 55. His daughter Emine 56. His son Basri.

26. Tahsin's wife Ayยงe.



57. Ali Kahya

27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Haci Mustafa Efendi (Clerk) His son Ali Riza His son Kazim His brother Abdulgafur Efendi Abdulgafur's wife Melek Abdulgafur's daughter ยงefika Abdulgafur's son Osman Abdulgafur's son Mesut Abdulgafur's grandchild Haci Ahmet Abdulgafur's grandchild Yusuf (son of ยงefika)


58. His wife Findik 59. His son Mustafa 60. His daughter-in-law Fatma 61. His grandchild Rakibe 62. His grandchild Kamil 63. His grandchild Kemal 64. His grandchild Refiye. FROM KELOGLANLAR FAMILY 65. Musa Efendi 66. His wife Sultan 67. His son Suleyman Sirri

37. Ismail Efendi 38. His wife Ummuhan 39. His son Mustafa

68. His son Ahmet

40. His daughter H aw a 41. His grandchild Ali 42. His grandchild Mustafa.

71. His daughter Emine.

FROM KUSTURLER FAMILY 43. Hiiseyin Efendi 44. His wife Sultan 45. His son Mustafa 46. His son Ali (other four children whose names could not be identified)

69. His son Mehmet 70. His daughter M iinew er

FROM KOROGLULAR FAMILY 72. Dudu Hamm 73. Her daughter-in-law Sakine 74. Her grandchild Refik 75. Her grandchild Ali. FROM SAATQILER FAMILY 76. Hiiseyin Efendi


77. His wife Fadime

47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

78. His son Hasan.

Hasan Efendi His wife Fadime His son Mehmet His son Ahmet His nephew Osman.

FROM HACIAGALAR FAMILY 79. Topal Osman 80. His nephew Omer

81. Omer's wife Fmdik 82. Osman's son Miirsel 83. Osman's son Ali 84. Osman's daughter §erife 85. Osman’s nephew ismail Hakki 86. ismail Hakki's sister M tinewer

FROM DURANOGULLARI FAMILY 107. Mehmet Efendi 108. His wife Fadime 109. His son Faik 110. His son Muhittin.

87. Ismail Hakki's sister Fmdik


88. ismail Hakki's brother Kadir

111. Mursel's wife Hiisniye.

89. ismail Hakki's nephew Safa 90. ismail Hakki's nephew Ali Efendi 91. Eli Efendi's wife §erife 92. Eli Efendi's son Zahit. FROM A§IKLAR FAMILY 93. Omer Efendi 94. His wife Fadime 95. His son Naci ismail. FROM BEKIROGULLARI FAMILY

FROM CiKiLER FAMILY 112. Mustafa Efendi 113. Cin Ibrahim 114. Cin ibrahim’s wife Ay§e 115. ibrahim's son Suleyman (four children from this family whose names could not be identified) 116. Their relative Kara Ali Mustafa 117. Kara Ali's wife Fadime 118. His son Ali (two girls from Kara Ali Family whose names could not be identified)

96. Dede Aga


97. His son Tevfik.

119. Mehmet Efendi (Clerk) 120. His wife Ay§e


121. His son Ahmet.

98. Huriye Hanim 99. His son ismail.

FROM PANOGLULAR FAMILY 122. Mehmet's wife Fadime

FROM HURRiYETQILER FAMILY 100. Mehmet Efendi 101. His wife §em si

123. Her grandchild Ibrahim. FROM MEMI§OGULLAR FAMILY

102. His second wife Fadime

124. Haci Mustafa Efendi

103. His son Remzi (three sons of Mehmet Efendi who were martyed,

125. His grandchild Ibrahim.

names o f those could not be identified) FROM PA§ALAR FAMILY 104. Ibrahim Efendi 105. His wife Emine 106. Their neighbour Abdullah's wife Fmdik (the names o f seven chil­

FROM UZUNAGALAR FAMILY 126. Mehmet Qavu§ 127. His wife Fadime 128. His second wife Qerkez Kizi 129. Duran's wife §erife 130. His son Kazim

dren who were martyred from this family names of those could not be iden­

131. His daughter Naciye


132. His daughter §eflka.



133. Hasan Efendi

157. Hotgu Mustafa's wife Ay§e (with her two children)

134. His wife Kadem

158. Their neighbour Haci Osman’s wife Fadirnc (with her four children)

135. His daughter Findik

159. Kel Duran's wife Emine (with her two children)

136. His daughter Hasibe.

160. §erif Efendi's wife


161. Judge Osman Vehbi 162. Judge Osman Vehbi's wife

137. Omer Efendi

163. Kadi Halil Kamil Efendi, from Elbistan"’5

138. His wife Elif

164. Wife of Kadi Halil, from Elbistan

139. His son Mehmet.

165. Public Prosecutor Hamdi Bey


166. Public Prosecutor Hamdi Bey's wife (with her two children) 167. Examining Magistrate

140. Suleyman's daughter Dudu

168. Property Director Haci Omer (one of those who wrote in Gobelli village)

141. ibrahim's son Mehmet

169. Police Omer

142. His nephew Arif (the names of three children o f Suleyman's daugh­ ter Dudu who were martyred, could not be identified) FROM QOMUKLER FAMILY

170. Gendarme Station Commander Genco Qavu§ 171. Gendarme Hasan Onba§i 172. Boz Durmu§. There are also other people whose names could not be identified and

143. Celil Efendi 144. His wife Emi§

killed in wildness in the massacres in Saimbeyli. According to the statement o f Mehmet Baykal who left the town before the events :

145. His son Mehmet ( the names o f three children from Qomiikler fam ­ ily who were martyred could not be identified)

"Those who lost their lives are about 450 - 500 people and only a Turk

146. Mustafa, from Kir§ehir

named Hasan was saved from the massacre. Many bodies of Turks were

147. His neighbour Qolak Ahmet, from Kir§ehir

taken out from the caves down at the foot o f Karakilise, after Saimbeyli was



saved. Turks were murdered by being strung on a cord in

the upper

148. Hiiseyin Efendi 149. His wife Mihri 150. Their neighbor, Jandarma Bekir 151. Jandarma Bekir's wife Kiraz (the names o f her three children who were martyred could not be identified) FROM BOLULAR FAMILY 152. Bolu Mustafa 153. His wife Fadime 154. His daughter Hayriye

'Uir> Rcfct YinariQ (b o rn in 1939. E lb ista n district o f K. Mara??. In terview date: M a y If), 1994. He d ec lared a s: "K a d i H alil K am il E fe n d i w a s the. lath er <>l m y lath e r p ro lc s s o r M. H alil Y in an g.". 400 M ehm et B a y k a l ( b o rn In 1902. S a im b e yli, In terview d ate : M a rc h 2 0 .

1920 ) . a living w it ­

155. His daughter Naime

n e s s e x p e rie n c in g the cx clte m en t o f those d a y s said : ” W e lo u n d the b o d ie s s t r u n g on a cord

156. His son Hilmi.

In eaves, w h e n w c sa v e d S a im b e y li".

Seyh Musazade Mehmet Aga, head of Ozerli Village and Abdtilkadir and


Agazade Yusuf Aga, members of the Committee of Elders were murdered with bayonets at the door oft he French commander, while their hands STRUGGLES TO RESCUE ADANA

being tied1. The villagers of Karakese opposed the attack and obliged the French to draw back to Dortyol after killing 15 of them. The resistance


started with the first bullet shot by Omer Hoca’s son Mehmet in Ozerli on

A. Beginning of the National Resistance Movement :

December 19, 1918, the resistance was the first opposition against the invaders in Qukurova and Turkey.5

The people in the region, learning

that Qukurova was going to be

occupied depending upon the Mondros Armistice, had begun to think o f

Upon martyring o f Kara Hasan's brother Mustafa in Kurtludagi during

remedies for the defence o f their lands. The university graduates, major

the oppressions of the French and the Armenian, Kara Hasan established

figures o f the city, the farmers, representatives of merchants and shop

a brigade, and this brigade attacked to the French forces everywhere and

keepers o f Adana had a meeting at Ramazanoglu Tevfik Bey's house. They

thus caused the wide range national resistance to start in Qukurova(i.

prepared a telegram and sent it to the " Sadrazam " (Prime Minister), President of the National Assembly and the Minister o f Internal Affairs. In this telegram, which is recoderded as " feryatname " (" Letter of scream ") in history, they told about the probable situations the people in the region who had never been under slavery before, might fall in case o f occupation and about the moral and material losses of them that might occur, and concerning the defense of their rights, they asked the Government to protect the national and patriotic rights o f the people of the region1. After not being able to yield a successful result from this telegram, the people of the region would became organized and start resistance against

1 - Kilikya Association of Defense of the Law: The people in Istanbul who were from Qukurova could not keep silent against the occupation of Qukurova, they held a meeting on November 20. 1918 and established this association after long meetings on December 21. 1918. The board of directors o f the association were as follows


ex-senate chairman Menemenlizade Rifat, members; Menementizade Nabi; ex-minister o f Civil Works Ali M iinif (Yegenaga), Aleppo Delegate Ali (Cenani), ambassador Rustem Bey7.

the Armenian, who participated in the occupation, by the support of the

This association's basic principle was making publications to oppose the

French with a dream to establish a state of their own, and against the

French occupation over the region and the Armenian administration

French as their supporters, as well.

wished to be found, and thus initiate an armed struggle in Qukurova. The

By the occupation of the region, their appression, seizure, torturing

Kilikyani Association founded by the patriots in Istanbul of (^ukurova -

actions and plundering2 actions of the French soldiers and the Armenians

origin made some attempts, but they could not play on activc and effective

highly increased.


Ktirt Murat (Murad the Kurd) was martyred in Dortyol, which

was one

of the resisting places against the oppression by the occupiers. Bekiroglu Hiiseyin, being caught in

Hacilar Village, was executed in Osmaniye3.

1 K a s im E n e r , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n ,

4 A. C evdet Q a m u r d a n , (lie a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , 5 K adlr A s la n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

p. 87.

p u b lic a tio n . P. 25

6 K adir A s la n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed

p u b lic atio n , p. 25; Ilu lk i

S a ra l -T o s u n S a ra l. V a ia n Na.sil

K u rlu ld u (H o w the M o th e rla n d w a s

S a v ed ), A n k a ra 1970, p.


7 K asim E n e r. Ih c a b o v e m e n tio n ed

p u b lic a tio n the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p . 2 7 -2 8 ,

p. 31.

2 A . C e v d e t Q a m u r d a n , K u r t u l u § S a v a § i n d a D o g u K l l i k y a O l a y l a r i , ( E a s t e r n C i l i c i a E v e n t s in In d e p e n d a n c e W a r ) A d a n a 1 9 6 9 , p . 8 7 .

8 F ah rcttln K irz io g lu . T u rk in k ila p T a rlh l (H isto ry o f T u rk is h R evolu tion ). E r z u r u m 27, Y u s u f A v h a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 15.

3 K a d lr A s l a n ,

th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p . 2 3 .



2- Adana Province Association for the Defense o f the Law:

The Representatives Committee were pleased as the Kozan Commitee

Ahmet Remzi (Yiiregir), in whose house arms had been captured d u rin g the searches o f the occupiers in Qukurova on April 28,

1919, w a s

sentenced to death on his absence9. Ahmet Rezi Bey escaped from A d a n a before this event and succeeded in rescuing himself. Going to Sivas fro m there, Ahmet Remzi Bey came together with Mustafa Kemal Pasha, th en

declared that they could initiate a resistance against the occupiers with an armed force of 5.000 people. In order that the resistance movements against the occupiers in the region was executed in a regular manner. Artillery Major Kemal (Lieutenant General Kemal) was assigned as the Kilikya National Forces Commander. Infantry Captain Osman Nuri (Major General Tufan) was assigned as the Assistant Commander. Artillery Major

went to Kayseri upon instructions given to him and established the A d a n a

Kemal began his duty under the nick - name of Infantry Captain Osman

Province Association for the Defense o f the Law there10.

Nuri under the nick-name of " Aydinogullari Tufan Bey 16 ". " Kozanoglu

In Kayseri11, trying to inform the public about the oppressions o f th e French by using the Armenian, via a newspaper called " Erciyes ", Ah m et Remzi B ey12 passed then to Nigde and re-organized the association there. The association established a board o f execution13 including the follow ing names: Ahmet Remzi Bey, Saadettin (Beybaba) Bey, Hulusi (Akdag) Bey, Remzi Bey (from Nigde), director of Post and Telegram Office Emin Bey,

Dogan Bey ", and - soldier Captain Osman Nuri as " Aydmoglu Tufan Bey " as well16. After



Representatives Committee





informed with a telegram that



he assigned

Captain Ali Ratip o f Edirne as the Commander of National Forces in Adana Region under the nick - name o f " Tekellioglu Sinan Bey " l7. By the assignment o f Tekelioglu Sinan Bey, the region them was divided into two:

Tevfik (Gtilek) Bey, Kethtidazade Ibrahim Bey14. Eastern Region : Between Zamanti River - Tumlukale - Yumurtahk line and (including) Goksen - Andirin - Kaypak line Aydmoglu Tufan Bey was

В - Establishment of the Adana Front

assigned as the commander of this region. While Mustafa Kemal, the Chairman o f the Representatives Committee was in Sivas, a group of three men, who had come to Sivas escaping from Kozan which went under French


discussed with

th e

Representatives Committee on October 30, 191915.

Western Region : Between (excluding) Zamanti River - Tiimliikale Yumurtahk line and (including) Maden (Bereketli) - Pozanti - Tarsus line. Tekelioglu Sinan Bey was assigned as the commander of this region. Kozanoglu Dogan Bey became the commander of National Forces18 of the whole Adana Region. At the beginning, Mustafa Kemal did not want to open another front

9 Y eni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), M a y 14, 1953. 10 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 21 , 1977.

against the French. He spent efforts to avoid give an impression to big

11 A h m e t R em zi B e y m e t A li F u a t P a s h a . C o m m a n d e r o f the 20 th A r m y - c o rp s, E m ru lla h . th e

states that a military resistance had started by performing a guerilla war by

O s m a n T u fa n , w h o w e r e

the people o f the region and thus achieving a result by squeezing the

h e re in N o v e m b e r 1920 u p o n directive b y M u s t a fa K e m a l

French. Within the region19, since when the main forces were used against

C h a irm a n o f M ilita ry D e p a rtm e n t in K a y se ri, K e m a l D o g a n a n d a ssig n e d to the fron t o f A d a n a ,

P a sh a. F o r fu rth e r d eta ils , see: Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J a n u a r y 9. 1953. 12 Y u s u f A y h a n , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 17-18

13 K eth tid azad e Ib ra h im B e y led to the n a tio n a l m o v e m e n t b y ta k in g h is h o rs e c a rt to w ars the

lf: K e i n a l A t a l i i r k . I h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , V . I . ,

coffee h o u s e o f G o k d e re liy a n , w h o w a s the c h ie f o f the A r m e n ia n p eo p le in A d a n a a n d w h o d id

tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , V . IV . p . 1 10.

not a llo w T u r k s to p a s s b y h is coffee h o u s e , a n d s h o t h is g u n th ere. For fu rth e r details, S e e :

17 M e h m e t E f e n d i . t h e M u f t i o f

E. B e h n a n § a p o ly o , K u v a y i M illiye T a rih i, (N a tio n a l F orc es H isto ry ) A n k a r a 1957, p. 145.

s t r a ig h t e n th e n a tio n a l fr o n t. F o r

14 Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 2 1, 1977.

l i c a t i o n . p. 4 0 .

p . 2 7 8 . N im e t A r s a n . t h e a b o v e m e n ­

K a r a is a li w o u l d s u p p o r t S i n a n H e y a n d w o u l d s p e e d u p a n d fu r t h e r d e t a ils , s e c : Y u s u f A y h a n . Ih e a b o v e m e n t io n e d p u b ­

15 K asim E n e r, Q u k u r o v a 'n m i§gali ve K u rt u lu § S a v a § i, (T he In v a s io n o f In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ).

IK T . i . H . IV , p . 6 8 - 6 9 .

Istan b u l 1963, p .32.

