NEED TO REVISE THE SABHA CONSTITUTION & REASONS FOR THE SAME INCLDING OMISSIONS, DESCREPANCIES AND ADDITIONS Name of the Church: We need to have a common name for use for the Church. At present different dioceses use different name for the Church and also Church in its official publications use different names. For example on the front cover of the latest English Constitution, the name of the Church is given as ‘Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar’. In the preface portion of the constitution the name of the Church is given as ‘Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church’. Again on page 1 the heading is given as ‘Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar’. On page 1 in Para 1 the name is given as ‘Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church’. On page 1 Para 3 the name is given as ‘Mar Thoma Church’. On page 3 on the first Para at two places the name of the Church is given as “Mar Thoma Church’. The web site of the Church uses the name “Mar Thoma Syrian Church’ as its web site name. Similarly several dioceses use different forms of the above names for the Church and majority of them uses Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar. This causes problems in sponsoring priests especially in United States. Each time we have to prove that these different names belong to the same parent church (denomination) by letter from Metropolitan in each case we are filing with the U. S Immigration. This may cause problems in issuing the visas also in the future. The true name is ‘Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church’ since there was division of the Malankara Syrian Church in to two during the reformation period. But since we dispensed with our affiliation with the West including Syrians, Portuguese, Roman, we do not need the ‘Syrian’ anymore in our Church’s name as in the same way we began using the Malayalam since 1835 instead of Syrian language for our worship. Also it is not a Church originated in Malabar or a Church belonging to ‘Malabar’ only. Malabar was commonly known for old regions together Travancore, Cochin and Malabar before the State of Kerala was formed. We need to adapt the common name by which we are known all over the world “THE MAR THOMA CHURCH’. This should be a symbolic representation of our new reformation in the Church when we celebrate 175th year of the reformation. The Church needs to reform itself from its so-called regionalism and need to accept the reality and fact that it is a global church. All Marthomites living all over the world and all parishes wherever they are situated should be considered equally by the Church.
We also need to have a Para about the name originally adopted, then the different forms of names used in different period of time since its formation and finally the name hence forth to be known as ‘THE MAR THOMA CHURCH’. Heritage, History of the Church: The heritage, history of the church must be mentioned in a paragraph at the beginning of the constitution. Faith, Doctrine of the Church: The headings should be given for Part I and Part II accordingly to show our faith and Doctrine. While affirming our faith in the Holy Trinity and Holy Trinity, we also need to mention the official version of the Bible in each language to be used in parishes as Pulpit Bible. It is also important that the correct version of the Nicene Creed should be included in the constitution at appropriate place like an appendix or so. (Different books show different variations of Nicene Creed and there is a tendency in parishes to use any version of the Bible). Also need to mentioned that first lesion should be ready by Men and second lesion by ladies. (there is a tendency in some parishes both lesions are read by men) Assisting by Women or leading ordinary worship service by women: Provision should be made so that women can assist for Holy Communion and also lead ordinary service in parishes and such other places where HC and ordinary services are being held. Church’s position regarding the ordination women should be stated in the constitution. Administrative Set Up and Ecclesiastical Set Up of the Church: In Part III appropriate heading should be given and should also describe about our administrative set up and ecclesiastical hierarchical order. Liturgy of the Church: In the Declaration portion a separate heading should be given about the Liturgy being used by the Church including different forms of Liturgy and they should not be changed at any time. It also should contain provision for usage of liturgy approved by the Synod in different languages both for Holy Communion and Ordinary Worship service. It should also be mentioned that Holy Communion service and ordinary worship service can be conducted on any day of the week and at any places other than sanctuaries of the parishes with permission from Diocesan Bishop or Metropolitan. Sacraments of the Church: In the declaration portion a separate heading should be given for the sacraments being followed by the Church and mention about the approved order of worship to be followed for each Sacrament. 2
