8 minute read

Jetaway Jayne...

Planning your next trip, look no further

Ihave always loved to travel and explore new places. Since I was a little girl and holidays meant a caravan on the north coast there was still always something special about going on a trip. All the preparations, getting some new clothes, and not sleeping much the night before in excited anticipation. Fast forward all these years, too many to say, and the destinations have gotten a little bit further afield, but that excitement is still there. I’m a big kid at heart (which is probably why Disney in Orlando is one of my favourite holidays to plan!)

When I was 18, I got involved with youth exchange programmes in Germany, adding to my travelling experience in a different way. I have been back to Berlin at least ten times now, and have amazing friends there. I class it as a home from home, my second city if you like. The first time I took my wife Laura and daughter Abbie there it was so special. City breaks are definitely a great way to get away and try new places, without the commitment of a two-week holiday. I really love planning them, looking for ways to do things in a cost-effective way but also to try and get the most authentic experience. Laura often says if there is a way to cram everything a city has to offer in a three-day trip, I will find it!

Laura already loved her holidays when she met me, but she mainly stuck to relaxing and partying in beach type trips. I think I have rubbed off on her a bit as she loves to join in planning something new nowadays, well, if you count telling me where she wants to try next and leaving me to plan it as joining in.

I have definitely given the travel bug to Abbie as well, she’s obsessed with where we might go next, and knows she’s a super lucky girl to have been to some of the places we have been, not least to New York City for her sweet sixteen. Seeing Manhattan from the sky in a helicopter was an experience we all won’t forget in a hurry. We know we are very privileged to have travelled as much as we have, and as a family we have enjoyed America a number of times, cruising around the Greek Islands, Italy, a train ride across Austria (Salzburg was a firm favourite for

Sound of Music fan Laura), Berlin and Munich and Portugal. Laura and I also had an absolutely epic adventure across Thailand for our honeymoon, something we plan to repeat when we are ten years married in the not too distant future.

On top of all this, my friends call me the queen of organised fun, as I love to plan group trips for us all, whether it’s a staycation for the weekend or a group trip for a special birthday or celebration such as Laura’s 40th in Sitges. In fact, we are all heading to Gran Can later this year. Although you know what they say, what happens in Maspalomas stays in Maspalomas!

After years of amateur travel planning, I finally decided to take the plunge and give it a proper go. I am now an Independent Travel AdvisorJetAwayJayne at your service!

I am absolutely loving it already. I’ve been able to combine my passion for travel, obsession with finding unique deals, and my interest in design and marketing to a side hustle that brings me such joy. I haven’t settled on a specialism and I don’t think I want to. What I do know, is that I am as passionate about your trip as you are. I want you to have the best possible time, so I will make sure to listen to what you need and present you with options to choose from to suit your budget and taste.

How can I help you with your travel?

• Hotel only

• Package and all-inclusive holidays

• City breaks

• Hen / Stag / everything in between

• Destination weddings

• Honeymoon and Babymoon

• Group trips

• Solo adventures

• Spa weekends

• Corporate Travel

• Cruises

• Giant adventure holidays

• Staycations

• Skiing

• Excursions / attractions whilst you are there

• Bespoke itinerary planning

If you are looking to embark on your next adventure, look no further than JetAwayJayne! As an Independent Travel Advisor with a passion for exploring the world, I would be thrilled to help you plan your next getaway.

With over 50 suppliers at my disposal, I can craft a personalised itinerary that suits your every need. As a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I understand the importance of feeling safe and accepted while traveling, and I will go above and beyond to ensure that your experience is inclusive, enjoyable and safe.

You are in safe hands, no matter who you love or how you identify with JetAwayJayne. What are you waiting for? Let’s get you on that plane!

Contact JetAwayJayne today to start planning your next unforgettable journey!

Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: JetAwayJayne

WhatsApp Message: 07359 534527

Website: JetAwayJayne.inteletravel.uk

#JetAwayJayne #TravelwithPride #AdventureAwaits

Hello! My name is Anthony Cooley. I am level 3 certified personal trainer of a number of years and a newly qualified level 3 Sports Massage Therapist here in the lovely city of Belfast. Being from a personal trainer background I know all too well how easy it is to suddenly develop aches and pains over time and even worse an injury. These things aren’t necessarily down to what we are doing in the gym, but we can obtain one simply by how we go about our daily lives. I think most of us over time will have some sort of ongoing tension in our bodies, and this is usually down to our daily routines. A prime example of one of the more common ones I see is tension in the upper back/neck region, this is due to how many of us now lead sedentary lifestyles working from home, especially since the pandemic. If you think about how many of us now use technology every day, be it a smartphone, a computer or tablet, we are a generation that is constantly looking down all the time. This creates postural changes that over time can effect those muscles that we normally use to support our heads in the neck, shoulder and upper back region and in the end this creates tightness and tension. Throw a gym session in the mix on top of that and you have a recipe for disaster. Already weakened muscles + strength training = increased tension and possibility of injury. Thats where I come in!

