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October in Review
RiverLegacy Fall Festival (10/12- 10/13)
After having such a success at the River Legacy W.A.T.E.R. Festival, it was no surprise that this event had a wonderful turnout and all the volunteers had a ton of fun serving the kids though arts, crafts, and games.
Mission Arlington Fall Festival (10/26)
The Mission Arlington Fall Festival is an event that our Key Club participates in annually, with tons of participation. This year was a bit more difficult workwise since there was a lot more weight lifting, but some sore muscles didn't stop us from helping!
CDSA FallFestival (10/27)
Typically, our Key Club does not do events on Sundays because of relatively low member turnout, but the CDSA Fall Festival was a huge outlier, with tons of members coming out to help. Thankfully, we were able to utilize all the help that was provided, and were graciously rewarded with free pizza!
Greek Festival (10/19-10/20)
While it was a busy weekend for all extracurricular activities at Lamar, our Key Club managed to pull off a good number of volunteers at the event, with some of them actually participating in the events planned out for the Festival. We hope to come to this great event in the years to come. Opa!