May 05, 2011

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Commencement Issue May 5, 2011 Volume 89, Issue 45

May 5, 2011 Page 2


The top 10 stories of 2010-11:

LGBT office installed By Adrien Jarvis, Sept. 13, 2010


The Division of Student Affairs announced the addition of an office for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Student Services in September. Senior Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Lane Bove said it was not a response to student demand, but rather, “student need,” and Interim Director Anthony Garrison-Engbrecht called its creation part of the “natural progression of Student Affairs at LMU.” The office is located in Malone 403.

Student dances with Gwyneth Paltrow on ‘Glee’ By Emily Rome, Nov. 18, 2010


After auditioning for the most recent “Glee” summer tour and not getting the part, junior dance major Layne Rodrigues’ agent got a call from the show’s producers, offering her a part as a backup dancer. Rodrigues appeared on the show with guest star Gwyneth Paltrow and performed “Conjunction Junction.”

Baca agrees to join MLS’s San José Earthquakes By John Wilkinson, Feb. 17, 2011


After finishing a stellar career with LMU soccer, senior and team captain Rafael Baca agreed to join the San José Earthquakes of Major League Soccer. Baca graduates from LMU with his name all over the program record books: He is number two all-time in career games played (79), shots (213) and assists (19), third all-time with 57 points and fourth with 19 goals.

Questions remain about changes at The Loft By Adrien Jarvis, Feb. 21, 2011


Questions arose after The Loft abruptly canceled its weekly hours in February, and conflicting accounts were uncovered by the Loyolan in its investigation of the matter. Ultimately, The Loft had to, according to Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Management and Business Affairs Ray Dennis, “revise [its] operational procedures to ensure the University is in full compliance” with the policies set in place by the Alcoholic Beverage Control.

Burcham’s presidency makes history By Adrien Jarvis, March 10, 2011


David W. Burcham was appointed the University’s first non-Jesuit (and non-Catholic) president in October, and on March 8, Burcham was inaugurated, making him the first non-Catholic president at any of the 28 Jesuit colleges or universities. Burcham, LMU’s 15th president and former University provost, was the successor to Fr. Robert B. Lawton, S.J., who stepped down in March 2010 due to health reasons.

Master Plan receives final approval By Margo Jasukaitis, March 10, 2010


Almost a full three years after LMU proposed the 20-year road map for the development of its Westchester campus, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved LMU’s Master Plan on Feb. 25. The Council’s approval gives LMU the go-ahead to begin work on implementing the changes outlined in the Master Plan, the first of which will include the relocation of the recycling facility and the construction of a new life sciences building, which will include a new parking structure.

Westboro Baptist Church feature By José Martinez (“Talking back to Westboro”) and Angelique Robinson (“Forgiveness and seeing the condemnation cup half full”), March 24, 2011


After hearing the daughter of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), Margie Phelps, deliver a keynote at the College Media Advisers convention in New York in March, Angelique Robinson and José Martinez penned, respectively, a column that shined a light on the humane and positive aspects of the WBC’s campaign of condemnation and an open letter to Phelps about her keynote.

Dis-mountain of lies: The story behind the rule By Angelique Robinson, March 28, 2011


Following the introduction of a campus dismount zone, students protested after cyclists and skaters were blocked from using the main path throughout LMU between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. During her investigation, Loyolan writer Angelique Robinson examined on-campus crash statistics and did not find evidence that backed up the administration’s reasons for creating the zone. The dismount zone will be reviewed over the summer.

Centennial festivities to begin at end of month

By Laura Riparbelli, April 11, 2011


After three years of planning and 100 years in the making, the LMU community begins its yearlong centennial celebration this month. The community can look forward to a Rose Parade float, a 600-page book that will recount the entire history of LMU, the unveiling of a “Centennial Collage” and many other celebrations.

Tara Erdmann: Under the radar, into history By Nathan Dines, April 14, 2011


Redshirt junior education major Tara Erdmann is one of the few LMU athletes recognized in the upper echelon of Division I sports: nationally ranked for cross country and track and field, Erdmann has made five trips to the NCAA championships, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of her accolades. Nathan Dines’ profile of Erdmann paints a portrait of a humble, determined athlete who’s broken record after record at the university she chose to run at because “[you] get more interaction with the coach and [additional] positive aspects that other schools don’t get.”

In honor of LMU’s centennial, the Loyolan presents its new masthead: Front Page Design: Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

Text: José Martinez | Loyolan, Kenzie O’Keefe | Loyolan; Graphic: Dol-Anne Asiru | Loyolan


May 5, 2011 Page 3





Commencement Mass

Undergraduate Ceremony

Graduate Ceremony

Loyola Law School Ceremony

7:30 p.m. Gersten Pavilion

9:30 a.m. Sunken Garden

10 a.m. Sunken Garden

12 p.m. Sunken Garden

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Please recycle your Loyolan!

