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Land Insider
from LAND Winter 2021
Land Insider
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Congratulations to our Broker Seth on his 2021 Alaskan Bear Hunt!
→ M4 Ranch Group @m4ranchgroup

At WH, we are proud to be a Wyoming #womanownedbusiness, with Wyoming #fortitude, and Wyoming #leadership that grows and develops women. Thank you to the women over the last 150 years that paved this way for us! Happy National Women’s Small Business Month!
→ Western Heritage @western_heritage

Patiently waiting for the call
→ Mossy Oak Properties, Inc. @moplandforsale

Morning traffic! Right now across California, a lot of equipment is moving as farmers perform post-harvest cleanup, cultivate winter crops, land prep, or reset their fleets for the 2022 season.
→ Peoples Company Pacific West @pacificwestag

Hard to beat a great sunset. #landbroker
→ Powell Land Resources @powell_landresources

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Broker-Owner and Auctioneer Roger Jacobs living his best life at the Sitz Angus Bull Sale.
→ Premier Land Company @premier_land_company

"Through my work, I have learned that nobody cares more for the land than someone who sweated and bled on the dirt we are trying to protect." - Jared Souza, MRG Ranch Broker
→ Mirr Ranch Group @mirrranchgroup

[#WORKINGRANCHES] Jared Souza, working the wildfire line.
Another day at the office!
→ Hayden Outdoors Michigan @haydenoutdoorsmichigan

General rifle season opened this past weekend in Montana. Did you know Montana ranks second in the US for top harvest percentage by rifle/shotgun? We hope you all had a little luck last weekend, and if not, happy hunting!
→ Western Ranch Brokers@westernranchbrokers

At the Montana Stockgrowers Association winter convention in Billings.
→ Chase Brothers,LLC @wy_mt_ranchbroker