Diversity And Inclusivity Manifesto and Anti-Racism Action Plan

Diversity And Inclusivity Manifesto
“LAMDA is committed to being a diverse and inclusive community where individuals from all backgrounds are welcome and can thrive. We want equity, diversity and inclusion to underpin all LAMDA’s activities and relationships, so that all students and staff can enjoy and succeed during their time at LAMDA and are set up to succeed and positively influence industry norms. This commitment is described in detailed actions in LAMDA’s EDI Strategic Framework which includes a refreshed anti-racism action plan which has been endorsed by LAMDA’s trustees and will run throughout all LAMDA’s strategies and policies.
LAMDA’s leadership individually and collectively take accountability for progress in anti-racism and wider inclusivity. We ask every member of the LAMDA community to play their part by upholding LAMDA’s codes of conduct, treating each other with dignity and respect. We recognise that not all students or staff have experienced this inclusivity in the past, and our current practice falls short of where we would like to be. We continue to seek to change as an institution and to bring about change in the performing arts sectors.”
Anti-Racism Action Plan 2022-24
Here you will find LAMDA’s refreshed anti-racism action plan (ARAP). This was drafted in response to the ARAP which LAMDA had previously developed, stakeholder interviews and sector best practice. It was revised and updated in response to engagement from 50 community members through co-design workshops and survey participation. Each action has a responsible owner and the progress of the whole action plan will be monitored by LAMDA’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
High-Level Goals
These six goals proposed draw on the pre-existing ARAP and from best practice for anti-racism action plans. These goals are the major areas in which LAMDA can effectively progress anti-racism.
1. Define and champion the Academy’s ambitions for anti-racism
2. Provide an equitable student experience and support the success of Global Majority students
3. Develop a diverse curriculum with a decolonial outlook
4. Create a diverse, inclusive workforce and support the success of Global Majority staff
5. Create a welcoming and racially inclusive campus
6. Foster partnerships that support racial diversity and inclusion
High-level goal Rationale (challenges and opportunities)
1. Define and champion the Academy’s antiracism ambitions
LAMDA lacks a coherent approach to advancing anti- racism across the Academy with clearly defined individuals and groups responsible for driving this work forward
Students and staff not uniformly clear about LAMDA’s position on antiracism and racial equality
LAMDA’s leadership have an opportunity to fully own anti racism action and empower staff and students to drive progress
Actions Priority Success looks like Responsible owner
a. Agree a clear manifesto that describes LAMDA’s anti racism ambition and problems that are being solved
6 months Students and staff are confident in LAMDA’s ambitions to create a racially inclusive community and they are fully engaged in actions to advance anti- racism
b. Establish responsible owners and leads in anti racism action within and across LAMDA, including a senior leader to champion anti racism across the community and develop individuals’ capabilities. 6 months
Regular public reporting on anti racism action plan progress
Head of institution, the EDI champion member of SMT and a lead trustee for EDI
c. Define language use around inclusion and anti racism 6 months
d. Allocate a budget and resources to enable work. 6 months
e. Publish and report against an agreed 3 year anti racism action plan 6 months
f. Ensure inclusion and diversity reporting is a standing agenda item for the Senior Management Team and Trustees 6 months
High-level goal Rationale (challenges and opportunities)
2. Provide an equitable student experience and support the wellbeing of Global Majority students Within
Actions Priority Success looks like Responsible owner
a. Establish targets to widen access and improve student recruitment to attract a diverse cohort of students on all programmes 6 months Global Majority students are enjoying wellbeing and opportunities to succeed equally compared with non-Global Majority peers
b. Review scholarship provision to support widening participation 6 months
c. Measure, monitor and address any awarding gaps between Global Majority and non-Global Majority students so that all students have an equal chance of wellbeing and success at LAMDA 36 months
d. Measure, monitor and enhance graduate outcomes for all students, addressing any disparity between Global Majority and non-Global Majority graduates 36 months
All students at LAMDA experience a positive, welcoming, anti racist environment
Executive Dean of the Drama School
e. Update and uphold the student code of conduct to support equal and fair treatment for all students at LAMDA 6 months
Students are clear and confident in reporting pathways
Students have access to culturally sensitive wellbeing support
All students report highly favourably on National Student Survey inclusion measures
Growth in scholarships and outreach programmes
High-level goal Rationale (challenges and opportunities)
Actions Priority Success looks like Responsible owner
f. Foster an inclusive student experience where students feel empowered to engage in intercultural exchange. 12 months
g. Review the complaints and misconduct process, redesign as necessary to ensure it is fit for purpose and supports a healthy student experience and is communicated clearly to the student body 12 months
