April 28, 2011

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ESTABLISHED 1921 April 28, 2011 Volume 89, Issue 44

Loyola Marymount University

Jesuit to speak at graduation



Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J. will give the 2011 undergraduate commencement address.

By Tierney Finster Asst. A&E Editor

Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J. is slated to speak at the undergraduate commencement ceremony on May 7. President David W. Burcham informed the Loyolan of this decision on Tuesday, dispelling student rumors Loyoan Archeives of other speakFr.Greg Boyle,S..J. ers. Additionally, retiring Chair of the Board of Trustees R. Chad Dreier was announced as the commencement speaker for the May 8 graduate ceremony. When asked what he was looking for in a commencement speaker, Burcham said, “My first hope is that a commencement speaker would say at least some things that are substantive and memorable LMU and tied to who we R.Chad Dreier are as LMU. So that’s what I fully expect will happen a week from Saturday because Fr. Boyle knows our institution, he loves our institution and he loves our students.” Los Angeles native Fr. Boyle received his master ’s degree in English from LMU. He is nationally recognized as the founder of the largest gang intervention program in the country, Homeboy Industries. Homeboy Industries is a job placement program for at-risk youth and for people who have recently been incarcerated. The organization also provides these individuals with a variety of services, ranging from legal counseling to rehabilitation programs. Fr. Boyle began Homeboy Industries

See Commencement | page 2

Andres Andrieu | Loyolan

LMU inaugurates new ASLMU president at 2011 Crimson and Blue Awards Junior English major Art Flores was inaugurated as ASLMU president alongside Vice President Kim Tomicich, a junior environmental studies major, by President David W. Burcham, pictured above. In his inaugural address, Flores said he is“ready to take on the challenge”that leading ASLMU will bring and is committed to helping“define what it means to be a lion.” For the list of the Crimson and Blue Award winners, see page 2.

University reduces, reuses, recycles LMU’s Recycling Program ranks fourth in the national RecycleMania competition. By Taryn Mira Staff Writer

The LMU Recycling and Waste Management Program placed fourth out of 391 schools in the 2011 RecycleMania competition this past week. According to the RecycleMania website, in coordination with the College and University Recycling Council, RecycleMania is an annual competition and benchmarking tool

for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities on their campus. Participating colleges and universities self-report recycling and trash data over a 10-week period; they are then ranked according to various categories. These divisions include grand champion, per capita classic, waste minimization and targeted materials. LMU recorded a cumulative recycling rate of 67.32 percent and placed fourth in the grand champion division. This division is for universities demonstrating the greatest achievement in both source reduction and recycling. In the

See Recycling | page 4

Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

In the targeteted materials category, LMU recorded collecting 11.33 pounds of bottles and cans per person during a 10 week period..

Sodexo workers vote in favor of unionization Just under 200 workers voted on April 19, and now contract negotiations begin. By Liz Peters News Intern

Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

Supporters wore pins like the one shown above.

A fairytale come true? The Loyolan tells you all you need to know about the upcoming royal wedding.

A&E, page 12-13

Sodexo employees voted 180 to 18 in favor of unionizing last Tuesday, according to Sheila Moss, a Sodexo employee of 13 years. “I think we got a really good turnout on Tuesday for the vote,” said Moss. One hundred ninety-eight Sodexo

employees went to the first floor of U-Hall on April 19 to participate in a vote for UNITE HERE Local 11, a union that would ensure better wages, benefits and working conditions. The vote showed that a large majority support unionization. The workers are now waiting for a contract to be formed. Currently, union representatives are surveying workers about what they think is most important to include in the contract. Monica Zimmer, director of public relations and corporate communications for Sodexo, is

Index Opinion...............................5 A&E...............................7 Cartoon............................. 10 Classifieds......................... 15 B l u f f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Sports.................................20 The next issue of the Loyolan will be printed on May 5, 2011.

confident that Sodexo and the union will be able to carry out effective negotiations. “Sodexo has strong relationships with most unions representing our employees, and the company has more than 330 collective bargaining agreements in place with nearly every major labor organization in the U.S.,” said Zimmer. Moss explained that support for the employees has been widespread. “A lot of students are behind us. I was really surprised. The Jesuits were behind us, too, and at one of the

See Sodexo | page 4

Getting nostalgic Jose‘ Martinez pens his final regular column Opinion, page 5

April 28, 2011 Page 2

Boyle returns to LMU for graduation Commencement from page 1 in 1988 with a program called “Jobs For A Future,” and it continued to grow from there. Homeboy Bakery, Homegirl Café and Homeboy Silkscreen & Embroidery are just some of the employment placements available via Homeboy Industries. Fr. Boyle reflects upon his experiences working with the “homies” of Homeboy Industries in his book, “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion.” A lecture on “Tattoos on the Heart” brought Fr. Boyle to campus to speak last semester. He also addressed the graduating seniors at the LMU commencement ceremony in 2005. In his Sept. 13 “11 Burning Questions” interview with the Loyolan, Fr. Boyle outlined his vision of how a Catholic university in Los Angeles should serve the surrounding community. “It means standing with the demonized so the demonizing will stop. So a university’s role is to imagine a circle of compassion and then imagine nobody standing outside of it. … It’s about taking seriously what Jesus took seriously and calling people to do exactly that,” Fr. Boyle said. Burcham chose Fr. Boyle and Dreier with the help of the Board of Trustees. Kathleen H. Aikenhead, vice chair of the Board of Trustees, is confident in the University’s decision to invite Fr. Boyle back to speak, rather than opt for someone who has never spoken at an LMU commence-


ment ceremony before. “The University was incredibly fortunate that Fr. Greg Boyle was available. He is a nationally renowned speaker and has given many commencement addresses around the country. He could speak at every LMU graduation as far as I am concerned,” Aikenhead told the Loyolan. Also an LMU alumnus, graduate speaker Dreier announced his retirement during Burcham’s inauguration in March. Burcham and a small group of administrators think that he is extremely well-suited to speak to the graduate students as they begin their professional careers. “He seemed the perfect coming together for our graduates to hear an accomplished businessman who has strong ties to LMU, who has been very generous to LMU but is also a great role model for those going into professions, business and service jobs. Any kind of career, Chad Dreier is a great role model,” Burcham said. In honor of the centennial class, Burcham emphasized that LMU sought speakers that will provide the students with meaningful and memorable words rather than just a famous name or glamorous title. Aikenhead expects the speakers to do just that and said, “I hope the seniors will take what they have learned at LMU and will apply it to their lives just as Chad Dreier has done with his success in the business world and as Fr. Greg Boyle has done transforming and saving the lives of gang members.”






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Graphic: Dol-Anne Asiru | Loyolan



April 28, 2011 Page 3

ASLMU announces cabinet Eight cabinet members will join Art Flores and Kim Tomicich in ASLMU next year. By Margo Jasukaitis Asst. News Editor

The members of the ASLMU cabinet for the coming year were approved yesterday. The eight newly appointed members of the cabinet will join recently elected President Art Flores, a junior English major, and Vice President, junior environmental studies major Kimberly Tomicich in ASLMU next year. The cabinet consists of eight positions: attorney general, chair of communications, chair of programming, director of campus community, director of social justice, director of environmental responsibility, director of intercultural affairs and treasurer. According to Flores, students interested in serving as a member of the ASLMU cabinet filled out applications and those who were qualified interviewed with Flores and Tomicich. “We looked for a variety of qualities [in an applicant],” said Flores. “The applicants needed a strong passion for their specific position … and needed to show how they will target the greater LMU community. [We also] looked for … students who were team players, had a consciousness of self and expressed humility,” he said. Tomicich echoed Flores’ sentiments, emphasizing the importance of building a stronger campus community. “I hope that our team works together to build campus unity through working with clubs and [organizations] to ensure that they are

aware of what resources ASLMU can provide for them,” she said. Katie Pope, a junior business major who currently serves as the director of campus community for ASLMU, will continue to fill that position in the cabinet next year. She will continue programs she worked on this past year like Club Speed Dating and providing door hangers with information on campus events to members of the surrounding Westchester community. In addition, she wants to improve collaboration and recognition among clubs and organizations. “I hope to give clubs more recognition by having Club of the Month or spotlight a club each month to learn more about all the great clubs we have on campus,” Pope said. Sophomore communication studies major Katie Styles is the newly appointed chair of programming. Like Pope, she plans to use her position to create a stronger sense of unity on campus. “I hope to greatly improve the current events that ASLMU coordinates, like College Fest and After Sunset,” she said. “One of my main aims is to make as many of the suggestions we receive from students a reality. … I have also received information about new events that we may choose to implement for next year,” said Styles. Newly appointed chair of communications, junior psychology and Spanish double major Sarah O’Connor, will play an integral role in working with Styles to publicize ASLMU’s events during the upcoming year. “My goal is to not only create larger attendance numbers for our ASLMU events … but also … encourage students to partake in the school community around them for years to come,” she said. O’Connor continued, “We all came

to LMU in large part because we enjoyed not only the campus but the sense of community which the campus provides us [with]. This opportunity should not be overlooked by the students, [but] rather should be encouraged and enjoyed.” The new Director of Social Jusitice, sophomore political science and Asian Pacific studies double major Lani Luo, hopes to build on that same strong sense of community and use it to promote justice and equality. “I would like to focus on labor justice awareness, which is vital to the LMU community especially with the newly formed food service union,” said Luo. One of the greatest strengths members of the cabinet see in their team is its ability to bring together a variety of campus groups. “The greatest strength of our cabinet is our diversity,” said Flores. “We all represent different groups, clubs and campus communities, so together we will be able to directly reach out to LMU students,” he said. Pope, Styles, O’Connor and Luo will be joined on the cabinet by Attorney General junior political science and English double major Samantha Hay, Director of Environmental Responsibility sophomore civil engineering major Mara Luevano, Director of Intercultural Affairs junior screenwriting major Sean Krimmel and the new Treasurer, junior finance major Robert Franco. The diversity of cabinet members’ involvements outside of ASLMU is something Styles hopes will allow them to better access different members of the LMU community. “I hope that as members of ASLMU and [other] organizations, we can bridge these connections even more. I look forward to using our different strengths to benefit LMU,” she said.

David Zaleski | Loyolan

After graduation,senior theological studies major José Martinez plans to go on a De Colores trip. He hopes to eventually become a professor.

