2 minute read
HUNTINGTON BEACH IS A PLACE where the community embraces and honors its 100+ years of surfing culture and history, lives life outdoors, and celebrates all its natural landscapes. With five beaches, oceanfront hotels and resorts, 78 parks, 10 miles/16 km of paved bike path, and more than 500 public bonfire pits, Huntington Beach really is where you can immerse yourself into the quintessential Southern California lifestyle.
When you explore Huntington Beach, you’ll find a variety of ways to fill up your itineraries. Cycle along Pacific Coast Highway, catch epic waves, roast marshmallows at a beach bonfire, cruise around Huntington Harbour, admire classic cars and vintage Volkswagen buses, bird watch at the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve, take time for yourself at a day spa, and see animated pups frolic on Huntington Dog Beach. Main Street is filled with bustling restaurants, retail shops, a weekly farmers market, and the “Times Square of Surfing,” which features the Duke Kahanamoku commemorative statue, Surfers’ Hall of Fame, Surfing Walk of Fame, and International Surfing Museum. Book a guided walking tour to learn about surf culture and downtown HB’s history, or simply guide yourself along the Surf City USA® Barrel Trail. There’s clearly an active, authentic vibe here, and you’ll immediately want to join in on the fun.
This year, we’re excited to welcome back annual signature events like the Surf City Marathon, Corgi Beach Day, OC Cherry Blossom Festival, Sunset Beach Art Festival, HB 4th of July celebration, U.S. Open of Surfing, Oktoberfest at Old World, Pacific Airshow, California Wine Festival, and many more. The city undoubtedly can host a mix of indoor and outdoor events and, more importantly, Huntington Beach is a beach that welcomes all. The addition of can’t-miss events like the 2023 ISA World Para Surfing Championship, A Walk on Water Surf Therapy, Life Rolls On, and the second annual A Great Day in the Stoke celebrate surfing’s welcoming spirit.
We know you may have more questions during your stay, so please visit surfcityusa.com for helpful information, recommendations, itineraries, and more. Whether you’re here for business or pleasure, I hope your stay is memorable and inspires you to ride your own wave here in Huntington Beach. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Kelly Miller, President & CEO | Visit Huntington Beach
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