Relaxed Performance –
Sensory Guide
Wednesday 10 April at 7:00pm
The Sainsbury Theatre, LAMDA
Running Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Content warnings:
Contains violence, mental health, suicide, PTSD / trauma, sexual assault, sexually explicit language, swearing, homophobia, racism, death and grief.
Relaxed Performances at LAMDA
• You are welcome to come and go from the theatre as you need
• There is a break-out room available, the Rittner Room
• House lighting is on low throughout, never going to full black-out
• Loud noises are reduced in sound level
• No strobe lighting is used
• You are welcome to react to the show however you may need
• At the end of this document is a show synopsis/sensory guide
Here is a guide to sensory information symbols in this document:
Indicates potentially loud or sudden noises
Indicates bright or sudden lighting changes
Indicates a sad or potentially distressing scene
Indicates fighting, or use of guns/weapons
Arriving at LAMDA
When you arrive at LAMDA, the box office is to your right. You should pick up your ticket here, using your name.
Toilets are located right next to box office.
LAMDA staff will be wearing LAMDA branded T-Shirts or lanyards. If you need any assistance whilst in the building, please ask them.
This is the Theatre Foyer. You may be asked to wait here until the house is open. You will be shown how to get to the Sainsbury Theatre by an usher.
This performance will take place in the Sainsbury Theatre.
This is the entrance.
When you enter the theatre, an Usher will take your ticket from you. You are welcome to sit where you like.
You can come and go from the space wheneveryou like. The house lights will stay on low throughout the show.
If you aren’t sure at any point during your visit where to go, please ask an usher.
There is a break-out space called ‘The Rittner Room’ which you are welcome to use at any point during the performance. It can be accessed via the stairs or lift in the main entrance foyer.
Before the show begins, the actors will introduce themselves and the characters they are playing.
The lights in the theatre will dim and she show will start. You can come and go as you need through the doors you entered by.
At the end of the show the actors will come on and bow. You are welcome to clap at this point if you would like.
Below is a sensory guide for the performance that shows potential distressing actions in the play, split up by scenes
During most scene changes throughout the play, there is loud music or rumbling noises. All fighting scenes in this play have been choreographed with a skilled Fight Director so that the actors do not hurt each other. There is strong language in each scene and in the music that is played throughout the play.
As the audience are entering the space, the actors also are walking on stage to loud music. There is a loud rumble as the actors get into place
Pia collapses into Arlo’s arms.
Scene 1
Scene 1 opens with the residents of Bettyland setting up for a funeral scene, which is for Pia.
Letch is derogatory towards Pearl.
Gus and Gage say some comments towards Evan about their gender which make them uncomfortable.
Scene 2
A coffin is brought onto the stage.
The lights flash and change as Pwerus appears through Arlo and show her the flashback. A flash again as they leave
Gus tells a crude story about his relationship with Pearl
Sirus tells the residents that Pia is not in her casket and someone has stolen her body.
Scene 2 (continued)
Letch shouts at Gage and gets very close and confrontational with him
Scene 3
The Seren family (Arlo, Iza, Evan) are in their trailer where Arlo says she moved Pia’s body and put it in the lake where all the other women of Bettyland were laid to rest.
We find out that their father killed their mother, which is why they’re in Bettyland for safety. Arlo thinks that Pia was killed too and that it wasn’t suicide.
Sudden light change as Pwerus appears. Eiry shouts at Arlo as Arlo is saying she is losing control of Bettyland.
Scene 4
Letch is having a violent night terror
Arlo grabs Gus by the genitals. He screams out in lots of pain
Sirus is making underhand transphobic comments about Evan, being pointed about the language he uses for their pronouns. There is tense music as Arlo and Sirus discuss Pia.
A loud rumble as Pwerus appears.
Pia pushes Sirus away as she realises he won’t be with her and isn’t a good man.
All of Pwerus shout ‘Pray for Pia.’ as the lights flash quickly.
Scene 5
Arlo and Harper have an argument about Sirus, where Arlo says hurtful things to Harper.
Scene 6
All residents are gathered to have breakfast together Sirus runs in carrying Pia’s dead body. There is a sudden change of lights and thunder rumbles as Pwerus appears and we see another flashback.
Sirus goes to strangle Pia but Pwerus stops him.
The music behind this scene is heavy instrumental beats which build tension. All of Pwerus are shouting as it snaps back into present day.
Evan pushes Gage for saying cruel things about their family.
Everyone starts to get rowdy. Pearl grabs Gage and Gus and throws them both to the floor. A fight breaks out and Evan punches Sirus.
Sirus is strangled by the power of Pwerus and Betty
The audience are reminded of the violence that happens against women worldwide There is a loud rumble of thunder and rain as there is a blackout.