3 minute read


Martin Kearney

Hello GNI readers after a hiatus away I’m back with a new Column. Casting Couch. (No not that kind of casting couch) Each issue I will be covering the rumour mill of Hollywood casting along with those cast in future projects and my own casting choices. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it this issue will be James Gunn’s Superman Legacy.

Peter Safran and James Gunn who directed all three Guardians of the Galaxy movies has been giving the task of breathing new life into the world’s greatest heroes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and more popular and obscure characters from DC Comics. He is going to need super breath, as apart from a few movies the DCU has been a disappointment to say the least.

The recent announcement of the casting for the latest Superman film has sent tremors through the world of DC fandom. David Corenswet, best known for his roles in ‘The Politician’ and ‘Hollywood’, and if like me the first time you saw him on screen your thought was, he looks like Superman has been chosen to don the famed red cape and play the Last Son of Krypton, aka Kal -El aka Clark Kent. Fans will be excited to see if he can give the Superman role the gravitas and screen presence it deserves, a quality that, in my opinion, was absent in previous interpretations by Henry Cavill. Corenswet has more charisma unique talent and nerve in his pinkie than Henry Cavill has in his whole body.

The role of Lois Lane, that savvy reporter with a knack for finding trouble, has been claimed by none other than Rachel Brosnahan, the shining star of Amazon Prime’s ‘The Marvellous Mrs Maisel’. Whilst an excellent choice, in fact any actress who has played the part I’ve enjoyed. Margot Kidder was iconic and even the TV versions of Lois bought to life by Teri Hatcher and Erica Durance stole the scenes from their respective supermen Dean Cain and Tom Welling. Although I’d be remiss not to mention how tantalising the prospect of seeing Daisy Edgar-Jones, the brilliant young talent from BBCs ‘Normal People’ and the horror black comedy ‘Flesh’, in the role. I just envisioned her falling from a helicopter. There’s hope we may yet see her in the DC universe, perhaps as Supergirl?

Of course, every Superman story requires a robust supporting cast. Lex Luthor, the man with the mind to match Superman’s might, has had a few cinematic iterations that haven’t hit the mark. We’ve seen him played by the likes of Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey, and the less said about Jessie Eisenberg performance the better but I’d venture that Denzel Washington could bring a charisma and gravitas to Lex that would be a game changer. Now that you have read that I bet you I can read your mind. You are thinking fuck yes Genius casting.

And what of Jimmy Olsen? A radical idea, but why not flip the script? Euphoria’s Hunter Schafer, playing a “Jenny Olsen”, could be just the spark the Daily Planet needs. For the role of the Planet’s Editor in Chief, Perry White, who else but Jon Hamm, a leading man with enough charisma to command any newsroom?

Superman’s Kryptonian father Jor-El have traditionally been played by Hollywood heavyweights, from Marlon Brando to Russell Crowe. Staying true to that tradition, who better than Nicholas Cage, the Oscar winner who was so tantalisingly close to playing Superman himself once? As for his onscreen partner, Sarah Jessica Parker could be a winning choice, as Lara Kal Els birth mother. Why I hear you say? Still reading your minds, because I love her because why not and because their chemistry already tested and proven in ‘Honeymoon in Vegas’.

For Clark’s earthly parents, the Kents, we need actors who can channel that quintessential Kansas charm. I’m thinking a “daddy”! Dylan McDermott, donning a trucker cap, open flannel shirt could be a compelling Jonathan Kent, while Diane Lane’s superb performance as Martha Kent in previous iterations warrants an encore. James Gunn and Peter Safran decided to keep on Viola Davis as Amanda Waller same could be done for Lane as in my opinion was one of the only relatable, likeable characters in Man of Steel, Batman V Superman and Justice League

Finally, the role of the villain. Whether it’s Lex Luthor in a kryptonite suit or a face-off with the formidable General Zod, a character famously portrayed by Terrence Stamp and Michael Shannon, we need an antagonist with a real punch. Daniel Craig, with his rugged charm and steely gaze, could make a worthy adversary for Superman.

Of course, James Gunn writer and director might decide to take a different path altogether, introducing Brainiac as the main antagonist. In that case, I can think of no better choice than Daniel Day-Lewis, a man who can truly embody any role.

The DC universe is teetering on the brink of a new era, and under the direction of James Gunn, we can only wait with bated breath to see what unfolds. The stage is set, the players are chosen, and I, for one, am eager to see how this new chapter unfolds.