11 Burning Questions with a former editor in chief

This issue, Editor in Chief Kenzie O’Keefe talks with senior theological studies major and former editor in chief of the Loyolan José Martinez about his college experience, his time at the Loyolan and what he plans to do after graduation next Saturday, May 7. 1. What has been your favorite LMU moment? I think of a lot of things when I think of my favorite LMU moment. I think of commencement liturgies, I think of President Burcham’s inau­ !"#$%&'()*+*%,&(-*'.*/'/0(%1*&(*%,0*2'3'4$(*'.5607*8"%*%,0*#0$1'(*%,'10* things come to mind is that they were spent with such wonderful people. Instead of my favorite moment, I would just say that my favorite part of 29:*,$1*800(*%,0*;0';40*$(<*%,0*%&/0*%,$%*+=>0*1;0(%*?&%,*%,0/)** 2. What has been your favorite Loyolan moment? @$6-*&(*.#01,/$(*30$#*+*?#'%0*$(*$#%&640*$8'"%*A";0#*B&(%0(<')**C,0* 0<&%'#1*6,'10*%'*!&>0*/3*6'4"/(*%,0*%&%40*D@4'?*/0*4&-0*$*B&(%0(<'* 6$#%#&<!0)E**+*?$1*#0$443*?'##&0<*$8'"%*?,$%*/3*/'/*?'"4<*%,&(-7*1'*+* 1%'#/0<*&(%'*%,0*'.560*$(<*%'4<*%,0/*,'?*"(,$;;3*+*?$1*$8'"%*%,$%)*+* ?$1*F"1%*-&(<*'.*1%$#0<*$%)**C,$%*?$1*%,0*5#1%*%&/0*+=<*800(*%'*%,0*2'3'4$(* '.560) 3. So theological studies … what are you going to do with that? A%$#>0)**G"1%*-&<<&(!)**+=<**4&-0*%'*806'/0*$*;#'.011'#)*+*4'>0*?#&%&(!*$8'"%* %,0'4'!37*1'*,';0."443*1'/0'(0*?&44*;"84&1,*/3*H"01%&'($840*>&0?1) 4. What are your immediate plans for after graduation? I’m going on a De Colores trip then [attending] a couple of graduation ;$#%&01*$(<*#04$I&(!)*J#$3*%,$%*$*F'8*?&44*5(<*/0) 5. Best advice you’ve been given about the future? K$3*%''*/$(3*;0';40*6$#0*$8'"%*3'"*.'#*%,&(!1*%'*('%*.$44*&(%'*;4$60)** When I look at my friends and people that I know, I think that the same is $81'4"%043*%#"0*.'#*%,0/)**C,$%=1*%,0*/'1%*/0$(&(!."4*$<>&60)* 6. What’s your favorite nickname that people have for you? L*6'";40*!&>0(*%'*/0*83*;0';40*,0#0*&(*%,0*M2'3'4$(N*'.560*$#0(=%*;#&(%­ $840)**C,0*'(0*%,$%*+*6$(=%*5!"#0*'"%*&1*DO&!!40*P4&#%)E**C,0*'(0*%,$%*+*%,&(-* &1*6''401%*&1*;#'8$843*DG)*9$#%)E !"#$%&#%'(#)**+#,&-.#)/00*(1#2&,&3'+#&456*#6.-(%7 MQ&#06%'#*'.*A%"<0(%*90<&$N*C'/*B041'()**K0=>0*800(*%,#'"!,*1'*/"6,* %'!0%,0#)**+%=1*,$#<*%'*&/$!&(0*!'&(!*%,#'"!,*$('%,0#*F'8*?&%,'"%*,&/) 8. If you could switch places with one person at LMU for a day, who would it be? +*%,&(-*&%=<*;#'8$843*80*'(0*'.*%,0*.$6&4&%&01*?'#-0#1)**C,&1*&1*1"6,*$* place of privilege, and I feel like even though they do so much to keep this ;4$60*80$"%&."4*$(<*#"((&(!*$(<*%,0&#*;#010(60*&1*1'*>$4"$8407*%,03=#0*1%&44* "(<0#$;;#06&$%0<)**+*#0$4&R0*%,$%7*8"%*,$>&(!*%,0*0I;0#&0(60*?'"4<*'..0#* more perspective. 9. What advice do you have for freshmen? B'%*%,$%*+*6$(*;#01"/0*%'*!&>0*$(3'(0*$<>&607*8"%*+*%,&(-*%,$%*&%*&1* &/;'#%$(%*%'*1%"<3*?,$%*3'"*4&-0)**+%=1*'-$3*%'*H"&%*%,&(!1*1'/0%&/01)**+%=1* "1"$443*%,0*6$10*%,$%*1400;*&1*%,0*%,&(!*3'"*6$(*1$6#&560*&.*3'"*,$>0*%'* 6,''10*80%?00(*&%*$(<*1'/0%,&(!*0410)*L41'7*80*-&(<) 10. How have you changed since you were a freshman? +*%,&(-*+*,$>0*806'/0*$*4'%*/'#0*'-$3*?&%,*%,0*&<0$*'.*5!"#&(!*%,&(!1* '"%*.'#*/3104.)**A'/0*/&!,%*1$3*%,$%*/0$(1*+=>0*806'/0*/'#0*4&80#$4)** A'/0*/&!,%*1$3*%,$%*%,$%*/0$(1*+=>0*806'/0*$*,0#0%&6$4*S$%,'4&6)**@"%*+* %,&(-*%,$%=1*?,$%=1*$%*%,0*,0$#%*'.*&%7*%#"1%&(!*/3104.*%'*5!"#0*'"%*?,$%=1* #&!,%*806$"10*'.*%,0*!"&<$(60*+=>0*#060&>0<*,0#0) S$(*+*$<<*$*H"01%&'(T**S$(*3'"*$1-*/0*?,$%*%,0*2'3'4$(*/0$(1*%'*/0T 11. Sure. What does the Loyolan mean to you? +*,$>0(=%*1;0(%*/'#0*%&/0*$(3?,0#0*%,$(*%,0*2'3'4$(*'.560)**+=>0*/&110<* '"%*'(*1'/0*%,&(!1*806$"10*'.*%,$%)*+=>0*,$<*%'*1$6#&560*%,&(!1*806$"10*'.* %,$%7*8"%*&.*+*6'"4<*!'*8$6-*$(<*6,$(!0*%,0*?$3*+*$44'6$%0<*/3*%&/07*%,0#0=1* ('*?$3*+*?'"4<*<'*&%*806$"10*+*,$>0*M,$<N*1'/0*'.*%,0*/'1%*$/$R&(!* experiences of my life working at the newspaper. Most importantly, I’ve met some of my favorite people in the world working for this newspaper, $(<*%,$%=1*/'#0*%,$(*$*4'%*'.*;0';40*6$(*1$3*.'#*$(3*F'8*&(*%,0&#*0(%&#0*4&.0)* I’m really grateful for that, and I’m going to miss the staff and the Loyolan a lot.

April 28, 2011 Page 4



Competition acknowledges Recycling Program Recycling from page 1 targeted materials category, specifically bottles and cans, LMU placed third with 11.33 pounds of bottles and cans per person. This beat LMU’s previous ranking of 11th place two years ago. Manager of Facilities and Waste Management Bill Stonecypher began the Recycling and Waste Management Program at LMU in 1990. The University’s recycling takes place on campus, near the Facilities Management building. Seven student workers and seven full-time staff members work in the Recycling Center. Students work between 20 and 30 hours a week, but the work and long hours do not bother some student workers. “Most student workers, after they’ve left the yard, miss working here. I know I’m going to miss it,” said Brianne Zapata, a sophomore biology major and current student worker in the Recycling Center. Other student workers have personally grown while working at the Recycling Center. Juliana Cadena, a freshman communication studies major, said, “I’ve learned a lot of things back here, I’ve learned to do things I never thought I could do. It’s a really humbling experience.” However, work sometimes turns into play for the student workers when interesting things are found in the recycling bins. “There are definitely some interesting things we find in these bins. Maybe I’ve even given my sister a purse I’ve found back here. It was in great shape!” said Zapata.

In addition to purses and the occasional surprise opossum, academic supplies are hardly a shortage. Cadena said, “We never have to buy school supplies, that’s for sure. People leave perfectly fine notebooks, even textbooks that were supposed to be returned to the bookstore. In the past, some student workers have sold them on Amazon and actually made a pretty penny.” Part of the success of the Recycling Program depends on students’ education about sustainability. Cadena explained how many things are placed in the recycling bins that are unable to be reused. “There’s not much education about what’s really recyclable at LMU,” said Cadena. “But you can’t really blame the students because there are things that I thought were recyclable until I started working here.” Pizza boxes are one of the most common non-recyclables at LMU, due to the contamination caused

by grease stains. However, there are improvements being made to increase awareness on campus. “One of our goals for next year is to make sure students are more aware of the Recycling Program by putting information about recycling and how to do it on campus, in things like the freshmen orientation booklets or student handbooks,” said Director of Plant Operations Michael Lotito. The vision for next year also includes relocation from its current space near the Facilities Management building to Drollinger. Construction will begin after commencement on May 7. Though the relocation is not expected to change efficiency, Lotito is unsure of LMU entering the competition next year. “Next year is a transition year, and we have to get our feet stable. Our main goal is to get moved, and to get comfortable in our new space. Hopefully we will be ready for RecycleMania by

Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

Currently located near the Facilities Management building, the University Recycling Center will move to Drollinger next year.

Sodexo receives union support Sodexo from page 1 meetings we had there was [a] rabbi there, and he was behind us,” she said. While some of the workers chose not to vote, the majority came to support the union. “The workers are very happy and support one another, which is important because the stronger they are as a unit the stronger they are as a voice,” said Frank Romo, junior Chicano and urban studies double major and president of Students for Labor and Economic Justice (SLEJ). “We have been working closely with the workers, building relationships with them,” said Romo. SLEJ members, along with other students around campus, have been working towards improving the current conditions for Sodexo employees. SLEJ has been a participant and advocate for the cause. “Our goal is to

For the Record Correction: In the April 18 issue of the Loyolan, a baseball photo caption on page 16 incorrectly identified the Lions’ pitcher as junior Jason Wheeler. The picture is in fact of junior Alex Gillingham.

support the workers and their decision,” said Romo. The idea of a union began when the workers and others on campus came to a consensus that there needed to be some sort of change regarding workers’ conditions and benefits. “I was really glad to see all the workers come out to support it,” said Romo. “It had been a long time coming; I’m glad we have it,” said Moss. Other universities’ workers around the country are also beginning to attempt unionization, such as Loyola University Chicago, where the workers unionized in December 2010.