Being an advocate of the gym for most of my adult life, I’ve been in that position many times over. From my own experience, a trip to a massage therapist has always been the thing that helped speed up recovery time so I could get back to my normal routine with a lot less pain down the line.

Now, treatment of already existing injuries is just one of the things I would do as a masseur but there are many benefits to having a deep tissue massage treatment every once in a while. I’d like to take the opportunity today to discuss some of the other reasons why having one every once in a while can help you gain a better sense of wellbeing with these busy/hectic lives we lead nowadays.

So what are the main benefits of having a Sports massage treatment?

Sports massage has been proven to help release and reduce tension in the muscles as discussed already, it can help improve blood circulation and encourage the removal of waste products such as lactic acid during high intensity activity and help relax the body. It will also aid in flushing harmful toxins from the body with an increase in lymphatic circulation for overall improved immunity. An increase in muscle elasticity is a welcome benefit of frequent treatment with the benefit of improved muscle flexibility. All of this helps promote recovery and reduces the chance of muscular injury, as well as an improved sense of wellbeing. Sports massage can also be an effective tool in preparing the body for sporting activities so athletes and anyone from a sporting background can really benefit as it gets the body ready and fired up. This can be done in the days leading up to a sporting event or just minutes before as a way of firing up those muscles for greater performance and to further reduce the chance of injury during this time. And of course afterwards as a form of cooling down the muscles so the chance of getting an injury is lessened during this time reducing the time taken for those muscles to recover before the next event.

Another amazing benefit of Sports massage therapy is thats it’s well known as an effective treatment in managing various debilitating disorders and diseases. Many of us will struggle with our mental health at some point with all the stressors going on in our daily lives. Studies show that just one treatment can release lots of those feel good hormones and endorphins with the benefit of improved mood and overall sense of wellbeing. It can relieve anxiety, depression, headaches and insomnia to name a few. It can also help with degenerative conditions such as arthritis by reducing the amount of inflammation that is present in joints by working on the muscles around them. With better support in those joints, overall tension is released for pain relief. The same applies to degenerative back pain which can be a problem as we age. These are just some of the main benefits for considering a treatment like Sports massage.

A common question that I get asked is if sports massage will be painful?

The answer is, not necessarily. You should not want be jumping off the table during a treatment. Any good massage therapist worth their salt will have ongoing communication throughout the treatment with the client, and should be asking how certain pressures feel for the duration of it. To get the best benefit from a massage, the deeper the pressure the more tension release you will have, but obviously this all depends on what you can withstand. You shouldn’t be walking away battered and bruised but with a feeling of less tightness in the muscles worked with them being freed up somewhat and an overall improved sense of wellbeing. Also whilst on the subject, here are a few tips around how to prepare for a deep tissue massage. Make sure you are well rested beforehand, well hydrated, and have a warm shower to help relax the muscles before those muscles get worked. The same applies to afterwards, their will be some discomfort in the muscles worked but nothing too intense, just a bit of soreness is expected. Again plenty of rest, hydration and good nutrition is the way to go for a speedy recovery. And don’t forget to book in for the next treatment to keep things progressing in the right direction!

Lastly I will finish by talking about the new business I have setup in order to provide Sports massage therapy treatments. It’s called, “ReSurge Massage Therapy.” The idea behind the name is all about giving individuals the chance for a bit of resurgence in their lives be it because of an injury that has occurred or due to an ongoing issue that I can help with. I want to give people the chance to get their lives back on track without being in pain or discomfort to the best of my abilities. I am currently operating out of a massage room I have setup at home with the hopes of expanding into a more permanent residence down the line as the business develops. Watch this space!

For more info on pricing and availability you can reach me on Facebook or Insta under the name,

“ resurge_massagetherapy.”

I very much look forward to meeting each and every one of you and getting you back on your road to recovery with a bolt of resurgence! Anthony.

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