Alphabetical journey through the solar system

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Alphabetica l Journey through the Solar Syste m By: Lorri M urray

Astronaut Cosmonaut Russian Astronaut

A person trained to be a crewmember, pilot, or in command on a spacecraft.

B ig A group of seven stars in the constellation Ursa Major (the big bear)

Dip per

Looks like a ladle and points to Polaris (North Star)



t e n a l a rf P

Bigger than asteroids and comets but smaller than planets. Too small to be gravitationally dominant.

Earth • • • • •

3rd planet from the sun. Iron core, mantle, crust, and atmosphere Atmosphere: 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen 71% of the surface is covered by water 1 natural satellite : the Moon

Flare Star A dwarf star that undergoes sudden changes in brightness

Gravitational Attraction Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation: Any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is proportional to their masses


Hunter Orion

A hunter in Greek Mythology. The three bright stars that create Orion’s Belt help make this constellation more noticeable

International Space Station

Jupiter • 5th planet from the sun • Largest planet in the solar system • Rotates faster but revolves slower than other planets • 1 day = 10 earth hours • 1 year = 12 earth years • 62 known moons • Strong magnetic field

Kepler’s Law

Light Pollution

Excessive and misdirected artificial light that negatively impacts ecosystems, wastes energy, and washes out starlight.

• • • • •


Closest planet to the sun Rotates 3 times in 2 of its years Fastest revolution No known natural satellites Evidence now supports the presence of water and ice on the surface • 800 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and -240 degrees at night • No atmosphere to retain heat • 2nd densest planet


• • • • •

13 known moons One revolution = 165 Earth years Windiest Planet Strong magnetic field Six rings


The path an object takes around another. • Moon around a planet • Planets around the sun

Phases of the Moon We see different phases of the moon based the portion of the lit moon that is visible to Earth.

Quasar Celestial objects powered by black holes that emit large amounts of energy


Red Planet Mars

• 96% Carbon Dioxide atmosphere • 62.5% less gravity than Earth • Slow changing axis tilt • Cold temperatures • Contains largest volcano in the solar system

Saturn • Mostly hydrogen and helium • 62 confirmed moons • Observed by Galileo • 7 rings


Uranus • Hydrogen, helium, and methane atmosphere • 13 rings • 27 moons • 1 revolution = 84 Earth years • Ice giant

Venus • Hottest planet in the solar system • Carbon Dioxide atmosphere • Thick sulfuric acid clouds that trap in heat • No satellites • Visible to the unaided eye on Earth

Weather – Seasons The change in season is due to the change in direct sunlight as the Earth revolves around the sun.

X–ray Binary Stars

Dense body pulls material from another body



The distance that light travels in one year used to measure astronomical distances.

A band in the sky that is divided into twelve parts: obtaining the name of nearby constellation

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