Pests are living creatures that can be found easily in the environment. They destroy the surroundings, our homes, even our source of livelihood. They contaminate our food and most frequent than not, cause all sorts of illnesses. A world without pests is an ideal situation but that does not happen in real life. The grim scenario very will resonates with the Management of UPGREEN CORPORATION having been in the Pest Management Services business since 1991. Through their company ENTOM PEST CONTROL & GENERAL SERVICES CORP., they have encountered various situations and have provided an alternative and highly effective approach in controlling pests. Being one of the leading pest control company in the country today, they thought of ways on how to further their contribution in the industry. Thus, UPGREEN CORPORATION was born in 2009. UPGREEN CORPORATION is a professional distribution company dedicated to serve customers by providing highly effective, environment friendly and reasonably priced pesticides to help improve human lives. The company is being managed by a highly respected family of entomologists, zoologists and biologists whose expertise lend credibility to the company. Having studied the science of pest control at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, it is only but natural to progress to distributing products that they firmly believe will help achieve their vision of a pest-free community. [ Back to Top ]
FENDONA quickly and effectively eliminates mosquitoes and other disease-causing crawling and flying insects Available in 2 formulations: 1.5 SC in 1 liter size and 5 WP in 30 grams sachet.
STEDFAST Contains a highly resolved pyrethroid that is toxic to all termite species but poses no threat to the environment, humans and mammals when applied properly. Available in 500 ml. Top^
DOWNLOADS ABATE is a potent larvicide that effectively kills mosquito larvae before they can Generated with www.html-to-pdf.net mature. It helps keep the mosquito population under control. Available in 100 grams sachet.
Ceptiva Certified Applicators Certificate of Product Registration: CEPTIVA POWDER Certificate of Product Registration: FENDONA SWP
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Ceptiva Certified Applicators Certificate of Product Registration: CEPTIVA POWDER
ABATE is a potent larvicide that effectively kills mosquito larvae before they can mature. It helps keep the mosquito population under control. Available in 100 grams sachet.
Certificate of Product Registration: FENDONA SWP Certificate of Product Registration: FENDONA 1.5 Certificate of Product Registration: STEDFAST Top^
STORM is a highly potent - "single feed" anticoagulant rodenticide, that kills both rats and mice, including resistant strains.
CONTACT US UPGREEN CORPORATION G/F Upgreen Building Block 21 Lot 6 Jasmin Street T.S. Cruz Subdivision Las Piñas City, Phillipines
SIEGE Gel is a bait insecticide that is effective in long-lasting control of cockroaches.
Telephone Numbers: +63 (2) 8500276 +63 (2) 6593198 +63 (2) 8508941 Mobile Number: +63 (922) 8478118 Email Address: upgreencorp@gmail.com Website: www.upgreen.powersites.ph
AGROFOG has a non-drop feature, durable, user-friendly and tough.
In yellow-pages.ph, you can find UPGREEN CORPORATION in the following categories:Termite Control, Chemicals Top^
TERMI-TOOL has a dual coupling size for different external attachments (e.g. Flowmeter), a built-in pressure gauge and is also stainless.
ULV COLD FOGGER can be used for disinfection, hygiene and odor control, pest control and control of mildew and fungus.
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