L&B Media Kit 2024/2025 ENG

Page 1

issue 11: December 2024

Cabo del Este East Cape

Tendencia Arquitectónica

¿Sustainable Community?

Tendencia Inmobiliaria

¿Why East Cape?

Tendencia Constructiva

Logistical Challenges

Legal y Finanzas Invest now

Agenda Urbana

Ecological Zoning Plan

Agenda Académica real estate license


Sustainable Architecture

Arte + Diseño rural living

Conoce Baja California Sur cabo pulmo Íconos

rodrigo esponda

We’ve proudly established ourselves as the premier publication in Los Cabos’ Real Estate, Construction and Development sector, delivering insightful analyses, cutting-edge news, and expert-led articles that set the tone for the industry.


Our exclusive content is crafted to both inspire and inform, providing value to our discerning readership.


tendencia tendencia tendencia agenda eco legal y conoce arte y geeks sociales agenda


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year. issues

summer August-November winter December-March spring April-July

Todos Santos
Cabo San Lucas
San José del Cabo
Cabo del Este
Puerto San Carlos

We connect professionals with the latest trends, promoting sustainable development and innovation.

Each issue focuses on a specific theme information and inspiration


Followers k + Followers k + Followers k + Subscribers + Subscribers k + Podcasts

Augmented experiences* *Coming


$35,000 .00 Single page ad

spread ad $50,000 .00


$60,000 .00


$80,000 .00 back cover

$90,000 .00 double-page opener

$90,000 .00 advertorial Interview

• Professionally written Content

• Engaging

• Dedicated Placement

• Professional Photo Session

$120,000 .00 cover

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