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Pendle Powerfests main event is the North West’s Family Motor Show on the last Sunday in May.
It has been growing over the last few years with thousands of visitors flocking from Lancashire, Yorkshire and beyond to our home at Nelson & Colne College, BB9 7YT.
The show aims to offer a great value family day out with entry price kept as low as possible.
We offer a wide range of approximately 250 vehicles to see with no vehicle type excluded, plus live music, entertainment, trade, food and more.

For exhibitors this is a PRE-BOOK EVENT ONLY. Due to the amount of people we have on site it is unsafe to allow any vehicles to enter without booking in advance. Spaces sell out quickly so please visit our online booking section to secure your place at this fantastic event.
If you cannot stay between the hours of 10.00 and 15.00 then do not book, this is a fixed car event with no movement on site, once in your designated parking position the gates are locked and we have 100 motorbikes on the road section.
Pendle Powerfest Ltd is a nonprofit company with the aim of fundraising for local causes - this year we are supporting two great charities, Pendleside Hospice and Air Ambulance North West.
Event Details
Fixed Show
Doors Open at 7:00AM From 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Nelson & Colne College, NW040, BB9 7YT.