LMU’s contract will incorporate the majority of the individual workers’ concerns, and “that is why the workers are so for it, because they get to determine what goes in the contract,” Romo said. Another Sodexo employee, who wished to remain anonymous, said, “Now we are just looking forward to a due process and negotiating a contract.” According to Zimmer, “Sodexo is confident that the transition to a unionized work environment will be a smooth one. We plan to meet with the union and its committee as soon as possible to begin initial discussions.”

then,” said Lotito. Nonetheless, recycling on campus still remains an important aspect of LMU for both students and faculty. “I’m not a huge tree-hugger or anything like that, but recycling is such a no-brainer. Put your trash, whatever it is, in the right bin, and do your part,” said senior accounting major Dylan Solis. Fernando Gonzalez, head of the Solid Waste and Recycling Program on campus, said, “To me, it really shows that we

are one of the universities trying to be a greener school. Yes, we’re doing our job and getting paid for it, but we’re also giving back.” Recycling also provides reimbursements that help keep tuition lower. Students who are interested in becoming involved with the Recycling Program on campus are encouraged to apply for available work-study jobs. Visit the Recycling Center’s website at lmu.edu/green for events, job opportunities and applications.

Loyolan places in 2011 Society for Collegiate Journalists Contest In the 2011 Society for Collegiate Journalists Contest, a contest for nation-wide collegiate journalists, the Loyolan placed in the following categories: First place: Overall Excellence for a more-than-weekly newspaper First place: Continuing Coverage - Adrien Jarvis & José Martinez First place: Columns/Commentary - José Martinez Second place: Sports News - Michael Goldsholl

OPINION Student Editorials and Perspectives


Board Editorial

Rule of Thumb

The Loyolan’s Executive Editorial Board weighs in on current topics of discussion.

Board Editorials represent the voice of the Loyolan. They are written in collaboration by the Executive Editorial Board. Kenzie O’Keefe Editor in Chief

Adrien Jarvis Managing Editor

Angelica Cadiente Asst. Managing Editor | Opinion Editor




Showing solidarity through support

Katy Rosenberg Public Editor

Michael Goldsholl Asst. Managing Editor | Sports Editor

A fitting selection

s with the announcement of any speaker or performer coming to campus, there is always questioning within the community about why that individual was selected. This was no different when President David W. Burcham released the name of the 2011 undergraduate commencement speaker: Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J. [see “Jesuit to speak at graduation,” p. 1.] Although no one seems to be questioning Fr. Boyle’s legitimacy as a speaker – he was the 2005 commencement speaker and spoke again on campus last semester – many are wondering why he was selected as a commencement speaker for the second time in such a short period, especially considering this is the centennial year. The Loyolan understands the allure of a more high-profile, celebrity commencement speaker, but upon reflection, it appreciates the sentiments behind the selection of Fr. Boyle. Between inaugurating Burcham in March and entering into the year-long centennial celebration, an intense focus has been placed on the history and meaning of Loyola

April 28, 2011 Page 5

Marymount University. True to these sentiments is the choice of Fr. Boyle as this year’s commencement speaker. His relationship with LMU – as an alumnus, a Jesuit and a past speaker on campus – shows that he is uniquely connected to the University. Additionally, Fr. Boyle has proven through his work with Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention program in the country, to be a real-life model for the graduating class of how to uphold LMU’s mission postgraduation. The Loyolan looks forward to both Fr. Boyle’s commencement address on May 7 and retiring Chair of the LMU Board of Trustees R. Chad Dreier’s address for the graduate ceremony on May 8. Both have proven to be dynamic and engaging speakers with close ties to LMU – the type of qualifications the Loyolan would hope the centennial commencement speakers would have. And as this year’s College Fest proved, sometimes unanticipated choices for the University’s events end up exceeding all expectations.

Regardless of whether or not one supports the Sodexo employees’ decision to unionize [see “Sodexo workers vote in favor of unionization,” p. 1], the community support for them exhibited by members of the Students for Labor Equality and Justice (SLEJ), students, faculty and staff is commendable. Without strongly voicing an opinion either way, many in the community have mobilized around the Sodexo employees, and this kind of support displays a sense of camaraderie and awareness that makes one proud to be a part of LMU.

LMU’s sustainability record tops the charts As reported by Taryn Mira in “University reduces, reuses, recycles” [p. 1], LMU placed fourth out of 391 schools in the Grand Champion division of this year’s RecycleMania. Sustainability is always a worthy goal to pursue, and it’s great to see that LMU is truly making an effort to promote responsibility with resource consumption and recycling. Working toward a more environmentally-conscious LMU definitely deserves one big green thumb up.

The royal wedding: über cool or overdone? As everyone (regardless of which side of the pond they’re on) is inundated by news about the fairytale-come-true story of Kate Middleton and her royal fiancé, Prince William, it’s exciting to get caught up in the hype and excitement. While this certainly makes for quite a bit of entertainment for the detail-hungry masses who are dying to know about everything – from the flower arrangements to how well-trimmed Kate’s cuticles will be – one can’t help but feel for the bride a bit. Being a princess sure sounds like perfection, but being under such close scrutiny can’t possibly be something Kate is looking forward to experiencing.

Go to laloyolan.com to vote and let us know your Rule of Thumb.

Jumping off the fence

fter approximately 34 drafts, I think I’ve empirically proven that it’s impossible to do justice to my LMU experience in 800 words. And it’s like my editor said: “Don’t think that just because you’re the former editor in chief you can write a longer column, Martinez.” If you didn’t know, Loyolan staffers only refer to each other by last name when they’re in the office – helps with the newspaper vibe. Most of the time I try On the Fence By José Martinez not to pretend to have anything resembling Senior Editor wisdom, but since this is my last regular column, I figured I could totally pretend, because who are you going to send your letters to? Also, the only other column idea I could come up with was a detailed, enthusiastic and snarky commentary on all the angry phone calls and emails Director of Student Media Tom Nelson sent me when I was editor in chief, but that’d probably be super boring. For this column, I started by thinking about myself, which is pretty standard. In particular, I thought about the way I talk – and how Ignatian/Jesuit-y it is sometimes. So many terms become part of our communal dialect that it’s easy to forget what they mean: education of the whole person. The service of faith and promotion of justice. LMU’s mission and identity. Finding where our passion intersects with the world’s greatest need. Going out and setting the world on fire. (An inordinate number of 3 a.m. fire alarms have proven that LMU students are doing well with the last one.) But what do these actually mean? In a lot of ways, they’ve become buzzwords – throw one in a speech or a reflection paper and you’re golden. But they’re meaningless if they become empty, which is why I crafted really precise and groundbreaking definitions for each term, but unfortunately, my laptop crashed and everything was lost forever and I can no longer remember what each one said. Thinking about it, though, those definitions wouldn’t have really been useful

anyway. That’s because nothing can better embody what it means to be educated as a whole person than a typical 12-plus-hour day for a lot of LMU students: running from class to service placements to practice to office hours to a meal with a friend – and then repeating it the next day. Our student body is living proof that the classroom isn’t enough at LMU, and that we don’t want it to be. And nothing can better embody what the service of faith and promotion of justice is than those students, faculty and staff who devote their time, talent and lives to others. We’ve learned at LMU that we are privileged people, and that no matter what our background is, we have an obligation to those who don’t have access to the same opportunities as us. We realize

David Zaleski | Loyolan

upon service can strengthen faith. At LMU, I’ve learned that service is first and foremost a relationship, and that joining others in their vulnerability is the strongest indicator of what a profound gift LMU is. And nothing can better embody LMU’s mission and identity than that – students who grow into women and men with and for others, who are themselves holistically educated and aware that life is about more than just academics, more than just athletics, more than just religion, more than just themselves. One of the biggest services LMU does for its students is tell us that it’s OK to do what we want instead of what we “should do” – that’s why this is being written by a theological studies major. Our mission here is to cultivate our passion, and then

“Our mission is to cultivate our passion, and then leave this place and make it relevant to the world in a way that’s equally focused on the self and others.” this, which is why service, rooted in faith, is such an integral part of LMU’s identity. And while we’ve grappled with that relationship between faith and justice, two things are certain: Reflecting upon faith can inspire service, and reflecting

leave this place and make it relevant to the world in a way that’s equally focused on the self and others. But it sounds way better if you say “set the world on fire.” LMU gets a bad rap for lacking school spirit, which is bogus. So many students here are proud to belong to a community that values what is so crucial to living a fulfilling life. I’m one of them. I’m incredibly proud to be a soon-to-be alum, and profoundly grateful to all the people who have been part of my story here, and to those who have let me be a part of theirs. I’m going to miss so much about this place – like having a publication that pays me to run my columns – but I will always look to LMU with love, joy and gratitude. Thanks for reading. This is the opinion of José Martinez, a senior theological studies major from San Diego, Calif. Please send comments to jmartinez@theloyolan.com.


