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November -Monthly Review

Marathon Hosted @LHS:

Run with Heart Marathon - our members at the finish line passing out medals


Run with Heart Marathon - our members at a water station in the cold

Run with Heart Marathon - our members at a water station in the cold

Run with Heart Marathon - our members at the T-shirt station

Run with Heart Marathon - our members at a water station in the cold

Run with Heart Marathon - our members at the finish line passing out snacks

When our Assistant Principal, Mr. Davis, was in desperate need of student volunteers to host a marathon in our student parking lot, the Lamar Key Club members came to the rescue! Volunteers braved both the cold temperatures that Saturday and the early call time at 6 in the morning. Members helped by passing out refreshments along the route to passing marathon participants.

Mission Arlington with AHS

Our Key Club met up with our peers at Arlington High School to serve at our local charity center, Missson Arlington, during their busy holiday season.

Mission Arlington with Arlington High School

Mission Arlington with Arlington High School

Larson Perot Night

Larson Perot Night

Larson Perot Night

Larson Perot Night

From passing out cookies to creating obstacle courses and handling dry ice, our Key Club members had an amazing time assisting Perot Museum's exhibit night at Larson Elementary.

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