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Crimson – Journalism !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !"

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COMMENCEMENT Commencing Conversation

Fr.Greg Boyle

The Loyolan talks with this year’s undergraduate and graduate commencement speakers.

founder of Homeboy Industries






May 5, 2011 Page 5

R. Chad Dreier

Chair of LMU Board of Trustees

1. Explain your connection to LMU. I got a Master’s in English from there in 1985, I think. 1985. Yeah. I had done two years undergraduate there but I got my Master’s from there.


I have many connections to LMU. [I am a] graduate of [the] Class 1969 – BBA in Accounting. [I] Met my wife Ginni (who went to Marymount in Palos Verdes) in January 1968 at a dance in the Malone Center. [I was a] member of the Commission on the Future of LMU in [the] late 1980s. [I was a] member of the Board of Regents (I think late 1980s to 1993ish). [I am a] member of the Board of Trustees May 1994 to May 2011 (17 years). [I have been] Chair of Board of Trustees May 1998 to May 2011 (13 years). The Dreier family (Chad, Ginni, Kristin and Doug) [has] donated over $7 million to LMU.

What will you be speaking about? I don’t know. [laughs] I have nine talks between now and then so I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. You know, you always want to inspire graduates to participate in a larger love and that’s my hope.


My speech will include some of the things I learned at LMU, how they apply today and 10 challenges to the graduates of 2011.

You are one of the centennial commencement speakers. How will that affect your speech? What direction do you hope the University will head in in the next 100 years? You hope people will ... dedicate themselves to the nurturing of a community of kinship, and that we somehow build the kingdom of God on earth. That’s the whole point. That it is an education for something – that LMU is not the place they have come to, but it is the place they go from. So, to be a part of that commissioning and that centennial year is, again, quite an honor.

I think my messages will be timely but do not have a specific connection to the centennial. As to the next 100 years, I can only hope that LMU will continue to be one of the best universities in the country and that an LMU education will be something that is to be valued by students.

4. What’s one thing about you that the average person wouldn’t know? [Laughs]. You’ve stumped me. … I’ve been interviewed by the best, and I’ve never been stumped. Mike Wallace, Tom Brokaw, and you’ve stumped me. I have no idea.

The fact that I really like heavy metal music would probably surprise a lot of people at LMU.

5. What’s something that you are most proud of in your life so far? Oh, I don’t really go to pride. I think people presume for me to say, ‘Oh gosh, the creation of Homeboy Industries’ or something like that. But it is never about pride for me; it’s about privilege. I’m privileged to be a part of all this, and I wouldn’t trade my life for anybody’s.

Ginni and I are most proud of the fact that we raised two children (Kristin and Doug) who both received Master's degrees, are very nice people and both are married to nice people. We feel that we have raised them to be great contributors to society and that they will carry our family values into the future.

Compiled by: Adrien Jarvis | Loyolan, Kenzie O’Keefe | Loyolan; Graphic: Dol-Anne Asiru | Loyolan; Photos: Homeboy Industries (Boyle), Kristin Dreier Wilson (Dreier)