April 28, 2011 Page 6

Communication is key


y brother and I like to make fun of our mom. A lot. At five feet tall, the little woman is quite easy to bully – in a loving way of course. We chase her around, distract her while she’s working, revert to our needy babylike mentalities, ask her endless questions and do everything possible to get her annoyed. She’s really funny when she gets upset. However, favorite acRun ‘n’Tell Dat our tivity is imitaBy Kim Tran tion. The imAsst. Opinion Editor personations of my mom that I perform for my friends never get old and always get laughs. Sorry, Mom, but the public loves you. It really does. She’s just so little and loveable. Galen Gomez, who lives across the hall from me, said, “I’ve never met your mom, but I love her already. I can’t wait to squeeze her to death. I just want to adopt her.” She is not alone. Everyone loves my mom. You couldn’t get upset at her if you tried. Maybe it’s somewhat because she is little, but I know it’s really because of the way she carries herself. My mom is quiet, timid, shy and everything under the umbrella of reserved. When she’s with her five other sisters, that’s a whole other story, but in the face of strangers and especially those with power, my mom has a problem with giggling. To begin with, she talks in this quiet little voice, and on top of it she starts to laugh due to her discomfort, and you can’t understand what she’s saying. She’s completely frightened of public speaking, terrified of stepping on toes, petrified

of making a scene and would much rather live life under the radar. The giggling is cute, though. That’s why everyone loves her. The only problem with this is her inability to stand out in a professional manner or in an assertive way. Everyone loves my mom, but her lack of communicative skills has proved a burden in many aspects of her life. She is a successful engineer, but because she fears speaking in front of large audiences, she has missed many opportunities. What we can take from this is that 1) my mom is cute and 2) effective communication is a huge aspect of getting places in life. Those of you who disparage the communication studies major, beware. It is true that if you work hard and know a lot, you will get far in life. It is also true that if you know how to convey that information and make a name for yourself, you will get much further.

something with confidence makes you more believable. Galen does this all of the time. Once during a car ride, I couldn’t stop burping though I rarely ever burp, and I didn’t know why. I brought up my concern and Galen nonchalantly said, “It’s because of the altitude change,” and went back to texting. Though I knew better, she had half the people in the car convinced. Hey, that confidence is all you need to sell something. Tell people what you want. Passive aggressiveness is old and annoying. To get ahead, you have to fight for what you want, and this involves communicating to others what your goal is. For example, when Galen and I lost the ROAR contest for a free trip to the WCC Tournament, due to poorly communicated rules, might I add, we went to the head of marketing in Athletics and fought for our case. Not only did we come out with the next game’s giveaway a day early, but we also ended up at the WCC tournament for $40. Fancy, huh? One last communication skill that is essential to getting ahead is listening. You can’t be all talk but out of tune with those around you. While communicating your ideas is important, listening and compromising with the ideas of others is equally important. My mom is an expert on this one. She is always quick to listen to another person, walk in his or her shoes and come up with a compromising solution. Perhaps this is how she has been able to be as successful as she is. Communication is a huge part of life, and it is instrumental in getting places. It is not all that it takes, obviously, but combine it with knowledge and hard work, and you have a killer approach to success.

“Tell people what you want. Passive aggressiveness is old and annoying ... you have to fight for what you want.” Sometimes you have to step on toes to get ahead. You have to fight for what you want, and this includes speaking out about it. Today’s world is based a lot on image, and if you can present yourself through effective communication and a go-getter mentality, you increase your chances of getting what you want. Say things confidently. Answering questions with statements that sound like questions makes you seem unsure and consequently incompetent. Even if you are unsure, saying


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Editor in Chief Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor The Los Angeles Loyolan, a Assistant Managing Editor student-run campus organization, Public Editor publishes a twice weekly Senior Editor newspaper for the greater LMU Senior Editor community. The first copy is free Senior Editor Senior Editor of charge. Additional copies are $1 News Editor each. Paid, mailed subscriptions can Assistant News Editor be purchased through the Business Assistant News Editor department. News Intern The Loyolan accepts unsolicited News Intern letters from students, faculty, News Intern Opinion Editor staff and alumni, and press Assistant Opinion Editor releases from on-campus and Assistant Opinion Editor off-campus organizations, but Opinion Intern cannot guarantee publication. Opinion Intern The Loyolan reserves the right A&E Editor to edit or reject all submissions, Assistant A&E Editor A&E Intern including advertisements, articles Sports Editor or other contributions it deems Assistant Sports Editor objectionable. The Loyolan does Assistant Sports Editor not print consecutive articles by the Sports Intern same author that repeat/refute the Copy Editor initial arguments. Copy Editor Copy Editor Opinions and ideas expressed in Copy Editor the Loyolan are those of individual Copy Editor authors, artists and student Design Editor editors and are not those of Loyola Design Specialist Marymount University, its Board Design Specialist Design Specialist of Trustees, its student body or Design Specialist of newspaper advertisers. Board Cartoonist Editorials are unsigned and reflect Online Editor the opinions of the Executive Assistant Online Editor Editorial Board. Guest editorials Photo Editor are by invitation of the Executive Assistant Photo Editor Business Director Editorial Board and reflect the views Business Consultant of the author. Assistant Business Director All advertisements are subject Assistant Business Director to the current rates and policies in Director of Marketing Ad Sales Representative the 2010-11 Advertising Rates and Ad Sales Representative Information materials. Ad Sales Representative Ad Designer

Tom Nelson Director of Student Media

This is the opinion of Kim Tran, a freshman communication studies major from San Jose, Calif. Please send comments to ktran@theloyolan.com.

The Los Angeles Loyolan is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the California College Media Association.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Film, Literature, Music, Video Games and Theater


April 28, 2011 Page 7

Student band dishes out music and mojo Music Feature By Tierney Finster Asst. A&E Editor


ld school means real.” This axiom, located on a bumper sticker on the back of Natalie Meadors’ car, perfectly describes the attitude of student rock band Mojo Stone, in which Meadors sings. Characterized by a nostalgic yet innovative sound, Mojo Stone incorporates elements of classic rock, alternative rock, folk and blues in its music. LMU students can check out Mojo Stone live tomorrow, April 29, during their performance at the Bird Nest, or via their EP “Hatchet,” which is currently for sale on iTunes. Mojo Stone originated on the grass in front of Whelan Residence Hall, where lead singer and junior art history and photography double major Natalie Meadors attended jam sessions on Wednesday nights freshman year, along with guitarist and junior recording arts major David Donaldson. “There was a community that really connected over music on those Wednesdays – meeting, playing, bringing bongos. David and I met there. He approached me about forming a band, and we were both really excited about doing it,” Meadors said. Mojo Stone was a duo for quite some time before new members came to the group. Originally, Meadors and Donaldson gave the group a stronger folk vibe and even released the first Mojo Stone EP as a folk record. However, Meadors says that both she and Donaldson always wanted to be in a rock and roll band, a dream that the addition of a few other musicians would help to make come true. The pair met lead guitarist and junior history major Henry Mc-

Gill during those same Whelan jam sessions and soon asked him to join the band. Then Donaldson discovered bassist Neil Wogensen, now a sophomore recording arts major, and was blown away by his performance at one of Mane Entertainment’s Open Mic events. “I just hope they let me sing at some point,” Wogensen said, referring to his biggest concern upon entering a pre-established band. However, this fear did not last for long. Only two weeks after he joined the group, they wrote “Gritty Love Blues” together, a track that is distinguished by its strong group vocals. Additionally, Mojo Stone has recently added a new drummer to the group. Twenty-six-yearold Jerry Dule, who does not attend LMU, will now be playing drums for Mojo Stone as they prepare for a series of live performances. “We’re very proud about acquiring him. He really fits in,” Wogensen said of the band’s new member. Whereas many other bands tend to be dominated by one singer or guitarist, Mojo Stone is truly a group effort. “I’ve had many people tell me that we’re a band that’s a sum of our parts, which is really great to hear. It’s not just one creative person and a bunch of others playing backup. We all feel involved with every song,” Wogensen said. Meadors expressed similar sentiments: “I think we have a good ability to work together. All of us are represented on this EP. It’s not my band, it’s not David’s band, it’s all of our band. You hear that on all of the songs which is something that I like about working with all of them,” she said. Meadors and Wogensen admit that the different mem-

Damon Corso

Meadors, Donaldson, Wogensen and McGill (from left to right) get together to practice at least three times a week. However according to Wogensen, some sort of Mojo Stone business comes up almost every night. bers of Mojo Stone butt heads sometimes, but noted that they tend to resolve issues peacefully. When asked if being in Mojo Stone is as fun as it seems, Meadors replied with a simple,“Oh hell yeah.” The band assembled at Meadors’ house this past Monday before taking off to shoot the music video for their song “Wait It Out,” the first track on their EP “Hatchet.” Though right outside the back gates, Meadors’ house feels like a whole new world in comparison to the country club aesthetic of LMU. Musical equipment, piles of books, vintage clothing and kitties provide her living space with a comfortable and creative energy. Under the late afternoon sun with the salt-stained breeze in the air, the members of Mojo Stone appeared rather picturesque while perched in various positions throughout the backyard. Donaldson sat perched on top of a fence, barefoot and carefree as he quietly strummed his guitar. Meadors remained low to the ground in a vibrant yellow sundress, paired with wornin Western boots and smears of pink eyeshadow, as Wogensen stayed beside her. The video was shot by a friend of the band’s and conceputalized the night before shooting. It takes place in the quaint yet gorgeous fields of flowers at the Ballona Wetlands in Marina Del Rey. Trudging through heaps of wild daisies and other plants in

the process, Mojo Stone basked under the sunlight and amongst the scenic vegetation as the video was shot. A simple production, the high quality music, breathtaking location and cohesive aesthetic of the band are enough to create a great video on their own. Video shoots, recording tracks, practicing their songs and deciding on logistical band matters make being a member of Mojo Stone a full-time job. As LMU’s semester ends, Mojo Stone’s work only begins. This summer, they will embark on a Southern tour, playing sets in Tennessee, Texas and Meadors’ home state of Arkansas, among others. As for juggling school and music, Wogensen’s only words of advice are: “Just try not to flunk out.” As the band prepares for Friday’s performance at LMU, Meadors reflects upon her experience here so far: “I think that it’s a really cool thing that we’ve all found something that we love to do. LMU has really provided us with the opportunity to do that, and I’m really thankful for that. I feel like college has given me a lot more than just an education, it’s given me a place to start out.” Definitely old school, extremely talented and almost frustratingly effortless, Mojo Stone’s career is only beginning. Tomorrow’s concert is free and begins at 4 p.m outside the Bird Nest. “Hatchet” can be purchased on iTunes for $5.94.


by Mojo Stone

Mojo Stone’s newest EP “Hatchet” features six songs, ranging in style but unified in sound. Here’s what the Loyolan has to say about each track:

1. “Wait It Out”

As the most dance-worthy track on the album, “Wait It Out” begins with a perfectly in-sync group vocal and transitions into a foot-tapping, feelgood jam that is perfect for every summer playlist.

2. “Barefoot Boy”

A Battle of the Bands favorite, “Barefoot Boy” is an extremely infectious track that is powered by amazing vocal performances that are ideal to sing along to.

