2 minute read

I Am A Land Specialist


Associate Broker & Principal Owner Mason & Morse Ranch Company

My success in the brokerage business has been driven by knowing where to go, how to get there and what to do and say when I arrive.”

Where do you live? Elizabeth, Colorado

Where do you work? Mostly in the agricultural and recreation areas of the western United States

What drew you to ranch and recreational real estate? I grew up on cattle ranches in Colorado and Montana, then had a corporate career in Agriculture Real Estate Finance where I worked in most western states and lived in Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, California, Oklahoma and Colorado, so moving into real estate brokerage was a natural progression.

What makes the corner of the world where you work special? Certainly the land and the varied landscape of the great plains, Rocky Mountains and Great Basin with all its differences and similarities

What are the three most important tools in a ranch broker’s kit? Live It to Know It Experience, GPS, Drone

If you could call anywhere on the planet home, where would it be? Why? So many great choices, but I would say northern Wyoming or the Sandhills of Nebraska because of the excellent grasslands that exist in those locales.

What’s the most profound lesson you’ve learned from the land or its people? Nature always has the last say, and people, while they think they do, they generally don’t know what they want. That is why my guidance has been so helpful to my clients’ success.

Listener or talker? Listener—I enjoy listening to people to see what they know or think they know.

If you had one extra hour of time per day, how would you use it? Exploring nature and showing people its wonderful creations

Would you rather be without Internet for a week or your phone? While no broker can go without a phone, the Internet is such a great time-saving device, but I am most happy without either which means I am probably enjoying the outdoors someplace very cool.

If you could give one sentence advice about how to live life, what would that be? Don’t waste your time, set achievable goals and always be kind.

Describe your perfect work day. Showing a great ranch to someone who appreciates it

What is your most memorable deal to date? I’ve had many choices, but I would say it is either the Ochoco Mountain Ranch in Prineville, Oregon, or The Slash 07 in Gunnison, Colorado.

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