Words From Above

LMU’s faculty gives graduates advice “The advice that I would give to this class in particular is: Strive to have an open mind. Strive to listen more than you speak, and never close a door on yourself because you will learn very quickly, if you haven’t already, that people will close doors on you. So try not to do that to yourself.” -David W. Burcham, University President !"#$%&'()*+%)'%,&-%&.%/0102%)2,&+()32&41$%&5.&#)+&#67#80&/%9%9-%/&%$%/82:1)4&8(5/& parents taught you.” -Kathleen Aikenhead, Vice Chair of the LMU Board of Trustees “My advice stems from a quote by Coach John Wooden: ‘I believe we are most likely to succeed when ambition is focused on noble and worthy purposes and outcomes rather 2:#)&()&4(#60&0%2&(52&(;&0%6*0:)%00<3&&=%9%9-%/&7:#2&8(5&6%#/)%+&+5/1)4&8(5/&2%)5/%&#2& LMU, ultimately using your academic accomplishment to be men and women with and for others. Congratulations to the Centennial Class!” -Dr. Linda McMurdock, Dean of Students “Live your life knowing the stories of others. Allow yourself to be moved to action by the stories you hear and by the needs of the community. And be sure to keep in touch with LMU. We want to hear your stories as you go forward in your life.” >?#9&=%'2(/,&@1/%'2(/&(;&2:%&A%)2%/&;(/&B%/$1'%&#)+&C'21()& !D)%&.1%'%&(;&#+$1'%&E&81F%0G&&&H2&10&7#8&2((&:%#$8&(;&#&-5/+%)<&=%#+,&/%#+,&/%#+<&D/,&02#/2&8(4#& and do it for the rest of your life. Or, be kind to your mother. Or, anything worth doing is worth doing well. I think it has to be: Live your life passionately.” -Lane Bove, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs “‘Continue to build on your LMU education in whatever profession you choose. And always act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8).” >=(-%/2&A#/(,&B<I<,&J1'%&?/%01+%)2&;(/&K1001()&#)+&K1)102/8 “My advice for the graduating seniors is to measure their personal and professional success by the level of happiness they’ve achieved rather than the amount of money they’re earning or the prestige bestowed upon them. The small country of Bhutan measures its success in ‘gross national happiness.’ When I learned about this a few months ago, I thought it was brilliant and started measuring my own endeavors this way. I hope our new graduates can start this next phase of their lives by measuring success with happiness.” >=1':#/+&=(':%6%#5,&C00('1#2%&J1'%&?/%01+%)2&;(/&B25+%)2&L1;% Compiled by: Adrien Jarvis | Loyolan, Kenzie O’Keefe | Loyolan; Photo: LMU; Graphic: Kaitlin Dela Cruz | Loyolan


May 5, 2011 Page 7

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Blessed to be part of it all

’ve been blessed by how many people at LMU have honored me with their friendship, time and guidance. I’ve also been blessed by how many people have forgiven me for writing about them, usually without using their names, in my columns. The reason I’m not writing very many names today, though, is not to avoid getting sued for libel, but because of my word limit. I have way too many people to thank and not nearly enough words to do it, let On the Fence alone do it well. But By José Martinez that’s never stopped me before: Senior Editor Thank you to my professors, especially those in the theological studies department who convinced me that my questions are important, as is answering those questions honestly. Your scholarship has been profoundly inspiring, and has only been overshadowed by your willingness to help your students and your obvious care for their well-being and academic advancement. Thank you to the members of LMU’s administration, with whom I had the opportunity to form a relationship when I was editor in chief (of the Loyolan). Your willingness to sit with students was refreshing, and proved that you’re more than higher-ups who are separated from the student body they serve. Thank you to all of the Facilities Management, and Sodexo employees who offered me a smile, told me their stories and listened to mine. The work you do and, more importantly, the presence you provide, is vital to our campus community, and you are far too often overlooked. Thank you to those who have accompanied me and allowed me to accompany

them in service, especially to Tijuana on De Colores trips and to Vietnam on last summer’s Alternative Breaks trip. The community we’ve formed is incredible and has made me a better person; I count those trips and experiences among the best of my life. Thank you to the members of the ensemble that sing at the 8 p.m. Student Mass every Sunday, as well as those who

“I have way too many people to thank and not nearly enough words to do it.” lead, coordinate and organize the Masses in general. I’m blessed to have been able to been able to participate in music ministry since the first semester of my freshman year. Even when my faith was weak, knowing this community was here gave me a reason to go to Mass. Thank you to Loyolan staffers past and present, but especially those who have been on staff since I became editor, and those University staff members who guided me during my time at the Loyolan. I can only hope that I’ll occupy a job one day where I’m such wonderful friends with the people I work with and for again. And for all those “Dammit, José!” moments? Not sorry. Thank you to anyone who’s ever taken the time to tell me they liked my column or article, or that they read it, or that they think I’m a good writer. It means the world, and goes a long way in terms of why I keep writing. Thank you to all my friends – the wonderful thing about this thank you is that there is so much overlap with

the above categories. For anyone who’s ever given me their time, listened to me, been there for me, answered a really late phone call, bought me food, loved me, given me a pity laugh, made me laugh, given me a genuine laugh, been patient with me, forgiven me, honored me by asking for advice, let me figure out things for myself, helped me figure things out, offered words of affirmation and challenge, played and shared music with me, opened their home to me, stayed up late into the night with me talking instead of doing homework, shared an inside joke with me, helped me arrive at an insight – I’m inexpressibly grateful. And finally, thank you to José and Norma Martinez, who usually appear in my columns as “Mom” and “Dad” but can’t sue me because that’d be awkward. I’ll never be able to describe how much it means to me that you didn’t go to college but still were able to push me – without being domineering – to come to LMU, to study what I want, and to walk with me, but not for me, as I experienced college. Nothing I’ve achieved would have been remotely possible without the strong foundation you and the rest of the family – Carlos and Miguel, Grandma, Grandpa and everyone

else – provided for me. Thank you for your strong, inspirational, challenging, affirming, fun and unconditionally loving presence in my life. There’s not enough words, but just know that when I walk across the stage on May 7, the reason I’ll be so proud is because you’ll be there watching. I love you with everything I am. I think it’s fitting that “On the Fence” signs off with words of gratitude. Thanks for reading.