3. “Jealousy”

“Jealousy” features adversarial male and female vocals that discuss problematic post-breakup issues and are most reflective of Mojo Stone’s love for classic rock of the 1960s.

4. “Can I Keep My Man”

“Come on boys,” Meadors announces to her fellow band members as this fun folk song begins. Plenty of songs discuss landing a perfect 10 guy, but on this track Meadors contemplates her ability to keep a certain long-haired, blue suede shoeswearing man.

5. “Amazon”

Relaxing and fantastical, “Amazon” exhibits Meadors’ large vocal range and transports the listener to a somber and satisfying mystical locale.

6. “Gritty Love Blues”

This hard-hitting song nails all of the right beats at the right time. With a true jam-session feel, “Gritty Love Blues” is the star track off “Hatchet,” showcasing the band’s powerful instrumentals while maintaining a subtle and satisfying sound. Compiled by Tierney Finster | Photo : Mojo Stone

April 28, 2011 Page 8



LMU student musicians jazz it up Group Feature


By Emily Rome

Favorite Jazz Songs

A&E Editor


few times over the past year, you may have walked into the Lion’s Den and heard music that made you wonder if you’d been beamed back to the 1950s. Upbeat drumming and smooth Anita O’Daylike crooning of songs such as “Fly Me to the Moon” and “Cheek to Cheek” may not be what you’d expect to hear around campus in 2011, but time travel isn’t at play here – it’s the JazzCats, LMU’s student jazz group. “I think we all grew up in the wrong era,” said the group’s bass player, Sean McEvoy, a senior English major. JazzCats’ members are all fans of jazz, whether lifelong fans like singer and sophomore music major Katie Rose Sanfilippo or new fans such as drummer and junior business major Chris Rowntree. Though they feel like their music tastes and talents may belong half a century or so prior, they’ve found success among the 21st century crowd at LMU since the group’s inception about a year ago. Tomorrow JazzCats will bring its smooth and lively sounds to LMU one more time this semester and for one of the last performances with its current members, as three of the group’s musicians are graduating next week. The group has played about 15 to 20 gigs since getting started in spring 2010, including at the Christmas Tree Lighting and for the approximately 2,000 atendees in the crowd at President David W. Burcham’s inauguration, which was quite a jump from its first crowd at the Lion’s Den in December. “They had us [play at the Den] on a Friday afternoon when no one was there,” said senior music major Justin Ramos, the group’s leader and pianist. “Literally no one,” McEvoy emphasized. Playing for a nonexistent crowd was a fleeting experience, though. Hearing live music, people started peeking their heads in the Den that day. Soon the group found itself performing its second gig right after its first. “Randomly, some people heard us in the Den and told us they were having a wedding reception upstairs [in The Hill] and they didn’t have a band,” McEvoy said. “They were like, ‘Hey, if we pay you $100, will you come upstairs and play for an hour?’” Now, JazzCats has had several paid gigs, and its latest Friday afternoon Lion’s Den performance was packed. But money or crowds isn’t what drives this group to make music. “The JazzCats play for fun, whether it be for one person or 100,” Ramos said. “We’ll play for free any day.” Ramos had wanted to start a jazz group on campus since his freshman year, but he was never able to get together a group of musicians until last year, when he discovered McEvoy. The bass player was rehearsing in Burns Fine Arts Center with his fellow Marymount Institute Trio members. Ramos and junior music major Rea Acda, another singer for the group, heard their music and stopped by their rehearsal room. “They saw me playing the bass, and they were just like, ‘We didn’t know anyone at this school played acoustic bass. We need to get your number,’” McEvoy said. At the Christmas Tree Lighting in December, the group performed for the first time with its current lineup, which also includes guitarist Charlie McCord, a senior music major. The group’s mem-

Singer Rea Acda:

“Cheek to Cheek” by Irving Berlin Guitarist Charlie McCord:

“Misty” by Erroll Garner Bassist Sean McEvoy:

“Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” by Duke Ellington, lyrics by Bob Russell

Pianist Justin Ramos:

“Fly Me To The Moon” by Bart Howard

Singer Katie Rose Sanfilippo:

“It’s Only A Paper Moon” by Harold Arlen with lyrics by E.Y. Harburg and Billy Rose Drummer Chris Rowntree:

“Chameleon” by Herbie Hancock Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

JazzCats, LMU’s student jazz combo, has been performing both on campus and off since the group formed about a year ago. Pictured from left to right is pianist Justin Ramos, singer Katie Rose Sanfilippo, drummer Chris Rowntree, singer Rea Acda and bassist Sean McEvoy. Not pictured is guitarist Charlie McCord. bers recall feeling immediately comfortable performing with each other at that gig. “We meshed,” Rowntree said. They also don’t have to worry about getting stage fright when performing with each other. “If I’m doing a classical piece, I’ll be so nervous, but for some reason when I’m singing jazz with these guys [there are] no nerves,” Sanfilippo said. The group also enjoys the loose style of jazz, which involves a lot of improvisation and spontaneity. “With jazz, it’s not like you’re playing a song. It’s like you’re having a conversation,” Rowntree said. Jazz is a very creative process for the musicians since they’re improvising so much, with pretty much the entire song except the chorus being created by the group on the spot. The drum’s part isn’t even written into the song, so Rowntree comes up with all the beats himself. Performing a song live that the group has never practiced before is commonplace for the JazzCats, and it relishes in the fact that each show is different and that the unexpected can happen anytime. “Justin will jump off the stage in the middle of a song!” McEvoy said and then laughed to Ramos: “I’ve been so pissed at you onstage before! It’s like you’re supposed to be taking a melody, and we just have to play, and Justin’s walking around with his phone and saying hi to people.” “I have to do PR!” Ramos quickly defended. Audience members haven’t held back from joining in the non-stop fun of JazzCats. At the inauguration luncheon one man hopped onstage and started singing and dancing. When the group performed on Skid Row for Midnight Mission, it found a fellow musician playing along on his trumpet about half a block away. As the three seniors in JazzCats near graduation, the group is eager to bring new members into the group to keep it alive for many years to come. Updates about auditions will be posted on its Facebook page as the group searches for a new pianist, bassist and guitarist. It is also hoping to have a saxophonist or trumpet player join the group. Sanfilippo and Rowntree will take over for Ramos as co-leaders of Jazzcats next year. “We’ll need two people next year [to fill Ramos’ void] of that amount of energy,” Sanfilippo said.

Ramos plans to return for at least one gig next year though, as he’s eager to be a part of JazzCat’s performance at the LMU Centennial Alumni Barbeque on Sept. 25, 2011. JazzCats expects to have several more performances next year. Thus far, all of its shows have been booked through word of mouth without any help of advertising, and the group has been impressed

by how much of a presence it has established on campus. Sanfilippo recalled meeting a fellow new resident advisor at an ice-breaker event earlier this month when she was greeted with, “Hey! You’re the JazzCat!” The group also has hopes to eventually record a Christmas album. JazzCats will perform in the Lion’s Den tomorrow at 3:30 p.m.

The group favorite: “Birdland” by Joe Zawinul Ramos: “It’s a ball of energy.” Sanfilippo: “There are so many different melody sections. It’s so random. I never actually see the music, so I never know what’s happening next.” Acda: “It gives [the instrumentalists] a lot of freedom.” Rowntree: “It’s the most structurally complex song we play.” Compiled by Emily Rome | Loyolan

April 28, 2011 Page 10

Hedgehog Soup

Curtis & the Hedgehog


Curtis & the Hedgehog

By: David Zaleski

By: David Zaleski


By: Jackson Turcotte

Hedgehog Soup

Before achieving fame and fortune, Hangman began as a nude model.

www.theloyolan.com By: David Zaleski

“Are you A-minor?!”

By: Peter Li

By: David Zaleski

Hedgehog Soup

By: David Zaleski

“I have warts.”

April 28, 2011 Page 12


Friday, April 29

11 a.m. London 3 a.m. Los Angeles

“The Royal Wedding�

KCET, channel 28 and BBC, channel 63 Begins 12 a.m. Narrated by Welsh journalist Huw Edwards

“William & Catherine: The Royal Wedding�

msnbc, channel 64 Begins 12 a.m. Hosted by Chris Jansing and Martin Bashir

“The Royal Wedding�

KNBC, channel 4 Begins 1 a.m. Hosted by Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry, Al Roker and Natalie Morales



The Royal  Wedding

Royal Wedding Viewing Guide All listings are for Pacific Standard Time, LMU Cable.


“Good Morning America: Royal Wedding�

KABC, channel 7 Begins 1 a.m. Reported by Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters

“Live From the Royal Wedding� E!, channel 59 Begins 1 a.m. Reported by Giuliana Rancic

“The Royal Wedding�

CNN, channel 60 Begins 1 a.m. Anchored by Piers Morgan, Richard Quest, Anderson Cooper and Kiran Chetry

“The Royal Wedding�

YouTube: TheRoyalChannel Begins 2 a.m. Voiceovers by staff from St. James’s Palace and Clarence House Photo: Associated Press

Graphic: Levi Marks | Loyolan

Remembering Charles and Diana’s wedding “I watched all of the coverage of Charles and Diana’s wedding, but that was quite some time ago. One thing I remember is that my daughter’s friend rode beside the coach during the wedding. He was a guardsman at the polo club in Windsor where she used to work.� “Kate certainly doesn’t have the star quality that Diana did, but she certainly has her feet in the ground. She’s much more prepared for the responsibilities that will come along with the wedding, much more than Diana was. She’s great.� – New Zealand native Heather Herkenoff, manager of LMU Central Ticket Agency

omorrow, a once-in-a-generation event commences in what will be the wee hours of the morning for L.A.: A future king will wed his princess-to-be. Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton’s Westminster Abbey wedding is expected to be one of the biggest TV events of all time, with an anticipated 2.5 billion viewers worldwide. The Loyolan shamelessly joins the media frenzy to keep you fully informed about how to join in (or opt out of ) the celebration.