19 F o r fu r t h e r d e t a i l s , s e c : K e i n a l A t a l i i r k . Ib id , V .I,

p. 1 1.

the Greek in the western front, and to open another front in the south against the French would cause division o f the existing forces and thus this would interrupt the national movements, and no regular army was

French to Adana20. In order to break the besiege around Mesnil in Pozanti. the French attacked to Kavakhhan on April 11. The Turks,

whose arms

were consisting of only mauser rifles and who had seen many wars,

established in Qukurova.

achieved to overcome the enemy forces superior to them in military aspects27.

С -Battles In the Region 1. Hacikin and Belemedik Battles

3. The Second Kavakhhan Battle

The French forces which occupied Pozanti were being provide with

In order to break the besiege, the French attacked again with a brigade

support and connection from Hacikiri on the Pozanti - Adana railway.

supported with tanks, artillery and planes on May 19, 1920. The National

Besieging here on April 2-3, 1920 night, the National Forces20 went into a

Forces prepared traps for the French tanks by digging trenches on narrow

battle against a French force o f 1.000 soldiers from Armenian, Greek and

places of roads and covered the tops of these holes28.

French origin. The Turkish forces included volunteers, 300 o f which were armed while 2.000 were undrmed. After three days o f fight, National Forces captured Hacikin on 6 April 1920 and thus they prevented the supply way of the French troop in Pozanti21. After Haci Osman detachment captured Kelebek on 7 April,22 on the next day the National Forces besieged Belemedik, where the wife of Major Mesnil, the commander of the French battalion in Pozanti worked as a nurse23. The National Forces dispersed the forces sent by the French for help and rescued Belemedik from occupation24 after an attack on 10 April25.

The French attack continued for three days but they could not achieve any success since the National Forces had taken all necessary steps, and then the withdrawal o f enemy forces Adana29 was achieved. The failure o f the superior French forces in these battles created a great surprise while the self-esteem of the National Forces was promoted and their belief in rescuing the country was strengthened. 4- Rescue o f Pozanti General Dufieux, the commander of the French division, in his message he sent to Mesnil by plane after the Kavakhhan defeat, ordered him to try

The success o f the National Forces, who fought against the regular and

to pass to Mersin by making a sortie30. As the besiege around Pozanti

equipped French forces under unequivalent conditions, promoted the

became narrower, the condition o f the French battalion was continuously

morals o f the region's people, then the view that French soldiers belonging

becoming worsened31. Kumcu Veli, who was the guide o f the Mesnil's forces

to a big state could be defeated began to be prevailing.

who made a sortie from Pozanti in the evening of the day May 26, 1920, took them to a narrow valley in Kerbogazi called as " Pozanti Pit "32 and

2. The first Kavakhhan Battle Besieging Pozanti in early April 1920, the National Forces took all ways from Pozanti region to Tarsus

under control and cut the reach o f the

26 H u lk i S a ra l - T o s u n S a r a l, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 63. 27 T .i.H . IV, p. 143. 2H H a s a n A k in ci, K u rt u lu § S a v a § i H a tirala ri. ( M e m o irs o f In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ) . K u v a y i Mtlllye

20 K a s i m E n e r ,

Q u k u r o v a . . . A d a n a C e p h e s i , ( A d a n a F r o n t In Q u k u r o v a i n t h e I n d e p e n d e n c e

D erg isi, ( N a tio n a l F o rc es M a g a z in e ) issu e : 70. M e rsin 1966 .

W a r ) p . 6 6 -6 7 .

29 C cm a l Efe, Istik lal S a v a § i’n d a A d a n a lila r in

21 T . i . H . I V , p . 1 3 7 ; K a s i m E n e r , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n ,

A d a n a p eop le in In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ) ( U n d e te rm in e d ). 1937,

p. 4 7 a n d c o n tln u a n c c ; T .i.H .

IV. p. 141-144: K a sim E n e r, the above m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p. 1 0 5 -1 2 3 ; A d a n a 11 Yilligi.

22 K a s i m E n e r , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n

p. 67.

K a h ra m a n lik D e s ta n la n . B r a v e ry S tories o f

p .67.

A d a n a Provin cial A lm a n a c ) A d a n a 1967. p. 72 a n d c o n tin u an c e. 23 K a m i l E r d a h a , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n p . 3 1 4 . 24 A T A S E

( M i l i t a r y H i s t o r y a n d S t r a t e g i c S t u d i e s D i v i s i o n ) A r c h i v e , f o l d e r : : . 12. fi l e : . 3 4 - 4 8 .

30 T a h a Toros, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n . M llliyet,

J a n u a r y 1 1,


31 Y eni A d a n a ( N e w A d a n a ). A p ril 4, 1953.

in d e x : 1 1 .

32 S in c e In fo rm ation w a s g iv en in p re v io u s c h a p te rs c o n c e rn in g the s u r r e n d e r o f M esnil, 25 T . I . H . I V .

p. 138.

d e ta ils are n ot g iv e n h e re a g a in .

made them surrender to 44 Turkish villagers33. Thus, the oppression o f th e Armenian34 in Pozanti also came to an end35.

new forces to realize their colonialist wishes bv the help of the Armistice,42 the French occupied Karadeniz (Black Sea) Eregli on June 18, 1920 before

Rescue of Pozanti, which was one o f the most important passages in Qukurova, would oblige the French military authorities seek an armistice.

the armistice expired43. Upon the news about the above mentioned occupation after the accelerated masssacres against the Turks in Qukurova, Mustafa Kemal at

D. Making o f a 20 Days Armistice with the French and O th er Political Events

midnight on June 18, 1920 ordered the Turkish forces to be ready for fight on the one hand, and on the other hand he gave an ultimatum44 to General

France was obliged to ask the government o f The Grand National Assembly for an armistice36 because

of the Turkish



Qukurova37. The committee, came to Ankara on May 20,1920, and th e

Gourand, Head Commander o f the French military Forces, in Syria stating that the results o f the fact their account.45

that they violated the armistice would be on

chairman of which was Robert de Caix, started negotiations with M ustafa

The Turkish Grand National Assembly's (TBMM) Government had also

Kemal Pasha and eventually on May 23, 1920 and signed an Agreement o f

political accounts in Syria, to where the French shifted their forces in Qukurova and its surroundings by the help of the armistice. A resistance

Armistice to be effective following the mid night o f May 29-30, 192038. Though this armistice put the competition and jelausy between Britain and France into light,39 the French did not keep their promise and started terror, massacre and plunder movements throughout Qukurova40.

among nationalist Arabs in Syria could be co-ordinated similar to that of the Turks intiated in South Anatolia against the occupier French forces, and thus this resistance might have enlarged its influence area and would become an effective one. For this purpose, many national organizations

Relaxing their forces that were surrounded previously41 and collecting

were established all around Syria by using the domestic Arabs who work under administration of the Ottoman. Turks, Circassians and Arabs participated in the organizations founded in Hama, Haleb, Humus, Lazkiye,

33 P a u l d u V e o u , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 159; h e e x a g g e ra te s the n u m b e r o f "3 .0 0 0 s o ld ie rs h id in m o u n ta in s." 34 T a h a T o ro s, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n M illiyet, F era h lm

§ a lv u z ,

K u rt u lu §

S a v a § in d a

In d e p e n d e n c a W a r ) , Ista n b u l 1938,

K a h ra m a n

J a n u a ry 15/16/17/18,

Q u k u ro v a lila r

( H e ro ic

A p ril 12,

(J u k u ro v a n s


p. 10 a n d c o n tin u a n c e . E . B r e m o n d , the above m e n ­

tioned p u b lic a tio n , P. 50; K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , u a n c e ., O g u d ,

1972, I.

p. 136 a n d c o n tin ­


French occupation. Ozdemir Bey, the Chairman for the Committee of Ottoman Forces was

administering the Syrian organizations. These

organizations had made many attacks onto the French in Syria during the Qukurova events, and considerably delayed the transport o f the French forces from Syria to Qukurova region and also the supply works of the

35 A T A S E (M ilitary H isto ry a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rc h iv e , fold er:: 12. file: 3 4 -4 8 . index: 30, 3 0 -1 , 3 0 -2 , 30 -3 . 36 K em al Atattirk,

Damascus, Bealbek and Kuneytra of Syria, which suffered under the

the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , V.II. p .453.

occupier forces, in South Anatolia. Such a roumour that an agreement of 9 articles was made between Mustafa Kemal Pasha and Emir Faisal, the

37 T h is r e q u e s t w a s m a d e p e rso n a lly b y M o n s ie u r R obe rt de C a ix . w h o w a s sen t directly by the F ren c h G o v e rn m e n t. S ee J. B la n c o V illalta, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 397. 38 In fo rm atio n w a s g iv e n in p ro v io u s c h a p te rs c o n c e rn in g th is a g re e m e n t. F o r details, see: ' B ilal § im § ir, in giliz B e lg e le rin d e A tattirk ( A tattirk in B ritish D o c u m e n ts ), V . II, A n k a ra 1973. p. 122 a n d c o n tin u a n c e , Y en i A d a n a ( N e w A d a n a ),

D e c e m b e r 2 8, 1977.

39 J. B la n c a V illa lta . the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p .397.

42 A T A S E (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 5 3 9 . file:. 5 -1 3 9 . index: 40-11. 43 T B M M G izll C e ls e Z a b itla ri (Secret S e ss io n M in u te s o f the G r a n d N a tio n a l A s s e m b ly o f T u rk ey ), V .I p .57. 44 § em settin B ey. H e a d o f S t a ff o f 12th A r m y - C o rp s w h o w a s in A d a n a to in sp e ct the a g re e ­

40 For fu rth e r d etails, se e : A T A S E (M ilitary H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S t u d ie s D iv ision ) Archive,

m en t on b e h a lf o f T B M M . w a r n e d G e n e ra l D u fic u x In A d a n a on

folder:: 5 9 3 . file: 5 -1 3 9 , index: h. II. 47; O gtid.

c o u ld not k e ep the p e o p le sile n t a g a in st the violen ce o f the A rm e n ia n . S ec A T A S E (M ilitary

J u n e 24, 1920.

J u n e 12, s t a tin g that they

41 A T A S E (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch iv e , folder: 5 3 9 , file: 5 -139.

H isto ry a n d S tra te g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch iv e , folder: 539 , file: 5 -1 3 9 . index: 4 0 -1 .

index: 4 7 -1 .

45 S e lah attin T a n s c l. the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n ., V.III. p.221.

leader of Syrian Arabs in 1919 frightened the military and civil authorities of the English and the French. Mustafa Kemal Pasha invited the Syrian people to oppose against those enemies who tried to seize their country with notices he had made distributed in Aleppo, Damascus and other cities by taking every opportunity46.

had never lived under slavery, and they put themselves in a difficult position31. The French occupied Tarsus and locate a machine - gun division, majority o f which was consisting o f Algerian soldiers to Haci Talip Farm on the north o f Tarsus railway line, thus made here an important placed.

Syria had an outstanding importance for the French, and they marched

Major Ibrahim Ferahim Bey, Group Commander of Tarsus™ burned the

onto the Arab nationalists with the forces they separated from Qukurova by

farm with his detachments in the evening o f June 25, 1920 after intensive

the help of the armistice.

fights and made the French soldiers to surrender54.

Meanwhile, the Turkish forces in Qukurova were also started to be put

After the Haci Talip Farm defeat, the French, in order to prevent the

under discipline. New divisions were being founded, and any lacking items

attacks o f the National Forces, decided to streng ten the Tarsus Gardens district, and so made her a "small Verdune"56.

were tried to completed. The French also did not wait and idle against the movements o f Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Syria. During the Second Duzce rebellion between August 8,-September 23, 1920, the French tried to ground relations with the Abhasian rebels47. The French intended to regain their prestige, which they had lost against the National Forces in the South Frontier,48 and to put TMBB Government in a difficult position by the help o f the armistice49.

As the French were closed in Tarsus, Lieutenant Colonel §em sittin Bev. District Commander met with Major Ferahim Bey and both Upon blocking of French in Tarsus, §emsettin Bey, the commander of the region discussed with Major Ferahim Bey and they decided to rescue Tarsus56. After taking necessary steps,57 Ferahim Bey and the detachment commanders attacked onto the French in 15 - 18 July nights, and the villagers o f that-district joined them with " Allah! Allah! " shouts, lastly the French were obliged to withdraw back to Tarsus leaving 200 dead after them58.

E - Battles After the 20 Days Armistice

2- Battle o f Kemberhoyiigti

1. Tarsus Gardens Battle Battles re-started in Qukurova on June 18, 192050.

The French lost

After the Haci Talip attack and the fall of Gardens fortifications, the

their own benefits by violating the armistice. Because they fancied that they could break the resistance and determination of the Qukurova Turks, who

51 A giksoz, J u n e 24, 1920. 52 T iH IV. p. 174.

46 S a la h i R. So n y cl, T u rk K u rtu lu § S a v a § i ve Di§ Politika (T u rk is h In d e p e n d e n c e W a r a n d

53 T he fo rc es o f S in a n T e k e lio g lu h a d p re v io u s ly o c c u p ie d Ycnicc S tatio n , w h ic h w a s a n im p o r ­ tant cen ter, a n d b ro k e (h e c o n n ection b e tw e e n A d a n a a n d M ersin , See: O g iid ,

Foreign Policy), V . 1. A n k a r a 1973. p. 190 a n d c o n tin u an c e. 47 A T A S E (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch iv e s, folder: 5 56 . File: 4 (9)

A p ril 21. 1920

54 i. F e ra h im § a lv u z , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n p .27 a n d c o n tin u a n c e . 55 K u rtu lu § S a v a § i'n d a Igcl, T iirkiyc K u v a y l M illlyc M iic a h i! ve G azile ri C em ly etl M e rsin .‘

in dex: 103 ,1 0 3 -1 . 4H A forcc w a s o b lig e d to b e sen t from the A d a n a fron t to K a ra m a n to ov e rc om e tlie Delibasj R ebellion th at started on n igh t o f O c to b e r 2 -3

in Q u m r a a n d d ev elop ed in K on ya. T he defeat­

Y ayin lari ( i^cl In In d e p e n d e n c e W a r, T u rk is h N a tio n a l Forces F ree d om F igh te rs anti V e te ra n s A sso c ia tio n , M e r s in B r a n c h P u b lic a tio n s ) 1,

Is t a n b u l 1971, p. 223.

ed D eliba§ c s c a p e d to the F ren c h . See: K em al A t a liir k Ibid, V.II, pp. 4 9 4 -4 9 5 . C o n c e rn in g the

r,R I. F e ra h im § a lv u z . the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

forcc sent from M e rsin to overcom e the D c lib a § R ebellion , sec: T .i.T .E . A rch ivc. N o. 19/2994-

57 A F ren c h force, w h ic h w a s sent a s su p p o rt from A d a n a lo T a rs u s , w a s o b lig e d to d r a w b a c k

2997. 49 H a s a n

to A d a n a o n J u ly 3. I.

D in a m o .

K u ts a l



K u rlu lu §

S a v a^ m in


H ik a y e s l

( Sa cred

R ebellion , T h e R eal S to ry o f the N ation al In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ), V. 8, M a y p u b lic a tio n s , Istan b u l

p .4 1.

1920 after four h o u r s battle, a n d a lso K a rac ile Statio n on the cast o f

M crstn w a s o c c u p ie d b y o u r party. See: Afjiksoz.

J u ly 8. 1920.

5K N ecatl Q ip la k . the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 2 5 3 -2 5 4 : K a sim E n e r. (,'u k u ro v a 'n in

1977, p. 8 5 -8 7

Iijgall vc K urtulu:? S av aiji (O c c u p a tio n o f Q u k u ro v a a n d In d e p en d e n c e W a r), p. 8 7: K u rtu lu §

50 H .T .V .D ., A n k a r a 1955, D o c u m e n t N o. 373.

S a v a § in d a ic^cl ( H isto ry o f i<^cl tn In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ). p. 222 a n d c o n tin u a n c e .

National Forces went ahead close to Adana,59 and even Adana - Mersin road

Bey as the Yiiregir Group Commander61. The scattered militia forces o f the

was taken under control.

who fought in

region were collected together and a force of about 500 men was founded65.