Nicene Creed: In the declaration portion a separate heading should be given as ‘Nicene Creed’ and the fact that the Church has adopted Nicene Creed like other all Churches to declare our faith and it should be affirmed together whenever Holy Communion Service is conducted. Membership of the Church: In the declaration portion a separate heading should be given for as ‘Membership of the Church’ and the information contained therein. Provision for membership certificates for members should be added and a format for such membership certificate should be approved and included in the forms section. Baptism: In the declaration portion a separate heading should be given as “Baptism” and should clearly mention that the Church accepts both child baptism and adult baptism and what types of people are these are used or meant for. Several false propaganda is being spread among the youths of outside India diocese that our Church does not accept adult baptism and we need to specifically mention both types of baptism are recognized by the Church. Probably a little explanation or Biblical quote may be used to address this issue. Valia Metropolitan: When a Metropolitan retires on his own the position should be given as a heading “Valia Metropolitan’ and should describe his responsibility and authority if any as a separate item. Need to divide the provisions in to Constitutional Provisions and Rules: Now regarding the other provisions of the Constitution it should be divided in to Constitution and Rules. What is important is included in the Constitution portion and the guidelines for implementing the constitution should be included in the Rules. It should run parallel like Act and Rules run parallel for the laws of the land. Diocesan Episcopa’s Authority to name a parish: English constitution is missing in Clause 57 the authority of the Diocesan Episcopa to name parishes at the end of the Para. Specific authority to Diocesan Episcopa for beginning congregations and its management should be given at appropriate place. Provisions should be made applicable to congregations: The provisions of the constitutions should be made applicable wherever possible to the congregations also. Should mention whether congregations can elect Diocesan Assembly
members and Mandalam members if the meet the minimum number of members as per the constitution. The names and administration of Church Organizations: The name and administration of the various Church organizations of the Church should be mentioned at the appropriate places in the constitution under Church administration. The names and administration of Diocesan Organizations: Similarly the names and administration of the various Diocesan organizations of the Diocese should be mentioned at the appropriate place under Diocesan administration. The names and administration of Parish Organizations: Similarly the names and administration of the various parish organizations of the parishes should be mentioned at the appropriate place under Parish Administration. The names and administration of Permanent Sub Committees of the Church, Diocese, Parishes etc.: The names permanent Sub Committee of the Sabha Council, Synod, Mandalam should be mentioned at the appropriate place under each heading relating to Sabha Council, Synod, Mandalam, Diocese etc. Vaideeeka Selection Committee: At the appropriate place information about Vaideeka Selection Committee, its guidelines, norms, selection etc. should be mentioned. Ordination Procedure of Priests: Detailed procedure about the ordination of priests should be mentioned at the appropriate place in the constitution. Copy of the ordination service may be included in the appendix of the rules. ID cards should be issued all priests who are in active service and those who are retired with designation ‘Retired’. The ‘Kuppayam’ and ‘Qurbana’ Kuappayam’ should be provided to Achens at the expense of the Church and should have approved color and styles by the Episcopal Synod. Achens should be given the freedom to wear civil dress while not discharging the duties of a priest especially while travelling and such other occasions if they chose to do so. Provision for continuing education for Achens should be made in the rules and the number of hours and the places from where they can obtain such education including self-study.