How the wedding could be worth the hype Culture Commentary By Katherine Douthit Copy Editor


hat star-studded gala has a guest list including Mr. Bean and excluding President Obama? Strangely enough, it is not the premiere of a third “Mr. Bean� feature film, but the royal nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Everyone from Barbara Walters to Perez Hilton has featured preview coverage of this event – the guests, the dress, the tiara, the wedding party, the flowers, etc. A handful of networks and even YouTube will air the wedding live. However, this coverage is a little too over-the-top and excessive; even NBC has cut back its coverage because, as the Huffington Post reports, “insiders fear Prince William and Kate Middleton are ‘too boring.’� I wouldn’t go that far, but I do agree that this coverage is exceedingly unnecessary and almost silly. It is a royal wedding, which is admittedly historic and cool. But, it’s still a wedding: same old “I Do’s�, ugly bridesmaid dresses and people that barely made the guest list somehow sneaking their way to the third pew. Luckily, I’ve made a list of suggestions for Kate and William that would make their nuptials, and all the hoopla surrounding it, truly watch-worthy: 1. Someone trips walking down the aisle. It does not matter who it is, but extra points if it is Prince Charles. If someone trips, it is funny. That’s entertainment 101. 2. Kate and William trick everyone and end up eloping. Or have a

April 28, 2011 Page 13

Why I’ll be watching I’m enough of a girl to really like weddings. I do have a bit of a fascination with royalty – historical and modern – that might be slightly inappropriate for an American. I get a sentimental urge to do the “next generation� thing when my mom tells me about watching Charles and Diana’s wedding with her girlfriends when she was not much older than I am now. But mostly, I want to be part of a worldwide experience. Yes, it’s been completely blown out of proportion. Yes, it’s a lot of hype, but this wedding is making strides in social media never before seen, and it’s expected to be watched by 2 billion people. Two billion. That’s bigger than Olympic Games numbers. That’s over a third of the world’s population, and I want to be a part of that. – Emily Rome

Why I won’t watch

David Zaleski | Loyolan

destination wedding in Fiji. To be perfectly honest, I would not blame them if they skipped the theatrics and eloped or hopped on a plane to get hitched in Fiji. British Prime Minister David Cameron anticipates a recordbreaking 2 billion viewers to tune in for the wedding, according to an April 6 report by Reuters. I freak out when I have to read aloud in class. Sure, they’re public figures who are/have to be used to this sort of press coverage, but this is a private ceremony. Shouldn’t there at least be a façade of intimacy? 3. David and Victoria Beckham challenge Kate and William to an impromptu soccer match at the reception. Becks and Posh are among the VIPs on the invite list, according

to The Telegraph. As probably the coolest guests on the list, they are expected to bring one of the coolest wedding gifts. I suggest a game of two-on-two, because not only is it a treat to see Becks play (or just to lay eyes upon him in general), but it would be a bigger treat to see Posh Spice attempt to play soccer in a skintight dress and 6-inch stilettos. 4. Someone shows up in the same dress as the bride. Nothing says embarrassing like showing up wearing the same dress as someone else. Although, I’m pretty sure if you wear the same dress as the future princess, you are guilty of treason. That is just speculation, though. 5. Somebody objects! It’s that hold-your-breath mo-

ment in the movie when the officiator asks if anyone has any objections to the two being wed. Can you imagine if that happened at the royal nuptials, of all places? I would even settle if someone did it just to bring some comedic relief to the formality of the ceremony. But this may also be worthy of treason. Of course, it’s William and Kate’s wedding, so I respect their choice not to listen to any of my suggestions. Just don’t be surprised if Obama and I crash the reception.

Read about five more ways to make the wedding worth the hype at www.laloyolan.com/ae

Being an Anglophile, you’d think I’d care about this royal wedding thing everyone seems to be talking about. But between the magazine covers in line at the grocery store to sitting around the airport and glancing at the silent TV screen, there’s some form of media constantly regurgitating the royal wedding. I avoid People magazine and cable news, but somehow I’ve found out, without even trying, that this wedding is taking place on Friday at 3 a.m. our time.With the media overexposure, I feel like I’ve already seen it. At one point I was sure it had already occurred because there was no way there could be this much coverage on mere speculation of what’s going to happen. I already have a distaste for weddings; there’s no way the media can convince me to care about the wedding of two complete strangers, however royal they may be. – Luisa Barron

English tea time snacks Recipe Review By Luisa Barron Copy Editor


was admittedly doubtful when I took a gander at a few recipes for watercress sandwiches and saw that the English prefer their tea with white bread that has green-tinted butter spread on it. But with this combination of recipes from culinaryteas.com and food.com, this charming little sandwich won me over. It’s a nice afternoon snack, if not filling enough to have for a meal (though if you eat half the recipe, you could easily call it lunch). Watercress Sandwiches s CUP WATERCRESS SPRINGS s CUP BUTTER HALF A STICK softened s TABLESPOONS lNELY CHOPPED chives s CUP FRESH PARSLEY LEAVES s TEASPOON LEMON JUICE sSALT AND PEPPER TO TASTE Makes about 16 sandwiches. It’s a fairly easy recipe to follow for even the most unsophisticated non-Anglophiles: chop up watercress, chives and parsley, throw them in the food processor with softened butter until it’s nice and green and has a creamy texture, then spread on slices of bread cut into dainty

Luisa Barron | Loyolan

Watercress sandwiches are a common snack during English tea time. triangles, or whatever shape you desire. It’s like a very mild, pleasant-tasting English guacamole, except that it doesn’t taste anything like guacamole. Actually, the only thing they have in common is the vibrant green color. There are also variations on the recipe that add cream cheese (which I also tried later, and gives it an even creamier texture, but takes away some of the herb-y flavor). Traditionally, tea sandwiches like this one are served on small triangles of white bread with the crusts cut off, but being the snobby foodie I am, I have refused to eat white bread ever since I realized that it’s pretty much a glorified form of edible

Styrofoam. I used freshly baked whole wheat instead, but you can use any mild-tasting bread of your choosing; the watercress butter has a fresh flavor that should go well with most breads. And despite its green (i.e. icky, to some) color, it should be a crowd-pleasing sandwich, because if my 10-year-old brother can proclaim it “OK,� then even picky eaters shouldn’t have an issue with it.

Go to laloyolan.com/ ae for advice on picking a proper tea.

April 28, 2011 Page 14


Spring Chorale continues tradition Event Preview By Amy Lee Staff Writer

As LMU’s 100th anniversary approaches, the 46th Annual Spring Chorale concert will commemorate the University’s journey to what it has become today. The concert will feature the three LMU choruses: Concert Choir, Consort Singers and Women’s Chorus, including students, alumni and community members. The choruses will be conducted by Dr. Mary Breden, director of Choral Activities, and will be accompanied by a full orchestra. “It’s always a good concert because the students work [for the Chorale] the entire spring,” said Nick Preston, administrative assistant for the music department. “It’s a chance for students and faculty to see a full orchestra with students who have been working for the whole semester. It’s a culmination of the semester’s work.” The choruses will be performing in memory of LMU’s past leaders and developers. Breden believed it to be pertinent to look to the past and appreciate LMU’s honorable contributors as the University celebrates its future. With this in mind, the choruses will perform “Requiem” by John Rutter, “Lux Aeterna” by Morten Lauridsen, “O Clap Your Hands” by Ralph Vaughan Williams, along with “Four songs for Women’s chorus, Two Horns and Harp” by Johannes Brahms. Each chorus will have its own program with the women’s chorus joining the concert choir for “Requiem” and all the choruses performing “O Clap Your Hands.” Before Breden, Paul Salamunovich was LMU’s director of Choral Activities for 27 years. He was named Music Director Emeritus of the Los Angeles Master Chorale in 2001, one of the most elite and famous professional choruses in the nation. One of the pieces commissioned was Lauridsen’s “Lux Aeterna.” It was dedicated to LMU and recorded for the album, “Lauridsen: Lux Aeterna” in the Sacred Heart Chapel, which was nominated for a GRAMMY in 1998.

This year’s Spring Chorale will carry considerable meaning, as it will be dedicated to Breden’s sister, Sr. Sharon Breden, C.S.J., who passed away last Thursday in San Jose, Calif. “The music for this program is intended to honor all those who have passed, who are special to us and the University,” said Jessica Jewett, an LMU 2010 alumna who will be singing with Concert Choir. “It is especially poignant with the loss of Sr. Sharon who was such a strong supporter of the music program at LMU. Sr. Sharon had joined the choruses on tour in Italy last year as we all cherished the chance to sing at the Vatican and in the Sistine Chapel. The Spring Chorale will be dedicated to her memory.” “It’s a tradition at LMU. It’s an elaborate and meaningful event,” said Dan Dangca, senior vocal performance and choral con-

ducting major, who will be performing with the Consort Singers and Concert Choir. “We will remember those who passed who meant a lot to LMU through these pieces. ‘Lux Aeterna’ means eternal light. The concert will [cast] this upon the deceased.” Dangca also explained the songs will bring musical ecstasy and may even change people’s perspectives on music, as they did for him. He encouraged students who are stressed about finals to attend the event, to take two hours of their time to listen to relaxing, pleasant and meaningful music. The concert will take place at the Sacred Heart Chapel tomorrow, April 29 at 8 p.m. For students with OneCards, tickets will be $5. Tickets for non-students will range from $10-$15, with discounts available for faculty and senior citizens. For more information, contact the Central Ticket Agency at (310) 338-7588.

The LOYOLAN’S Summer Playlist LMU students may be neck-deep in final projects, essays and exams right now, but in just over a week, it will be time for celebration and relaxation. What better way to start three and a half months off than with some good music? From The Beach Boys to Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake to Pink Floyd, the Loyolan has you prepared to jump into summer 2011 with this playlist.


“School’s Out”


“Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)”


“Summer Nights”


“Summer Sunshine”


“Summer Love”


“You Make My Dreams”


“Summer of ‘69”


“Good Times Roll”


“California Gurls”

10 Adolfo Martinelli

This year’s Spring Chorale will be held in the memory of Sr. Sharon Breden, C.S.J. (left), who is the sister of the choral director and conductor, Dr. Mary Breden (right).


Alice Cooper Pink Floyd

“Grease” Cast The Corrs

Justin Timberlake Daryl Hall & John Oates Bryan Adams The Cars

Katy Perry

“Surfin’ U.S.A.”