Kamberhoyugii against the forces o f Colonel Grasi and Lieutenant Colonel

Hearing about the national organization in Yiiregir Plain, the French

Loran who had marched to Tarsus from Adana, were martyred at the night

marched onto Karata§ in the morning of July 6, 1920. Fighting about 15

of July 27, 1920 together with their commander Molla Kerim since they

hours in Yarba§i district against the tank, artillery and machine - gun fires

could not receive any help on time60. The French thus achieved security on

of the French, the National Forces were obliged to draw back from innepli

Adana - Mersin road and broke the besiege at the night of 28-29 July

heights because of the " milita broken " rumour announced by the French


espionage.66 In order not to give more losses against the superior French

The Qelikta§ Detachment,

The French forces previously included 6 infantry battalions, 6 cavalry divisions, 1 battery of 7,5

and 2 batteries o f 6,5 artillery, 2 armoured

automobiles, 1 ambulance and a convoy of 150 cars; but they had great

forccs, the National Forces withdrew to Kilavur Village leaving Ta§gi Village to the French after five hours fight on 13 July67. 4- Ta§9i Battle

losses when they returned back to Adana on 9 August62. Upon these events, Muhtar Fikri Bey, igel Delegate who was working with wide authorization and as an inspector, held a meeting in Kilavur

3 - Yarba§i Battle

Village on July 14, 1920 and promoted the morals of the National Forces. Yiiregir Plain, which considerably met the wheat

needs of Adana,

At the end o f the meeting, the duties were reassigned and two artillery guns

became on important place for the French because o f Karaba§ Port. Though

and two machine - guns were located on the line between Yamanli and

the French did not want such, the National Forces passed southward to

Dervi§li villages68.

Mihmandar Village and captured Karataf on June 26, 1920. However, they emptied here and drew back to the west of Seyhan river after a great battle63.

Taking Karata§ under control, the French began to carry the armament they brought to the port from Mersin to Adana on 14 July.69 Attacking on 15 July to re-capture Ta§gi village, the National Forces were opposed by the

Thinking that the French would keep Karata§ in hand as a future port,

French resistance. The French were taking help from Adana; and being

Tekelioglu Sinan Bey met Muhtar Fikri and ismail Safa, delegates o f the

supported with aeroplanes and cannons, they succeeded in forcing the

region in

National Forces draw back on 16 July. After new intensive fights, the

early July 1920 at Karahan and invited the major figures of

Yiiregir to there. After the meetings made at Karahan that lasted two days, the village representatives made another meeting in Ta§gi Village on July 6,

National Forces recaptured Ta§gi, also with the

help o f the delachment

sent by §eyh Cemil on July 21, 192070.

1920 and founded the national organization by electing Ex-Major Husnu м Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). O c to b e r 29 1953. I,r> K a sim E n e r the a b ov e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n , p. 180.

59 A g i k s o z . J u l y 2 6 , 1 9 2 0 .

(>r> N e w A d a n a . O c to b e r 30. 1953. 60 T . i . H . I V , p . 1 7 8 - 1 7 9 ; K u r t u l u § S a v a § i 'n d a i g e l ( H i s t o r y o f i g e l in I n d e p e n d e n c e W a r ). p.

(;7 K a sim E n e r. Q u k u ro v a n m ... Kurtulu:? Savasji (O c c u p a tio n o f Q u k u ro v a an d In d e p en d e n c e

2 3 4 a n d c o n t in u a n c e .

W a r ),

B1 K a s i m E n e r . t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n . , p . 1 9 4 .

p .81 -83.

(iK Yeni A d a n a ( N e w A d a n a ). O c to b c r 31. 1953. 62 K u r t u l u § S a v a § i ’n d a ig e l ( H i s t o r y o f i g e l in I n d e p e n d e n c e W a r ),

p . 2 3 7 ; K a s im E n e r , th e

a b o v e m e n t io n e d p u b lic a t io n , p . 1 9 5 a n d c o n t in u a n c e . 63 K a s i m E n e r . Q u k u r o v a . . . A d a n a C e p h e s i ( A d a n a F r o n t in Q u k u r o v a I n d e p e n d e n c e W a r ) . p. 180.

O g iid . A u g u s t 17. 1920. ™ K a sim E n e r. Q u k u ro v a ... A d a n a C c p h c s l (A d a n a Front in Q u k u ro v a in the In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ),

p . 185 -187; Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), O ctob er 31, 1953.

Fights continued in Ytiregir Plain. The major weapon o f the National

Dogan Bey invited Tufan Bey, the commander of the Eastern Front to

Forces was the mauser rifles and they couldn't find sufficient ammunition

Saimbeyli and assigned his authority to him. He then made a very sudden

any time they required, and even finding flour to eat was a difficult to

confidential attack in the morning of 3 July and captured §ar77.

obtain. The French with sufficient armament as they wished remained in Yuregir Plain and continued battles against the National Forces71. 5. Doganbeyli, Saimbeyli and §ar Battles

Battles continued between both parties until early August 1920. The instant attack by the Armenian at the night o f 6 - 7 August 1920 caused the Turkish forces to scatter a little and an important part to draw back. Artillery officer Ethem Bey and his assistant Kanberli §ukrii Bey were

As the Turks, who were under slavery in Saimbeyli, were massacred in groups, the National Forces received an order of attack on 6 April 1920. The authorities from the American College around the town tried to infringe as mediators for peace. Taillardat was in Kozan and refused this and sent n ew guns and ammunition. The help convoy o f the French was destroyed by the National Forces from Kozan and Feke arround Kargapazari. §ar village, which was 60 km distant to Saimbeyli, was besieged72.

martyered7». After this attack, the enemy drew again back to Saimbeyli. The Turkish forces were rearraged again79. The General Staff transmitted via Dogan Bey a telegram on September 11, 192080 stating that the women and children in Saimbeyli would be allowed to go anywhere they wished, their security would be provided while the males would be allowed to reside in Saimbeyli with security in case they delivered their arms.

Dogan Bey, the Commander o f the National Forces, who was the head of the besiege,

gave order and his forces captured the military housing,

the Monastery and the hospital in Saimbeyli after battle on April 22, 192073. The instant sortie movement o f the Armenian, who heard that Dogan Bey was in Kozan for the armistice negotiations while his assistant, Kamberli Osman Efendi was in Yelliben,74 failed75. The Armenian, who had been trained by the French officials, tried to brake the morals o f the National Forces, who were not yet accustomed to regular order - command chains, by instant sorties at night o f 8-9 June in

The offer was extraordinary to the rebels. How could they pay the account that they had killed their ex-neighbour Turks with torture - actions for years. It was understood that the Armenian were not willing to surrender. Works were carried on to strengthen the besiege. Two support divisions including 63 men, who had come from Develi to Feke, were sent to the south of Saimbeyli81. The commander Dogan Bey went to Feke in order to gain information about the journey of the cannon to be sent from Sivas and

western and southern directions and thus brake the fronts and the besiege.

to control the units under his command, and left the command to Reserve

They were pushed back in their repeated sorties in §ar on 18 - 19 June and

First Lieutenant Saim82.

in the northern and eastern districts o f Saimbeyli on 20 - 21 June76.

The children sent to Saim Bey by the Armenian told him that in Saimbeyli food was only given to the warriors, and told iniermitenlly that

71 t o r

fu rth e r d etails, see: K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 183 a n d c o n tin -

uanec. 77 r i ll. IV.

p . 102: M u s t a fa O n a r. the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p .294.

72 M u s t a fa O n a r,... H a ^ in G a v u r u { N o n - M u s lim o f the C ro s s In In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ) . p . 127. 7B T .i.T .E . A rc h iv e , N o 1 2 / 2 9 7 3 -2 9 7 5 . 73 A T A S E

( M ilita ry H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S t u d ie s D ivision ) A rch iv c , fold er: 946, file:. I.

index: 69.

7'-> A T A S E (M ilit a ry H istory a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 2490. flic:


in d ex : 6. 74 N e c e s s a ry in fo rm a tio n w a s earn in g to the A r m e n ia n from the A m e ric a n college. F or fu rth e r in fo rm ation , see: M u s t a f a O n a r, S a im b e y li, p. 2 5 6

H<) A T A S E (M ilit a ry H istory a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D iv ision ) Archivc. folder: 2490, file:

1 19.

in d ex : 12. 75 A T A S E (M ilita ry H is to ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rc h iv e folder: 5 93 , file: 5 -1 3 9 . index: 54.

Hl A T A S E (M ilita ry H istory a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch ive, folder: 2490. flic: in d ex : 15.

76 A T A S E (M ilita ry H is to ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch iv c . fold er: 5 93 . file: 5 -1 3 9 , index: 9 3 .9 3 -1 .

K2 M u s t a fa O n a r , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .3 1 7 .


they would make a total sortie»3. The information obtained showed that the

Turks in Doganbeyli. Cennet, wife of Sumer Ibrahim had to kill two months

Armenian would make a sortie towards the south direction.84 The Armenian

old baby of her own putting a garment into its mouth in order that it did

were seen to search the south part o f the front at the night of 20 - 21

not cry and that the Armenian not to find the villagers hided together90. While making these attacks, the Armenian rebels set up big fires on the

September85. Total of the Savrun Detachment from Kadirli came to the front,86 and the volunteers who gathered in Andirm could not join the besiege as they waited guns to be used in battle87. Despite that forces were sent from the sub - provinces around, the number of the forces could not reach to sufficient number for besiege.

hills to announce that their attack was beginned. Those who were in Saimbeyli attacked to all Turkish forces to prevent the sending o f any help91. The Armenian rebels who attacked from the north again entered Saimbeyli. The six carts o f food they seized in Giizelim village was re­ captured by the Turkish detachment which met them in Obruk Pit

W hile the Turks waited the sortie to be from the south direction, at night


of 23 September 1920, 100 - 150 Armenian rebels were seen to attack the

The distribution of the Turks according to family order, who were killed

Turkish positions in the north from the Obrukbeli part. Here the Turkish

by the Armenian rebels, who indeded arrested Doctor Nuh Bey saying "

forces were under a complete sudden attack. The Armenians made sortie

Come with us and cure the injuries of Commander Cebeciyan ", are as follows93:

from this district hided in Doganbeyli mountains. After a while, they made a sudden attack onto Giizelim village and killed all of the people there and then demolished and set fire on the village. The attackers loaded their winter - food on ox - carts88.

1. §ahin family: Muhtar ismail Qavu§, his brother Fazli, his mother Ay§e, his father Ibrahim (Носа), his grandmother Fatma, 2. Onar family: Omer (Groom o f the headquarter), his brother Hasan

Hearing the sortie of the Armenian in Doganbeyli, Dogan Bey came to the village and put everything in order. The Armenian rebels, who hided in the mountain over the village, attacked to the village at seven p.m. The

3. Dogantekin family: Ummuham, nephew Ali and neighbour Medine. 4. Sumer family: ismail, son of ibrahim and his sister, who was killed by suffocation in straw-rick

National Forces were defeated and 40 National Forces members, who had

5. Dernirci family: Done

come from Goksun that day, were killed and Dogan Bey was injured, too89.

6. Yapici family: Mustafa

The group, who had previously attacked to Nalta§ village, joined them, and

7. Otkan family: Halil, Ay§e (brother and sister)

the Armenian rebels became more powerful, and they killed more than 70

8. Siiliin family: Halil 9. Giiglii family. Elife

83 D o g a n A v c io g lu

10. From Qadiryeri: Hasan Hiiseyin (Village Head)

the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n . V.3, p. 1281 a n d c o n tin u an c e.

84 A T A S E (M ilita ry H is to ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch ive, fold er: 2490, file: 119.

11. From Ortakoy: ibi§ Носа

index: 18.

12. From Saimbeyli - Yarpu§lular: Mehmet Usta, his son Faruk

85 A T A S E (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch iv e , folder: 2490, file: 119.

13. 6 Unknown soldiers from the National Forces.

index: 24. 86 A T A S E (M ilita ry H is to ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch iv e , fold er: 2490, file: 119,

14. P'rom Igdebel village: §aban.

index: 22. 87 A T A S E (M ilita ry H is to ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch ive, fold er: 2490, file:


!)0 M u s t a fa O n a r. the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .3 2 0 -3 2 1 .

Index: 15-6. 91 T .i.H . IV. 88 M u s t a fa O n a r ,

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 3 19-322.

02 M u s t a fa

p. 193. O n a r. the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .322.

89 A T A S E (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch iv e, folder: 2490, file:, -1 19. in dex:28, 2 8 -1 .

93 M u s t a fa O n a r, the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .321.

Upon injuring of Dogan Bey Frontier Linking Group Commander Tufan

Becoming the Commander on October 4, 1920,103 Tufan Bcv located the

Bey came to the besiege place on September 27, 1920 as being assigned b y

105 mm howitzer and the 150 mm cannon, which were brought after a long

Adana Frontier Commander Selehattin (Adil) Bey94. Seeing that the front

journey, to the north direction. The Kale Sekisi and the Hamurcu trendies

was a little bit scattered as a result of the massacre and plunder by the

were captured on 5 October without fighting. Two days before, it was heard

officially trained Armenian rebels,95 Tufan bey asked help by a telegram to

that 7 Armenian rebels happened to meet 2 women and 2 children going to

the muftis in Kadirli, Kozan, Goksun, Develi, Pmarba§i, which reads as

Magara district from Pagnik to get food, and they martyred one o f the

follows : " Please lead everybody who can haadle guns to Saimbeyli as their

women and one child as well and injured the other wom en104.

commander. Please rush here to save our burnt brothers..."96 Tufan Bey ordered the National Forces to attack in the north direction Wishing definitely to knock out the Armenian rebels in Saimbeyli, Tufan Bey was trying to supply usable mausers from the Front Command97. Crying for the massacres done by the Armenian rebels, people of the

that had been strenghtened at midnight instead of a total attack under daylight.105 In the morning of 15 October 1920, the attack was started with the fire of the artillery. The attack was being made through all fronts.

sub - provinces around were shaken by the message of Tufan Bey. Volunteers rushed to Saimbeyli from Andirm under leadership of ibrahim

As the Armenian rebels understood that they could not resist the

Aga98, and from Kayseri, Pmarba§i and other sub - provinces around99. The

howitzer charges, they made a counter-attack in the southern front of

Head Officer and the mufti o f Kadirli Sub - Province reached to the front

Saimbeyli at midnight on 15 - 16 October in order to escape106. Despite the

leading the " mujahids " (religious fighters)100.

successful resistance of Saim Bey, the commander of this front, about two

Before the rush of the National Forces to Saimbeyli, the Armenian rebels made another sortie on 27 - 28 September and raided and set fire on the Kisenit village o f Feke101. The sortie they made with 100 rebels In the

hundred rebels passed the Turkish lines and succeeded to escape to the mountains in the south,107 On October 16, 1920, the Saimbeyli case ended forever since all of the Turkish people in the town were killed108.

morning of 29 September was overcome by the Kotiin Detachment102.

94 A T A S E

(M ilit a r y H is t o r y a n d

S tr a te g ic S tu d ie s D iv is io n ) A r c h iv e ,

f o l d e r : 2 4 9 0 , f ile :


(M ilit a r y H is t o r y a n d

S t r a t e g i c S t u d i e s D i v i s i o n ) A r c h i v e , f o l d e r : 2 4 9 0 . f ile :


in d e x : 3 3 . 95 A T A S E

in d e x : 2 8 - 5 , 3 8 .

103 M u s t a fa O n a r, the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .329. 96 O s m a n T u f a n . t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p . 1 0 1 . 97 A T A S E

101 A T A S E (M ilita ry H istory a n d Strategic S tu d ie s D ivision ) Archivc. folder: 2490, file: 119.

(M ilit a r y

H is t o r y a n d

S tr a te g ic

S tu d ie s

D iv is io n ) A r c h iv e ,

fo ld e r :


file : 1 1 9 .

(M ilit a r y

H is t o r y a n d

S tr a te g ic

S tu d ie s

D iv is io n ) A r c h iv e ,

fo l d e r :


f ile : 1 1 9 .


t ile : 1 1 9 .


in d e x : 4 7 .

10Г> О 9H A T A S E

m an T u fa n . Ih e a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 102.

106 A 'l'A S E (M ilita ry H istory a n d S trategic S tu d ie s D ivision ) A rch ivc. folder: 2490, file: 119,

in d e x : 1 5 - 8 : M u s t a f a O n a r , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p. 3 2 4 - 3 2 6 .

indc.\:02. 99 A T A S E

(M ilita r y

H is t o r y a n d

S tr a te g ic

S tu d ie s

D iv is io n ) A r c h iv c ,

fo ld e r :

1117 All o f Ihe g r o u p o f T crziyan A r a m w h o su c c e e d e d to e sc a p e w ere (r a in e d sn ip e rs a n d they

in d e x : 4 8 .