This is the opinion of José Martinez, a senior theological studies major from San Diego, Calif. Please send comments to

Graphic: Kaitlin Dela Cruz | Loyolan


May 5, 2011 Page 9

Creating a sense of self through choices


ell me about yourself.” Countless employers-to-be toss the same question casually in my lap; the answer changes every time. To explain who I am, I need to know who that is. Details about my birth and hometown are typically followed by a brief explanation of the big decisions made in college: my major, leadership roles, travel expeditions, etc. I define myself by Here’s to You my choices, experiences and memoBy Angelique ries, but I canRobinson not organize them Senior Editor yet. I am a proud daughter of two better-than-perfect parents. I have a burning attraction to pine trees and mountains. I hum daily with a preference for jazz beats. I pretend to be the big sister. I didn’t know a cup could be anything but half-full until college. I prefer to cry alone and prefer tears inspired by fiction. I will never dye my hair. My middle name is Magnon. While these details describe me, they cannot fully define who I am, but they are important aspects of my being. My time at LMU has been a typical experience, but no matter how distinctive, the individuals of the bluff are differently affected. I learned so many things from my professors, campus involvement and peers that I cannot even begin to thank everyone without this disclaimer: I realize

that a general “thank you” to those at LMU who have touched me is neither sufficient nor as dignified as a personal letter or perhaps a lunch date, but I hope to one day repay you with the fact that who I am is now partially due to you. My achievements are your achievements. You have been the catalyst for so many of my positive decisions, choices and honors. I am so honored to have experienced college at LMU because of you, the people who have made my college experience a memorable one, and it is a life-changing time that I will not soon forget. LMU has left me proud of my accomplishments while at school. I am proud of the sacrifices I’ve made as a resident adviser. I am proud of the friendships I’ve made and the quality of that companionship. I am proud most of all, however, of my writing ability as it has been developed throughout my Lion education and Loyolan experience. The Loyolan has been my niche and home for the past two years. I have discovered greatness in myself because of the paper and the beautiful staff that it fosters. Like my professors and peers, I cannot begin to thank the Loyolan enough for its enormous and positive presence in my life; but, my fellow Loyolaners, my achievements are yours. A part of the redheaded writer that will be walking across the stage May 7 is indebted to you. As the next phase of life approaches, I find myself afraid of time but humbled by its existence. I can nei-

ther stop nor control the forces of time and the mechanism of change. I am a different person today than I was four years ago. While I still am a proud daughter of two better-thanperfect parents, I still have a burning attraction to pine trees and mountains a n d I still pretend to be the big sister – I am someone else, and this is due to the people who have affected me at LMU. So thank you friends, companions, role models and supporters. I am humbled by the blessing of your presence in my life; Here’s to You.

“I define myself by choices, experiences and memories,but I cannot organize them yet.”

This is the opinion of Angelique Robinson, a senior English major from Spokane, Wash. Please send comments to arobinson@

Graphic: Kaitlin Dela Cruz | Loyolan


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hen I graduated high school in Torrance, the only thing I wanted to do was move far, far away and never come back. I decided that San Francisco State University was the perfect college for me, packed everything thing I owned and was prepared to stay in San Francisco for the rest of my life. I was an idiot. After spending a year at school in gloomy San Francisco, I decided I was over being an angsty teenager and accepted Sugar and that I was a Southern California girl Weiss By Michelle Weiss at heart. I moved home for my sophoSenior Editor more year and went to Marymount College in Palos Verdes. Even though I really didn’t want to, I decided to go to Marymount for just one year and figure out where I wanted to go next and what I wanted to do with my life. Even though I felt like I was moving backwards going from a four-year university to a junior college, Marymount was a great in between school for education, as it had smaller classes and more personalized instruction. Marymount was the first college I

Third time’s the charm told myself I would never go to, the second was LMU and LMU was where I ended up for my junior year. My brother went to both Marymount and LMU and following in his footsteps was a rather revolting idea. I guess I still had a little bit of that angsty teen in me where I wanted to be an “individual.” Little did I know, he was on to something. He also screamed at me that if I didn’t go to LMU he was going to beat me up, so technically you could say I was threatened to go here. But I’ll admit no school compares to LMU. Four years ago I would never have imagined myself saying this, but LMU is the best school on earth. SFSU was a commuter school, so I was never really able to make friends. Marymount was too much like h i g h school, so I didn’t

want to make friends. As soon as I got to LMU I started working at the Loyolan and got to know people in my classes. I reluctantly thought the people here were kind of all right and I might want

