Lampeter Grapevine Issue 69 May 2019

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contents Lyndacontents in this thisissue… issue…

reviews reviews & & letters letters ads & & classifieds classifieds ads what’s going on secret travels totallycouncil locally town bwyd bendigedig town council eisteddfod notices cooking with job adverts steem plumbers money forplog notheuropean elections ing? extinction incredible rebellion edible make do & repair café mend 5 lampeter seed swapbook festival ysgol y dderi ms support group our economy jottings needs a new story clonc bathing in nature latest news from mindfulness & transition llambed dance elmo’s delights art therapy & merry makers mindfulness dolaucothi’s riviera the friendly games llambed di plastig uwtsd one planet celtic christianity development long wood custard queens wi steemit ysgol y dderi elmo’s delights uwtsd yr kccefail peggy’s cerddwyr llambed cothi gardeners childminding: kids’ pumsaint wi corner jottings taith gerdded yr nev’s doodles wythnos /walk of custard queens the week 2019 dathliadau gwyl cothi gardeners dewi kcc blues hero hiraeth clonc nature’s elements call for help & us dancing ysgol pedr celtic bro christianity banc bwyd report lampeter’s herbs & ms folksupport group yr efail crossword cryptic mindfulness ysgol henry richard aberaeron to lampeter

The Secret Travels of the Grapevine… Grapevine is now available around the world: lampetergrapevine/stacks … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper versions have travelled; what local villages and communities it has reached and what route it has taken - Or perhaps how many people have passed it on to someone else? Are you planning any travels over the coming months? If so please don’t forget to pack your copy of Grapevine - we’re always fascinated to find out where in the world it goes. Can your copy of Grapevine be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or will yours be shared in a variety of unusual ways, be found in an quirky local location, be upcycled or recycled? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Why don’t you send us your photos:

and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds.

Thanks to Christine Dobson Chabert, Gro-mette Gulbrandsen and Annie Ravenhill-Johnson who sent this photo of themselves taking the Grapevine to the Berber villages of southern Morocco. 2

GRAPEVINE no. 69, May 2019 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources Printing costs sponsored by:

Croeso / Welcome to this issue of the Grapevine It










Rejuvenation, Regeneration, Reinvention have been continued with the recent Lampeter Place Plan consultations — designed to enable local residents to get involved and to have a say in shaping the future of the town. The well attended gathering was extremely positive, giving everyone lots of opportunities to share ideas and discuss a broad vision of what Lampeter could and should be striving for over the next fifteen years. I certainly came away feeling energised and connected to the process … perhaps this was a sense of belonging - or a form of hiraeth? Recently, after spending a few days away visiting family in North Yorkshire, I experienced another strong feeling of hiraeth … but this time relating much more to the longing for home and the landscape. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed having the time to catch up with relatives, relax in beautiful surroundings, make the most of the warm weather and appreciate the contrasting scenes

To submit Articles, letters, reviews or enquiries: To add your event or course to our free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50/20 wds (min. £2.50) Copy deadline for June, issue 70: Fri 10 May 2019 Theme: ‘Just a Minute’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group. Cover Design: by Lil Tudor-Craig

of rurality, there came a point where I began to crave more trees and hedgerows instead of the stark, (impressively well maintained) stone walls and majestic stone barns isolated in the middle of fields. However, captivating and remarkable this landscape was, it wasn’t Wales with it’s lush green hills and woodlands, and it just wasn’t home. So, was this hiraeth? I think for me it probably was!

Darllenwch yn hapus / Happy reading. Angie Martin, Editor

polite reminder: If you are a regular contributor, we thank you for your continued support and commitment to theGrapevine but we do politely remind you that articles should be kept to 400 words to allow us space to include new material each issue. If at any time you need a longer article, then please contact the Grapevine team prior to copy deadline and we will do all we can to accommodate your needs. If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs

For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help . The Newsletter Team

Other contact details: Transition Llambed: email: Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 People's Market: To book a stall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 3

Parc yr Orsedd: Roedd Julia Lim o Bwyd Bendigedig a Lucy Bird o'r Brownies yn bresennol yn y cyfarfod gyda chynllun ar gyfer tyfu ffrwythau a llysiau yn y Parc. Cytunwyd y byddai Pwyllgor y parciau yn cwrdd â chynrychiolwyr o'r Brownies a Bwyd Bendigedig yn y Parc i drafod y cais ac y byddai'r Cyngor yn derbyn penderfyniad y Pwyllgor ynghylch a ddylid bwrw ymlaen â'r cynllun a'i ddiwygio

Parc yr Orsedd: Application by Incredible Edible and Brownies – Julia Lim from Incredible Edible and Lucy Bird from the Brownies attended the meeting with a plan for the growing of fruit and vegetables in the park. Agreed that the parks committee would meet with representatives from the Brownies and Incredible Edible at the park to discuss the request and that the council would accept the committee’s decision as to whether to proceed and amendment to the plan

Y Ffynnon a Sgwar Harford: Mae'r Cyng. Hag Harris wedi siarad gyda Lowri Edwards ac Eifion Jones yng Nghyngor Sir Ceredigion ynglŷn â'r Ffynnon a'r gofeb ryfel a dywedwyd wrthi fod yna Bwyllgor Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol oedd yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb am bethau nad oeddynt yn eiddo i'r Cyngor Sir. Bydd y Cyng Harries yn edrych i mewn i'r Pwyllgor hwn ac yn adrodd yn ôl yn y cyfarfod nesaf.

Fountain & Harford Square : Cllr. Hag Harris has spoken to Lowri Edwards and Eifion Jones at Ceredigion County Council regarding the Fountain and the War Memorial and was told that there was a Charity Trust Committee that took responsibility for things that were not County Council property. Cllr Harries will look in to this committee and report back at the next meeting.

Bwyd Bendigedig / Incredible Edible Llambed – it’s action stations in May! After clearing the second Co-op bed on 27 April, we will be planting both beds up for the summer season in May – a date and more details will be in the store and on our Facebook page: come and join us! Co-op’s local Community Member Pioneer, Emma Wood, is lending us her support and will be taking pictures of the beds and activities around them over the summer to publicise all the fantastic and beautiful new food that will be Cllr. Elin Jones growing there. We had an exciting time in April with the Brownies, learning about seeds and sowing some ready for the new edible garden near where they meet. Everyone has taken home pots of soil with seeds that will become our veg and salads for the new bed, and the Bwyd Bendigedig team will be adding more fruit and veg for the planting up. We hope the edible garden will be a fun place to learn about fresh food and to share in growing and picking it, and that it will entice even more families into the park. Maybe you’ll be able to pick something tasty to go in a sandwich to eat at the picnic benches … We have met and talked with so many good-hearted people since starting Incredible Edible here. Pam and Mary, who began it in Todmorden, realised that food is the one thing we all have in common and how powerful that could be. When I think of hiraeth meaning (among other things) a longing for a time past, I think of the many ways in which we have all been encouraged over recent decades to think only of ourselves in isolation and to forget that we all need each other. It seems to me that Incredible Edible’s aim to recreate kind and confident communities through the power of food is about helping us to recreate that time in the past when it was natural for us to share with, take time for, learn from and be kind to each other. Julia Lim 4


grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE


In order to give a broad and balanced view of any issues that are raised in letters or articles submitted for publication, the Newsletter Team reserves the right to seek and publish counter-opinions from other sources in the same issue. Eds.

Cronfa Eisteddfod Ceredigion 2020

Ceredigion 2020 Eisteddfod Fund

Llanbedr PS, Caffi Marc Lane, 30 Mai, 10.00: Brecwast Stwffio. Mynediad drwy docyn yn unig. Tocyn £12 i frecwast a phaned gan Caffi Marc Lane; Carys Lloyd Jones, 07976 645957; Carys Davies, 07791 337891

Lampeter, Café Mark Lane, 30 May 10.00: Big Breakfast. Admission by ticket only. Tickets £12 for big breakfast and a drink from Mark Lane; Carys Lloyd Jones, 07976 645957; Carys Davies, 07791 337891

Llanbedr PS Clwb Bowlio, The Rookery 28 Mehefin 7yh: Côr Meibion Cwmann Noson Hufen, Mefys a Chan. Adloniant gan Gôr Cwmann a'r cylch ac artistiaid ifanc. Tocynau £5 oddi wrth aelodau y cor neu 01570 423231. Elw tuag at Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Ceredigion 2020.

Lampeter Bowls Club, The Rookery, 28 June, 7pm: Côr Cwmann Strawberries, Cream and Song Night. Entertainment by Cwmann and district male voice choir, and young artists. Tickets £5 from choir members or 01570 423231. All profits towards Ceredigion National Eisteddfod 2020 Fund.

Anfonwch hysbysebiadau am eich digwyddiadau lleol ym mis Mehefin/ Gorffenaf erbyn 9 Mai Send notices about your local June/July events by 9 May

Job Adverts

Job Advert s

Job Advert s

We are looking for an experienced male Barber who is passionate about hair and creating new trends, a well groomed and professional individual with a ‘can do’ attitude who can multi task. Excellent time keeping with a strong work ethic is essential and immediate start.


That’s because he had a relationship with every one, people and places both. I’m sorry to say that many incomers like myself don’t tend to have the same kind of relationship with the people and places that we come to live with in Wales. We simply haven’t been here long enough, for one thing. And life is complicated enough already, it seems. But we might be missing a trick. Human relationships can also be the most rewarding and supportive things in life. We need each other, and what’s more, the interplay of our relationships and the places we live and love can mean everything to a sensitive person. Perhaps hiraeth is the response of a feeling person to a place, a time, a network of people, and a weave of relationships which they are bound up in. Having this internet of people and places can be a sustainable way of knowing who and what we are, instead of relying on Facebook and Instagram – which might not exist in five years’ time. Which would you rather have: a machine that remembers for you, or your own living memory? I know which I prefer. Frank Pitcher *Plog is a word I’ve invented - it’s like a blog, but it’s not online it’s on paper!

Plumber’s Plog* About eleven years ago, I was waiting in a queue in the old College Street Post Office, when I noticed that Tim, behind the counter, was switching from Welsh to English and back for different customers. Suddenly I wondered how he knew which language the customer would use; and straightaway the answer dawned on me: with the Welsh speakers, he knew who they all were. They were all, somehow, related to him – I don’t mean by family, but by relationship in a wider sense. When we first heard the word hiraeth, in a Welsh class, we were told that there is no real equivalent in English, but that it’s something like longing or homesickness. But now I know a bit more. In English, people use the phrase “within living memory”, and I suppose it means how far back a living person can remember. But what about the idea that a memory can be alive? My next-door neighbour was born in his house, the same house as his father, grandfather and umpteen generations before that. He can tell you everyone that lived in every house in the area in the last century, whose cousins they were, which fields belonged to them, and the name of every field too.

Gwybodaeth bwysig i drigolion Ceredigion ar Etholiadau Senedd Ewrop

Important information for Ceredigion residents on the European Parliamentary Elections

Cynhelir etholiadau Senedd Ewrop ar 23 Mai 2019. Mae Prydain wedi'i hamserlennu nawr i gymryd rhan. Bydd cerdyn pleidleisio yn cael ei anfon yn fuan at bob etholwr cymwys, yn darparu gwybodaeth am eich gorsaf bleidleisio ddynodedig, ynghyd â manylion am sut y gallwch bleidleisio drwy'r post neu drwy ddirprwy os na allwch bleidleisio’n bersonol ar y diwrnod. Gall preswylwyr wneud cais am bleidlais drwy'r post neu drwy ddirprwy hyd nes 5yp ddydd Mercher, 08 Mai 2019. Gellir cael ffurflenni cais Pleidlais Bost o gellir cael ffurflenni cais am bleidlais drwy ddirprwy o Fel arall, gallwch gysylltu â swyddfa'r Gwasanaethau Etholiadol 01545 572032 neu Os ydych chi’n ddinesydd un o wledydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (UE) gallwch gofrestru i bleidleisio yn y DU mewn etholiad Senedd Ewrop. Os ydych chi’n ddinesydd cymwys yr UE sy'n byw yng Ngheredigion, byddwch yn derbyn llythyr gennym yn fuan, yn eich gwahodd i gofrestru ar gyfer yr Etholiadau Ewropeaidd o'ch cyfeiriad yng Ngheredigion. Rhaid llenwi'r ffurflen a'i chyflwyno erbyn dydd Mawrth 07 Mai 2019 gan ddefnyddio'r amlen ragdaledig a ddarperir neu drwy e-bostio Os ydych chi’n dymuno pleidleisio o'ch mamwlad, efallai yr hoffech gysylltu â'ch Llysgenhadaeth berthnasol, a allai eich cynghori ar sut i gofrestru a bwrw’ch pleidlais. Cliciwch ar y ddolen i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am lysgenadaethau tramor yn y DU: Am ragor o wybodaeth am Etholiadau Senedd Ewrop, ewch i 6

The European Parliamentary Elections will be held on 23 May 2019. Britain is scheduled to take part. A poll card will be issued soon to all eligible electors, providing information on your allocated polling station, together with details of how you can vote by post or proxy if you are unable to vote in person on the day. Residents can apply for a postal or proxy vote up until 5pm on Wednesday, 08 May 2019. Postal Vote application forms can be obtained from Proxy vote application forms can be obtained from Alternatively, you can contact the Electoral Services office 01545 572032 or If you are a citizen of one of the European Union (EU) countries you can register to vote in the UK at a European Parliamentary election. If you are an eligible EU citizen living in Ceredigion, you will receive a letter from us soon, inviting you to register for the European Elections from your address in Ceredigion. The form must be completed and submitted by Tuesday 07 May 2019 using the pre-paid envelope provided or by emailing If you are wanting to vote from your home country, you may wish to contact your relevant embassy who may be able to advise you on how to register and cast your vote. Click on the link for further information on foreign embassies in the publications/foreign-embassies-in-the-uk Further information on the European Parliamentary Elections, visit