с аш е clo se lo Ihe T ila n Mill in the Ila m a m v illage a ro u n d K ozan. Tilan w a s cap tu red a lter an 100 A T A S E

(M ilit a r y

H is t o r y a n d

S tr a te g ic

S tu d ie s

D iv is io n ) A r c h iv e ,

f o l d e r : 2 4 9 0 . file : 1 1 9 .

in d c x :5 2 ,5 6 . 101 A T A S E

(M ilita r y

H is t o r y a n d

S tr a te g ic S tu d ie s

D iv is io n ) A r c h iv c ,

f o l d e r : 2 4 9 0 , fi l e : 119 .

(M ilit a r y H is t o r y a n d

S tr a te g ic S tu d ie s

D iv is io n ) A r c h iv c .

f o l d e r : 2 4 9 0 , fi l e : 119 ,

i n d e x : 4 2 - 1.

so n o f T a p u c u S a m i from K adirli w e re m a rtyred . For fu rth er in fo rm ation , see: O s m a n T u fa n . the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic ation , p. 107; Tevfik Q o^k un. the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n ,

in d e x :3 6 . 102 A T A S E

attack In c lu d in g a ls o the N a tio n a l F orc es from K adirli. In T ila n b e sie ge , Irom w h ich m ajority o f the A rm e n ia n re b e ls could e s c a p e to C c y h a n th rou gh the m a rsh ro ad . O m c r Qozcli a n d All.

44: Т.1.11. IV. p. 193. 1HH O s m a n T u fa n . the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 105.



2 - The First Session of the Congress General consultations were made in this session and great importance


w as stressed on the fact that Qukurova should be rescued from the enemy.

1 - Arrival o f Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Pozanti

T h e wishes o f the speakers were in the direction of requesting the

Pozanti and Taurus Tunnels, which were the exit doors to Qukurova an d Syria regions, were captured from the occupier French forces and

w en t

under control o f the National Forces. Pozanti was a place o f sanctuary for

necessary war materials to Adana fronts. Mustafa Kemal Pasha told them th at they would not avoid giving them guns and ammunition114 as far as p ossib le115.

thousands of Turks who escaped from Adana during the " Kag - Kaq "

3 - The Second Session and Pozantx Becomes a Center of Province

(Escape - Escape) events. The news echoed when it was heard that M ustafa

In the second session, the delegates offered Mustafa Kemal Pasha that

Kemal Pasha was to arrive in Pozanti on August 1920. People all around

Pozanti should become an independent province. Listening to this offer,

Qukurova started to rush to Pozanti Railway Station upon this news109.

M ustafa Kemal Pasha said that Adana was under occupation, they would

Completing inspections in Konya, Mustafa Kemal Pasha turned his direction to the south110. The detachment commanders in the fronts, and delegates from Kayseri, Nigde and Bor had received invit atious to participate the Congress111.


m ake Adana a center of national movements and province organization w ou ld be established and by establishing a new province organization in the region, thus it would be possible to manage all sub - provinces and districts from a single hand from Pozanti. This opinion was applauded by the Congress delegates and accepted with unanimity116.

The people o f Pozanti, were in immense enthusiastic and patriotic feelings when they saw Mustafa Kemal Pasha arriving with Fevzi (Qakmak) Pasha, and delegates from Ankara, Sivas and Kayseri. Villagers from highlands and the national warriors met with Mustafa Kemal Pasha, and the Taurus mountains echoed their "Tekbir" ("Allahuekber : Allah is great"), " tehlil " and prayer sounds112

Mustafa Kemal Pasha, being the chairman of the Congress, made a sec­ on d offer117: " You shall establish a committee among yourselves. This committee shall determine the administrators of the province as a list. We shall subm it this list to the vote of the general assembly, if your general assem bly accepts the list, the administrators of the province would have

Mustafa Kemal Pasha was being accompanied with some commanders, Bekir Sami Bey, and Secretary of Ciphers and Director o f Writing Yahya Hayati Bey113.

b een selected thus and they shall immediately start their duties. " A s seen, Mustafa Kemal Pasha tried to show that a governor to be assigned by free and national election118 would be more useful for the

Among great salutations and congratulations, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Fevzi Pasha and the delegates arrived at Pozanti, and after their salutation

national movement in the region, but not the one to be assigned by the occupiers.

with the people, the meetings started. I i i T h e p eo p le w e re p le a se d after the C o n g r e s s w ith that H u lu s i (A k d a g ) B e y w a s a ss ig n e d to b r i n g 5 0 0 g u n s fro m M alatya. S ee : Q u k u ro v a G azetesi (Q u k u ro v a N e w s p a p e r), A u g u s t 5. 109 Q u k u r o v a G a z e t e s i ( Q u k u r o v a N e w s p a p e r ) , A u g u s t 5 , 1 9 8 2 .

1 9 8 2 : K asiin K n er. the a b ov e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .203.

110 T B M M

i i r> K a s im K ner, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 206.

G iz li

C e ls e

Z a b it la r i (S e c r e t

S e s s io n

M in u te s

o f th e

G ra n d

N a t io n a l A s s e m b ly

o fT u r k e y ), V .I: p . 1 2 1 .

i Hi Y u s u f A y h a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 65- 85.

111 Y u s u f A y h a n ,

l 17 y n .s u f A y h a n . the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 85.

t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p .6 6 .

4 2 "п т е A r c h i v e , N o : 1 1 6 / 1 9 0 8 5 : § . S i i r e y y a A y d e m i r , Т е к A d a m ( U n i q u e M a n ) , V .2 . I s t a n b u l

I is M u s t a f a K em al P a s h a ord e re d Ism ail S a fa B e y lo start his d u ty officially after the G r a n d

1985, p. 180.

N a t io n a l A s s e m b ly g a v e the final decision . S ee : TBM M G lzll Z a b itla ri (S cc rc t S e ssion M in u te s

113 Y u s u f A y h a n , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p . 6 7 .

o f th e G r a n d N a t io n a l A s s e m b ly o f T u r k e y ). V . l - 2 , A n k a ra 1985. p . 122.

Again as he offered, the Society for the Defense o f Law was established with

twelve members including Saadettin Bey, Governor of Karaisali

The list was read by Mustafa Kemal and it was accepted as it is without

sub-province and other congress delegates. These in the committee left t h e

any change121. According to the list prepared by the new Acting Governor

hall and prepared a list, then came back after ten minutes and presented,

ismail Safa Bey, the governor assignments for the districts and provinces

the list to Mustafa Kemal Pasha. All who attended to the congress, a ll

were as follows :

supported Ahmet Remzi Bey119 as he offered ismail Safa Bey for th e

Mersin Province

Rauf Bey

Osmaniye Province

Hiisnu Bey

Accepting congratulations under great applauses, Safa Bey prepared th e

Kozan Province

Abdiilaziz Naim

list o f the Governor's staff and presented this to Mustafa Kemal Pasha120..

Tarsus Sub - Province

ยงtikrii Bey

The list for the new Adana Province organization staff prepared by S a fa Bey included the following names:

Karaisali Sub-province

Saadettin (Beybaba) Bey

Ceyhan Sub - province

Qerkes ibrahim Bey

ism ail Safa (Ozler) Bey

Kadirli Sub - province

Sadi Bey

Governor. Safa Bey accepted the duty saying that he would perform th e duty as the Governor until the real Governor was assigned in place of him .

Acting-Governor Cadi (Muslim judge)

Kadizade Feyzi (Oldag)

Yumurtalik (Ayas) Sub - province

Tevfik Bey


Suleyman Faik (Qelik)

Feke Sub - province

Feyyaz Bey

Vice - Chief of Financial Department

Hasan (Aktaยง)

Director o f Health Dep.

Dr. Osman Hayri (Kasai)

Director o f Educational Dep.

Muallim Agah (Dogrul)

would be governed from Haruniye district. As for the sub - provinces :

Director o f Agriculture and Forestry


governor of Tarsus would reside in Namrun, and that o f Ceyhan would

Director o f Land Registry

Mersin - Centrum would be governed from Ergel village while Osmaniye

M ustafa Nuri

reside in Burhanli village. Governors of Ayas sub - province and Osmaniye

Gendarmeria Commander

Major Cemil

province would not reside at a constant place122.

Director of Police Department

Hilmi Tukyu


Diblanzade Mehmed Fuad

Members o f Municipal Assembly

Ahmet Remzi (Yiiregir)

Kethudazade ibrahim Karadayi ismail Bey

the governor's offices would be in good performance, the duty places were prefected to be selected as the safe places close to the centers listed above. After Pozanti was accepted as the provincial center of Adana, the Central

Savath Halil Aga

Committee of the Society for the Defense of the Laws moved from Karaisali

Haydarzade Ali Provincial Constant Committee Gulekli Tevfik

At these places, battles were happening with the French. In order that

to Pozanti. Election was made and the following results were obtained : : Kadizade Feyzi

Ahmet Remzi (Yiiregir) as the Chairman of Kilikya Central Committee for Anatolian and Thracc Society for the Defense of the Law, and Mehmet Fuad

Yolgegenli Ata.

(Diblan), Dr. Bahri (Erkam), ibrahim (Klithuda), Hulusi (Akdag), Hail (Savath), Veli (Ceheribucak), Ata (Yolgegen) and ismail (Karadayi) as the

119 w h i l e A li ilm i p u b lis h e d the n e w s p a p e r P o s ta s i

"F e rd a " a n d

G irl til ilh a m i p u b lish e d "A dan a

members of the same, Acting Director of Financial Department, Hasan Bey

w ith the th o u g h t im p o sed a n d d ic tated b y the F re n c h c a p ita l in A d a n a : Ahm et Remzi

(Y iire g ir) B e y d is t rib u te d h is "Yeni A d a n a " (N e w A d a n a ) to the fro n ts w ith g re a t difficulties a n d h e s u c c e e d e d th e n to h av e it en ter A d a n a c e n t r u m . S e e : Y u s u f A y h a n , the above mentioned

171 Y u s u f A y h a n . t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p . 8 6 : K a s i m

E n e r. th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d

p u b lic a tio n , p. 34 , 41. p u b lic a tio n , p .2 0 3 .

120 Q u k u r o v a G a z e te s i (Q u k u ro v a N e w s p a p e r ),

A u g u s t 5 . 1 98 2; Y e n i A d a n a (N e w Adana).

121 Y u s u f A y h a n , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p . 8 6 - 8 8 : K a s i m E n e r . t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d

D e c e m b e r 30 , 1977. p u b lic a tio n , p .2 0 3 - 2 0 4 .

was given the responsibility o f the armament and equipment in Pozanti. A

the graves of our national history, which is full o f infinite heroism and

store-house was also established in Kelebek to meet the armament,

fortitude, turning your gazes to front the previous targets since you

amunition and ot^er requirements o f the National Forces123.

possessed an unbeatable belief and faith in your hearts. After that moment,

Ismail Safa Bey, the Acting Governor went to Buruk village, met with

the Moslems o f Adana became the sign of patriotism for the entire Anatolia.

Kethudazade Ibrahim Bey, the Group Commander and his friends and

They deserved their name fightfully in preventing all and any oppressions

joined all o f the National Forces around under the name of Ceyhan Group124.

and attacks o f the enemies both in moral and material aspects like an uncollapsable wall of faith. Now all the sons and daughters of our land became aware o f the real position o f the Moslem Crescent against the

Pozanti Congress became the higher expression of the national will that announced that Qukurova was a Turkish land included in Misak-i Milli (National Pact) after the previous congresses in Erzurum and Sivas. 4 - Pozanti Declaration Mustafa Kemal Pasha read the historical declaration at the end of the congress, which he himself wrote as to be addressed to the Moslem people of Adana125.

violent wishes o f the enemies and the enmity of the Christian Cross. Anatolia is not the only source of the mens of success which we will use in the struggle for honour and independence. All our Moslem brothers in Eypt, India, Russia and Africa, who had been bearing infinite oppressions and evidence o f Europe day after day and thus came to a feeling of slavery. Now, they direct out their gazes on the Mercy of Righteous Allah on the one hand and on the enemies, who continue'daring even attacking to the blessed grave o f our Prophet in order to shut the light of Islam, and they have eventually decided on supporting us with all their moral and


material things. Moreover, the huge power in Russia, which have collected

To the all Moslem people o f Adana Province:

around humanistic and moral ideals and which have accepted to comply

Our committee, who were assigned to visit the fronts in the name-of the

with all national rights and which demolishes the world of oppression day

Grand National Assembly and transmit the loving thanks o f the Assembly

by day, promised to give maximum help to us. It is no doubt that our great

to our blessed and sacred-warriors, is highly contended to meet the leaders

nation, who adopted these high feelings of sacrifice and honour from our

of the sacred-warrior people o f Adana province, to the activity field of the

ancestors for the sake of keeping honour and independence and freedom,

Government in Istanbul on the one hand and to that the west may might

shall add new honourable and golden pages to all our religious and

probably burst in humanistic and just feelings on the other after the

national history. We are greatly pleased to express the common belief and

French had torn the armistice in pieces exactly violating any rightfulness

hope that the Moslem people of Adana shall occupy the best place in the

and requirements of justice. Encouraged by this situation, the enemy

field o f pride. We pray Allah that he changes the fate on our side. We grant

enlarged the field o f their insulting courage and occupied our precious land

thanks after thanks to you both in the name of the Grand National

without understanding that the so - called silence and patience hided your

Assembly and also for the entire Islamic World. Oh, great warriors of Islam!

heroism and sacrifice. You, oh, our religious brothers o f Adana, who are

Pozanti, August 5, 1336

blessed for leading the sacred-warriors o f the Prophet's followers, who had

Chairman o f the Grand National Assembly

never known the slavery, chased the signs and messages o f the Prophet, o f

Mustafa Kemal Mustafa Kemal Pasha departed from Pozanti on

123 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .204. 124 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). J a n u a r y 3. 1978.

Kemal for Konya, under great cheers and applauses,127 the new provincial

125 Q u k u r o v a G a z e te si (Q u k u ro v a N e w s p a p e r), A u g u s t 5, 1982. 126 Y e n i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ), D e c e m b e r 30, 1977: K asim E n e r. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a 足 tion. p . 2 0 6 -2 0 7 .

August 5. 1920. and

the studies o f the congress thus ended. Following the leave of Mustafa

127 Y e n i A d a n a ( N e w A d a n a ) . D e c e m b e r 3 0 ,


center Pozanti would bear the duty o f being the new center of the National Forces within the South Front.

The memorandum submitted to the Division Commander Hayri Bey was enough to irritate the new administrators and also the environment. Under such conditions, Governor Saadettin Bey, who encouraged the conflict, was


taken from his du ty132 and Hasan (Akinci) Bey was assigned in the place of

Karaisali was the move-point o f the National Forces before Pozanti

him as acting governor133. Provincial Communicator Suleyman (Qelik) Bey

became the center of the province. The people o f Karaisali were jealous of

executed the acting duty until Cavalry Lieutenant Colonel Ahmet Hamdi

the new position of Pozanti. Saadettin Bey, Governor o f Karaisali was the

Bey was assigned as the new Governor134.

man to cause this coldness to increase. Citizens of Karaisali were hurt from

Some people were frustrated because o f the partial success of the French

their authority being removed and they complained about the irregularities

depending on their superiority in guns and ammunition aspect and also

o f the battles128. Moreover, the reaction of Karaisali citizens increased due

because o f the memorandum event. Some of these also thought there was

to the Center o f the Society for the Defense of Law had moved from

no remedy other than taking refuge to the French. The leader of such

Karaisali to Pozanti129.