“Four years ago I would never have imagined myself saying this, but LMU is the best school on earth.” to be friends with them. I also started going to school functions and becoming much more involved with on-campus events that I wasn’t able to at my other two colleges, because they weren’t real colleges. Besides finally living a normal college life, I also was able to find what I wanted to do as a career. For the first two years of college, I thought I wanted to be a kindergarden teacher. Then I remembered I hated kids and decided to switch my major to English when I transferred to LMU. When I

May 5, 2011 Page 17

transferred, I had no idea I wanted to be a writer. I also had no interest in journalism. However, after working at the Loyolan and of course after taking all of my English classes, I found my niche. I love writing, I love journalism and even though I still want to deny it, LMU played a large role in this selfdiscovery. I am literally a physical representation of the cliché “Third time’s a charm,” because after dealing with two schools I really didn’t like, I came to LMU and fell in love. Since I have dealt with so much change over the course of my four-year college career, I have gotten used to not latching on to anything. I never seem to get attached to a school or place I live at, and for most of this year and semester that was how I felt about LMU. I didn’t care about graduating and just figured it was another thing I was finished with: on to the next. However, in the last two weeks I have been reflecting on how much I have been through and have grown a true appreciation for LMU. And maybe I had a little anxiety attack driving home the other night about leaving. Just maybe. A bit of advice: Don’t be discouraged if it takes you a few tries to reach perfection. Another bit of advice: Always listen to your older siblings.

This is the opinion of Michelle Weiss, a senior English major from Torrance, Calif. Please send comments to

Graphic: Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan


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Loyola Marymount University

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The Los Angeles Loyolan, a studentrun campus organization, publishes a twice weekly newspaper for the greater LMU community. The first copy is free of charge. Additional copies are $1 each. Paid, mailed subscriptions can be purchased through the Business department. The Loyolan accepts unsolicited letters from students, faculty, staff and alumni, and press releases from on-campus and off-campus organizations, but cannot guarantee publication. The Loyolan reserves the right to edit or reject all submissions, including advertisements, articles or other contributions it deems objectionable. The Loyolan does not print consecutive articles by the same author that repeat/refute the initial arguments. Opinions and ideas expressed in the Loyolan are those of individual authors, artists and student editors and are not those of Loyola Marymount University, its Board of Trustees, its student body or of newspaper advertisers. Board Editorials are unsigned and reflect the opinions of the Executive Editorial Board. Guest editorials are by invitation of the Executive Editorial Board and reflect the views of the author. All advertisements are subject to the current rates and policies in the 2010-11 Advertising Rates and Information materials.

Tom Nelson Director of Student Media

The Los Angeles Loyolan is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the California College Media Association.

May 5, 2011 Page 23

A carpe diem frame of mind


ince when did I become a senior? I swear that I just got here, not knowing a soul this side of the Mississippi, moving my belongings into a cramped Rosecrans dorm room with the faint stench of body odor wafting through the halls. I am less than two weeks away from one of the most important days of my life – my graduation from Loyola Marymount, and my pending entry into the Real World is hanging lower and lower over my head by the second. I am left reflecting on my time here and what I have learned (and what I wish I would have known) with this grand day looming in the uncomfortably near future. I have a few pieces of advice, a scant amount Micki-Leaks of wisdom By Mary McGuire that I hope to pass Staff Writer along as my farewell to college life, a farewell to the best four years of my life. My first piece of advice is to do everything. Your time at LMU will fly by so much faster than you will ever imagine, which is why you should just do everything. You will regret it if you don’t. Go to In-N-Out at one in the morning multiple times in a week. Go to The Loft, Madness at Midnight and every possible student event that is offered on campus. Confess your crush to that cutie that sits across from you in chemistry. Join a fraternity or sorority even though you never thought you were cut out for Greek Life in high school. Take a spontaneous trip to Vegas on a Thursday when you have class on Friday (and at least one unexcused absence is permitted). Jump in the pool with your clothes on (I sure did, on multiple occasions. Sorry, P-Safe). I know it’s a total cliché, but in the words of Tom Petty, “You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You’ll never remember class time, but you’ll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don’t have. Drink ‘til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does.”

