News & Notes Kalpataru Day 1st January celebrated every year in all the centres of Ramakrishna Math & Mission. On the same day in 1886, Sri Ramakrishna became the ‘Wish Fulfilling Tree’ and blessed the devotees who are present there. On 1st January 2021, we resumed our celebrations. This being the first celebration, we invited devotees to watch and hear only via our Facebook live streaming
Birth Anniversary of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi On 5th of January 2021, we celebrated 168th Birth Anniversary of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. We invited devotees to watch/hear not only via our Facebook live streaming but also invited them to visit the temple in pre-fixed time slots. Four slots were created, and we took care not to assemble more than 50 persons in the temple at any point of time. In total about 165 devotees visited the temple on that day. Simple take-away food prasad was given to all of them. 20