Extinction Rebellion - Internationally By the time you read this, Extinction Rebellion in the UK will have undertaken their biggest action yet - shutting down central London for several days, to draw attention to the Climate Emergency we all face. It’s part of the International Rebellion taking place worldwide, starting on Mon 15 April. Hopefully you will have seen this all over the media by now… Extinction Rebellion (XR) is an international apolitical network using non-violent direct action to persuade governments to act on this emergency. XR has three demands: Tell the truth Government must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change. Act Now Government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025. Beyond Politics Government must create, and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice. XR’s new website has lots more information. Extinction Rebellion - Locally After the extraordinarily popular screening of the film Rebel for Life in February (hosted by Transition Llambed and Lampeter Permaculture Group) XR Lampeter was formed, via a well-attended meeting. Both events were facilitated by the experienced climate activist Steve Hack (XR Carmarthenshire), who sadly died at the beginning of April. We have had a NVDA (non-violent direct action) training day, and some of our group are preparing to go to the big London action. Other actions will take place in Ceredigion during April. We have also taken part in other initiatives, like lobbying Lampeter Town Council to declare a Climate Emergency (which we applaud them for doing); joining in an XR march in Cardiff; and supporting Youth Strike 4 Climate Aberystwyth, and perhaps the beginnings of a Tregaron XR group. We also overlap with Transition Llambed in addressing some of the emotional aspects of the challenges we face as part of a biosphere facing extinction. See Transition Llambed’s page (page 11) for some upcoming events. If you want to be kept informed about XR’s activities locally, or join our actions, please email to be added to our mailing list, or join our Facebook group, “Extinction Rebellion Lampeter”. Rebel for Life! Dr Vole

MAKE DO AND MEND 5 George and Terry did an amazing job fixing up two bikes – and are ‘fixing’ to make it a regular occurrence... expect a bicycle repair special at the Repair Cafe the first People’s Market (second Saturday) of every month going forward. Still looking for fixperts with any sort of expertise to lend a hand and to host your hints and tips! Please e-mail in with your ideas, and maybe some repurposing challenges? Litter picks are well under way, the Lampeter litter pick cleared over 500 yards of verges of litter going back to 1973, and plan to push on further – keep watching for details on Facebook. Joining in is a great way to meet people, we actually had a really great time on the Cribyn litter-pick, and came back with sacks upon sacks full of rubbish, such a sad sign of the times :O( Fresh littering has already begun, so this month Our Public Inconvenience Announcement is “Don’t Trash the Planet”

and for the love of God – whoever you are … ‘stop tossing rubbish out your car window!’ We’re drawing up a profile: energy drinks, take-away food and drink containers, and more energy drinks … You’d think with that much energy they could find a bin!? On the Plastic Free front, Daryn has set up a foil-lined crisp packet recycling point within the University, near reception, and we’ll run a collection point on the Repair Cafe stall at the People’s Market (2nd & 4th Sat each month) Whilst nothing makes me happier than trying to reverse this trend towards a throwaway society, there are bigger challenges afoot... news should be spreading about Extinction Rebellion, (see article, left). Please get involved, there are positive things we can do. For those still struggling with the possibility of extinction, XR are keen to offer support. Reach out to our new local group, Lampeter Extinction Rebellion, or look online. I found ‘Positive Deep Adaption’ helpful. Cheryl Hillier singer/songwriter, health and climate campaigner and Biochar Lady. 7

Free Festival Performance Night At Castle Green A free performance night of poetry and song, including open mic, will be held at the Castle Green pub from 7.30pm Saturday 11 May as part of the first Gŵyl Lyfrau Llanbedr/Lampeter Book Festival, with Gorsgoch poet/singer Karen Gemma Brewer as Mistress of Ceremonies. Headline act is hilarious Carmarthen poet and quirky shopkeeper Trudi Petersen, who will have you laughing all the way to the ‘Middle of Lidl’, ably supported by sheep farmer Patrick Dobbs, Lampeter poet Sue Moules and Jacqueline Sandover. There will also be an open mic giving everyone their chance to get involved. Trudi Petersen, a middle aged, gin loving ex-psychiatric nurse, is an established performer with recent stand-out appearances in Cardigan and Laugharne. Guaranteed to have you in stitches with her poetic tales of girls nights out, elderly punks and discount shopping. Patrick Dobbs draws on a lifetime in farming, in Wales and more exotic climes. His voice has an honest earthiness, filled with wit and rhythm, that will carry you along as the winds carry the weather. Sue Moules will be reading from her collection ‘The Moth Box’ and newer poems, often filled with colour and nature. Jacqueline Sandover has recently become a Grapevine regular, adding to her following from Poets and Peasants at the Castle Green and may burst into song. On a break from training for her new one woman show ‘Dissident Sausage’ which premiers in Edinburgh this summer, Karen Gemma Brewer will be holding court and interjecting inappropriately with snippets from her collection ‘Seeds From A Dandelion’, the new Lampeter Writers’ Workshop anthology ‘Light After Snow’ and the odd guitar number. There will also be much talent on show in the open mic sessions which will immediately follow the headline performances in both halves of the event as follows: Headliners; open mic – interval – Headliners; open mic – end. Open mic slots are limited and filling up fast so you are advised to book your spot in advance. If there are any slots remaining on the night, these will be offered on a first come basis. Organisers LWW and UWTSD's English and Creative Writing staff are extremely grateful to Bryan and Mavis of the Castle Green for their warm welcome and hearty ales. This performance night sits in the middle of the festival which is holding readings, workshops, book launches and a two-day book fair, all free to attend, over the weekend of the 11 and 12 May. LWW’s Martin Locock said: “On Saturday we will be soaking up the history and atmosphere of the Old Hall and its calm cloisters before letting our hair down at the Castle Green. Sunday will be a more reflective day, with readings headed by former National Poet of Wales, Gillian Clarke, who founded LWW while she was writer in residence at Lampeter in 1984.”

Lampeter Book Festival Programme Saturday, 11 May 2019 11:00-12:30 Writing workshop characters and dialogue with Martin Locock 13:00 Fast Food Fiction bring a picnic for conversation with writers and readers 14:00-15:00 Fiction readings by Maj Ikle, John Hughes, Carly Holmes 16:30 Quadrology: readings in the campus grounds with Lampeter Writers; share your favourite poetry and prose 19:30 Open mic with Karen Gemma Brewer at the Castle Green pub

Sunday, 12 May 2019 11:00-12:30 Poetry writing workshop with Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch 13:00 Poets' picnic in the park: bring a picnic for conversation with writers and readers 14:00 Readings by Gillian Clarke and Rack Press poets Dawn Morgan, Kathy Miles and Ros Hudis Full details: events/394713374666777/

Latest details can be found at: To book for daytime events, contact Martin: or Sue, 01570 423167 To book a slot at Saturday night’s open mic email:

See full profiles of the authors in May issue of Grapevine.


Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Lampeter & District - ‘Hiraeth’ I have thought so long and hard about this word. I have asked people at our Support Group, people in town, friends, our mobile-library man, and many others, what it means to them. Most of these people had difficulty explaining it as they said there is no word in English with the same meaning. ‘a longing’, ‘memories’, ‘something missing’, ‘a longing for a place or a person’, or a ‘way of life, a homeland,’ ‘a tear’ ‘a sigh’. ‘Jenny from Abergavenny’ was a little brown pony with a black mane and tail. Somewhere I have a photograph of her with me on her back. I loved my grandpa. He used to hire Jenny when we visited. He would walk alongside me all the way to the top of the Sugarloaf Mountain, and down again. (No smart routes up then just rough tracks.) Now feelings of happiness and sadness, my own Hiraeth, my own longing for times past. In his book The Welsh, Wyn Griffith writing in 1948 talked

of a Welsh poet, Goronwy Owen, who was a poor struggling unhappy curate in exile. ‘He died in Virginia, his heart in his native Anglesey when he sings ‘There where I played, men know me not Save one or two, so soon forgot Where once a hundred greeted me. Obscure, an exile o’er the sea. Bereft of sweetness is my muse, Denied the speech I once did use, So full of care, bowed down with woe, Pursued by thoughts of long ago.’ People with Alzheimer’s Disease can have great yearnings for their past, asking where their Mam is, or wanting to go back home. We all have yearnings for things in our past lives. Having Multiple Sclerosis can also make us sad. So many things we can no longer do. Memories are our gateways back into the past. However, many memories are good ones. No need for a ‘tear’ or a ‘sigh’. Enjoy, make new ones. I have been going through lots of old books in an attempt to de-clutter my life. The following quote is from a book called A Trickle of Welsh Blood written by Berta Ruck in 1967. She writes ‘Any place would be lovely if one had been young in it, says the voice of hiraeth’. Untranslatable as the longing not only for a country, but for old times that come again no more, for absent friends, for the sound of stilled voices, for past loves, vanished youth.’ She writes the following which she says in one word holds a volume about the Welsh character. HIRAETH Silver and gold can wear away, Longing will stay. Longing will keep. Oh, hiraeth! Move to the other side of the bed and let me sleep. Our Support Group meets on the first Monday of the month from 1.30-3.30, in the back room of The Mustard Seed, Lampeter. We welcome anybody with MS, carers, and anybody wanting to know more, from wherever you are. You are also welcome at our Aberystwyth group which meets in the new Tesco’s community/charity room 12.002pm on the 1st FRIDAY of the month. CROESO I BAWB/WELCOME TO ALL See our MS Support Group page on Facebook


Damp rush and grass pastures, once a fairly common habitat in the west of Wales, are gradually disappearing due to draining for ploughing, reseeding and development. They are an important resource for wildlife especially for flora: there are over forty plant species in a 2 x 2 metre square. Plants include grasses, rushes, sedges and patches of mosses and liverworts. On the more acidic soils among the rushes the creamy fragrant flowers of Meadowsweet (once a valued medicinal plant) grow alongside Ragged Robin with its distinctive finely cut pink flowers. Orchids - not quite the exotic types hunted by the Victorians - include the Heath spotted orchid and the much scarcer but attractive Lesser butterfly orchid. The flowers attract many species of insect. Where the Cuckooflower (Lady’ssmock) grows the delicate Orange tip butterfly is on the wing from the middle of April until the start of June; if the pastures contain Devil’s-bit scabious it is worth looking for the rare Marsh fritillary butterfly. Sadly, the animals and birds that once found refuge in these pastures have all but disappeared, notably the Curlew and Lapwing. Frogs and toads still manage to hang on. On a more optimistic note, otters are slowly returning to our rivers and use these rush pastures to rest.

Judith McKay, Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 Hazel Ellis, Chair, 01974 261640

David Price 9

Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.

Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.

Please go to the hyperlocal website for Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a summary of some recent stories.

Goronwy being honored By Dylan Lewis 10/04/19 The Rev Goronwy Evans was honored at this year's High Sheriff of Dyfed awards.

Goronwy yn cael ei anrhydeddu Gan Dylan Lewis 10/04/19 Cafodd y Parch Goronwy Evans ei anrhydeddu yng ngwobrau Uchel Siryf Dyfed eleni.

It benefits parish life By Dylan Lewis 09/04/19 Papur Bro Clonc appealing for readers opinion in an online survey.

Daw â lles i fywyd llan Gan Dylan Lewis 09/04/19 Papur Bro Clonc yn apelio am farn darllenwyr mewn arolwg arlein.

Climbing poles and enjoying life By Dylan Lewis 08/04/19 Gethin Davies answering ‘Cadwyn Cyfrinachau’ questions in Papur Bro Clonc.

Dringo polion a mwynhau bywyd Gan Dylan Lewis 08/04/19 Gethin Davies yn ateb cwestiynau ‘Cadwyn Cyfrinachau’ ym Mhapur Bro Clonc.

Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed’s annual Welsh language lecture

Darlith Cymraeg flynyddol Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed

By Golwg360 03/04/19 Lloyd Jones was lecturing on the history of Pont Llanio.

Gan Golwg360 03/04/19 Lloyd Jones oedd yn darlithio ar hanes Pont Llanio.

Cyfle i fod yn Llysgenhadon Ifanc Pentref Cwmann

An opportunity to be Cwmann’s Young Ambassadors

Gan Sian Roberts-Jones 24/03/19 Mae angen dau berson ifanc i gynnig syniadau ar gyfer y math o weithgareddau y byddai pobl ifanc yn hoffi eu gweld yn y pentref.

By Sian Roberts-Jones 24/03/19 Two young people are needed to offer ideas for the type of activities young people would like to see in the village.

A new role for Anwen on the Athletes Commission

Rôl newydd i Anwen ar Gomisiwn Athletwyr

By Alis Butten 23/03/19 Anwen Butten will be working to prepare for the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham 2022.

Gan Alis Butten 23/03/19 Bydd Anwen Butten yn gweithio i baratoi ar gyfer y Gemau Gymanwlad ym Mirmingham 2022.

Cydnabyddiaeth wych wrth dderbyn statws di-blastig

A great recognition by receiving a plastic free status

Gan Dylan Lewis 16/03/19 Diolch i holl drigolion, busnesau a sefydliadau lleol a’u cynrychiolwyr, mae Llanbed wedi derbyn statws di-blastig.