On the other side of the coin, I would advise that you study hard – very, very hard. That’s what we are here for, right? The work that you do in college does matter. I just decided that I am going to attend sraduate school next spring, so that low grade in freshman history is definitely coming back to haunt me. You’ll take what you learn during your time at LMU with you forever, even if you aren’t continuing on to higher education. Plus, future employers will see your grades on your transcript, so don’t take the gift of education that you have been given for granted. And while you are at it, make friends with your classmates. They will be some of the most fascinating people that you will meet here, and will be your tireless study buddies at 4 a.m. in Hannon Library. Love your friends and spend as much time with them as possible. Live with your best friends if possible. I know that the friendships I have made here will be with me for life; they will be the friends that will be at my wedding and my funeral. Forgive them when they make mistakes because you can’t waste any of this precious time holding a grudge. And while we are on the topic of relationships, don’t get hung up on that ex from back home or that person who just doesn’t seem to notice you. Live in the present and focus on those individuals whom you have been given to share the privilege of college life with. And last but not least, take time to discover who you are and what you truly want out of life. We live in fast and uncertain times, where there is hardly enough time to sit down for a meal much less contemplate the meaning of your existence. College can be a trying time; emotions and hormones are running high and you will most certainly be pushed to your breaking point at least once throughout four years. Take time to pinpoint your morals, your hopes and dreams for the future, what jobs you like, what jobs you hate, what you want in a partner and find out what your definition of happiness is. “Every experience is a learning experience,” as my second grade teacher Mrs. Speltz would always say. You will carry those nuggets of wisdom in your heart for the future. My last piece of advice? Take lots and lots of pictures.

“My first piece of advice is to do everything. Your time at LMU will fly by so much faster than you will ever imagine.”


This is the opinion of Mary McGuire, a senior theatre arts major from Edina, Minn. Please send comments to

Making an impact

hen I first stepped onto LMU’s campus, I told my parents it felt like home. There was something special, from the beautiful bluff and the smiles of the students passing by to the mission statement and the Jesuit tradition that the University is founded upon. Something at LMU felt just right – it was home, and I knew I had to go here. During the years, I became involved with the programs of Ethnic and Intercultural Services, participated in political activism with ECO Students, volunteered with my brothers of Magis By Darryl Yip Service Staff Writer Organ i z a tion, and became a Resident Adviser in Rains. There were late nights cramming for the next economics midterm and late nights spending time with friends. There were early mornings of getting ready for my next class presentation and early mornings of service in the community. Many of the people who made the experiences possible I never got to know better – many of them have moved on, and many I consider lifelong friends. How I measure these experiences with others is a matter of question on how I believe my time at LMU has shaped me as much as I have shaped LMU. When the University revealed the Lion’s Code two years ago, I was captured by its certain theme: “To be in the world, to be fully alive, is to inhabit a place. ... Some will pass through and never inhabit this place. Others will be here but never shape this place.” The Lion’s Code asks us to be a lion, to stand in faith, to be one with and for others and prepare to take responsibility in the world. It helps us to see that our experiences at LMU are only as good as our efforts to make it meaningful. And the more I thought about it, the more I faced the fact that my time at LMU would not last forever, and this was a special chance to embrace this place.

Our time at LMU was not just about us, it was about allowing ourselves to better the lives of others. It was a time of growth, of meeting new people and learning from the shared experiences. I remember first realizing how foolish it was to believe that my success is the result of my own hard work alone. When I worked with dedicated students organizing events promoting community, service and social justice, I knew that one person could in fact make a difference, but it was the collective actions of many people that made it possible. Many were inspired by previous students at LMU. They gave their time standing up for what they believe in and provided hope to those who needed it. They contributed to this community, knowing that their impact would be felt not just on their immediate surroundings, but also on the surrounding communities and the future of their peers. Today, the anxieties of answering the question, “What are you doing next year?” put pressure on me to find a perfect answer framed beautifully toward my future career. As much as I want to tell people that I know exactly what I’m going to do for the rest of my life, I find it more overwhelming to think of the possibilities that lie ahead. I keep telling myself that there will never be another time when I live so close to so many open-minded people and have such great opportunities so close at hand. But more and more, not knowing where my life will take me, I’ve come to take this question as an opportunity to bring to heart exactly how I want to leave an impact on this world. Not everyone at LMU will leave an impact, nor will everyone be so impacted, but those who do will graduate knowing a little more about their larger purpose in life and the type of passion that the world so desperately needs. To everyone at LMU, you have shaped me, and I thank you.

“Our time at LMU was not just about us, it was about allowing us to better the lives of others.”