h. Establish regular compulsory EDI training, including anti racism, for all students as part of the Induction process and annually 12 months
i. Ensure the provision of culturally sensitivesupportcounselling 6 months
j. Enhance outreach programmes to build a pipeline of prospective Global Majority students, harnessing alumni input 36 months
High-level goal Rationale (challenges and opportunities)
3. Develop expanded diverse examsprogramming,curricula,andfortheAcademy
Students and teaching staff report that some teaching materials (for example, texts, music choices) reinforce racial stereotypes and biases, a Western view, or homogenise cultural differences between students from similar parts of the world
a. Review and consider text selection for all programmes and Exams to ensure texts support diverse world perspectives, train students in all relevant content types, and reflect opportunities in professional workplaces
18 months LAMDA has diverse curricula that reflect different world views, traditions, cultures, and orientations
Students have expanded choice in works and training
Head of ExecutiveExaminationsDeanoftheDramaSchool
Lack of opportunity to apply technical skills needed for e.g., all skin tones or hair types
Opportunity to diversify texts and practices to reflect a more global Opportunityoutlooktodiversifytextsandpracticestoreflectamoreglobaloutlook
b. Review and consider pedagogy across all programmes and Exams to ensure relevant methods, accents, movement, cultures, staging contexts, characters etc embrace a range of global and decolonial perspectives
c. Review and consider assessment across all programmes and Exams to ensure it is equitable and inclusive of diverse perspectives
18 months
d. Provide greater opportunities for students to create, develop and contribute to work that reflects their diverse personal experiences, and to feed programme/performanceintotextselectionthroughdialogue
18 months
6 months
Actions Priority Success looks like Responsible ownerHigh-level goal Rationale (challenges and opportunities)
e. Support staff to review and develop diverse curricula through ongoing mentoring, sharing best practice, and resources 18 months
f. Recruit staff from diverse cultural contexts to support LAMDA’s efforts to offer diverse curricula 18 months
4. Create a diverse, inclusive workforce and support the success of Global Majority staff
Some Global Majority staff experience
Perceivedmicroaggressionsincludingracismbiasinaccess to recruitment and progression opportunities for Global Majority staff
Opportunity to build a diverse workforce that supports LAMDA’s future ambitions and that reflects diversity of London and the UK
a. Establish recruitment targets that reflect London’s diversity, including for senior management and Trustees roles 6 months Global Majority staff are succeeding as equally as their non Global Majority peers
b. Review the end-to-end recruitment process to minimise any potential for bias and ensure applicants have equal opportunities to join and progress at LAMDA 18 months
c. Measure, monitor and report attraction, recruitment, retention, and progression data for staff to identify any disparity of opportunity based on characteristicsprotected 36 months
All staff at LAMDA experience a positive, welcoming environment free from racism
Staff are clear and confident in reporting pathways and are appropriately supported in these processes
Head of HR
Actions Priority Success looks like Responsible ownerHigh-level goal Rationale (challenges and opportunities)
Actions Priority Success looks like Responsible owner
d. Partner with external organisations to grow the talent pipeline in underrepresented areas of the workforce 18 months
e. Establish regular compulsory EDI training including anti-racism for all staff (including full time, part time, sessional, academic, and professional service cohorts) including induction 12 months
f. Review the complaints and misconduct process, redesign as necessary to ensure it is fit for purpose and supports a positive staff experience 12 months
g. Design and implement development programmes that support the career aspirations of Global Majority staff (for example, mentoring) and line managers 24 months
h. Review and update the staff handbook in relation to antiracism 6 months
High-level goal Rationale (challenges and opportunities)
Actions Priority Success looks like Responsible owner
i. Provide culturally appropriate counselling and mental health support for staff 24 months
5. Create a welcoming and inclusive campus
Some Global Majority students and staff do not feel welcome on campus
There is an opportunity to celebrate all students’ (including Global Majority) talents visibly
a. Ensure the physical and digital environments provide a safe and welcoming space for all students and staff that celebrates all students success, including alumni and their work including celebrating relevant cultural events
12 months
All students, staff and wider community feel included within the LAMDA campus and at LAMDA events
6. Foster partnerships that support racial diversity and inclusion
Opportunity to build partnerships that advance anti racism and influence sector practice diversity and inclusion
b. Ensure promotional materials are reflective of LAMDA’s current students and staff and are welcoming of all backgrounds 6 months
a. Ensure partners are familiar with and agree to uphold LAMDA’s code of conduct for partners (industry, alumni / guests to campus, community organisations etc) prior to engaging with students
36 months
All partners conduct themselves in line with LAMDA’s anti- racism ambitions
b. Review and update freelancer and externalhandbookscreatives’ 12 months
Head of Marketing
Executive Dean of the Drama School