By Dylan Lewis 16/03/19 Thanks to all local residents, businesses and organizations and their representatives, Lampeter has received a plastic free status. . Dylan Lewis 10

Latest news from Transition Llambed We will be working with the Town Council over the next six months to plan for a zero-carbon future - watch out for more details soon. Transition Llambed’s next ordinary meeting is on Thursday 23 May 7.15pm Victoria Hall all are welcome. Meanwhile, two new health groups are emerging out of the intersection between Transition Llambed and Extinction Rebellion Lampeter (see page 7). A new well-being group will be supporting people whose health is affected, or who will be affected, by climate change. See below for details of two events organised by this group. There is also a group of practitioners who have formed a group called Health for Transition. They are looking for ways to support health and increase awareness amongst the community of many alternative, self-help, group dynamics. Both groups are aligned and working

WTR is a powerful process, working through gratitude, grief and interconnection to inspire us to transform our deepest concerns into Active Hope and positive action. By the end of the day we hope you will have found a renewed sense of strength, inspiration and connection to support you in your responses to the enormous challenges of our times. It is hoped that a group will form to take WTR forward in this area. It will be at Cellan Millennium Hall, on Sat 4 May, 10am4.30pm. Led by Gina Heathersprite and Sue Weaver, experienced WTR facilitators. Offered on a gift basis; donations of £6+ invited to cover expenses. Maximum 16 spaces. Hot drinks provided; bring a vegetarian dish for shared lunch. Please get or borrow a copy of the book and read it beforehand if possible. Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're In Without Going Crazy, by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, New World Library (2012). To book, contact Sue: 01558 685802 or Dr Vole

************************************ The Café at the End of the World. A space to share our thoughts about the future of life on earth. A new Well-being Group offers emotional support in the face of climate chaos and ecological collapse. Plus cake. All are welcome. The first Café will be during the next People’s Market, Sat 27 April, 10 am - 1 pm, upstairs in the Greg Evans Room Victoria Hall. Future Cafés may be in a different location, probably on alternate Saturdays. ********************************** cohesively and there are many overlaps. Watch out for future developments! Active Hope: A Book Journey. This is a day workshop, based on Joanna Macy’s 'The Work That Reconnects' (WTR). For anyone who loves our Earth, is concerned about the way things are, and wants to respond positively to the ecological and social crises we face. These challenges can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. 11


Elmo's Delights The Shiitake Spinach magnificent Ingredients 150g grated quality Italian hard cheese 1 tablespoon butter 500g Maesyffin Shiitake mushrooms 4 teaspoons green pesto 6 good shakes of Maggi veg stock 400g tricolore fusilli pasta Shake of black pepper 300ml double cream 2 good sized broccoli heads (700g) 300g Elmo’s brown onions 200g Elmo’s Ffaldybrenin spinach 6 crushed garlic cloves

Method Half mushrooms, slice onion, de-head broccoli and boil water for pasta in a saucepan. When boiling add fusilli pasta to this saucepan. Steam Broccoli heads above. Place nob of butter in a hot wok, when melted add sliced onions, then crushed garlic, stir. Add pesto, stir. After 2 minutes add Shiitake mushrooms. After a further 2 minutes (and turning with a wooden spatula) add spinach. Shake Maggi in 6 times. Check pasta and broccoli (don’t over cook). When cooked add broccoli to wok. Turn wok contents and heat down and add cream, gently stir in. When sauce browns off continue to gently stir. Serve pasta on four dinner plates piled. Using a serving spoon, spoon wok contents on top of pasta along with sauce. Serve topped with grated cheese

Did you know you can advertise local paid employment opportunities in Grapevine

free of charge!

As you may know Awards ceremony for local businesses at Victoria Hall Lampeter achieved ‘Plastic Free Status’ in March this year. Lampeter Plastics Steering Group (an initiative established through the Town Council) following criteria set through Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) Community Leader Program enabled our status. Lampeter’s stature only became possible with the support of local business and voluntary organisation. Conditionally three single use plastic items needed to be changed by three local businesses to allow the criteria to be met. For example, one business changed how it sold fresh produce with the removal of excessive wrapping previously supplied by its producers. Another business successfully lobbied a supplier to change ‘single use plastic packaging’ for PLA (sustainable corn starch film) in a consumable it sold. SAS’s criteria in our demographic encouraged participants to demonstrate their willingness to start to change how we both perceive and action single use plastics locally. Though modest in Lampeter our communities’ actions have started to slow the effects of single use plastics entering environments that are continually at risk. Plastic Free Lampeter is resolute to change how single use plastic is used and offered in our day to day consumption. As they say ‘little acorns grow mighty oaks’ so with a little care, a lot of will and better choices, people can now, if they so choose, purchase items that offer better sustainable consumable alternatives. We need your support locally to halt the catastrophic impact single use plastics are. We have all become accustomed to imagery over recent times of the seventy-year legacy single use plastic consumption has left us. We need to deal with this like never before!

Plastic Free Lampeter is one tool to start addressing this but we all need to take responsibility now. Over coming months, we will be promoting more local engagement, publishing more findings of local single use plastic consumption research & facilitating a strong youth element bottom up. Please be part of this whether through participating at regular monthly litter picks or in your domestic sphere. Everything matters in how you choose to purchase, recycle & re-use stuff as its only through local action that we can enable Lampeter’s plastic free transition. Lampeter Plastics Steering Group 12

Dolaucothi Arms hotel launches pop-up Mediterranean restaurant

The owners of The Dolaucothi Arms in Pumsaint are looking to build on their recent victory in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards, by launching a Mediterranean -themed pop -up restaurant. Owners Clare Perry and Karen Charles, who have just won British Country Pub of the Year 2019, claim that the new restaurant was in their plans anyway stating, ‘the award is wonderful but the plan to test a new restaurant concept here was well advanced before we won. We have an excellent Italian born Chef who has already enhanced our food offer but is capable of taking us to an even higher level.’ Laura Cane, who was born in Rome, is cooking classic dishes from Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Morocco and even further. She said, ‘I grew up at my Nonna’s knee learning how to cook the peasant inspired food of Italy and the rest of

the Mediterranean and I don’t want to limit the offer here to one country. However, I do want to specialise in the recipes from the hot regions by the coasts, which is why we are calling it The Riviera Restaurant.’ The restaurant is being used as a market research tool to assess the viability of two separate restaurants under the one roof. ‘We believe that the communities around us have to travel a long way for something beyond standard pub food and we hope to fill a void by offering great Mediterranean food in a separate dining room’ said Charles, ‘we will of course carry on serving traditional Roasts, Steaks, Pies and Burgers as part of our Bar Restaurant menu.’ The Riviera Restaurant is open for business Tuesday to Saturday from 6pm and the menu can be found on The Dolaucothi Arms facebook pages. Bookings can be made by calling 01558 650237 Although the restaurant is pitched at an older audience, The Dolaucothi Arms is resolutely family friendly with a large and picturesque pub garden that has also won an award. The

garden is featured in Olive Magazine’s list of the Best British Pub gardens and will host Grrufts – The Dolaucothi Dog Show on Bank Holiday Monday, 6 May. Timed to run throughout the afternoon, the dog show is on the same day as Pumsaint Carnival. There are classes for Small, Medium and Large Breeds, Working Dogs and some fun categories too – like the dog with the waggiest tale. You can check timings and get a Registration Form on their facebook page. Registration starts at 12noon on the day of the show. Mike Gale

Merry Makers Women’s Group Celebrations It is important that all their families in Australia live only six Now in its twenty-first year Merry Makers’ Women’s Group started as a ten week 20/20 vision course. Its aim was to offer well-being and creativity for women to take back to their families, so that by the year 2020 we would be living in an improved society. The group has always had ideals that maybe are too idealistic, but the aim is always inclusivity, friendship and the promotion of creativity. There is no membership joining cost, only a pay as you attend fee of £3, which includes lunch, refreshments and a creative workshop! We want the group to be accessible to all and so keep the fee low through fund raising.

who want to attend can afford to. Many have enjoyed the camaraderie offered on Wednesdays at St James’ Hall, Cwmann, and have been amazed that they can draw, paint or write after being inspired by our afternoon workshops. Merry Makers’ Women’s Group has changed and developed over the years, yet it still holds onto its ideals of an end to rural isolation, a chance to engage in creativity, and a place to make new friends. Recently two of our members have travelled together to visit children and grandchildren in Australia. The amazing co-incidence is that 13

miles apart from each other. This is about the same distance as these friends do in Lampeter, yet before coming to Women’s Group they didn’t know each other. Call in at St James’ Hall, Cwmann, (about a mile outside Lampeter on the Carmarthen road) on a Wednesday between 10.30am and 2.30pm and give our group a try. The bus and bwcabws will stop outside, and there is a free car park next to the hall. We look forward to welcoming you. Merry Makers’ Women’s Group

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One Planet Development


Plant Swap Victoria Hall

“People’s Market”

Saturday 11 May 2019 Please bring excess seedlings, plants, trees to swap Or make a donation

Custard Queens WI - May The Custard Queens WI, are proud to announce a new Incredible Edible site in Lampeter at The Wash Tub, North Road. Following on from an inspiring presentation from the Llambed Incredible Edible team we have been spurred on to make it happen. We have already started preparations; sowing seeds, making planters and gathering resources. So far we have Spinach, Chard, Rocket, Radishes, Mange Tout and a whole range of herbs on the go, so plenty to look forward to. We are planning a spruce up at The Wash Tub at the end of April and planting will happen in May, so keep a look out for some Incredible Edibles for the whole community to enjoy.

There is no doubt that receiving our One Planet Development planning permission is a real achievement. It has taken myself and Dylan over three years to get from the early days of research and dreams to have our plans for our site in Penuwch penned and approved. This pioneering piece of planning policy is unique to Wales. It allows applicants to build a low impact land based life and a zero carbon house in the countryside but its demands total commitment to reducing their carbon footprint to a third of the Welsh average. In summary, the policy sets out how we can move to live with the precious resources of this one planet we share. Alongside drawings for our house and outbuildings, our planning application was a detailed of how our lives are to change… forever. It was, and still is, overwhelming at times as we have to analyse the real cost of our choices - the food we buy, the journeys we make, the waste we produce. Whatever is bought and consumed is accounted for in the annual ecological footprint calculations that we must complete. We will produce a minimum of a third of the food that we eat and all our energy and land based businesses will support our basic needs - travel, communication, clothing, council tax and an additional third of our food costs if not produced on site. My work as an herbalist, growing herbs and making my own remedies is a major component of the business alongside soft fruit and vegetable growing. We will be busy. By the letter of the policy, any move away from the high ideals that it enshrines, invalidates our right to live on the land and indeed our house must come down. This is not for the faint hearted so why would we sign up? The planning process has come with many questions around the future of our small family and this great planet. What comes back to both of us is the certainty that climate change demands us to rethink our lives and those of our children. As we look at our young daughter, we find our answer. If we can all learn to tread more lightly, to connect to the land and care for wider community of people and wildlife that support us, is that not a compelling vision to follow in times of uncertainty? If you are interested in One Planet Development, please feel free to contact us at For more info on the policy and other OPD households, please go to:

Our thanks to The Wash Tub for providing the site, Incredible Edible Llambed for providing the inspiration, knowledge and support, D. L. Williams Home Centre for providing paint to re-do the railings and, of course, to all Willow our members for their enthusiasm and man/woman power to get this project up and running. Every Friday afternoon Custard Queens hold a Coffee Catch Custard Queens meeting will be on Sunday 5 May, 7pm in Up at 2.30pm in The Mustard Seed Café. the Victoria Hall when there will be a speed sketching All welcome, partners and children, and those interested in activity facilitated by the artist Natalie Chapman. . joining Custard Queens WI. Custard Queens WI welcomes This promises to be an interesting creative evening with new members. For more details please contact Christine refreshments and raffle. on 07815 086579. Custard Queens 14

Eisteddfod Sir yr Urdd Llongyfarchiadau i Betrys Llwyd Dafydd ar ddod yn 2il yn y Llefaru blwyddyn 5 a 6 ac yn 3ydd yn y Cerdd Dant blwyddyn 5 a 6. Llongyfarchiadau mawr hefyd i Dion, Betrys a Beca ar ddod yn 3ydd yn yr Ymgom, i’r parti unsain i ysgolion dros 50 o blant am ddod yn 2il ac i’r côr i ysgolion dan 150 o blant am ddod yn 2il hefyd. Diwrnod penigamp!

County Urdd Eisteddfod

Congratulations to Betrys Llwyd Dafydd on coming 2nd in the Reciting for years 5 and 6 and 3rd in Cerdd Dant. Congratulations also to Dion, Betrys and Beca for coming 3rd in the dialogue, to the singing party for schools over 50 children for coming 2nd and the choir for schools under 150 children for coming 2nd. What a fantastic day! Fantastic success for the school in the art section of the Urdd County Eisteddfod. 16 first prizes, 10 second prizes and 8 third prizes. First prizes will represent Ceredigion at the Urdd National Eisteddfod in Cardiff.

Cafwyd llwyddiant ysgubol yn yr adran celf a chrefft. 16 cyntaf, 10 ail a 8 trydydd. Bydd y darnau celf a ddaeth yn gyntaf yn cynrychioli Ceredigion yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd yng Nghaerdydd.

A wonderful evening of ‘Cawl a Chân’ was held at school, with delicious cawl made by our cook Mrs Sue, served by the staff with entertainment by the children. Thank you to everyone that contributed to what was a truly enjoyable evening.