After progresses following even the delegate elections were made in

thinking ones was Lieutenant Abdusselam, Seyhan Group


Karaisali, the citizens o f Karaisali seemed as if to become enemies to the

Upon such progresses, Mustafa Kemal Pasha sent his close friend

National Forces130. The people of the district, who wished to gain the moral

Mehmet Nuri (Conker) Bey to Pozanti on September 26, 1920 with the duty

superior position of Karaisali again, prepared a memorandum to be given

of acting Governor o f Adana Commander o f the 41st Division. Thus, both

to the Division Commander Hayri Bey on 12 August 1920, in which they

civil and military administration was collected in one hand136.

declared their wishes as that the Central Committee o f the Society for the

A little while later, Lieutenant Abdusselam left his detachment and deed

Defense of the Law was to be established and the Headquarters o f the 41st

to Adana which was under the French occupation. The French made

Division moved to Karaisali. This memorandum, which reflected a

propaganda that they would keep secure those who take refuge to them and

dangerous regionalism included 12 articles that read in summary as

therefore kept the front patrols open13?. Against these events experienced

follows : The wish o f Karaisali citizens as that they wanted to work

in Adana fronts, Governor Mehmet Nuri Bey took effective steps and held a

separately from Pozanti, the outsider soldiers in Karaisali front to be

congress in Pozanti on October 8, 1920138.

excluded, no aid to be collected from the people o f Karaisali since they are well known to be very poor, the 4.000 guns brought from Malatya to be

132 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n , p .231.

distributed equivalently among Adana, Tarsus and Karisali, the Society for

133 H a s a n A k in c i, th e a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . Kuvayt M illiye D erg isi (N a tio n a l F o rre s

the Defense o f the Law to establish a branch in Karaisali, the income of the

M a g a z in e s , Iss u e : 83, M e rsin 1967,

sub-province should not be spent to any other place whatsoever until the

131 K a su n E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .231.

war ended, no salaries to be paid whatsoever unless examined by the branch o f the Society for the Defense o f the Law to be established131.

I3r> M e a n w h ile , the n a tio n s on the region from C e y h a n river to E u p h ra te s river w e re Joined to the 9th D iv isio n in Mara;?, a n d L ie u te n a n t C o lo n e l M eh m et H a y ri B e y w a s a ss ig n e d a s Ihe C o m m a n d e r o f that, th u s tra n sfo rm a tio n p ro c e d u re to re gu la r a rm y w a s c o n tin u e d in A d a n a Front. Se e : K a sim E n e r, the a b ov e m en tion ed p u b lic atio n , p .231. I3r> D a m a r A rik o g lu .

K a ra isa li p e o p le w o u ld a c c u s c the n e w re gu la tio n sin c c the F re n c h o b ta in e d s u c c c s s in

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 187: Y u s u r A y h a n . the above m e n ­

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p .94.

their a tta ck to w a rd s K a ra isa li. S e e : K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 229. 137 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .232. D a m a r A rik o g lu . 129 D a m a r A r ik o g lu ,

the a b o v e m ention ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p . 171.

the above m e n ­

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p. 187-188.

130 K a m il E r d a h a , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .323. ÂŤ

I3K K a su n E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .232; Yeni A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). O c to b e r 9.

131 F or d etailed in fo rm a tio n . S e e : K a sim E n e r, the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 2 9 -2 3 1


The minutes of this congress met in Pozanti was published in Adana


The income and expense balance sheet o f

the province from its

Gazetesi, a newspaper and made printed. The minutes included the

establishm ent to the end o f September (1920) was read. A

following articles taken by the delegates139:

commission of 5 members was elected to inspect the accounts. The commission report reads as follows : There has been nothing

" The committee o f the congress including 60 delegates, who were

violating the accounting principles since the establishment of the

elected from all sub-provinces and districts upon invitation to make

province; nevertheless, it was written that simple receipt notes had

meetings concerning the defense o f the country, the strengthening of the

been given for donations collected by Head of Pozanti, Hulusi

fronts and providing the provincial needs and requirements, met in their

(Akdag) before the establishment and the related expenses were not

special place in Pozanti at 9.00 a.m. on Friday, the eighth day o f October

in line with the accounting principles. It was thus decided that other

1920, and took the following decisions after two days' sessions :

than the list submitted by Hulusi (Akdag) Bey to the Central


Committee, an announcement would be made in order to determine

The Governor declared their pleasure for the meeting of the

the persons who had made such donations and the accounts of

delegates there, said welcome to them and explained the interior and

Hulusi (Akdag) Bey would be reviewed by the Central Committee.

exterior conditions of the country. These explanations ended with such belief that the Turkish Nation would capture their own rights


upon their great solidarity and will in the struggle for living and

would take over themselves and inspect the operations performed by

independence. After that a copy of a telegram was read stating that

the previous committee.

it was the real duty of the nation's scholars and intellectuals to


blame those deceiving and anarchist movements arisen from Konya


It was decided that the new Central Committee to be established

A discussion was made concerning the election of members of the new central committee, and it was decided that each sub-province

and its surroundings and to warn those who are deceived. The


congress committee unanimously decided on that this telegram is

attended the congress and who are accepted to really represent the

duplicated and be immediately sent to all sub - provinces.

people o f the region. The ten members of the central committee to be

elect their own members through

the delegates who

established were elected by drawing lots; and the distribution of the

Though all people of Adana have spent their utmost efforts by

members was accepted to be as

sacrificing their bodies and goods so far together in the preparation

follows : 3 members, Tarsus; 3

members, Adana; 2 members, and Karaisali; 2 members. Each

of the causes o f the defense o f the country, it was heard that some


unpleasant things occurred among some people o f the district; thus,

com mittee elected

the following names among


the causes from which all these have arisen, were mentioned and the remedies for that were discussed. During the sessions, it was expressed that no such event had occurred among people o f Tarsus

Mersin : Hocazade Asim, Ahmet Hilmi and Suleyman Fikri. Tarsus : Suleyman Aga from ยงeyhli village, Mustafa Karaoglu and Gafur Efendizade Mahmut (Boran) from Kamberhoyugii.

and Mersin, yet since the citizens of Adana failed to make necessary aids to the citizens of Karaisali for the defense o f the country, the

Adana : Mehmet Fuad (Diblan) and Nalbantzade Ahmet (Kurdak)

people o f the region were hurt. This matter was discussed and

Karaisali : Suleyman Bey and Adil Menemencioglu.

related causes were described. The matter was put into solution by





the location o f the immigrants was

making a promise that the failure in making bodily aid would be

discussed. The sub - provinces, Mersin and Tarsus declared that

removed concerning the soldier assignment.

they had located their own immigrants to the backs o f the front and also they would try to locate those who had not been yet located, if

139 K a sim E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 3 2 -2 3 5 .

any. Since some of the Adana immigrants were located to places

After the congresses that were held in Pozanti, the National Forces began such as Belemedik, Hacxkiri and Kelebek, the remaining ones were decided to be located in Karaisali and Tarsus sub - provinces. 7.

meaningful message to the people of the region that Ankara Government

It was decided that a donation o f 10.000 Turkish liras would be

embraced them; and the newly established Adana province went thus

collected in order to buy and provide the most important winter

under control o f the TBMM Government in Ankara.

requirements o f our sacred warriors who are now defending our holy country against the enemies in the front; such as cloaks, rain - coats and shoes , and that each 2.500 TL o f this amount would be given in equal shares to the our sub-provinces : Adana, Karaisali, Tarsus and Mersin. 8.

to be organized in Qukurova, and Mustafa Kemal Pasha's visit became a

The previous policy that no fronts were opened against the French, that the nation did not encounter supreme states and the western front is not scattered into parts was now left, Ankara began to control the National Forces in Qukurova, thus it became stronger and the Southern Front was opened officially.

It was decided that shares would be deducted from the sales profit of the wood to be chopped for the railway company and coal to be burnt for people, and from tobacco, cigarette and salt in order to provide incomes to the Provincial Central Committee; and the

The French, who tried to establish a colonial rule over Qukurova by manipulating the Armenians and acted confortably, were astonished against the resistance of the Turks, whom they were accustomed to see as being finished and exhausted.

related transaction to be made is left to the Central Committee ". After this regional congress, Mehmet Nuri Bey, the Governor and the 41st Division Commander took more effective steps. He deported 5 - 6 friends o f Abdtisselam to Kayseri. He applied a very careful inspection over the headquarters o f Sinan Tekelioglu, who showed reaction against the provin­ cial administrators o f Pozanti and for this purpose who attempted to remove Karaisali Gendarme Commander Hasan (Akinci) Bey from his duty но.

C. BATTLES AFTER THE CONGRESSES: 1 - Kovanbafi Battle: The French had also occupied Osmaniye district o f Cebelibereket sub-province o f Adana as in the other districts, the French intervened in the governmental matters by the encouragement o f the Armenians and oppressed the Turkish people. The people of the district, accept

When some troops under the 41st Division were sent to control the Deliba§ Rebellion, Adana front became weaker to same extent. Sinan Tekelioglu made a sudden attack to Adana on





of the

who could not



detachments in Osmaniye, Haruniye, Yarpuz, Bahge, Kadirli and islahiye and started fighting against the French143.

October 7, 1920 with a

The French deployed new forces on iskenderun beaches beginning with

detachment o f volunteers of 150 men in order to close this gap and this

October 5, 1920 and started a general attack in the morning o f October 10,

attack failed. Sinan Tekelioglu resigned from his duty on October 8, 1920

1920 in Osmaniye144. The French infantry soldiers, who were walking

as he was held responsible by Mehmet Nuri Bey for this event141.

under the support o f the fire o f artillery, could not resist against the

Mehmet Nuri Bey reassigned Sinan Tekelioglu on October 20, 1920 back to his duty upon that the French, who were supported with a new division, made a big attack on Osmaniye region from October 12-13 1920142.

140 K a sim E n e r. the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 2 35 .

Turkish detachments and drew back leaving 20 dead behind and many wounded soldiers145. Against this resistance, the French attacked to the National P'orces

н а T .i.H . IV,

p . 73.

141 K a sim E n e r, th e a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .2 3 5 -2 3 7 ; K am il E r d a h a , the a b o v e m e n ­

144 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 237.

tioned p u b lic a tio n , p .3 2 5 -3 2 6 .

l4 5 A g ik s o z, O c to b e r 14, 1920.

142 K asim E n e r,

the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p . 237.

located at Kovanba§i hills in Haruniye,146 After the failure o f this attack, the

500 men under the command of Tufan Bey, was sent to §eker Deresi.

French forces were attacked by the National Forces who took supporting

Haruniye troops with 280 men took position with two divisions in Kabatepe

divisions from the 26th regiment. The French forces could not resist the

and with one division in Yarba§i.

attacks and were pushed back. Attacking for another chance, the French forces had great losses as the National Forces, who were initially fighting with a few machine guns, were supported with the fire o f artillery from the back of the front. The French, who could not resist the pressure o f the Ceyhan Detachment Group, who had taken attack order from the back o f the front, were obliged to draw back to the north of the Ceyhan River. This battle known as the War o f Kovanba§i became a victory, as the National Forces defended their place for eight hours like supreme heroes and made effective counter - attacks. The French losses were about 1.000

At 8:00 a.m. in the morning o f November 8, 1920, the French started firing over the Turkish infantry with three batteries they had located on the road between Kanligegit and Hasanbeyli. The French aeroplanes joined the attack from air though the French occupied the front places o f the Turkish forces with this attack, the Turks recaptured these places in the evening of the same day149. The French made a strong attack against the National Forces at Kabaktepe at 12:00 the following

day, and took here. The 4th French

division under command of General Goubeau captured Kanligegit, moved

m en147.

over Hasanbeyli to islahiye and moved from there to Antep over the Katma - Kilis road and joined the battles there150.

2 - The Battles of Kanligegit: Being beaten in Kovanba§i War, the French gathered their forces in

The Turkish forces made counter - attacks against the French forces

Toprakkale and attacked the Osmaniye Front from two branches on 1

equipped with superior armament and made them have many losses, thus

November 1920. Against the French, who arrived the Kanligegit - Mamure

delayed the movement of the enemy towards Antep; they fighted in

line without any important resistance, the Turkish forces gathered in

Kabaktepe and Kanligegit without being beaten.

Yarpuz. The French started a big attack to the Turkish forces that gathered on the northern and eastern parts of the Ceyhan River148, but they were

3 - The Battle in Fadil:

again obliged to draw back after leaving many losses behind.

In October of 1920, the French started a general attack against the

The troops o f the Osmaniye Regional Command began to gather over

Adana Front151 and they continued their straight movement through the

Kanligegit - Mamure line, where the French forces had already gathered, on

(Jatik River on the north o f Kurttepe - Fadil152. Their purpose was to

November 7, 1920. The islahiye Group took position

capture Pozanti and thus control the only passage of the region.

in Kabatepe near

Kizildere village. The Karayigit Detachment came to the east o f Kanh Gegit

Ascending the hills on 20 November with the support o f cannons,

and located on the right of the French, thus prevented their movement. A

aeroplanes and machine guns, the enemy faced with the resistance of the

group of 100 men from the Kadirli Detachment, who came to Haruniye with

national detachments on the hills. Though the French had great losses, they captured the hills of Fadil and Tepegaylak as w ell153.

146 Y tiriik Selim , w h o p e rfo rm e d s u e e e s fu l activities in M a r a § region a g a in s t the F re n c h , p e r­ fo rm e d d u ty in a ls o o rg a n iz a tio n a l a n d re sista n c e m o v e m e n ts in O sm a n iy e a n d H a ru n iy e d is ­ tricts. S e e : A T A S E (M ilita ry H isto ry a n d S trate g ic S tu d ie s D iv isio n ) A rch iv c . folder: 5 9 3 . [lie: 5 -

140 F or the a c ro p la n c c activities o f (h e F ren c h a n d field battles. S e e : Ac;iksoz, N o v e m b er 15. 1920.

139. in d ex: 3 3: T .i.H . IV, p. 74. 150 T .i.H IV. p . 2 02 ; A .C e v d e t Q a m u rd a n , the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 164 a n d c o n tin ­

147 T .i.H . IV. p. 198: A . C evd et Q a m u r d a n

the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 110 -1 1 1 : Tevfik


C o § k u n , the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .47. 151 K asim E n e r. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .238. 148 T h e N a tio n a l F o rc e s w e re n ot w ell e q u ip p e d from m ilita ry point o f v iew . T he p eo p le of K o n y a , E reg li s a c rlfic ie d their s o u r c e s a n d 5 0 0 e a c h m ilita ry c lo ak s a n d 5 0 0 p a irs o f sh oe s w e re s e n t to th ose w h o figh ted in A d a n a F ront. S e e : O g iid , N o v e m b e r 6, 1920.

152 N ecati Q ip la k , the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 262. 153 I. F c ra h im § a lv u z ,

the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .9 7 -9 8 .

The condition in the front became worse due to the

superiority of the

enemy in number o f soldiers and equipment, over the National Forces. For

which was later not accepted by Mustafa Kemal Pasha15(i. The main reason for the change in the behaviour o f the French,


this reason, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Refet (Bele) Bey asked ismail

previously had not paid importance to the action of the National Norces in

Ferahim Bey, whose duty in Qukurova became lighter since the Deliba§

Qukurova, was the Turkish resistance they experienced with a great agony.

Rebellion was suppressed, to move toward Pozanti with his troops, ismail

There were other reasons for that France to try to became closer to Ankara.

Ferahim Bey arrived at the region under French occupation on 22

First o f all, France was not pleased with that Soviet Russia established good

November and began to take necessary steps. On the following day, the

relations with Ankara157. In case the influence of the Russian over Anatolia

French, who faced the strong side - fire o f Kavaklihan detachments, learnt

had increased, the interests of French in Turkey and their position in Syria

that auxiliary forces, machine guns and cannons had arrived at the region

and Lebanon, which were under mandate of France, might have become

through the espionage of their spies and thus they had to draw back. After


the battles, to which the forces o f Sinan Tekelioglu also joined, the National

Moreover, Britain, which followed a balance policy, did not support

Forces marched over the enemy towards Adana and provided thus the

France against Germany159 and left them to their own fate in the Near East.

French passed to defense position154.

However, the French had undertaken the protection of the interests of the English since the region they fighted in was on Musul and India roads180.

Through the end o f the year 1920, the National Forces in Adana Front gained great successes. Since the last Armenian resistance was beaten in

On the other hand, it become hard that France remained in Qukurova. Because, the French budget experienced the hard task o f feed the fren ch

Saimbeyli, the dream of formation of an Armenian state was terminated

army in Qukurova who were beaten by the Turks in guerrilla war. For this

and the French understood that they could not make Qukurova a colony

reason, rigid criticisms were made in the French Parliament161.

of them after greatly being beaten in Osmaniye district and Fadil Battle in the general attack they started.

