1 minute read
The award-winning completion of the Chapel is now a well-established fact but the Friends of Lancing Chapel are still very much in demand. The building needs supporters, volunteer helpers and a regular income for its maintenance, conservation, and enhancement. It is easy to become a Friend and membership is not expensive. There has been a good response to our recent appeal for new members. If you have recently received a membership application form, do please consider joining us.
Please Become A Friend
It costs at least £400 a day to keep the Chapel open and in use. There are also major projects to be financed in the next few years.
Everyone for whom the Chapel has some special significance or who has enjoyed a visit is asked to contribute to its preservation. The best way to do this is to become a Friend and make a regular gift-aided donation by Direct Debit.
• £20 per annum single; £35 joint membership
• Life membership £300 (single); £500 (joint)
Contact The Friends
The Hon Secretary, The Friends of Lancing Chapel, FREEPOST
Lancing, West Sussex BN15 8BR
E FriendsOfLancingChapel@lancing.org.uk
A Registered Charity No 241403
Make a donation at www.lancingcollege.co.uk/chapel or pick up our Become a Friend of Lancing Chapel membership leaflet when you visit the Chapel.