Cafwyd noson arbennig o ‘Gawl a Chân’ gyda chawl a baratowyd gan Mrs Sue ein cogyddes gyda staff yr ysgol yn gweini a phlant yr ysgol yn diddanu. Diolch i bawb a wnaeth cyfrannu at noson hyfryd iawn. Diolch i Theatr Pypedau Cymru am ymweld â ni ac am weithdy creu pypedau arbennig. Roedd pawb wedi mwynhau sioe ‘Yr Hardd Hardd’.

Thank you to the Welsh Puppet Theatre for visiting and for a wonderful puppet making workshop. Everyone enjoyed the ‘Beautiful Garden’ performance.

Bu blwyddyn 1 a 2 yn Theatr y Mwldan yn gwylio perfformiad gwefreiddiol o Pioccio, pypedau pren oedd y cymeriadau. Diweddglo arbennig i thema ‘Hud a Lledrith’ Gwych!

Years 1 and 2 visited Theatr y mwldan to watch a mesmirising performance of Pinoccio with wooden puppets. A fantastic end to their theme ‘Hocus Pocus’!

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i bawb a fu'n cystadlu yng nghystadleuaeth pêl-droed Urdd Ceredigion. Y ddau dîm wedi cyrraedd rowndiau'r 'wyth olaf'!

Well done to everyone who took parti in the Ceredigion Urdd football competition. Both teams reached the final eight! Years 5 and 6 celebrating the end of our half term theme with a Gadget Day.

Blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn dathlu diweddglo thema 'Doniau Digidol' gyda Diwrnod Dyfeisiadau.

Year 6 pupils flew to Jelgava in Latvia for a week of business and enterprise activities. Poppy, Abbie, Zoe, Cerys, Elonwy, Aaron and Bleddyn along with Mrs Ann and Miss Sioned pitched their business ideas along with showcasing Welsh items they had made back in Ysgol Y Dderi, in order to sell to schools across Europe who are a part of the M@kers project.

Hedfanodd aelodau o flwyddyn 6, dramor i Jelgafa yn Latfia ar gyfer wythnos o weithgareddau menter a busnes Erasmus+. Bu Poppy, Abbie, Zoe, Elonwy, Cerys, Aaron ac Andrew ynghyd â Mrs Ann a Miss Sioned yn brysur tu hwnt hyrwyddo cynnyrch Cymreig oeddent wedi ei baratoi nôl yn Ysgol Y Dderi, ar gyfer gwerthu rhwng yr ysgolion ar draws Ewrop sy’n rhan o gynllun M@kers. Diolch i’r Parch Elizabeth Arnold Davies a Mrs Janet am fore arbennig yn paratoi gardd y Pasg yn Eglwys Sant Cybi. Roedd e’n edrych yn fendigedig. Lilian Jones

Thank you Rev Elizabeth Arnold-Davies and Mrs Janet for a lovely morning at St Cybi's Church working on the Easter garden. It looked lovely.

Lilian Jones




Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives 18

what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to

Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email: Community groups & local, small-scale commercial: We have a committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. Licenced bar on request for functions. Catering service available. See for more details Day


Weekly (W) Fortnightly (F) Monthly (M)








Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715

Tracey O’Grady

07976 052888


07794 066579






07547 125937




Nikki Mead

07790 987070



Spiritual Gathering

Sarah Thomas

07811 603062



Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715

Lampeter Food Project


01570 493791







Last Thurs each month






Welsh Class


Stage Goats Youth Theatre Group Lampeter Ukulele Club

(Older kids)



Activity / Class

A free meal and good company for all who want it! (Made from donations of food from local businesses) Stage Goats Tracey O’Grady 07976 052888 Youth Theatre Group Lampeter Town Council meeting



Welsh Class

Gerald Griffiths

01545 572715



Five Rhythms Dance

Hara Willow

01570 493729



Tracey O’Grady

07976 052888

Georgia Owen

07817 715321

M 3rd Fri in month 2nd & 4th Sat each month

7.30pm-late 10am-1pm



M 1st Sun in month


complementary & alternative therapists ____ Charlotte Allen RSHom. Homeopath with over 18 years clinical experience. If you're sick of not feeling really well, homeopathy can make a difference. It is excellent at helping with chronic conditions, gently, safely & holistically. 01570 493746 Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist UKRC registered.

Stage Goats Youth Theatre Group Lampeter Folk Fri 17 May: TangleJack People’s Market Lampeter Evangelical Church Custard Queens: Women’s Institute

Local food, produce and crafts, café, live music Contact: Dinah Mulholland 07531 963175 Gareth Jones at the Mustard 01570 423344 Seed café Christine Chabert

Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR. 23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, ChaNan Bonser (ACKRP) Creative kinesiology and body tracking: A natural way of accessing your bodies wisdom, discovering what is behind the symptoms, and accessing that wisdom to release stress, anxiety and trauma to help restore your body to 19

07815 086579

balance. 07702 598909, Joanne Camlin Bsc WSHom is a licensed classical homoeopath who graduated in 2007. All consultations only £30 when you mention the Grapevine. Jo practices from Cellan Millenium Hall. 07746 608524. To avoid confusion please inform us ASAP if details in your listing change

complementary & alternative therapists cont’d _ Colleen’s Ka Huna Massage Studio. 01974 272103, 07947 780738, Amanda J. Clarke C.Hyp, 10 years in practice. Stop Smoking in a single session with Curative Hypnotherapy. If you want to quit, hypnotherapy is a highly successful method of doing so. The Woodlands Clinic, 01570 470046. Sher Cross, Reflexology and Reiki Healing can help with health problems and relaxation. Specialising in pregnancy. 21 years experienced practitioner. 01545 590364 or 07807 219499. Anna Dance FDA Integrative Counsellor, MBACP. Animal assisted intervention, animal bereavement counselling, walking talking therapy, individual and couples counselling. Lampeter. Contact: 07464 895351, Carol Davies Qualified Aromatherapist. Counselling, hypnotherapy and Hopi candling can also be offered. Carol, 07971 229608. DD Personal Fitness and Training. 1-1 instruction to help you achieve your fitness goals. Rehabilitation from injury or surgery, preparation for sport, muscular development and weight management. Llanybydder. Dai Davies, 01570 481882, Sally Harrold Counselling hypnotherapy, supervision. BSc(Hons) Midwifery, PgDip Individual, hypnotherapy, family counselling. Contact: 07539 882798,

Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese acupuncture. 30 years clinical experience. 28 High Street, Lampeter. 07779 256388 Julie Lancaster. Relax, rewind, rejuvenate. Qualified and insured in Reiki, Reflexology, Aromatherapy massage, Hopi Ear Candling and Hot Stones Therapy. Treatment rooms at Beauty Cwtch, Tregaron. Call 07778 996896 / 01570 470542 or fb beautycwtch. Jay Laville. Affordable talking therapy. Experienced, qualified therapist offering Cognitive Analytic

Therapy (CAT), Jungian-based soul work, ecotherapy. 07934 650505 or Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD, Nutritional advice for weight loss, health and reduction of inflammation. Treatment not based on calorie restriction but on an understanding of human biology, biochemistry and evolution. 01570 470077, 07515 393894, Shamanic journeying, healing and counselling. Contact: Mia 01570 423339 Ginny Moffett, qualified reflexologist (British Reflexology Association) with 25 years experience. Home visits or at The Zen Den, Llandeilo. Specializes in treating the elderly and those suffering from extreme stress and depression. 01558 650572 or 07791 165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. 07920 112228, Dylis Pugh, Art Therapy. Use your creativity for personal development and healing. You don't have to be 'good at art'. Llanllwni. 07963 866516,,

Shân Rees, BA, Dip. Counsellor and life coach. Living excellently, confidence building for women. Experienced trainer and facilitator; groups/ individual sessions. Shân, 01570 218138, 07940 375147, Irene Sullivan, qualified & experienced massage therapist, practising total rejuvenation body massage, Indian head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna massage, chair massage, Thai massage and Reiki. Home visits available. 01545 561334. Cathrin Wildwood is a qualified and experienced counsellor, offering individual, couple & family counselling. If you want to talk or need some help, contact 07870 888141 or Bones for Life. Practices to stimulate bone strength, protect vulnerable 20

joints, improve posture and increase vitality. Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027, Annie Zakiewicz. Qualified reflexologist and Emmett Technique practitioner. Treatment room in Cellan. Annie, 01570 493295,

courses _______________

Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Betws Bledrws. Thurs 9 May: Volunteer Conservation Day Fri 10-Sun 12 May: Ecology 1 Sat 11 May: Volunteer Conservation Day Sun 12 May: Volunteer Gardening Day Fri 17-Sun 19 May: Bird Identification Fri 24th-Sun 26th May: Mammals Sun 26 May: A Year to Grow Your Own (4th session) Sun 2 June: Volunteer Gardening Day Fri 7-Sun 9 June: Plant Diversity Mon 10-Tues 11 June: Phase 1 Habitat Survey Tues 11 June: Volunteer Conservation Day Sun 16 June: Needle-felt a Garden Bird Sun 16 June: Re-Wild Your Dad Sat 22 June: Pyrography Butterflies Willow Basket Course. 12 June, 10am4.30pm. Weave a coiled rope effect basket with locally grown and Somerset willow. All materials and tools included. KindaVillage, Maesycrugiau. Bookings: 01559 395253, Willow Garden Trug Workshop 16 Aug, 10am-4.30pm. Weave a garden trug with handle using colourful willow. All materials and tools included. KindaVillage, Maesycrugiau. Bookings: 01559 395253,, Dog Training Courses. Llansawel Village Hall. Kennel Club dog training classes, Puppy Class, Bronze to Gold Good Citizen classes, Heelwork to Music, and Rally Obedience. Monday morning and evening, Wednesday morning and afternoon. Kathleen Stubbings, 01558 685858, 07522 984094,

courses cont’d____________ Conversational French. Advanced: Thurs, 11.15am-12.15pm; Beginners: Thurs, 12.30-1.30pm Contact: Amelie, 01558 685175. French & Italian Classes. Crugybar Village Hall. French, Mon 6.15-8pm, Italian, Weds 6.15-8pm. £10 weekly. Contact: Gillian, 01550 760067

creative _______________

Sew, Knit and Natter. Monday 10am12.30pm, Mustard Seed Café. Start your week with coffee, cake and a natter with others who enjoy knitting and sewing. Sandie, 01570 423969. Classical Guitar Lessons. Learn to play the classical guitar. Explore the possibilities of this wonderful instrument. Mark, 07940 426650 Craft Courses in Tregaron at Debonair Gift Emporium, Dewi Road, SY25 6JN. Glass foiling, mosaic making, knitting, sewing and more. Contact: Debbie, 01974 299577 or search Debonair Gift Emporium on Facebook. Red Apple Yarn. Sew Night: Tues, 6-8.30pm, £5. Knit Night: Thurs, 6.30-8.30pm, £3. Afternoon Knit: Sat 1-3.30pm, £3.50. Old Post Office, College Street, Lampeter. 01570 423715. Evening Painting Classes. Mon 6.308pm, Gabrielle’s Gallery, Ffostrasol, Llandysul. SA44 4TJ. Painting exercises designed to improve colour sense, technique and observation with Gabrielle Dudley. 01239 851026.

creative writing, books & storytelling _____________

The Café at the End of the World. A new, regular space to share our thoughts about the future of life on earth. Emotional support in the face of climate chaos and ecological collapse. Plus cake. All welcome. First Café is Sat 27 Apr, 10am-1pm, upstairs at Victoria Hall during People’s Market. Active Hope. Sat 4 May, 10am-4.30pm. Day workshop, based on Joanna Macy’s 'The Work That Reconnects'. For anyone who loves our Earth and wants to respond positively to the ecological and social crises we face. Cellan Millennium Hall, led by Gina Heathersprite and Sue Weaver. Donations (£6+) invited for expenses. Max 16 spaces. Booking essential. Contact: Sue, 01558685802, Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed. Tues 21 May, 7.30pm, Old Hall, UWTSD Lampeter. A talk by Wieslaw Gdula ‘Polish Families in the Lampeter Area’. Free for members, £2 for others. Wellbeing Day. 22 May, 10am-4pm Allow yourself the time to retreat, to nurture your soul and tap in to all of your senses. Crystal healing, sound healing, mindfulness, Rahanni celestial healing, angelic reiki, Usui reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology & massage. Vegetarian lunch included. KindaVillage, Maesycrugiau, SA39 9LX. Booking essential: 01559 395253,, . Friends of Hafan Deg Summer Fete. Sat 29 June, 2-4pm. Local groups welcome to have a stall (no cakes please). Charity groups pay £10 a table (free refreshments) and keep all they raise for their organisation. Businesses pay £10 and a percentage of the money raised. Contact: Rev. Victoria Hackett to book your table, 01570 421683 or

Lampeter Writers’ Workshop (founded 1984) meets weekly during University term time in the Old Boardroom, UWTSD Lampeter. Inspiration and critique of written health & well-being _____ work, meet other writers. £30 a year, Living Well, Macmillan Cancer Support. can be paid termly. Contact: 01570 Supporting and connecting people 423167. with cancer. Mon 10am-12noon, St events _________________ Thomas Church, Lampeter. A chance The Mulberry Bush Café. Sat 27 Apr, to meet people affected by cancer and 7pm. Dhruva Smith - Tabla solo live support one another. Recommended music & Indian themed food. £19.95 donation £2. Contact: Amy Wilson, for three courses, all vegetarian, vegan 01970 613888 or Gudrun Jones, 01970 and gluten free catered for too. 628848. Booking essential: 01570 423317. Copy Deadline: Fri 10 May 21