Besides, the French found it against their own interests that the Greek Army marched over Anatolia under support of Britain and that the English

These great achievements gained by the National Forces on the way to

gained power over Istanbul and also over the Straits162.

the rescue o f the country would be effective on the decision made by the French to sign a peace agreement with the TBMM Government.

15G W it h th is c o n tra ct, w a r w o u ld e n d in the S o u th e rn F ron t. T u rk e y w o u ld take ste p s for the

p rotection o f the A rm e n ia n , is k e n d e r u n w o u ld re m ain in S y ria w ith a sp e cial regim e a n d the F ren c h w o u ld take so m e e c o n o m ica l p rivileges. For d etailed in fo rm ation , Sec: T anei B avto k. the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p. 31; T B M M Glzli C clsc Z a b itla ri (S c c rc l S e ssion M in u te s


o f the G r a n d N a t io n a l A s se m b ly o f T u rk ey ), V .2 , p. 3 1 1 -3 1 2 .

A - Ankara Agreement:

157 T u rk is h - Soviet A m ity P act w a s in itialed on A u g u s t 24, 1920, a n d sign ed on M a rc h


1921. F o r d etaile d in fo rm ation . S e e : M eh m et G o n liib o l - C c m Ser. the a b o v e m ention ed p u b ­

A temporary armistice was made with the French in May o f 1920, then

lication. V .I. p. 18 - 20.

a contract was made in London on March 11, 1921 between Briand, the

15H is m a il S o v sa l. T u rk - F ran siz S iy a s i ilisjkileri (T u rk is h -F re n c h Political R elation s). Belleten .

French Prime Minister and Sami Bey, the Minister o f Foreign Affairs,155

V. X L V II. O c to b e r 1983. is su e : 188. p. 9 64 : S a la h l R. S o n y cl. T iirk K u rtu lu $ S a v asi ve I)is P olitika (T u rk is h In d e p e n d e n c e W a r a n d F o re ig n Policy). V .2 . p. 198. 1S!) E. B e lin a n Jjapolyo, Ihe a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lication , p .37.

154 K a sim E n e r, the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n p .2 5 3 -2 6 3 ; i. F e ra h im § a lv u z

the above

m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p . 9 8 -1 0 3 . 155 M u s t a fa K e m a l P a s h a d id not like th is c on tra ct sin c e it in c lu d e d so m e p ro v isio n s not in

100 S c q II A k g iin , A n k a r a A n lasjinasi - H a zirla m ^ i ve O n cm i (T h e P re p a ra tio n a n d Im p ortan ce o f A n k a r a A g re e m e n t ), Prof. I). A h m e t Sjiikrti E sm er'c A r m a g a n ( A Gift to Prof, Hr. Ah m et § u k r ii E s in c r).. p u b lis h e d b y : A .U .S .B .F ., A n k a r a 1981, p. 7.

line w ith the N a t io n a l P ro m ise . F or d etaile d in fo rm a tio n . See : A t a liir k . the a b o v e m ention ed

1(il K a m il E r d c lia .

p u b lic a tio n . V.1I, p. 5 9 7 - 5 90 .

1(32 Segil A k g iin the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,,

the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic atio n , p .3 27 a n d c o n tin u an c e. p .7.

Other than those, beginning with the year 1920, the public opinion in France turned to be supporting Turkish national movement. Especially

recognize this.".1™ Bouillon claimed various excuses and insisted on the contract made between Bekir Saim Bey and Briand. Long sessions followed

those liberalists, progressists, socialists and anti - colonialists were

this. Meanwhile, Bouillon wanted the sessions to be interrupted for some

opposing.163 The writings of such famous writers as Pierre Loti, Claude

time in order that they could examine the National Promise Pact171.

Farrere, Madame Berthe Gaulis, Georges Gaulis164, which were all for Turkey and the Turks, also effected the French public opinion16^ Another factor that helped the parties to come closer was that Aristid Briand became the Prime Minister of France in early 1921, Briand sought that good relations were to be founded with Ankara as soon as possible. Briand, saw the only solution that

would also fit the protection and

continuation o f their economical existence in Turkey which was not too much divided into parts and that could survive. The Government in Ankara

The sessions started again a few days later. Yet other disputes arose from such matters concerning the abolishing of the capitulations and that Turkey was to be recognized as a country with complete independence. Mustafa Kemal said the following words in great excitement172: ... Complete independence is the original spirit o f the duty we do perform today ... We can make peace agreement in form. We can come to an agreement. But, our nation shall never regain its life and peace with

was net very fond of continuing the war too much in Qukurova since every

such peace agreements or pacts that would not provide our independence

Turkish solider166 was needed when the Greeks were getting greatly

in full. Perhaps such would cause our nation to leave its material struggle

prepared. Both parties were looking for ways o f contact.

if our nation allowed it, and be driven in worse conditions. If our nation had accepted and had a tendency to accept such, there would have been no

The Prime Minister Briand sent Senator Franklin Bouillon, Chairman of the Senate Commission for Foreign

Affairs, who was known to feel

sympathy towards Turks, on June 9, 1921,167

and the negotiations


need to fights for two years ..." When he expressed this will in such rigid expressions, Bouillon asked for that the related matters to be examined with much more care, and thus explained his sincere and serious thoughts, he said it was a problem of time. Bouillon would leave the conference in

In the official negotiations started after four days, Mustafa Kemal Pasha

order to report the negotiations to his government and to inspect the

offered the National Promise Pact as to be the basis o f the negotiations. On

conditions o f the French military forces in Pozanti, Adana and iskcndcrun.

the other had, Bouillon sought that Sevres Agreement was to be taken as

Bouillon went to Adana in late June 1920, and passed to Paris from here;

the basis169. Upon that, Mustafa Kemal insisted on his offer and said : " A

and thus the first act o f the negotiations closed without any solution173.

new Turkish State came out of the old Ottoman Empire. You should

Meanwhile, when the Greek marched towards Ankara, the French felt it necessary to wait the result of the war. The winning o f Turks the Sakarya

163 ism ail S o y s a l the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , 164 A n a to lia n A g e n c y state d o n

p .96.

D ec em b e r 12, 1920 th at "T h e leftist j o u r n a ls in P a ris wrote

Field Battle,17,1 made the French to believe that they were a force over Anatolia

which should be taken into account seriously. The French

that F ran c e s h o u ld a gre e w ith T u rk e y b y c o m in g to a n a g re e m e n t w ith T u rk s a n d sh o u ld

Government sent Bouillon again to Ankara by giving him the authority to

em pty Q u k u ro v a ..." S e e : T .i.T .E . Archive, N o : 1 1 6 / 19085.

decide on the discharge of the French forces from Qukurova. and on 24

165 F or d etailed in fo rm a tio n S e e: Y a h y a A k y iiz the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n ,., p .47-48. 166 S a la h i R. S o n y e l the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n ,., C 2 p. 198. 167 Ism ali S o sy a l the above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , V .I., p .4 9; Segil A k g iin the a b o v e m e n ­

170 K e m a l A t a t i i r k t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , V . I I p . 6 2 2

tioned p u b lic atio n , p .8.

171 S a l a h i R . S o n y e l 1lit; a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , V . 2 . p. 199 .

168 T h e T u rk ish com m ittee w ith th eir c h a irm a n b e in g M u s t a f a K em al a tte n d e d the m eetings

172 K e m a l A t a t i i r k t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , V . I I . . p . 6 2 3 - 6 2 4 .

w ith the follow in g m e m b e rs : T h e M in iste r o f F o re ig n A ffa ir s , Y u s u f K e m a l (T e n gir§ ek ) B e y an d Fevzi (Q akrn ak) P a s h a , See : K e m a l A tatiirk , th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , V.II, p. 621. 169 S a la h i R. S o n y el the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , V .2 p. 199.

173 S a l a h i R . S o n y e l t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n . V . 2 . p. 1 9 9 - 2 0 0 . 174 E . Z i y a K a r a l , T i i r k i y c C u m h u r i y e t i T a r i l i i . ( T h e H i s t o r y o f T u r k i s h 1 9 5 8 , p. 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 .

R e p u b l i c ) I s t a n b u l.

September, the second conference with Yusuf Kemal started, to which Ali

disputes on the southern borders, with a powerful western state for the first

Fethi (Okyar) Bey also attended175.

time. This agreement meaned that France had also recognized the new

During meetings which lasted about three weeks, Yusuf Kemal Bey

Turkish State after Soviet Russia. Besides, by signing this agreement, France made the Sevres Agreement unvalid and unapplicable.

declared that TBMM Government opposed the foreign states to establish influence regions in Turkey and gendarme force in Qukurova, and that they

By this agreement, the Ankara Government gained the opportunity to

wanted the borders with Syria should pass from the south of iskenderun,

shift their military forces from south to west and even provide military aids

and he also stated that The Turkish Grand National Assembly would not allow a single Turk to leave his arms unless all capitulations were completely abolished. After difficult discussions, the conference once came near to be interrupted. Yet after consultation with Paris, Bouillon accepted the terms o f the National Promise Pact concerning the matters o f minorities.176 On the other hand, the Turkish party was obliged to sacrifice iskenderun177 province, which was decided to be left to Syria, for the sake of an agreement178 with France under the conditions that prevailed at that

from the French Government for the great attack they were going to start against the Greek.180 By discharging their military forces from Qukurova, France got rid of extra expenses of 500 million Francs, thus gained economical opportunities, and strengthened their control over Syria. Soon after this agreement, disputes arose concerning the solidarity of the Entente Powers for the Near East. The Entente unity would be broken into pieces for this reason and could never be repaired again. The Ankara Agreement also gave great astonishment to the Greek and obliged Italians to follow the French example181.

time. Thus, France, which was angry with Britain for their not supporting The Ankara Agreement seemed to give the Turks everything they were in need of. These included the discharge o f Adana region, that the border line between Syria and Qukurova

was corrected in accordance with the

France, in their struggle against Germany, separated themselves from Britain in the course of time, in the case of Turkey and even acted by themselves. Therefore, Britain was surprised with this agreement. On the

Turkish wishes and that a special regime would be applied in iskenderun

other hand, the Armenian were upset since the French put them down in

which would protect the rights o f the Turkish people there. On the other

Qukurova, and their Armenian dreams were totally destroyed, and over

hand, the French gained the priviliges over some sections o f Bagdat railway

130.000 Armenian people were obliged to escape to Syria while 30.000 ones

which they had sought. However, no other economical interest was

escaped to Cyprus182. The Armenian people who settled on Qukurova and

included in the Agreem ent179.


to establish an independent Armenian state there, were

Though this agreement was a pre-agreement of peace as Bouillon said, the Turks won an important diplomatic success with the fact that a country from

the Entente Powers wing signed a pact with Ankara

Government, although if it were alone. After the Moscow Agreement. Ankara Government made a second agreement, which would solve great

180 T he F rc n c h left m a n y g u n s , a m m u n itio n a n d m a te ria ls w h ile th ey rem oved their forces from Q u k u ro v a . T u rk e y b o u g h t so m e o f th ese to p a y in future. T h e re m a in in g p a r i w a s b e in g given a s gifts. T h e given m a te ria ls a s gift, in c lu d e d

10 a e ro p la n e s a n d 4 .484 rifles. B e side s,

the F rcn c h se n t g u n s a n d e q u ip m e n t su fficien t for a division b y (r a in s from A le p p o a n d Isk e n d e ru n to b e given to the o rd e r o f M u s t a fa K e m al P a sh a. S ee : Y u s u f A y h a n . Q u k u ro v a A lb iim u (Q u k u r o v a A lb u m ), A d a n a 1973, p. 77; S a b a h a ttin Selck, A n a d o lu ih tilali (A n ato lian R evo lu tion ), p. 2 9 8 a n d c o n tin u a n c e in, S a la h i R. So n y el, the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic atio n ..

175 S a la h i R. S o n y e l the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n , V .2 , p .200.

V. 2. p. 2 0 4 it is stated th at two d iv isio n s w o u ld b e a rm e d a n d e q u ip p e d w ith the m ilitary

176 S a lah i R. S o n y e l, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , V .2 p .2 0 0 -2 0 1 .

m a te ria ls left b y the F rc n c h in Q u k u ro v a .

177 M eh m et G o n liib o l-C e m S a r , the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n . V .I. p .4 1 -4 2 .

181 S a la h i R. S o n y el the a b o v e m e n tion ed p u b lic a tio n . V .2 p .203. a n d c o n tin u a n c e .

178 A h m et C a v id - M u s t a f a M u h s in , T iirk iy e T a rih i (H is t o ry o f T u r k e y ). Milli P rin tin g H ouse.

182 S a b a h a ttin Sclek. the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p .664; E rg iin A y b a r s , the ab ov e m e n 足

Istan b u l 1926, p. 707.


179 L ord K in ro s s, the a b o v e m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n ,

p . 437 .

p u b lic a tio n ,

V .I.

p .293;

K a sim

H ak im iyct-I M illiyc, D e c e m b e r 21. 1921.

E n e r.



m e n tio n ed

p u b lic a tio n ,

p .289;

manipulated by the Armenian gangs183, and were put down with the Ankara Agreement and thus left to their own fate184. Starting with the days when the Congress in Sivas was held during the national struggle that initiated the rescue of the homeland, Mustafa Kemal kept relations with the French on a careful and flexible basis, and saw the separation between Britain and France right on time, thus made France to become on the side of the Nationalist Turkey185 and played a great role in the final Ankara Agreement signed on October 20, 1921. The Ankara Agreement signed between Yusuf Kemal Bey, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Franklin Bouillon on the French party on October 20, 1921, included the following articles186: " Article 1) Both parties agree that war shall end between them by the signing of this agreement. The armies, governmental authorities and the citizens shall be informed about the condition. Article 2) Following the signing of this agreement, all war prisoners of both parties and any Turkish and French persons imprisoned or arrested

Article 4) A common commission to be established during the time period stated in article 3 shall determine how this agreement would be applied. Article 5) Both parties shall announce general amnesty over the lands disharged following the occupation of these. Article 6) The Government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) agree that the rights o f minorities openly accepted in the National Pact shall be confirmed by their party on the basis of contracts made between the allies and their enemies and some friends. Article 7) A special regime shall be established for iskenderun district (Hatay). The people o f Turkish origin in this district shall utilize any organization to develop their culture. Turkish shall be the official language there. Article 8) The line mentioned in the article 3 is as follows: From Payas in the gulf o f iskenderun, to Meydan-i Ekbez, Kilis - Qobanbeyli Station and shall reach from Qobanbeyli to Nusaybin, the railway being within Turkish borders. Payas and stations of Meydan-i Ekbez and Qobanbeyli shall

shall be released and the imprisoning party shall send them to the next city

remain within the borders of Syria. Following this agreement is signed,

to be shown by paying necessary waybills.

latest within one month’s period, a commission including delegates from

Article 3) Beginning with the signing of this agreement, latest within two months the French troops shall draw back to the south о the live troops described in article 8 and the Turkish troops shall draw back to the north o f the same.

both parties shall be selected to determine the so called line and this commission shall supervise the determination of the line. Article 9) The grave o f Suleyman§ah, the grand father of Sultan Osman, the founder o f the Ottoman Dynasty in Caber Castle known as the Turkish Grave shall be owned by Turkey with its surroundings and Turkey shall put guards and hoist the Turkish flag there.

183 D e d e A k ga li. w h o w e n t, L e b a n o n w ith the C o m m e rc ia l C om m ittee o f A d a n a in 1976, w ittn e s se d a n A r m e n ia n , w h o h a d e sc a p e d from Q u k u ro v a , sa y in g ; "W e w e re m a n ip u la te d b y the

Article 10) The Government o f the Turkish Grand National Assembly

re b e ls w h o th re a te n e d o u r co m fo rt a n d p e a c e ...”. Y e a rs later, H ayri A y d in , P re ss C h ie f in

agree to give the Bagdat railway part between Pozanti and Nusaybin, and

C o m m e rc ia l C h a m b e r o f A d a n a , received a letter fro m U n ite d States, in w h ic h the s e n d e r, w h o w a s ant A r m e n ia n d e s c r ib e d h is w is h to e x ch an g e a p ost c a rd s h o w in g A d a n a in the 19th c en ­

the enterprise rights o f the branches established within Adana province to

tu ry w ith the p ic tu re o f A d a n a , a n d stated th at he felt the s a m e regret. (In te rv ie w s dated

a French group to be shown by the Government of France. The Turkish

S e p te m b e r a n d 2 6, A u g u s t 19, 1993).

