3 minute read
Lynn Meadowcroft - Positivity Pioneer
Above: Louise L.Hay
On the verge of a nervous breakdown, feeling desperate, unloved, depressed and invisible. Responsible for two sons aged fifteen and twelve. Becoming a single parent after eighteen years of marriage, and being involved in a tribunal at work as a manager, Lynn found herself off work for six months with work related stress.
Thankfully, one of Lynn’s sisters, Sand, gave Lynn a book by a lady called Louise Hay, ‘The Power is Within You’. Lynn read this book and couldn’t stop crying. She knew her life didn’t have to be this way. That Lynn could make changes. (Louise is most famous for her book, ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ which has now sold over 50 million copies worldwide).
In a nutshell, Louise Hay’s philosophy is ‘It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed’.
You see, we are only really ever dealing with thoughts. And it is said that we have around 75,000 thoughts a day!! Most of them we are completely unaware of because we are not in our conscious mind most of the time, rather, we are in our subconscious mind which means we are on auto-pilot.
When we become more conscious of our thoughts, we can begin to change them. Especially if they are negative thoughts. You see, our thoughts lead to how we are feeling which leads to our behaviour.
If we can break this cycle of continual negative thoughts or fear-based thoughts which lead us to feel sad, depressed, and fearful to more uplifting positive thoughts which lead to us feeling more happiness, joy, love and gratitude then we can begin to change our life and begin our transformation.
After years of feeling unworthy, not good enough, not deserving, not clever enough, not loveable, Lynn began to apply Louise Hay’s philosophies to her own life and began to see her life change completely. Her transformation had begun!
Lynn wanted to share Louise’s work with others and so in 2011 Lynn completed the Heal Your Life Teacher training and the Heal Your Life Coaching training in 2012 and became a Licensed Heal Your Life Workshop Leader and Coach. These intense training courses are approved by Hay House Inc; and approved by Louise Hay.
Since 2011 Lynn has facilitated hundreds of Heal Your Life Workshops and coaching sessions, which now also include online workshops. And has seen some incredible results with the people she has worked with.
Lynn mainly works with women to help them to feel worthy, deserving, listened to, seen heard and valued.
Lynn helps women to be their true, authentic self with everyone. Most people are afraid to do this as they don’t feel good enough or confident enough to show people who they really are. When we wear different ‘masks’ for different people it is exhausting!!
Lynn helps women to stand in their own power instead of giving their power away to others and to let go of the need to be a people pleaser.
Lynn teaches people that who they are is good enough and to let go of the need to compare themselves to others. And that you are worthy of love and that you don’t have to ‘earn’ love.
Lynn also helps you to connect with your Inner child as most of our adult issues can be as a result of our childhood experiences.
Lynn helps you to ‘find’ your voice and to speak up for yourself. (Standing in your own power).
The most important work Lynn does is she teaches you how to love yourself exactly as you are. Because who you are is amazing!!
To connect with Lynn and to find out more about the work Lynn does you can go to her website: www.lynnmeadowcroft.com
F www.facebook.com/ Lynn-Meadowcroft-InspiringPeople-216976095144602 Women only can ask to join Lynn’s facebook group: Worthy Women’s Empowerment Group: F www.facebook.com/ groups/243871234086584 E lynnmeadowcroft@googlemail.com N 07513 770404 for your 30 minute complimentary consultation. www.lancmag.com