Banc Bwyd Llambed. Ar gael Dydd Llun, Dydd Mercher + Dydd Gwener 9-5, heblaw Gwyliau Banc 6 & 27 Mai (ar agor 28 Mai). Rydyn ni’n derbyn atgyfeiriadau gan asietaethau lleol. Croesawu rhoddion bwyd (sy o fewn y dyddiad plis). Mae blychau casglu yn Yr Hedyn Mwstard a Co-op Llanbed. Lampeter Food Bank. Open Mon, Weds + Fri, 9-5, except BH Monday 6 & 27 May (open Tues 28 May). Referrals made by local agencies. Nonperishable food donations (in date please) can be left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes in Lampeter Co-op and Yr Hedyn Mwstard cafe. 07582 905743 Facebook: lampeterfoodbank Lampeter Food Project. Thurs, 4-6pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Reducing waste and redistributing ‘surplus’ food. Wanted: local businesses willing to donate edible surplus and local people willing to help with cooking, picking up or promotion. Lindsay, 01570 493791, Macular Society Lampeter Support Group. Meets 2nd Weds each month, 2-4pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Contact: Diana, 01570 640034. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 7.30-8.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. Crossroads Carers Outreach Service offers unpaid carers one-to-one advice, help, support & information. If you are an unpaid carer, please get in touch with Rebecca, 0783 4170358, Headway, the Brain Injury Association. Headway Ceredigion drop-in session, Tesco Community Room, Aberystwyth. Tues, 10.50am-12pm: Tai Chi, Morlan Centre, Aberystwyth. Free for anyone with an Acquired Brain Injury, through stroke, accident or illness. PAs, partners and carers welcome. For info or to register:

Polite Notice Please keep your listings up to date. Diolch / Thank You

health & well-being



Nutritional advice for weight loss, optimal health and the reduction of inflammation. Treatment based on an understanding of human biology/ biochemistry and its evolution. Deirdre McIntosh M.I.Biol. M.Phil. PhD 01570 470077 or 07515 393894 Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Meets 1st Mon each month at Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter, 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact: Judith McKay, MS Support Volunteer, 01570 493509 or Hazel Ellis, Chair Ceredigion MS Branch, 01974 261640. Chronic Fatigue and Pain Specialist. Individual treatment using mind-body principles to resolve pain and fatigue. Treatment in your own home or at a location convenient to you. Registered Occupational Therapist and SIRPA practitioner, DBS checked. Contact: Lindsey Ford, 07904 258814, Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. Helpline: 0300 9991212. Dementia Support. The Potter Trust supports people in Ceredigion whose lives are affected by dementia or Alzheimer’s disease by giving money to help, e.g. with the purchase of certain items or transport costs. If you have dementia, or you know of, or look after someone who has, contact Joan Miller, 07794 674339, Weight-Watchers. Tues, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact: Eleri, 07748 270439,

kids __________________

Canolfan Deuluol Ty'r Teulu Llanybydder Family Centre, Hafan Unit, Cwm Aur, Llanybydder. Weds, Thurs and Fri , 9.30am-3pm with play areas and activities for babies and toddlers. Mums, dads, grandparents and guardians can have a chat and a cuppa - and it’s free. Info and weekly events, contact: Kim, 01570 481617. Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mon 10am-12noon, Lampeter Family

Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/text 07967 201034 (excl. bank hols and school hols). "Lampeter Little Ones" Facebook group for parents of pre-schoolers in Lampeter area. Wondering what groups and activities are available for your baby or toddler? Please check:

Story-time at Lampeter Library. Mon 10.30-11am. Pre-school and toddlers. Tic Toc. Story, dance and song for children 0-3 years and parents/ guardians. Fri 10-11am term-time. £3.10 first child, £1 each additional child. Welsh language sessions suitable for Welsh learners and beginners. Clwb Dawns a Chân. Singing and dancing for children 4-6 years. Mon 4.15–5pm term-time. £3 first child, £1 each additional child. Clog Dancing Club. 7-11 years. Weds 4.30-5.15pm. £30 for a block of 6 sessions. Theatr Felinfach Performing School. Every Thurs. Please enquire for more information. 01570 470697, Ti a Fi. Mon 9.30-11.30am, Llangeitho Jubilee Hall. A parent and child group for ages 0-4. £1 a week, bring a snack. All welcome to come to play and chat. Claire, 07727 415634. RAY Ceredigion Outdoor Play Sessions. School holidays Tues, 10.30am12.30pm, Parc yr Orsedd; 1.303.30pm, Parc y Felin, Lampeter. For children of all ages (under 4s must be accompanied). All ages welcome as are volunteers, with free training provided. Further info: 01545 570686 and Facebook. Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days/week in school holidays. Birthday party bookings welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. 01570 480268, Home-Start. Ready for school groups in Talgarreg Hall on Thursdays, and Felinfach Hall on Fridays 9.3011.30am. Fun for children and adults, the project, funded by the Lottery, is delivered in collaboration with Jig-so & Home Start, and helps to develop the 22

basic skills every child needs to prepare for school. Sarah Harries, 01239 615922 Mae grwpiau Barod i’r Ysgol wedi cychwyn yn Neuadd Talgarreg ar ddydd Iau, ac yn Neuadd Felinfach ar ddydd Gwener rhwng 9.30–11.30 yn. Mae’n brosiect llawn hwyl i blant a rhieni sy’n datblygu sgiliau sylfaenol wrth baratoi dechrau’r ysgol. Ariennir gan y Loteri ac mae’n cael ei redeg gan Jig-so a Home Start ar y cyd. Sarah Harries, 01239 615922. Young Rangers “Play, Explore, Discover.” Tues & Thurs, 4-6pm, Denmark Farm. After-school club for 6-11 years. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness & bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6, £5.50 for siblings. Sally, 07799 052131 1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Erin Green, 07834 195728 1st Lampeter Rainbows, for girls 5-7 years every other Sat, 10-11.30am at St Thomas’ Methodist Church. Bev, 07891 570180 or via 1st Lampeter Beaver Scouts. Weds 4 5pm, term time. For boys and girls aged 6-8. Rachel, 07730684543. 1st Lampeter Cub Scouts. Meet Mon, 5.30-7pm. For boys and girls aged 8-10. Iris, 07769326032 . 1st Lampeter Scouts. Meet Mon 7-9pm. For boys and girls aged 10.5-14. Kelvin, 01570 218567. 1st Lampeter Explorers. For boys and girls aged 14-18. Iris, 07769 326032.

markets _______________

People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th Sat each month. Next markets: 11 & 25 May, 8 & 22 June. Aberaeron Community Market. Royal British Legion, Victoria St, Aberaeron. Sat, 9.30am-3pm Enquiries: Philomena 01545 574729 or Aberaeron Community Market Facebook page.

The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm

canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool 01570 422552 / 01570 422959 facebook: hamdden llambed leisure Dydd / Day

Dydd Llun Monday

Dydd Mawrth Tuesday

Dydd Mercher Wednesday

Dydd Iau Thursday

Dydd Gwener Friday

Dydd Sadwrn Saturday

Amser / Time

Sesiwn / Dosbarth

Session / Class

Pris / Price


Troelli Dwr

Hydro Spin








Circuit Training



Aerobeg Dwr

Aqua Aerobics



Boogie Bounce

Boogie Bounce



Clwb Cleddyfau*

Fencing Club*










Cardi-O X/Fit

Cardi-O X/Fit



Ffitrwydd Ysgafn

Ease into Fitness















Aerobeg (Joan)

Aerobics (Joan)

£5.15 / £4.15


Troelli Chwim

Spin Sprint







Boogie Bounce

Boogie Bounce



Aerobeg Dwr

Aqua Aerobics







Rhwyfo Mewnol

Indoor Rowing



Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees*

Rees School of Gymnastics*


Disco Rhowl*

Roller Disco*


Gwybodaeth yn gywir ar amser argraffu / Information correct at time of printing *Ddim yn rhan o’r pecyn aelodaeth / *Not part of membership packages 23


Dydd Llun Dydd Mawrth

Nofio Cynnar (Lon) Nofio Cynnar (Lon)





Nofio 50+ (60+ AM DDIM)

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Rhiant a Phlentyn

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Nofio Ysgol

Canolfan Steffan Nofio 50+ (60+ AM DDIM) Aerobeg Dwr

Nofio Ysgol Nofio Ysgol


Hydro Spin

Dydd Mercher Dydd Iau

Nofio Cynnar (Lon)

Dydd Gwener

Dydd Sadwrn

Dydd Sul





Nofio Cynnar (Lon)

Nofio Teuluol

Nofio Cyhoeddus




Nofio Cynnar (Lon)

Nofio Teuluol

Nofio Cyhoeddus





Gweri Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Lôn Cyflym

Aerobeg Dwr (7.30-8pm)

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Lôn

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Gwersi Oedolion

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Lôn

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio Ysgol

Gwersi Nofio

Nofio Cyhoeddus

Nofio am ddim i 60+ adeg tymor ysgol yn unig Gellir bwcio partion penblywydd yn ystod y penwythnos Rhaglen gweithgareddau gwyliau ar gael o’r pŵll nofio


Monday Tuesday

Early Birds (Lanes) Early Birds (Lanes)


School Swim School Swim


Hydro Spin (10.15)

School Swim

Wednesday Thursday




Early Birds (Lanes)

Dilynwch ni ar: Hamdden Llambed Leisure





50+ Swim (60+ FREE)

General Public

School Swim

Lifeguard Academy

General Public

Speed Lane Swim

Parent & Toddler

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public

Lane Swim

Steffan Centre

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public

Adult Lessons Lane Swim


Nofio Cyhoeddus

School Swim

School Swim

50+ Swim (60+ FREE)

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public

School Swim

School Swim

Aqua Aerobics

General Public

School Swim

Swimming Lessons

General Public



Early Birds (Lanes)

Family Swim



Early Birds (Lanes)

Family Swim



Aqua Aerobics (7.30-8pm)

General Public


General Public 11.30-12.30

General Public

Free 60+ Swimming - Term time only Birthday Parties can be booked over the weekend Holiday Programme available from the pool

Follow us on: Hamdden Llambed Leisure 24

markets cont’d ___________ Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm 1st Sat in month. Brechfa Market, Neuadd yr Eglwys / Church Hall, Brechfa, 10am-1pm, 1st Sat in month. Lorna, 01267 202359 Lisa, 01267 202727, 07733 336865. Llansawel Market, Llansawel Village Hall, 10am-12.00pm, 3rd Sat in month. Marchnad Cymunedol Tregaron Community Market, Neuadd Goffa Tregaron Memorial Hall, 10am-3pm,

move your body _________

Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). Walk with the Ramblers! It is friendly, fun and does you good. What is not to like? For more info please contact: James, 01570 480743 or Kay, 01570 480041. Sat 4 May: Pembrokeshire Coast Path: Maenorbŷr to Tenby, 7.5 miles, Moderate. Meet RCP 9.30am. Kristina, 01570 422069. Sat 11 May: Ramblers Wales Coast Path Walking Festival. Four walks at Cymtydu. for details & to book. Sat 18 May: Heart of Wales Rail Ramble. Llanelli to Pontyrdulais via Llwcher or Llanegennech. 12 miles. Moderate. Meet RCP, 8.30am. Colin & Emlyn, 01570 470235, 01559 395327. Tues 21 May: Grŵp Lone a Clone. Ambling rambling group. Meet 10am, Co-op car park. Short 2 hour walk. Details 24-27 May: Spring Bank Holiday. Llanelli Ramblers Festival of Walks. Fabulous Friday Walkers. Easy access walking for an hour. Meet rain or shine, 10am Rookery car park. Free, followed by coffee and chat. Or just meet for coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181. Aberaeron Walk & Talk Group. Short and easy guided walks for those who find walking more difficult. Meet new people, get fitter and enjoy yourself. Meet outside County Hall/Library Tuesdays, 2pm. Info: Gillian, 01545 574811, Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Weds, 6.30pm, meet outside Lampeter Copy Deadline: Fri 10 May