This is the opinion of Darryl Yip, a senior economics and urban studies double major from San Francisco, Calif. Please send comments to Graphic: Kaitlin Dela Cruz | Loyolan

May 5, 2011 Page 24


May 5, 2011 Page 28



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May 5, 2011 Page 31

Expressing gratitude for a better world

llow yourself to be grateful, allow that gratitude to take you”. Words spoken to me by an alum in the weeks preceding graduation. Gratitude to my parents, Martin Rodriguez and Luz Del Carmen Rodriguez, for their endless love to me as a child even amidst their tiresome migrant journeys. Gratitude for my grandmothers’ unC-Rod Says ending prayers and By Carlos for my grandfather’s Rodrigez unending centennial Staff Writer of working the earth.

Gratitude to a junior high academic decathlon that allowed me to consider the dream of LMU. Gratitude for a hectic divorce and not so nice neighborhoods to live in that allowed me to understand the brokenness of our world. Gratitude for a high school dean, a faded blue skylark car driven without a license and a high school detention for giving me the foolishness to believe that I could apply to LMU. Gratitude to the three pillars carried by an organization of brothers consistently challenging me to be and to do more. Gratitude to the hundreds of residents that have sometimes driven me crazy, and always allowed me to learn so much from them. Gratitude to supervisors calling me out and to mentors and friends believing in my potential to impact the world. Gratitude to fa-

cilities and Sodexo workers that have made me feel at home even as they encourage me to never forget where I come from. Gratitude for faculty that challenged me to use my mind in accomplishing the goals of my heart and for staff that have sat with me as I developed my gifts as offerings to a world in need. Gratitude for communities on the margins that have called me home and for Vietnamese, Guatemalan and Mexican children that have broken and grown my heart. Gratitude for a chapel to pray in, a bluff to dream on and a city to work on. Gratitude to a God that has truly allowed me to inhabit this space, to impact and be impacted by this place, all while preparing in me a calling to take LMU with me as my story becomes interwoven with the story of a far away city nestled against

“Remember that as much as we are a university, we are a community of people first.”

distant mountains on a different side of our world. Let us engage gratitude to its fullest, especially during this time of celebration. Let us be careful, however, not to become so inebriated by gratitude that it spiritually chokes us in the vomit of our privilege, let us rather become so uplifted by gratitude that we become energized in our continual struggle to challenge unjust systems and incomplete approaches as we all journey together to a world that is a little more loving, a little more peaceful, and a little more just. For those that are moving beyond LMU: Let us take LMU with us as we enter a world that is in such great need of challenging voices, analytical minds, working hands and loving hearts. For those that remain at LMU: Remember that as much as you are students, you are members of a human family first and are called to discern in what ways you will use of all of your energy to stand with those that our city and our world have relegated as expendable. Remember that as much as we are a university, we are a community of people first, and are called to use our intellectual resources and all of our other resources, at the feet of the disposable in our city and our world so that someday as Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J says, “We will stop throwing people away” in exchange for profit making, luxury and selfish endeavors. It is then that we will truly arrive at a better understanding of the ineffable gratitude that we feel during this time, of its all-encompassing quality and of the way in which we can let this gratitude take us into more fully lived lives, a more humane city and a world worthy of the love that created it and calls it to itself. This is the opinion of Carlos Rodriguez, a senior political science major from Inglewood, Calif. Please send comments to

Graphic: Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

May 5, 2011 Page 32


C OMMENCEMENT Reflecting on the past in preparation for the future May 5, 2011 Page 33


ast August, set to embark on the ride of my senior year, I reflected on my past three years at LMU and evaluated what I still had left to accomplish in my final year, so that I could graduate in May with no regrets attached to my diploma. Although I had been involved on campus the last three years, I felt like I had the opportunity to get involved further, which is why I applied to be a copy editor at the Stephens’ Loyolan. Stance My year at the By Sara Stephens Loyolan has been Copy Editor a fantastic one. Aside from improving my knowledge of the AP Stylebook, I had a blast becoming a valued member of a team and made friendships that will last beyond the walls of the new copy room. Joining the Loyolan reinforced what I had already come to know and love about LMU: The people you choose to spend your time with at LMU are as an important decision as any other. Relationships are essential to life on the bluff. Whether it was learning how to cohabitate with a randomly paired roommate freshman year or how to motivate a group to get a project done in time, it is impossible to go through LMU in isolation. It is through the people I have interacted with at LMU that my most valuable lessons have been learned. Throughout my four years working in the Mail Business Center, I encountered a plethora of students, faculty and staff. I learned that while the customer may not always be right, it was always in my best interest to smile and assist like he or she was. I know that this knowl-

edge will help immensely for my future career in public relations. With the help of the members of Kappa Alpha Theta, especially the seniors, I learned that sometimes going out on a Thursday night is more important than being well-rested for work the next day. And that the pret-

