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The OL Club Review

Message from the Chairman

As the weather improves and days get lighter there is plenty for OLs to look forward to in the next few months.


On 1 April the final of the Londonderry Cup was played at the RAC Club with the OL Squash team, ably marshalled by Tom Maberly (Teme 1992–1997), up against the Old Harrovians. On 7 April the OL Golf team, led by Rafe Brünjes (Gibbs’ 2001–2006), competed in the Halford Hewitt at Royal St George’s against the Leys School, Cambridge.

On 5 May the Club’s AGM will be held, and we look forward to welcoming, subject to election at the meeting, Nigel Wheeler (Olds 1963–1968) as our next President. Nigel is proud to be an OL, as I am, and I thoroughly look forward to working with him in the near future. Full information on how to join the meeting will be issued shortly.

We also have the Over 60s lunch at The Athenaeum Club, with guest speaker James Barrington (Gibbs’ 1973–1978), to look forward to on 12 May.

Finally, on 7 July the Club’s annual Summer Drinks will be held at the Royal Thames Yacht Club in Knightsbridge and I hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Apart from putting on regular events such as these and whilst the Foundation Office is actively in touch with the vast majority of OLs, there are still many we have lost communication with over the years. Over the last few months, and for the rest of the year, we are therefore focusing our efforts on reengaging with those OLs who have not been particularly involved with Lancing recently. We would love to be more in touch with you and I hope the feeling is mutual.

NIGEL BENNETT Chairman, The OL Club Olds 1972–1977

Annual General Meeting 2022

The Annual General Meeting of The Old Lancing Club will be held via Zoom webinar on 5 May 2022.

All the information and details of how to register for the event will be sent out and can also be found on the website www.oldlancingclub.com or you can email oldlancingclub@lancing.org.uk.

Date for the diary: The OL Club Summer Drinks 7July, Royal Thames Yacht Club, London.

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