2023 Impact Report

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2023 Impact Report

If we lose our farmland,

we lose more than our farmland.


MISSION to vigorously accelerate the permanent protection and stewardship of farmland.


our farms, soil, water, and roots are protected for all.





Amy Baumann

Mikaela Bender

Nick Biondi

Amanda Church

Chandra Crosson

Jonathan Denlinger

Stephanie Denton

Jonathan Dunkle

Dianna Hendrick

Laura Hershey

Gordon Hoover

Jeb Musser

Kristin Raab

Dan Stevenson

Jeff Swinehart

Katie Yoder

Board of Trustees

Jeff Kirk, Chair

Lisa Horn, Vice Chair

Kenneth S. Lewis, Treasurer

Emily Bell, Secretary

Melissa Falk

Nate Hoover

Erin Letavic

Maureen Maley

Ryan Martin

Lee Mason

Darin Miller

Larry Shirk

Mark Smith

Abner Stoltzfus

Christ Taylor

Brian Wassell

Shane Zimmerman


In 2023, your support led to the permanent protection of 17 farms on 1,335 acres of farmland.

That is 17 more farms protected from development - 17 more farms that will exist for future generations.

When we preserve farmland, we protect our ability to source local food, bolster our local economy, invest in improving our soils and waterways, and support local farm families. When farmland is protected, we all benefit. This work is a legacy we pass on to future generations of Lancaster County.

When we save our farmland, we save more than our farmland.



2 in Brecknock Township

1 in Caernarvon Township

1 in East Drumore Township

1 in Fulton Township

1 in Leacock Township

1 in Little Britain Township

1 in Manor Township

1 in Paradise Township

2 in Providence Township

2 in Rapho Township

1 in Sadsbury Township

1 in Salisbury Township

1 in Upper Leacock Township

1 in West Lampeter Township


LFT’s conservation work with preserved farmers continued its rapid growth in 2023 thanks to years of persistent, on-the-farm conversations with landowners. Over 500 farm visits were completed, resulting in the development of dozens of conservation plans, over 20 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans, and multiple best management practice verifications. LFT also managed 28 projects in 2023 that completed construction or are ongoing in the design or construction phase. That’s almost double last year’s totals! The practices farmers are adding to their operations through these projects – manure storage units, animal heavy use areas, stream crossings and buffers – are making a real difference in improving Lancaster County’s waterways and cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay.

(Pollutants caused by excessive nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment)



The work of stewardship never ends. LFT stewards all 585 farms it has preserved. For us, stewarding land means ensuring preserved farms stay protected forever. To do this, our staff members perform annual monitoring visits on each of our preserved properties. How does it work? Think of monitoring visits like a yearly check-up. Our staff (or volunteers) visit each farm to check that the property, soil, and water are in good health. On these visits, we ensure that best management practices are being followed, soil has not been paved over, and there are no violations to our preservation agreement. We also verify that waterways, woodland, and other important ecosystems are clean and undisturbed.

Protecting land is about more than just limiting development: It requires a mission-driven commitment and a legal obligation to enforce our easements and maintain the land forever. When a farm is protected with LFT, it will be a farm forever - we mean it.


11 in Bart Township 26 in Brecknock Township 11 in Caernarvon Township 9 in Clay Township 31 in Colerain Township 19 in Conestoga Township

1 in Conoy Township 13 in Drumore Township

22 in Earl Township

5 in East Cocalico Township

6 in East Donegal Township

7 in East Drumore Township

3 in East Earl Township

4 in East Hempfield Township

22 in East Lampeter Township 16 in Eden Township

12 in Elizabeth Township

6 in Ephrata Township

12 in Fulton Township 31 in Leacock Township 18 in Little Britain Township 5 in Manheim Township 15 in Manor Township 17 in Martic Township 7 in Mount Joy Township 19 in Paradise Township 13 in Penn Township 5 in Pequea Township 19 in Providence Township

18 in Rapho Township 19 in Sadsbury Township 32 in Salisbury Township 27 in Strasburg Township 36 in Upper Leacock Township 12 in Warwick Township

3 in West Cocalico Township

7 in West Donegal Township 11 in West Earl Township

8 in West Hempfield Township

12 in West Lampeter Township

Thank You

Every success in these pages is owed to you, our community dedicated to the protection of local farmland in Lancaster County. Your support and generosity is why Lancaster County is one of the best places to live in our country! You have enabled us to protect 585 farms on 36,263 acres of farmland - this is just the beginning of the work we can do together to ensure the protection and health of this land we love! Thank you for investing in Lancaster Farmland Trust.

Scan the QR Code above to see the 2023 Honor Roll.


2023 saw us out in the community more than ever before! LFT had a busy year with events bringing together our local community, from long-time supporters to new friends across Lancaster County. Together, we raised funds and awareness about protecting and conserving our local farmland. These events and partnerships allowed LFT to connect all the ways agriculture makes Lancaster County a special place to live. These events would not have been possible without our dedicated volunteers, sponsors, and staff, who made them a success. We are incredibly grateful for your support!

Strategic Plan Release Party

Rhubarb Festival

Spring & Fall Tree Planting

Climate Summit

Water Week

Breakfast on the Farm Events

Family Farm Days

Together for the Land

Strasburg 5k & Half-Marathon

Volunteer Happy Hour

Lancaster County Restaurant Week


Holiday Silent Auction

Fall on the Farm
Pour Man’s Beer Release

2023 Milestone: 35,000 Acres Protected Forever

In 2023, we were ecstatic to celebrate the preservation of the Weber Farm. This farm took the total farmland preserved by LFT to 35,000 acres amid our 35th year! In celebration of this pivotal milestone, we gathered for a media event. We couldn’t do this without our supportive community in Lancaster County. Thank you! We know we don’t have the next 35 years to protect the next 35,000 acres of our precious local farmland. Together, we are dedicated to vigorously accelerating the permanent protection and stewardship of farmland. Scan the QR Code below to read the LNP article on this LFT milestone.

Easement Acquisitions


The cost of preserving 17 new farms in 2023


Water Quality Projects

$$ spent on conservation work + BMPs



This money helps LFT run


Stewardship and Outreach

Programmatic expenses to monitor/steward farms and engage/educate the community



The cost associated with raising money


Easement Donations


This is the dollar value of easements that are donated to LFT for preservation




This is the total financial support from YOU, our donors


We apply for this money to help further our mission



$$ brought in from our events


Fee for Service

This money is paid to LFT for staff work assisting other orgs


Our financial statements have been audited by Brown Plus, an independent certified public accounting firm. Having expended more than $750,000 of federal award funds in 2023, LFT’s audit included a successful review of both our financial statements and compliance with Federal award program requirements.

20 23

Since 1988, Lancaster Farmland Trust has protected 585 farms on 36,263 acres of farmland. Together we are ensuring that the future of Lancaster County farmland is in our hands. Once our farmland is paved over, we can never get it back. That’s why it’s so critical to save the acres we have left.

Here’s to the next 35,000 acres...

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