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Study of the Scriptures Whatever we do has a purpose. Nobody does anything without a purpose. People read books or watch TV for passing time or for entertainment or to learn something. Why do we read scriptures? Reading scriptures as a ritual without much interest in the meaning of the scriptures is a good activity which is not beneficial. Reading scriptures from the grammar point of view, is more like studying the language than studying scripture. Reading scripture and using it to show one’s scholarship; is self-aggrandisement. This attitude is not conducive for spiritual progress. Adi Shankaracharya writes in his book ‘Vivekachudamani’ (verse 58): “Loud speech consisting of a shower of words, the skill in expounding the Scriptures, and likewise erudition - these merely bring on a little personal enjoyment to the scholar, but are no good for Liberation.” Reading scriptures and using its knowledge for worldly purposes. People see management ideas or hints on economics and politics is good from utilitarian point of view but is not used for the highest purpose for which the scriptures are written. Reading scriptures and experiencing that the Lord is speaking to me. The words of the scriptures are directed towards Me, for my spiritual progress is the greatest way of studying scriptures. That which increases our love towards God and disinterestedness towards the world; breaking the bondage of ignorance and paving the path for liberation is the highest use of studying scriptures.