“Relationships are essential to life on the bluff. ... It is impossible to go through LMU in isolation.” tier you are, the more free stuff you get in Vegas. More importantly, I realized that friends can truly turn into the sisters you never had but always wished you did. While studying abroad in Cork, Ireland and London, England, I was pushed outside of my comfort zone more times than I had been in all 20 years of my existence. I met, studied and worked with people from all over the world, and most importantly, got to travel to some amazing places with incredible people at my side. I came back from both experiences with a taste of the world that was waiting for me once I left the bubble of

LMU, and I am forever grateful for those experiences. By the time senior year rolled around, I was content with my life and friends at LMU. Then something remarkable happened: My house got bed bugs. If you have ever encountered these pesky and persistent nightmares, you are instantly rereading that last sentence. Yes, having to move out of our house weeks after we moved in and then live out of trash bags for two weeks was one of the most stressful experiences that I encountered in college. Yet, for what felt like the first time at LMU, I wasn’t going through this stress alone. At the end of it, not only did those little guys never make an appearance again, but through the p r o c e s s , I realized

something special. I finally had the relationships that I had been searching for throughout my LMU experience, those that would support me unconditionally. I learned how important it is to foster the relationships that not only encourage you to be your best self, but also help you when you don’t know how. I am eternally grateful for this year that I have spent on Gonzaga Avenue, where I have learned so much from the people who know me better than I know myself and grown in such a way that it’s hard to recognize that girl who came here from New Jersey when she was 18 years old. Though technically my time is up, my LMU experience will never be over. There are plenty more relationships awaiting me out there, but I know that once I cross that stage, I will go forth with the memories of LMU in my heart and the knowledge that I will always have my best friends at my side. And a big thanks to my parents, Joe and Mary, whose own relationship is one that exudes nothing but love and support, and I am so grateful for the way our relationship has grown these past four years. Without the two of you, I would have nothing to write in my senior column. This is the opinion of Sara Stephens, a senior communication studies major from Summit, New Jersey. Please send comments to

Graphic: Kaitlin Dela Cruz | Loyolan, Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

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Compiled by: Michelle Weiss | Loyolan; Graphic: Greg Smith | Loyolan

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In Memoriam The Loyolan remembers: 2010-11

Fr. Ernesto Sweeney, S.J. 78 years old June 18, 2010

Drew Kurtzman 20 years old July 31, 2010

Christopher Martin 26 years old Dec. 3, 2010

Fernando Moreno 61 years old Dec. 9, 2010

David Kucera 19 years old Jan. 9, 2011

Helen Landgarten 89 years old Feb. 23, 2011

Clay Hunt 28 years old March 31, 2011

Sr. Mary Milligan, R.S.H.M. 76 years old April 2, 2011 Compiled by: Adrien Jarvis | Loyolan Photos: Loyolan Archives


May 5, 2011 Page 51

Kicking off a yearlong centennial celebration

LMU Archives and Special Collections

Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

The photo to the left (taken circa 1968) depicts the entrance to Loyola University and Marymount College. Since then, the union of the two colleges has called for an updated sign.

Y LMU Archives and Special Collections

Angelica Cadiente | Loyolan

The bell tower was under construction in 1953 and has developed into an iconic symbol of LMU’s identity.

ears of planning and preparation are finally coming into fruition as LMU’s centennial celebration kicks off with events like the unveiling of the centennial collage and the launching of the official centennial website. LMU has established a rich legacy and identity over its 100-year existence. The special festivities and events scattered throughout the upcoming school year will commemorate what LMU has meant not only to students, faculty and staff, but to the community as well.

Keep an eye out...

LMU at 100

LMU Archives and Special Collections

Liana Bandziulis | Loyolan

Though the LMU community may be familiar with the Bird’s Nest, few may know that during the 1960s, it was home to a swimming pool as well.

Save the Dates!

9.25.2011 Alumni BBQ and Birthday Bash

11.11.2011 1911 Ball

Looking 100 years back To celebrate LMU’s first 100 years, a 3-D collage will be featured in the Von der Ahe Campus Center. It contains over 200 photos, news articles and pieces of memorabilia that celebrate the University’s history, mission, accomplishments and beauty.

“LMU, a History” Discover the highlights of LMU’s history in this definitive work by historian Kevin Starr.

Centennial Wine

LMU will release three different varieties of special bottled wine with commemorative studentdesigned labels.

1.2.2012 LMU Centennial

Rose Parade® float

3.24.2012 Centennial Service Event

4.14.2012 Centennial Mass at the Cathedral Presided by Archbishop José Horacio Gómez

Collage Unveiling Thursday, May 5 at 12:15 p.m. Welcome Center in the Charles Von der Ahe Campus Center

Visit the new centennial website for interactive history, events and limited edition centennial merchandise.

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