Educational Institutions for Theology including those approved ones by the Church: The authority to begin and maintain the theological educational institutions and its names and also those approved by the Church should be mentioned at the appropriate place in the constitution. Consecration as Bishop: Detailed procedure about the ordination of Bishops should be mentioned at the appropriate place in the constitution. Copy of the ordination service may be included in the appendix of the rules. Consecration as Suffragan Metropolitan Detailed procedure about the ordination of Suffragan Metropolitan should be mentioned at the appropriate place in the constitution. Copy of the ordination service may be included in the appendix of the rules. Installation as Metropolitan: Detailed procedure about the ordination of Metropolitan should be mentioned at the appropriate place in the constitution. Copy of the ordination service may be included in the appendix of the rules. Election to Sabha Council: Information about the fact that election of Sabha Council members should be done at the respective Dioceses and notified to the Sabha Secretary on or before the meeting of Mandalam for the first time. Decentralization of Authority to Dioceses: The authorities of the Diocesan Bishop should be mentioned clearly under a separate heading especially under the decentralization took place in the past and to take place in the future. Use of Web Site, Blogs, E-Mail and other Technology: Appropriate information about the use of modern technology that can be used by parishes, diocese, parent church, organizations should be mentioned and should not in any way contain information against the faith and practices of the Church. Provision hat permission should be obtained from Vicar in the case of parishes and its organizations and any other committee appointed by the general body to conduct any meetings or conferences for web sites, blogs for its contents. Similarly provisions for that permission should be obtained from Diocesan Bishop in the case of Diocese and its organizations and any other committee appointed by the diocesan assembly or
council to conduct any meetings or conferences before they could have a web site or blog for its contents. Also provision that permission should be obtained from Metropolitan in the case of parent church and its organizations and any other committee appointed by the Sabha Mandalam or Council or any other sub committee appointed by such bodies to conduct any meetings or conferences before they could have web site or blog for its contents. Registration of Parishes and Organizations of the Church, Diocese and Parishes: If there need arises to register as Non Profit or as such other organizations of parishes, organizations of the Church, Diocese and Parishes the Articles and By-Laws must be approved by its general body and the minutes and the format of such Articles and By-Laws should be approved by Vicar, Diocesan Episcopa or Metropolitan as the case may be. The Articles and ByLaws must spell out the relevant portions in the constitution and rules and also should not contrary to the constitution and should have a supremacy clause at the end submitting to the authority of the Church and its constitution. Provision for Salary, Allowances, Health Insurance for Priests and Bishops: At the appropriates places provision for the salary, allowances, health insurance, traveling expenses, automobiles etc for priests, bishops should be specified and the responsible parties for providing the same. There should be provision for same items of allowances to be paid by parishes for priests who serve outside India. Provision for Sub Committee for administration of parishes its organization within Diocese considering the extent in area of dioceses outside India. Considering the administrative efficiency of the parishes within a diocese who situate in another country far away from the diocesan center appropriate authority should be given to form Regional Committee as a Sub Committee of the diocesan assembly under clause 217 or Clause 188 of the constitution. Legal Affairs Committee of the Church and Dioceses: More guidelines need to be provided for the administration of the LAC depending upon the complexity of the civil laws in each country. Also should given authority to examine criminal records and criminal back ground checks pertaining to the applicant for re-marriage before granting permission. Financial Advisory Committee of the Church and Diocese: Provisions should be given for forming Financial Advisory Committee in the same format like LAC in diocese and Church level. Certified Auditors should be examined the accounts of the parishes if their income exceeds a certain limit. For example in United States the U. S Patriot Act
suggests that all charitable organizations should have their accounts audited by a certified public account if it is over $250,000 per year. Technology Advisory Committee of the Church and Diocese: Provision for a technology advisory committee to advice the Church, Diocese and parishes, organizations and institutions should be made in the constitution. Such committee should develop guidelines for publication of the contents in the web sites, blogs and other electronic media of the Church, Dioceses, parishes, organization and institutions and they should be given power to monitor and report any violations to the appropriate authorities. Publication of Report, Accounts, Constitution, Liturgy, Worship orders for sacraments etc: Provisions should be made that the annual accounts, reports should be published by parishes, diocese and Church. The list of such approved books should be specified in the appropriate place in the constitution. Provisions for the publication of constitution, liturgy for HC and order of service for ordinary service and sacraments should be published in the web site of the Church. Provision that annual accounts, budgets and reports of the Church, Diocese, Parishes wherever it is possible be published in English language also if more than 50% of the members are English speaking. Similarly Sabha Directory should be published in English also in addition to Malayalam. Records Maintained under constitution, faith and practices of the Church: More detailed items of records to be maintained by Church, Diocese and Parishes, Organizations including hard and soft copies, electronic storage etc. should be specified. Forms for use by Church, Diocese and Parishes: All the forms under constitution and faith and