The Beach Boys

For more on why these songs will rock your summer, visit laloyolan.com/ae. Compiled by Emily Rome | Loyolan

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April 28, 2011 Page 16


LMU reveals commencement $peaker Ke$ha will address LMU’s undergraduates on May 7 at commencement. By Britney Simmons Fan Gurl

LMU will kick off its centennial with a star-studded commencement for the class of 2011. University Relations revealed on Thursday that Kesha Rose Sebert, commonly stylized “Ke$ha,” will speak to graduating seniors at commencement proceedings. Ke$ha has informed the Loyolan via her spokeswoman that she is excited for the opportunity and, more importantly, for “finally” being allowed again to set foot on a religious campus. Ke$ha also elected to speak to the Loyolan only using lyrics from her songs. “Hot and dangerous, if you’re one of us then roll with us,” she said, staring Loyolan reporters directly in the eye, twitching slightly. “’Cause we make the

hipsters fall in love.” As of press time, the Loyolan couldn’t confirm exactly why she said that, but Dr. Paul Humphreys of LMU’s music department confirmed that she was quoting her song “We R Who We R.” “That bodes well for Ke$ha’s commencement address,” he said, scanning a lyrics sheet which had his handwritten notes scrawled in the margins. “The whole song seems to be about letting loose and, as she says, not being so serious, because it’s making her brain delirious. I think she really wants to encourage this class to go out into the world and have fun. And hit on dudes.” “Hard,” he added, doing something funny with his voice. Administrators affirmed the decision, but refused to comment on the record because they were worried what people would think if they knew they affirmed the decision. Chair of the University of Chicago’s music department Martha Feldman, however, was openly enthusiastic about the selection. “It really resonates with European

vernacular music, circa 1500-1900,” said Feldman, who according to the department’s website is a cultural historian of European vernacular music, circa 15001900. She refused to answer further questions, instead asking the Loyolan if there was any way she could “meet [her] idol.” As of press time, the Loyolan couldn’t find a better person to interview, and cutting her quote wasn’t an option because it needed to meet the word count. Reaction among students was mixed. “Wait, Ke$ha? As in the one who wakes up the morning feeling like P. Diddy?” asked senior aerospace studies major Anita Méndez incredulously. “I find her song ‘Booty Call’ particularly inspiring, and hope that she draws some of the major themes of her speech from that song,” said junior theological studies major John Folgerson. “I can only hope that next year’s commencement speaker can live up to whatever standard she sets this year.” “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” said Ke$ha, getting down on all fours and slow-crawling toward retreating Loyolan reporters.

Associated Press

Ke$ha told Loyolan reporters she woke up and brushed her teeth with a bottle of Jack on Friday morning.

Loyolan may be President Burcham gets on ‘the Facebook’ subject to censorship Students, prepare to be poked by President Burcham. By Katherine Douthit Queen of the Interns

In an attempt to connect on a deeper level with the student body, University President David W. Burcham announced his intention to “get on the Facebook” in an email send to the entire LMU community last Wednesday. “It’s my hope,” he wrote, “that by creating a profile on the Facebook, I can become friends with each and every one of you and place myself among students in a unique way.” He pointed to his recent upgrade from a dial-up modem to broadband Internet as an important factor in his joining the social network site. “This is cutting edge, baby,” he

told the Loyolan, rolling up his sleeves and pulling up Internet Explorer on Windows XP, showing reporters his profile. As of press time, there was minimal information on his page listed under his “Info” tab: He had listed “the Facebook” under his Interests, About Me and Favorite Quotations. Reporters also confirmed that Burcham uploaded the same profile photo 12 times, in addition to changing his status over 19 times within 35 minutes. Highlights included “Stoked on being El Presidente at LMU,” “SO ready for summer, can I get a what-what?!” and “Freakin’ dismount zone …PSafe confiscated my scooter AGAIN!” The latter update was “liked” by 4,240 users. Analysis obtained from Facebook’s headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif. also confirmed both that Burcham had managed to “poke” more people within four

hours than any user in the site’s history, and that nearly every student on the LMU network had created another profile before requesting Burcham as a friend. Burcham’s latest post had to do with the University’s recent announcement that Ke$ha will be this year’s undergraduate commencement speaker. “Her flair for the dramatic will undoubtedly engage the student body,” he wrote, “and it really seems as if she knows how to connect with young adults. Personally, I’m a huge fan of her hit ‘Bad Romance’ and really think ‘Telephone’ sums up a lot of relationship problems that students experience. No one could be more relevant.” Commenters quickly alerted Burcham that it was Lady Gaga he was thinking of, to which Burcham simply responded to with a status update that read: “LOL!!! Oopzz.”

Graphic: Conor Morgan | Loyolan

The Loyolan took the above screenshot in the midst of Burcham’s status update spree.

Student Affairs cracks down on Loyolan awesomeness. By Joseph Goodingsworth On the Wall

The Loyolan has been censured for “irresponsible journalism” or something by Senior Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Lane Bove. Bove made the announcement on F r i d a y that, effective immediately, the Loyolan would be s u b j e c t to prior r e v i e w and, if n e c e s sary, prior lmu.edu r e s t r a i n t . T h i s Dr. Lane Bove means that a designated University staff member will review all articles before they are published, will have the power to hold or cut articles that do not meet standards to be set forth by the Division of Student Affairs and, most importantly, that things are going to start sucking real hard around the Loyolan office. The announcement was sparked by two separate incidents: In the first, the Loyolan reported on a front page article that it had won “every single award possible in the entire world for good journalism in 2010,” when further investigation confirmed that the Loyolan had in fact won only three, two of them awarded in jest during a happy hour gathering by the Loyolan’s own adviser, Director of Student Media Tom Nelson. The second was a graphic located in the news section that superimposed administrators’ heads on gorilla bodies and attributed quotes to them that, according to Bove, “were embellished to the point

of fabrication.” “We’ve seen some unacceptable journalistic errors in the Loyolan lately,” said Bove, “and we had to take action. [Also, the staff is incredibly good-looking and it’s just not fair to the rest of the students.]” Bove described the process that led to the decision. “[Despite the fact that the newspaper the Loyolan staff produces is far better than anything I’ve ever seen come out of the New York Times office],” she said, “it is important to us that we make sure the newspaper the Loyolan puts forth represents the University well. When the students proved they weren’t able to do that, [all of the Student Affairs staff members had a meeting and decided that] we had a responsibility to take action. So [after throwing darts at a poster that said ‘Get them’ or ‘Let them be’ for like four hours, we added up the results and] we did [proving that we have no real methodology when it comes to these things].” Assistant Sports Editor John Wilkinson wasn’t involved with the issues in question but offered to speak on behalf of Loyolan Editor in Chief Kenzie O’Keefe and Managing Editor Adrien Jarvis, who were nowhere to be found as of press time. “I just covered a baseball game, and it was great,” said Wilkinson, who said “Nah” when asked to comment on the matter at hand. Nelson declined to speak on the record, but Loyolan reporters recorded him on the sly and got a quote anyway. “[Expletive deleted],” he sputtered, going into a fit in which only the words “incompetent” and “outrageous,” as well as several other expletives, were comprehensible. “[Also, it’s unfair that the staff is so good-looking.]” “[You know what, come to think of it, it’s absolutely a mistake to censor the Loyolan like this],” said Bove. “[I take it all back.]” All stories by José Martinez | Loyolan

* The Bluff is a satirical/humorous section published by the Loyolan. Its contents are not intended to be interpreted as fact, and all quotes are completely fabricated. But if you thought it was real, the Loyolan thinks that’s adorable.



Softball season down to the wire in close PCSC race Softball from page 20 driver’s seat to win the conference title and earn a berth in the NCAA Regionals.

“The ironic thing is we played probably our best two games of the season, [but those were] two of the games we lost,” said Ferrin. “We

Caroline Patten | Loyolan

Junior Sam Fischer (pictured earlier this season) hit the 38th home run of her career last week, tying Danielle Kaminaka for the conference record.

crushed between nine and 11 line drives that just found defenders’ gloves. Our pitching was stellar, but they just played that much better than we did.” The Lions held the Hornets to only two runs in their first two games and only one run in the third contest. Two of those games went into extra innings. “They [Sacramento State] were playing desperate softball. They had to win those games if they wanted to stay alive,” said Ferrin. LMU now finds itself behind San Diego in the conference standings, with a four-game series against the Toreros at Smith Field to conclude the 2011 season. “We cannot get ahead of ourselves,” said Ferrin. “We have a lot of softball to play before we get to that point, but it sure is exciting.” San Diego is riding an impressive 11-game winning streak. “It will be an uphill climb, no doubt, but our girls are ready and we are excited to finish up conference,” said Ferrin. “If you want to be the best, you must beat the best, and that’s exactly what we’ll have to do.” The Lions will host Cal State Bakersfield Saturday and Sunday on Smith Field starting at noon on both days.

