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Behavior Policies & Discipline Procedures

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Cost & Policies




We expect campers to act respectfully at all times. Students are to behave in a mature, responsible way and respect the rights and dignity of others. If a camper does not follow these guidelines, we may take the following steps as necessary.

Staff will redirect the camper to more appropriate behavior.

If inappropriate behavior continues, the camper will be reminded of behavior guidelines and the camper will be asked to decide on age-appropriate steps to correct his/her behavior.

If the student’s misbehavior continues, he/she will be referred to the Director of Summer Programs and may miss out on an activity or the remainder of the day. Parents will be responsible for early pick-up if necessary.

If inappropriate behavior continues, the student may be dismissed from the program.

If a student is dismissed from the program, they will not be permitted to participate for the remainder of the summer.

Examples of unacceptable behavior:

• Refusing to follow behavior guidelines or camp rules • Refusal to wear a mask or follow COVID protocols • Using profanity • Stealing or damaging property • Refusal to participate in activities or cooperate with staff • Disrupting a program • Leaving a program without permission • Endangering the health and safety of children and/or staff • Use of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco or sexual conduct of any kind • Teasing or bullying of other campers or staff • Fighting

Program fees are non-refundable if a student is sent home for disciplinary reasons. Physical violence or bullying will result in immediate dismissal.

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