practices of the Church by the Church, Diocese, Parishes should be updated and should be made available electronically to be filled out or printed and used by concerned persons or parishes or diocese or Church and distributed through appropriate means and method. Also provision should be made that only approved forms should be used by parishes and its members and organizations. Marriage, Divorce and Re-Marriage Regulations and support of children: Appropriate changes should be made in the marriage regulations to accommodate the civil laws of different countries where our members are living and the parishes are situated and dioceses are existing. Marriage to persons from other denominations having similar faith and practice should be accepted. For example churches like Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist are not considered as having same faith like our Church and anyone marrying persons from such churches are being ex-communicated by our Church, which is not proper or appropriate. Also appropriate provision should be included that children born to the parties to remarriage are adequately financially supported by such parties for education and living expenses including health related expenses until they reach 21 years of age. 7
Compliance with Laws of the Land: Need to specify that even if a parish or an organization is a legal entity in the country of its activities or existence, it is subject to the constitution and is a parish or organization of the Church or organization of the Diocese and Parish and shall subject to the constitution of the Church and ecclesiastical authority. Also specific provisions should be made that each parishes and its organizations should comply with the laws of the land subject to the constitution of the Church. All the expenses including the legal expenses incurred for any such compliance will be the responsibility of the parish or Diocese as the case and the parent church shall not be held responsible or liable for any such expenses including legal expenses. Sponsoring of Priests for Parishes Outside India: Adequate provisions should be made to the effect that the Diocese or such committee appointed shall be responsible for filing paper works with the appropriate government authority for sponsoring priests who are transferred to the parishes. The provision should also contain information that the priests are the employees of the parent church and not of the parishes and they are transferred for the period as per Synod’s decision. Also provision should be there that the spouse and children who will not complete 21 years of age upon their period of service outside India are only allowed to accompany the priests. Also provision that the parishes should give traveling expenses for priests and families and a gift of one month’s salary for the number of years served in the parish. Charitable Contributions collected by Parishes, Diocese and Diocese: Since there are laws in several countries outside India, that the charitable contributions collected by the parishes and Diocese should be used for the same purpose, adequate provisions should be made for such same purpose use. Also provisions should be included it shall be the responsibility of the collecting parish or diocese to keep adequate documents including its accounts for income and expense and receipts and reports of interim or completion projects or programs for evidence that the charitable contributions are used for the same purpose for which it has been collected. Liability Insurance for Diocese, Parishes and its Organizations: Depending upon the laws of each country provisions should be made in the constitution that both Dioceses, Parishes and if needed its Organizations or Committees should have appropriate insurances for any liabilities arising out of its actions including criminal actions committed by its officers during the course of their official capacity. Also provision should be made for having owner’s insurance like fire, flood, natural calamity also need to be taken by Church, Diocese, parishes, institutions, organizations may be included in the constitution. Law Suits Against Church, Diocese, Parishes or Organizations or its officers: Provisions should be made that no legal actions can be initiated against the Church, Diocese, Parishes or its Organizations relating to the faith, practices and doctrine of the Church or relating 8
to any ecclesiastical matters. The authority for any such disputes or issue will be governed by the constitution and subject to the supreme authority of the Synod. Also provisions should be made that no legal actions can be initiated against the Church, Diocese, Parishes or its Organizations relating to any temporal matters unless all administrative remedies as provided in the constitution are completed. Formation of New Parishes and Congregations: Specific provisions should be made for the guidelines for forming new parishes especially their ability for self support especially outside India where there need to sponsor priests from India with the government authorities of the countries where the parishes are being established. List of Remittances to be made to the Church and Diocese: The detailed of the list of remittances to be made by parishes and members to the Church, Diocese and its Organizations should be specified. List of Goods and Services provided by the Church, Diocese and Parishes to the members: Detailed list of goods and services provided by the Church, Diocese and Parishes to the members and to the parishes are to be mentioned. Enquiry Commissions under the constitution: Rules or guidelines for the inquiry commissions appointed under the constitution should be specified in detail. Grounds upon which disciplinary actions can be taken against members and priests should be specified with details and the review and appellate authority for any decisions taken. An inquiry commission rules should be adopted and included in the rules portion of the constitution. Kalpanas and Letters from Bishops, Metropolitan etc: Provisions should be added that Kalpanas from Bishops and Metropolitan and letters may be published in the notice board of the parishes or on its web site or blogs for general information of the members. Liturgy for the Holy Communion Service: Provision for an abridged form of the liturgy for the Holy Communion should be made available for use in parishes where more people are attending such service including HC so that the time of the HC can be limited to very minimum.
