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Starry Night Appreciation Van Gogh’s Iconic Masterpiece
Starry Night was a rare piece for its time, as it was not a typical landscape of a daylight sky or sunflowers or fields. Van Gogh felt the colors of the night were richer than those of the day. Although there is no activity portrayed in the painting, the substance of the piece is found in the thought-out colors of the stars and sky. To Van Gogh, this was far more intriguing than the growing technology of gas and street lights. When I look at this painting, I feel Van Gogh would be an ideal illustrator for Dr. Seuss. He captures the essence of the night in almost a “trippy� sense. I feel as if the stars and the sky are blurred in my vision, yet distinct from each other both in color and stroke. The dark blues and brighter yellows balance the painting and as bold as the colors are, it is not overwhelming for me to look at. I even feel a desire to experience this night, I want to be in this town Van Gogh has created. Starry Night is a work of art I could see over and over again, and not lose the magic I felt the first time I encountered it.