April 28, 2011 Page 17

W. Lacrosse New club provisionally instated to bring back women’s lacrosse team. As of this semester, LMU is now home to a women’s lacrosse club. Although it has only been instated as a provisional team, it is working to become recognized as an official LMU club sport. The club’s adviser, Jason Joyce, is working to get the club reinstated in the league. “We have a trial period of two years – I believe – to show that we can keep up a schedule,” said Hannah McDermott, a freshman business marketing major and president of the club. “But within the first year, if we show we can keep a schedule, we’ll move up into the different divisions.” According to McDermott, LMU formerly hosted a women’s lacrosse team from 1994 until it disbanded in 2008. “When I came here, I was looking around, and we didn’t have one,” said McDermott. “And I heard that we had one before, so I was like, ‘Let’s get one started.’” The club will be coached by Lito Cornell, who acted as the organization’s coach when it was formerly intact. “We have a group of 20 girls who are interested now,” said McDermott. “And we had a table at preview day, and nine freshmen signed up as well.” Those interested in joining the women’s lacrosse club can contact the club at womenslmulax@gmail.com. Compiled by Michael Goldsholl | Asst. Managing Editor | Sports Editor

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April 28, 2011 Page 18


2011 ends in honor Two Plus the Foul from page 20

Photo: Loyolan Archives, Graphic: Conor Morgan | Loyolan

Taking home the “Not Ready to Say Goodbye” award is Anne Scott – formerly of swimming and women’s water polo. Yes, I know that Scott graduated last year, but it just doesn’t seem right that an athletic season can pass without her taking home some sort of LMU-related award. I can’t tell you how many times I looked at results from a swim meet or women’s water polo game and felt like something was missing when I couldn’t find her name next to a record-setting time or a nine-goal game. Her record-setting performances in the pool last season were unearthly, and she needs at least two years’ worth of awards to fully honor them. On a more sensitive note, the “Wounded Lion” honor will be awarded to two entire teams – men’s and women’s basketball. Between the two programs, there were a combined five seasonending injuries, as Alex Cowling, Candice Nichols and MacKenzie Kerins of the women’s team and Edgar Garibay and Jarred DuBois of the men’s team both saw their seasons end early due to injuries. The pain didn’t stop there either, as other key players on both teams missed a considerable amount of time throughout the course of the season. Senior Renahy Young, senior Melanie Ysaguirre, redshirt senior Jessica Vargas and redshirt freshman Camille Buckley of the Lady Lions all battled major injuries throughout the 201011 campaign. The men couldn’t catch a break either, as redshirt sophomore Ashley Hamilton and redshirt junior Drew Viney were forced out of games due to injuries as well. The recipient of the 2011 “Shoot First, Shoot Second” award goes to none other than fifth-year senior Tibor Forai of

men’s water polo. He took more shots at the goal posts than 19 of the 20 other players on the Lions’ roster this season and recorded 60 more attempts than the team’s next highest shot-taker this year. I’m pretty sure he only registered his 15 assists in 201011 by accident – likely on errant shot attempts. It’s not award season unless someone gets honored as the year’s alpha dog. More often than not, this athlete is leading the school’s most popular and followed athletic team, but this year that was not the case. Tara Erdmann, a redshirt junior has been kicking butt and taking names all year long, and even holds a world record in the 10,000-meter, which she set at the Stanford Invitational during the weekend of March 26-27 this year. A world record! Someone from LMU holds a world record in a race. Not too many student-athletes can say that. Erdmann might not have the campus presence of Hank Gathers, but she’s unquestionably up there with the all-time Lion greats. Therefore, she is the recipient of the 2011 “Holy Crap, I’m so Freakin’ Fast” award. Only four pieces of “hardware” were handed out this year (meaning the recipients should frame this issue of the Loyolan and put it in their trophy room one day) but that doesn’t mean the unhonored student-athletes should feel bad about their seasons. It was a tough year in many ways for a number of athletic programs at LMU (kind of a recurring theme for this school, isn’t it?), and while there is always room for improvement, all 2010-11 LMU student-athletes should pat themselves on the back for being true warriors this season. This is the opinion of Michael Goldsholl. Please send comments to mgoldsholl@theloyolan.com.


After strong performances in San Diego, Calif., the LMU track team travels to two key invitationals.

The track and field team heads to Palo Alto, Calif. for the Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational and Irvine, Calif. for the Steve Scott Invitational this weekend. Last Saturday, the Lions headed south to San Diego, Calif. and raced at the UC San Diego Triton Invitational. Standing out in San Diego for LMU was sophomore Sheree Shea, who clocked a 4:31 in the top heat of the 1500-meter race. Shea’s time was the top performance in the event on that day. In addition, freshmen Alyssa Bellia, Brittnie Munoz, Kelly Shogren and Weston Strum, sophomores Caroline Draper, Jessica Mumaugh, Greg Innes, Sterling Lockert and Michael Carlone and seniors Michael Herrera and Connor Pastoor all recorded personal bests in their respective events. Compiled by Nathan Dines | Asst. Sports Editor

W. Water Polo

W. Water Polo


Junior Kimberly Benedetti earns Player of the Year award.

The Lions achieve high honors during conference season and look for success at championships.

LMU looks to bounce back from tough conference losses and regain control of the WCC.

The Western Water Polo Association [WWPA] named LMU junior Kimberly Benedetti its 2011 Player of the Year, voted on by the coaches. Benedetti was also named to the WWPA's First-Team along with teammate junior Casey Flacks and LMU Head Coach Kyle Witt. Benedetti has led the Lions in their 35 straight victories against WWPA opponents. Benedetti is currently tied with junior Mary Ann Campos for the team's lead in goals. She ranks sixth in school history with 149 goals. Benedetti, who was named to the WWPA All-Tournament last year, will once again look to lead her team far in this year’s WWPA Tournament.

This weekend, the women’s water polo team travels to Chabot College in Hayward, Calif. for the Western Water Polo Association (WWPA) Championships. The Lions enter with a 24-8 record on the season, including a perfect 11-0 in conference play and the No. 1 seed in the tournament. LMU also begins this weekend’s play with a multitude of accolades. In addition to Benedetti’s top honor and Flacks’ First-Team selection, Kyle Witt was selected as WWPA Coach of the Year. The list also includes sophomore Erin Manke on the Second-Team All-WWPA, senior Mary Ann Campos for Honorable Mention All-WWPA and freshman Alexandra Honny on the WWPA All-Freshman Team.

The Lions (21-17, 5-4) head into a critical road series against the first place San Francisco Dons (21-20,‐ 7-2) this weekend. Junior Jason Wheeler will take the mound for the Lions. Opposing batters are only hitting .235 off of the left-hander. LMU has lost six of its last eight games, and has lost two consecutive conference series. The Lions only managed three extra base hits in their series against Pepperdine last week; all three hits came in LMU's sole victory last Thursday. The Dons, ‐ on the other hand, have been on fire and have won seven of their last eight games. Senior outfielder Pete Lavin is currently leading the team with 59 hits and a .351 batting average. Friday's game is at 3 p.m., with Saturday and Sunday's start times at 1 p.m.

Compiled by Kevin Cacabelos | Sports Intern

Compiled by Nathan Dines | Asst. Sports Editor

Compiled by Kevin Cacabelos | Sports Intern

Photo: LMU Athletics, Graphic: Greg Smith | Loyolan



April 28, 2011 Page 19

New athletics facility readies for opening

All photos: Madeline Hunter | Loyolan

Highlighted by a near-4,000 square foot weight room and four state-of-the-art locker rooms, the new athletics building will be fully operational for student-athletes by the start of next semester.



April 28, 2011 Page 20

Giving an Iggy Awards Honors Top Athletes of 2011 honorable mention Rafael Baca men’s soccer

After attending the Iggy Awards, Michael Goldsholl hands out a few awards of his own to end 2010-11.


inally, it’s that time of year again. No, not the time where I pull all-nighter after all-nighter in an attempt to complete the work that I’ve put off all semester long (OK, maybe it’s that time of year too). But with the 2010-11 LMU varsity athletics’ year winding down, awards season is once again among us. And after attending the 2011 Iggy Awards, which honored the best LMU student-athletes of this school year, it only seems fitting that, as the sports Two Plus the Foul Loyolan’s editor, I hand out By Michael Goldsholl a few end-of-theyear honors of my Asst. Managing Editor | own to the people Sports Editor whom I’ve chosen to follow instead of the majority of my class reading assignments this year. Anyone with a blog can name an Athlete or Most Improved Athlete of the Year – so the awards I “hand out” are going to diverge from the cliché honors you’re used to seeing at the end of every season, in every sport on this planet. To build up the momentum, I’ll start with the lesser-desired awards and work my way up to the crown jewel of athletic honors. (Who doesn’t want praise from a college sophomore who thinks that he’s better than everyone else simply because he works for a twice-aweek university newspaper?) So, with that being said, here are your 2011 award-winning student-athletes.


For a list of all the award-winners, check out the info-graphic on p.18.

Tara Erdmann

women’s cross country indoor & outdoor track

Andy Stevens

men’s water polo

See Two Plus the Foul | page 18 Photos: Allie Shorin | Loyolan, LMU Athletics; Graphic: Dol-Anne Asiru | Loyolan

Softball falls short in battle with Aggies, 11-2 The Lions are unable to get back on the winning side of things after suffering yet another loss. By Daniel Raffety Staff Writer

Caroline Patten | Loyolan

Senior outfielder Jennifer Nayudu (pictured in a game earlier this season) recorded one run and one hit in the Lions’ 11-2 loss to New Mexico State on Wednesday.

After a heartbreaking series against conference rival Sacramento State where the Lions were outscored 9-6 in the entire series, the LMU softball team returned to Smith Field on Wednesday in its final nonconference game, only to be lit up by the No. 28 New Mexico State Aggies 11-2 in a five-inning effort. The Lions have now dropped four of five series and rank second in their conference, just behind perennial powerhouse University of San Diego. The Lions started the game on an unstable note, as sophomore starting pitcher Erica Grady allowed three walks and a wild pitch in the top of the first to give the Aggies from Las Cruces, N.M., a 1-0 lead. The lead increased in the top of the third as Grady got into more trouble. Aggie left fielder Tiare Jennings singled to center field with one out to set up her teammate, cleanup hitter Hoku Nohara. Junior pitcher Corie Goodman came in to relieve Grady. Nohara came into the contest leading the NCAA in home runs with 20 and wasted no time adding to her total. She crushed the offering over the net in left field to land on the tennis courts. Her blast gave the Aggies a 3-0 lead. But the Aggies weren’t done: After a walk and wild pitch, third baseman

Ashley Maroda extended the New Mexico State lead by hitting a home run, this time over the center field fence. The Lions, however, had a comeback in them, cutting the lead to three. In the bottom of the frame, freshman Meghan Harman put the Lions on the board with a solo blast that barely cleared the wall in center field. After a Jennifer Nayudu single and Danielle Smith reached a base on an error, junior shortstop Sam Fischer drove a ball down the left field line to score Nayudu. But the Aggies responded in the top of the fourth, scoring four more runs and putting the contest out of reach with an RBI single by Jennings and an RBI double by first baseman Teresa Conrad, respectively. Second baseman Vanessa Valles reached base on an error in the game, landing on second base and driving in two runs in the process. The Aggies ended the game in the top of the fifth with a two-run home run by right fielder Tehani Kaaihue, giving them 11 runs, which called the game short due to the mercy rule. Wednesday’s contest came after a heartbreaking four-game series against conference rival Sacramento State, where the Lions came out on top in only one game and dropped the other three. “Our goal was to at least split the series,” said LMU Head Coach Gary Ferrin. The Lions went into the series tied for first place in the Pacific Coast Softball Conference and in the

See Softball | page 17

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