Leisure Centre. 9 week course aimed at beginners who want to improve health and fitness. Free. Facebook: Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group or contact Helen, 07817 543257. Llanerchaeron Parkrun 5K Every Sat, 9am, at Llanerchaeron National Trust House, Ciliau Aeron. Free parking and toilets at visitor centre. Coffee and cake at Conti’s Café afterwards. All ability runners/walkers welcome. No dogs. Children aged 4-11 must be accompanied by an adult. Sarn Helen Running & Cycling Club welcomes all abilities. Junior runners (age 8-16) meet at Lampeter Leisure Centre, Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet Rookery car park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and MTB): Tai Chi Classes. Tues 11am-12pm, Thurs 6-7pm, Old Hall, UWTSD Lampeter. £5 or £4 for over 50's, beginners welcome. Contact: Richard, 01558 650843. Lampeter Badminton Club. Fri 5-6.30pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre, All standards welcome, £2. Squash Court Available. University Sports Hall, Lampeter, £6 per hour, 9am-9pm, Mon-Fri. To hire or join a league contact 01570 424774. Aerobics/Body Toning. Mon 9.1510.15am, Llanfair Clydogau Hall. Weds 7.30-8.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. £4.50 Contact: Debbie, 01570 493594. Hydrospin - Aqua Cycling & trampolines Lampeter Pool, Mon 10.15am10.45am; Aberaeron Pool, Tues 11.45am (12.15pm) & 7pm (7.30pm) plus Aqua Mats, 11.15-11.45am & 8-8.30pm. To book contact David Maund, 07792 351607. Badminton. Tues 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £2, equipment provided but please wear suitable footwear. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Caron Archery Club. Sat, 3-5pm, Caron Leisure Centre, Tregaron. Target archery club welcoming Archery GB members who just want to shoot. Also Beginners Archery sessions with full certificate on completion. £5 or £3 for members, Indoor Short Mat Bowls. Fri 7pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1 incl. tea, coffee and biscuits. Bowls provided, 25

please wear flat-soled shoes. All abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Table Tennis. Thurs 10am-12.30pm, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. £1.50, equipment provided but wear suitable footwear. Drop in, all abilities welcome. Yvonne, 01558 650870. Yoga at Pantglas Yoga Centre. Thurs 10.30am, Pantglas Yoga Centre, Llandewi Brefi. Gentle yet effective yoga in a beautiful studio. 01570 493794, Yoga. Mon 6.30-8pm, £8 drop-in or £28 for 4 sessions, St Thomas' Hall, Lampeter. Mixed abilities. Susie Bates (BWY teacher), 07588 527512. Hatha Yoga with Pat Beaton. Weds 5.30 -7pm, £6, Cellan Millennium Hall. 1st Weds each month Yoga on the Ball (bring your own Swiss Ball). Small friendly group. Contact: Pat, 01558 650594. Yoga with Karen Hills. Tues, 6-7pm: Hatha Yoga, Llanfair Clydogau Village Hall. Weds 10-11.30am: Hatha Yoga, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Weds, 6-7pm: Beginners Yoga, Brondeifi Vestry, Lampeter. Exploring physical postures to relax the body and mind. Improving flexibility, balance and concentration. Using breath & relaxation techniques to deal with life’s stresses. Regular workshops, Yoga and Lunch at Tregaron Riverside Café, see website 1:1 sessions also available. Booking essential: Karen, 07547 125937, Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Mon, 5.30-7pm and Fri, 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues, 9.30am, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Tues, 5.30pm and Thurs, 6pm, Lampeter Leisure Centre. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Weds, 7.15pm, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Ann, 07826 692110. Friday Stretch-out. Fri, 5.45-6.45pm, Sally Saunders’ Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. Unwind at the end of the week and give your body a revitalising stretch. Pay as you feel. Lucy, 07814 582863,

Please keep your listings up to date Diolch / Thank You

move your body cont’d _____ Dancing the Elements. Sun, 4-5.30pm, Sally Saunders’ Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate. Join experienced dancer Lucy to explore Earth, Air, Fire and Water through movement: deepening our connection to these life-giving elements and fully embracing ourselves in the world. £8, open to all. Lucy, 07814 582863, The Jane Guy School of Dancing. Mon: Aberaeron; Tues, Thurs and Sat: Lampeter. Offering Ballet, Street and Modern. Find us on Facebook: The Jane Guy School of Dancing. Contact: Jade, 07972 521842 American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 6-7pm, dance studio, UWTSD Lampeter Sports Hall. Contact: Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Egyptian Belly Dance. Weds, 7.30pm8.45pm, Sally Saunders Dance Studio. Non-performance class focussing on the health benefits of belly dance. £6. Catriona, 07792 248962 Belly Dance and Fit for Life Classes. Friday mornings, fortnightly, mixed class 10.45am-12pm, Fit for Life (50+) 12.15-1.30pm. Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Lampeter Industrial Estate, £42 per term or £7 per session. Contact, 07544424441. Mat-based Pilates Plus. First and last Mon, 2-3.15pm, Llangeitho Hall. Suitable for beginners, but please call. Bring mat. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscletoning, increased energy, strength, agility, and stamina. Shân Rees, qualified Pilates instructor: 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Walking Basketball. Weds 5-6pm, £3. For 40+. Walking Football. Fri, 5.306.30pm, £3. Tregaron Leisure Centre. 01974 298960.

music _________________

Lampeter Folk/Gwerin Llambed. Fri 17 May, 7.30pm, Victoria Hall. Guest acoustic folk duo “TangleJack”, the vocal harmonies of Simon & Garfunkel and the guitar complexities of Pentangle. Plus Open Mic session. All welcome. £3 (£1 students). Refreshments available or BYOB. Contact: 07817 715321,, Aberaeron Chorale Summer Prom Concert. Sat 22 June, 7.30pm, Holy Trinity Church, Aberaeron. Bach Magnificat, music by Puccini and full supporting programme. Tickets £10 from 01545 574934 (9-10 Tues-Thurs), choir members, or on the door. Cwmanne Tavern Acoustic Music Sessions. Every Thursday from 8.30pm. Goldies Singing: selection of pop songs from 1950s-70s. 2nd Tues of month, 11am-12pm, Mustard Seed Café, Lampeter. Suggested donation £2.

permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________

Plant Swap Sat 11 May, People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Lampeter Seed Library. 2nd and 4th Sat each month at the People’s Market, Victoria Hall. Join the library, borrow or donate seed. Free service. All welcome. Cathy Streeter Growing Together/ Tyfu Gyda’n Gilydd. Free community noticeboard in Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Aims to widen access to locally grown food by facilitating non-monetary exchange of growing and husbandry skills, and knowledge, labour, food/harvest, growing spaces and produce. Lampeter Permaculture Group. A collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Permaculture & Conservation Advice, designs, courses to change your life. Angie Polkey, 01974 831300, , Sustainable Home Retrofit Advice. Save money on home heating. Andy Polkey,

Aberaeron Chorale Concert: Sat 4 May, 7.30pm, Holy Trinity Church, Aberaeron. John Tavener’s haunting masterpiece "The Protecting Veil". Kathryn Price cello and Charles Matthews organ. Tickets £10 (U16s free) from 01545 574934 (9-10 Tues- religious services/groups _ Thurs), choir members, or on the door. St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other 26

services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £9.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Contact: Beryl, 01570 422324 St Thomas' Methodist Church. Fri 17 May, 7pm. Quiz Night. Refreshments. Donations welcome for The Rhoda Chidongo Scholarship. Everyone welcome. Sun Service (English) 10.30am plus Junior Church activity. Church rooms for hire, kitchen facilities. Contact: 01570 423757. Lampeter Ecumenical Discussion Group. St Thomas Methodist Church. Weds 8 May, 12 Jun, 7pm. All welcome, Croeso cynnes i bawb., 01570 480083. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Lampeter Quakers / Crynwyr Llambed Sun 10.45am, Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace. Last Tues of month, 19.30 in local homes. All welcome. Cwrdd bob dydd Sul 10.45yb, Canolfan Steffan, Rhodfa Peterwell. Nos Fawrth olaf y mis am 19.30 mewn cartrefi lleol. Croeso cynnes i bawb. Contact for details and directions/ Cysylltwch am manylion a chyfeiriadau:, 01570 471488, Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact: David Patterson, 01570 423360. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sun, Victoria Hall, 10am-7pm. Contact: Gareth Jones, Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344. Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6yr hwyr. Oedfa am 9.30 ar drydydd Sul y mis. Ysgol Sul nob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. Croeso cynnes i bawb.

Attention To avoid any undue upset or confusion - Please check and update your listings regularly Diolch / Thank You

religious services & groups Brondeifi. Festri Brondeifi ar gael at eich defnydd. Ystafell gyfforddus fodern gyda gwres canolog, piano a sistem sain. Cegin, llestri ac ati ar gael hefyd. / The Vestry at Brondeifi is available for your use. Modern and comfortable room with central heating, piano and sound system, kitchen with crockery and cutlery. Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb. Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Services 3 times a week. Sun, 10.45am, Holy Eucharist. Mon, 6pm, Christian Meditation, 1/2 hour service. Weds, 10.45am, Holy Eucharist & Ministry of Healing. St Mary’s Church, Maestir. 2nd Sun only English. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Bilingual services 1st and 3rd Sun of month. 1st Sun, 10am. 3rd Sun 2pm. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Reverend. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Bilingual services. 11.15am, 1st and 3rd Sun each month. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425.Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm

social _________________

Merry Makers’ Women’s Group Weds, 10.30am-3pm. St James’ Hall, Cwmann. £3 incl. vegetarian lunch, refreshments and all activities. Free car park. Disabled toilet & access. All women welcome. Includes 10-15 mins Qi Gong led by Sue at 11am. Weds 1 May: Celebrating May Day Weds 8 May: Discussing ecology Weds 15 May: Making shell pictures Weds 22 May: Silk painting Weds 29 May: Craft Info: 01570 423167 / 01570 470010 Lampeter WI. Meet 3rd Weds each month from 10.30am at St. Thomas Church. New members warmly welcome. Contact: 01570 421683. Custard Queens WI: Ladies of Lampeter! Are you open to being

inspired, experiencing new things, learning new skills and making solid friendships? We meet every 1st Sun, 79.30pm, Victoria Hall (2nd Sun on Bank Holiday weekends), and every Friday, 2.30pm, Mustard Seed Café for Coffee Catch Up. Christine, 07815 086579 Cellan WI: 2nd Thurs each month, 7.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. A diverse, energetic and enthusiastic group of ladies. Drop in for a taster and join the fun. Penny, 01570 423877 Hwyl a Hamdden. Social group for the over-50s. Weds 1.30-3pm, term-time. Variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 47069, Third World Lunch St. Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. 1st Fri each month, 121.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth. CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/Tues 11am-12pm,Mulberry Bush Café, Heol y Bont / Bridge Street, Llanbedr P.S./ Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/Cymraes sy'n fodlon. Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh language monthly dinners at the Talbot Hotel, 1st Thurs each month. Not suitable for absolute beginners but anyone who has attended classes for a year or two will probably find the events enjoyable. Informal, meet in bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small group, normally 6-8, including 2-3 fluent Welsh speakers. Contact: Myra Mortlock, Drefach and Llanwenog Coffee Mornings. Last Weds of month, 10am. All welcome. Join Facebook Calendr Cymdeithasol y Cledlyn The Cledlyn Social Calendar for more info and other events in the district. Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All funds to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Contact: Gwen Davies, 01570 481152.

CELLAN MILLENNIUM HALL CLASSES AND GROUPS MONDAY Golden Broth Lunch Club: 6 May & 3 June 11.30-2pm Line Dancing: 7-10pm TUESDAY Lampeter Home Ed. Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm Lampeter Bee Keepers: 8.15-10.15pm Every 2nd Tues of month WEDNESDAY Yoga: 5.30-7pm Aerobics & Body Toning: 7.30-8.30pm THURSDAY WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm

FRIDAY Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm LLANFAIR CLYDOGAU VILLAGE HALL SA48 8LG REGULAR ACTIVITIES Community activities are held regularly in the village hall. Join LLANFAIR CLYDOGAU FACEBOOK PAGE FOR DETAILS

MONDAY KEEP FIT with Debbie White: 9.15-10.15am TUESDAY YOGA with Karen Hills: 6.30-7.30pm


01570 493288

Lampeter Bridge Club every Tues, 6.45pm, Hafan Deg Retirement Home. Visitors and learners welcome. Contact Keith, 01974 298811 for more info. Dewch i’n cwrdd, croeso mawr ichi. Send in your listings to:

Copy Deadline for June issue - Fri 10 May - Theme: ‘Just a Minute’ 27

volunteering _______ Ty Hafan Lampeter Volunteers Needed. We need volunteers at our Ty Hafan shop, High Street, Lampeter. Make new friends, build confidence and gain experience. Contact: 01570 421976 for more information or pop in for a chat. Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Wednesdays Join volunteering sessions to develop practical skills and benefit from working in a beautiful environment. One Have you ever considered contributing to Grapevine? Why not get in touch and share your ideas, thoughts, feedback or concerns. Don’t forget the Grapevine is your community newsletter

Copy deadline: Fri 10 May Theme for June issue: ‘Just a Minute’

session in four devoted to your own woodcraft project. No experience needed, training given. Meet at Canolfan Long Wood Centre, 10am.

Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Volunteer days twice monthly, once on a weekend and once on a Tuesday. Also Taster Days and Training Days 10am-c.4pm Activities include practical conservation tasks, coppicing, gardening and wildlife monitoring. All welcome, no experience needed. Drinks and cakes provided, bring lunch and outdoor gear. For dates see events listing, website or call 01570 493358. Voluntary trustees needed to join our charity ‘The Shared Earth Trust’. Seeking diverse experiences and skill sets, especially keen for finance, conservation, marketing and fundraising, but other roles available. Info: 01570 493358 or volunteer-vacancies-2/ Global Justice West Wales group. Be part of the change. Contact:

Film Nights Fri 10 May: Mary Poppins Returns (U)

Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ben Whishaw, Dick van Dyke Jane and Michael, now grown up, have a second magical visit.

Fri 24 May: The Favourite (15)

strong language & content Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz Abigail, a servant, vies with Lady Sarah for the affections of frail Queen Anne

Fri 7 June: Mary Queen of Scots (15) Saoirse Ronan, Margot Robbie, David Tennant Mary Stuart tries to overthrow her cousin Queen Elizabeth I, and faces execution. Fri 21 June: Stan and Ollie (PG) John C. Reilly, Steve Coogan, Shirley Henderson Laurel and Hardy try to reignite their film careers with a gruelling theatre tour of post-war Britain. Doors open 7.15pm, film at 7.45pm Admission by Donation. Suggestions for future films welcome! Join our Film Screening Team!