Ecumenical Relationship and Churches with which we have communion: Adequate information regarding the ecumenical relationships other Churches, Organizations both inside and outside India need to be mentioned. Also the names of denominations with we have communion relationship should be mentioned including CSI and CNI and Communion of Churches in India (CC). The communion relationship should be extended to other denominations, which are following similar faith, practice and doctrine like our Church. Term of Transfer for Clergy in Parishes, Institutions and Organizations: Provision must be included in the constitution about the term of Vicars in parishes; institutions and organizations must be given at the appropriate places in the constitution. It should be mentioned that priests are transferable to any parishes or institutions of the Church irrespective of the diocese from where they are. Provision should be made for additional priests or assistant priests in parishes with families above a certain number. Chart showing the Administrative set up of the Church and Ecclesiastical Hierarchy: A chart showing the administrative set up of the Church and its Ecclesiastical hierarchy must be included at the appropriate place on the constitution for clarity and easy understanding of the Church by outside people. Use of Technology by Church, Diocese, Parishes, Organizations and Institutions: The different forms of the technology including web site, blogs, and electronic medium of communications may be allowed and included in the constitution. Notices and Voting to various bodies of the Church, Parishes, Organizations: Authority to send notices by electronic means of communications and voting by postal ballot or electronic means to the Church, Diocese, Parishes, Organizations, Institutions and various committees and bodies of the Church, Diocese and parishes should be made in the constitution. List of Organizations and Institutions of the Church: A complete list of the authorized organizations of the Church, Diocese, and parishes should be included at appropriate place in the constitution. Need add more authorized organizations of the Church like – Senior Citizens Fellowship, Pastoral Care Fellowship, Diaspora Mar Thoma Community (members of Mar Thoma Church where they do not have any Mar Thoma parishes) etc. Note: There is a tendency to have organizations in the diocesan level like Physician’s and Dentist’s Association, Business People Fellowship, Nurse’s Fellowship etc., which are of course good to recognize them as a community, but catering such specialized class of people only will alienate the ordinary people from the mainstream of the Diocese and Church. Instead of creating such specialized organizations it will be always for the best interest of the Church to create authorized organizations without any affiliation to any group or class of people; for example, Pastoral Care Fellowship, Senior Citizens Fellowship, Diaspora Mar Thoma Community etc. 10
Information about the publications of the Church, Diocese, Organizations and Institutions: Authority to publish books, magazines, directory, diary, calendars etc., by the Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions, Organizations and various other bodies and committees of the Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions, and organization should be included. A list of the present publications by the Church, Diocese, Institutions and organizations may be included also. Information about Dayara Samugham and Dalit Groups of the Church: Information about the Dayara Samugham and Dalit group of the Church may be included including any special privileges granted to such groups. Authority for Endovement Funds, Scholarships by Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions, Organizations and such other bodies or committees: Appropriate information about the authority to have endovement funds, scholarships and such other programs by Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions, organizations and such other bodies o committees may be included at appropriate places. Authority to Sponsor candidates to the Educational Institutions of the Church and other places: Authority of the Church to sponsor suitable candidates for education at the educational institutions of the Church, other educational institutions may be included in the constitution. Annual Conventions, Seminars, Conferences etc. by Church, Diocese and Parishes: Information about the annual convention of the Church (Maramon Convention), seminars, conferences, conventions, by Church, Diocese, parishes, institutions, organizations may be included with the list of such things presently being conducted. Archive Committee of the Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions and Organizations: Authority to form archive committee for the Church, Diocese and Parishes, Institutions and Organizations should be included in the constitution. Retirement Age of Priests, Bishops: Need to include the increased retirement age for priests of 70 years or 40 years of service which ever comes first must be included. A retirement age for Bishops of 80 or 90 years as appropriate may be included in the constitution. Both priests and Bishops should be allowed to take voluntary retirement at any time due to health reasons or personal reasons. Special exemption should be made for those serving in the capacity as Metropolitan and Suffragan Metropolitan since they assumed the office prior to these new provisions.
