Mamba dossier

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The project manager is La Mamba studio, a study of six young designers from different countries. The fusion of cultures of 6 different thoughts, are its greatest strength. Working together since 2008, they have achieved several awards like INJUVE award in the 2008 -2009 and a nomination for Young Designer of the Year by the magazine ELLE DECO


Contest 2010 September- Second Prize on the contest “Crealitica”, piece “GrowUp”. 2010 March – Project TLOCK Winner of the furniture contest of MUEBLE SELECCIÓN, Spain. 2010 March – Project E-145 Finalist in the furniture contest of MUEBLE SELECCIÓN, Spain. 2009 September. Nominated as “Young Designer of the year” ELLE DECO MAGAZINE Spain. 2009 July. Prizes INJUVE in the category Design, Spain. 2009 February - Selection in the furniture contest of MUEBLE SELECCIón, Spain. 2008 November - Winner MUJI Scholarships for EDL 09, Madrid. 2008 October – Project Möm Finalist in the furniture contest of Cetem, Spain. 2008 October – Project Sketch Finalist in the furniture contest of Cetem, Spain. 2008 May - Selection Prizes INJUVE in the category Design, Spain. 2008 February - Winner of 1ªprize of nacional LG-himacs. Exhibitions 2010 2010 January. ZGZ Design Show, Zaragoza,Spain. 2009 September - Circulo de bellas Artes, INJUVE adwards, Madrid. 2009 September - NUDE Habitat Valencia, Collection “Sketch & Justice “ 2009 September - NUDE Habitat Valencia, Collection “Eria”. 2009 April.Exhibition in the Fair Milan, Instituto Cervantes,Injuve. 2009 March. Casa pasarela, Madrid. 2009 February- Stockholm furniture fair. 2008 October - Exhibition Trades Cersaie, Bologna. 2008 September - NUDE Habitat Valencia, Collection “Drombo” 2008 September - NUDE Habitat Valencia, Collection “ Blou “. 2008 September - NUDE Habitat Valencia, Collection “Four Stories” UPV 2008 April - Exhibition in the Fair Milan, collection “Blou”.




Blou. The piece is a vertical table where the user “inserts� their plates in the surface. Thought for the Catering atmosphere, it is an upable object beside having agreat visual attraction, is created in LG Himacs, which consists of an acrylic stone.

Drombo Collection. Removed from the straight lines, a piece arises purely organic in his form. Our motivation was to create a furniture from a material of coating, in this case a ceramic mesh.

Sketch. The chair has the capacity innate to give any room a unique personality, filling the same with their own luminescence, both at home and in a public space.

Minai. Minai experience redefines the concept of furniture, abstracting from the mere functionality in search of new sensations and experiences. By viewing scenarios and customer needs, Minai is oriented towards the development of new products in anticipation of new forms and attitudes of a rest. The project manager is La Mamba studio.


Grandma Lamp. Grandma is a piece of a collection of four products made for the company Panelate. The above mentioned piece was inspired by the classic floor lamp. With a subtle game of silhouettes we created a classic product adapted to the new lines.

Reeno Lamp. Ceramic screen with wood horn.


Roots. Plant/table.


80 days, 80 objects And so begins this experiment, with a blend of rational and an irrational strinking balance between the two worlds. Four variables are chosen. Three are rigid; user, environment and needs. When observation begins, the empirical data is accumulated. But nothing new. The forth: where chaos and chance are combined, these are situations that are taken out of order. This is the object code, the fourth dimension, the absurd.

Gobble carpet. The gobble carpet is a new concept for the storage service. This is a carpet-container where you can order your room with one action.

2010 March. Workshop “User, no thanks”, II Design week of University of Zaragoza. 2010 March. Conference, II Design week of University of Zaragoza, Spain. 2010 January. ZDS Happening, “Old world, new world” Zaragoza, Spain. 2009 December Conference in “I Design Management congress”, Castellón, España. 2009 October. Participation in the congress “INDITEC 2009” 2009 April. Workshop-Conference in “Escuela Superior de Diseño de Alcoy”.


New/old. Workshop “New/old “in which we played with old structures to create new typologies.

Pecha Kucha Valencia. Pecha Kucha (which is Japanese for the sound of conversation) has tapped into a demand for a forum in which creative work can be easily and informally shown, without having to rent a gallery or chat up a magazine editor. This is a†demand that seems to be global – as Pecha Kucha Night, without any pushing, has spread virally to over 200 cities across the world. Find a location and join the conversation. The mamba studio currently holds the license for Valencia. Contacto/Contact Juan Gasca................. 34 696 367 806 Ommar Uribe.............. 34 664 120 710 Designers Marcos Cifuentes Juan Gasca Ommar Uribe Raúl Durá Pedro Rivera Rafael Zaragozá //////////////////////////////////////// Avenida Aragón 34 P.33, CP. 46021 Valencia, Spain //////////////////////////////////////// Gutierrez Mellado 47, 1ºA, CP. 50009 Zaragoza, Spain

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