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New Year's Resolution
-Sara Lim
Going into the New Year is like a fresh start for all of us. We can choose to continue how we went about our days in 2022 or we can come with an open, determined and optimistic attitude in 2023. Lamar Key Club in 2022 did not meet all of our goals we had set to accomplish. For example, we didn’t get the opportunity to volunteer at a local animal shelter, so this year we will make that happen. After contacting many local shelters and having none get back to me, I will drive to a location and ask them if we can volunteer at the shelter center there. Euless animal shelter is one that I have in mind because it is a modern and open facility. Hopefully, through optimism and hard work- we will be able to volunteer at a local animal shelter because that is what I promised the members of our Key Club.
Another goal we failed to meet was having more socials and member interaction. Not only did we not have a single social last fall, but I feel the members have grown apart. The club isn’t what it used to be and it is very stagnant. This year, I will strive to have at least two socials where members can mingle and talk to one another as Key Club members. Socials such as getting boba or making crafts for a local nursing home as a key club will bring us together and strengthen our relationships. Key Club isn’t just about volunteering, but also about meeting others who are passionate to serve. Meeting new friends and creating new bonds is important. This is another one of our Key Club’s resolutions. Another one of our resolutions that our Key Club is trying to meet this 2023 year is partnering with other Key Clubs in AISDour district. To achieve this goal, I will need to make an effort to reach out to the other clubs’ presidents and communicate with them. We have already made an effort to do this by choosing to attend the annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast where all Key Clubs in the district serve to volunteer. At this event, I will be able to serve alongside other Key Club officers and members and build those bonds. We can communicate and arrange joint service events and socials. This will be a great opportunity to tie bonds and build bridges between other clubs.