Employees of the Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions, Organizations, Mission Projects and such other programs etc; Provision for a policy manual for the code of conduct, period of employment, salary, allowances, health insurances, allowances, retirement benefits for the employees of the Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions, Organizations, Mission projects, programs etc. may be included in the constitution including disciplinary actions, termination, hiring etc. ID should be issued to all such employees and they should wear the same at any time while working. Emblem, Logo and Flag of the Church: The information about the emblem, logo and possibly a flag to be used in parishes and on the cars of Bishops of the Church may be mentioned at the appropriate place in the constitution. Emblems and logos used by various conferences, seminars may be collected and included in the rules part of the constitution. Also should mention that permission should be obtained from appropriate authority to use any emblem or logo for any programs conducted by the Church, Diocese, parishes or any bodies of the Church, Diocese, and parishes. It should make mandatory that all official documents should use the emblem of the Church and parish buildings or inside sanctuary at appropriate places emblem and flag of the church should be placed as visible to the congregation. Ownership of Buildings, Vehicles of Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions, Organizations etc.: In order to comply with the provisions of the law of each country, the ownership of the buildings and vehicles of the Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions and Organizations may be allowed to be registered in the name of such entity to seek tax benefits and such other benefits available in each country. Statement that the Sabha Council members, Mandalam members, Diocesan Council members, Diocesan Assembly members, office bears of the Church, Diocese, parishes, executive committee members of the parishes, board of director of the institutions, organizations, institutions etc. are not employees of the Church or Diocese or parishes: A statement to the effect that all of the above persons are not employees or contract workers of the Church, Diocese, parishes, institutions or organizations and they are doing their services on a voluntary basis and not eligible for any benefits of the employees of the Church, Diocese or parishes, institutions or organizations. List of Dioceses and names of Diocesan Bishops & contact information: A list of the names of present dioceses and names of Bishops in charge including the diocesan secretary and bishop’s secretary and the contact information of the diocese and of the above persons may be mentioned in the rules portion of the constitution.
Mandatory contributions to the Church, Diocese, and Parishes: A provision about the mandatory contributions by members to the Church, Diocese and Parishes should be mentioned with its list and if possible with amounts. A list of persons or families who are delinquent in such mandatory payment must be published on the notice board of the Church, Diocese, and Parish when the accounts and report are published. A list of such mandatory payments must be included in their individual accounts of the Diocese, parish when the accounts and report are published. A list of voluntary contributions by members should also be included including contributions to the institutions and organizations. A list of persons or families who paid such voluntary must be included in their individual accounts in the accounts of the Diocese, parish when the accounts and report are published. Accounting Procedure of Church, Diocese, Parishes, Institutions and Organizations: A provision for a uniform account procedure for the Diocese, parishes, institutions and organizations must be provided. If possible such account procedures may be made available to the Dioceses and parishes through software programs. Only contributions to the Church, Diocese, Parish, institutions or organizations or such other programs of the Church, Diocese or parishes for which no benefit in return is obtained should be considered as charitable contributions and receipt denoting such charitable contributions be only given. Provision that income collected for a particular purpose should be used only that purpose unless the donor given in writing for its use for other purpose. If the donor refused to give in writing such amount must be deposited in a special account for the purposes it is donated and disbursed as and when spending for such purpose is necessitated. Missionary Bishop in charge of all mission activities of the Church, Diocese, Institutions, and organizations of the Church, Diocese and Parishes: Establishment of mission fields and general guidelines for its working. If Valia Metropolitan is available, he should be appointed as the Missionary Bishop of the Church. If no such person is available, any retired Bishop of the Church may be appointed to such position. If no retired Bishop is available a Bishop may be appointed in charge of all mission fields of the Church. A list of the mission fields and its contact information should be given as an appendix at the end of the constitution or rules. A provision should be included that at least 10% of the income of Diocese, Church and parishes should be spent for charity and mission activities. Provision for Medical Colleges, Nursing Schools, Pharmacy Schools, Dental College, Engineering Colleges, Seminary, Bible Colleges and such other professional Institutions: A provision authorizing the Church to begin medical colleges, nursing school, pharmacy schools, dental colleges, engineering colleges, seminary, Bible Colleges and such other institutions may be included in the constitution so that at appropriate time and when such need arises the Church may seek permission with the decision of Sabha Council or Episcopal Synod as the case may be.
