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Fig. 7: Daily applied water

In addition, the leaf temperature was continuously recorded by dataloggers. Therefore, this measurement is giving a clearer picture about the leaf temperature than the temporally selected measurement by hand. In average was the leaf temperature comparable between both chambers (LED: 18,3 °C and HPS: 18,6 °C) (Fig. 6). The continuously measurement of the leaf temperature by dataloggers is showing the importance of measuring the leaf temperature not only at one special time to be able to get representative results.

4.1.5 Irrigation of strawberries

The amount of applied water increased with longer growth of the strawberries from about 100 ml/plant to about 400 ml/plant (Fig. 7). The plants in the LED chamber and increased temperature were watered with a lower amount of water than the HPS chamber. Even though, was the growing media more wet in the LED treatment. More water was applied to Magnum compared to Sonata.

Fig. 7: Daily applied water.

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