2 minute read
Creepy, Crawly, or Cute? Adorable, scaly pets
SCALY PETS HAVE A BAD reputation. Perhaps it is because humans evolved to fear them, or because humans have been informed too often about the dangers rather than the pleasures of interacting with reptiles. While they are not cuddly cats or dogs, they are not bad pets. In fact, many species of reptiles are among the easiest pets to maintain. Among the best species to have are various geckos, which come in many colors, shapes, and sizes.
Narrowing down a starter gecko is simple. One of the biggest reasons people avoid reptiles is because of their diets. Keeping colonies of bugs isn't for everyone, so feeding an insect diet may give people reservations about owning geckos. However, not all geckos require an insect diet, so if you are worried about bugs in your home, a crested or gargoyle gecko are suitable starter species. They survive well on premixed food such as Pangea or Repashy, so you can avoid bugs and enjoy the adorable geckos. If bugs are no bother, leopard and African fat-tailed geckos are other beginner options.
Tank setups are another critical consideration. Arboreal geckos, which include crested and gargoyle geckos, do not require heating or lighting, which can be a huge advantage for some families. Plenty of foliage and climbing opportunities are necessary, but that aspect of care is a way to create an interesting and beautiful setup for your scaly friend. Ground dwelling geckos, such as leopard and African fat-tailed geckos, require an under tank heater, thermostat, and several places to hide. Putting in additional research to find the space requirements for your particular gecko is imperative. Looking for what they thrive in rather than just survive in is a great idea, as they will do better with an enriching environment.
Once your gecko's setup is complete, their daily care and costs are minimal. While you do not have to give them attention daily like most furry creatures, a visual check-in will alert you to any health problems. They are clean animals who pick one location in their enclosure to use the bathroom, making cleaning their tanks rather effortless.
As with any animal, there are downsides to geckos. They do not instantly trust people like our furry companions tend to.
Cuddling or petting is not rewarding to them, so an owner who interacts with them through feeding and care will find more joy in their geckos than someone who wants a snuggly pet. With enough gentle and respectful interactions, you can expect to see your gecko begging for their meals. If you want a companion who is fun to watch, will hang out with you in your office, and won't demand much from you in return, geckos are excellent and cute pets.

Information provided by instagram.com/evsmenagerie