Authority for Revision of Constitution: The authority for the revision of the constitution is vested with the Sabha Mandalam as per the constitution. But there is no specific authority conferred on the Synod or Sabha Council to appoint a committee to revise the constitution. This omission needs to be rectified by having appropriate clause in the constitution. If it is not provided, the presumption is that only Mandalam can appoint a sub committee to revise the constitution since it has only the authority to revise the same as per the present constitution. Organizations and Groups working against the smooth functioning of the Church: Provisions should be included in the constitution to take appropriate ecclesiastical actions and including legal actions against organizations and groups formed by or consisting of Marthomites working within the Church to destabilize the church and also spreading wrong information among members using several communication methods. Such members should be asked to disassociate themselves form such organizations, if not ecclesiastical actions should be taken against them to keep the strict discipline of the church. Registration of Mar Thoma Church in foreign countries: If needed the Mar Thoma Church should be registered as a Charity or No Profit in such foreign countries where it is required so that both individuals and parishes may make remittances to the Parent Church without breaking any laws of the country where they are situated. If needed the Dioceses of the Mar Thoma Church should be registered as a Charity or No Profit in such foreign countries where it is required so that both individuals and parishes may make remittances to the Dioceses without breaking any laws of the country where they are situated. Additional positions at parishes & term limits for office bearers and Executive Committee members and parish organizations. Provisions should be made that additional positions like joint secretary and such other positions that can be elected by the general body with voting right in the executive committee. There should be term limit for the officer bearers and executive committee members for example three years period. Such persons can be reelected only after one year unless there is no one else to take such positions in the parishes. The same rule should be applied to parish organizations also. The term of non-committee members like Facility Manager, Sound Engineer, and Mission CoCoordinator should be for three years. Term limit for Organizations like Sunday school, Choir etc. There should be some term limit for Sunday school teachers and choir members in the parishes so that new people can come to the forefront and act as Sunday school teachers and Choir members. The present tendency is that once you are in, you are out only when you die, which are not a good policy for a healthy Sunday School and Choir.
Need to have separate English Congregations: We may need to add some provision in the constitution to have separate English congregations for the second generation and third generation Mar Thomites outside Kerala and outside India. We may need to have provision to address their spiritual needs by having short liturgy, short meaningful sermons and young and vibrant priests especially from the second and third generation Mar Thomites. We cannot cater the needs of the believers belonging multiple cultures like – First generation born and brought up in Kerala, Second generation born and brought up outside Kerala, and third generation who does not even know Kerala or the Mar Thoma Church or its importance. By having an Achen from Kerala serving to the spiritual needs of all these three different generations with multiple culture and back ground is no more practical and a prudent solution to everything. Need to encourage second generation and third generation born outside Kerala and India to become ordained priests of the Church: In order to address the issue of the second generation and third generation Mar Thomites, we may need o encourage more of the ordained priests from them. They should be allowed to serve in the diocese from where they are. Like mentioned above and Achen from Kerala cannot serve the needs of second and third generation Mar Thomites, in the same way an Achen from second generation and third generation cannot serve the needs of the first generation. The Church need to acknowledge the growing concerns of the young couples, youths of the Church. Adequate provisions should be made in the constitution to address their concerns and to cater t their spiritual and temporal needs. Separate Congregations may be allowed for second and third generations to conduct services In English or in their own mother languages: The second and third generation may not understand Malayalam used by our Achens. The Liturgy should relate to the culture of the worshiping community and it should be meaningful to them. Like out Liturgy is meaningful to the first generation, it should be meaningful to the second and third generation. It should be short, sermons must be meaningful and both should not cause monotonous to them. Conclusion: I hope and pray that my observations and suggestions may be useful in the long run. We should not as a Church shut our eyes to the realities facing us. We need to change as the culture changes and should involve all in the day-to-day life of the Church. Thank you. Lal Varghese, Attorney at Law (Member of MTC Dallas, Farmers Branch) 2016 Reserve Court Flower Mound, TX 75028 Tel: (972) 874-7909 (H), (972) 788-0777 (O) E-Mail: 15