Contact: Tony, 07778 278017

Our new website is:

Recent Reviews Film Review: The Favourite by Maj Forgive me but I hated The Favourite written by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara. Obviously it was a good movie, beautiful art that moved us emotionally, but what it made me mostly feel was irritation and nausea. Right from the first few minutes this is a film about people covered in shit. Human shit to be precise and, when they are not injuring one another they are doing it to animals. It’s a sort of nasty-funny royal farce with touches of how messed up having a monarchy in charge of national government can be. Don’t get me wrong I’m a big Olivia

Coleman fan and, as a ‘sister cleaner’ I reposted her Oscar acceptance speech to all my facebook frenz. Her character too had some deep wound justification for her rampant self-harming behaviour. As a lesbian too, I loved Rachel Wiez in dandy mandrag with a pash. I loved the fact that this wasn’t yet another coming out story because let’s face it we have been out a while. Even the sex scenes with Emily Stone were passable if coy (that sharp end remaining firmly in the closet). I even dug the ‘trapped in vicious boring’ depiction of ultimate wealth, but the music really aggravated. I don’t pay a tenner a ticket to have my 28

teeth and ears hurt by a cello. While films of course should do more than simply entertain, when they seek to bully the audience into submission shouldn’t we be the ones who get paid?

****************************** If you haven’t already seen this film and would like the chance to make your own mind up, then perhaps you can catch it in Cellan? Maybe you too can write a review about this or any other film? All contributions are welcome. Eds.

Copy Deadline: Fri 10 May 2019

Yr Efail: Hiraeth – coming home! I left Wales at the age of nineteen in pursuit of education

and adventure. After nearly forty years I was able to return and appease the ‘homesickness’. To me ‘hiraeth’ is a huge strength of feeling, deep down inside, a sense of immeasurable pride and belonging. Definitely something you ‘grow’ in Wales. There are Welsh Societies to be found in towns and cities all over the world where the ‘hiraeth’ can be appeased and shared amongst fellow countrymen and women. A strange, inexplicable feeling, that I am glad to have experienced. The garden at Yr Efail has enabled us to re-connect

with our roots, (Ha ha!) and we hope that opening to visitors through the NGS enables other people to also enjoy the beauty of an ordinary Ceredigion garden in all its spring glory. Our infant woodland (now six years old) is full of blossom and new leaf growth with daily changes and delights. Did you know the Welsh phrase “dod yn ôl at fy nghoed” meaning to return to a balanced state of mind literally means “to return to my trees”? So if you hear that I am wandering in the woodland, never fear, I am still seeking that balanced state of mind! Come and join me – Lol Shelagh Yeomans NGS Gardens open in May by arrangement: Arnant House, Llwyncelyn, Aberaeron, 01545 58008 Bwlch y Geuffordd Gardens, Bronant, 01974 251559 Llanllyr, Talsarn, Lampeter,01570 470900 Penybont, Llanafan, Aberystwyth, 01974 261737 Ysgoldy’r Cwrt, Llangeitho, 01974 821542 Yr Efail, Llanio Rd, Tregaron, 01974 299370 As well as two on specific dates: 19 May: Bwlch y Geuffordd, New Cross, Aberystwyth, SY23 4LY 26 & 27 May: Arnant House, Llwyncelyn, Aberaeron, SA46 0HF

People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm 29


O Ebrill 2019 ymlaen hyd yr hydref, bydd cyfres o bosteri ‘Taith Gerdded yr Wythnos’ yn cael ei chyhoeddi drwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol Cyngor Sir Ceredigion. Bydd llwybrau hir a byr yn cael eu cynnig mewn mannau ledled y sir felly fe ddylai fod rhywbeth i bawb dros yr haf i fwynhau. Clogwyni uchel, cilfachau cysgodol, cymoedd coediog, bryniau ymdonnog, dyffrynnoedd glas, nentydd parablus – a’r rhain oll yn gyforiog o fywyd gwyllt ac yn rhan o dirwedd lle mae pobl yn byw a gweithio. At y mosaig hwn gellir ychwanegu trefi, pentrefi a ffermydd sydd oll yn cyfrannu at swyn Ceredigion i drigolion y sir ac ymwelwyr fel ei gilydd. Drwy lwc, mae dros 2500km o Lwybrau Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus yn cyd-blethu ledled y sir ac yn cynnig mynediad i’r rheiny sydd am fentro allan ar droed, ar feic neu ar gefn ceffyl i fannau a fyddai fel arall o’r golwg. Yn ogystal ag esgidiau cadarn sy’n dal dŵr, dillad sy’n briodol i’r tywydd, dŵr yfed, a map OS diweddar o’r ardal; gall cerddwyr gymryd copi e-daflen o'r llwybrau i helpu i'w harwain ar eu ffordd. Mae e-daflenni llwybrau a hyrwyddir ar gael o'r Adran Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus ar wefan y Cyngor. Mae’r rhain wedi’u cysylltu â thref, pentref neu bentrefan ac yn dangos gwybodaeth ychwanegol megis proffil o’r llwybr, y pellter, sut wyneb sydd i’r llwybr, mannau parcio cyfleus ac a oes cyfleusterau eraill wrth law. Yn ogystal â’r e-daflenni, mae map rhyngweithiol sy’n dangos yr holl Lwybrau Tramwy Cyhoeddus fel bod modd i ddefnyddwyr gynllunio eu hanturiaethau eu hunain. Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Rhodri Evans, aelod Cabinet sydd â chyfrifoldeb dros yr Economi ac Adfywio, “Mae gan Geredigion gymaint i'w gynnig. Bydd hyrwyddo gwahanol lwybrau yn wythnosol nid yn unig yn annog twristiaid i ymweld ond hefyd yn annog pobl leol i gymryd rhan er mwyn gweld safleoedd prydferth Ceredigion.” Bydd pob poster sy'n hyrwyddo llwybrau amrywiol yng Ngheredigion ar gael ar dudalen Caru Ceredigion ar wefan y cyngor o dan y pennawd 'Llwybrau cyhoeddus’ yr un amser a chyhoeddwyd ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol y cyngor. Atgoffir y sawl sy’n defnyddio Llwybrau Tramwy Cyhoeddus fod y llwybrau hyn yn croesi tir preifat a bod angen dilyn y Côd Cefn Gwlad bob adeg. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth anfonwch e-bost i neu cysylltwch â 01545 570881 a gofynnwch am gael siarad ag aelod o'r tîm Arfordir a Chefn gwlad.

Taith Gerdded yr Wythnos / Walk of the Week 2019

Cylchdaith Craig Glais / Constiution Hill Circular walk

From April 2019 up until the autumn, a series of ‘Walk of the Week’ posters will be published on Ceredigion County Council’s social media pages. These will highlight long and short routes across the county, so over the course of the summer there should be something for everyone to enjoy. Soaring cliffs, sheltered coves, rolling hills, fertile valleys, wooded cwms and tumbling streams all teaming with wildlife are part of a living, breathing, working landscape. Towns, villages and individual farms add to this mosaic and are just a few of the reasons why Ceredigion is loved by its residents and visitors alike. Luckily, there are over 2500km of Public Rights of Way criss-crossing the county, allowing access to otherwise hidden spots, for those who want to venture out on foot, horseback or bicycle. In addition to sturdy waterproof footwear, weather appropriate clothing, drinking water and a recent OS map of the area; walkers can now take a copy of the promoted routes e-leaflet to help guide them on their way. The Promoted Routes e-leaflets are available from the Public Rights of Way section on the council’s website. These are linked to a town, village or hamlet and show extra information such as a route profile and distance, types of surfaces, convenient parking spots and the availability of any other amenities. In addition to the e-leaflets, there’s an interactive Public Rights of Way map so users can plan their own adventures. Cabinet member, Councillor Rhodri Evans with responsibility for the Economy and Regeneration said, “Ceredigion has so much to offer. Promoting various routes on a weekly basis will not only encourage tourists to visit but also highlight scenic areas that even local residents may not have discovered before.” Each poster promoting various routes in Ceredigion will be available on the Caru Ceredigion page on the council’s website, under the heading ‘Public paths’, at the same time as they are published on the council’s social media. Users of all Public Rights of Way are reminded that these paths cross private land and that the Countryside Code should be followed at all times. For further information please e-mail or call 01545 570881 to speak to a member of the Coast and Countryside team.

Cylchdaith Rhydlewis / Rhydlewis Circular 31







Rough working grid - Cryptic Crossword No.53

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Cothi Gardeners Copy Deadline: for June, issue 69 - Fri 10 May Theme: ‘Just a Minute’ Articles: Adverts: Listings:


May meeting Wednesday, 15 May, 7.30pm Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW Propagation Workshop with Stephen Lloyd, Head Gardener at Hergest Croft Gardens, Kington, Herefordshire. The extensive gardens at Hergest Croft include a fantastic kitchen garden, herbaceous borders, perennials and a massive collection of over five thousand different trees and shrubs. Steve went to work there from school in 1980 working his way up from ‘pot cleaner’ to Head Gardener. He propagates many of the trees, shrubs and other plants grown in the gardens and is coming to share his expertise, knowledge and enthusiasm with Cothi Gardeners in a propagation workshop. He will bring samples of a wide range of plants (trees, shrubs, herbaceous) to demonstrate propagation techniques. We will be allowed to take some of these home to try for ourselves. He anticipates there being plenty of audience participation so lots of Q and A’s during the demonstration. It should be an interesting, fun and highly informative evening. Steve will also be bringing plants for sale. All welcome, £3, non-members, tea/coffee and biscuits included We’re on Facebook too, or phone Yvonne on 01558 650870. Fiona Wormold

Copy Deadline Issue 70 - June Fri 10 May Theme: ‘Just a Minute’ 32

Karen’s Creative Compendium 044 The Siren that is hiraeth, the call of the moon, of water, of our past, of the sock drawer. Personally, I’ve never experienced hiraeth - I mean - why would I ever leave this lush land of poetry and song and everything sustaining? hwyl, Karen

To Be Continued Derek Moore

It’s a complex world. Love, hate, faith, politics, used to control lives, manipulate futures. I always get it wrong, using too many words. Language much a barrier as it is a help. Upper, middle or lower class. How is each defined and which am I? Then again, do I really care? A lifetime striving to be something I don’t understand. Pushed towards destinations I had no desire to reach. Simplicity cunningly hidden. Is this what God expected, or has divinity been over complicated in the pursuit of power? Many unanswered questions, that need more editing. Just early proof thoughts of a lost incarnate being.

Through the window of time by Polly Phemus

The Moon

by Mandy Pickering Life began in her lapping lap as she sucked and thrust oceans chewed and spat water her spillages became salty, soupy. We take her for granted as she rises like a crystal snail floats over cities, suburbs, continents, lights a silver trail for the midnight ferry.

She is all opals and pearls fern patterned, bracken a slither of luminous seed, tinsel, quail shell a mystery bride in her gauzy veil. Iron is - to shuffle the tides?


by J. Sandover

The longing of belonging A notional recalling Not here but somewhere else Not now but another time A heart throbbing in limbo Yearning to feel the tug of gravity The safety-line tethered To this bluegreen planet Restored to balance Before again Wobbling on your way The cacophony of here and now Disorientating Jostling you away So far away from home

Waterways of Life

by Karen Gemma Brewer They’ve tightened security on the canals all water under lock and quay the Kremlin slides past on a narrow boat looking like an onion bargee. Our horse plods along the towpath unsure which way to go we never gave detailed instructions just said “follow the flow.” It’s slower than the motorway quicker than the Post more versatile than rivers where you always wash up at the coast. We could have gone by suffragette but are too apathetic to vote or spent life going around in circles on Caernarfon Castle’s moat. We get email by carrier pigeon reply viaduct have all our groceries delivered by swan. They bring everything on the list we never have to check my mum always said “you can get anything you want so long as you have enough neck.” We are seeking a new place to tie-up for the night that won’t put too much strain

on the rope

yesterday, our handbrake broke while we were moored on a three-in-one slope.

My grandmother sits at her living room window In that cold silent world she was living in then; She sees them beguile, the honeytongued suitors Of their blossoming sweethearts, smiling the while They dawdle to school. Through lace curtain veils The shy ones she sees, and ones who must toil To tease out some scraps of pitying kindness From the uncaring hearts of their pitiless loves.

Sorting the Socks by Helen Cook

Really, I dislike sorting my husband’s socks socks that all look slyly the same same, but slightly and annoyingly different. Different in the smallest, waste of time ways, ways such as toe shapes, sneaky stripes stripes so fine they’re almost impossible to see.

Which girl was she? Goodness, how can she say? For it was so long ago, and old ladies forget! So she sits at the window and watches today The fate of those courted, and those who are not. Then blushing she feels the warm youth of a smile, And she walks hand in hand, under beautiful sun That lights up her face, when she then was a girl: Happiest now, for she remembers which one.

See, my socks are a piece of cake to sort. Sort them by vibrant patterns and colours colours that are not black. That’s just boring, boring as sorting out socks, really. 33

Most of us go through that time of life when dancing is not the thing to do, too self-conscious, too old, too fat, the endless list of reasons we give ourselves, but l truly believe that we all have a deep love and desire to dance, with some its buried deeper than others. This brings me back to bellydancing and my first experience of a 'hafla', a meeting together of dancers to perform and dance together. Looking around at this group of women of all ages, having fun, dressing themselves and each other up and performing their routines, l felt like l'd been transported back in time to my backyard. To see this wonderful childlike pure enjoyment of dancing was beautiful and emotional. When gathering my thoughts and feelings later l decided that l had witnessed a sense of Hiraeth, a longing for dance, a nostalgia for that feeling that most only experience when young and carefree. I think it may even go a lot deeper than that and the human condition longs for and is meant to embrace music and dance but our modern society has restricted this. Dancing together has been proved to increase longevity, reduce stress levels and improve our sense of wellbeing. How wonderful would it be if we could reintroduce a culture where we all danced frequently, together, but as though nobody was watching! Look up local Bellydance classes in the move your body section or contact Jacki Yorke

Hiraeth is a funny old Welsh word that doesn't really translate. Most say it means a longing for something or somewhere, a nostalgia for times gone by. There is a similar word in the Arabic language 'beledi' translated as folkloric or 'of the country', they use it to describe food, music and clothes that are traditional and rustic, and there is even a beledi style of bellydance that is deep, brooding and longing. I haven't been bellydancing for very long, l found it through a friend that practices a combination of bellydance and yoga. I immediately loved it, for many reasons, the exercise and general health benefits, l lost weight and gained strength in my legs and back, l generally felt better and more confident about myself and made new friends, but most importantly l rekindled my love of dancing. Like many little girls I took tap and ballet classes and my parents and our neighbours were often subjected to one of my 'concerts' in the garden, with me choreographing dances and dressing up and performing with my friends! At high school l was lucky to have a P.E teacher who obviously had a passion for dance, and once again l had the chance to dress up and perform. Then suddenly you become an adult and unless you have made a profession of dancing, your only opportunity to let your hair down and have a good boogie is at a nightclub or party, and then its only the ones brave or drunk enough.


