1 minute read

The Paradox of Pride: From Deadly Sin to Gay Pride.

empowering individuals to live authentically. Another critical dimension of gay pride is its impact on mental health and well-being. Historically, LGBTQ+ individuals have faced higher rates of mental health issues due to stigma, discrimination, and lack of acceptance. Gay pride promotes a sense of belonging and validation, which can significantly improve mental health outcomes.

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

I take full responsibility and see how much my pride had gotten in the way for me to heal; like a warrior protecting his clan, but in my instance my pride was protecting the core pain that I had been ignoring. That single comment made me realise how traumatic my life has been, and how we as a society here in Northern Ireland normalise our trauma.

The transformation of pride from a deadly sin to a symbol of gay pride is not merely a linguistic evolution but a profound cultural and ideological shift. The key to

Pride Month is a vibrant celebration of the LGBTQ+ community’s rich diversity, achievements, and ongoing journey towards equality and acceptance. It’s a time to honour love in all its forms and the strength found in embracing our true selves. However, amidst the parades and festivities, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s experience is unique, and it’s okay not to feel okay. If you’re struggling with mental health issues, please know that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Reach out to trusted friends, family or even me; there’s support available to help you. Embrace the spirit of Pride not just by celebrating outwardly, but by also taking care of your inner well-being.

Paul McAllister - Aho Wellness

IG: aho_wellness

Facebook: aho.wellness.belfast

Email: wellness.aho@gmail.com

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