Minds connected project overview

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Minds Connected Project Summary Last updated: November 22, 2016 Project overview Minds Connected uses a whole-of-community, multi-sectoral approach to promote mental health and to improve access to mental health services through an internetbased platform.

Vision A community where individuals, families, and organizations maintain positive mental health and access appropriate services for mental illness.

Goals for:  Individuals and families: o Increase self-reported mental wellbeing o Increase individual skills for mental health o Decrease perceived mental health stigma and discrimination o Increase access and appropriate use of mental health services  Organizations: o Increase use of evidence-informed interventions for mental health o Increase evidence for effectiveness of interventions for mental health o Improve coordination of mental health services  Communities: o Build supportive community culture for mental health o Increase public and community awareness of interventions implemented and their impact

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Proposed Steering Committee Position CEO

Executive Director Medical Officer of Health Administrative Support Medical Officer of Health Director of Public Health CEO Director of Education Director of Education President and CEO

Organization / setting Canadian Mental Health AssociationLambton-Kent St. Clair Child and Youth Services Lambton Public Health


Mental Health Service Provider Public Health


Lambton Public Health Chatham-Kent Health Unit

Public Health


Public Health


Chatham-Kent Health Unit Bluewater Health Lambton-Kent District School Board St. Clair Catholic District School Board Lambton College

Public Health










Mental Health Service Provider

Agreement to Participate Yes


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Proposed Governance Model:

Steering Committee  Meet 2 times per year  Set vision and direction for the project, facilitate success through administrative leadership  Identify working group leads

Working Group  Meet every 1-2months  includes: project manager, steering committee stakeholder reps AND as needed involvement from stakeholders identified below  advance implementation and evaluation of the overall project

Advisory Board  Meet 3 times per year  Assess usability of platform, acceptability of interventions, and give the voice of lived experience to the project  Send representatives on rotating basis to working group and steering group

Other stakeholders and settings identified:              

Individuals without lived experience Individuals with lived experience of mental illness and their families Elementary and Secondary Schools Lambton College County of Lambton (including Lambton Public Health) Hospital Health care providers (including long-term care and group homes) Other Mental health care providers Small and medium sized enterprises (≤ 500 employees) Large enterprises (≥ 500 employees) Media Municipalities First responders (fire, EMS, police) and Justice System Faith-based organizations

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Draft Budget: Activity Title 1 Web and app platform development

  

      

3 4 5

Project manager Data analyst Advertising & Marketing


Build community capacity


Build clinical capacity

 


Program Evaluation


Knowledge translation tools and resources

   

 


Description RFP for third-party developer (including privacy assessment and hosting) Existing content scanning and warehousing Intervention and indicator selection Content development when required (eg. brief text and videos) Design for usability Full-time x 1 year ½ time x 2 years Branding Communication strategy Media buying Travel and supplies for faceface meetings Mental health training and capacity building for nonhealth community stakeholders using the platform e.g. businesses, schools, justice system, first responders, etc. Building mental health system map Mental health training and capacity building for health care providers using platform Design evaluation plan Implementation of evaluation Data analysis Increase accessibility of information generated from program Develop content for scale-up Presenting evaluation to other communities and scientific peers for review

% of Total 30%

Monetary Value $225,000

10% 10% 15%

$75,000 $75,000 $112,500











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