Hiraeth, nature’s elements and us, dancing The beautiful Welsh word ‘hiraeth’ has many applications. In some senses, it shares similarities with the newer concept of ‘solastalgia’: a yearning for one’s homeland to remain ‘as it was’, rather than undergo environmental change. The route I wish to explore briefly here is hiraeth in its application to our collective homeland: nature.

The air we breathe, the earth which nourishes, the water, gathering above, trickling down, weaving through… and the fire, in the sun, in our hearths, in our kitchens and our hearts. Together these elements provide essential foundations for life in all its diverse, abundant, fabulous forms. Much has been written about the benefits of being in nature and consciously acknowledging and connecting with it, in terms of our own mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. To me, this is because connecting with nature is a homecoming for us; a returning to that which we shall always belong and always be loved by. In this spirit of love, connection, wellbeing and gratitude, I have recently started a series of movement workshops entitled ‘Dancing the Elements’. So if you wish to explore your connection with earth, air, fire and water, embody the different qualities of these life-giving elements and find your body in the wider body of Home, you are warmly invited to come along. Classes are held on Sundays, 4-5.30pm at Sally Saunders’ Dance Studio on Lampeter Industrial Estate. They are open to all, no matter your prior experience… and if you have any concerns regarding your ability to participate, please contact me beforehand and we can have a chat Lucy 07814 582863 Can you spot the ‘Grapevine grin’? Somewhere amongst the pages of Grapevine each month you will find this sunny smile. Maybe tucked away or perhaps clearly in view? Where will it be this time?

Celtic Christianity XLVIII St Oudoceus / Oudecus / Oudoc / Owen / Euddogwy / Eddogwy Abbot. Reposed ca. 615. Remembered 2nd July. About 545, the pious Prince Budic of Brittany, migrated with his family to Wales, where Saint Oudoceus is said to have been born shortly after his father's return there from exile in Dyfed. His brothers were said to be the Saints Ismael, Bishop of Rhos and Tyfei the martyr. His mother, Annauued, was said to be the sister of Saint Teilo and Budic promised that Oudoceus could train for a life in the Church under him. Oudoceus was the disciple and nephew of Saint Teilo. St Oudoceus was trained at the famous monastery of St Dochwy at Llandough, Penarth, overlooking Cardiff. Following the inspired training of Teilo, Oudoceus became a monk at Llandogo (and some say its bishop about 580). He succeeded his uncle as abbot of Llandeilo Fawr. As bishop of Llandaff, he placed relics of his uncle, the saint, in the church at Llandaff. It is related that Einion, King of Glewyssig, was hunting a stag amongst the rocks and woods of the river Wye, when the stag reaching the cloak of Oudoceus lay down on it, the hounds being then unable to touch it. He made efforts to persuade the abbots of Llancarfan, Llantwit, and Llandough to join forces against a corrupt local chieftain. The areas served by these monasteries approximates the later see of Llandaff. Husenbeth relates the story that when Oudoceus excommunicated King Mauric of Glamorgan for killing Prince Cynedu, the king immediately repented because of the high esteem in which he held Oudoceus. The feast of Saint Oudoceus appears on numerous English calendars, including Sarum, York, and Hereford, probably due to a belief that he presented himself to Saint Augustine of Canterbury for consecration. He eventually retired to Llandogo, near Tintern, and died there on 2nd July. He was buried at the church in Llandaff, on the site of the present Llandaff Cathedral, where his relics rested until 1540. He is one of the four saints to whom it is dedicated with: Saints Teilo, Peter, Dubricius. All that is known about Oudoceus comes from the Book of Llan Dav, written about 1150 but incorporating some older material. It also relates that in the time of Bishop Oudoceus the parish of Rhossilly, in the Gower, is Rosulgen; that embodies the name Sulien or Silian. Harry Harrison 35

Peggy’s Childminding - Kids’ Corner presents The World through kids’ eyes


Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme … An Evening With

MARTIN CARTHY Martin Carthy was at the heart of the Folk Music Revival of the 1960’s, inspiring a generation and winning respect from immediate contemporaries such as Paul Simon and his lifelong friend and admirer, Bob Dylan. To both he taught his arrangement of ‘Scarborough Fair’ with its herbal refrain. Dylan turned it into his ‘Girl from the North Country’, and for Simon & Garfunkel it became a massive signature hit. As well as being an engaged and engaging, haunting and edgy, virtuoso solo performer with an encyclopaedic knowledge of English folk song and a characteristic guitar style, for the last five decades, he has also been part of the most important line-ups in folk. In the sixties and seventies he was partnered by the great fiddler, Dave Swarbrick. He also played in the Albion Country Band, Steeleye Span, Brass Monkey, Blue Murder, and with members of Fairport Convention. In later years more accolades followed as he performed with his wife, Norma Waterson, and his daughter, Eliza Carthy. More recently he provided guitar and vocals in the fusion folk group, The Imagined Village: a visionary celebration of contemporary multicultural Britain in which traditional folk themes were taken up and embellished by musicians from a wide variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Over 50 years he has received countless folk awards, and was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for his services to Folk Music. The event will take place in Victoria Hall, Lampeter

Saturday 29 June, supported by Transition Town Lampeter. Main concert starts at 8pm; the Hall opens for food and drink from 6pm.

Tickets (£14) must be booked in advance due to limited hall capacity. To book: Or the Mulberry Bush, 2 Bridge St. Lampeter.

By Callie & Pablo 36

This fifty-third Local General Knowledge and Cryptic Crossword is sponsored by competition Jamie and Dodie Herschel, who have kindly offered the winner a voucher to be spent at Nantyfelin Pottery, Llanfair Road, Lampeter SA48 8JZ. Jamie and Dodie have been potting Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 53 (Jeep) together for over 50 years. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jamie attended Carmarthen 11 12 School of Art before going on to Stoke-on-Trent College of Art to 13 14 15 do a Dip. A.D. in Ceramics and Dodie studied for a PRIZE: Voucher 16 17 18 Diploma in Textile Surface Pattern Design at the same college 19 20 21 before turning her hand to ceramics. The couple moved to 22 Nantyfelin in 2005, having previously run studios in Draycott in the 23 24 25 26 27 Moors (Staffs), Hayle and Cripplesease (Cornwall) and, for two years, in Languedoc (France). They built their own house at 28 29 30 Nantyfelin and a spacious, well-equipped studio where they 31 32 33 34 35 36 produce earthenware pottery which is both useful and lovely to 37 38 look at. Visitors are welcome at the workshop but it is wise to 39 40 41 42 telephone beforehand. Pottery can be ordered online or bought 43 44 45 from the workshop. Pottery lessons and workshops are available (prices on the website), days arranged according to availability. 46 47 48 Contact details: 01570-493401, or 49 50 51 Nantyfelin Pottery website. You can also find details of the business 52 53 on Facebook. 54 See rough working grid opposite. Eds


Across 1. Crazy bestial footnote warns Italian drinkers to be moderate (3,6,2,4) 11. Compete with others in Riviera (3) 12. Oregon river that is at heart a canal (3) 13. Left fee is calculated for Tolkien’s trampers (3,4) 15. Dylan and Marley record offered for old shilling and penny is one hundred (3,4) 16. Business at 36 Bridge Street Lampeter helps people to do this (3) 17. First lady had saintless Jobs (3) 18. One German made centre of hole-in-one (3) 19. Dan returned with father to find nothing (5) 20. A woman of low morals to re-let position (7) 22. Drag Celtic god from pest pointless pest (3) 23. Service offered by Nick H of Lampeter (7,4,4) 28. Endless call for help is thus (2) 29. Friends arrange teams (5) 30. First person to be in the morning? (2) 31. Bird with cause of harm could be source of poison (7) 34. Raw hell let loose in Oxfordshire village (7) 37. Grain vessel loses vitamin (3) 38. Alternatively meet team at Colombian river (4) 39.What happens to the Grapevine at the end of the month (9) 41. Hundreds hold article, he has stack of valuables (5) 43. French lake source of insect resin (3) 44. Dream pledge but don’t dredge for large amount (5) 45. Hard right is left out of something that was possessed (3) 46. Rewash half a tree (3) 48. Swiss canton that might have bent spoons (3) 49. Plots available from last frog man bard with new words (9,2,4) 52. Condition of most people visiting Taliesin Court (3) 53. View three points (3) 54. Adore watery hose fashion straight on the foot (5-2-4,4)

1. Postpone offshore blast and get everything you need here (3,4,4,5) 2. Old Turkish man of learning sounds like he might cause dis pleasure to one (7) 3. Being too emotionally stressed not under play and new city scrum (4.12) 4. A bind for this piece of clothing (3) 5. Intimate talk with Lampeter’s twin? (4,1,4) 6. Added to hunt for outlaw or just garnished legal authority of body (11,5) 7. Iconic egg set against cooked beef rag (7) 8. Also, in other words, Green Card Bafta actress (5) 9. Cwmann religious venue on the way to Carmarthen (5,5,6) 10. Ecological group which gave talk to Custard Queens in early March (10,6) 14. The French started ‘leave’! (2) 21. Claim possession of tour that never started (3) 24. Eggs found in ore compound (3) 25. Whack on the summer colour (3) 26. Male fronts heavies (2) 27. Line for marbles with total wars or last lost (3) 32. Not fuzzy sound like a way of being more in the upper class (6) 33. Do sheep give a short bleat with a musical note by this Welsh lake? (4) 35. On location in Bath (2) 36. Agree orc can change, joining one who attend Ascot (8) 38. Thirteenth Hebrew letter of memoir cut short (3) 40. Frankfurt military air base with a hot casing to the North (4) 42. Iranian forest which ends with African desert (4) 47. Condiment you sprinkle last (4) 50. Intimidated the centre (3) 51. Eat confused for drink (3)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Fri 10 May 2019, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 53, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.


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8 Sgwâr Alban, Aberaeron, SA46 0AD

New books, records, CDs & DVD’s in stock & available to order 2nd hand books & records Book and record finding service orders taken by phone or in person

Contact: Sean Slater

01570 493139

Books – Bags – Vinyl DVDs – CDs – Maps – Cards

Spring hours: 10am-5pm Mon-Sat Open Bank Holiday Mondays 01545 23 82 82

The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm

Family History Research Would you like a full family tree, detailed research into individual ancestors or help solving a family mystery? I am an experienced genealogist and particularly enjoy uncovering the personal stories of everyday life. Elissa Aldous-Hughes 01558 650525

Could you design a front cover for Grapevine?

Copy Deadline for May Issue 69: Friday 10 May 2019

See next few themes on page 39

Articles: Adverts:

Contact us with your ideas 38


Congratulations to our Crossword Winner David Hyde

Reminder: Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue


70 - Jun

Just a Minute

71 - Jul/ Neighbourliness Aug

Publication Copy (for People’s Deadline Market)

Fri 10 May

Sat 25 May

Fri 7 Jun

Sat 22 Jun David receiving his winners voucher from Wanda

72 Sept

Wildlife Conservation

Fri 9 Aug

Sat 24 Aug

73 - Oct

Local Hotspots

Fri 13 Sept

Sat 28 Sept

Please Send to: Articles, letters, reviews & enquiries listings adverts & classifieds

next issue… june 2019 - issue 70 copy deadline: friday 10 may theme: ‘just a minute’ can you speak on a subject for sixty seconds without deviation, hesitation or repetition? how many times do we use this phrase without actually meaning it? if you only had a minute to pass on a message - what would you say? it only takes a minute … what amazing things could you accomplish in sixty seconds?

Welcome to lots more puzzlers - a record number of entries this time (30!) - Amazing. Well done to all: John Beaumont, Sheila Beaumont, Marilyn Bray, Deanne Cook, Mrs M. Creamer, Daniel Davies, G. Davies, Jen Davies, Michael & Hilary Davies, Sarah Davies, Rhiannon Fentimen, Llinos Griffiths, Trevor Harris, Susan James, Gwennan Jenkins, Mrs Ray Jenkins, Michael Jones, Sally Jones, Dawn Kenwright, George Knichington, Merry Makers, Ann Morgan, Geoff Oldrid, Philippa Pickworth, Julia Raiswell, Ieuan reid, Jessica Reid, S. Richards and Gill Thomas Check out below answers for crossword 52 and see page 37 for details about the prize for our 53rd cryptic crossword, from our sponsor for issue 69, Nantyfelin Pottery. NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 53, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. If you are a local business, organisation or individual offering a service and would like to sponsor a crossword, then please contact Diolch/Thankyou. Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 52 by “Jeep” An swers


why not write in and tell us ... share your ideas and thoughts with a wider audience … (400 words maximum please! )

Diolch / Thank you We look forward to hearing from you soon 39













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