2 minute read
Life Behind the Lens
Businesswoman and Entrepreneur Susan Darwin created her successful photography business on the back of her early childhood memories.
As a young child you would often find Sue with the ‘Kodak’ Box Brownie camera draped around her neck joyfully snapping away taking photographs and creating memories that would evolve into her passion for photography and camerawork in her adult life and ultimately her career.
Sue’s passion for focussing on children and their families acted as a catalyst for her love of photography combined with a career spanning 20+ years as an Early Years Educator. An ideal combination that allowed her to specialise in Newborn, Child, and Family photography.
Understanding the ‘wants and needs’ of children and using her expertise, knowledge and vast amount of experience, Sue has the foresight and the perceptiveness that ensures all her photography sessions are both childfriendly and supportive, guaranteeing the perfect picture that families can treasure forever. Sue operates with a calm approach and takes every scenario in her stride allowing plenty of time for each photography session so that her clients never feel under pressure, or anxious. The results speak for themselves, and Sue’s photography emulates the relaxed sessions in her client portfolio.
Customer experience is paramount to Sue, and her studio offers a welcoming and warm environment combined with a relaxing atmosphere. When at work you will often find Sue encouraging her young (and not so young clients) to participate and enjoy a healthy snack or two from her bottomless snack basket tucked away in a corner of the studio.
Sue, like many photographers, prefers to be behind the lens rather than in front of it, and she totally understands how nerve-racking and uneasy it can be for many of her clients when they attend a photo shoot. Sue has also qualified as a Certified NLP Practitioner allowing her to be able to put her clients at their ease in the studio and enabling them to bring out their true character and personality on camera.
Another side of Sue’s photography business is to work alongside commercial businesses, under the guise of ‘Susan Darwin Brand Photography.’ She works together with trades and organisations to create a portfolio of bespoke brand imagery that can be incorporated as part of their marketing collateral for both social media and advertising campaigns.
Again, the NLP Practitioner element comes to the forefront and Sue’s specialisms allow her to have the advantage of her NLP knowledge to successfully help her commercial clients to really distinguish and identify their target audience and reflect on their marketing and business.
Sue’s Commercial Packages include a concise workbook and face to face appointments (usually with coffee and cake) or an optional Zoom meeting to allow both parties to plan the photo-shoot and to discuss designing, styling, and adapting for the session.

If you are interested to talk to Sue about a photo session email her to arrange an appointment:
E susandarwinphoto @btopenworld.com