4 minute read
Our miracle of life - A STORY IN PROSE
‘Our Miracle Of Life’ is dedicated to Dr Catherine Thompson for her vocation to humanity and to the kindness and consideration she shows to her never-ending list of patients at the NHS. She is a very special human being. Four other special people We would like also to acknowledge in this special dedication, four other amazing and deserving individuals and stalwarts of the NHS: Mr Hamayun Saghir, a specialist and a caring man with innovation and a great panoramic vision of the future, Dr Haslam of Queen’s Square medical practice Lancaster, who carries out a heavy workload week Scroll of Honour after week and represents a vital and major service to the public and the dedicated CRNS, Michelle Holmes who works above and beyond the call of duty and clinical nursing specialist, Wendy Maudsley with a heart full of kindness. Finally, we commend the brilliant teams of NHS personnel, all unsung heroes and working tirelessly and in a dangerous environment for the NHS cause. This is why the NHS is able to offer such a lifesaving, wonderful free service to the people of the UK. This remarkable service must be protected and advanced with the necessary resources. One day the politicians might recognize and appreciate all those in the NHS or connected with it for their true value and worth to our society-but I fear all too late.
Our miracle of life
Upon a time before ancient earth Saw the deadly birth Or felt the poisonous kiss Of the cursed global climate crisis A mountainous asteroid Of secret creation day and night Journeyed on at lightning speed Whilst nurturing humanity’s seed Surging past the warped dazzling Milky Way And engulfed by an endless array Of limitless light and dark matter Randomly it seems at play Yet with universal order imposed every day Myriads of black holes and startling shooting stars The red planet Mars An orchestrated cacophony With many more magical mysteries in the universe to see On the expanding stage of Infinity These new unending horizons emerging Beyond all human understanding At last journeys end and the mounting of Mother Earth Causing a nuclear collision Of death stress and strife Yet in time miracling pristine birth With wondrous biodiversity of life
Evolving regenerating rainforests The lungs of the Earth and Natures nurseries And the vast deep mysterious seas Both home to multi diverse species The exotic hummingbirds and honeybees We had it all a paradise without parallel Now descending to Dante’s seven stage hell Our grey leaders with their feet of clay Have lost their devious way Many bribed and blinded by the rich power-sick men Driving us all to Armageddon To the children what will we say Destined soon to see their last dawn Then the last child tomorrow born No mother left to mourn or cry
No place to live no place to die Together even now we can save our Earth This beautiful place of our birth Forget your fear our time is here This is our plea Strive for world peace and the love of humanity Together we can end all wars and their brutality All is possible if we act as one Stand tall there’s room for all This is our call It’s time for the power of love to transcend the love of power Whatever your belief or religion Your creed colour gender or none Please join the universal clan Of the sisterhood of woman And brotherhood of man
A story in prose by: John Laste Redemption: Assisted by: Gary W Fortiter and Darren Goodfellow.
The Tree of Life
Save The World - Sign Our Petition Before it’s too late we ask you to join the race to save our world. Please sign the petition below to show our united strength to persuade governments and leaders across our planet to act now and go much further than any agreements reached at the United Nations Climate Change conference in Glasgow, from 31st October 2021 or any previous conventions which sadly were full of unfulfilled promises. The insatiable greed for wealth and power by the few is killing our Earth for the many. It could all be so different If we want to be heard the people of the world must speak now with one unstoppable voice to save our precious heritage. The heritage of this wonderful world belongs to every one of us. It is not just the province or a plaything of the rich and powerful to exploit. They are leading us all, themselves and their own children to global disaster.
To the children what will we say?
Post Script: If our leaders had taken notice of the science over the last fifteen or twenty years and had researched and invested in clean and renewable technologies, we would be independent of fossil fuels and dangerous nuclear power stations and would have had an over-abundance of energy which ultimately in a fair society could be free to all. The Earth would be in a better place and not in danger from a global warming crisis. Instead, we are in the grip of private insular and selfish entities driven by ruthless self-seeking owners and directors producing oil and subsequently the poisonous plastics and other toxic substances polluting our air, seas, earth and even outer space. No one can escape from the scourge and all for financial benefit and for the benefit of a handful of misguided and irresponsible shareholders preoccupied with profit before sanity.