Government shall make Military transportation via the railway within

184 A z m i S u s lii, R u s l a r a G o re ... M ezalim (The C ru e lty b y A r m e n ia n s a g a in s t T u rk s A c c o rd in g

Syrian borders from Meydan-i Ekbez to Qobanbeyli.

to R u s s ia n ), p .9 5 ; K a s im E n e r, th e above m e n tio n ed p u b lic a tio n , p .289 ; A ^ ik so z, D e c e m b e r 20, 1920.


11) After

this agreement is put into power,

a common

185 L o rd K in ross, the a b o v e m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p .437.

commission shall be selected and this commission shall regulate the

186 K u rt u lu § S a v a § m d a igel (ige l in In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ), p .2 6 8 -2 7 1 ; K a s im E n e r. the above

customs affairs between Turkey and Syria, and both Governments shall be

m e n tio n e d p u b lic a tio n , p . 2 8 1 -2 8 2 .

free in their actions until this transaction is made.

Article 12) Turkey and Syria shall make use of the Kink Suyu river justly. The Government of Syria could take water from the Turkish part o f

District Commander and Artillery Lieutenant Colonel Ismail Ferahim Bey was assigned as the Tarsus District Commander1»7.

the River Euphrates, provided that the expenses be on their own account. C. The French Discharge from Qukurova Article 13) Local and semi-nomadic people living on both sides o f the border line stated in article shall use the grasslands there and those who possess property, lend or real estate shall use their rights as before. These people could transport their animals, vehicles, seeds and vegetable (plants) freely as they wish without paying any customs duty or grassland fee or any other charges whatsoever. These people have to pay the taxes applied in the country they live on. " B.The Establishment of Adana and Around Command:

By such news that the Turks would make agreement with the French on Adana region and that Adana and its surroundings would be left to the Turks was heardIHH, the Armenian people of this region and those Christians who hate the Turks began to migrate. Seeing that Ottoman flag is being hoisted before the Governor's House in Adanala9, the Armenian felt the agony once again that they were sacrificed for the ambitions of foreign states and began to rush for the French ships in Mersin and Dortyol. The French began to draw their troops back using the roads of Mersin and iskenderun on the one hand and destructed the fortifications they had

After the Ankara Agreement was signed, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the

established earlier190.

chairman of the Turkish Grand National Assembly required to make some charges in the military divisions on the southern region and thus published

1. Turkish Delegate Accepts Surrender of Adana:

the following order :

Turkish Delegate went to Kelebek on November 26, 1921 in order to

" According to the agreement we have signed, the French shall discharge Adana region. Thus, a new " Command for Adana and its Surroundings " is established as Army Corps under command o f General Muhittin Pasha covering the Silifke, Kozan, Mara§, Cebelibereket (Osmaniye) sub-provinces o f Adana province, the parts of Urfa province on the west o f Euphrates and that of Halep province on the north o f Syria borders, and all military forces

accept the surrender o f Adana and waited the entry order there. In the protocol signed in accordance with Ankara Agreement, it was stated that the Turkish Delegate would take over the official buildings on December 1, 1921. And all places under French occupation would have been emptied on 20 December. Since General Dufieux left Adana on 24 November, somehow earlier than expected, Muhittin Pasha and Hamit Bey, Acting Governor and Under-secretary of the Ministry o f Internal Affairs entered the city. Here

shall be completely under command o f the above mentioned Commander’s

only small ranked French officials were remaining. The Turkish Delegate


included the following names : Serficeli Hilmi Bey, the Governor ; Siileyman

To be under the command of Adana and its Surroundings Command, other than Antep Regional Command, moreover Cebelibereket command, the center o f which would be Osmaniye, and Mersin regional command

the Correspondent ; Mara§li Tevfik, Accounter ; Urfali Refet, Director of National Education ; Dr. Osman Hayri, Director of Health ; Adanah Halil, Acting Director for Agriculture and Forestry ; Adil, Director of Veterinary

shall be established, both with authority of a division and Adana Regional Command now in Pozanti shall be removed. The center o f Antep Regional Command shall later be moved to Antep.

1H7 K u rlu lu $ Savasjin d a I(,'el, (i(,-cl in In d e p e n d e n c e W a r ) p .273. 1HK So m e d is p u t e s a ro s e be tw ee n the T u rk ish a n d F ren c h d ele ga te s a ss ig n e d to a p p ly the term s of Ihe a gre e m en t

After the commander o f Adana and its surroundings arrives at the region, he shall determine the borders of the above mentioned regional commandments and shall notify the result to the General Headquarters. " Meanwhile, Staff Colonel §ukrii Naili Bey was assigned as the Mersin

c o n c e rn in g the d is c h a n g e o f Ihe F ren ch

o c c u p atio n

forces from

(^ u k u ro v a , a n d the m atter w a s solved w ith ou t givin g a n y c o m p en sa tio n , for d etaile d in fo rm a ­ tion. see: A^'iksoz, 1G - 17 M a rc h 1921; O g iid . M a rc h 16, 1921. 1НЯ A(,'iksoz, N o v e m b e r 1, 1920. The fla g c ere m o n y In A d a n a w o u ld b e m ade on D e c e m b e r 1.

1921. too T .i.H . IV. p. 255.

Office ; Engineer Suphi, Director of Civil Works ; Tevfik Fikret, Prosecutor; ilhami, Judge and Halil, Police Chief. Moreover, the following names were selected as the delegates from the Central Committee o f Society for the Defense of the Law ; Suphi Pasha, as delegate ; Mehmet Fuad (Diblan),

... All the political criminals and minorities are forgiven under the mercy and kindness o f our Government. I politely want you keep peace as required by our honourable Turkish customs193.'1 On January 3, 1922, a crowded committee including the Commander

Mayor ; Ahmet Remzi (Yuregir); Ibrahim Kethuda and Halil (Savatli). The

Muhittin Pasha, Acting Governor Hamit, Head of Staff Salim Cevat,

Turkish delegate arrived at §akir Pasha train station with the train

Osmaniye Regional Commander Colonel Sitki Bey and some delegates of

decorated with Turkish flags. Since the flag ceremony would be made on 1 December according to the protocol, the train remained there. None o f the committee members wanted to take off the flags from the train, so they entered the city in

the national assembly went to Tarsus and then to Mersin to officially hoist our flag. On January 4-5, 1922, the Turkish committee including Colonel §tikrii Naili Bey,

who had been assigned as the chairman of the

commission to perform the delivery procedures ended the discharge action with a military ceremony together with the French officials194.

automobiles and carts. The people o f the city met then with great joy. On Thursday, December 1, 1921191, the Government Square was full o f people. A squad of soldiers under command o f Hasan Akmci, who imprisoned Mesnil's troop, made official salutation ceremony and our flag was hoisted under great appalauses and started waving on the Government Hall. Sheep were sacrificed for the sake of this sacred event and wonderful ceremonies were made. Our public - servants took the administration over them and all schools were opened192. 2. Turkish Army Enters Adana: On Tuesday, December 20, 1921, Kolordu (inonti) street was full of people who heard that the Turkish soldiers were coming to the city. Hearing that the Turkish soldiers arrived at §akir Pasha by train, they rushed there without waiting their arrival to the street. All people, the women and the men, the young and the old embraced our soldiers and kissed ground, on which the sons o f the country put now their steps that the people had

As required by the French, the discharge actions in Adana and its surroundings were delayed until January 4-5 1922, and some French officials were still in Adana and the military troops did not complete the with drawing action to Payas and Mersin. In the morning of 5 January, the big flag was descended from the Governor's House. The flag was taken through streets with the military band accompanied with a tremendous crowd and then taken to the Clock Tower and hoisted to Ulu Camii (the Great Mosque). The people of Adana held a big ceremony in the afternoon upon the arrival of the Turkish Committee turning back from Mersin195, and made the day 5 January a great feast with the excitement of national independence depending upon the Turkish spirit which never accepted slavery. Mustafa Kemal Pasha would later attend the excitement of the people of Adana with the following words196: The first feel o f attempt for this event was first born in me in this

missed for three years. Ten thousands together with our soldiers o f people

beautiful Adana. The honourable result o f the hard struggle enterprised

arrived at the Army - Corps Building, from which Turkish soldiers

with such feel is well known. "

departed with tears three years ago under the command o f Nihat Pasha.

The people of Adana became the sample of patriotism for entire

Hoisting the sovereign Turkish flag, again to the same place, which was

Anatolia. They won the honour o f being an undestructable steel barrier

removed three years ago, they sacrificed sheep and shouted " Long live

against the material and moral attacks of the enemy197. "

Mustafa Kemal Pasha " among tears and appalaouses. Muhittin Pasha addressed a speech in order to state the meaning and importance o f the day, saying:

193 Y en i A d a n a (N e w A d a n a ). D c c c m b e r 23, 1921; D e c e m b e r 20. 1977. 194 C o n c e rn in g the e n tra n c e o f the T u rk is h so ld iers en te re d M ersin on S u n d a y , J a n u a r y 8. 1922 w ith g re a t c h e c rs, se e : Y en i A d a n a (n e w A d a n a ). J a n u a r y 8, 1922. 195 K asim E n e r, the a b o v e m en tion ed p u b lic a tio n , p. 293 - 296.

191 K a s i m E n e r , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p . 2 8 8 r e a d s " W e d n e s d a y ” w i t h m i s t a k e .

I9e T .i.T .E . A rc h iv e N o : 1 2 8 /2013 5. 192 K a s i m E n e r , t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p u b l i c a t i o n , p . 2 8 8 .


Britain, which realized the industrial revolution, did not leave France

In history, on the geographic region described with the name


", people lived, whom we call now " the Armenian , but the origins of those have been somewhat confused. The life of the Armenian over the region had

alone in the race o f colonialism, and both states focused on the Armenian people under rule o f the Ottoman State. Though no Armenian case occurred in Anatolia until the Ottoman -

passed under the rule of Roman Empire and their hereditors, Byzantine

Russian war in 1877 - 1878, the matter gained an international dimension

and Sasani empires.

by the efforts o f especially Britain and Russia. Both manipulated the

The Armenian, who were always forced by the rulers to change their faith and continuously had been subjected to oppression, met with Turks starting from the beginning of the 11th century and found kindness and

Armenian; Russia to descend to the warm seas and Britain by promising to create an Armenian State on the eastern region of Anatolia. Besides France,

Britain and Russia,

such fanatic and anarchist

tolerance in them, which they could not have found in any other nation.

Armenian societies and committees spent efforts to make rebellions

The Turks took Anatolia from those who ruled the Armenians, and not from

throughout the country, and they killed Turks and even people o f their own

the Armenians themselves. Therefore such claims as " the Turks seized the

race in order to create the causes for that their western allies would intervene.

homeland o f the Armenians, and made the inhabitants slaves " are controversial and do not comply with the historical realities. Despite the claims of the westerners and the Armenian, the Ottoman

When the conflicts of interests between the western states became an alliance o f interest under the name " The Eastern Affair " by which their

State made anything to create the easeness that was necessary for the

purpose was to capture and share the Ottoman land. The Ottoman State

protection of the existence and culture of this community. The real reason

was obliged to become nearer to Germany, which entered the stage in the

o f the rebellion o f the Armenian, who were given an elite position among

19th century as a force to save the unity o f the Ottoman land and this

other non-moslem communities within the Ottoman country, was indeed

increased the jealousy and competition between the English and the


French. And World War I, which started because of the above mentioned

The French - origin Lusignan family began to rule the Armenian

reasons, prepared the fall of Ottoman State.

community living as refugees in Qukurova upon close relations started

During the war, the Russian attacked to the Ottoman State from the

during the Crusader Raids. Time after time, France wished to establish a

east, the English and the French from the west, Gallipoli and from the

control over the triangle including Qukurova - Musul - Syria, and they were

south; while the Armenian started rebellions all over Anatolia and killed

closely interested in the ethnic structure of the region for that reason. In the era o f Louis XIV, the French gained the right to protect the Catholics in the Ottoman country and by the late 16th century, they

hundreds of thousands of civilian and military Turkish people. Them they were punished by being obliged to migrate from their homeland. France took promise from Britain for such lands as Syria, Adana, Maraยง,

people living in

Antep, Urfa and Musul with Skyes - Picot Agreement before the war. But

Qukurova and other regions, which later became the revoking o f the

Britain seized Musul from them as they (France) put their signature under

"Armenia over Kilikya" image united with the French interests in Qukurova.

the Syria Agreement on September

started socio-cultural searches over the Armenian

Supporting such actions that Armenian people from Iran were being


1919 following the Mondros

Armistice signed by the Ottoman State on October 30, 1918.

concentrated in the region and the Armenian bankers seized large lands

It could not be expected that France might control this land (Qukurova)

until the end o f the first half of the 18"1 century, France attempted to

which they called as " the Egypt with Alpine Mountains ", which they ruled

realize their political wishes during the Egypt - Syria movement of Napoleon

over the control point for Syria, the Taurus passages for a long time by such

Bonaparte and the Syria movement of Mehmet Ali Pasha in the first half of

an agreement. Therefore,

19lh century.

historical and national wishes over the region would become the support

the Armenian people in Qukurova having

point of the French as an instrument for their policy. France would

The French played a role in some rebellions started to cease the

establish a buffer Arm enian state over Qukurova, and thus they would have

national movement in Anatolia. After the general attack that they started

restricted the passage o f the Turks to Syria. For this purpose, after application o f the Migration Law and that the situation changed in Eastern Anatolia region, lots of Armenian emeigrant people from all around the world rushed to Qukurova upon the French

throughout Qukurova, they then understood that they fell into a quicksand against the successful Turkish resistance, had failed and that thev could not see the result they expected from the march o f the Greek army, the French believed for a second time that the National Forces in Anatolia should taken into account seriously.

occupation. The Armenian gangs o f Caucasian origin, who executed the wildest and

France did not have enough military and financial power in order to

the most cruel massacre to the Turks in the Eastern Anatolia region, went

cease the national resistance in Qukurova. Besides, the public opinion in

into cooperation with the French forces in Qukurova and they continued

France started to react against the adventure experienced in Qukurova and

their oppression and genocide over the Turks there.

Eastern regions. Under such conditions, the French Government could not

The Turkish people o f Qukurova, who were intended to be made a colonial people, thus separated from their homeland with every type of oppression and deceit, but who also had been accustomed to freedom and independence for centuries, could not keep calm against these events. The systematic massacre and rapes applied in the region gave birth to the reaction of the region's people against the occupiers. Starting with m ostly personal rebels, the movement in the region soon

expect to be supported by their own parliament. Understanding that if they were beaten in Anatolia, their control over the Moslem people o f Morocco and Algeria would be threatened, the French found it the only remedy to sign the Ankara Agreement with Ankara Government on October 20, 1921. The Armenians, who could never had a land that was completely populated by Armenian people, experienced the bitter results of their believing in the promises of their revolutionist leaders and the western

became a national resistance, which was organized by the officials under

states. They left traces of massacres they had made when they departed

civil wears sent to the region upon special order by Mustafa Kemal Pasha,

with their fellow French masters in order not to come back again. They had

who aimed to rescue the country from occupation.

executed torture actions against the defenseless Turks especially in the old

The publication by such journals as Yeni Adana mainly and Albayrak, Hakimiyet-i Milliye, irade-i Milliye and Ogud meaning " the country is a unified entity which cannot be put into pieces, the occupied provinces are original Turkish lands and no Armenia could be established on these lands " addressed to both Turkish and world public opinion provided that the number and strength o f the massacres decreased. The policy o f Mustafa Kemal Pasha was not to divide the Western Front into pieces and to show an open opposition against France, showed its effect in that France was obliged to make an agreement with Ankara Government against the fact that the Armenian increased their genocide movements in Qukurova. Establishing the national organization in the region by the help of Pozanti Congress held on

August 5, 1920 and taking all resistance

movements under control of Ankara, Mustafa Kemal tried to achieve the result by wearing out the French with civil forces.

Church (Eski Kilise), Tahtali Mosque (Tahtali Cami), Kumluk,‘ Kahyaoglu Farm (Kahyaoglu Qiftligi), in Mihmandar and Camili villages o f Kozan, in bakery houses and hamlets o f Kozan and in Saimbeyli, in all of which were really turned into cruelty and violence; and the massacres executed by the Armenians in the region became a shameful page in the history o f France, one of the defenders o f human rights.


SUMMARY The history o f Armenians, an ethnic group that have lived without achieving their national independence on a geographical area formerly

A. ARCHIVES 1. General Staff Military History and Strategic Studies Division Archivc

called Armenia, is full of slaughters and exiles by Roman, Byzantium and Sasani. Although Armenians enjoyed a state of prosperity and privilege, they rebelled against and betrayed the Ottomans, who were the new rulers of




Cabinet No








70-1, 70-2

Anatolia, as a result of the support and provocation of Russia, England and France in the 19th century.

(318) Our scope has been the emergence of French genocide on Turkish people by provoking the Armenians in order to provide an area of control in the triangle o f Qukurova, Musul and Syria since the XVIth century. Armenian slaughters increased when France, that invaded Qukurova, brought fanatic terrorists to the region especially after the Treaty of Mondros dated 30 October 1918. On the contrary to what is known by Europeans, Turkish people were



103, 159, 175












40-1, 41, 54, 115, 135, 166,

exposed to genocide in Turkey whenever Armenians, having been tricked by their western fellows, revolted.

184, 188 593


33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 40-1, 40,2



47-1, 48, 51, 54, 56, 86

churches; and wells and in the ovens where they burnt people, has been a



86-1, 93, 93-1

shame for the history o f France, the so-called human rights advocate.



2, 6, 7, 17, 31, 59, 74, 80, 115



123, 127, 148, 175



The fact that Armenians, who shared the same land with Turkish people, carried out a genocide on them Qukurova, in cities, towns, in

Turkish people regard it a dishonour to talk about attacks to their chastity. For this reason, little has been mentioned about the shameful memories that the French and Armenians caused.

148-1, 149, 150, 152, 162, 169, 172, 178, 181



9-1, 13-1, 32,2






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Documents, Belleten, January 1972, Number : 141.

AKGUN, Segil ; The Preparation and Importance o f Ankara Agreement,

AKINCI, Hasan ; Memoirs o f Independence War, Magazine, Number: 70, Mersin 1966.


The Role of France in the Emergence o f Armenian

Issue, a Symposium on the Relations of Turks with Armenian Community Throughout the History, Atatiirk University Publications 628, Ankara 1985. QELiKER, H. Fahri ; Fallenhayn - Mustafa Kemal disagreement in Ataturk's life, Atatiirk Research Center Magazine, November 1988, Ankara 1988.

SOYSAL, Ismail ; Turkish - French Political Relations, Atatiirk Research Center Magazine, March 1992, Number: 23. YAVUZ, Bige : Preparation Stage o f Turkish - French Agreement dated 1921, Belleten, V.XLVII, October 1983, Number: 188. YILDIZ, Miige : Plans to destroy Turkey in Paris -

San Remo - Sevres,

Turkish History Magazine with Documents, September 1970 Number : 36.



Abdurrahman Bozdag ; Born in 1320. From Adana' s Tepebag quarter. Date of interview : March 23, 1993. Ahmet Turan Saylan ; Born in 1320. From Adana1s incirlik village. Date of interview: August 18, 1992. Dede Akgali ; Born in 1909. From Adana's Qukurkoprii village. Date of interview : September 26, 1993. Emin Yiice ; Born in 1941. From A d an a 's Kozan District. Date of inter­ view : July 26, 1993. Hayri Aydin ; Born in 1944. From Adana Date of interview : August 19, 1993.


Kemal Higyakmazer ; Born in 1944. From Adana' s Dedepinari village. Date o f Interview : August 15, 1992. Mahmut Aydinoglu ; Born in 1325. From A d an a 's incirlik village. Date o f interview : August 18, 1992. Mehmet Baykal ; Born in 1902. From Saimbeyli. Date o f interview ; March 20, 1920.



"Adana Fecayii” ,

Hakimiyeli Milliye Newspaper, 13 Te§rin-i Sani 1336. 5. And the chief organizer of Turkish National Struggle, The architect of Adana Front, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, is seen together with Colonel Mouim. who came for signing Ankara Agreement.

Mithat Yilmaz ; Born in 1932. From Ceyhan. Date o f interview : August 15, 1992. Refet Yinang ; Born in 1939. From K. M ara§'s Elbistan district. Date o f interview : M ay 15, 1994. Samime Acar ; Born in 1942. From Adana' s incirlik village. Date of interview : August 17, 1992. Suleyman Cin ; Born in 1938. From K. Mara§'s Elbistan District. Date of interview : August 17, 1993.

6. AHMET TURAN SAYLAN, SON OF ALi, BORN IN INCIRLiK IN 1320; The witness of Adana and incirlik events. 7. ABDURRAHMAN BOZAG, SON OF MUSTAFA, BORN IN ADANA IN 1320; Living witness of Kaliyaoglu Massacre. 8. KUQUKDiKILi MARTYRDOM; The monument in ADANA - Kiigiikdikili Village where the martyrs of Kaliyaoglu Massacre were collectively buried. 9. §EVKi CIFTQiOGLU, SON OF AHMET, BORN IN INCiRLIK IN 1336; He could survive as injured from Camili Massacre. 10. MAHMUT AYDINOGLU, SON OF OSMAN, BORN IN INCiRLiK IN 1315;

§evki Qiftgioglu ; Born in 1336. From A d a n a 's Dedepinari village. Date of interview : August 15, 1992.

Witness of Adana and incirlik Events, in front of the old church place where the Armenians assasinated Turks by torture (August 18, 1992). 11. ABDURRAHMAN ILGUN, SON OF ABDULCEBBAR, BORN IN 1326: showing the coffeehouse o f Armenian Mises in incirlik where the Turks were tried to be massacred (August 18, 1992). 12. ABDURRAHMAN BOZDAG; is seen in the stone-built house in Kaliyaoglu Farm where lie could survive at an age of a child and where the

women and children were filled in a separate room and men were filled



separate room and they were assasinated after their valuable jewels were

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seized. 13. MEHMET §iM §EK, SON OF AU, BORN IN KUQUKDILLi IN 1324; showing the places where the corpses were buried in a hurry by members o f Kuvayi Milliye (National Forces) after Kahyaoglu massacre (March 23, 1993). 14. This building, which was an Armenian Protestant Church in the year 1900, has not been erased from memories as "Bebekli Kilise" (Church with Baby) where the bloods of turks were shed and hence killed by Armenian

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militia during French invasion.


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15. AVNi QAVU§ (SERGEANT AVNi); who could survive from ADANA Camili massacre through his skills remaining from his military service and due to his courage after clas hes with Armenian and Assyrian gangs. 16. MEHMET BAYKAL, SON OF MOLLA/ MULLAH IBRAHiMZADE



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Marhasahane Building in Eski Hagin (Old Hagin/ Saimbeyli) (April 1990).

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17. MEHMET BAYKAL; showing the precipice where the crushed corpses of Turks were thrown by the men of Cebeciyan, who was the adjutant o f com.

miteeman Antranik, who tortured people and known as shedding blood of


the Turkish. 18. The precipice where the death was real and where the corpses of Turkish were thrown from Karakilise (Black Church) by the Armenian, but it

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was then diverted as if “They were shot by Kuvayi Milliye / National Forces.” 19. MEHMET BAYKAL; showing the inns close to Karakilise, where the




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Turks were were killed in succession by torture (April 1990). 20. NURi PASHA, BORN IN USKUP (SKOPJE) IN 1302; has been assigned

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to Kilikya East Front by the order of Atatiirk. He performed duty under the different name o f Aydinoglu Tufan given by Atatiirk. He became famous after he released Kara (Kadirli), Sis (Kozan) and Hagin (Saimbeyli) from Armenian




21. France, who wanted to establish a colonial area extending towards Anatolia by holding control of Pozanti, where all fighters trying to get hold of

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the world, tried to achieve a result through the battalion of Mesnil, the famous conqueror of Verdun, the holder of Legion d’Honour. 22. The 40 courageus heroes of Adana Kuvayi Milliye, are seen under the leadership o f their commander Kara Afet (Lieutenant Hasan AKINCI) who seized the Mesnil Battalion as prisoners o f wars at Karbogazi.

INCREASE OF FRENCH - ARMENIAN OPPRESSION IN ADANA AND ITS ENVIRONS; Harp Tarihi Vesikalari Dergisi, (History of War Documents Journal), September 1995, Issue 13, Document No. 350.


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ASSEMBLY OF TURKEY UPON COLLECTIVE ASSASINATION OF TURKS IN KAHYAOGLU FARM ON JUNE 11, 1920 BY THE ARMENIANS; Harp TarihJ Vesikalari Derglsi, (History of War Documents Journal), December 1995, Issue 14, Document No. 372.





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(Original o f this is in our private archive).

Milliye Newspaper, 13 Te§rin-i Sani 1336.

AHMET TURAN SAYLAN. SON OF ALi, BORN IN iNCiRLiK IN 1320; The witness o f Adana and incirlik events. And the chief organizer o f Turkish National Struggle, The architect o f Adana Front, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, is seen together with Colonel Mouim, who came for signing Ankara Agreement.



KUQUKDiKiLi MARTYRDOM; The monument in ADANA - KUQtikdikili ABDURRAHMAN BOZAG, SON OF MUSTAFA, BORN IN ADANA IN 1320; Living witness o f Kahyaoglu Massacre.

Village where the martyrs o f Kahyaoglu Massacre were collectively buried.

ยงEVKi giFTQiOGLU, SON OF AHMET, BORN IN iNCIRLIK IN 1336; He could survive as Injured from Camili Massacre. MAHMUT AYDINOGLU, SON OF OSMAN, BORN IN iNCIRLIK IN 1315; Witness o f Adana and incirlik Events, in front o f the old church place where the Armenians assasinated Turks by torture (August 18, 1992).


ABDURRAHMAN BOZDAG; is seen in the stone-built house in Kahyaoglu

showing the coffeehouse of Armenian Mises in incirlik where the Turks

Farm where he could survive at an age o f a child and where the women and

ABDURRAHMAN ILGUN, SON OF ABDULCEBBAR, were tried to be massacred (August 18, 1992).


children were filled in a separate room and men were filled i an separate room and they were assasinated after their valuable jewels were seized.

This building, which was an Armenian Protestant Church in the year 1900, has not been erased from memories as “Bebekli Kilise" (Church with Baby) where the bloods of turks were shed and hence killed by Armenian militia MEHMET §IM §EK, SON OF ALi, BORN IN KUQUKDiLLi IN 1324; showing the places where the corpses were buried in a hurry by members o f Kuvayi Milliye (National Forces) after Kahyaoglu massacre (March 23, 1993).

during French invasion.


MEHMET BAYKAL, SON OF MOLLA/ MULLAH iBRAHiMZADE SULEYMAN. BORN IN ADANA SAIMBEYLI (HAQiN) IN 1318; in front o f Marhasahane AVNi QAVUยง (SERGEANT AVNi); who could survive from ADANA Camili massacre through his skills remaining from his military service and due to his courage after clas hes with Armenian and Assyrian gangs.

Building in Eski Hagin (Old Hagin/ Saimbeyli) (April 1990).

MEHMET BAYKAL; showing the precipice where the crushed corpses of Turks were thrown by the men o f Cebeciyan, who was the adjutant of com-

The precipice where the death was real and where the corpses of Turkish

miteeman Antranik, who tortured people and known as shedding blood of the Turkish.

were thrown from Karakilise (Black Church) by the Armenian, but it was then diverted as if “They were shot by Kuvayi Milliye / National Forces.�

MEHMET BAYKAL; showing the inns close to Karakilise, where the Turks

NURI PASHA. BORN IN USKUP (SKOPJE) IN 1302; has been assigned to

were were killed in succession by torture (April 1990).

Kilikya East Front by the order o f Atatiirk. He performed duty under the different name o f Aydinoglu Tufan given by Atatiirk. He became famous after he released Kara (Kadirli), Sis (Kozan) and Hagin (Saimbeyli) from Armenian oppression.

France, who wanted to establish a colonial area extending towards Anatolia

The 40 courageus heroes o f Adana Kuvayi Milliye, are seen under the lead足

by holding control o f Pozanti, where all fighters trying to get hold of the

ership o f their commander Kara Afet (Lieutenant Hasan AKINCI) who seized

world, tried to achieve a result through the battalion o f Mesnil, the famous

the Mesnil Battalion as prisoners o f wars at Karbogazi.

conqueror o f Verdun, the holder o f Legion d'Honour.

KOKSAV -КОК SOCIAL AND STRATEGIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION PUBLICATIONS A. KOK S E R IE S O F SOCIAL AND STRATEGIC RESEARCH 1.Prof. Dr. Mehlika Aktok KA§GARLI, Kilikya Tab! Ermeni Baronlugu Tarihi, Ankara 1990. Altincioglu Matbaasi, XV + 181 pages., (Out of Stock) 2.

Yasln ASLAN, Can Azerbaycan (Karabag’da Talan Var), Editor Dr. Bugra Atsiz, Baysan Basra ve Yayin Sanayii A.§., 110 pages., (Out of Stock)

3. Yard. Do?. Dr. Zeynel Abidin MAKAS, Azerbaycan’m Tarihi ve Kiiltiirel Cografyasi, Ankara 1990, Baysan Basim ve Yaym Sanayi A.§.. Vi+60 pages., (Out of Stock) 4. Mlrza Cevan§ir KARABAGLI. Karabag Tarihi, Qev. Tahir Siinbiil, Ankara 1990, Detay Basim Cilt ve Miicellithanesi, 104 pages. 5. Tahir SUNBUL, Azerbaycan Dosyasi I, Ankara 1990, Detay Basim Cilt ve Mucellithanesi, 150 pages. 6. Husamettin YILDIRIM, Rus-Tiirk-Ermeni Mtinasebetleri (1914-1918), Ankara 1990, Detay Basim Cilt ve Mucellithanesi, XVI+137 pages. 7. Rustem HALILOGLU, Atina ile Lefko§e Arasindaki Savafin i9yuzii, Ankara 1990, Detay Basim Cilt ve Miicellithanesi, VI1+336 pages. 8. Rauf R. DENKTA§, K ib n sta Bitmeyen Kavga, Ankara 1991, Detay Basim Cilt ve Miicellithanesi, 12 pages. 9. Rauf R. DENKTA§, K ibns Davamiz, Ankara 1991, Detay Basra Cilt ve Mucellithanesi, 80 pages. 10. Halim QAVU§OGLU, Balkanlar’da Pomak Ttirkleri-Tarih ve Sosyo-Kiiltiirel Yapi, Ankara 1993, Detay Basim Cilt ve Mucellithanesi, VIII+232 pages. B. KOK S E R IE S O F LIV E HISTORY 1. Ramazan KORKMAZ, Genel Olarak Erm eni Sorunu ve Canli Kaynaklardan Qildir’da Yapilan Erm eni M ezalimi, Ankara 1990, Baysan Basra ve Yaym Sanayii A.§., 23 pages. (Out of Stock) 2. Cezmi YURTSEVER, Qukurova'da Tiirkler’in Soykinm a Ugradigi Bir Yer YE§ILOBA, Ankara 1990, Baysan Basra ve Yaym Sanayii A.§., 43 pages., (Out of Stock) 3. Cezmi YURTSEVER, Zeytunlu'nun 311 Mirasi, Ankara 1991, Ayyildiz Matbaasi, 64 pages., (Out ot Stock) C . KOK S E R IE S O F SO CIAL AND STRATEGIC RESEARCH 1. General MAYEWSKY, M assacres by the Armenias Against the Turks, Edited by Prof. Dr. Azmi Stislti, Ankara 1991, Detay Priting and Binding Oilice, 86 pages. 2. Prof. Dr. Azmi SUSLU, Russian View on Atrocities Commited b y the Arm enians Against th e Turks, Ankara 1991, Detay Printing and Binding Office, 176 pages. D. KOK S E R IE S OF EDUCATIONAL R ESEARCH l.Y iik sek Ogretim de Uygulam alar ve Yonelimler, Ankara 1992, Biiro Ozen Matbaacilik, 22 pages. E. KOK S E R IE S OF LITERATU R E; POEMS 1. Ahmet KOQAK, Atlilar, Ankara 1992, Ankara Yildiz Matbaacilik 137 pages. 2. Ahmet KOQAK, Aynalar, Damlalar, Ankara 1992, Ankara Yildiz Matbaacilik, 116 pages.

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